Home Vegetables The history of the creation of the "Doctor's" sausage. Soviet "Doctor" sausage

The history of the creation of the "Doctor's" sausage. Soviet "Doctor" sausage

Cooked in accordance with GOST doctoral sausage - very high quality and useful product, the main ingredients of which are meat and spices.

But nowadays, most manufacturers are trying to reduce the production costs of natural ingredients, while reducing quality.

From this, in the products previously respected and loved by the people, all sorts of not too tasty and healthy additives appear.

We invite you to return to the good old traditions and cook real Doctor's sausage with your own hands.

History of Doktorskaya sausage

According to legend, the order to create the "Doctor's" sausage came from Stalin himself.

In addition, the People's Commissariat of Health, with which the recipe was coordinated, is most directly related to the doctor's sausage.

According to the People's Commissar's verdict, the new product was intended for "sick people who undermined their health as a result of the Civil War and tsarist despotism."

The first loaf of "Doctor's" sausage rolled off the assembly line of the Moscow Meat Processing Plant in 1936.

It is claimed that Doctor's sausage contains all the vitamins and minerals necessary for a healthy and fulfilling life.

The recipe for “improving the health of persons affected by the arbitrariness of the tsarist regime” was verified by Moscow doctors to the smallest detail: 100 kg of sausage contained 25 kg of beef premium, 70 kg of bold pork, 3 kg of eggs and 2 kg of cow's milk. Basically, just what the doctor ordered.

So, by the way, her name appeared. Then hardly anyone could have imagined that the doctor's sausage would have such a long and significant life.

This product has become a real gastronomic hit for more than one generation of citizens; it was accepted at the table both in the Kremlin and in families with the most modest incomes.

Everyone respected the doctoral dissertation, regardless of social status. She was known as a symbol of well-being in the years of total scarcity.

And its cost has become one of the benchmarks for comparative analysis: economists are very fond of measuring salaries for clarity by the amount of doctoral sausage that can be bought with it.

Food workers explain such a consumer triumph by the high content of high-quality fresh meat.

However, during the years of developed socialism, the reputation of a favorite product was dealt a lot of blows.

It all started with an innovative proposal to include fish in the diet of pigs, which was noticeably reflected in the smell of sausage.

didn't improve it palatability and imported frozen beef, the supply of which became massive during the period of early capitalism. And yet the famous brand survived all the tests.

Doctor's sausage was obtained from beef (25%), semi-fat pork (70%), eggs and milk powder (5%).

The complete absence of bacon determined the uniform, light pink color of minced meat on the cut. It had a delicate taste and smell of cardamom.

Doctor's sausage recipe according to GOST industrial

Ingredients according to GOST 23670-79, unsalted raw materials (per 100 kg):

  • trimmed beef of the highest grade - 25 kg
  • trimmed pork fat - 70 kg
  • chicken eggs or egg melange - 3 kg
  • cow's milk powder whole or skimmed - 2 kg
  • edible salt - 2.090 kg
  • sodium nitrite - 7.1 g
  • granulated sugar or glucose - 200 g
  • ground nutmeg or cardamom - 50 g
  • water/ice: 20-25 kg (about 50/50 ratio)

Preparation of Doctor's sausage according to GOST:

1. Place a 3 mm grate on the top and pass the pork and beef through it separately.

2. Place well-sharpened chord blades on the cutter. Load first the whole beef, 1/2 ice water, sodium nitrite, salt and spices, egg. Grind under vacuum (if available on the cutter) until a homogeneous emulsion is obtained. Cutting time is 5-7 minutes, the temperature at the end of the process is not higher than 8 degrees.

2. Without stopping the cutter bowl, add the pork, milk and remaining water with ice, turn on the vacuum and at high speeds of the knives and bowl, chop until cooked - until smooth. Cuttering stops at minced meat temperature of 12 degrees. Take out the prepared stuffing.

The amount of water depends on the type of casing. If it is a barrier plastic - then 20 liters, natural intestines (bruises, blisters, circles) - then 25-30 liters can be.

3. Transfer the minced meat to, shape the loaves and leave them on the draft in a room with a temperature of approximately 6 degrees to hang on the frame for 30-60 minutes.

