Home Product Ratings Stuffed duck with rice in the oven. Duck baked in the oven with rice and prunes

Stuffed duck with rice in the oven. Duck baked in the oven with rice and prunes

Not every housewife knows how to properly bake a duck in the oven with rice. The recipe for this dish, and more than one, we will be happy to provide you in this article. As a rule, many people prefer to cook chicken even for the festive table, completely unfairly ignoring such an interesting in terms of palatability a bird like a duck. Moreover, properly baked, it is quite capable of becoming the highlight of the solemn menu. Its meat goes well with a variety of ingredients, it is almost impossible to cover all the available recipes in one review, so we decided to focus on the most successful combination loved by many and talk about how to bake a duck in the oven with rice.

Duck with rice, baked in the oven, may well become calling card and a source of pride for any hostess. Following all the requirements of the recipe will be the key to success, but still special attention should be paid to the preparatory stage. With a duck, unlike chicken, you still have to tinker a little. First of all, you need to pay attention to the fact that there are no spinous processes and feathers on the carcass. All this must be removed very carefully. Then, if you do not want your dish to float in fat, be sure to carefully cut off all excess fat, and at the same time remove the tail. After that, the bird must be washed and then carefully dried.

Some people think that baking duck in the oven with rice is a simple matter, not much different from cooking chicken. In some ways, they are partly right, however, there are still some nuances. Start by preparing the filling. First you need to boil the rice, and always until half cooked. After that, you need to fry in oil (if possible - olive oil), finely chopped onions and grated carrots. Mix all the ingredients and be sure to leave the filling to infuse for a while. In the meantime, it comes to condition, you should start preparing the bird.

Garlic must be passed through a press or grated on the smallest grater. Mix it with rosemary, salt and pepper, and then rub the bird with this mixture. Leave to marinate in a warm place for thirty minutes. Further still easier. Put the filling inside the carcass, and fill the remaining space with diced apples. Then it remains only to sew up the hole and send the bird to the preheated oven. Bake should be at a temperature not exceeding one hundred and sixty degrees, from time to time watering the duck with the juice that stands out. Cooking time depends, of course, on the age of the bird, but, as a rule, it takes no more than two hours. A duck baked in the oven with rice is considered ready if clear juice is released when the carcass is pierced.

And now let's improve our recipe a little.

In this case, we will fill our bird with rice and prunes (cooked in the oven, these components complement each other incredibly harmoniously). The principle of preparation is almost the same, but the ingredients will be slightly different. So, in addition to the duck itself, you need to stock up:

  • One hundred grams of prunes (better, of course, pitted).

  • Butter - a couple of tablespoons.

  • Garlic - five cloves.

  • Oregano - a teaspoon is enough.

  • Rice - one glass.

  • Pepper and salt.

First, we prepare the duck as described above, then we rub it with oil and, without sparing, with a mixture of pepper and salt. We also cook rice in the same way as in the first

option, and then mix it with oregano, chopped garlic, prunes, butter. Pepper-salt. Prunes, by the way, are better to hold in boiling water for several minutes before sending them to the filling.

This time we will bake in foil, at one hundred and eighty degrees, from time to time unfolding and pouring the bird with the juice that stands out. Cooking will also take about two hours, and after that you need to remove the foil and hold the dish for another thirty minutes in the oven so that it is beautifully browned. After that, the duck stuffed with rice, baked in the oven, is ready to be served on festive table. It remains only to transfer it to a dish and decorate with herbs.

This is definitely a brilliant invention. Not only does the sleeve save the hostess from the dreary prospect of wiping the oven from burnt fat, but also the meat in it turns out much juicier, and even cooks faster. In our case, there is another plus. The filling can not only be put inside the duck, but also placed next to the bird, as a result of which the rice will acquire a completely different taste. And to make it even more interesting, we will add to it vegetable mix.
So, in addition to the duck, we also stock up:

  • Sweet pepper - take two pieces.

  • Carrots - also two things.

  • Leek - one stalk is enough.

  • Rice - one glass.

  • A mixture of pink, white and black peppers - 2 tbsp. l.

  • A teaspoon of coriander.

