Home Meat Medlar - useful properties of the fruit. Medlar - a tree with aromatic berries

Medlar - useful properties of the fruit. Medlar - a tree with aromatic berries

Medlar belongs to the Rosaceae family, and its homeland is Southeast Asia, where this plant is very popular due to its juicy fruits and leaves, which have healing properties... There are several varieties of medlar, which are successfully grown today in the southern regions of Russia. The most valuable of them is considered to be the Japanese variety, called loqua, which is a low-growing evergreen shrub, the fruits of which are eaten raw, and are also used to prepare all kinds of desserts.

Medlar (Turkish muşmula) is a whole genus of plants, which includes almost 30 species. However, there are two main cultivated types of medlar: Germanic and Japanese. The Germanic medlar was known to mankind for over 1000 years BC. In the territories of Ancient Babylon, Mesopotamia, it was freely traded, it was transported on ships to the west to Ancient Greece and Ancient Rome. It was from here that the medlar came to European lands. Today, the German medlar grows in the Balkans, Asia Minor, the Crimean mountains, the Transcaucasus, Armenia, Algeria, Azerbaijan, Greece and northern Iran. The tree is quite picky and grows well only in dry, sunny places and on slightly acidic soil.

The German medlar has a round shape, slightly flattened along the axis with expanded sepals at the end. The fruit is small in size (2-3 cm in diameter), red-brown in color. The unripe fruit is quite hard and sour. Medlar ripens only after the first autumn frosts or after laying for a month. At the same time, the fruits lose moisture, become wrinkled, but at the same time soft and sweet.

The homeland of the Japanese medlar is the subtropical territories of China. It was from here that the plant got to Japan, and then in the 19th century. was brought to Europe. Medlar is cultivated in Georgia, India, USA, Ukraine, Southeast and South Asia and in the Himalayan mountains. This species is closest to quince, pear and hawthorn. The plant begins to bloom in the fall and the fruits ripen in the spring between May and June. They have a pear-shaped shape with a diameter of up to 10 cm. The color of the peel is orange-brown, the flesh is juicy, sweet and sour in taste. Inside each Japanese medlar there are large dark brown bones from 1 to 5 pcs.

What is useful medlar

The benefits of medlar are so great that it is hard not to notice it. The fruit is widely used in cooking, cosmetology, and medicine.

But he is especially appreciated for healing power... It is used for the treatment and prevention of many diseases, if there are no specific contraindications.

Are you really worried about your health? Then medlar should become an integral part of your diet for the following reasons.

  • Normalizes the digestive process. The benefits of the plant in the treatment of gastrointestinal diseases are simply incredible. The fruit cleanses and strengthens the body, improves the digestibility of food. In addition, when ripe, it is an excellent laxative, and unripe fruits do an excellent job with diarrhea.
  • Medlar is an irreplaceable helper in kidney diseases. It effectively relieves attacks of colic, facilitates the course of urolithiasis, and also reduces the risk of kidney stones by removing uric acid salts from the body.
  • Tea from the leaves of the plant strengthens the liver, and the seeds are a preventive measure for the occurrence of fibrosis.
  • The benefits of leaf tea have been proven in the treatment of cancer. This drink helps to eliminate toxins that provoke the development of malignant tumors. The fruit is used as a prophylactic measure against cancer of the intestines, lungs, oral cavity, as well as leukemia.
  • Medlar, like carrots, is used for eye diseases. Due to the large amount of vitamin A, the fruits of the plant help to improve vision, reduce the risk of cataracts and clouding of the lens.
  • The plant has a therapeutic effect in diseases of the cardiovascular system.
  • The fruit is good for overweight people. It reduces appetite and eliminates the desire to eat something sweet.
  • Medlar is an effective hemostatic agent.
  • Asthma and bronchitis will go away faster with the help of alcoholic tincture of the plant.
  • Medlar is considered an excellent cosmetic in the fight against wrinkles, cellulite, capillary nets, rashes.

Therapeutic use of medlar

A decoction of medlar leaves (1 tablespoon per 1 glass of water) is considered a good styptic.

Medlar helps with gastrointestinal diseases. Since ancient times, medlar has been used as a means of improving digestion and strengthening the intestines.

Fruits, especially unripe, and seeds are used in the form of decoctions for inflammatory gastrointestinal diseases, with bloody diarrhea.

A decoction of medlar leaves is also a good anti-inflammatory agent.

For colds, gargle with a decoction or infusion of medlar leaves (at the rate of 1 tablespoon per 1 glass of water).

Alcohol tincture of medlar is used to treat patients with asthma or bronchitis.

Mix 5 mashed fruits (with crushed bones), 2 tablespoons of honey and 100 g of sake (Japanese 28-degree rice vodka), leave for several days and filter. Take 100 g before meals 3 times a day. This remedy clears phlegm from the lungs and makes breathing easier. This same tincture, if slightly warmed and drunk slowly through a straw, relieves an irritating cough. And if you drink 200-250 g of this tincture just as slowly on an empty stomach, you can get rid of pain in the heart.

Use in cosmetology

The extraordinary medlar fruit has many useful properties, so it is successfully used in home and industrial cosmetology. Creams based on loquat extracts help to increase the elasticity and firmness of the skin by strengthening collagen fibers in it. Extracts from medlar leaves fight skin rashes, tone up, give the skin freshness. Medlar creams are used for sensitive skin.

Here are some homemade recipes:

  • Tonic - for its preparation, fruit nectar (250 g) is mixed with vodka (100 ml) and this mixture is used to wipe the face before applying the cream. The mixture is stored in the refrigerator.
  • Mask with medlar, camellia cream and butter. 30 ml of medlar nectar is mixed with a teaspoon of camellia oil, 1 tbsp. l. cream and soy flour. The mixture is applied to damp skin, covered with a napkin on top and fixed for 15-20 minutes. After the procedure, the remnants of the miracle remedy are washed off with lukewarm water.

