Home Nutrition How to freeze strawberries with sugar: secrets and tips. How to freeze strawberries with sugar? Freeze strawberries with sugar for the winter: proportions How to freeze garden strawberries for the winter

How to freeze strawberries with sugar: secrets and tips. How to freeze strawberries with sugar? Freeze strawberries with sugar for the winter: proportions How to freeze garden strawberries for the winter

Alexander Gushchin

I can't vouch for the taste, but it will be hot :)


Have you harvested and wondered if it is possible to freeze strawberries for the winter? As for fruits, there are several recipes for harvesting these berries for the cold season. They can be used whole or crushed. Learn the recipes below for how strawberries are harvested for the winter without cooking.

How to freeze strawberries

The benefits of this berry are to rejuvenate the body, remove bad cholesterol and normalize blood pressure. It is recommended to use it for diseases such as:

  • hypertension;
  • atherosclerosis;
  • avitaminosis.

The main advantage of freezing fast cooking. If you are tired of making jam or compote, but you want to save the harvest, then this option is ideal. At the same time, much more vitamins are preserved than in jam. Before you freeze strawberries for the winter, you need to properly collect them. The optimal time is the height of ripening, and in the morning and not after rain. Then you need to sort through the crop, separating only dense specimens.

The last stage of preparation will be washing, removing "tails" and other debris. To dry, you need to put the berries on a napkin. As for the freezing temperature, the optimal value is from -18 to -23 degrees. In such conditions, vegetables, fruits and berries are stored for about 8-12 months. If the temperature is from 0 to -8 degrees, then the period is reduced to a quarter of a year. It is important to choose the right container for the future dessert. Cellophane bags or containers with lids are considered ideal. Strawberries are not as tender as strawberries, so either option will work.

The main freezing methods are as follows:

  • with or without sugar;
  • whole fruit or pureed.

When choosing a specific method, you need to consider the ultimate goal of using dessert. If you often decorate any dishes, then the shape is important and appearance. Then you need to choose whole, undamaged berries. You need to freeze separately so that the shape is preserved. When appearance does not matter much, you can simply grind everything with a blender along with sugar.

Frozen strawberries with sugar for the winter

The peculiarity of strawberries is that it can be slightly bitter. In such cases, it is recommended to rub the berries with sugar. For freezing, this option is also suitable. Before freezing strawberries for the winter under sugar, harvest and separate only mature and whole specimens. Also prepare the dishes in which you will put a healthy dessert. Such a blank can be used in the preparation of dumplings or home baking, For example, grated pie, pudding or soufflé. In addition, it is added to smoothies, cereals and milkshakes. The ingredients you will need are the following:

  • strawberries - 300-400 g;
  • sugar - 1.5 tbsp. or to taste.

To get started, empty the freezer and cover it with thick plastic. This is necessary for pre-freezing the berries. Then use the following instruction:

  1. Rinse and dry the prepared fruits using a napkin or towel.
  2. Put them in portions in the freezer, distributing only in one layer, and so that individual berries almost do not touch each other.
  3. After 2-3 hours, take out the strawberries, put them in containers or bags, pouring sugar between the layers.
  4. Send it back to the freezer shelf.

How to freeze berries for the winter in ice

There is another way to freeze strawberries for the winter. Since they are small, they can be stored on ice. Tails do not need to be removed. A similar blank is used to decorate cocktails and lemonades. In addition to berries, you will need containers for freezing ice. The list of ingredients includes:

  • strawberries - by filling;
  • cooled boiled water - also by filling.

The freezing process itself consists of the following steps:

  1. Wash and dry the crop.
  2. Distribute dry berries 1-2 pieces into the cells of the container.
  3. Fill with chilled boiled water so that its level is above the berries.
  4. Place the container on the freezer shelf in a special compartment for freezing ice, if there is one, or put it just like that.
  5. After 7-8 hours, you can transfer the finished cubes to bags for convenience.

