Home Preparations for the winter Pasta is good or bad. Is it possible to eat durum wheat pasta during a diet. How to determine what pasta is made of

Pasta is good or bad. Is it possible to eat durum wheat pasta during a diet. How to determine what pasta is made of

There is hardly a single person who would never eat pasta. Most people love them because they can be cooked quickly and give a feeling of satiety for a long time. And if you make them even better delicious sauce, then dishes from them will be just a meal, and they are unlikely to remain on your plate. Lovers of delicious food and adherents of diets probably don’t even think about what is more in pasta - good or bad? Is it possible to gain weight from pasta and is it good for health? Perhaps after reading this article, many will change their mind.

Pasta is my favorite food Italian cuisine. Yes, and in the rest of the world, pasta is a frequent guest at the dinner table, including Russian people. In the USSR, pasta was not in short supply, so the opinion was created that pasta was a second-rate product and that you could get fat from it. This is what we have been taught from childhood.

Everyone knows that pasta is dough products. And it does not have to be hollow elongated tubes. There are many types of pasta. These are spaghetti, horns, vermicelli, shells, bows, spirals, etc.

There are many versions of when and why pasta appeared. Some argue that the ancient people, making cakes, threw the remnants of the dough on the ground. Under the action of the sun and wind, the remains of the dough dried out. Later, such leftover dough began to be boiled.

There is another assumption. The little daughter of Marco Aroni played with dough and rolled them into tubes. Having boiled dough tubes and poured them with tomato sauce, Marc Aroni served the visitors of his tavern as a new dish. This dish was very popular among the visitors. It was in the 16th century, and later the dish was named after the owner of the tavern.

Perhaps the name of pasta comes from the Greek word makaria (giving happiness), or is it borrowed from the Sicilians, who define this word as “processed dough”, or is it an archaic verb denoting the word “knead”. But one way or another, if you say the word "pasta" in any country, you will definitely be understood.

The benefits and harms of pasta

Ingredients of pasta

Pasta is 75% carbs for energy and 11% protein. There are practically no fats. The composition contains saturated fatty acids, starch, mono- and disaccharides, dietary fiber. Pasta contains 17 different minerals, ranging from sodium and magnesium to fluoride, chromium and zinc. And there are a lot of vitamins here: choline, PP, E, H (biotin), B6 ​​(pyridoxine), B9 (folic acid), B% (pantothenic acid), B2 (riboflavin), B1 (thiamine).

The energy value of dry pasta: 100 grams contains an average of 338 kcal. And if the pasta is boiled, then the calorie content is reduced to 80 - 100 kcal. No wonder Italians cannot live a day without their favorite pasta, and at the same time they do not suffer from overweight.

Calories are added when you pour pasta with more oil, mayonnaise or sauce, and even add a fried cutlet, chicken or goulash.

Beneficial features

Pasta has undeniable advantages: they are easy and quick to prepare, have a low price and can be stored in a dry place for quite a long time. They go well with meat or fish products, as well as with vegetable products. Due to its low calorie content, pasta is recommended for diet food, but this only applies to pasta made from durum varieties wheat.

The beneficial properties of pasta are manifested due to the high content of vegetable fiber, as well as the presence of proteins, vitamins and trace elements.

  • They help to remove toxins from the body and cleanse the intestines, which contributes to the improvement of the body as a whole.
  • Pasta contains tryptophan (one of the amino acids), which is responsible for healthy full sleep and good mood, which ultimately contributes to increased efficiency.
  • Pasta is an energy food. It has been noticed that to replenish energy, athletes most often take as a side dish pasta.
  • Vitamin E contributes to male health and female beauty, which affects strong family relationships.

There is such a thing as the glycemic index (GI). What it is? GI refers to how quickly a food is absorbed by the body. The maximum GI value is 100. If the product is digested quickly, then the index level has a maximum value. And vice versa. With a high GI, blood sugar levels begin to rise, and the body begins to produce insulin, which fights changes in blood composition and suppresses the possibility of a release. Pasta made from durum wheat has a GI of 50.


