Home A fish What can be cooked from pork stomachs. How to clean a pork stomach quickly. How to clean and cook pork stomach

What can be cooked from pork stomachs. How to clean a pork stomach quickly. How to clean and cook pork stomach

In the article we will tell you how to clean the pork stomach at home and how to rid it of an unpleasant odor. Sometimes this offal is called offal. He can be found in recipes. The dishes are quite interesting, although not common in the everyday menu. But after the slaughter of the animal and before cooking, this organ must be carefully processed. Below is how to rinse it, and what tools will be needed.

Ease of preparation

After slaughter, piglets and pigs must be gutted before cutting their carcasses. Internal organs - by-products are eaten. This is a liver (liver, kidneys, heart, lung), and a stomach.

The latter in a pig is a large muscular organ located in the abdomen. By the age of nine months, the stomach of an animal can hold up to 9 liters of contents.

The stomach of pigs is suitable for dishes such as brawn, saltison, haggis. Usually it is used as a container, which is started with vegetable or other stuffing. This is not difficult to do due to the baggy shape and large volume of the organ. Usually, this offal is not used as an independent dish.

The stomach of a pig is very nutritious and contains vitamins A, E and group B. There is also a substance called arachidonic acid (a class of essential fatty acids). It has a good effect on brain function and protects the lining of the stomach and intestines.

If we consider the calorie content of the pork stomach, then there are 160 kcal per 100 g.

Preparing the shell

The stomach of pigs is an organ consisting of muscle tissue. From the outside you can see a layer of fat. The components of the by-product have a membrane that protects it from damage. It is an undeniable fact that pigs are omnivorous and can ingest various solid particles, as well as poor-quality products. Therefore, any internal organs are cleaned before cooking.

Let's talk about how quickly and effectively you can process the pork digestive organ at home. The stomach of pigs before stuffing goes through the following stages of purification:

  • from the outside, it must be thoroughly rinsed under running water for several minutes;
  • after turning, you need to rinse the inside;
  • with a knife or brush with soft bristles, remove the fat layer, films, mucus and clean all the folds inside and outside the organ;
  • for better purification, the offal can be placed in boiling water for 10 minutes, and then cooled;
  • the cleaned organ must be soaked in brine (1 liter of water, 15 g of salt, 4 tablespoons of vinegar 9%) for 5 hours.

Acetic acid speeds up the process of soaking the pork stomach. In addition, muscle tissue becomes more elastic and does not tear when filled with fillings. After such a solution, the stomach is again thoroughly washed.

There is also a way when the cleaned pork stomach is not soaked in brine, but simply turned inside out and rubbed with salt. In this form, it should lie up to 5 hours. After that, the salt is washed off. The offal is placed in a solution (1 liter of water and 1 tablespoon of salt and vinegar) for 1 hour.

After that, rinse in water. The tripe dries up and can be used for cooking.

Bad smell and disinfection

It often happens that after soaking the stomach in vinegar, the smell of acid can remain, so it is very important to rinse it thoroughly after brine.

Mustard has good disinfecting properties. She treats the pig's digestive organ when it has already passed the stage of soaking in solution. This not only disinfects, but can also give the future dish original taste. Sometimes garlic cloves are also used.

As an option for disinfecting the stomach of a pig, this is freezing. The organ is wrapped in a plastic bag and placed in the freezer overnight. However, this method somewhat degrades the quality of the product, because the muscle fibers are destroyed by freezing.

If the stomach is torn during cutting or cleaning, then it can be sewn up. Use a strong thread and a gypsy needle.

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The pork stomach is a sac-shaped muscular organ that can be stuffed with a variety of products, creating unimaginably delicious dishes. V different countries people cook in their own way and call the stuffed stomach differently, for example, in Russia it is brawn or saltison, in Ukraine it is kendyukh, in Belarus it is vantrobyanka. Both meat and offal are used as fillings, various cereals mushrooms, vegetables...

I propose to cook a stuffed pork stomach using a pork head, onion, garlic, carrots, bay leaves, salt and spices.

Prepare the necessary ingredients.

In the preparation of a stuffed stomach, the most difficult first stage is cutting pig's head. Here you will need a hatchet, since the head will have to be cut into 6 parts. But before that, you will need to wash it thoroughly, scrape the skin, removing the remnants of the bristles. After cutting, cut off and thoroughly wash the ears, cutting out the inside of the auricle. Remove the eyes, as they will begin to release bitterness during cooking.

Put all the meat, along with fat and bones, tongue and ears, into a large saucepan. Fill to the top with water and bring to a boil. Then drain this water and fill again to the top with clean cold water.

Put the peeled onion, coarsely chopped peeled carrots, bay leaves into the pan.

Continue to cook on moderate heat for 4-5 hours.

After the time has elapsed, carefully remove all the contents from the pan (onions and carrots are not needed!) and cool.

Then cut into small pieces and meat, and lard, and ears, along with cartilage, and tongue (it must be cleaned before cutting).

Grind the peeled garlic with a press and put in a bowl. Also add salt and spices to taste. To stir thoroughly.

Before you start stuffing the stomach, it must be carefully prepared: first rinse, changing the water several times. Then fall asleep with corn grits and, with massage movements, pressing, mash. This will help get rid of both gastric mucus and a specific smell. You can leave it in corn grits for several hours, and only then wash it off.