Frozen strawberries in syrup

How else to freeze strawberries for the winter? You can make it with syrup. To prepare such a dessert, it is worth selecting dark berries with dense pulp. They will need about 500-600 g. The remaining ingredients are as follows:

  • sugar - 0.5 kg;
  • water - 2 l.

To freeze berries with syrup, use the following instructions:

  1. Boil water separately, after adding sugar.
  2. Cook until the sweet ingredient is completely dissolved.
  3. Rinse the strawberries, distribute them in containers and send them briefly to the refrigerator shelf along with the cooled syrup.
  4. Take out both components. Then fill the berries with syrup.
  5. Place open containers in the freezer.
  6. Only after a day, close the container with a lid.

Frozen wild strawberries for the winter

The peculiarity of the wild strawberry is that it is smaller than the varietal, but at the same time it has a special aroma and taste, which are acquired in natural conditions. You can even prepare such a berry in any of the ways described above. Although it is better not to suffer and make a puree out of it, and then freeze it. To do this, you only need the berries themselves. It is better to take them a little overripe, but without rotten sides. Sugar can be added if desired. The cooking process consists of the following steps.

To preserve all the vitamins and the taste of fresh berries in strawberry puree, you can not boil the jam, but simply freeze it. After thawing, strawberry puree will be exactly the same as made from fresh berries.
How to freeze wild strawberries with sugar for the winter in the form of mashed potatoes, we will tell you.

- 1 kg of strawberries,
- 300 grams of sugar.

Sort the berries, remove leaves, debris. Rinse under a gentle stream of cool water using a colander or sieve. Leave the berries for 10 minutes to drain excess water. It is important that there is no water on the berries. If you picked strawberries yourself, with clean hands, you can not wash the berries. But keep in mind that animals and the same berry pickers like you walk through the forest. Therefore, it is quite possible that the berries are not completely clean, even if the forest is far from the road.

Put the strawberries in a container convenient for whipping with a blender, sprinkle with sugar. Wait a bit for the berries to give juice. If you do not want to wait, you just have to beat the berries a little longer so that the sugar is completely dissolved.

Puree the strawberries in a blender.

Pack in plastic containers, without adding about a centimeter to the edge, close the lids. For short-term storage, you can use cups covered with cling film. By the way, you can use special molds for ice cream, and make popsicles. Only without dyes, flavors or preservatives. You can also use zip lock bags to freeze the puree. It is important that the strawberries are frozen in portions. You cannot defrost and freeze it again.

Whole berries can also be added to strawberry puree. When crushing strawberries with sugar with a blender, simply spread the berries evenly in the puree, close the container and place in the freezer. Frozen strawberry puree with sugar is stored for 9 months.

Helpful Hints:
Berries for freezing take freshly picked, which are not wrinkled and do not let the juice.
For freezing, choose ripe berries of rich red color.
Spoiled berries cannot be frozen, so before preparing, you need to carefully sort out all the strawberries.
To prepare frozen mashed potatoes, you can take overripe berries, but it is better to freeze whole strawberries with sugar with dense pulp.
You can also add whole berries to the berry puree, it will be much more interesting.
You can make strawberry puree not with sugar, but with syrup. To do this, take 300 grams of sugar per liter of water, cook the syrup over low heat until it thickens. Pour 1 kilogram of berries into them, chop with a blender.
See also how to freeze

Frozen strawberries - useful option preparations for the winter. Calories per 100 grams - total 33 kcal. When choosing a product in a store, pay attention to the integrity of the packaging. The berries should be firm, without frost. Availability yellow ice inside the package - a sign that they were subjected to slow freezing.

Strawberries can be stored in the freezer for up to 10 months. For proper defrosting, they must be transferred to the top shelf of the refrigerator on 8-10 hours. Another way is to just leave it at room temperature.

What to cook with frozen strawberries?

The section contains more than 200 examples of berry dishes with step by step recipes and photo. Among them:

  • different variations of cocktails, smoothies, shakes, fresh juices, liqueurs;
  • light soufflés, jelly, marmalades, mousses with a minimum of sugar;
  • cakes, pastries, tarts with strawberry filling;
  • culinary classics like panna cotta, millefeuille, cheesecake;
  • low-calorie ice cream and sorbets;
  • sauces for meat and fish.