  • It is forbidden to consume pasta if you have an intolerance to the wheat composition;
  • In some cases, the attending physician may prohibit the intake of food after a surgical operation;
  • Also, the product is categorically contraindicated in acute ailments of the gastrointestinal tract.

How to choose the right pasta

You probably already understood that only durum wheat pasta has useful properties. Pasta made from soft wheat varieties has completely different qualities: they are boiled soft, require rinsing and have a high calorie content.

Arriving at the store, we want to choose quality goods, in this case pasta. How can you choose quality pasta? Here are some of them.

  • Good pasta is never sold by weight. Any self-respecting pasta company packs pasta in transparent bags.
  • The label should contain the composition of the pasta, which consists of wheat flour durum varieties and water, as well as that the product does not contain dyes and GMOs and the expiration date of the product. Sometimes eggs may be added. Spinach juice, beets, carrots are added as dyes to multi-colored pasta.
  • Pasta should be golden in color, smooth, and on the surface should not have inclusions, dots or other defects.
  • All products in the pack must be intact, there should be no crumbs in the package.
  • Such pasta is difficult to break, but they bend well.
  • After cooking such pasta, the water remains clear.
  • High-quality pasta does not stick together during cooking and does not require rinsing.

How to cook pasta

Actually, there is nothing complicated here: I put pasta into boiling salted water, boiled them for 7-10 minutes with constant stirring. Drain the water, fill with oil and that's it!

But in order to properly cook pasta and make it tasty, there are a few secrets.

  • The bottom of the pan in which you are going to cook pasta should be thick.
  • We take water at the rate of 1 liter of water per 100 g of pasta.
  • We salt the water as soon as it boils, and not at the end of cooking.
  • Pasta from durum wheat is not recommended to be washed: this way we will wash all the useful substances.

Lose weight with pasta

Cooked pasta has low calorie, but at the same time they provide 30% of the daily intake of carbohydrates, proteins and B vitamins. This fact helps to get rid of extra pounds, which in turn is the prevention of various cardiovascular diseases and.

But it should be noted that with such a diet it is necessary to exclude, as an addition to pasta, fatty and high-calorie foods and sauces. It is necessary to add meat and fish to pasta daily low-fat varieties, dairy products, vegetables, fruits, legumes and you can have a little table wine. In between meals, it is allowed to drink half a glass of freshly squeezed orange, grapefruit, lemon juice sugarless.

My Granddaughter's Pasta Recipe

It turns out that not all the grandmother should teach her granddaughter. It also happens vice versa. One summer, I went to the forest for blueberries (read about the benefits of blueberries). Returning home, she called her granddaughter and asked her to boil the kettle. When I got home, a surprise awaited me. Granddaughter not only boiled tea, but also cooked very delicious pasta. I share the recipe. I wouldn't even have thought of that. Honestly speaking!

I will not describe the process of cooking pasta. Boiled pasta is thrown into a pan with heated oil, and raw mixed with salt is poured on top, everything is mixed, covered with a lid for 5 minutes. It turns out very quickly and tasty, most importantly!

You can sprinkle hot pasta with grated cheese on top, it will turn out even tastier, but this will already be a much more high-calorie dish.

When I was writing this article, the song “I love pasta” was constantly spinning in my head. I found it on YouTube, listen to this fun song too.

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Be healthy! Taisiya Filippova was with you.

Pasta is a famous food item. High the energy value and low cost have become the reason for its high popularity. There is an opinion that to maintain a figure and health, you can not eat pasta. Their benefits are greater than the harm if you cook correctly and choose a quality product.


Pasta is more useful than harmful product. Durum wheat pasta is considered more useful. Often, pasta is undeservedly considered an “empty” product that satisfies hunger, but is useless for health. Fiber in the composition of pasta normalizes bowel function and promotes the removal of toxins. The content of B vitamins in pasta makes them useful for nervous system. The product eliminates beriberi with a lack of B vitamins in the diet. This property helps:

  • improve mood;
  • get rid of migraines;
  • prevent or cure nervous tics and muscle spasms.

