Home Soups Truffle paste: ingredients, nuances and secrets of cooking, the most delicious recipes with photos. Pasta with truffle sauce: cooking recipes What can be prepared from truffle paste

Truffle paste: ingredients, nuances and secrets of cooking, the most delicious recipes with photos. Pasta with truffle sauce: cooking recipes What can be prepared from truffle paste

And in general - "who, if not me ?!" (c) write about them, I have nothing to lose.)

While sorting through the photos and freeing the "brain" from the poppy (again, nothing-nothing-nothing fits), I found a folder about truffle products for the post promised six months ago.
I felt ashamed, all the more so here already personally, and I didn’t do it personally.
This, if you remember, is a continuation of a series of posts from Alba - both about truffle hunting and about the use of the extracted.
and who hasn't read it.
And the post "number three and Chief" - I clamped.
I am correcting myself. I will not repeat again about the "basic" one, there is quite a lot written there, I will immediately start talking about the use of all kinds of different products made on the basis of fresh truffles.
And about fresh ones will be a little later, I want to shoot already during the truffle week at the "school", I think that it will be much more interesting for you.

So, about canned food, which can most often be found in stores (decent ones, sorry, but you yourself asked me)!

* I will make a reservation right away: when you buy canned truffle products, be prepared for the fact that you will not feel much difference between white and black, unlike fresh ones.
On the contrary, I prefer much cheaper blacks in this form, since their more "marginal" taste (when fresh) begins to win significantly in this case. Products from them are brighter and more intense, while delicate and more refined whites are somehow completely lost after "processing".

* Right - white, left - black.

* Canned truffles are usually sold peeled, ripe and whole.
There are three quality gradations - surchoix (hard, black, of the same size and color), extra (hard, more or less black and slightly different in size) and premier choix (more or less hard, relatively light, of different sizes, possibly with cuts with surfaces They are also sold in the form of pieces (from 5 mm), cuts and fragments, but with foreign inclusions (read with sand) - from 2 to 5% by weight, and other defects.

* Remember - truffle oil in most cases does not contain any truffles at all, but is artificially flavored with synthetic substances!
Sylvester, for example, hates him and never uses him. He, of course, can “hate” him as much as he likes, but we are not a restaurant with “principles”, right? I use a variety of truffle oils at home with great pleasure.
Some major manufacturers make semi- or all-natural oils using off-spec leftovers, so be sure to look at the ingredients.

* Important! It is not difficult to make truffle oil at home, although it does not hold the aroma of truffles for a long time, but this business is dangerous in terms of botulism (alarmists, yeah) - the airless environment and moisture of the truffle are ideal for the development of these bacteria.

* Another very popular products that you probably met in stores are truffle pastes, sauces, vinegar and more. They can contain not only truffles and some other ingredients - such as porcini mushrooms, olives and other things, but also artificial flavors, so you need to look at the composition - what is there, and whether there is a truffle at all. A good natural - wine, apple or other - vinegar infused with truffle scraps is a good and safe at home way to preserve their flavor for sauces, pasta and other dishes.

* Sometimes white wine and other drinks are flavored with truffles (for example, you can infuse 600 ml of cognac or brandy per 60 g of truffle trimmings for 2.5 months at room temperature, after filtering such cognac is served in Bordeaux glasses, or used in cocktails).

Well, here you are right with the pictures.
I then bought for you almost everything that I found in our "Adyar" truffle, even chocolates with them.

This is how truffle inclusions look like, for example, in the "rooster" - such a truffle jelly.
Remember, I showed here how it is done, using the example of foie gras that we cooked with Sylvester?

And a variety of semi-finished products.

This beautiful pasta (top left) of porcini mushrooms and truffles is incredibly tasty to use for pasta, like a sauce.
I fed them to Marmot and Dominik - both were delighted.
I will give the recipe below - elementary, and the result ...

Here are truffle oils, here, of course, segments of truffles inside, as we already understand - pure coquetry.

And this is the remains of my own homemade truffle oil.
A well-peeled truffle is simply cut into very good quality, preferably as neutral as possible olive oil and put in a dark place.