Here everything is generally very simple. Rice does not need to be precooked. Cut all the vegetables the way you like, but not very large. Then they (except pepper) need to be sautéed, after seasoning with coriander and salt. The duck itself needs to be rubbed with salt and the existing mixture of peppers, having previously, of course, prepared it, as we talked about above. Then you place all the available ingredients in the abdomen, sew up the hole, and put the bird itself in the sleeve. If you decide to cook rice separately, then stuff the duck with only vegetables. The grits will need to be put in the sleeve next to the bird.

Make small cuts on the sleeve and send the dish to the oven. One and a half hours will be enough for cooking if your bird is not very old yet. After this time, cut the sleeve and bake for another 15 minutes to get a beautiful crust.

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Baron Munchausen's favorite recipe - duck with apples - has not lost its popularity today. The flavor combination of fatty meat and fruity sourness makes it unique and attractive for gourmets. Modern cooking offers to cook a duck with apples in the oven in the sleeve, and also gives many more variations of the old recipe.

Classic combination

Duck in the oven with apples is surprisingly tender. Fruits add acid to the meat, making it easier to digest and less greasy. Apples, saturated with meat juice, become an excellent side dish for roasts.

The dish can be diversified by adding rice, oranges, prunes, dried apricots, other cereals or fruits to it as desired. Duck carcass with apples is a classic of the dish, but nothing prevents us from adding a drop of modernity to it.

Apple Classic

Let's cook classic recipe ducks in the oven with apples. The products for him are simple, so you won’t have to go shopping for a long time in search of them. But the preparation will take time and effort. No wonder this option for cooking carcasses is traditionally considered festive.


  • 1 duck;
  • seasoning for poultry;
  • vegetable oil;
  • 0.5 lemon;
  • 3 apples;
  • 0.1 kg of prunes and 50 g of cognac to taste;
  • salt.


  1. For a day, the duck should be washed well and checked if there are any feathers left on it. If this flaw was noticed in some places, the feathers must be plucked with tweezers, otherwise after baking they will remain on the teeth.
  2. In a separate bowl, mix a little vegetable oil, a pinch of salt and seasoning. If the spices are already salty, then you do not need to add salt to the mixture. Seasoning is better to take finely ground. If it contains dried herb leaves, then during cooking they can burn.
  3. Lubricate the duck carcass inside and out with spices. Due to the fact that the seasoning is prepared on the basis of oil, its taste and smell will penetrate deeper into the meat and make it more aromatic.
  4. Remove duck from refrigerator.
  5. The next day, if desired, pour prunes with cognac, and then leave for another half an hour so that it is soaked and soaked. You can simply pour dried fruits with boiling water.
  6. At this time, it is worth doing the preparation of apples. The varieties "Antonovka" and "Golden" are perfect for the dish. Peel the fruits, cut and remove the core.
  7. Cut apples into slices.
  8. Form the filling for the duck by mixing the prunes with the fruits. If desired, almonds and walnuts are placed in the dish.
  9. Fill the carcass with the prepared "contents". To do this, first secure the neck with skewers or sew with strong threads. Then push half a lemon deep, and then send the filling there.
  10. Secure the hole with skewers or sew.
  11. Put the finished duck on a baking sheet. It is advisable to line it with foil - then the bottom will not burn. Wrap the ends of the wings and legs with the protruding edges of the foil.
  12. Top the carcass with a little vegetable oil.
  13. Preheat the oven to 190-210 degrees. Cover the duck with a sheet of foil.
  14. Put the carcass in the oven. Bake for 2 to 3 hours depending on the weight of the product.
  15. Half an hour before turning off the oven, remove the foil from the duck to form a crust. If the filling remains, you can put it around the edges and send the baking sheet back to the oven.
  16. Remove skewers or threads from the finished duck, cut into pieces and serve.

Sleeve version

Duck with apples in the oven can be cooked in the sleeve. This recipe is much easier. It saves not only time, but also allows you to keep the oven and baking sheet clean: fat evaporation does not contaminate the walls, and the fat does not flow out and does not stain the stand. The only drawback of this method is the slightly noticeable taste and smell of plastic. In this regard, it is worth using only good baking sleeves, the quality of which you have checked and suits you as a hostess.


