Home Soups Strawberries with milk: cooking recipes, benefits and harms. How to make a milkshake with strawberries Strawberries and milk what to cook

Strawberries with milk: cooking recipes, benefits and harms. How to make a milkshake with strawberries Strawberries and milk what to cook


Strawberries with milk it is a real pleasure for children and adults. It will cool you down after a hot walk, saturate you with vitamins and give you a storm of positive emotions! Of course, this way you can only admire something very dear, truly expensive - a taste from childhood, remembered for a lifetime! You, of course, you know this painfully old without me recipe, but perhaps there is someone for whom it will be a real gastronomic discovery!


  • Strawberries (ripe)
  • Milk
  • I will not paint how much milk and strawberries you need, I take everything by eye. If you want more milk - pour it in, strawberries - please go to the garden!


    What can be made from strawberries and milk

    Some mothers are worried, will there be indigestion from such a dish? I will say right away that you should not worry about it, moreover, if you eat strawberries with milk, then it will help you better absorb vitamins (of course, if the strawberries are ripe and sweet).

    So, wash fresh strawberries and remove the stalks. Then cut the strawberries, or you can not cut them at all, but leave them whole! And .... ATTENTION ... fill with milk! I even know that some prefer to mash strawberries with a fork or chop in a blender, then with milk you get a kind of cocktail. But still, it seems to me that it is much more pleasant to feel a whole berry, so I do just that. But you should definitely try various variations this dish is worth it! You can even add sugar, and replace milk with kefir, cream, sour cream or even ice cream - experiment! It will be very, very tasty!

    Strawberries are not just delicious berry, but a storehouse of vitamins that can benefit the whole body. The main thing is to properly use this vitamin richness.

    Strawberry "medicines"

    Strawberries are preferred to be consumed fresh in the season, reasonably believing that fresh berries are the most useful. It is eaten straight from the bush or cold dishes and drinks are prepared by adding cream; dressed with sour cream and powdered sugar, berry soups, strawberry desserts.

    We want to introduce you to another dish that can be used not only as a dessert - strawberries with milk.

    Cooking strawberries with milk

    Don't feel like eating on a hot summer day hot soup or borscht, but you can cook a full dinner dish with our favorite strawberries. In order to prepare strawberries with milk, take 0.5 kg of strawberries, 2 cups of chilled milk.

    We wipe the fresh strawberries in a blender, put the strawberry puree in a deep plate, and then pour in the chilled milk. If strawberries are sour, you can add sugar to taste. summer soup ready! True, someone will say that this is not soup, but strawberry yogurt or a cocktail. So be it, but there is no doubt that it will be tasty, but whether it is healthy with milk is worth figuring out.

    Is "strawberry milk" bad?

    It’s not worth convincing anyone about the benefits of strawberries, milk is also considered dietary product, but does the combination “milk and strawberries” demonstrate its compatibility? Otherwise, it is hardly possible to talk about the benefits of this dish. But we can be calm: these two products act as good neighbors: they make an ideal pair not only in terms of taste.

    Strawberries with milk low calorie(only 41 kcal) and is ideal for those who watch their weight. And if you add honey instead of sugar, then the resulting drink will perfectly strengthen the immune system and have a beneficial effect on nervous system. In addition, strawberries should be eaten with caution for those who suffer from high stomach acidity, and in combination with milk, this problem will disappear.

    Finding out how strawberries with milk are useful, you should pay attention to the ratio of the products that we take for cooking. So, the more sugar or the fatter, the less dietary the resulting dish will be. Such strawberries with milk will bring little benefit, although there will be no particular harm from it.

    In addition to the fact that strawberries have wonderful taste qualities, milk shake with strawberries has numerous components necessary for the body. This berry contains vitamins and minerals, and it is good and affects the entire digestive area. If you want to combine delicious with nutritious, but also with unusually useful, then cook the most popular and not complicated recipes milkshake with strawberries.

    A milkshake is a great way to give your kids the milk they need for their growth and development. And when little naughty people refuse to drink whole milk, adults have to excel.