This is what I love very much - Tom cheese marinated in truffle oil.
With wine and toast... you can guess.

And this (from left to right) is honey with white truffle, truffle salt, pickled black and truffle juice.
Honey tastes very strange, but interesting.
And truffle juice, I was often asked here, is an ideal additive for all sorts of various sauces.
For example, to meat, or just splash into the pan where the meat was fried and let it evaporate a little - great.

And this is my favorite - truffle salt.
In general, it stands somewhat apart in this "line" - the most natural and amazing smell.
If, for example, you add salt to foie gras on a toast with it ...
And very, very, very steak.

And this is what marinated truffles look like.

The smell, of course, is not at all the same, but when it's out of season, it's perfect.

Well, two very simple recipes, just as an example of use, so that you are not afraid.
In both cases, the result is excellent and you do not depend on "seasonality and their hellish cost" at all.

Pasta with "truffle paste"

Not the most dietary dish, but if you have guests and you need to quickly surprise - perfect.
Yes, and its cost cannot be compared with a "fresh" fellow - much cheaper.
I prefer to cook it not with freshly made pasta (as is the case with a normal truffle), but with hard pasta.

We will need: pasta, truffle-based “cream” (I have two different “canned food” here - “with mushrooms” and “without” - it doesn’t matter), butter and olive oil with truffle flavor.

Dissolve the butter in a deep frying pan, put the truffle paste there and melt, stirring well.
Boil the pasta and there.
We fill with olive oil with truffle and warm it up a little together and that's it.

I had quite liquid both canned pastes, if yours are denser - just pour a little cream into the pan and let it evaporate a little.

Looks "so-so" but tastes just aaaaaa... impossible to stop. Marmoteg will not let you lie.

And one more recipe, already as an example of the use of "pickled" truffles.

Truffle mashed potatoes

My all-time favorite off-season recipe.
Very, very, very simple, but deliciously fabulous.
In general, there is nothing tastier than an omelet or mashed potatoes with truffles, if it is canned.

We will need:
potatoes, salt, heavy cream, marinated truffle, butter and olive "truffle" oil.

Boil potatoes in salted water as for mashed potatoes. Ideally skinned and cleaned hot afterwards.

We rub the truffle on a flat grater and finely, finely, finely chop it then with a knife.

I make with cream, heat it up and melt the butter directly into the liquid.
Then you can make the puree itself.
I love him not quite "to death worn out", but so "not mushy", but this is a matter of taste. If you want - generally wipe through a sieve.
Pour "butter" cream into the peeled potatoes (gradually, until the consistency we need), a couple of tablespoons of truffle oil and put the chopped truffles, mix well.

And on the table. To a steak with truffle salt, for example!)
I just can not-say-how much to eat it.
And yes, top it off with some truffle-flavoured olive oil.

Something like that. And I serve it right in these pans.

Look like that's it.
If I forgot something - ask.
What a healthy and chaotic post turned out.
I'll post the answers right here.
What do you not know how to use?

Gourmets consider the truffle to be the king among mushrooms. The French black or Perigord truffle and the white Piedmontese truffle are most valued. These mushrooms grow at a depth of up to 30 cm underground on the roots of truffle oaks, and trained pigs and dogs are used to search for them. The black truffle is so fragrant that its smell penetrates the eggs when stored together. White truffles, on the other hand, have a slightly garlicky aroma, with an intense taste, and they are considered the most refined and more expensive than the rest. You can find truffles in southern France and northern Italy, as well as in the forests of Eastern Europe.

For the first time I tried this exotic mushroom last year in Tuscany and .. was fascinated by its amazing, unlike anything! .. Ordinary spaghetti or scrambled eggs turns into a "high" cuisine dish with the addition of a few grams of grated truffle! ..
This year, while in Italy, I found black truffles in Tuscany (in the town of Pienza), and of course, I couldn’t pass by - I bought a couple. I also brought truffle pasta and truffle oil from Tuscany, and in Perugia (Umbria) I bought several jars of truffle paste:

Unfortunately, fresh truffles are not stored for a long time (up to two weeks), therefore, immediately upon arrival, I began to dispose of them :-). it picks up the smell so much that you can already cook without adding the truffles themselves).

