Home General issues Strawberry compote for the winter without sterilization - how to roll strawberry compote for the winter - a step by step recipe with a photo. Strawberry compote for the winter How to close strawberry compote without jar sterilization

Strawberry compote for the winter without sterilization - how to roll strawberry compote for the winter - a step by step recipe with a photo. Strawberry compote for the winter How to close strawberry compote without jar sterilization

Compotes for the winter - recipes with photos

Strawberry compote, even without additives, will be very tasty and invigorating, just what you need for cold winter days. How to roll up strawberry compote without sterilization?

1 hour

75 kcal

5/5 (1)

In the summer, when the season of bright, ripe and fresh strawberries comes to an end, it's time to stock up on her winter period. Strawberry compote is a drink that even without additives will very tasty and invigorating Just what you need for cold winter days. Strawberry compote is prepared extremely simply, but the result will undoubtedly surprise you.

Ingredients for strawberry compote


Of course, the most important ingredient is Strawberry, without it anywhere. Varieties that have dense berries and a very bright color are best suited for compote. They do not allow the compote to be pale, while not falling apart and losing their shape. Moreover, many people love these same compote berries, so it’s better to choose them properly. Strawberries must be fresh and ripe, without severe damage and green spots.

The second most important place is sugar. Its amount depends both on the recipe you are cooking and on your personal taste preferences.

Compote can be prepared from several berries if you want a greater variety of flavors. Such compotes usually have a whole bunch of flavors that bring us back to a warm, sunny summer.

To enhance and emphasize the taste of strawberries, along with it, sprigs of mint, cinnamon, lemon zest are boiled.

The cooking process itself is quite simple:

  1. Sterilize the jars, boil the lids for about five minutes.
  2. Select good, ripe and whole strawberries, peel them from the sepals.
  3. Fill a third of the jars with strawberries. It is more convenient to take three-liter ones, in small ones you get very little compote.
  4. Pour boiling water over the jars to the very edge, cover with a temporary lid. The water will have time to become a pale strawberry color, after 15 minutes drain it into a separate pan. The main thing is to leave the berries in the jar, they do not need to be boiled.
  5. For each jar, allocate a separate pan, add sugar to the strawberry water and cook, stirring, only 2-3 minutes after the syrup boils.
  6. Pour the finished syrup back into the jars, roll up the lids. Turn the jars upside down, wrap in some kind of warm blanket or blanket and let cool.

Now compote can be stored until the winter and longer, can be left in room temperature on a shelf or mezzanine.

If you want a fresher taste, add mint leaves or lemon zest to the jar along with strawberries. If desired, it can be removed before closing the jars, the mint will already have time to transfer its flavor to the compote.

Many winter preparations vegetables and fruits is a long and laborious process. But not this strawberry compote recipe. You can make fragrant homemade strawberry preparation according to this recipe quickly and without hassle.

I noticed, it took me an hour and a half to prepare seven three-liter jars of delicious and useful compote from strawberries. While it's strawberry season, try making my no-hassle compote. My recipe, with step-by-step photos taken, will help you with this.

Ingredients for seven cans of three liters:

  • strawberries - 2.1 kg;
  • granulated sugar - 1 kg 750 gr;
  • citric acid - 7 tsp

How to close strawberry compote for the winter

We need to cut the washed ripe berries in half, if large, then into four parts. Cutting the berries, we kill "two birds with one stone": chopped berries give their flavor to the compote better and, since we will cook the compote without sterilization, we need the berries to steam as well as possible.

While you are cutting the berries, you can safely put water to boil to pour the compote. I usually measure water by the number of bottles (2.7 liters per 3-liter bottle) and boil it in large saucepan.

At the same time, you can already sterilize the seaming lids.

When the strawberries are cut, you need to weigh and take 300 grams of berries. I have so many strawberries fit in such a cup as in the photo.

Yours may be a different container. Choose the right size container and use it to measure the right amount. Thus, for each bottle of compote, it is not necessary to weigh the strawberries. You will simply measure, pouring a full measure.

Sugar per bottle will require 250 grams. It is also more convenient to measure it with a measuring cup.

Citric acid per bottle is one teaspoon.

And so, I usually keep the bottle over a boiling kettle until the bottom of the bottle cannot be touched (hot). If you are banks in some other way, then do this process in a way that is convenient for you.

