Home Drinks and cocktails Strawberry jam with whole berries for five minutes. Strawberry jam "Five minutes" for the winter. Without a secret, jam is not jam

Strawberry jam with whole berries for five minutes. Strawberry jam "Five minutes" for the winter. Without a secret, jam is not jam

Strawberry jam "Pyatiminutka" is an easy, fast and simple way to preserve strawberries. Minimal processing and short-term thermal exposure not only simplify the harvesting process, but also allow you to save most of the vitamins, as well as the fresh taste and aroma of berries for a long time.

Such conservation requires minimal preparation efforts, because the entire process of preparing, processing and harvesting berries takes no more than 15-20 minutes. In terms of taste characteristics, such jam surpasses any industrial preservation.

The taste and aroma of this jam will decorate any, even the simplest dish, for example, oatmeal or yogurt, pancakes and hash browns. Thanks to minimal processing, strawberries perfectly retain not only taste and aroma, but also color and shape, which makes it possible to use such jam in the preparation and decoration of desserts, pastries and cakes, and sweet strawberry syrup can be an excellent impregnation for cakes, the basis for sauces, jelly and a variety of drinks.

In general, let's figure out how to cook Five Minute Jam with whole strawberries ...

Prepare the ingredients according to the list. There are several options and ratios of the proportions of ingredients.

First: for harvesting 1 kg of strawberries, 0.5 kg of sugar is used. Second: the ratio of proportions is 1:1. With this method, the same amount of strawberries and sugar is used. The jam in this version is sweeter, the syrup is more concentrated. This jam is less sensitive to temperature conditions and can be stored for a long time.

As an additional ingredient, if desired, you can add a small amount lemon juice or citric acid.

Strain the berries and pat dry.

Sort and separate the sepals.

Laying the berries in layers, sprinkle with sugar. Add lemon juice if desired.

Leave the berries to infuse for several hours until the berries release their juice. The process occurs naturally and usually takes 3-5 hours.

There is an option for making jam, in which the berries do not insist, but immediately start cooking - this reduces the cooking time, but requires your direct participation in the process. In this case, 1–2 tablespoons are additionally added. water, and the process itself requires more attention and caution - the mixture must be carefully stirred, trying not to damage the berries, and make sure that the sugar does not burn.

Bring the mixture to a boil over low heat and, removing the foam formed on the surface, cook for 5 minutes.

Pour hot jam into sterilized jars and roll up. Turn over and insulate until completely cool.

Jam "Pyatiminutka" with whole strawberries is ready.

Today I will talk about two options for cooking strawberry jam, which is called 5-minute. I will tell you only about two, although each experienced hostess has its own recipe, with its own nuances and tricks.

But first, for those who are just starting to learn the basics of cooking and decided to try their hand at making strawberry jam at home. Why five minutes? For those who are looking for an answer to the question of how to cook it in 5 minutes, I answer right away - this is not possible. This figure does not indicate the total time during which the berry is cooked, this is the time of each stage of cooking, and there are several of them. That's why it's such a name.

Today I will tell you in detail and show step by step, with a photo, two recipes. The first classic, my mother cooks on it (and she has the most delicious jam in the world), as a rule, I cook according to it myself. But sometimes I am drawn to experiments and good recipes are also born in them, such as, for example, today's number 2.

Five-minute strawberry jam - recipe

This is the base, so to speak, the basis or principle of cooking. It definitely needs to be customized. Why? Because: 1) strawberries can be sourer or sweeter; 2) berries can be dry or saturated with water (especially if they were picked after rain); 3) someone likes liquid jam, such that whole berries float in syrup; 4) someone, on the contrary, loves thicker. That's why, take my recipe, if you cook it for the first time, test it on a small portion of strawberries and only then decide what needs to be changed: add or reduce sugar, increase or decrease the number of cooking repetitions, etc.


  • strawberries - 1 kg;
  • sugar - 1 kg.