Required Ingredients:

400g pasta
1 truffle (I used 1/4 with more truffle salsa)
300 cream (33% fat)
50g grated parmesan
salt/pepper to taste
truffle oil

Remove the skin from the truffle, grate or finely chop. Boil the pasta until al dente, then strain and add a tablespoon of butter.
Prepare the sauce: pour the cream into the pan, add a couple of drops of truffle oil, a teaspoon of truffle salsa, fresh truffle, salt, pepper to taste, rub the parmesan, let it boil and set aside.
Add pasta to the finished sauce, mix well and put on a plate, garnishing with finely grated fresh truffle.

My friends, to say that it's delicious is absolutely NOTHING to say, because it's divine, or, as Nika writes, "deadly! .. delicious!)

In Italy, black truffles cost quite sane money - for these 2 mushrooms we paid 20 Euros. You can store them in the refrigerator for a couple of weeks, and you can also make your own truffle oil or truffle salt from fresh truffles.

And I also read such an interesting nuance about truffles as an aphrodisiac:

"There is a legend that says that a childless farmer's pig unearthed some seemingly poisonous underground mushrooms and ate them. The farmer was upset and waited for her death. But instead, she flew out in a fit of passion and began to attract males for mating. The farmer collected mushrooms, cooked and fed himself and his wife. As a result, he had a large offspring"

Truffle Paste is a gourmet restaurant-level treat that harmoniously complements any dish, whether it be a delicate chocolate dessert, hearty meat, a spicy main course of rice, pasta, or a refreshing appetizer of greens and vegetables.

Quick and easy recipe: in a couple of minutes

How to surprise guests and family members? A simple treat will delight gourmets with an unobtrusive tenderness of taste, an attractive mouth-watering aroma. Mushroom meat accent perfectly harmonizes with fragrant garlic and alcohol.

Products used:

  • 110 g butter;
  • 180 ml of white wine;
  • 110 ml white truffle oil;
  • 70 ml of heavy cream;
  • minced garlic.

Cooking process:

  1. In a separate container, mix two types of oil.
  2. Place the oil on plastic wrap, form a neat bar, wrap tightly.
  3. In a saucepan, mix white wine with chopped garlic, add spices.
  4. Bring the spicy liquid to a boil, cook for 2-6 minutes.
  5. Stir in cream, cook 40-65 seconds.
  6. Cut the chilled butter into cubes, gradually add to the total mass.

The resulting mushroom sauce is ideal for pasta, complementing the standard taste of familiar pasta with new accents of French cuisine. Add the truffle chips to the cream mixture.

Fragrant idea for dinner. Fettuccine with mushrooms

A slightly modified recipe for a classic treat will surprise gourmets with a spicy bouquet of new gastronomic notes. In addition, use vegetables, such as broccoli or cauliflower florets.

Products used:

  • 50 ml truffle paste;
  • 60 g unsalted butter;
  • 110 g shallots;
  • 220 g fresh fettuccine;
  • 175-190 ml of heavy cream;
  • truffle shavings or fresh truffle.

Cooking process:

  1. Bring salted water to a boil, cook pasta.
  2. Chop shallots, fry
  3. Add cream to the aromatic ingredient, mix thoroughly.

Put the finished fettuccine in the pan, season with spices (nutmeg, basil). Serve with truffle shavings or mouth-watering slices of fresh mushrooms.

Pasta with seafood and black truffles

Add a restaurant touch to your usual dinner! An appetizing company of truffles and classic spaghetti will be shrimp and fragrant red onion.

Products used:

  • 2 black truffles;
  • 1 red onion;
  • 70 ml of heavy cream;
  • 65 ml of white wine;
  • 30 ml of olive oil;
  • 120 g spaghetti;
  • 90 g of champignons;
  • 75 g shrimp;
  • paprika, white pepper.

Cooking process:

  1. Boil pasta.
  2. Fry red onion rings in olive oil.
  3. Add the mushroom slices, whole shrimp, fry until the mushrooms soften and the seafood forms a crust.
  4. Season with spices, add white wine.