The effect of the use of such funds will not be long in coming!

Culinary uses

The easiest way is to peel the fruit and enjoy its spicy sweet taste raw. For gourmets, there are also many original recipes with medlar worth trying: custards, fruit salads, preserves, jams, jellies, marmalades and compotes.

In Asia, chutney with loqua sauce is popular, as well as locally produced medlar wine. The leaves are not ignored either: in Japanese cuisine tea brewed with them is popular.

Leaf tea

Take dried leaves, cover them with water, bring to a boil and boil for another 10 minutes. You can add spices such as basil, ginger, turmeric, etc. Let the tea cool, then strain. Loqua tea has a mild, pleasant taste.

It can be effective in treating a variety of conditions, including diabetes and respiratory infections.

Homemade jam

Take about two cups of seedless pulp. You can puree it if you like. Heat 2 cups of water in a separate bowl. When the water boils, add the fruit pulp and 1 cup sugar to it. Stir until smooth and simmer until the jam is gelatinous.

Add some cinnamon or cardamom. Ready jam can be rolled up in sterilized jars and stored all winter.

Chutney sauce

Cut apricot and lokva into small slices, add cumin seeds, ginger and garlic. Season with salt to taste, add a little sugar and lemon juice for piquancy.

Growing from seed and seedling

The main difference between medlar and other subtropical fruit crops is the ability to reproduce not only vegetatively, but also by seeds. To obtain seed, only the most ripe, as well as large fruits that have been grown in our climatic conditions should be selected. The fruit contains about three seeds, which show a good level of germination under conditions of proper planting and care. Seedlings that can be grown in this way are guaranteed to retain all the properties inherent in the mother plant.

As a rule, under standard growing conditions, seeds are kept in a weak solution of potassium permanganate for a day. It is possible to grow this plant from seeds with proper care in indoor conditions, as well as in winter gardens and in open ground. When the growth of the medlar is not limited, the tree can reach a height of one and a half meters. Plant care is quite simple. When the tree reaches sufficient height, pruning and crown shaping should be performed. Depending on which growing method is chosen, a fairly compact plant can be formed.

Growing medlar from a bone is a rather lengthy process. Regardless of which fruit is used to extract the bone, it should be dried. At the next stage, the bone is scarified, which can be rubbed with sandpaper, followed by soaking in a solution of high-quality humus.

Care rules

Growing medlar is a simple process, but a consistently high yield of fruits can be obtained with appropriate care. As a rule, it is necessary to plant a medlar in the spring or in the autumn, in an area previously cleared of weeds. Bone meal, as well as complex mineral fertilizers, should be added to the planting pit.

The growing seedlings are tied to a wooden peg, which is installed in the planting pit along with the young plant. The soil around the seedling should be well crushed, and the light soil type should be mulched with compost or rotted manure. Under the mulch layer, the soil remains moist and cool.

Plant care is quite simple:

  • transplanting an adult tree is performed once every three or four years;
  • medlar is responsive to abundant irrigation with settled water;
  • preventive procedures to protect plants from damage by soot fungal infections;
  • annual change of the topsoil around the plant.

In addition, care includes top dressing with high-quality complex fertilizers, which have a beneficial effect on the growth, development, and abundant fruiting of this amazing fruit tree.

Contraindications to the use of medlar

Despite the benefits of medlar, you should not eat its fruits, especially immature ones, for those who have:

  • peptic ulcer of the stomach or duodenum;
  • inflammatory processes in the pancreas;
  • gastritis with high acidity.

With caution, medlar for children is introduced into the diet. It can cause an allergic reaction, so you should start eating them only 1-2 pieces a day.

If you decide to use beneficial features medlar in home cosmetology, then remember that there are also contraindications for these procedures: open wounds, inflammatory diseases, rosacea and eczema. And in the cold season, after applying the mask, you cannot immediately go outside.

I'm sure that not everyone knows about this fruit, and even more so not everyone has tasted it. Medlar fruit is not only tasty, but also healthy, capable of helping a person to overcome many diseases and get rid of vitamin deficiency. Sellers talk about the incredibly beneficial properties of this fruit, primarily referring to the richness of iodine in it.

There are 2 main types of medlar:

Medlar- This is a low tree 3-4 m. Fruits are distinguished by the fact that they are round, brown in color and the pulp is sweet and sour, but tart has an apple-quince taste. To make the fruits soft and ready for consumption, they are harvested only after the first frost. If there is no point in waiting for frost, they are collected and stored in a strong saline solution. In this form, they can be stored in a cool place for several weeks, and only after that it can be eaten - it acquires its own taste, and the center becomes soft and pleasant. Many describe the taste of Germanic medlar as similar to applesauce.

Medlar. This is what I ate as a child in Baku.

Japanese medlar is a tree whose height can reach 5-7 meters with a wide dense crown. The flowers of the Japanese medlar are white and fragrant. Fruits are round or oblong with diameters of about 3-5 cm. The color of ripe fruits is light or orange-yellow, outwardly very similar to apricots. The pulp is white, juicy, sweet and sour with a few brown seeds. Grown in the Caucasus, found in the wild in China. The crop is harvested in April-June, compared to the German medlar, the fruits of which become edible only after the first frost.

German medlar - and I tried this kind of medlar already here, in St. Petersburg.