How to cook strawberry jam "Five minutes"

  1. We clean and sort the strawberries: open the stalks, throw out the suspicious berry.
  2. Cleaned thoroughly, but carefully, so as not to crush, rinse under running water. Any dirt or rot, if it gets into the jar, will lead to the formation of mold, which means we are not lazy and do this work efficiently. We recline the washed in a colander and let the water drain.
  3. Then transfer to a large bowl and sprinkle with sugar on top. You don't need to mix it, just leave it aside. Usually I do it in the evening and it stays until the morning. As for the utensils. Ideally and traditionally, copper utensils were used for cooking jam, but the prices for it are now such that ... many, many points. Therefore, we do it easier - an enameled basin is our everything! But it is better not to take metal, it can oxidize. Stainless steel - you can, but high quality.
  4. Usually overnight, the sugar from the juice secreted by the strawberries melts, but this does not always happen. Who knows why! Maybe the berry is dry or some kind of sugar is not right. In any case, it's okay. We put it right on the stove.
  5. First on high heat. DO NOT mix, generally with a spoon, do not climb into a bowl with a ladle. Just shake it back and forth from time to time. Shortly after heating begins, strawberry juice will begin to peep through the edges.
  6. And gradually all the unmelted sugar will dissolve, turn into sugar syrup.
  7. A foam will appear and the syrup will boil. We reduce the fire, remove the foam with a slotted spoon, if this is not done, it will look ugly in the jar and it may turn out that you will not understand this foam or mold later. We detect 5 minutes from the moment of boiling. Gone - turn off, remove from the stove for 10-12 hours.

  8. Yes, the classic strawberry jam is cooked like this, a few minutes of boiling, then a few hours of standing. I usually need 3 to 4 reps.
  9. Before the last, we start preparing the jars. First, rinse well and wipe dry. Then we sterilize. There are many sterilization methods. I use an oven for this. I put the jars in a cold oven, turn it on at 150 ° C. And when it warms up, I detect 15 minutes.
  10. During this time, boil the lids and boil our jam for the last time.
  11. We pour it into hot sterile jars, cork with boiled lids. And let it cool down.

This is what this recipe looks like. It is simple, but stretched over time.

Strawberry jam - five minutes with whole berries and lemon

It differs from the first option not only in the presence of lemon, which gives a subtle, subtle taste and aroma, but also in the cooking time. Despite the fact that each approach lasts for 5 minutes, and despite the fact that there are several of them, the breaks between them are only 1 hour, and the sugar does not need to be dissolved in advance. So we can assume that this is a quick recipe.

What we need:

  • strawberries - 500g;
  • sugar - 400g;
  • lemon - 0.5 pcs.

How to make strawberry lemonade

And then, in winter, or not in winter, and when you want, we open a jar, pour it into a vase, brew a good strong tea and drink tea together with thick, delicious strawberry jam, in which berry to berry, and which smells of summer and the sun.

Bon Appetit!

Five-minute strawberry jam is one of the most practical ways to harvest berries for the winter. Fast heat treatment, which takes only 5 minutes, allows you to save the maximum amount of vitamins. Yes, and to taste, the jam turns out to be excellent, with a pronounced aroma.

The recipe for strawberry jam with whole berries for the winter includes only three ingredients. For every 1 kg of berries you will need 1 kg of granulated sugar. Here, sugar acts as a preservative that prevents fermentation, so by no means reduce the 1:1 ratio! Strawberry "five minutes" will be well stored in the basement or in another cool place. If you still want to reduce the amount of sugar, then you will either have to cook longer, in several doses, or store the finished product strictly in the refrigerator.

Apart from fresh berries and sugar, lemon juice is added to the workpiece. It extends the shelf life by acting as a preservative, and also adds a slight sourness, due to which the syrup is not too sugary-sweet. Be sure to add lemon juice. This is a guarantee that the banks will stand well.


  • strawberries 500 g
  • sugar 500 g
  • lemon juice 2 tbsp. l.

How to make five-minute strawberry jam

  1. I wash the strawberries, let the water drain. Then I remove the stems. The size of the berries does not matter. For the preparation of Pyatiminutka jam, both small and large specimens are suitable, but they will have to be cut.

  2. I pour the prepared berries into a bowl where they will be cooked. An enamel bowl or saucepan will do, as well as other non-oxidizing utensils, in particular, with non-stick coating. I leave small strawberries whole. I cut the large one in half or into four parts - since it will be cooked in a matter of minutes, it should have time to boil.

  3. I fall asleep with sugar. Gently shake off, trying not to break the integrity of the berries. I leave strawberries in sugar for 2-3 hours at room temperature so that she starts up the juice.

  4. If the berries have been cut, then the sugar crystals dissolve perfectly without additional mixing. If the strawberries are whole, then it may take more time (4-5 hours), then the pan will need to be gently shaken a couple of times.