I quickly pour a berry into a hot steamed bottle, then sugar, citric acid and pour boiling water to the top.

Quickly roll up the strawberry compote with a sterilized lid. We take the rolled bottle with a towel, and shake it vigorously until the sugar dissolves.

After that, wrap the workpiece with a blanket for 5-6 hours.

Strawberry compote is obtained not only in a pleasant pink-coral color, moderately concentrated, but also very fragrant and tasty. As you can see, without sterilization, a drink for the winter can be prepared quickly and for a long winter with pleasure to drink and treat everyone with a glass or two of strawberry compote.

Compote from fresh berries and fruits, will delight not only with summer flavor notes, but also with benefits. For example, strawberry compote for the winter will be much tastier and healthier than purchased juices and drinks, because it preserves the vitamins of natural berries. We offer one of the most delicious, light, economical and simple recipes making homemade strawberry compote.

How to make strawberry compote for the winter, a simple recipe


  • fresh strawberries - 1200 gr;
  • granulated sugar - 500 gr;
  • water (preferably filtered) - 5 liters.


  1. Put the water on the fire, it should boil.
  2. Prepare strawberries: rinse thoroughly and remove stems. In some recipes, it is suggested not to wash the berry, but practice shows that even the cleanest-looking strawberries, when washed, give a dirty residue, which will then creak on the teeth. In addition, if microbes get into the jar along with the dirt, it runs the risk of exploding.
  3. Prepare jars: hold over steam for 5-10 minutes, boil the lids. From the indicated amount of strawberries, 3-4 three-liter jars of ready-made compote are usually obtained. It depends on the desired concentration of the drink.
  4. Pour strawberries into jars. The berry should occupy about a third of the capacity. For a more pronounced strawberry flavor, you can put more, but then you get less cans, respectively.
  5. Pour boiling water over berries. Approximately 2 cm should remain to the edge. Leave the strawberries for 10 minutes, then drain the water. You need to decant carefully, using special covers or potholders, because. banks are very hot.
  6. Add sugar to the container with the expressed liquid. It is advisable to adjust its amount to taste, because. the amount of sugar given is the average. Some add more, some less.
  7. Bring to a boil and boil for 2-3 minutes, then pour the boiling syrup into jars. The fire should not be turned off until all the syrup has been spilled.
  8. Roll up the finished jars with lids. Put in a warm place upside down and wrap. After a day, turn the jars over and wait for complete cooling, after which you can move the finished compote to the cellar or pantry.

This is a recipe for a classic strawberry compote for the winter. You can drink it both hot and chilled. You can experiment with taste by adding raspberries, mint, citric acid, blueberries, orange and lemon zest, cinnamon. Black currant gives a very good combination with strawberries. If for some reason it is not possible to use fresh berries, frozen ones are also suitable for compote. But in this case, it is desirable to pre-boil it.

  • For compote, it is better to take small homemade strawberries. It is usually sweeter and has a lower cost.
  • The consistency of the berries should be dense, otherwise the strawberries will wrinkle during processing and may turn into porridge.
  • Before use, it is advisable to inspect each berry: sometimes the earth may remain in the holes even after washing. One such strawberry with a "surprise" can ruin a whole jar of compote.
  • If the last jar did not have enough syrup, you can add boiling water. It is always better to take water with a margin, because. strawberries when interacting with hot water tends to shrink in size.
  • For compote, you can use more sugar, then it will be more concentrated and can be diluted with mineral or plain water. This trick allows you to use fewer cans, which will take up less space.
  • To prevent the lids from rusting by winter, the room where the jars are stored should not be damp.
  • It is advisable to store strawberry compote for no longer than two years, and drinking it is healthy and tasty not only in winter, but also at any time of the year!

Who grows garden strawberries in the garden? The recipe is "prepared" for lovers of this most delicious and beautiful summer berry. Homemade strawberry compote is a drink that can quench your thirst in the summer heat and saturate you with its fragrant taste on winter evenings.

Today we will cook delicious sweet compote from strawberries for the winter without sterilization. Everything will turn out very quickly and without unnecessary and dangerous manipulations with boiling cans.

To prepare strawberry compote without sterilization for the winter, you will need fresh strawberries, water and sugar.

Strawberries must be quickly washed and discarded in a colander.

