Home Products What side dish is suitable for duck. Side dish for duck. Fruit side dish for duck with apples

What side dish is suitable for duck. Side dish for duck. Fruit side dish for duck with apples

Duck cannot be called a product fast food. Either it is marinated for several days, then it is baked for hours ...

But well thought out side dishes for duck are prepared simply instantly and favorably complement the wonderful taste of duck meat.

duck side dish recipe- chanterelles and spinach for 4 servings.

Melt in a saucepan 4 tbsp. l. molasses or honey, add 1.5 tbsp. l. wine vinegar, 2 tbsp. l. vegetable oil, 1 tsp. unrefined peanut butter, salt and black pepper.

Remove from fire. Peel and wash 250 g of chanterelles, then quickly fry in a well-heated frying pan in half of the previously prepared mixture. In a separate frying pan, using the remaining mixture of oil, molasses (honey) and vinegar, stew 500 g of young spinach "Belaya Dacha" until the leaves wilt. Mix. Serve chanterelles with spinach duck breast grilled and sliced.

duck side dish recipegreen salad with goat cheese and pears for 4 servings.

Melt 20 g butter in a frying pan. 2 dense pears cut into slices, removing the core, brown in oil, put on a paper towel, let cool. Put the lettuce mixture on a large dish, add the pear slices. Using a wet teaspoon, form 150 g of soft goat cheese into small balls and place them on top of the salad. Season with salt, pepper, wine vinegar and olive oil. Serve with grilled duck.

duck side dish recipe- chestnuts with dried fruits for 4 servings.

Boil 150 g of chestnuts in boiling water, after making a cross-shaped incision on each, 20 minutes. Peel off the shell immediately. Or take a package of cooked chestnuts. Cut 2 large onions into cubes. In a large deep skillet, heat 4-5 tbsp. l. vegetable oil, fry the onion until translucent. Add quartered chestnuts, 100 g prunes and 100 g pitted dried apricots cut in half. Season with 1/3 tsp. freshly ground cardamom and nutmeg, pepper and warm over low heat, 15-20 minutes. Serve with braised duck.

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Roast duck - perfect New Year's dish. About how to prepare a duck for roasting, how to stuff it and what to serve with - Dmitry Zotov, chef of restaurants, shared his professional knowledge with us , and.

Dmitry, what should be the weight of an ideal duck for roasting?
Starting from two kilograms - two kilos one hundred grams, two two hundred or three hundred - the ideal duck weight for baking. This is a beautiful bird: there is already a lot of meat in it and it is not old yet.

If the duck is frozen, how to properly defrost it before baking?
It is necessary to get the duck out of the refrigerator and, without opening the package in which it is frozen, leave it at room temperature. should completely thaw. Under no circumstances should the duck be thawed under water. Also, do not put the duck in the microwave to defrost: the juice will come out and the meat will turn out dry.

And how to process the duck before baking?
If the duck has feathers, singe the bird and remove the feathers. If there is offal, pull it out. If the bird is already without feathers, do not be too lazy to process it before baking. Take any convenient tweezers and remove the remnants of feathers that stick out of the skin. Then tuck in the wings. There is such a power technique - it is called " chicken wing».

Do the same with the duck. Take the duck wing, cut off the extreme phalanx, and wrap it from the breast to the back. Pull it out to raise it up. Also fill in the second one. This is necessary so that the wings do not spread apart during baking in different directions, but are neatly folded. This technique does not in any way affect the dryness of the bird, or, as they say, the fact that the wings can burn. It's just more aesthetically pleasing.

What are the best spices to use for roasting duck?
Can buy ready mix for duck, now there are a lot of such sets and different ones. The prepared duck must be rubbed with spices inside and out, and left overnight in the refrigerator. And you can cook your own, the author's mixture of spices. For example, for Peking duck, you need to take chinese mix « five spices”, cinnamon, star anise, hoisin sauce, rice vinegar, leek, ginger and garlic. Mix the spices, chop the ginger and garlic, and coarsely chop the leek. Rub the duck with spices inside and out, and marinate overnight in the refrigerator.

Then put inside the leek, sew up the abdomen and bake. Pull out the onion from the finished duck and you can eat it. By the way, emperors used to be fed Peking duck: they threw away the meat, they ate only crispy skin.