    You probably do not know how to make a strawberry smoothie in a blender at home, we will help you!

    1. To create this incredible drink, prepare fresh strawberries, because the berry that has been in the freezer is devoid of some positive qualities, in addition, its taste is somewhat different. If not at hand fresh berries, then it is allowed to make a drink from frozen strawberries, after allowing it to melt.
    2. Before cooking, wash and dry the strawberries on a paper towel, remove the stalks.
    3. If you follow your figure, and calorie content is important to you, take milk with a fat content of 2.5%. But a cocktail that uses full-fat milk will be more saturated and useful. Alas, a milkshake cannot be made without milk.
    4. A more whipped and nutritious drink will turn out if milk is replaced with 10% cream.
    5. IN milk drink with strawberries, it will be more effective to add granulated sugar, rather than powdered sugar.
    6. To create a milkshake, you always need to have a blender nearby, without it it is difficult to achieve the necessary consistency and overrun of the finished product. You can replace a blender with a whisk or mixer, but the consistency of the drink at the outlet will be slightly different.
    7. Scroll through the cooking process in your head in advance so that you have everything the right ingredients and fixtures. For example, pre-purchased ice cream.
    8. Strawberry milkshake will be even richer if you put apricots, pears, blueberries, cherries, or any other berry to your taste. These combinations will add a special flavor note and color to the drink.
    9. It is better to prepare a cocktail at once, without leaving it for later. Because milk has a short shelf life. A milkshake with strawberries is not a drink that can be prepared with a margin.
    10. If you decide to cook it for a large company, then take the ingredients exactly according to the calculated number of servings you need.
    11. If you don't have any fresh or frozen strawberries, make a milky drink with strawberry syrup. By the way, this a good idea for those who have a jar of former jam in the refrigerator, from which the berries have long been caught and eaten, and only one slurry remains.

    Ice cream, milk and fresh strawberry cocktail

    This drink is not difficult to prepare. It consists of a huge amount of vitamins and will be the dignity of any menu, regardless of whether it consists of a full meal with various dishes for connoisseurs of haute cuisine or plain snacks.
    To make an ice cream milkshake, you need the following ingredients:

    • chilled milk - 300 g;
    • ice cream - 200 g;
    • sugar - to taste and if desired;
    • fresh strawberries - 300 g.

    It's okay if you are making this drink for the first time, because this method of preparation will help you easily prepare a drink consisting of strawberries and ice cream. The proposed recipe is quite simple, and the drink turns out to be very tasty and pleasant in its sophistication.

    1. To begin, select juicy ripe strawberries, removing overripe or unripe berries and rinsing thoroughly.
    2. Then spread on paper kitchen towels and wait until it dries, then remove the ponytails.
    3. Place the strawberries in a blender and purée completely.
    4. Next, place ice cream on the crushed berry, pour out the milk and run the blender at the highest speed. Also, if you wish, you can put a little sugar in the future drink according to your preferences.
    5. Finally, pour the drink into glasses and refrigerate to chill.

    Honey smoothie with strawberry, milk and banana without ice cream

    Honey and vanilla will add an unusual taste to the cocktail. When adding these products, their quantity is not significant, but the taste is clearly expressed and felt in the whole component. All these products have good features, so you can safely use it and add it to your list of products useful for the body.
    To prepare 1 serving we will need:

    • a glass of milk - 200 ml;
    • banana - 1 pc;
    • medium-sized strawberries - 5 pcs;
    • a spoonful of vanilla flavored yogurt;
    • ½ or full teaspoon of honey;
    • vanilla on the tip of a knife.

    The cooking process itself:

    1. Wash the strawberries thoroughly and let them dry a little on a napkin, then remove the stalks.
    2. Place strawberries in a blender.
    3. Then send a banana, peeled and cut into rings, next.
    4. Pour milk into a blender, also add vanilla flavor yogurt.
    5. At the end of all this, place honey, but preferably no more than one teaspoon.
    6. Whisk everything thoroughly and pour into glasses. If desired, refrigerate briefly before use.