Vitamin E in pasta improves metabolic processes and appearance person. Complex carbohydrates make up about 70% in pasta. They provide the body with glucose for a long time. This allows you to avoid feeling hungry between main meals. Pasta also contains a sufficient amount of proteins - 11%. During the assimilation of this product, the level of sugar in the blood will change gradually. Pasta contains the amino acid tryptophan. It normalizes sleep and improves mood. Eating pasta helps:

  • provide the body with energy for a long time;
  • restore healthy sleep and performance;
  • avoid deficiency of B vitamins and many minerals;
  • improve bowel function.

Some products have a similar set of nutrients, but require more complex cooking or cost more.


Eating too much pasta will inevitably lead to weight gain. With a tendency to be overweight, it is better to eat them in the morning. The calorie content of the dish increases with the addition of butter, fatty sauces or mayonnaise.


Strict contraindications include only intolerance to wheat products. On the recommendation of a doctor, the use of pasta may be temporarily prohibited after surgery and during an acute form of a disease of the gastrointestinal tract.

Can pregnant and lactating women

Both pregnant and breastfeeding women can consume pasta without health risks. The safe composition and high energy value make it possible to frequently add them to the diet.

Composition (vitamins and trace elements)

100 grams of dry pasta contains 330 kcal, and 100 grams of boiled pasta contains only 80. With moderate use, this energy value will not harm health. The content of vitamins is given in the table.

Vitamin Content in 100 g, mg Other sources of vitamin
B1 0,17
  • eggs;
  • oat flakes;
  • bananas.
B2 0,08
  • soft cottage cheese;
  • milk;
  • a fish.
B3 3,2
  • meat;
  • vegetables;
  • fruit.
B5 0,5
  • sea ​​fish;
  • fresh vegetables;
  • yeast
  • beef.
B6 0,21
  • herbal products;
  • liver;
  • milk.
B9 0,02
  • black bread;
  • eggs;
  • meat.
A 0,018
  • yellow vegetables and berries;
  • red rosehip pepper;
  • mint.
E 1,5
  • vegetable oils;
  • seeds and nuts;
  • cabbage.

Pasta is rich in minerals.

Substance Content in 100 g, mg Other sources of the substance
Potassium 132
  • dried fruits and nuts;
  • bananas;
  • potato;
  • beans.
Calcium 24
  • cottage cheese and milk;
  • nuts;
  • chocolate.
Magnesium 17
  • beans;
  • watermelon;
  • buckwheat;
  • oatmeal and millet.
Sodium 17
  • celery;
  • seafood;
  • eggs.
Iron 2,1
  • liver, kidneys;
  • legumes;
  • vegetables and fruits.
Silicon 4
  • green pea;
  • strawberry;
  • beans, lentils.
Chlorine 77
  • bread;
  • salt;
  • a fish.
Sulfur 71
  • meat;
  • cereal crops;
  • a fish;
  • peas.
Phosphorus 106
  • seafood and fish;
  • milk products;
  • pumpkin seeds;
  • bean plants.

In addition, pasta contains small amounts of manganese and zinc.

How to cook

Cooking pasta includes mandatory boiling. They are placed in boiling water, a little salt is added and boiled for about 10 minutes. Each manufacturer indicates on the package the ideal time to cook their product. Rinse the pasta to keep it from sticking together. hot water and add a piece of butter. Macaroni can be:

  • eat immediately after cooking;
  • fry pre-boiled;
  • lightly boil and simmer until tender (this is how lasagna is prepared).

Pasta can be quickly cooked in almost any utensils and kitchen appliances. About 200 pasta-based dishes are known in Italy different varieties. Macaroni can also be made at home. They are made from wheat flour, eggs and water. The most important thing in this process is to choose flour good quality.


In a dry and dark place, pasta does not spoil for a very long time if it is packed tightly. The optimal shelf life is 1 year. Manufacturers do not guarantee further freshness of the product. Homemade pasta is often frozen for long-term storage than dry. During drying at home, they may deteriorate. Boiled pasta can be stored in the refrigerator for up to a day. To improve taste qualities and kill bacteria, you can overcook them or use them to make casseroles. If the smell or appearance of the dish has changed, do not risk your health.