From spices, cardamom, cinnamon, star anise are also well suited to duck. The main secret that all spices must be put in correct proportions and in small quantities, and to know which spice is how strong.

Are there spices that do not go well with duck and can ruin the taste irrevocably?
By and large, there are no such spices. Although, there is still one - zira. It will taste like pilaf, not duck. Hot cayenne pepper for duck, for example, is not needed at all. But the bay leaf is fine. By the way, it is used in Beijing marinade. But you need quite a bit.

Can vanilla go well with duck?
Why not. If you stuff a duck with pears and add a vanilla pod, you get a vanilla duck, the taste will be very interesting.

How to bake a duck so that the breast remains juicy?
It is necessary to heat the oven to 80-90 ° C and put the duck there for two hours, let it lie. Then pull out the duck and stick it in the thickest part ( e.g. in the leg or thigh) a thermometer or meat probe and check that the temperature of the meat is around 65-67°C. If the result is achieved, let it lie down without an oven, in the air for another half an hour and it will come. Now heat the oven to 210°C, brush the duck with marinade or honey mixed with cardamom, and place in the oven until the duck has taken on color and is covered. golden brown. Thus, the duck will not be completely fried and remain juicy. Remember, the breast always cooks faster than the legs. This is a general rule or, if you like, duck roasting technology. It doesn't matter if you stuff it or not. This is how it should always be done.

What is the importance of baking?
For baking, take the most ordinary baking sheet so that the duck fits completely. Duckling is also suitable for roasting or stewing.

Many people bake duck with apples. Does the variety of apples matter?
Choose the latest apples - those that are harvested before the first frost. They have a bright taste, strong flesh and they are lying. Better, of course, domestic varieties. But if there are none, take Granny Smith from imported apples - they perfectly retain texture.

How to prepare apples for filling?
Apples should be peeled and cut into large slices. Add lemon juice, lemon zest, raisins, cinnamon and Walnut (first it must be fried in a non-dry frying pan and chopped quite large) Well, honey is a must. Get the original spicy filling.

In addition to apples, there are more original variants?
Certainly! Take a baking sheet, put a lot of tangerines around the duck, cinnamon sticks and put in the oven. Let yourself bake in degrees at 80-90 ° C, 2 hours or a little more, depending on the size of the duck.

How does the roasting time of a duck depend on the size and why bake for so long?
A duck weighing 2.5 kg will bake for approximately 2.5 - 3 hours. If the weight is greater, then further it is necessary to check its readiness during the baking process. Such a long time is necessary so that the protein does not break down, so that the meat remains pink, then the duck turns out to be juicy. After all, there is not much fat in the duck, there is nothing to melt here. If you bake a duck so as to melt the fat, you get dry meat. And in a duck, fat is important, because it also affects the taste. Excess fat during baking, of course, will go away, but some of the fat should remain inside.

How to achieve the juiciness of the filling?
If you stuff a duck with couscous or other stuffing from cereals, then a lot of juice and fat will be released from the duck during the roasting process ( about a glass), and the filling will absorb it. Couscous, rice or millet are highly absorbent. But if there is any doubt, butter can be added to the filling.

How to sew up stuffed duck?
Culinary twine or thread. If there are no special ones, take ordinary threads, the thickest and most durable ones. The whole point of stitching is to pierce the fat, so use a thick needle. Well, a thimble wouldn't hurt either.

What's the best sauce to serve with roast duck?
The best sauce duck can be cooked on the basis of the juice of the same duck, it will flow out during the cooking process. I recommend frying onions, carrots and celery in equal proportions for olive oil, add two stars of anise there, fry more and add honey. Pour in the red wine, and when it has evaporated, pour in the duck juice and some water. Add salt, sugar and black pepper. You can also have some frozen lingonberries. Boil the sauce to thicken, then strain and separate the vegetables.

What's the best side dish for roast duck?
Tangerine chutney. Take equal parts white wine vinegar and sugar. Evaporate a little over high heat to make a syrup. Add cinnamon stick, chopped chili and ginger. Remove the zest from the tangerines, peel and divide into slices. Finely chop the shallot. Put all this in a bowl. When the temperature of the syrup is 80 ° C, pour over the tangerines and let stand until cool. Here is the original side dish.