  • 1 duck;
  • 1 kg of apples;
  • 5 cloves of garlic;
  • spices, salt.


  1. The carcass can be marinated a day before cooking, but it is permissible to do this immediately before being sent to the oven. To do this, just mix the seasonings with salt and rub the duck with them. If desired, oil is added to the spices - to enhance the aroma.
  2. Apples should be firm and sour in taste. They must be peeled, core removed and cut into slices.

  3. Peel the garlic cloves and cut in half.
  4. Stuff duck apple slices and garlic.
  5. Send it to the sleeve, spread the remaining filling around.
  6. Tie the sleeve tightly and place it on a baking sheet.
  7. Send the dish to the oven preheated to 210 degrees and bake for 2-3 hours.

The advantage of this method is the fact that the meat does not burn, does not dry out and is simultaneously soaked apple juice turning out tender and juicy. However, lovers of a fried crust, this technology is not suitable. In order for the meat to come out ruddy, you will have to bake in a brazier or just on a baking sheet.

Read also:

  • Grilled chicken in the oven: cooking recipes
  • Chicken with apples in the oven: recipes with photos

orange paradise

Duck goes well with oranges, which can be used both on their own and with apples or dried fruits. They will give the meat juiciness and an exotic citrus flavor.


  • 1 duck;
  • 3 oranges;
  • 3-4 apples;
  • spices, salt;
  • 2-3 tbsp. l. lemon juice;
  • 2-3 tbsp. l. honey;
  • 0.2 l of white wine;
  • 40-60 g of granulated sugar.


  1. Turn on the oven before starting cooking so that it warms up to 200 degrees.
  2. Rinse the carcass well, dry and grate with spices.
  3. Wash the citruses, cut half into slices.
  4. Wash the apples too, remove the seeds and chop into pieces.
  5. Sprinkle the fruits with spices and pour over the lemon juice.
  6. Mix apples and oranges with a spoonful of honey and send this filling to the duck.
  7. Send the carcass to the oven. Bake for 2 hours.
  8. Chop the remaining oranges into slices.
  9. Pour them with a glass of boiling water, pour sugar and cook the mixture for 10-15 minutes.
  10. Strain the broth, put spices and wine in it.
  11. Cook the resulting sauce for another quarter of an hour over low heat.
  12. Take out the cooked duck and pour over orange sauce. Serve on the table.

Recipe with rice

Duck with rice and apples in the oven is hearty and fragrant. The presence of cereals in the recipe makes it possible to combine two dishes in one, which somewhat facilitates the preparation of a hearty dinner. For the filling, it is better to take crumbly rice, which does not boil soft and does not fall apart when stewing (however, everyone has different tastes, so you need to focus on your own culinary preferences).


  • 1 duck;
  • 0.2 kg of rice;
  • 3 apples;
  • 1 orange;
  • mayonnaise;
  • salt;
  • butter;
  • spices;
  • garlic.


  1. Clean the duck, wash and sew up the hole from the side of the neck with thick threads.
  2. Boil the rice so that it is a little tough.
  3. Rinse the finished cereal, mix with spices and a few tablespoons of melted butter.
  4. Peel the apples, remove the core and cut into pieces.
  5. Peel the orange from the peel and white fibers, chop.
  6. Mix fruits with rice and stuff duck with them.
  7. Coat the carcass with spices and vegetable oil.
  8. Sew up the hole in the weft.
  9. Put the carcass in a mold or on a baking sheet. Spread the rest of the filling over the sides.
  10. Bake in an oven preheated to 210-220 degrees for about 3 hours.
  11. Remove the bird from the oven, cut into portions and serve.

Serving baked duck on the festive table is an old Russian tradition. There are unthinkably many fillings for her, but we will focus on the combination of poultry with rice. This dish is familiar to many of us since childhood. For a truly homely dinner party feel, look for rustic fresh duck. It does not matter if one is not found - the main thing is that the selected bird is fresh and young. Add some of your imagination to the dish, use fragrant herbs and get ready to listen to compliments from your family and friends.