How to choose

Among the pasta presented in the store, you should not take the cheapest. Their composition will not meet the standard, and during the cooking process the product will soften and lose its shape. Signs of poor quality are bright color and increased fragility. You can sometimes find out about the fragility of pasta even before opening the package. A good product has no crumbs. Pasta must contain durum wheat. Sometimes eggs are added to them for elasticity. The best pasta is labeled as "class 1" or "class A". Wheat can be added:

  • barley;
  • oats;
  • lentils.

These pasta have new flavors. It is worth trying them before buying a large quantity. Do not worry about the dangers of colored pasta. Usually they are stained with extracts of bright plants - beets, spinach or carrots.

What is combined with

The neutral taste of pasta allows them to be combined with any products:

  • meat (cutlets, minced meat, bacon, meatballs, chicken fillet);
  • fish;
  • seafood (shrimp, squid, mussels);
  • cheese;
  • stewed vegetables (spinach, asparagus, beans, tomatoes, cabbage);
  • sausages;
  • mushrooms;
  • soups;
  • any sauces, mayonnaise;
  • tomato paste;
  • vegetable or butter;
  • any spices for second courses.

Best for short pasta thick sauces, and for spaghetti - more tender. For casseroles, thicker pasta is best because it holds up well for a long time. heat treatment. Large pasta is filled with minced meat, vegetables and cheese. Macaroni is an easy-to-prepare and affordable product. From moderate consumption of dishes from them, there will be no harm to health.

Perhaps one of the most common side dishes in our country is pasta. Indeed, our pasta is almost more popular than in our homeland, in Italy. It is not only very nutritious, but also very tasty, as well as a rather simple product in preparation - and it is these reasons that determine the love of the domestic consumer.

Macaroni - basic product information

To begin with, let's recall the classic composition of the famous side dish. It is very simple and contains only two main ingredients - flour(usually wheat) and water. The product from durum wheat is considered the most useful.

As you probably know, pasta is national dish inhabitants of the sunny Apennine Peninsula, Italians. It is believed that it was this people who invented the recipe for a popular dish, however, disputes about which state is the birthplace of pasta are still ongoing (some scientists believe that these were the countries of Asia, someone claims the Middle East).

Be that as it may, pasta is now equally popular in all parts of the globe. There are a great many varieties of this product: these are long types - noodles or spaghetti, and more familiar to us "curly" products - horns, spirals, shells, and thin vermicelli, often added to soups, and many others.

Pasta is not only the ingredients of simple and familiar dishes from childhood, they can also form the basis of both complex and incredibly delicious treats and European cuisine. The main thing is to be able to cook the product correctly and serve it with the right sauce!

Useful qualities

  • As mentioned above, pasta from durum wheat. They are dietary product, because they have a fairly low glycemic index, which means they saturate and satisfy the feeling of hunger for a long time. But products made from soft varieties of wheat are better to be completely removed from the diet, since they do not bring any benefit to the body, and often they can even contribute to a set of extra pounds.
  • Fast and high quality saturation- not the only advantage of good pasta. They are also very beneficial for the health of our digestive system, as they contain fiber and dietary fiber, which facilitate the process of digestion and absorption of food in the stomach.
  • Cellulose also helps to cleanse the gastrointestinal tract and remove toxins from the body.
  • Pasta is incredibly high in vitamin B which plays an important role in the functioning of our body. Vitamins of this group are involved in the main metabolic processes, regulate the activity of the digestive system, and also have a tremendous impact on the functioning of the nervous system and psyche. Lack of vitamin B in the diet can cause serious sleep disorders, loss of energy and mood, chronic fatigue and more severe health problems.
  • Ordinary "horns" contain tryptophan- an amino acid necessary for the prevention of depressive disorders and maintaining a good mood.
  • The product is rich in tocopherol, known as vitamin E. This substance slows down the aging of the body, and also plays an important role in the functioning of the reproductive system in women (to the point that an insufficient amount of it in the diet can cause infertility). Bonus: tocopherol helps to improve the health of the skin, hair and nails, and also significantly improves their appearance and condition.
  • Iron contained in the product is necessary for the functioning of the circulatory system and the maintenance of normal hemoglobin.
  • Coarse pasta lower blood cholesterol levels, which in the long term has a positive effect on blood vessels and the heart.