Cook for one minute, then add cream and grated truffles. Mix the resulting appetizing mass with ready-made spaghetti, additionally add herbs and spices.

What do you eat truffle paste with? Spicy risotto

Optional to use to complement unusual mushroom pasta flavors. Spicy rice will harmoniously fit both into a festive dinner and into the daily diet of lovers of delicious food.

Products used:

  • 190 g mushrooms;
  • 110 g of rice;
  • 90 g fresh truffles;
  • 50 g butter;
  • 110 ml of white wine;
  • 90 ml of heavy cream;
  • 65 ml of olive oil;
  • 1 sweet onion;
  • pressed garlic.

Cooking process:

  1. Boil rice.
  2. Heat the butter in a frying pan, fry the sweet onion rings.
  3. Cut mushrooms into neat cubes, add white wine and cream.
  4. Simmer spicy ingredients for 6-8 minutes.
  5. Add cooked rice to the ingredient, mix, season with spices.

Grind the truffles with a knife or a coarse grater. Garnish with neat slices of rice with champignons, additionally season with truffle paste or oil.

Light broccoli and Brussels sprouts salad

Products used:

  • 200 g of cabbage leaves;
  • 100 g Brussels sprouts;
  • 75 g broccoli;
  • 30 g Dijon mustard;
  • 60 ml lemon juice;
  • 50 g truffle paste;
  • 3 egg yolks;
  • 2 anchovy fillets;
  • 1 minced garlic.

Cooking process:

  1. Place the chopped cabbage in a large salad bowl.
  2. Add the Brussels counterpart, broccoli florets.
  3. Whisk egg yolks with anchovies, season with garlic and spices.
  4. Add lemon juice, French mustard, mix thoroughly.
  5. Season a light cabbage salad with the resulting sauce, truffles.

Pasta strands with black truffle sauce

How to use truffle paste? The gastronomic potential of a restaurant treat is often used by culinary specialists as a fragrant addition to pasta.

Products used:

  • 1 medium black truffle;
  • 90 ml of olive oil;
  • 75 ml of white wine;
  • 2 anchovy fillets;
  • 1 pressed clove of garlic;
  • 130 g spaghetti;
  • 60 g grated Parmesan.

Cooking process:

  1. Rinse truffle thoroughly under cold water, dry with paper towels.
  2. Boil pasta, set aside.
  3. Grind half of the truffle on a fine grater, mix neat slices with a tablespoon of olive oil, make a puree.
  4. Combine the remaining olive oil, anchovies and aromatic garlic in a large saucepan.
  5. Heat over medium heat, add wine, simmer another 2-6 minutes.
  6. Season the finished spaghetti with the resulting sauce, truffle paste.

The recipe lends itself to culinary modifications. Replace pasta with rice or mashed potatoes. As an additional garnish, use fresh vegetables, lettuce leaves.

Appetizing grilled steaks with tender mushrooms

Products used:

  • 110 g unsalted butter;
  • 110 ml white miso;
  • 30 ml of truffle oil;
  • 2-3 steaks.

Cooking process:

  1. Mix two types of oil with white miso.
  2. Season the steak with salt and pepper, set aside for 3-4 hours.
  3. Grill the meat, browning the meat slices for 2-3 minutes on each side.

Unusual snack idea: baked cheese with truffle honey

How else can you use truffle paste, with what to cook an exquisite delicacy? Delicate ricotta will replace the usual breakfast or dinner, diversifying your gastronomic routine with new dishes.

Products used:

  • 175 g soft ricotta cheese;
  • 45 g grated parmesan;
  • 1 large egg;
  • 1 loaf of fresh bread;
  • truffle honey (or paste);
  • thyme, crushed pistachios.

Cooking process:

  1. Preheat oven to 180 degrees.
  2. Cover the baking dish with parchment, brush with sunflower oil.
  3. Crush the pliable cheese with a fork, add the egg, mix thoroughly.
  4. Carefully place the pulp in greased molds.
  5. Season with spices, bake for 15-18 minutes.

Cut the bread into neat slices, fry in a pan until golden brown. Serve baked cheese with crispy toast, truffle honey and pistachios.