Duck with rice and apples

The right recipe is 50% of the success of the dish. We offer you the easiest option for cooking duck with rice. Cooking this dish is very simple - the process of creating a masterpiece will not take you much time and effort.


  • duck - 2.5 kilograms
  • cup long grain rice
  • 2 sour apples
  • carrot
  • bulb
  • 2 garlic cloves
  • salt, ground black pepper

Cooking method:

Start preparing this wonderful lunch dish by preparing the carcass for baking: wash it, dry it, rub it with salt, pepper and crushed garlic. Having done this, wrap the duck in a bag and put it on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator. In the meantime, start cooking the minced meat. Boil washed rice in salted water until tender. While the rice is boiling, turn on the oven and set the temperature in it to 240 degrees.

Cut a medium-sized onion into small cubes. Wash and peel large carrots, grate on a coarse grater and sauté with onions in a saucepan for vegetable oil. Next, mix the fried vegetables with boiled rice, mix gently and fill the duck with this mass. Fill the remaining space with apples.

To prepare this dish, select fragrant apples with sourness. Wash them, remove the core, cut into large slices and stuff the bird. Coat the skin with vegetable oil, sew up the incision with cooking string and place in a baking dish. By this time, the oven should already be warmed up, so reduce the temperature to 180 degrees and immediately send the dish to bake. You need to cook for at least 2-2.5 hours, not forgetting to water with melted fat, about 8-10 times. Thus, a ruddy crispy crust will turn out.

If the duck is too old, it may take a little longer to cook. Check the readiness of the meat by piercing the joint with a fork: if the flowing liquid is free of blood, remove the dish from the oven and leave it to “rest” a little. Then put the duck on a wide plate, served with fresh herbs and vegetables, and serve. Bon Appetit!

Duck with rice baked in chunks

This recipe is similar to pilaf - in the way it is cooked. We suggest not to stuff the carcass with rice, but to simmer it together with pieces of duck in your own fat. The best form for this dish is a wide, deep cast-iron skillet.


  • a large duck weighing at least 2.2 kilograms
  • 1.5 cups long grain rice
  • large onion
  • 2 carrots
  • 4 garlic cloves
  • coriander
  • pepper mix
  • salt to taste

Cooking method:

First, do the most difficult procedure - cutting the carcass into pieces. Wash the duck and pluck out the rest of the feather if necessary. Cut the bird into portions, salt with coarse salt and sprinkle with coriander. Pour a few tablespoons of vegetable oil into a deep frying pan and fry the prepared duck pieces for 10-15 minutes. Catch the meat with a slotted spoon on a plate, but do not drain the fat from the pan - it will come in handy for cooking vegetables.

Peel carrots and onions, chop. If you know how to cut carrot stars, cut 1 carrot figuredly - the recipe allows such experiments, and the dish will only benefit from this outwardly. Heat the pan with the fat in which the duck was fried over high heat. Add chopped vegetables and saute until golden brown. At the end of cooking, salt the vegetables and sprinkle with a mixture of white, black and pink peppers. If you have a spice grinder, use it, because freshly ground pepper gives the dish an incredibly appetizing flavor. Put the pieces of duck in a pan, cover with washed rice and pour boiling water so that it covers the rice by 2-2.5 cm.

It's time to heat up the oven. The main baking temperature is 180 degrees, but first preheat the oven to 220. As soon as you send the form to the wire rack, lower the heat and keep an eye on the rice. If necessary, add half a glass hot water, but do not stir the rice so that it does not turn into porridge. You need to cook the dish for at least 75 minutes, if necessary, extend the cooking time. As you can see, the recipe is very simple, and at the end of roasting you will get a juicy duck and golden crumbly rice. Prepare your favorite salad raw vegetables- it will complement the taste of the dish. Bon Appetit!

Duck stuffed with rice with cherry sauce

The recipe that we have selected for you has a rather complex composition, but this is a real celebration of taste and color. You can cook this incredible dish for a holiday or other memorable date - success is guaranteed to him. It takes 48 hours to marinate a duck - keep this in mind when preparing for roasting.