What is the potential harm

  • high calorie content product can be the cause of a quick set of extra pounds - in case you abuse the side dish or use products made from non-durum wheat flour.
  • In general, the main side effects are observed precisely from the abuse of pasta made from flour of soft varieties. Thus, intemperance in nutrition can cause the development diabetes and some cardiovascular diseases.

  1. It has been repeatedly said above that only coarse grinding products can be useful. How to distinguish them from regular pasta? Usually the necessary information is contained on the package - so if you see characteristics such as "Top Grade", "Group A", or, finally, simply - "hard grade" or "coarse grinding", then you have a healthy product. "Group B" refers to soft flour that does not carry any benefit to the body.
  2. However, unscrupulous manufacturer may deceive the consumer by providing incorrect product information. If during cooking you find that the pasta has acquired an unpleasant white shade, boiled, lost its shape, then they are made from wheat baking flour.
  3. The process of preparing pasta of any kind is quite simple: you just need to immerse the noodles in boiling salted water for a certain number of minutes, and then drain the liquid (a colander is useful for this). The time the product is in the water depends on what kind of pasta you want to cook.
  4. How to eat the famous side dish, perhaps everyone knows. "Horns" and "shells" can be consumed ready-made, adding cheese or butter. Pasta, casseroles or lasagna can be made from pasta of other varieties - layers of pasta smeared with tomato paste.
  5. The best sauces for pasta dishes are: bolognese, tomato sauce, carbonara, cheese.

To the question “What dish is easy to prepare, hearty and at the same time goes well with other products?” 90% of the survey participants answered - pasta. This is true, but pasta is not always beneficial for the human body, and they can also bring harm.

Useful properties of pasta

There are a lot of useful properties of pasta, and they are due to the substances present in the product:

  1. They contain protein necessary for the normal growth of cell tissues and the functioning of the whole organism.
  2. Included in the composition helps to reduce the amount of adipose tissue, not muscle mass. Fiber is not absorbed by the body, but promotes satiety. Thanks to this, you can eat less, and the body will receive energy by burning fats on the hips and waist. Fiber acts like a brush in the intestines, removing toxins and wastes, while normalizing metabolism. Eliminates dysbacteriosis.
  3. Pasta contains a lot of complex carbohydrates, which are characterized by slow absorption and provide a feeling of satiety for a long time. They serve as living energy for athletes who need to constantly replenish the loss of glycogen in the muscles. Such carbohydrates do not contribute to an increase in blood glucose levels. This makes pasta an acceptable food for diabetics and weight watchers.
  4. Vitamin E has a rejuvenating effect, makes women more beautiful, has a beneficial effect on male power.
  5. Vitamins of group B regulate the psycho-emotional state of a person, alleviate the condition with headaches.
  6. The high energy value of the product is due to carbohydrates: 100 grams contain 70%.
  7. The amino acid tryptophan ensures healthy sleep and improves mood. It has a restorative and beneficial effect on the body, normalizes metabolic processes.
  8. Iron, phosphorus, potassium, calcium, magnesium are contained in not very large quantities, but have a chemical structure that facilitates their absorption.

Tip: Vitamins, a large amount of fiber, micro and macro elements can only be found in durum wheat pasta. The packaging of such a product will be marked with the letter "A".

Pasta can be different in shape: spaghetti, vermicelli, shells, horns. The most useful are spaghetti, as they are almost always made from durum wheat.

There are 3 groups of pasta:

  • A (class 1) - products are made exclusively from durum wheat flour;
  • B (class 2) - flour from soft varieties of wheat served as a raw material for the production of pasta;
  • B (class 3) - made from ordinary baking flour.