The standard diameter of a doctor's loaf is 10-15 cm. But there are also Mortadella giants with a diameter of half a meter and a weight of several hundred kg.

4. If you have a plastic shell, then drying is carried out in the heat chamber (no humidity is set, the temperature in the chamber is 55-60 degrees, the time is 30-40 minutes) and cooking at 78-80 degrees to a temperature in the center of the loaf of 72 degrees.

5. Cooling - showering cold water(can be immersed in a vat) for at least 40 minutes.

Doctor's sausage according to GOST at home

1. Grind pork and beef separately in a meat grinder with 3 mm grate holes.

2. Salt and add sugar according to the recipe above, knead and put in separate containers in the refrigerator for 6-12 hours to ripen the minced meat.

3. Mix both types of minced meat and pass through a meat grinder with holes in the 3 mm grate at least 4-5 times with the addition of finely crushed ice. If you have a blender, you can further grind to a puree state.

4. Fill, if there are factory-made sausage casings, with the resulting minced meat, patting lightly in the process of forming a loaf of sausage and tamping to force out air voids and compact the consistency.

Thin pork or beef intestines are not suitable for Doktorskaya type sausages. It is better to fill the minced cleaned pork stomach or intestines of large diameter, the so-called bruises.

5. Round the edges of the sausage loaf and tie tightly with at least a double knot. Use a small pin to poke holes in the escaping steam during heat treatment.

6. Boil the finished sausage loaves in a saucepan over low heat without boiling at a water temperature of no more than 80-85 degrees, otherwise it will burst, 2-3 hours. The temperature inside the sausage in the center should reach at least 70 degrees C.

It is better to steam with less loss of juice and nutrients.

7. Ready sausage cool under a stream of cold water at a temperature of at least 10 C or put in a container with ice.

I always take only "Doctor's" in the store. I do not like anything else, and even more so something with lard. Smoked once a year is possible, ham is so-so rare, but "Doctor's" is super.

But the history of the "Doctor's" sausage is a reflection of almost the entire Soviet history with its twists and turns.

Look here...

The 1930s of the twentieth century were both difficult and joyful for the USSR at the same time. The fratricidal Civil War is over, the national economy is being restored. Almost throughout the entire territory of the country, the unification of individual peasant farms into collective farms has been completed, the kulaks have been liquidated as a class. Great construction projects are underway, a powerful industry is being created, which in a decade will allow the country to win the Great War ...

Despite all the great plans, there is not enough meat in the country - the previous difficult years are affecting. And the health of the population must be restored and maintained - the builders of communism must be strong and healthy. Therefore, the idea arises to create a product with a high protein content that could replace meat. A special role in the creation and development of the food industry in the USSR and in the history of the "Doctor's" sausage will be played by Anastas Ivanovich Mikoyan, since 1934 People's Commissar of the Food Industry of the USSR. It was he who had to create the country's food industry from scratch. Mikoyan chose the United States as a model, where this industry was already quite well developed. Thanks to the borrowing of "industrial" American food, several varieties of sausages and sausages, industrially processed milk, various canned food, ice cream appeared on the tables of Soviet citizens ...

Under the close personal control of Mikoyan in the USSR, the construction of several large food industry enterprises begins - for the manufacture of milk, sausages, and canned food.

April 29, 1936 A.I. Mikoyan signed a decree on the start of the production of several varieties of sausages, a special place among which was occupied by a sausage designed to "correct the health of people who had poor health as a result of the Civil War and suffered from the arbitrariness of the tsarist regime." It was assumed that this type of sausage would be intended for those treated in sanatoriums and hospitals.

The formulation of this product was developed by the best specialists of the country, doctors, employees of the All-Russian Research Institute of the Meat Industry. According to the recipe (GOST 23670-79), 100 kg of sausage should have contained 25 kg of premium beef, 70 kg of semi-fat pork, 3 kg of eggs or melange and 2 kg of cow's milk powder whole or skimmed for 100 kg of sausage. Minced meat for sausage was made from fresh meat and had to go through a double cutting. As seasonings, a minimum of cooking was used. edible salt; granulated sugar or glucose; ground nutmeg or cardamom, spicy seasonings were excluded.