Illustrations:restaurant press office

What can be tastier and healthier than duck meat? Only duck with the right garnish. Duck is a rather rare guest on the family table. As a rule, it is prepared only for the holidays: baked entirely in the oven. But there are a lot of ways to cook this meat. It can be fried, steamed, baked and boiled, both as a whole and in parts.

But to cook such meat without a side dish would be an unforgivable omission. What side dish for duck is best suited and what subtleties should be observed in its preparation?

What side dish would be right

The main thing to remember is that duck is quite fatty meat, and when choosing a side dish, you should rely on those foods that will absorb or dilute fat well. As a rule, this refers to any kind of cereals, certain types of legumes, potatoes or something sour.

When choosing the right addition to the duck, you should not give preference to strongly spicy dishes, the side dish should emphasize the taste of the meat, but in no case should it be clogged. Also, before choosing a side dish, you need to consider how the duck meat will be cooked.

There is not too much meat on the duck, so most housewives prefer to bake it whole, while stuffing it with something. As a filling, both ordinary rice and sour apples of the Antonovka variety can be used. But, however, after cooking apples in a duck, they are not particularly suitable for food. Yes, and they look, to put it mildly, unsightly. After baking, they turn into a puree-like substance, and many cooks simply get rid of them. To use apples as a side dish, they should be placed near the duck and never cut into pieces, but left whole. If there are not enough apples, you can always serve buckwheat with such a dish, which is in perfect harmony with both duck meat and apples.

When baking a whole carcass, using oranges as a filling, you cannot find a better side dish for such a dish than rice. You just need to cook it in a special way. Put half a lemon in a pot with rice, and mix the finished grits with finely chopped prunes. Boiled peas, ground in mashed potatoes and seasoned with butter, will also be appropriate for such a duck.

You can appreciate the dish with duck and potatoes, baked in the sleeve. Cooking does not take much time, and in the end you will get both meat and an excellent side dish in addition, with which you do not need to mess around. Potatoes will absorb all the flavors of the duck well and seem tastier than the meat itself.

Vegetables and cold side dishes for duck

It is better to serve duck, cooked not whole, but in separate parts, with side dishes of vegetables, stewed or in the form of a salad. As mentioned above, there is little meat in the duck itself; usually, duck breast is often used to prepare individual parts. Its meat, if cooked correctly, is very tender, moderately fatty and has a pleasant pinkish tint.

Blue cabbage stewed in red wine is a good side dish for duck breast. This side dish can be eaten either warm or cold.

If you are a lover unusual dishes, then a duck cooked in a cauldron with gravy and chopped into pieces will be an excellent addition vegetable puree. As a vegetable, you can use celery root or pumpkin. They must first be boiled in milk or cream. Then the finished vegetable is mashed and a very small pinch of nutmeg is added. Also, the above-mentioned vegetables can be baked on foil in the oven, after salting and sprinkling them with a pinch of thyme.

To the duck breast fried in orange sauce, a garnish of arugula, pomegranate seeds and walnuts. Duck for such a side dish is cut into slices one centimeter thick and placed on a plate with salad.

Duck dishes cannot be called everyday, they are prepared for some significant occasions. Poultry meat is quite fatty, a sourish or sweetish side dish suggests itself, which compensates for this, improves the taste of the main product.

Before baking in the oven, duck is often stuffed with small sour apples, tangerines, prunes, sauerkraut, in this case, the products for filling the carcass themselves become a side dish, you do not need to add anything to them, they will be saturated with duck juice. You can serve well-cooked rice, onions stewed in French broth, potatoes. What to cook a side dish for duck? The choice is great.

Various side dishes

What is the best side dish for duck with apples - this is a classic that is often a priority on the festive table. Buckwheat is a traditional side dish. But at the same time I want to cook a dish somehow in a special way, to surprise guests. For more complicated recipe would need:

  • Groats-buttocks of high quality. It should be cooked according to the general rules, with the expectation of 2 glasses of water - a glass of buckwheat.
  • The grits are placed on a small fire, slightly covered with a lid.
  • At the time when buckwheat is languishing, cut the onion into half rings, slice the mushrooms (according to classic recipe mushrooms are used).
  • Mushrooms with onions are fried in a pan.
  • Buckwheat is seasoned with butter, added to the frying.
  • Ready garnish is added to the duck. To give beauty and taste, sprinkle with chopped parsley and dill on top.