Medlar is a thorny evergreen subtropical bush or tree from the Rosaceae family. Medlar belongs to the Yablonev subfamily (her brothers in the class of apples, pears, quince, chokeberry). It ripens in late spring or early summer. The bark of the trunk and branches are dark gray. The leaves are large, lanceolate, whole-edged, leathery, glossy, felt on the underside. The flowers are white or light yellow, solitary, with a strong aroma.

Leaves are oval and reach 20 to 25 cm long, up to 9 cm wide; thick, downy down and glossy on top. On large branches of the plant, the bark is grayish brown, small branches are covered with red-brown colored bark.

Painted with a light yellow color, the flowers are like panicles.
It blooms in autumn (September-October), by the spring it forms fruits of various shapes (round, spherical or pear-shaped) the largest fruits from 6 to 8 cm.

The skin is colored orange, yellow or cream.

Medlar fruit is sweet and sour, and at the same time resembles an apricot, apple and strawberry.

Medlar is a good honey plant, blooms in October-January. The fruits ripen in May-June. They are small, spherical, oval or pear-shaped, with a thin pubescent skin and juicy sweet-sour pulp, collected in dense clusters of 8-12 pieces.

Medlar, or as it is also called, nispero or shesek - a popular product in South-West Asia, in the Caucasus, they are especially appreciated in Iran, Azerbaijan, Turkey, where they have been cultivated for 3000 years. In ancient times, both Greeks and Romans cultivated medlar.

The Persians have also grown them for centuries. The loquat fruit was popular in England during the 17th and 18th centuries, as well as during the Victorian era. Today, in some countries of Asia and the Caucasus, medlar is still grown, in Japan and Israel this fruit is very much appreciated. However, in Europe it can be found mainly in botanical gardens and in the gardens of exotic fruit lovers.

The medlar was brought to Russia from Southeast Asia (the Japanese medlar is called lokva). In the wild, it grows on the slopes of the mountains and on the Black Sea coast of the Caucasus. Moisture-loving. Grows best on rocky, calcareous, podzolic and red earth soils. The culture is widespread in Georgia, Azerbaijan. In the south of Crimea and the Black Sea coast of the Caucasus, medlar is bred as a fruit and ornamental plant.

In their own way chemical composition the fruits of the medlar are close to apples. They contain up to 6.7% malic acid, 10-19% sugars, lemon acid, vitamin C, tannins and aromatic substances, pectin, phytoncides, etc. The leaves contain many tannins.

The composition of the medlar

Belonging to the same subfamily makes the medlar composition similar to that of apples and contains:

  • 0.4 g protein;
  • 0.2 g fat;
  • 10.4 g carbohydrates;
  • 1.7 g dietary fiber;
  • trace elements: sodium, potassium (266 mg), iron, magnesium, selenium, iodine.
  • fruit acids;
  • pectins, phytoncides.
  • vitamin A, C, PP, P

Useful properties of medlar

  • Surprisingly low the energy value medlar, only 50 kcal per 100 g, makes it an excellent dietary product.
  • Pectin in medlar, which removes toxins, salts of heavy metals, and even radionuclides from the body, reduce cholesterol levels
  • Fruits contain a lot of molecular water, which saturates the body with moisture. Has a beneficial effect on kidney filtration.
  • Fruit phytoncides are used in the treatment of inflammatory processes of the respiratory tract, cleanse the lungs and relieve coughing, relieve asthma attacks.
  • Due to the high content of provitamin A and vitamin C, the fruits have an antioxidant, cleansing, restorative, protective, stimulating effect on the cardiovascular system, ensuring the youth of the body, protecting against a heart attack, increasing immunity, and reducing blood pressure.
  • Medlar is recommended for diabetes. Triterpenes, which are part of the medlar, stimulate the production of insulin in the blood... Therefore, the use of medlar for diabetic children is useful: tasty, healthy, lowers sugar levels.
  • Medlar, thanks to the folic acid contained in the fruits, is indicated for nutrition for pregnant women.
  • Unripe fruits and especially loquat seeds are used in the treatment of gastrointestinal diseases and urolithiasis.
    Amygdalin, contained in the leaves of the plant and performing the function cleansing, cleanses the liver and improves its performance.
  • Due to the ability to have a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin, medlar is used in cosmetology.

Restrictions on use

  • You should control the intake of fruits with a pronounced tendency of the body to allergies.
  • For small children, start with one or two fruits.
  • Patients with gastritis and suffering from diseases of the pancreas are also advised to restrain themselves when using medlar.
  • Unripe fruits can cause stomach upset.

Medlar is eaten fresh; in the regions of its growth, jam, jams, marshmallows, marmalade, jam, compotes, juice are made from it, and from the seeds it is a substitute for a cafe.

Medicinal use medlar

Medlar leaves are useful as well as its fruits. They contain a large amount of bioactive substances that our body needs. Antioxidants neutralize free radicals, improve quality and prolong life. Triterpenes produce polysaccharides, increasing the amount of insulin in the body, which keeps the pancreas running smoothly. Amygdalin, acting as an absorbent, removes poisons and toxins from the liver. Polyphenolic compounds and glycosides destroy existing foreign cells that cause serious diseases.

For medicinal purposes, infusions and decoctions are prepared from the leaves and berries of medlar, which relieve many diseases, including diarrhea, asthma, inflammation of the upper respiratory tract and bronchitis.

The pulp of the fruit of the medlar with honey is useful for respiratory diseases. The use of this remedy cleanses the lungs, makes breathing easier, and heals a lingering cough.

For diarrhea, a decoction of slightly unripe medlar fruits is used. Method of preparation: boil unripe fruits in a small amount of water, leave for several hours, strain and take several times a day.

Ripe fruits have a laxative effect.