There is a legend that initially they wanted to give the name “Stalinskaya” to this sausage. However, the authors of the recipe quickly realized that the combination "Stalin's sausage" could be misunderstood by the all-powerful NKVD and came up with a name that remained in history and well reflected the quality and purpose of this product.
Until the 1950s, the recipe and quality of the sausage was unchanged according to the standard. Of course, the sausages produced by different meat processing plants varied. It also depended on the quality of the raw materials supplied to the plant and on the experience of the employees. The sausage of the Mikoyanovsky Meat Processing Plant became an ideal and a model - the metropolitan giant, which supplied the nomenclature in the first place, purchased the most expensive and high-quality raw materials. At the same time, sausage was by no means an integral part of the special ration of representatives of the party and state elite - it could be bought in almost any grocery store.
Interestingly, the cost of "Doctor's" was significantly higher than its retail price. In the shops "Doctor" was sold at 2 rubles 20 kopecks. With this money in the mid-70s, one could buy, for example, 220 boxes of matches, 11 ice creams in a waffle cup, 10 packs of Belomorkanal cigarettes, i.e. the price of this sausage was quite acceptable for ordinary citizens.

Changes in the quality of sausages began only in the 70s and this was primarily due to the difficulties that the continuously reformed agriculture began to experience and, of course, the drought and crop failure in the early 70s. It was at this time that it was allowed to add to minced sausage up to 2% starch or flour.

Cardinal changes in the fate of sausages - like all countries - will begin in the mid-80s. The composition of the feedstock will change, in 1997 a new GOST will appear, in accordance with which the name “doctoral” will turn into a brand.

There is such an addition. Here's a phrase: According to the recipe (GOST 23670-79), 100 kg of sausage should have contained 25 kg of premium beef, 70 kg of semi-fat pork, 3 kg of eggs or melange and 2 kg of dry whole cow's milk per 100 kg of sausage. or low fat"

This is all fine, but there is another point in this GOST:

2.6. Allowed for production boiled sausages, sausages, sausages and meat loaves apply:
food phosphates in the amount of 0.3% by weight of raw materials (in terms of anhydrous);

- sodium ascorbate or ascorbic acid in the amount of 50 g per 100 kg of raw materials;

Smoke preparations approved by the USSR Ministry of Health;

Pasteurized cow's milk with a mass fraction of fat of 2.5 and 3.2% in the amount of 8 kg instead of 1 kg of whole milk powder with a decrease in the mass of added moisture by 7 kg;

Cow pasteurized non-fat milk in the amount of 11.5 kg instead of 1 kg of skimmed milk powder with a decrease in the mass of added moisture by 10.5 kg;

Powdered cream with a fat content of 42% in the amount of 1 kg instead of 2.1 kg of cream from cow's milk with 20% fat content;

Cow dry whole milk with a fat content of 25% in the amount of 1 kg instead of 610 g of dry cream with a fat content of 42% or 1281 g of cream from cow's milk with 20% fat content;

egg powder in the amount of 274 g instead of 1 kg of melange or 1 kg (24 pcs.) chicken eggs;

Trimmed buffalo, yak meat instead of trimmed beef of the corresponding grade in the production of premium grade sausages up to 50%, first and second grades up to 100%;

Boiled sausages, sausages, sausages and meat loaves of the highest and first grade with manufacturing defects (scrap, deformed loaves, with minced meat over the shell, broth-fat edema, etc.) for the production of boiled sausages, sausages, sausages and meat loaves of the first grade; second grade - for the production of sausages and meat loaves of the second grade in an amount of up to 3% by weight of raw materials in excess of the recipe;

Hemoglobin preparation or food blood in the amount of 0.5-1% by weight of the raw material;

Extracts of spices and garlic instead of natural ones;

Trim beef trimmed in an amount of up to 10% - for beef sausages and sausages of the first grade and up to 30% - for tea sausage, meat loaf tea to the mass of trimmed beef of the second grade, provided for by the recipes, instead of its corresponding amount;