When the water drains well, free the strawberries from the stalks. If you come across too soft berries, use them for jam. Whole beautiful berries will go into the compote.

Small glass jars are suitable for storing strawberry compote. I deliberately do not use three-liter containers. Strawberry compote in small containers is safer to store.

Arrange the peeled berries in sterile jars in a volume slightly less than half.

Boil drinking water in a large pot.

Pour strawberries with boiling water for 10 minutes.

Pour the strawberry-colored water back into the saucepan through the perforated lid.

Top up with sugar. How much sugar to add is a matter of taste. Experiment! I like strawberry compote for the winter, consisting of: 500 g of sugar per 4 liters of boiling water. Sugar must be mixed thoroughly. Bring sweet water to a boil and boil for 5 minutes.

While sweet water is boiling, cover jars with strawberries with sterile lids.

Pour the berries with boiling tinted water to the very neck and close with screw or metal lids.

Turn upside down and insulate with a blanket until it cools completely.

The cooled strawberry compote must be turned back and put away for storage.

Strawberry compote without sterilization is ready for the winter, but remember that it does not like sunlight, so store it in a dark cellar.

Strawberry compote is one of my favorite preparations for the winter. Fragrant and beautiful drink, giving a summer mood and a lot of usefulness. Most often, housewives prefer to make preserves and jams for the winter. It’s understandable, to drink tea with tea, put in pies. But strawberry compote, like no other, conveys all the summer notes of the aroma of this berry. Plus, it's very quick and easy to do.

What I like about this type of preparation is that you can combine strawberries with other berries or fruits, inventing new flavors. It goes well with currants, red and black, with apples and ranetki. You can try to make a delicious strawberry compote by adding some wild berry, for example, blueberries.

There are also quite a few options for preparing compote, you can cook without sterilization, in a slow cooker, with additives in the form citric acid or even mint. That's all, well, or almost all options, let's consider.

  • How to cook strawberry compote for the winter
  • 2 Strawberry compote for the winter, recipes
    • 2.1 Strawberry compote for the winter without sterilization
    • 2.2 Strawberry compote for the winter with citric acid
    • 2.3 Strawberry and apple compote for the winter
    • 2.4 Strawberry compote for the winter with mint
    • 2.5 Strawberry and currant compote for the winter
    • 2.6 Strawberry and raspberry compote
    • 2.7 Frozen strawberry compote

How to cook strawberry compote for the winter

For compote, ripe berries are selected, preferably of approximately the same size, the aesthetic moment is also important to us. In no case do you put overripe berries in compote, not only will they quickly “spread”, they can also cause fermentation, which we absolutely do not need.

It is also desirable to select clean berries so as not to wash them. Strawberries quickly absorb moisture when washed, and then quickly lose their shape in compote.

For blanks, we will need jars, usually I use a volume of three liters, most often all recipes are designed for this particular volume. The jars need to be washed with soda or dry mustard, in extreme cases, use laundry soap, but no dishwashing detergents, the smell from them remains for a long time and your compote will smell not like strawberries, but Fairy.

After washing, the jars will need to be held over steam or warmed up in the microwave. The lids must be boiled for five minutes. For compotes, choose those that are varnished so that they do not oxidize.

Strawberry compote for the winter, recipes

I will give not only my favorite recipes, but also those that I only know, but do not use. I just have my preferences, and you choose what you like best.

Strawberry compote for the winter without sterilization

According to this recipe, close the compote very quickly. I use it more often than others because I don't like to mess around with sterilization.

Of all the components we need:

  • strawberry
  • Sugar

How we will prepare compote:

We sort out the berries, I always choose the cleanest for compote so as not to wash it. But if yours is dusty, then you can put it in a colander and dip it a couple of times in a basin of water, then immediately spread it on a towel to remove the water.

For compotes, I always leave the largest berry and taste it to decide how much sugar to add. I also do this, for each jar I cook syrup separately, in principle it is not too tiring, but it is convenient to calculate the amount of water and sugar.

First, we put berries in a jar, I fill one-third, some like concentrated compote, well, to use fewer cans, so fill it in half or even more., Then, accordingly, you need to add more sugar.

I will describe the recipe for filling the jar by one third. When the berry is already covered, we boil water and pour boiling berries, a full jar, even a little over. We give three minutes to stand, wait until the berry releases juice into the water. Pour it back into the saucepan, add from 200 to 250 grams of sugar, depending on the sweetness of the berry, and boil for three minutes so that only the sugar dissolves.