    Classic strawberry milkshake recipe

    Main Ingredients:

    • high-fat milk - 1.5 cups;
    • strawberries - 1 small glass;
    • sugar - 2 teaspoons;
    • ice cream in a glass without additives - 2 pieces;


    1. To begin with, rinse and dry the strawberries a little on a napkin, remove all the stalks and defective berries.
    2. Cut large berries into small even pieces and chop in a blender.
    3. Remove the ice cream from the waffle cup and send it to the strawberries.
      Blend lightly with a blender.
    4. In a homogeneous mass, which turned out, pour sugar and pour milk. Stir well, whisk again and pour into glasses.
    5. Crush/cut the waffle cups into small pieces, if desired. This way you can decorate the resulting milkshake.

    Some tactics and techniques for creating a strawberry milkshake

    1. In case you like it enough chilled drinks, You can put ice in the bottom of the glass.
    2. It will be much better to send ice cream to a blender after adding milk or syrup.
    3. In the case of using sweetened syrup, you do not need to add sugar to the drink.
    4. Juices or alcohol should be added in a neat trickle to the whipped mixture.
    5. Before serving, it is best to decorate a ready-made drink with a small amount of mint, or grated chocolate.
    6. It is better to dry the washed berry on napkins so that unnecessary moisture is absorbed.
    7. Do not pour too hot or cold milk into the drink. Take better slightly warm milk.
    8. For a milkshake, it will be better if you take an ordinary ice cream in a waffle cup. It's relatively inexpensive and tastes great.

    If you liked the suggested recipes, then tell your friends and acquaintances how to make a delicious strawberry smoothie at home!

    We have all heard about such a popular dessert as strawberries with cream.

    Few will argue that this dessert, thanks to strawberries, has a wonderful taste, but not many people know about the benefits and harms of strawberries with milk (cream).

    The benefits of strawberries

    As you know, strawberries are berries. To taste, this berry is not only sweet, but also has sourness, the combination of these two taste characteristics depends on the strawberry variety.

    One of the advantages of strawberries is that, due to their low calorie content (30 kcal per 100 grams), it can be consumed during a variety of diets. At the same time, the organic acids contained in the berry help to speed up the metabolism.

    Also, thanks to the same organic acids, strawberries are widely used in cosmetology, including as a component of enzyme peels.

    Strawberries contain a large amount of vitamin C and other vitamins, so it is useful to eat strawberries during periods of spring and autumn beriberi and colds. Note that five medium-sized berries contain as much vitamin C as one orange.

    Harm of strawberries

    Along with positive qualities, strawberries can harm the human body for several reasons.

    So, firstly, strawberries can cause an allergic reaction in a person. This is due to the fact that the porous surface of the berries retains and accumulates pollen particles that act as allergens.

    Secondly, since strawberries are a low plant that does not rise far from the ground, its berries can be carriers of various kinds of helminths (worms), for example, such as whipworm.

    Thirdly, organic acids, especially oxalic and salicylic, irritate the gastric mucosa, so a large consumption of strawberries in people suffering from gastritis can exacerbate the disease.

    Oxalic acid exacerbates caries, negatively affects the joints and the genitourinary system.

    Therefore, in order to eliminate the harm from eating strawberries and get the maximum benefit, it should be consumed with milk, since milk neutralizes the acids that make up the berry.

    How to store and eat strawberries

    When buying strawberries in a store, preference should be given to berries that do not have dents.

    Your own strawberry crop should be processed. When processing a berry for freezing for the winter, it must be thoroughly washed and separated from the petioles, if desired, it can be sprinkled with sugar.

    For daily use the berry should be stored without separating it from the petioles, in this case the berry will retain its freshness longer.

    In order to neutralize the acid, the berries should be mixed with milk or other fermented milk products, for example, with kefir, yogurt, cottage cheese. Strawberry lovers in their pure form are advised not to consume berries on an empty stomach to reduce irritation.

    Returning to our main question about whether strawberries with milk are healthy, we note that both the berry itself and dairy products are rich in substances necessary for the human body. Therefore, the use of strawberries with milk will benefit the body and eliminate possible harm from the acids contained in the berry.

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