Trimmed meat pork trimmed in an amount of up to 10% - for boiled sausages, meat loaves, sausages of the first grade and up to 20% - for boiled sausages, meat loaves of the second grade to the mass of trimmed bold pork, provided for in the recipes, instead of its corresponding amount. It is not allowed to use beef trimmed beef trimmings and trimmed pork trimmed meat trimmed together;

Protein stabilizer to the mass of raw materials in an amount of up to 5% - for boiled sausages, sausages and meat loaves of the first grade and up to 6% - for boiled sausages and meat loaves of the second grade;

The mass of meat beef, pork and mutton to the mass of raw materials in an amount of up to 5% - for boiled sausages, sausages and meat loaves of the first grade and up to 6% - for boiled sausages and meat loaves of the second grade. For separate mutton sausage - up to 15% of the mass of meat from lean mutton instead of single-grade trimmed mutton;

A mass of meat beef, pork or mutton, obtained by processing bones in saline solutions, in the amount of 4 kg instead of 1 kg of meat mass obtained by mechanical pressing, with a decrease in the mass of added water by 3 kg;

Food plasma (serum) of the blood of slaughtered animals to the mass of raw materials in the following quantities:

up to 5% instead of added water in the production of boiled sausages, frankfurters, sausages and meat loaves of the highest grade;

up to 15% in return for added water in the production of boiled sausages, frankfurters, sausages and meat loaves of the first and second grade;

up to 10% instead of 2% trimmed pork meat and 8% water or 3% trimmed beef (or lamb) meat and 7% water

or up to 15% instead of 3% trimmed pork and 12% water or 4% trimmed beef (or mutton) and 11% water;

Cuts obtained from cleaning boiled smoked meats instead of raw beef or pork fat in an amount of up to 10% in the production of beef sausages, beef sausages, beef meat bread;

Pasteurized non-fat cow's milk instead of added water in an amount 5% higher than the recommended rate of water, except for doctor's, dairy, sorbitol, ordinary sausages, dairy sausages;


Clean pork and beef from films and veins.

Freeze the meat in the freezer, then cut into pieces.

Minced meat should be cold, no more than 10 degrees, so after twisting it should be placed in the freezer again for 30-40 minutes. Add salt, nitrite salt, ground nutmeg.

Suspend sausage loaves at room temperature for 1 hour. Then boil the sausage, completely filling it with water room temperature. I cooked in a slow cooker on the "Multipovar" mode at 80 degrees for 1 hour and 15 minutes, closing the lid. You can also boil the sausage in a saucepan over low heat, without allowing water to boil, for 1 hour and 15 minutes, covered with a lid.

Cool the delicious "Doctor's" sausage, cooked at home, quickly under a cold shower, let it cool completely and place in the refrigerator for at least 12-15 hours. After that, remove the shell, and cut the sausage and serve.

Bon Appetit!

Doctor's sausage is distinguished by soft and delicate taste. It does not contain a lot of salt, spices and other additives. This sausage is great for both regular sandwiches and salads. But when buying sausage in a store, one cannot be sure that it does not contain additives harmful to the human body.

But do not despair and give up your favorite sausage since childhood. You can also get this product at home. Depending on the doctor's sausage recipe, it can take anywhere from one to four hours to cook. The composition of the ingredients varies. You can add more meat, seasonings or milk. According to the recipes for doctor's sausage below, the dish is prepared different ways. Sausage can be baked in the oven, cooked in a saucepan and even in a slow cooker.

Doctor's sausage recipe at home

Having tasted home-cooked doctor's sausage, you will immediately feel a big difference with the taste of the one you buy in the store. Try to cook it, following the recipe for doctor's sausage according to GOST, at home.

Products for cooking:

  • Pork - one and a half kilograms.
  • Beef - five hundred grams.
  • Milk - two hundred milliliters.
  • Eggs - two pieces.
  • Ground nutmeg - one teaspoon.
  • Salt - four teaspoons.
  • Sugar - six teaspoons.

Sausage making process

Fresh pork and beef meat must be cleaned of veins and films, cut into small pieces and passed through a meat grinder. It is necessary to twist a piece of pork alternately, and then a piece of beef through the smallest nozzle. Place the prepared minced meat in a bowl of a suitable size. Break the eggs into the minced meat, pour the sugar and salt. Add nutmeg and mix thoroughly. Then pour in the milk and mix well again.