For marinade:

  • onions - 2 pieces
  • 3 garlic cloves
  • 30 grams of honey
  • 3 tablespoons soy sauce
  • 2 teaspoons rosemary needles
  • white dry wine 2 liters
  • dry red wine 1.5 cups
  • salt and pepper to taste

For the dish:

  • big duck
  • glass of rice
  • prunes and walnut kernel - 3/4 cup
  • pre-mixed spice mix for poultry

For sauce:

  • glass of fresh or frozen cherries
  • a tablespoon of vinegar
  • 2 tablespoons of sugar
  • a tablespoon of starch

Cooking method:

Our recipe is stretched over time for 2 days, so the first thing to do is start preparing the marinade. Cut the onion into large half rings, and pass the garlic through the garlic. Mix all other liquid ingredients in a bowl. Select a duck mold that is large enough to leave as little space as possible, place the bird in it, and fill with the mixture. If the liquid does not completely cover it, add some cold water. Leave the duck to marinate for the prescribed time, turning every 10-12 hours to the other side.

After 2 days, start preparing this luxurious dish. Remove the seeds from the prunes first (it will be sweet or smoked, choose according to your own desire). Rinse rice and mix with walnut and prunes. Add a pinch of poultry seasoning and a little salt. Stuff the infused duck with the resulting mixture and sew the incision with kitchen string. Rub the skin with the remaining spice mixture. Place the neatly stuffed bird in the roaster and cover halfway with the remaining marinade.

It's time to preheat the oven to 180 degrees. It takes approximately 2.5 hours to prepare the dish. When the marinade has evaporated, water the duck with melted fat about once every quarter of an hour. A few minutes before the readiness, start preparing the cherry sauce. The recipe contains vinegar and you can use whatever you have, but we highly recommend using balsamic. By itself, it has a bright and unique rich taste, and in combination with cherries, you get a luxurious bouquet of aromas that add piquancy to the dish.

So, start preparing the sauce by removing the pits from the cherries, then grind them with a blender. Leave a dozen and a half berries whole. Pour a glass of marinade, in which the duck was infused, into a saucepan, add ground cherries, sugar, a couple of tablespoons of rendered fat to it. Bring the mixture to a boil, at the end add the dissolved in cold water starch, pitted cherries set aside earlier, vinegar, then boil the sauce until thick. Now everything is ready for correct filing dishes. Take the duck out of the oven, put it on a dish, and pour the dressing into a gravy boat. On the dining table, cut the carcass along the sternum and pour the cooked cherry sauce over the cooked rice porridge. Bon Appetit!

As you can see, duck can be cooked not too intricately, but very tasty. Choose any of the above recipes and be sure that our advice and your culinary skills will make the evening unforgettable!

Duck with rice and apples in the oven - step by step recipe with photo:

We prepare the duck for baking - we remove all unnecessary fatty layers (it is already a rather fat bird in itself, and therefore we will not leave anything extra for our figures). We must cut out the glands near the tail, the so-called "tail", the extreme parts of the wing, which usually burn in the oven and have no culinary value. Make sure that there are no feathers and the remaining spinous processes from them on the skin of the duck, and lungs, hearts and other giblets in the abdominal cavity, you need to remove everything and thoroughly rinse the entire carcass under running water, then dry it with paper towels both inside and out. outside. After all the preparatory processes are done, you can rub the duck with a salt mixture with seasonings for game / poultry and leave to marinate in the refrigerator for 5-12 hours.

We will have rice as a filling, but it will not look like ordinary pilaf or rice porridge with onions and carrots. Rather, it will be a sweet pilaf, which we usually do with dried fruits. We suggest filling rice with apples and prunes, and season the whole filling with your favorite spices for rice. Since rice must retain a crumbly structure, it must first be boiled until half cooked. We wash the semi-finished rice in cold water and put it in a colander - excess moisture in the filling is completely unnecessary. The amount of rice depends on the size of the duck, if your duck is large - take a glass of dry rice, if the duck is smaller - half is enough, taking into account the added apple and a handful of prunes.

Add prunes (whole or in pieces), coarsely chopped apple cubes to the rice.