For diarrhea, you can use a decoction of medlar leaves. Cooking method: 2 tbsp. l. Pour 0.5 liters of water into chopped medlar leaves, bring to a boil, boil for 10 minutes, leave for 1 hour, drain. Take 1 tbsp. l. several times a day. This broth is also suitable for gargling for sore throats.

A decoction of medlar leaves (1 tablespoon per 1 glass of water) is considered a good styptic.

Medlar helps with gastrointestinal diseases. Since ancient times, medlar has been used as a means of improving digestion and strengthening the intestines.
Fruits, especially unripe, and seeds are used in the form of decoctions for inflammatory gastrointestinal diseases, with bloody diarrhea.

A decoction of medlar leaves is also a good anti-inflammatory agent.

For colds, gargle with a decoction or infusion of medlar leaves (at the rate of 1 tablespoon per 1 glass of water).

Alcohol tincture of medlar is used to treat patients with asthma or bronchitis.
Mix 5 mashed fruits (with crushed bones), 2 tablespoons of honey and 100 g of sake (Japanese 28-degree rice vodka), leave for several days and filter. Take 100 g before meals 3 times a day.
This remedy clears phlegm from the lungs and makes breathing easier.
This same tincture, if slightly warmed and drunk slowly through a straw, relieves an irritating cough.
And if you drink 200-250 g of this tincture just as slowly on an empty stomach, you can get rid of pain in the heart.

In case of urolithiasis, medlar fruits are sometimes recommended to relieve renal colic and remove stones.

Contraindications: unripe fruits are harmful for duodenal ulcers and stomach ulcers, for inflammatory processes in the pancreas in the acute stage, for gastritis with high acidity.

Medlar in cosmetology

The beneficial properties of the medlar were also appreciated by cosmetologists. When using creams, tonics, lotions containing medlar, the skin acquires a healthy, well-groomed appearance, becomes more elastic, smooth, and radiant. For sensitive skin prone to irritation, rashes, you can use the extract from the leaves of the medlar, which is enough to add to the cream. The greatest amount of nutrients in the leaves of the medlar is contained in the period from mid-May to August.

At home you can cook cosmetic mask, which contains medlar juice. Ingredients: 40 grams of medlar juice with pulp (without skin), 1 tsp. olive oil, 1 tbsp. l. heavy cream, 1 tbsp. l. soy flour. Preparation: stir juice with olive oil, add cream, soy flour, stir everything thoroughly. Apply the composition to a prepared linen napkin (with cutouts for the eyes and mouth), apply to cleansed skin of the face and neck, and fix. After 15 minutes, rinse off the mask with warm water, rinse with cold.

You can also cook cosmetic ice with medlar juice. Preparation: Mix juice with high-quality drinking water, pour into ice molds, freeze. In the morning, wipe the skin of the face and neck with quick movements. From such manipulations, the skin acquires a healthy color, becomes more elastic, elastic, smooth.

But for these procedures there is also contraindications: inflammatory diseases, open wounds, eczema, rosacea. In winter, after wiping your face with ice, you must not go outside immediately.

Medlar in cooking

Jam, jams, marshmallows, sorbets, compotes are cooked from medlar, used as filling for pies, used for making refreshing soft drinks and alcoholic beverages. In addition, sauces are prepared from medlar, which perfectly complement meat or poultry dishes. Medlar is a great addition to fruit salads.

Important! Medlar bones contain a small percentage of cyanide. Therefore, it is advisable not to store the jam made from medlar with seeds for a long time.

Jam from medlar


Medlar - 1 kg;
- sugar - 300-350 grams;
- cardamom 1-2 branches.

Preparation: Pour boiling water over the medlar, remove the skin, remove the bones. Over low heat, shaking often, cook until tender. Stirring constantly, add sugar, add cardamom, once again bring the mass to a boil, boil to the desired consistency, transfer to glass jar with lid.

Note: contraindications for the use of medlar do not apply to the use of preserves, jams, jam from this berry.

Advice: the jam will turn out to be very tender if the medlar is stuffed with nuts instead of seeds.

Chicken with medlar


- chicken - 1 pc. (weight 350-400 grams);
- medlar - 3-5 pcs. (depending on the size);
- Apple juice- 1 tbsp. l .;
- lemon juice - 0.5 tbsp. l .;
- red pepper, crushed - to taste;
- a little salt.

Preparation: cut the chicken into pieces, wash, dry with a paper towel, grease butter, rub with salt, leave for 2-3 hours. Then put in a baking dish, cover with pitted medlar, cut into 2-4 pieces, bake at 180 degrees for 45-50 minutes. Then take out 2-3 pieces of medlar and use a blender to mash. Mix mashed potatoes with apple and lemon juice, grease the chicken pieces with this composition and put in the oven for 15 minutes.

Cultivation of Japanese medlar from seeds

Seeds are planted no later than three days after extraction from the seed.

You should not expect fruits from a plant from purchased seeds, because most likely it will not give them; after eating the pulp, it is most correct to immediately plant the bone in the ground.

A mixture of peat-sand-soil, leaf and humus is suitable for germinating seeds. Seeds are planted in a pot, to a depth of 2 cm (several can be in one container) in moist soil.

The container with the medlar must be placed in a well-lit, warm place, previously covered with polyethylene.

Watering the seedlings is necessary at least four times a week. For him, take soft water (settled), use a spray.

After the sprouts appear, remove the pots from direct sunlight. It is necessary to remove the film on a daily basis in order to clean it of condensation, to avoid mold and for oxygen access.

At home, you need to wait for the sprouts for at least a month, there is no guarantee that the plant will bear fruit. A germinated plant needs an air temperature of at least 18 degrees.

When the sprouts are about 15 cm tall, they need to be planted. Seedlings that do not die during transplanting will begin to grow upward and wide. The soil for transplanting should not be acidic, and the container should not have a good depth.