Pour again, now ready-made syrup, into a jar, you need to fill it to the very edge so that there is no air in the jar. If necessary, you can add a little boiling water from the kettle. Immediately roll up the lids and put upside down under a fur coat for a day.

Strawberry compote for the winter with citric acid

To weld delicious compote from strawberries for the winter, you can add lemon or lemon juice. Acid will guarantee that the drink will not go bad for a long time.

What we will need for it:

  • strawberries
  • Sugar
  • Lemon or lemon juice

How to make strawberry compote for the winter:

As in the first case, we prepare our ripe strawberries. We fill one-third of the banks. Immediately boil water and fill the jar to the very edges. We put a drain cap on the neck and pour it back to boil the syrup. We hold water in a jar for three minutes.

Pour a glass of sugar into a saucepan with water and boil the syrup, and pour a teaspoon of lemon into a jar. Pour everything with syrup, roll the lid and turn the jar under a fur coat for a day.

Compote of strawberries and apples for the winter

This, we can safely say, is a real classic of the genre. sweet taste berries and its aroma is complemented by a slight sourness of apples. It turns out very tasty. I like to make such compote with Antonovka.

We will need:

  • Ripe strawberry
  • Apples of any kind
  • Sugar

How to do Strawberry jam with apples:

We sort and select the berry, if necessary, then wash it. Wash apples well and cut into slices. Peel or not, it all depends on taste, I leave the skin.

We fill the jar with berries, as always by one third. Usually on three-liter jar three medium apples are enough. We won't post them right away. First, pour boiling water over the berries, hold for a couple of minutes and pour back into the pan.

In this pan we throw now apple slices and pour three hundred grams of sugar. Cook for 8-10 minutes and pour everything into a jar of berries. Immediately roll up the lids and put under a blanket or a fur coat to cool.

Strawberry compote for the winter with mint

The drink is very refreshing. Real summer in a jar of strawberries along with mint.

We will need:

  • strawberries
  • Sprigs of mint, you can take lemon balm
  • Sugar

How to make strawberry compote with mint:

We prepare strawberries in the manner described above, put them in a jar, pour full boiling water and let stand for about three minutes. Drain the water back to add a glass of sugar and boil the syrup.

We will need three small sprigs of mint per jar to get a good aroma. We lay the mint on top of the berries and pour syrup over the very edges, roll up the jars and let them cool under cover.

Compote of strawberries and currants for the winter

This is another one of my favorite recipes. Compote turns out incredibly beautiful and very tasty, almost everyone likes it.

To prepare it, we need:

  • strawberries
  • currant berries
  • Sugar

How to roll strawberry and currant compote for the winter:

Here, too, everything is done simply, my berries and sorted. We fall asleep in a jar by a third, maybe by half. You can vary the ratio of berries to your liking. Pour boiling water for a couple of minutes, then cook syrup from it. If your jars are one-third full, then pour 200 grams of sugar, if half, then 250 grams. Fill the jars a second time with syrup and roll up as always.

Strawberry and raspberry compote

very vitamin and delicious drink which will invigorate cold winter and gloomy autumn. To prepare it, you need moderately ripe berries and a little citric acid, for sourness.

For compote you will need:

  • strawberry
  • raspberries
  • Limonka
  • Sugar

How to make this compote:

It is better to take berries in equal proportions so that there is a more balanced taste. We select the cleanest, you can’t wash raspberries for compote at all, otherwise the whole thing will fall apart. We fall asleep on a third of the jar of berries and immediately set the syrup to boil. Pour one and a half glasses of sugar into two liters of water, since the berry is all sweet. Pour a teaspoon without a top of a lemon into a jar and fill it with syrup, immediately close the lids and put it upside down to cool under a fur coat.

Frozen strawberry compote

Sometimes you want to cook fresh compote, but only a frozen berry is at hand. It is also great for making compote.

What you need:

  • 300 grams of frozen berries
  • 3/4 cup sugar
  • 2 liters of water

First, pour sugar into the water and bring to a boil, then pour the defrosted strawberries and cook for 20 minutes. You can drink compote both hot and chilled.

I hope you enjoy my recipes and use them to make delicious preparations for the winter.

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