Composition of truffle paste. Calories per 100 grams

One serving of a delicious treat with a French name contains about 818 kilocalories. In the truffles themselves - 51 kilocalories, in pasta - from 110 to 340 (depending on the variety chosen) kilocalories.

Truffle pasta or pasta with truffles is one of the most delicious types of Italian pasta. You can cook such a pasta both with fresh truffles, but of course we all understand that it is not so easy to get them in our strip, and with truffle cream. Having been in Italy, I saved a jar of such truffle cream and now periodically pamper my family with the most delicious truffle paste. It is about pasta with truffle cream that will be discussed in this recipe. You can use various types of pasta to prepare this dish, for example, spaghetti, tagliatelle, penne and others, it all depends on your preferences. The pasta is very easy and quick to prepare.


  • Pasta - 350-400 g
  • Cream (33%) - 1.5 cups
  • Cheese (Parmesan) - 150-200 g (half of the cheese is immediately added to the sauce, the second half is used when serving)
  • Butter - 20-30 g
  • Truffle cream - 2 teaspoons
  • Dried herbs (basil and oregano) - to taste
  • Ground black pepper - to taste
  • Salt - to taste


To prepare the pasta, I used this truffle cream / truffle paste.

It is best to cook the sauce and pasta at the same time. Pour pasta water into a saucepan and place it on the stove to boil. While the water is boiling, start preparing the sauce. Pour cream into the pan, add truffle cream, dried herbs and pepper. Truffle cream has a very rich taste, so just two teaspoons will be enough for 400 g of paste.

While stirring constantly, bring the sauce to a boil. It is best to use a silicone spatula for this purpose. As soon as the sauce boils, pour in the Parmesan cheese grated on a medium grater.

Mix everything again until the cheese dissolves, salt and turn off. The sauce is ready.

While preparing the sauce, add the pasta to the boiled salted water and cook according to the instructions until al dente. Use real Italian durum wheat pasta for this dish. Do not rinse the finished pasta under water. Add a piece of butter to the finished pasta.

First, dissolve the oil in the hot pasta, and then put the pasta with the oil into the prepared truffle sauce.

Thoroughly mix pasta with sauce. Truffle pasta is ready, serve it hot, sprinkled with grated parmesan on top. Pasta with truffles, like other types of pasta, is good immediately after cooking and loses a little in taste after heating.

Bon Appetit!

You can watch the funny video below:

I got the recipe for this dish from a small restaurant in the center of Rome. It is prepared simply, but the taste is truly extraordinary.

For two servings we need:

200 g white mushrooms (fresh or frozen)
250 g 20% ​​cream
6-8 pasta nests
15 ml truffle oil
olive oil

Cooking time - 30 minutes, difficulty 3 out of 10.

First, boil the porcini mushrooms for 10 minutes in lightly salted water. If you use frozen ones, you need to put them in water directly from the freezer, without defrosting.

All packages indicate how much pasta needs to be cooked, we focus on this time and try to get the al dente stage (slightly firm, as if a little undercooked).

About 5 minutes before the tagliatelle is ready, heat the olive oil and about 1-2 teaspoons of truffle oil in a large frying pan. Despite the pretentious name, truffle oil is sold in many supermarkets. It is not much more expensive than olive oil, but it lasts for a very long time.

We put boiled porcini mushrooms in a mixture of oils and fry them for about 3 minutes until light golden brown. Here it is very important to control yourself and not go crazy, as the smell that porcini mushrooms will exude in combination with truffle oil is absolutely fabulous. No foodie can resist!

When the tagliatelle are ready, put them in a colander and shake well to remove excess water, and then add to the mushrooms.

The tagliatelle needs to be fried for 3 minutes.

Now it's time for the sauce. Pour cream directly into the pan with pasta and mushrooms. Sometimes 20% are very thick, as happened to me. There is nothing wrong with that - it will just thicken the sauce.

Salt the whole dish, add a pinch of oregano and another 5-8 milliliters of truffle oil (this is about 1 teaspoon). Quickly, but thoroughly, mix everything and put it on plates, decorating each with a sprig of basil.

Bon Appetit!:)

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