Choose your favorite recipe and experiment!

At present, frozen food is gaining its popularity, the demand of domestic consumers for frozen food is only increasing. Wholesale trade frozen strawberries and various other frozen food products is a dynamically developing market segment with excellent prospects for the future. Modern supermarkets attract their customers with a variety of frozen foods. Today, everyone can easily purchase a variety of frozen foods to their liking. Many people really like frozen berries, frozen mushrooms, various frozen vegetables and fruits. Experts say that high-quality frozen berries and various fruits contain an extraordinary amount of nutrients and useful substances. Such high-quality frozen products practically do not differ from fresh analogues.

Strawberry no loss useful properties lasts 8-9 months.

Frozen berries are added to cereals without defrosting. They make excellent drinks: fruit drinks, compotes, kissels, cocktails. Berries that have been exposed to low temperatures go well with ice cream (you can make it yourself), as well as with cottage cheese desserts and with casseroles. They are an excellent base for creating jellies, mousses and sauces (the latter are by no means always prepared with added sugar). Berries from the freezer are an ideal filling for puff or yeast pies, muffins and charlottes.

Frozen berries are best stored at -18 ° C, sealed tightly.

In winter, it is better to buy frozen berries. Fresh strawberries retain vitamins and minerals for a week. In winter, fresh berries are brought to Russia from other countries, and transportation takes more than seven days. Accordingly, there will be nothing useful in such berries. If the berries were frozen by quick freezing, then up to 90% of vitamins are stored in them. After the first defrosting, up to 30% of the vitamins and minerals from the berries disappear. With repeated defrosting, vitamins will not remain at all.

Strawberries, even frozen ones, are a good protection for the body - they strengthen blood vessels, cleanse the body of toxins, and increase immunity.

If you want frozen strawberries, then first of all you must be sure of the reliability of the product supplier. Today, with a large demand for frozen products, not every supplier of these products will use expensive equipment for freezing. Also, not every supplier will conduct the necessary training of personnel in new production technologies.

Thawed berries should be consumed immediately, because they quickly deteriorate and can cause poisoning.

V frozen strawberries about the same amount of vitamin C as a fresh lemon. Freezer strawberries also contain manganese, zinc, potassium, calcium, copper, cobalt, molybdenum, phosphorus, fluorine and iodine.

Source http://howeat.ru/product/yagodi/3236

Fresh frozen strawberries: properties

Calories: 36.9 kcal.

fresh frozen strawberries- the most common and most popular berry in our latitudes. The name of this berry comes from the Latin word "fragaria vesca" and translates as fragrant. Strawberries are actually the common name for false strawberries. Strawberries were grown many years ago, it was a plant with fragrant berries. Nowadays, strawberries are much less common. Instead, garden strawberries are grown, which are mistakenly called strawberries. Garden strawberries were brought by sailors from America, and real strawberries are musky strawberries, which are not grown in gardens. In this way, what is commonly called a strawberry is actually a garden strawberry.

You can buy fresh-frozen strawberries in the supermarket or prepare them yourself. In order to get fresh-frozen strawberries, you must first choose a quality berry. A pleasant aroma should come from it. Natural strawberries, if they have not been treated with chemicals, should leave traces of juice on the dishes in which they are stored. Strawberries are very poorly stored, so it is recommended to process them within 5 hours after picking. Strawberries should be very carefully washed and dried on a towel. After the strawberries are placed in the refrigerator, and after a while they are transferred to the freezer. So the berry will not lose its appearance and taste.

Beneficial features

Useful properties of fresh-frozen strawberries are due to its composition, which is not much different from the composition of fresh berries. Strawberries are rich in sugars, pectins, flavonoids, folic acid, and iron. It contains organic acids such as quinic acid, glycolivate, malic. This berry is very rich in iron salts, which are well absorbed by the body and reduce the risk of anemia. Strawberries are also rich in vitamin C, which improves the body's defenses and is responsible for the absorption of iron.