  5. After the specified time, I put the pan on the stove. The fire must first be minimal so that the syrup does not burn. More juice will come out as it heats up. Gently shake off the pan and remove the resulting foam. As soon as it boils, add 2 tablespoons of freshly squeezed lemon juice. I boil for 5 minutes from the moment of boiling.

  6. I immediately pour hot jam into dry sterilized (!) jars. I cork with clean metal lids, turn the jars upside down, wrap them in a blanket and leave them in this position until they cool completely. The next day I transfer it to storage in the cellar or in another dark and cool place.

Five-minute strawberry jam is very tasty and fragrant. It should be stored in a cool place, protected from direct sunlight. Shelf life - 1 year.

On a note

Keep in mind that the syrup will turn out liquid. If you like it thicker, then use other recipes where you need to boil strawberries longer, in several steps.

Strawberries are the first berry from the country harvest, for many the most delicious.

In order to enjoy its amazing aroma and taste in winter, you need to make preparations and cook strawberry jam. Five minutes is the easiest and fastest way.

How to cook strawberry jam Five-minute recipe 1

For 1 kg of berries you need 1.5 kg of granulated sugar. In a large amount of sugar, strawberries do not lose their color and aroma.

Strawberries for jam need to be taken not large, even better small, so that the berries in the syrup remain intact, and the cut one will still lose its shape.

1. The berry needs to be washed, then laid out on a cloth to dry, and only then remove the tails.

2. Pour the sugar into a deep bowl or pan, because the five-minute strawberry rises high and gurgles. Add a glass of water and bring to a boil over high heat, stirring and removing the sugar foam.

3. When the syrup boils well, lay out the berries, gently stirring them with a wooden spoon or spatula. We do not reduce the fire in any case, it must be strong, the berries boil violently for exactly 5 minutes, note the time. The berries swell a lot, but they still won't burst.

4. At the last minute, pour citric acid into the jam at the tip of the knife. Firstly, it is a preservative, and secondly, so the jam will not be cloying. Turn off the gas.

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5. Turn off the gas after five minutes. Now the homemade workpiece needs to be wrapped up so that it cools slowly. To do this, wrap the lid of the pan in advance in several layers of a waffle or terry towel and cover the pot with jam.

The fabric should be on the inside of the lid, not the outside. The jam under such a “fur coat” will slowly cool down, excess moisture will evaporate and be absorbed into the towel, and the berries will be soaked in syrup.

When the jam has cooled completely, you will see that the berries have remained intact and the syrup is transparent and surprisingly bright and beautiful.

Such jam is stored under ordinary nylon lids and is practically not candied.

Little secret: do not boil more than 2 kilograms of strawberries at a time. A large amount of jam will either burn or run away.

How to cook strawberry jam Five-minute recipe 2

This method is even easier, and only 300-400 grams of sugar is needed per kilogram of berries.

Cook exactly as indicated in the first recipe.

When the five-minute strawberry is cooked, the jam should be immediately laid out hot in sterile jars, closed with sterile lids and immediately rolled up.

The jars need to be dry and warm, so it's best to roast them in the oven rather than sterilizing them in a saucepan or on the spout of a kettle.

While the jam jars are cooling, they can be covered with something not very warm, for example, two or three towels.

Such a jam is not very sweet and a little thinner, but very bright and transparent, like a viscous compote.

Whatever those who never cook jam, never cook it and believe that it is a relic, say in their defense, I believe that the house will then be a full bowl, when, along with modern trends, original rituals have not been lost, to which I include the preparation winter jams. My husband, a completely modern person, is proud of the full cellar of seamings, it is he who puts them there, along with the children. Our family loves both jam with pancakes and pastries with jam. Yes, and for tea sometimes you really want a simple fragrant jam, especially the "five minutes". After all, it is in five minutes that the largest amount of vitamins is stored, as well as substances that improve blood circulation, blood formation, improve complexion, and also help with the initial stages of depression. And how much comfort appears with each rolled up jar of jam, and how this ritual unites (preparations for the winter), when mom cooks, older children put them in jars, dad rolls up, and then you can go to the playground with the whole family. Isn't this happiness. After all, it is at such moments that the most frank and bringing together all family members are born conversations.
We offer you a recipe for delicious strawberry jam "Five Minute", now we will tell you how to cook it and roll it up for the winter.