Flowers on a young medlar appear in about the third year from the end of autumn, the fruits will form in mid-December. When the medlar fruit has faded, its crown can be shaped.

Transplant to open ground

One plant requires a plot of land 1.5 to 1.5 meters in size. Watering is plentiful, feeding - at least twice (summer and spring) with organic fertilizers.

If the medlar is properly cared for, it can grow and bear fruit well. For those who want to get tasty fruits more likely, German medlar is suitable.




But this miracle sprouted in my pots from ordinary seeds of the Japanese medlar:


APPEARANCE: Evergreen tree up to 6-10 m in height with almost horizontal gray-brown branches forming a real tent from the crown

LEAVES: Large, large leathery, oblong-oval, pointed, dark green

FRUIT: They resemble small apricots or large hawthorns, colored in orange and light yellow tones, collected in large clusters

Medlar is an evergreen small tree, the birthplace of which is China and India. Juicy, sweetish with a pleasant sourness, the pulp of this fruit tastes like apricot, apple and strawberry combined.

Medlar is a whole genus of plants, which includes almost 30 species. However, there are two main ones: Germanic and Japanese.

The tree grows in countries with warm climates, where the air temperature does not drop below 0 degrees, although the plant tolerates temperatures down to -15 degrees, but only for a short time.

In our middle lane, medlar is grown only as a houseplant. at home!

The Germanic medlar blooms in the spring, and the fruits ripen in the fall; loquat (or lokva) begins to bloom in the fall (October-November), and bears fruit in May-June. At the same time, the fruits of the Japanese medlar

very sweet and tasty, and in the German one with sourness - they need to be frozen before eating or taken to a warm place so that they lie down a little.

Seed method. Unlike many fruit crops, medlar plants grown from seeds retain their maternal qualities. For this, it is better to select seeds from the largest fruits of high-yielding varieties.

In the southern regions, the seeds (bones) of the medlar can be sown directly into the open ground. In regions with a temperate climate, the seedling method is used (seeds are germinated in a room with good lighting at a temperature of + 10 degrees).

Medlar blooms in the 4th-5th year; average yield from one tree is 6o-75 kg, maximum - 300 kg

Garden varieties and hybrids of Japanese and German medlar can be propagated by grafting (budding) on ​​hawthorn, y and pear.

But the most effective method- cuttings. Cuttings are cut into a length of 10-12 cm, while the leaves are reduced by 3/4. For better root formation, cuttings are treated with a growth stimulator, maintain high humidity in the room (95-100%) and a temperature not lower than +22 degrees, but not higher than +30.

On a note:

In Europe, the Japanese medlar was originally considered an ornamental plant. now it is grown as a fruit, especially widely in Israel, Italy, Turkey, where the fruits are called Japanese apples.

Medlar - home care

At home, the plant feels great in a spacious flowerpot (in summer, the medlar can be taken outside) and at the same time bears excellent fruit. Seedling care - watering, feeding, shaping, and most importantly - choosing a place with good lighting. Young plants develop very quickly. After the seedlings have formed two or three pairs of true leaves, you can transplant the medlar into a permanent large container. The soil for transplanting needs loose and fertile soil. Once the plant is transplanted, it is watered abundantly and humid conditions are created for a week. After each watering, the soil around the seedling is loosened.

During the growth period, the plant needs additional nutritional supplements (mineral and organic fertilizers). It is also important that during growth the earthen lump is always wet. And only during the dormant period, in winter, the medlar can be put on the insulated balcony, where the temperature does not drop below -2 degrees, - at this time, light drying of the soil is permissible.

Medlar prefers lands with a neutral reaction, but in general it is undemanding to soils. In the case of a groundwater table above 1 m, it is better to place it on a mound. Medlar can be planted both in partial shade and in the light, but with good light, the plant will give a greater yield.

Medlar tolerates pruning well, so you can form its crown in the form of a tree or bush. With regular pruning to limit height, a tree in a container will usually grow to a height of about 1.5 m.

In a plant grown from seed, the first flowering and fruiting occurs in the 4th-5th year.

Medlar - useful properties of the fruit

The fruits of medlar contain sugars, fruit acids, vitamins C, PP, P, provitamin A, pectins, phytoncides, aromatic and tannins

Medlar has a tonic effect on the entire body, stimulates the immune system, prevents premature aging, prevents the development of oncology, the appearance of heart attacks and strokes.

The pulp of the fruit, mashed with honey (1: 1), makes breathing easier, clears the lungs of phlegm, relieves shortness of breath, heart pain and lingering cough.

For colds, gargle with infusion of medlar leaves (1 tablespoon dry leaves per 1 cup boiling water, insist for half an hour).

Medlar- fruit varieties



Fruit shape

Fruit weight


Rounded or slightly flattened, the surface of the skin is matte, pubescent, bright yellow

Medium in size - 32 g.


Pear-shaped-oval, the outer color is yellow, with an orange tint, the surface is matt

Large variety - 50-80 g.

Prime minister

Pear-oval, orange-yellow, matte, pubescent

Quite large 35-55 g.


Oval or pear-shaped, dark yellow, pubescent

Quite large 35-55 g.

Growing medlar - readers share their experience

Guest from Turkey

Knowing that I am an exotic lover, an acquaintance last year brought me from a Turkish resort the yellow fruits that resemble a wild pear, the fruits of the Japanese medlar (lokva). They are 3-5 cm in size. They taste like a mixture of cherry and pear. Inside there are 3-4 large brown bones. I collected them and decided to plant them.

About culture

But before that, I did some reading about culture. It turned out that it grows in the south and southeast of Asia in the form of shrubs or trees up to 8 m high. The leaves are leathery above, and pubescent below.