Freshly frozen strawberries are an excellent source of phosphorus and calcium, which are essential for healthy teeth and bones. The antioxidants that this berry is rich in cleanse the body and protect cells from oxidative reactions. Strawberries will be useful for pregnant women, it helps to avoid swelling, get rid of excess fluid. The pectin substances that it contains normalize intestinal motility.

Also, fresh-frozen strawberries are great for diversifying your diet. The calorie content of the berry is 30 kilocalories per 100 g of product. The low calorie content of strawberries, combined with the vitamins and minerals they contain, will be a real boon for people who are trying to lose weight. There is even a special strawberry diet. The berry is very useful in itself, besides, it has a laxative effect.

Use in cooking

In cooking, fresh-frozen strawberries are used to make cocktails, punches, cakes, as well as to decorate them. Especially often this berry is used in winter, when it is rare to find fresh strawberries on sale. Freshly frozen strawberries can be used to make yoghurts, jams, purees.

This flavorful ingredient can be used to make strawberry punch. It will require 750 ml of white rum and sparkling dry wine, 750 ml of apple juice, lime, tangerine, 1.5 kg of fresh-frozen strawberries, 10 g of rosemary, 1.125 g of sugar, 1.5 kg of crushed ice. To begin with, using a blender, beat the strawberries with sugar and apple juice. Next, the bowl is filled 2/3 with ice, the puree obtained in the blender is added, rum and wine are poured. Put sliced ​​lime and tangerine into the bowl, mix the whole drink. Punch is poured into rocks, decorated with a sprig of rosemary.

Freshly frozen strawberries, which are an excellent dessert in their own right, are very often used for decorative purposes. Freshly frozen berries decorate biscuits, cakes, ice cream. You can also make a strawberry smoothie. In this case, strawberries are combined with bananas: this is how the drink turns out to be thick and fragrant. In a blender, mix freshly frozen strawberries and chopped banana, add 1 tbsp. l. orange concentrate and 1 cup vanilla milk. Whisk all ingredients in a blender until smooth, serve in cups.

It is not recommended to defrost strawberries: as they will lose their taste and shape and become like porridge. Freshly frozen strawberries are used to make fillings for pies, drinks, and also to decorate fruit salads.

The benefits of freshly frozen strawberries and treatment

The benefits of this berry have long been known traditional medicine. Strawberries are recommended for anemia, atherosclerosis. Fresh-frozen strawberries are indicated for seasonal beriberi. In addition, it has a detrimental effect on pathogens of intestinal infections, as well as influenza and streptococcus viruses.

The iodine contained in this berry is needed by the body to normalize metabolic processes. Strawberries are used in Graves' disease. Freshly frozen strawberries contain organic acids that neutralize carcinogens when smoked.

Harm of fresh-frozen strawberries and contraindications

The product can cause harm to the body in diseases of the stomach: ulcers, gastritis. Berries contain many small seeds that irritate the mucous membrane. Also, in moderation, fresh-frozen strawberries should be consumed for gout, high blood pressure, and a tendency to allergic reactions.

Source http://xcook.info/product/svezhemorozhenaja-klubnika.html

A storehouse of useful properties and minerals, strawberries are rightfully considered. This berry has long been accustomed to the diet of our ancestors, and was a favorite delicacy for young ladies and children. The benefits of strawberries are invaluable even by modern standards, although many still underestimate them. In this article, we will talk about what strawberries are fraught with, the beneficial properties and harm that they have, and how important it is to use them during the ripening period.

plant description

A berry growing in country beds is called a flattering strawberry, or a garden strawberry. There are many varieties and types of strawberries, but all of them, without exception, are very useful. It is useful for adults, and for children, and for the elderly.