Season the rice filling with spices, such as turmeric for color and benefit, cumin (zira) to maintain the effect and aroma of real pilaf, and other delicious-smelling herbs. Mix.

We stuff the belly of the duck with rice and apples, sew it up with a thread or fix the skin near the abdominal cavity with toothpicks.

We place the duck carcass with rice and apples in cooking package for baking or wrap in foil. We place the package in a large form or a spacious duck dish, send it to an oven heated to 200 for the first 15 minutes. After the duck “grabs” on the surface from such a high temperature, we reduce the temperature regime to 180. We leave the duck for 1-1.2 hours to gradually melt the fat, the total time for roasting the duck with rice and apples in the oven is approximately 1 kg hours plus 25-30 minutes.

In order to create a beautiful shell-crust for our duck, we will use pomegranate sauce boiled with honey. To do this, take a ripe pomegranate, squeeze the juice out of it, about 100 ml.

We place pomegranate juice in a small ladle, heat it up, add honey (1-2 tbsp). With a small boil and stirring, boil the honey-pomegranate liquid. After 3-4 minutes, it will begin to thicken and caramelize - the sauce for creating golden brown ready!

When you decide that the duck is almost cooked, has given up all its fat, and the skin has become thin - it's time to start creating a delicious crisp on its surface. Open the package and lubricate pomegranate sauce the surface of the skin, periodically sending the duck to the oven.

You will need 3-5 such approaches.

We let the duck cool down a bit, open the belly, move the filling of rice, apples and prunes to a common dish, and put our beautiful duck on top.

Decorate with greens or pomegranate seeds.

Duck with rice and apples in the oven is ready!

Step 1: take carrots.

We clean the carrots with a knife and wash. Then we rub it on a fine grater. Divide the grated carrot into two halves. Mix one part of the carrot with chopped garlic, salt, black ground pepper and chopped rosemary herbs.

Step 2: take the duck.

The choice of duck depends on what goal you are pursuing. If you need to quickly cook a dish, choose a smaller carcass and with fair skin - it will be a young bird. If the main thing is a pronounced and rich taste, it is better to take a bigger and older duck. So, we take a larger duck carcass, gut it and wash it thoroughly. Rub it with the prepared carrot mixture and leave for 1 hour, can be more.

Step 3: Take the onion.

Peel the onion, then wash and chop on a cutting board. Fry the chopped onion until transparent in a pan, preheating the vegetable oil on it. Then add the remaining carrots to the onion and fry everything until golden brown.

Step 4: boil the rice.

Cook rice in a pot with 2 cups of water until half ready about 10 minutes, determining it “by the tooth”: the grains should be soft on the outside, and hard on the inside. Then put the rice in a colander or sieve to remove excess liquid. Mix the onion with carrots fried in vegetable oil with rice.

Step 5: take apples.

We take green apples, wash them thoroughly, peel and core. Next, on a cutting board, cut the apples into small 2x2 cubes and set them aside.

Step 6: stuff the duck.

We take a rested duck and through the hole in the abdomen we fill it with cooked rice mass up to half. After that, we take apples peeled and cut into small cubes and fill the second half of the duck. Next, sew up the hole in the abdomen with kitchen thread. Then lay the stuffed carcass on a baking sheet with the back down. Pour half a glass of water onto a baking sheet and put the duck in an oven heated to 200 degrees for about for 2 hours. From time to time, water the carcass with the juice formed during cooking. When the bird is browned and covered with a small crust, cover it with foil on top so that the duck breast does not dry out. You need to try not to overcook the duck, otherwise the meat will be dry.

Step 7: Serve the duck stuffed with rice on the table.

We take out the ruddy duck from the oven and remove the threads from it. serve duck stuffed with rice in the oven should be hot with vegetables, sprinkled with herbs. Bon Appetit!

Try to carefully pull out the remains of large feathers from the duck so that the skin is not damaged, otherwise the fat will be unevenly rendered, and the bird will be dry in places.

Sweet and sour apples are suitable for the filling. Ideally, it is better to use the Antonovka variety.

When stuffing a duck, sewing up the abdomen, you can use toothpicks instead of cooking string.

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