Small flowers of the plant, collected in a brush, are also covered with a felt down. Medlar blooms in autumn, and the fruits ripen on it in late spring and early summer. The culture can withstand a drop in winter temperatures down to -10 °. In our area, it can only be grown in greenhouses or indoor conditions.

Use of medlar fruits

Jams, compotes, and wine are made from the fruits of the medlar. Due to the fact that they are very delicate, easily damaged and do not last long, the medlar is rarely exported. In our stores, I have not seen it on sale. It's a pity, because the fruits are not only tasty, but also curative. They contain a lot of potassium, which is good for the heart.

The bones of the medlar are fried, grinded and made into a surrogate coffee (decaf). Medlar inflorescences are also useful. A decoction of them is drunk for diseases of the respiratory tract.

The main thing is not to confuse

I also learned that there are two types of medlar: Japanese (the fruits of which they brought me) and German. Mine belongs to the pink family (apple subfamily). And the German (Caucasian) grows in the Caucasus. She also belongs to the pink family, but to a different genus. These are deciduous trees that can withstand temperatures down to -35 °. They bloom with white or pink flowers resembling a rose hip. Their fruits are 4-7 cm in size, similar in taste to an apple with quince.

Growing seedlings

From the bones of the Japanese medlar I collected, I chose the largest ones and soaked them for a day in a slightly pink solution of potassium permanganate. Then he planted it in a seedling box with a fertile mixture: turf, garden soil, humus and sand (4: 2: 1: 1). He deepened it by 2-4 cm. He abundantly watered the crop and covered it with foil.

After 1.5 months, sprouts appeared. The germination rate of fresh medlar seeds was high - 7 out of 10.

Medlar: leaving

At first, I shaded the seedlings from the sun with gauze. When they grew up, I dived them into pots with a volume of 2 liters. By spring, my plants reached

50 cm. I gave 3 bushes to my friends and kept 4 for myself.

When the frost was over, I transplanted the seedlings into 3-liter pots and put them on the balcony. They feel great there. In the fall, I plan to equip the room with lighting in order to provide the plants with daylight hours until 12:00. I hope to get fruit over time.

Cutting medlar

Seedlings bear fruit in the 5-6th year. But if you get cuttings of medlar, you can get fruits already in the 3-4th year.

For cuttings, select shoots with last year's growth. Cut off their ends (12-16 cm long with two buds) at right angles. Sprinkle the sections with coal dust. Cut the leaves in half and stick the cuttings vertically 2-3 cm into the wet sand. Cover them with jars on top. A month later, roots should appear. Then plant the cuttings in separate pots.

Top dressing and formation of medlar

They feed the medlar every 2 weeks: during growth and flowering with nitrogen-phosphorus fertilizers, 10-15 g per Yul, and during the formation of fruits - with a solution of cow dung (1 kg) and ash (100 g) per 10 liters of water. Water it abundantly in summer and less in winter.

In indoor conditions, plants need to be formed by pinching the shoots: for standard cultivation, lower ones, for bush cultivation, lateral ones. It is necessary to transplant the medlar up to 10 years of age annually, and then 1 time 8 3-4 years.

I will not stop looking at my medlar bushes. I advise everyone to start this culture - if not for the sake of fruits, then for the sake of decorating the interior.

Medlar - care: questions and answers

With good care, the seed medlar blooms and bears fruit in the fourth year. If the care is insufficient, it bears fruit in the third year. This is true!

Medlar is a solid tree 6-8 m high. But I have no more than 3 m - shears help. I remove unnecessary and unhealthy branches at any time of the year. As a result, I give the shape I need and get big, juicy fruits.

Medlar bears a lot of fruits. We must muster the courage and remove about half after they appear. This must be done if you need high-quality fruits, not firewood.

One normal tree with a hook will provide a harvest per year for a family of 4-5 people.

Unnecessary branches should be cut off. I always process the pruning site with garden pitch - a good, but thin layer.

I carefully tilt upright branches from the periphery.

The better the care is, the sooner the tree dies. He needs loose soil and watering once a month!

Watering away from the trunk. I repeat: once a month!

I don't touch the first flowers. The tree will decide for itself whether to keep or discard them. But the first harvest should consist of 5-10 fruits, no more.

The fruits ripen unevenly. To ripen them faster, keep them in the refrigerator or freezer overnight. And if you want to store the harvest for more than one month, pre-treat the fruits with salt water.

You can store it anywhere, just not in dampness.

Many readers ask what fruit is good for. I think when they are on your table, you will quickly decide what to do with them: syrups, juices, preserves (unless the children eat everything at once). I also make wine, liquor. Dried fruits and leaves are useful for treating asthma, bronchitis, shortness of breath, and kidney disease. I'll tell you a secret: medlar is very useful for men!

It is difficult for me to judge what fruits are sold in your market. There are several species, of which only the German medlar is unpretentious and frost-hardy.

Medlar is a deciduous tree, which resembles other fruit trees. But even on New Year's Eve, it is all in fruit!

Peter VLADYKIN, Moscow region M. KASTRITSKAYA, Cand. agricultural sciences R. Magomedsharifov

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  • Medlar has a number of important health benefits, including preventing diabetes, lowering cholesterol, lowering the risk of cancer, protecting bone mineral density, improving gastrointestinal health, vision, strengthening the immune system, and lowering blood pressure. Let's figure out what kind of fruit it is?

    What is medlar and its origin

    Medlar (nispero, shesek) is a plant native to Central-South China and Japan and is an evergreen shrub or tree 5-7 meters tall with bright orange fruits.
    Many people think that the birthplace of Lokva is China, but in fact it appeared in Japan over a thousand years ago and spread to dozens of other countries throughout Asia, the Middle East, North America, South America and the Mediterranean regions.