It is noteworthy that strawberries ripen earlier than other berries and fruits. Usually, the beginning of ripening falls in mid-May, but already at the beginning of this month, fresh strawberries can be found on the shelves. There are varieties of strawberries that continue to bear fruit all year round. The use of this berry leads to the restoration and strengthening of immunity. Due to its low calorie content, strawberries can be consumed by everyone without exception.

Benefits of strawberry jam

Many are made on the basis of strawberries. healthy treats and dishes. They make jam from it, the use of which in winter becomes very, very handy. Specially prepared jam can also be low calorie without affecting sugar levels and helping to relieve stress.

During the reception, strawberries stimulates the production of happy hormones, which leads to a good mood and a cheerful state of health. Endorphins are stimulated, thereby optimizing the metabolic process. Together with strawberry jam, serotonins enter the body, contributing to the normal functioning of the intestines.

Jam ensures the proper functioning of the genital organs, has a positive effect on the brain, and is useful for high physical activity. Thus, this delicacy will be a great substitute for fresh berries and unhealthy sweets for children and adults.

The benefits of strawberry compote

Another delicacy is strawberry compote. Tasty, healthy drink has all the same properties as jam or fresh berries. Due to dilution with water, the amount of vitamins and minerals is reduced, but still remain within reasonable limits. Moreover, such compotes are usually mixed with other berries and fruits, resulting in a very tasty drink.

Strawberry compote is low-calorie, it will be useful for those who have problems with sugar in the body. To increase immunity in winter, you can make an excellent drink from freshly frozen berries, which will be both tasty and healthy.

Benefits of frozen strawberries

Another option for storing / preparing strawberries is freezing. Frozen strawberries have all the same properties as fresh berry. The difference is more low calorie. But for this you need to properly freeze the strawberries. To do this, you need to rinse the strawberries so that they are clean, dry them so that no ice drops form on them when frozen, and only then proceed to freezing.

Useful composition of strawberries

So, what valuable trace elements and substances are fraught with strawberries? According to the study of the berry, it includes:

  • vitamins of different classes and groups ("C" and group "B", as well as "E" and "D");
  • fiber and pectins;
  • fatty acids and iodine;
  • minerals and trace elements.

These components are present both in fresh berries and in frozen ones. Therefore, it is possible to correct the body and tighten the immune system in winter with the help of berries and fruits, including with the help of frozen strawberries.

The calcium and iron included in the composition stimulate the growth of bone tissues, promote rapid regeneration of epithelial cells, and warn against micro-ruptures. The leaves of the berry also have useful properties. Based on them, you can prepare a valuable vitamin tea, since it is there that minerals are contained in their pure form. Among the substances that are still present in strawberries, it is worth highlighting tannin, agrimonin, flavonoid and proantiocyanil.

Are strawberries harmful?

This question is often heard on forums and in news discussions. Of course, like any other natural product, strawberries have several disadvantages. First of all, it is individual intolerance. A person feels discomfort and burning, as a result of which he stops using it.

Also, consuming a lot of strawberries for people suffering from gastric diseases is contraindicated. Small doses won't do any harm. It is not recommended to take strawberries while taking medication for high blood pressure. This can put pressure on the kidneys. Remember that you need to plant strawberries as far from the road as possible. The berry perfectly absorbs substances and metals from the environment, so this can cause poor-quality, harmful berries.

Source http://www.poleznye-produkty.org/publ/jagody/polza_klubniki_dlja_zdorovogo_organizm/8-1-0-308

Spring is characteristically associated with the sun, greenery and, of course, strawberries. fragrant berries every year at the end of spring they relentlessly delight with their appearance.

The following useful properties of the product can be distinguished:

  • antioxidants in strawberries give the skin elasticity, making it supple;
  • folic acid, contained in excess in the berry, will serve as an excellent assistant to the reproductive system;
  • when eating strawberries, metabolism improves;
  • berry stimulates memory;
  • strawberries, thanks to salicylic acid, also act as an anti-inflammatory agent;
  • due to the large amount of acids and low calorie content, berries are very popular during diets.