Affordable and delicious option: Buckwheat garnish:

  • A glass of the product must be filled with water at the rate of two glasses of liquid per glass of buckwheat.
  • Bring to a boil, salt to taste, cook for 20 minutes.
  • Rinse and clean the mushrooms separately, cut into large pieces.
  • Peel the onion and cut into half rings.
  • Fry both in vegetable oil for half an hour until cooked. Salt and pepper the garnish.
  • When serving, add butter. Put the mass on portioned plates, on top - duck meat.
  • Decorate the dish with dill, parsley.

To prepare the rice side dish:

  • Rinse the grits well, put in a greased vegetable oil frying pan or saucepan. The product will need half a cup.
  • Peel two carrots, grate and add to rice, warm over low heat until golden brown.
  • Add some water and bring to a boil.
  • chop white cabbage thin straws, pour the product into the rice mixture, mix, simmer under the lid, adding water as needed, the mixture should not burn.
  • At the end of cooking, salt and pepper the side dish, serve with duck.

If you want to please a gourmet, then take note of this recipe:

  • You should independently boil the syrup from wine vinegar with the addition of sugar. The proportions are 1:1.
  • Finely chop the chili pepper and rub the ginger.
  • Mandarin is peeled and cut into slices.
  • Shallots are crushed and mixed with tangerine.
  • As soon as the syrup begins to cool (80 °), chutney is poured into it.
  • Next, the dish cools down already with mixed ingredients.

A true gourmet will certainly like this side dish.

To prepare a side dish of legumes you will need:

  • Dry crushed peas, two glasses. It must be washed and soaked for an hour in water.
  • Then rinse the product again with water, pour boiling water in the multicooker bowl.
  • Set the "Extinguishing" mode for two hours.
  • Salt and pepper the finished puree to taste, add butter.
  • Serve with duck cooked with oranges or prunes.
  • When serving, lay citrus fruits beautifully along the edge of the dish, decorate with herbs.

Cold side dishes and vegetables

With what side dish to serve the duck, if it is cooked in separate parts? Everything is very simple, most of all, vegetables impress this dish. They can be served fresh, as a salad, or stewed.

There is not much meat in the duck, so for cooking in parts, they mainly take the breast. At proper preparation the meat is tender, beautiful, and most importantly - not greasy. Blue cabbage stewed in red semi-sweet wine is suitable for such a breast. The side dish is equally delicious cold and hot.

Incredibly tasty and fragrant, it turns out duck stewed in pieces in a cauldron. Complement such juicy meat with vegetable puree as a side dish. Subtleties of preparation:

  • From vegetables, it is best to take a pumpkin or celery.
  • Boil vegetables in milk or cream.
  • The finished vegetable is interrupted in a blender to a puree consistency.
  • Add nutmeg to the tip of a knife.

Also, celery and pumpkin look very good baked in foil. And if you add thyme to them, you get just a magical dish.

If you fry the duck breast in orange juice, the arugula garnish will perfectly complement it. You can add pomegranate kernels or nuts to the dish. When serving, the duck is cut into slices.

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Duck dishes are popular in many countries. In the Czech Republic, duck is served with potato or bread dumplings, and in Poland and Germany with stewed cabbage. In China, duck is served with pancakes, fresh cucumbers, green onion and sweet and sour sauce, and in Hungary, caramelized fruit is served as a side dish for duck or goose liver. Different side dishes complement and set off the taste of duck meat, and each of them adds color to this hearty and tasty dish.

Such side dishes can be served with any duck - for example, they go perfectly with.

Dumplings - Czech side dish for roasted duck

In Czechs, baked duck is usually supplemented with two types of dumplings and stewed cabbage.


  • milk - 250 ml;
  • flour - 500 gr.;
  • sugar - 1 tsp;
  • yeast - 20 gr.;
  • salt - 1 tsp;
  • oil - 2 tablespoons;
  • egg.