    How do you eat medlar?

    The fruits of the lokva are also called medlar, pear-shaped, slightly larger than those of a plum, if ripe, they are bright orange on the outside and white on the inside. Their taste is somewhat reminiscent of mango and peach. The fruit of the medlar can be eaten immediately, fresh, or can be used to make jams and jellies, as well as dried.

    Here are some recipes for using medlar fruit

    Medicinal tincture on medlar

    You'll need
    Medlar - 10 pieces
    Honey - 3 tablespoons
    Vodka - 200 ml


    1. First, wash the medlar fruits and remove the seeds from them
    2.Then the fruits of the medlar must be chopped in a blender
    3.Add honey to the resulting jelly and mix everything thoroughly again
    4.Then pour our jelly into a tumbler for a hand blender, add medlar bones there
    5.Pour in 200 ml of vodka and stir everything again thoroughly until the bones are chopped
    6.Now pour into a regular jar, close the lid and remove for a week to infuse
    7.After a week we filter through a colander, or better through cheesecloth (the more times you strain, the more transparent the tincture will be) and you can use

    This tincture is great for coughing, as it helps to remove phlegm.
    To taste, such a tincture will resemble almonds with apples and apricots.

    We will need
    Medlar - 5 pieces
    Water -1 liter
    Sugar - 150 grams
    Lemon - 1/3


    1.Wash the medlar, cut in half
    2.Put the water on the stove and add sugar, wait until it boils
    3. As soon as the water boils, add our halves of the medlar directly with the seeds and let it boil for 2-3 minutes
    4.After boiling the compote, add 1/3 lemon and turn off the stove
    5.Now we put the fruit in a jar and fill it with compote, put a couple of mint leaves on top
    6. It remains to pasteurize our compote for about 15 minutes and let it cool down, after which you can store it even with room temperature during the year

    The leaves of the plant are also beneficial. They are dried and brewed into tea, which is a popular traditional remedy in Japan.

    Poultices and ointments are also made from crushed leaves, which are applied topically to wounds and sore skin.
    You don't need to throw away the medlar seeds - they are an excellent substitute for coffee. Dry and brew.

    The composition of the medlar, its vitamins and minerals

    The varied spectrum of nutrients found in the fruits and leaves of the medlar include pectin, iron, potassium, vitamin A, vitamin C and fiber, making it highly effective in improving overall human health.

    The table below clearly shows how useful and rich medlar is in various substances and elements.

    Now let's take a closer look at the many health benefits of medlar.

    Useful properties of medlar


    One of the many nutrients found in medlar is potassium, which acts as a vasodilator for the body's cardiovascular system. By reducing tension and pressure on blood vessels and arteries, potassium can lower blood pressure and protect heart health. Potassium is often viewed as a brain stimulant due to increased blood flow to the brain capillaries, which can improve cognition.

    Prevention of diabetes

    Loqua tea is often suggested for the prevention or treatment of diabetes. Sugar levels have been shown to be significantly lower in those who regularly drink this tea. The unique organic compounds found in this drink are able to regulate insulin and glucose levels, which helps protect the body from diabetes. Also, for those suffering from diabetes, it is very important to avoid spikes in blood sugar. Drinking lokva tea in this case will also be an ideal solution.


    There are a number of antioxidants found in medlar that are beneficial to human health. Antioxidants are able to neutralize free radicals in the body, which are created as a natural by-product of cellular metabolism. These molecules with unpaired electrons can mutate healthy cells, leading to chronic diseases, including cancer. Loqua tea has been shown to reduce the risk of lung and oral cancer.

    Respiratory system

    Expectorants are important in treating colds and other respiratory infections. Loqua tea is used as an expectorant. Drink it or use it to rinse your mouth. This is very effective remedy for expelling mucus and phlegm.

    The immune system

    Medlar is an excellent source of vitamin C, one of the key components of the human immune system. Vitamin C helps stimulate the production of white blood cells and is the body's first line of defense against pathogens and also works as an antioxidant to prevent chronic disease. In addition, vitamin C is essential for the production of collagen, which helps tissue growth and repair throughout the body after illness or injury.


    Pectin is a special type of dietary fiber found in medlar, which is why the fruit is highly praised for helping digestion. Dietary fiber increases stool volume and stimulates peristalsis, which promotes regular bowel movements. If you're suffering from constipation, diarrhea, cramps, bloating, or other stomach upsets, fiber can help ease inflammation and improve your gut health.

    Strengthening bones

    Loss of bone mineral density is a serious problem for many people. This is usually associated with age and menopause in women. Fortunately, medlar has been shown to prevent the loss of bone density in various parts of the body thanks to its content of vitamins, nutrients and hormones that mimic chemical constituents.

    Circulatory system

    A high level of iron in a person's diet is essential to avoid anemia and its unpleasant symptoms. Iron is found in high concentrations in medlar. This mineral is an essential part of hemoglobin, which transports oxidized blood cells throughout the body, thereby increasing circulation. It can speed up healing, increase energy, and keep all organs working at full capacity.

    Contraindications to the use of medlar

    When we consume something in large quantities, it can be toxic for one reason or another. For example, excessive consumption of medlar extract can cause toxic myopathy, which is manifested by weakness and nonspecific pain. Contraindicated in people suffering from gastrointestinal diseases, and should be used with caution in allergy sufferers. Therefore, consume medlar and its derivatives in moderation and wisely.

    Medlar. How to grow from a stone at home?