The main disadvantage of strawberries is the strong allergenic properties of the product, which is why it should be introduced into the menu gradually, observing the reaction of the body. For the same reason, you need to be careful when using berry-based body masks.

People with high blood pressure are advised to limit the use of berries. In combination with medications, it puts a lot of stress on the kidneys, which negatively affects the general condition.

It is also worth noting that you should never eat strawberries on an empty stomach. Due to the high content of fruit acid, problems with the gastrointestinal tract can occur.

The benefits and harms of frozen strawberries for the health of the body

Despite popular belief, frozen strawberries almost do not lose the vitamins they contain. In winter, frozen berries will help to quickly boost immunity and cope with a cold. This is due to the excess of vitamin C, which in 100 grams of strawberries contains 6 times more than in one medium orange.

Strawberries after a quick freeze remain useful for the prevention of stress, have a calming effect.

Seasonal frozen berries are many times more useful than their year-round greenhouse counterparts.

Frozen berries also have some disadvantages:

  • with improper freezing, most of the vitamins can be lost;
  • before use, it must be well thawed, otherwise the risk of inflammatory processes in the throat increases;
  • from low temperatures, allergenic properties do not disappear.

The benefits and harms of dried strawberries

Dried berries have always been in demand due to the preservation of almost all vitamins in them, lightness and shelf life. This strawberry can be added to tea and various desserts. Due to the absence of excess liquid, dried berries are considered more saturated and healthy.

It is recommended to reduce the risk of developing depression associated with dullness outside the window, eat 2-3 dried berries per day. Dried strawberries also nourish the brain with oxygen, which has a beneficial effect on its functions. The product improves blood circulation and is an indispensable assistant in the formation of new blood cells.

The disadvantages of dried berries include a high sugar content in the composition, so it is better for people with diabetes to refuse such a delicacy.

The benefits and harms of dried strawberries

Dried strawberries are a great alternative to fresh ones. Vitamins in it not only do not "die", but enhance their properties. So the dried berry has the effect of:

  • antipyretic;
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • diuretic;
  • antiviral;
  • antiseptic.

Strawberries have a beneficial effect on the functioning of the bronchi and lungs. It is recommended for use by smokers seeking to get rid of a bad habit. To do this, you need to take infusions on dried fruits every day.

In dried form, strawberries increase the content of vitamin B9, which is responsible for the functioning of the hematopoietic system. This is undoubtedly good news for people suffering from anemia.

Of the significant harmful properties of dried berries, the following stands out:

  • if used incorrectly, there are problems with clogging of the rectum;
  • not recommended for people with hypersensitivity to fruits.

The benefits and harms of strawberries with milk

Strawberries pair perfectly with dairy products. It is often mixed with milk in the form of cocktails. It has long been proven that milk neutralizes the harmful effects of strawberry acids on the gastrointestinal tract. Therefore, people with stomach problems, especially with peptic ulcers, are advised to use the berry in combination with milk.

When mixed, these two components enhance each other's beneficial properties and the absorption of the vitamins contained in each. So, in winter colds It is useful to drink hot milk with strawberries. The berry will eliminate inflammation, and milk will relieve the symptoms.

Harm from such mixtures can only be in the individual intolerance of individual components.

Harm and benefits of strawberry leaves

Strawberries, as a plant, are in some way waste-free. Decoctions of dried leaves are considered very useful, stems and flowers are also often used. Useful properties of strawberries are manifested in:

  • reduced immunity;
  • treatment of digestive disorders;
  • relieving pain in the joints;
  • lack of calcium and vitamin C in the body;
  • pregnancy.

However, experts from Harvard argue that the tannins in the composition can dramatically inhibit the absorption of iron. This leads to the likelihood of anemia and miscarriage in women. It is also noted that with an allergy to berries, with a probability of 80%, the body will not accept decoctions from the leaves.

The benefits and harms of strawberry jam

Strawberry jam is not only a favorite delicacy since childhood, but a storehouse of useful substances. Jam is often used in the fight against vision problems and eye infections. Also Strawberry jam contributes to the reduction blood pressure, saturates the brain with oxygen and stabilizes the nervous processes in the body.