Then place the prepared minced meat in a bowl food processor and grind with a blender into a paste-like consistency of a homogeneous mass. Minced meat prepared according to the doctor's sausage recipe is ready. Next, you can begin to form a loaf.

Spread a sheet of baking paper on the working surface of the table. Put the prepared sausage meat along one edge. Carefully roll the paper with the minced meat laid out on it into a roll so that the opposite edge must overlap. Then twist the roll from one end and tie with twine. With a slight movement of the hands, squeeze out the remaining air from the sausage roll. Then tie on the other side.

The resulting sausage roll, prepared using the doctor's sausage recipe at home, must be wrapped with several layers of cling film. After that, it is still necessary to make a strapping and secure with an ordinary knot. This completes the preparatory process for preparing doctor's sausage at home.

We cook sausage

The last thing left to do is to cook doctor's sausage. Why do you need to take a fairly large pan so that the entire sausage roll fits in it. Collect water and place on a strong fire. After boiling, place the prepared sausage roll in it, reduce the heat and cook for an hour and a half until fully cooked.

The cooked doctor's sausage must be pulled out of the water, allowed to cool and placed in the refrigerator for about ten hours. After that, it can be eaten. Boiled doctor's sausage prepared according to this recipe turns out to be tasty, healthy, without the addition of dyes, flavors, sodium gluconate and other substances harmful to the human body.

Doctor's sausage in a slow cooker

Now on the shelves of stores in the meat departments you can find just a huge assortment of all kinds of sausages. They have a bright look and beautiful packaging, but the quality of the product leaves much to be desired. But if you still want to please yourself and your loved ones with a couple of sausage sandwiches and not worry about their health, you can cook it yourself. For this, the recipe for the most delicious homemade doctor's sausage in a slow cooker is perfect.

What is required for this:

  • Chicken fillet - one kilogram.
  • Eggs - four pieces.
  • Cream - four hundred milliliters.
  • Garlic - two cloves.
  • Beet juice - five tablespoons.
  • Pepper.
  • Salt.

Sausage making

Rinse the chicken fillet, cut into small cubes and pass through a meat grinder. Then put minced chicken into the bowl of a food processor and beat. Add beetroot juice, peeled garlic cloves, egg white and cream to the minced meat. Pepper, salt and beat again until a mixture of a homogeneous consistency. Lay a piece of foil on a baking sheet and place the prepared chicken mixture on it.

Next, you need to form a loaf of future homemade sausage. To do this, carefully wrap the chicken mixture in foil and tie with a thread at both ends. Then put on the resulting loaf of sausage two sleeves for baking and tie again with a thread. In no case should you forget to tie the sausage. This is done so that water cannot get inside during the cooking process. Preliminary preparation of doctor's sausage at home is completed.

After that, you need to take a slow cooker and place a sausage preparation in its bowl, pour boiling water so that the sausage is completely covered with water. Close the lid. Set the extinguishing mode and set the timer for one hour. When the sausage is ready, open the lid, release the steam and take the sausage out of the multicooker. Let it cool completely and put in the refrigerator for ten to twelve hours. After the required time has elapsed, you can safely cut homemade doctor's sausage and make delicious and healthy sandwiches.

Doctor's sausage cooked in mugs

Using original recipe homemade doctor's sausage cooked in mugs, you will get a useful and quality product. This sausage is perfect for making sandwiches, it can be fried with eggs, and also used as one of the ingredients in a variety of salads.

What products will be needed:

  • Pork meat - five hundred grams.
  • Chicken breast - five hundred grams.
  • Eggs - two pieces.
  • Garlic - ten cloves.
  • Milk - eight hundred milliliters.
  • Starch - four tablespoons.
  • Salt - four teaspoons.
  • Sugar - one teaspoon.
  • Nutmeg - half a teaspoon.
  • Black pepper - half a teaspoon.
  • Cardamom - half a teaspoon.
  • Coriander - half a teaspoon.
  • Paprika - half a teaspoon.