Harm pasta

  1. Pasta made from durum wheat (group A) can harm the body only if consumed excessively in combination with fatty and high-calorie foods.
  2. Group B and C products contain fast carbohydrates. This ensures poor digestibility by the body. After their use, the level of glucose in the blood rises and insulin is released. As a result, the feeling of satiety does not last long. Part of simple carbohydrates is deposited in subcutaneous fat.
  3. In addition, the content of fiber, vitamins, macro- and microelements in bakery pasta and soft wheat flour is minimal.

Interesting fact: Not only wheat is used, there are pasta made from amaranth flour, buckwheat, rice, as well as from starch, mung beans.

Amaranth is an ancient grain crop. Pasta from the taste practically does not differ from the usual. The product is intended for people who are allergic to (wheat).

Composition and calories

On average, 100 grams of pasta contains 71.5 g of carbohydrates, 10.4 g of protein and 1.1 g of fat.

The calorie content of dry pasta is 338 kcal (per 100 grams). When boiled, the number of calories decreases and is approximately 80-100 kcal per 100 grams.

How to use

The best time to eat pasta dishes is morning or lunch. Compliance with this rule will allow you not to worry about the appearance of extra pounds.

Important! People with a tendency to be overweight are advised to eat pasta made only from durum wheat flour.

When preparing pasta, you should leave them a little undercooked - al dente. This will ensure a low glycemic index of the product (about 40), which will allow you not to be afraid of the appearance of excess weight. The glycemic index (GI) measures how quickly a food is absorbed by the body. The maximum value is 100.

Pasta is combined with seafood, meat, cheese, nuts, vegetables. The number of dishes that can be prepared from pasta is amazing: it is warm salads, casseroles, soups, side dishes. high calorie Pasta dishes endow fatty sauces. Vegetables, fruits, legumes, sour milk, fish and lean meats will not add calories, such combinations can be used by those who want to lose weight.

After cooking, do not rinse the pasta. It degrades the taste and destroys beneficial features product (useful substances are washed out).

How to choose

The benefits and harms of pasta directly depend on the quality of the product. There are several rules that allow you to choose a good product that will only benefit your health:

  • Package. The package must indicate the type of wheat from which the pasta is made. The highest quality and most useful product will be with the letter "A" on the pack. The packaging of quality pasta is airtight, it important condition because pasta absorbs moisture from the air well. In addition, it should enable the buyer to evaluate the product visually, that is, be transparent or have a window. Not a single self-respecting company sells pasta by weight, they are necessarily packaged in packs.
  • Appearance. Pasta of excellent quality has a light golden or creamy hue. The white color of the product is an indicator of low quality, unnaturally yellow indicates the presence of a dye. There will be few health benefits from such pasta. The exception is an amber-yellow hue - this is a sign of pasta made from durum wheat. A smooth surface is a sign of high quality. The fractures of the products must also be smooth, vitreous. Pasta of the 2nd grade has a pale color, sometimes inclusions, a rough surface. An indicator of the low quality of the product is the crumbs inside the package, such pasta does not bend, they are easy to break.

  • Compound. Quality flour dough does not require additives. Ideal composition, indicated on a pack of pasta - flour and water. Sometimes an egg is added, but not to improve the taste, but to increase plasticity. Good quality colored pasta is colored with beets,. But most often artificial dyes are used for these purposes, which worsens the product.
  • Price. High-quality pasta cannot cost 10 rubles. Prices in regions and cities differ, but average price inexpensive high-quality pasta - 60 rubles. for 500 g.
  • Cooking. Good quality pasta does not need to be washed, while during cooking they will not stick together, and the water will remain clear.

Pasta has much more useful properties than harmful ones, but this only applies to group A, made from durum wheat. If pasta is made from ordinary bread flour, then there will be no benefit from their presence in the diet. On the contrary, as a result of their use, sugar rises, which is especially dangerous for diabetics.


Pasta. You can't be fat.

Macrons, the benefits and harms to the human body that they have medicinal properties, all this is of great interest to those who lead a healthy lifestyle, monitor their health, and are interested in folk methods treatment. So we will try to answer these questions in the following article.