A similar dish is used to prevent the development of cancerous tumors. It helps to remove harmful substances from the body and get rid of salts accumulated in the joints.

Among the negative effects of jam, its increased calorie content is noted. Therefore, while following a diet, it is recommended to strictly monitor the amount of product consumed. Also, due to the huge sugar content, jam is completely unsuitable for people with diabetes.

The benefits and harms of strawberries with sour cream

Strawberries with sour cream or cream are a symbol of romance, marital intimacy, and for good reason. Strawberries in themselves have a beneficial effect on potency in men, keep reproductive abilities in good shape. And the cream in this situation plays the role of an assistant in assimilation, helping not to irritate the stomach.

A similar mixture is often prepared for children to strengthen the immune system and the body as a whole. Pregnant women are also recommended to eat strawberries with sour cream. In combination, these two products complement each other and smooth out the negative properties.

It must be remembered: mixed products must be fresh and good quality. If at least one of the components is spoiled, the dish should not be eaten.

Among the negative properties of this combination, only individual intolerance to the components of the dish is noted.

The strawberry season does not last long, as a result, many housewives prefer to harvest berries for future use. One of the most common options for preserving the beneficial properties and structure of fruits is freezing. The procedure can be performed in many ways, so the technology is not difficult. Recommendations are considered especially valuable in cases where strawberries are not bought, but collected from their own beds. Consider the current methods in order, give practical recommendations.

Preparing dishes for freezing strawberries

  1. If the goal is to get a lot of small servings, use plastic disposable cups or yoghurt containers (volume 100-150 gr.). Also cheap and simple option storage are dense plastic bags or cling film.
  2. Some housewives prefer to freeze strawberries in containers for heating food in the microwave. Plastic dishes with lids have a different volume (from 100 gr. to 2 kg.), so it will not be difficult to choose the right container. This option is considered optimal, since plastic dishes are easy to use and compact enough (containers with strawberries can be stacked).
  3. Regardless of the type of container chosen, it is important to consider the fact that all molds must be clean. Remove food debris and foreign smell in advance (it can be removed lemon juice). At the same time, strawberries are laid out exclusively in dry dishes / bags.

Preparing strawberries for freezing

  1. Particular attention is paid to washing the berries. The procedure must be carried out correctly, otherwise the strawberries will absorb the liquid and become loose. Send the berries to a colander, then lower them several times into a basin of water room temperature. Drain the liquid with debris, repeat the steps again. After that, spread the berries on a cotton towel, leave to dry completely. Do not use paper towels or the softened paper will stick to the surface of the strawberries.
  2. As for harvesting, if possible, pick the berries in the morning hours before the dew appears. It is at this point that the berries are dry and juicy. It is also possible to collect after the heat decline (18.00-19.00 hours). Refuse to pick berries in wet weather or in the scorching sun, otherwise, after freezing, the fruits will become loose.
  3. If you use berries from your own garden (recently harvested) for freezing, it is not necessary to wash them. Blow the fruits with cool air from a hair dryer, and then proceed to the procedure. Strawberries remain “alive” for 3 hours after picking, washing will remove the protective film that prevents the growth of bacteria.
  4. In the case of a purchased composition, washing is required. After wet processing and drying, you can tear off the tails, then sprinkle the areas of separation with sugar. Such a move will preserve the aesthetic appearance of the fruit and prevent weathering.
  5. If you plan to dry freeze your strawberries, opt for dark red varieties. As a rule, these include a hybrid with strawberries. You should not use dry freezing on juicy, early, fresh (just picked) fruits.
  6. To later enjoy the taste of strawberries, it is important to defrost them correctly. If possible, carry out the manipulations in a natural way, do not use the microwave. Send frozen fruits to the bottom shelf of the refrigerator, wait for thawing.