Preparing the Ingredients

Purify purchased meat from veins, cartilage, films. Wash and cut into pieces. Pass through a meat grinder, and then place the resulting minced meat in a blender bowl, close the lid and beat. Then, in any order, put all the spices, starch, sugar, salt, peeled and chopped garlic into a blender with beaten minced meat, and also pour in the milk and add the egg.

Everything necessary ingredients according to the doctor's sausage recipe at home are in a blender. Now you need to thoroughly beat all the products to a light homogeneous consistency.

Filling mugs with sausage

Then you need to take preferably glass mugs. The number of mugs directly depends on their size. Lubricate all mugs well vegetable oil and put the prepared minced meat for the doctor's sausage in them, not reaching the edge of the mugs about three to four centimeters. Each mug filled with minced meat must be tightly covered, and then wrapped with several layers of cling film. This is necessary so that the minced meat does not leak out during the cooking process.

After all the mugs have been carefully and tightly packed with cling film, they must be placed in a wide pan. But before that, it is imperative to put a grate on the bottom of the taken vessel and cover it with a cotton cloth. This is done so that the cling film with which the mugs are wrapped does not come into contact with the iron bottom. A saucepan with mugs placed in it minced meat must be filled with tap water so that the mugs are immersed in water to two-thirds of their height.

Close the pot with a lid and place on fire. Bring to a boil, reduce heat and simmer. After one hour, turn off the fire, remove the mugs from the pan, free from the film, turn over and take them out of them ready-made doctor's sausage, cooked at home.

It looks paler in color than the one bought in the store. But this is compensated by the fact that such sausage turns out to be very tasty, fragrant, healthy and, of course, there are no substances harmful to human health in its composition.

Among the wide variety of existing recipes with a photo of doctor's sausage cooked at home, you can choose any one to your taste.

Homemade doctor's sausage in the oven

We propose to consider in detail one of the recipes - this is a homemade doctor's sausage in the oven.

Required Ingredients:

  • Beef - five hundred grams.
  • Lean pork - two kilograms.
  • Eggs - three pieces.
  • Powdered milk - forty grams.
  • Cognac - twenty-five grams.
  • Nutmeg - one tablespoon.
  • Sugar - one tablespoon.
  • Cardamom - one teaspoon.
  • Salt - two tablespoons.
  • Water - half a liter.

Cooking doctor's sausage

Separate the meat from films and veins, rinse well and cut into pieces. Pass through a meat grinder with a fine attachment. Then put the minced meat in the bowl of a food processor and beat. Now, in turn, you need to add all the ingredients prepared according to the recipe to the minced meat. And once again, it’s good to beat everything in a blender until a gray airy mass of a homogeneous consistency.

Gray prepared meatloaf should not confuse you, it will change during the baking process. Prepared according to this recipe, homemade doctor's sausage without intestines, but using a baker's sleeve. Fill the baker's sleeve with prepared minced meat, tie it with twine and be sure to wrap it with foil for baking. Also cover the baking sheet with a sheet of foil and put the sleeve with minced meat on it.

Let's start baking sausages

The oven must be preheated to 180 degrees. Place the baking sheet in the oven for twenty minutes, then reduce the temperature to 150 degrees and continue baking for another forty minutes. Then remove the foil from the sleeve, pour a small amount of water into a baking sheet and leave in the oven for another fifteen minutes.

Cool the finished doctor's sausage, cooked at home with your own hands, to room temperature and place in the refrigerator for seven to eight hours. After that, you can get it out of the refrigerator and cook delicious and healthy sandwiches. It is worth noting that no matter which of the recipes and methods you choose for making doctor's sausage, it will in any case be tastier and healthier than purchased in a store.

You will be one hundred percent sure that by eating a sandwich with homemade sausage, your child will not cause any harm to his body, which is not yet strong. Therefore, there is no need to regret the time or effort spent on cooking homemade doctor's sausage, as this will save the most precious thing we have - the health of loved ones and relatives.

"Doctor's" sausage for many years was one of the symbols of the well-being of the Soviet family. Queues lined up behind it, it was added to the Olivier salad, beloved by everyone, the recipe for hodgepodge was unthinkable without Doctor's, sandwiches with this sausage flaunted in obkom buffets.

How did this truly legendary sausage variety come about?