One of the most common food products made from flour is pasta. Italy is rightfully considered the birthplace of pasta, where they are eaten daily and in large quantities. In our country, there is an opinion that pasta is unhealthy and by eating it often, you will at least spoil your figure.

But if you ask any Italian whether pasta is good or bad, you will be given a long lecture about their value to the body. What is this paradox? What is actually more in pasta - advantages or disadvantages?

What kind of pasta is good for you?

On the shelves of our stores you can find many different both in shape, size and color, as well as in the price of these flour products. Spaghetti, noodles, lasagna, all kinds of feathers, spirals, stars, and even in the form of letters and butterflies ... There are even transparent noodles made from starch, rice and buckwheat. But it is not the appearance that determines the main difference between a real and healthy food product and its harmful relatives. First of all, the most important factor is what grain the flour is ground from, from which the pasta is subsequently made.

Real pasta should always be made exclusively from durum wheat flour!

According to GOST of the Russian Federation for pasta, they are all divided into three groups:

Group A - from durum wheat flour;

Group B - from high-glass flour of soft wheat varieties;

Group B - from soft wheat varieties.

Flour is also divided into two classes - the highest and first grade.

So, only those that are made from flour of group A of the highest grade can be called real pasta. All other pasta is not and should be called "pasta"!

It is these pasta made from durum wheat that are useful for our nutrition, and only such pasta is eaten in Italy.

Real pasta has an even cream or golden color, a smooth surface and a glassy fracture.

Such pasta contains very little starch, and it is in a special crystalline form, which makes these products easily digestible and dietary. From such pasta, the figure will not deteriorate, unless, of course, you know the measure in their use in food.

Real pasta contains practically no fat (no more than 1%), and 70% of their composition is carbohydrates.

They are low in calories and rich in so-called slow sugars, which regulate blood glucose levels and thus maintain a normal amount of insulin, which is especially important for diabetes, digestive disorders and obesity.

This pasta contains a lot of vegetable fiber, which removes toxins from the body, minerals - potassium, phosphorus, calcium and iron, B vitamins and vitamin F, vegetable protein. Moreover, starch and protein are well interconnected, so our body absorbs them gradually. 100 g of dry pasta contains 15% daily allowance squirrel.

It is best to eat pasta for breakfast or lunch, but as a dinner it is better not to. Pasta goes well with herbs, vegetables, cheese and butter, but meat or sausage do not go well with them. The height of food ignorance is the Soviet "naval pasta"!

Children can be given pasta after the first year of life, but not more than 2 times a week and preferably small ones - stars, rings and the like.

Harm of pasta:

All that abundance of pasta on store windows that is made from soft wheat flour is “like pasta” and does not represent any benefit to our health and nutritional value.

Such pasta has a maximum of calories, a huge amount of starch, almost no fiber, as well as healthy carbohydrates and vitamins. And yet, in order to give the pasta a beautiful presentation, dyes are added to them and preservatives are added to increase the shelf life.

It is from such “conditional pasta” that people quickly gain weight, and the balance of nutrients in the body is disturbed. In addition, when cooked, they often turn into some kind of amorphous mass, and there is not even an aesthetic pleasure from their food. There is no need to talk about taste either ... Their main “advantage” is that they are cheaper!

I would especially like to note the so-called noodles fast food. She really quickly prepares, but this is where her positive aspects end.

Once in the stomach, it quickly swells, causing a feeling of fullness, but does not bring any benefit, and the chemical substances contained in it in a fair amount nutritional supplements ruin your health.

In addition, our children loved to gnaw it raw instead of crackers, and this makes such noodles especially dangerous for the child's body that has not yet formed!

Of course, even real pasta is no match for health benefits. various cereals, which will be discussed in the next chapter. But still, in order to diversify our diet from time to time, they will fit perfectly. Just do not chase the price and buy real pasta and know when to stop!

Based on the book by Igor Podoprigora “The benefits and harms of familiar products. The truth that has been hidden from us."

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