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    The beneficial properties of medlar have been known since ancient times. People to this day use the fruit to get rid of ailments of various etiologies. Another name for medlar is the Japanese plum, lokva. In order to more accurately have an idea of ​​what benefit you will get from the consumption of fruits, we will consider the main features in order. So, let's begin.

    Composition and features of medlar

    1. Medlar is an evergreen shrub that has thorns on twigs and is strewn with large clusters. The fruits have a sour aftertaste, their pulp is tender, pleasant to eat, does not knit the tongue. In terms of taste, the medlar resembles a trio - ripe strawberries, banana, sweet and sour apple.
    2. Today, more than 30 species of this plant are known to man. Medlar is spread all over the world and is widely cultivated in personal plots. The most popular and sought-after varieties of shrubs are the Caucasian and Japanese medlar.
    3. The beneficial properties of the fruit are made possible by the composition of the medlar. So, it includes flavonoids, protein, phenolic compounds, some fats, carbohydrates, amygdalin.
    4. The fruits are not deprived of vitamins. Among them are group B, PP, A, C. Of the mineral elements, it makes sense to single out the following: iron, potassium, iodine, magnesium, sodium, zinc, calcium, selenium.
    5. As for organic acids, medlar is rich in malic, oxalic, tartaric and citric acids. It contains a lot of natural saccharides, which are presented in an easily digestible form. The shrub is not deprived of tannins, pectin, dietary fiber, phytoncides.
    6. The bark, foliage, seed and fruits of the plant are of particular value. Some folk healers claim that the leaves of the bush are much more valuable than the pulp and other parts of the medlar. They argue that unique acids are concentrated in the medlar foliage: milling, ursulic, corosolic and others.
    7. The foliage also boasts the inclusion of plant polyphenols, glycosides, carafollin. The listed substances fight against foreign bodies in the body. Studies have been conducted in which scientists have proven that foliage can fight the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV).
    8. The bush foliage has the ability to suppress the action of free radicals and remove them completely. The green part contains triterpene, which is responsible for the synthesis of sugar and increases the volume of insulin.
    9. Pectin fights toxic compounds, heavy metal salts, radionuclides. It acts as a brush that is carefully passed through the cavity of the internal organs. Despite the abundance valuable properties, medlar is not very high in calories. In a portion weighing 100 gr. accumulates about 50 Kcal. It all depends on the specific variety.

    1. The fruit is contraindicated for people who have increased arterial pressure... Medlar has a diuretic effect and thus fights hypertension.
    2. Similarly, the fruit acts on patients with persistent migraines and headaches. The fruit reduces intracranial pressure and improves the patient's condition.
    3. Medlar is prescribed for consumption by those who have the likelihood of developing a heart attack, stroke, coronary artery disease. Fruits improve the health of the heart muscle and the entire circulatory system in particular.
    4. It contains flavonoids and phenolic compounds. Together, they prevent oxidative processes, carrying out the prevention of diabetes mellitus, eye diseases, and oncological ailments.
    5. Medlar frees the cavity of internal organs from free radicals. The fruit is useful for elderly people who are at risk of developing senile dementia.
    6. Fruits can help manage diarrhea and general stool disorder. They normalize digestive processes, remove congestion, and have anthelmintic properties.
    7. Medlar increases the production of the hormone insulin, making life easier for patients with diabetes. Along with this, blood glucose levels are monitored.
    8. Organic acids eliminate cholesterol from the cavity of the blood channels, improve protein metabolism, and transform carbohydrates into energy. On this basis, the risk of atherosclerosis decreases and natural weight loss occurs.
    9. Medlar is used to eliminate small stones and sand in the cavity of the urinary system. The fruit is responsible for the correct functioning of the pancreas and thyroid glands.
    10. Decoctions, teas, freshly squeezed juices are prepared from the plant. These drinks remove phlegm from the respiratory tract, ease the course of asthma and lower body temperature in case of fever.
    11. The fruits strengthen the immune system during the period of viral infections, and also help to recover from a protracted illness. Medlar enhances wound healing, so lotions based on it are used for skin ailments.
    12. Interestingly, unripe fruit is effective for diarrhea. Ripe specimens, on the other hand, have a laxative effect and normalize bowel function. Medlar prevents food from fermenting in the esophagus.

    1. Various tonics, lotions and compresses for the face are prepared on the basis of green foliage. Such products help to eliminate dermatological problems, smooth out the relief and whiten the skin.
    2. The broth also copes well with diarrhea. To prepare a drink, brew the leaf menu in 300 ml. boiling water, let stand for 4 hours and strain. Drink 45-50 ml. 20 minutes before meals.
    3. The infusion according to the above recipe also effectively cleanses the blood channels from cholesterol, cleans the body of toxic substances, and helps to recover from stress and illness.
    4. Elderly people need to prepare decoctions and infusions to relieve painful sensations in osteoporosis, arthrosis and other ailments of this type.
    5. The powerful effect of the foliage and inflorescences of the medlar encourages people to use these parts of the bush for the preparation of remedies for colds. It's all about the ability of medlar to disinfect and relieve inflammation.

    Medlar harm

    1. There are a number of restrictions under which medlar is contraindicated. Its use should be limited for pancreatitis, peptic ulcer of the duodenum and stomach, allergies to the fruit itself, gastritis.
    2. In order not to cause significant harm to health, start taking with small amounts. Listen to the state of the body, stop taking it at the slightest sign of allergy.
    3. If you have any chronic diseases, use medlar after consulting your doctor. Do not forget that the fruit can be presented in the form of dried fruits, marmalade, jam and other forms.

    Despite the variety of loquat varieties, their chemical list remains practically unchanged. Only differs appearance and taste qualities... In order not to harm yourself and loved ones, take precautions when using medlar. Then you will definitely get all the benefits.

    Video: useful properties of medlar

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