Just what the doctor ordered

The exact date of the birth of the Doctor's sausage (GOST 23670) is well known. This is April 29, 1936, it was then that, by order of the people's commissar of the food industry, Anastas Mikoyan, its mass production began. The sausage recipe was developed by the All-Russian Research Institute of the Meat Industry, and was distinguished by a low fat content, despite the fact that the sausage contained a lot of protein.

The reason for the start of production of such a product was a sharp deterioration in the health status of the country's population. After the abolition of the NEP policy and collectivization, a famine began in the country, which affected entire regions. Lack of food, starvation - all this led to outbreaks of various diseases.

In the early thirties, Anastas Mikoyan visited the United States, where he also visited Chicago meat processing plants. Returning to the USSR, Mikoyan initiated the creation of the First Moscow Sausage Factory, which now bears the name of Mikoyan. It was here that the production of sausages began, intended, as it was said in the documents of that time, for diet food people with somatic signs of the consequences of prolonged starvation - "... patients with undermined health as a result of the Civil War and royal despotism." The wording, of course, is somewhat crafty, but the sausage recipe is quite honest, containing only organic products of the highest quality.

In accordance with GOST, for 100 kg of sausage it was supposed to take 25 kilograms of top quality beef, 70 kilograms of lean pork, 3 kilograms of fresh chicken eggs, 2 liters of milk, salt, sugar, nutmeg or cardamom. The shelf life of this sausage was 72 hours.

It turned out to be a great dietary product, very tasty, fragrant and healthy. Its task - to restore the strength of a person with poor health - this sausage performed remarkably. She was appointed as medical nutrition doctors, that's why she got the name "Doctor's".

Doctorate? No, "ham-chopped"

During the period of Soviet power, such an anecdote was walking in the academic environment. Two candidates of sciences meet, one drags a bag in which something heavy lies. "Doctoral?" - respectfully asks his friend, meaning, of course, scientific work. “No, “chopped ham!”” - the first one answers, meaning a sausage grade lower than “Doctor's”.

The anecdote quite accurately reflects the realities of that time. This sausage was not easy to find in stores, and it acquired the status of a scarce product. They struggled with the deficit in a simple Soviet way: by simplifying the recipe.

People of the older generation remember that back in the 70s, the old people grumbled, cutting into slices a loaf of sausage bought with great difficulty: “Is this the Doctor's? That used to be "Doctor's"! And this is nonsense, not sausage. And they were right because classic recipe dietary sausage, which remained unchanged until the end of the 50s, then began to degrade. The number of livestock in the USSR turned out to be not as large as we would like. In addition, they began to feed the pigs with the waste of the fishing industry, because of which the meat acquired an unpleasant smell and taste. Gradually, flour, melange instead of eggs were allowed to be added to the Doctor’s powdered milk instead of whole. By 1979, pork skin, egg powder and starch were also allowed. The loaf began to be wrapped in cellophane. The reputation of the product, beloved by generations of Soviet people, was dealt a final blow. "Doctor's" sausage was equal in quality to other sausages that sometimes appeared in Soviet stores, such as "Tea", "Language" and the same one, "Ham-chopped".

Why Doctor's? Because I ate - and to the doctor!

Nowadays, GOSTs of the Soviet era have been safely forgotten. The Doctorskaya brand is exploited by all and sundry, producing sausages with a monstrous content of flavor and aroma enhancers, acidity regulators, antioxidants, stabilizers, emulsifiers and color fixatives. At the same time, many enterprises produce products on the basis of specifications - technical conditions that allow the production of a product without meat at all, based on soy and corragenes. Corragenes are called thickeners, imitators food products. It is a red powder seaweed. It is poured meat broth, mix and allow to harden. It turns out "almost real" minced meat. Nevertheless, even today there are enterprises that produce goods strictly in accordance with GOST. At the same time, it must be remembered that GOST 2011 allows the use of flour, starch, sodium nitrite in the Doctor's sausage recipe, and dry substitutes instead of natural eggs and milk.

The current "Doctor" is no longer the same dietary product, which was developed in 1936 for the Mikoyan enterprise. Therefore, apparently, a joke was born: “Why is the sausage called “Doctor's”? Because I ate - and to the doctor!

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