Taste Info Jam & Jam

jam ingredients

  • 1 kg. strawberries
  • 1.2 kg. Sahara

How to make strawberry jam "Five Minute" for the winter

We clean the strawberries from the stalks, wash them in a sieve, let the water drain. And only now we transfer it to the dishes in which we will cook the jam. The choice of dishes must be approached responsibly. Suitable enamelware without broken islands, stainless steel and cast iron. The latter may make you think, but I will tell you that a cauldron is a cast-iron dish for making jam. If you have one and a suitable capacity, then I advise you to use it.
Sprinkle strawberries with sugar. Leave for 20-30 minutes until the berries give a little juice.

Then mix the berries with sugar and put on a very slow fire until the juice is released and the sugar melts.

After that, the fire can be increased, bring to a boil. Now you need to be careful, since strawberries with sugar give a lot of foam, which strives to slip out of the dishes in which the jam is cooked.
Therefore, after the jam has boiled, we reduce the fire to the minimum at which the jam will continue to boil, but not so actively.

We detect five minutes, after five minutes of cooking, our jam is ready in order to close it in jars for the winter.

Banks must be sterilized. It is possible on a sterilizing circle by the steam method, or in the oven at 130-150 degrees in a dry way. The second method is faster and more economical if you roll into small jars. We lay out the jam in jars, twist it exclusively with metal lids, the lids must also be sterilized (dipped in water and boiled for three minutes).
We wrap ready-made closed strawberry jam in a blanket until it cools completely. And only after that we lower it into the basement.

Strawberry jam "Pyatiminutka" with citric acid

Strawberries are a seasonal berry, so you need to have time not only to enjoy its taste, but also to roll up delicious sweet preparations for the winter. For picking berries, choose a fine summer day with clear skies. The collected berries will be dry and clean. Before and after rain, it is better not to pick berries, as they will be wet and dirty. Dried strawberries are fragrant and sweet. If you do not have a garden, then when buying, pay attention to the integrity of the strawberries, appearance and aroma. Having bought the right amount of strawberries, you can start conservation. Compotes, jams, marmalades and confitures from strawberries are simply excellent. Cooking jam is often easy, because mostly the berries are boiled in sweet sugar syrup and it turns out a wonderful workpiece.

Preserved strawberries are ideally stored all winter, so you can prepare a maximum of jars for future use. In order for the berries to retain their shape, strawberries need to be boiled for a short time and in several steps. For such purposes, a recipe for strawberry jam called "Five Minutes" is suitable, we will cook it with the addition of citric acid. If you are interested in the recipe, then you can immediately start cooking.


  • Strawberries - 1 kg;
  • Citric acid - 2 pinches;
  • Sugar - 800 g.


Sort through strawberries, discard crushed and unsuitable specimens. Rinse strawberries in plenty of cold water.

Drain the water and put the strawberries on a sieve to dry a little. The better we dry the strawberries, the tastier and thicker the jam will turn out. If the sieve does not pass water well, then the easiest way is to put the berries on paper napkins, the moisture will be instantly absorbed.

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Prepare strawberries for jam: cut off all the leaves and ponytails. In this form, strawberries are prepared for jam.

Cover strawberries with sugar and leave alone for several hours, moreover, you do not need to mix the berries. Strawberries will release juice, a lot of juice, and after 3-4 hours it will be possible to continue making jam.

Put strawberries with sugar in a suitable saucepan for cooking jam and put to boil over low heat.

We remove the formed foam. Repeat the cooking and cooling procedure 2 more times.

In the last stage of cooking, pour a little citric acid into the jam, stir lightly and let it boil for several minutes. Citric acid will give the workpiece a pleasant sourness, which is very small in strawberries. So that the jam is not cloyingly sweet, it is added lemon acid. Literally 1-2 small pinches and the taste of jam is instantly transformed.

Pour ready-made hot jam "Five minutes" from strawberries into sterile glass jars, fill the container to the neck, leaving a place of about 1 cm to the lid, to the top.

Roll up jars of jam with lids, cover with a warm blanket and let cool for several hours.

Strawberries make a thick and tasty jam for the winter, which will delight everyone not only with its beauty, but also with its incredible taste. Due to the short cooking time of strawberries, the berries remain intact and do not boil soft. Bon Appetite!

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