Method number 1. Freezing Whole Strawberries

  1. To begin, rinse the berries, move them to a towel, wait 1 hour until the liquid drains completely. In cases where the strawberries are from a summer cottage, skip this step.
  2. Freezing will be carried out in bags, but berries should not be allowed to stick together. Put a plastic bag on a cutting board (you can wrap it with cling film), put the berries a short distance from each other.
  3. Try to arrange the strawberries in rows so that the freezing is even. If possible, sort the fruits by placing large to large, and vice versa.
  4. Send the cutting board with lined strawberries to the freezer, leave for 1 hour. After the allotted time, remove the bag from the board so that the fruits are inside.
  5. Spread the berries throughout the cavity of the bag to save space in the chamber. Tie up, place the product in the freezer. Freeze the second and subsequent portions in the same way.

Method number 2. Freezing crushed strawberries

  1. Many housewives prefer to freeze strawberries in the form of puree. After defrosting, the composition can be added to fruit compote, desserts, sauces, etc. On the basis of crushed fruits, everyone’s favorite is prepared milkshake, so it makes sense to consider the technology in more detail.
  2. A feature of the procedure is that the berries are ground with sugar, so the puree is sweet. First, wash the fruits and leave them on a towel to dry.
  3. After that, send the berries to the blender bowl, add honey or sugar to taste, grind the composition. Prepare food containers, pour strawberry puree over them, send them to the freezer.
  4. It is not necessary to cook strawberries with sweeteners, some prefer to crush and freeze them without adding sugar / honey. It all depends on personal preference. If possible, choose a container that fits only 1 serving.

Method number 3. Freezing strawberries with sugar

  1. Fruit preparation is similar to the previous freezing methods. Rinse and dry the berries, take plastic containers. The volume is unimportant, the fruits will be folded in one piece.
  2. Wrap a flat dish or cutting board in cling film and place the strawberries on the prepared surface. Place in the freezer for 45-60 minutes while rinsing and drying the containers.
  3. After freezing, remove the fruits, put them in containers, alternating with granulated sugar. The amount depends on personal preference. Upon completion of all manipulations, send the strawberries to the freezer.

Method number 4. Freezing strawberries in syrup

  1. One of the most common options for freezing strawberries is a combination of fruits with sugar syrup. The berries are filled with liquid, then sent to the chamber.
  2. First, prepare the fruits. Wash each strawberry, then lay it out on a cotton towel. Leave for 1.5-2 hours until the moisture is completely gone.
  3. At this time, start cooking the syrup. Pick up a heat-resistant container (for example, a saucepan), pour in 850 ml. filtered water. Bring the liquid to the appearance of the first bubbles, reduce the power to a minimum.
  4. Pour in 275 gr. granulated sugar (preferably cane) or thick honey, mix. Add 30 ml. lemon juice (or 3 grams of acid). Simmer the mass until the grains are completely dissolved.
  5. Place the berries in a container, pour the syrup that has cooled to room temperature over the strawberries. Cover with a lid, leaving a small opening. Freeze for 10 hours, then seal tightly and store in the freezer.

Method number 5. Freezing strawberries in ice briquettes

  1. The option of freezing berries is suitable for people who plan to have an incendiary party (ice cubes are added to alcoholic or non-alcoholic cocktails).
  2. The final product looks like this: you see strawberries wrapped in ice, while the shape is a square or rectangle (depending on the ice cells).
  3. Boil syrup from 600 ml. purified water and 450 gr. granulated sugar (you can replace 350 gr. honey). You should get a mass of caramel color, moderately thick.
  4. After that, prepare ice molds with large cells. Some housewives use a plastic egg holder, in which case the ice will turn out in the form of a hemisphere.
  5. Put one washed and dried strawberry in each compartment, fill with syrup. Fill the entire mold in the same way. Send the contents to the freezer.

Consider freezing whole or mashed strawberries. Prepare the berries with sugar syrup or honey, pack the fruits in ice molds. Prepare smoothies, pies, milkshakes, use the workpiece as an independent dish.

Video: how to freeze strawberries

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