  1. Stir sugar and yeast into slightly warmed milk.
  2. Cover and leave in a warm place for a quarter of an hour.
  3. Add the sifted flour, egg, salt and vegetable oil to the dough.
  4. Knead pretty hard dough and set it to come up for about an hour.
  5. Turn the dough out onto a work surface and divide into four pieces.
  6. Form small bars.
  7. Dumplings are steamed or boiled in salted water for twenty minutes.
  8. Pierce the finished bread dumplings in several places with a wooden skewer, cut into portions and serve with pieces of baked or stewed duck.
  9. The remaining dumplings can be stored in the freezer, and thawed and steamed before use.

Such a side dish in the Czech Republic is also served with goulash or baked fish.

Braised cabbage as a side dish for duck

Stewed cabbage as a side dish for meat, sausages or duck is prepared in Germany, the Czech Republic and Poland.


  • red cabbage - ½ head;
  • prunes - 8-10 pcs.;
  • sugar - 1 tbsp;
  • onion - 1 pc.;
  • apples - 1-2 pcs.;
  • butter - 2 tablespoons;
  • wine vinegar - 2 tablespoons;
  • salt, spices.


  1. Peel the onion and cut into thin half rings.
  2. Chop the cabbage not too thin and long strips.
  3. Rinse the prunes with hot water, remove the pits and cut into strips.
  4. Peel sour apples and cut into thin strips.
  5. Fry the onion butter and then add cabbage.
  6. Fry the cabbage until soft, sprinkle with sugar, add a couple of clove buds, a little anise or cumin.
  7. Sprinkle with pepper and pour in vinegar diluted with water. Add prunes, stir and continue to simmer over low heat.
  8. After a quarter of an hour, add apples and simmer for a few more minutes.

Serve ready-made red cabbage with roasted duck in a separate bowl, or in portions.

Fruit side dish for duck with apples

The duck is often baked whole, stuffed with slices sour apples. Garnish for this dish can be fruits fried in caramel sauce.


  • apples - 2-3 pcs.;
  • plums - 8-10 pcs.;
  • sugar or honey - 2 tablespoons;
  • pears - 2-3 pcs.;
  • butter - 1 tbsp;
  • mint, lemon.


  1. Wash fruits, remove seeds and cut into slices. Cut plums into halves.
  2. You can add sour berries to a set of fruits or replace pears with quince.
  3. Sprinkle sliced ​​pears and apples with lemon juice so that they do not darken.
  4. Melt butter in a pan and add sugar or honey.
  5. When the caramel boils, dip the pear slices into it. Fry on both sides, add plum halves.
  6. Add the apples that were baked inside the duck at the last moment so that they acquire a caramel crust. You can add a spoonful of duck fat, which is released during baking.
  7. Serve hot with duck pieces and garnish with a sprig of mint or thyme.

Such a sweet side dish perfectly emphasizes and sets off the taste of duck or duck liver.

Side dish for duck with oranges and pepper jam

Duck marinated in orange juice with a beautiful caramel crust, already elegant and holiday dish. Try making pepper jam as a side dish.


  • apples - 2 pcs.;
  • sweet pepper - 3-4 pcs.;
  • sugar - 350 gr.;
  • hot pepper - 5-6 pcs.;
  • wine vinegar - 1 tbsp;
  • spices.


  1. Wash peppers and apples. Remove the seeds and peel the apples.
  2. Cut into random pieces, put in a saucepan and sprinkle with sugar.
  3. Leave overnight so that the components give juice.
  4. Put on the stove, bring to a boil and cook over low heat for about an hour.
  5. The jam should thicken. If desired, you can grind the mass with a blender at this stage, or leave it as it is so that the pieces are preserved.
  6. Add a few peas of allspice, star anise and coriander to the jam.
  7. Boil for another half an hour and pour in the vinegar.
  8. Bring to a boil and transfer to a clean glass dish.

Serve the duck pieces with a spoonful of pepper jam and a slice of fresh orange.

This garnish goes well with duck breast, grilled, and such spicy jam is suitable for any meat and cheese.

A side dish for duck can also be baked potatoes, boiled rice or buckwheat, which must first be stuffed with a bird. But if you want to impress your guests, cook for festive table duck with one of the side dishes proposed in the article. Your friends and family are not stingy with compliments. Bon Appetit!

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