Turn the stomach inside out and start stuffing it. Put all the prepared stuffing inside, distributing it evenly. It should not be very stuffed, otherwise it will burst during cooking.

Sew up the hole with thread. With a needle, make 5-10 punctures on each side so that excess air comes out.

Bring the broth in which the meat was cooked to a boil and put the stuffed stomach into it. Cook for 1 hour on low heat.

Then carefully remove it from the pan and bake in the oven for 20 minutes at a temperature of 180 degrees. Before baking, it is necessary to make pins again with a needle over the entire surface of the shell.

Remove carefully from the oven.

Immediately place a load on the stuffed stomach and leave in this position for 6-8 hours.

And it is desirable that he stood in a cool place - in the refrigerator or basement.

Then you can cut and serve.

Appetizing, satisfying, meaty, with crispy inclusions, fried and edible shell, stuffed pork stomach will appeal to many. To complete the picture, serve mustard, horseradish or tomato hot sauce on the table.

Bon Appetit. Cook with love.

There are many recipes that use the stomachs of lamb, beef, pork, duck and chicken, but if chicken can often be seen in dishes home cooking, then everyone else is very rarely used in the daily menu.

And all because how to clean chicken stomachs known to everyone, and with the rest of the by-products there are many problems. If they are bought on the market, then only for feeding dogs. And it is in the unpurified form that they contain enzymes and microorganisms necessary for dog health.

But if you know how to clean your stomach at home, you can enjoy a very tasty dish.

We clean offal ourselves

The stomach consists of muscle tissue, covered with a layer of fat on top, and an elastic membrane - it protects this organ from damage:

  • there are always pebbles in the stomachs of birds, otherwise the process of grinding the grains will not be possible;
  • animals do not understand what they are swallowing, and there is a high risk of foreign bodies entering the esophagus.

To thoroughly clean offal, you need to be patient - this is a rather long and laborious process.

It will be easier to clean chicken and duck stomachs if you cool them in advance in cold - and preferably in ice - water.

The offal cleaning algorithm is as follows:

  • the chilled stomach is laid out on a cutting board;
  • cut along - through the opening of the esophagus;
  • rinse again with cold water;
  • The easiest way to pull off the film is simply by prying it with your finger.

It is removed quite easily, no effort is required.

How to clean duck stomachs from yellow film? Just like chicken from white. It is necessary to carefully monitor that not a piece of yellow film remains on the duck stomachs, otherwise the dish will not be eaten - bitterness will be felt in it.

How to clean a pork stomach before cooking it?

First, you need to rinse it very thoroughly under running water, for this it is rinsed out several times, turned inside out, all the wrinkles are cleaned with a knife or a dishwashing brush made of soft wire - the second option is even more convenient.

It is required to remove all films, fat layer, mucus.

After hygienic treatment, the offal is soaked in brine - 15 g of salt and a tablespoon of vinegar are dissolved in 1 liter of water. In brine, the stomach must stand for at least 5 hours. After soaking, the stomach is washed again, the water is allowed to drain by gravity, and only then can something be cooked from it.

How to clean a sheep's stomach? The algorithm for cleaning a sheep's stomach is the same as that of a pig's.

To make the films and the fat layer come off easier, the stomach must first be soaked in boiling water for 15 minutes. Then it is also soaked in brine, but the characteristic taste of lamb remains. This must be taken into account when preparing the dish, and purchase more spices of various types.

The most difficult task to cope with is how to clean a beef stomach at home. The scar - this is the name of the beef stomach - is usually quite large in size and it is very difficult to cope with it on your own, without experience in cutting.

Even at the stage of acquiring the product, you need to pay attention to the layer of muscles - there should not be black layers.

A scar with black layers is suitable only for animal food:

  1. At the first stage of cleaning, the scar is cleaned of dirt, adhering foreign matter and other debris;
  2. In the villages, it was customary to wash it in a flowing stream, in a city apartment it is soaked in cold water changing it at least every 20 minutes;
  3. To soften the beef stomach, the night is kept in brine, prepared according to the same recipe as for pork and lamb.

Without such processing, during which the by-product softens, it is impossible to remove the outer fleecy layer.

The fleecy layer is peeled off, then the adipose tissue, and the offal is soaked again in saline solution - for 4 hours, or it is simply rubbed on all sides with salt and left for an hour in the cold - not in the freezer.

After the scar is washed, it can already be cooked - it takes at least 4 hours to cook it.

Stomach Recipes

For 0.5 kg of meat you need to prepare:

  • a small onion;
  • 2 cloves of garlic;
  • 2 cloves;
  • 250 g of white wine;
  • 50 g bacon;
  • red hot pepper;
  • 50 g pork sausages.

Spices: a mixture of white and black pepper, salt.

Onions are fried until translucent vegetable oil, add garlic, thinly sliced ​​chili pepper without stalk.

Then, fried onions and garlic are added to the chicken stomachs, stewed for about 20 minutes, bacon and smoked sausage are added to the pan and fried until a golden crust appears. As soon as the bacon and sausage are cooked, white wine and spices are added to the pan and again tub over low heat for 2 hours.

In Portugal, this dish is washed down with cold beer.

Very tasty dish obtained from duck stomachs, if they are caramelized in onions.

It is prepared like this:

  • the onion is cut into rings and stewed for 5 minutes in vegetable oil, which needs to be poured more so that the onion floats in it, adding pepper, salt, bay leaf;
  • then the stomachs are laid out in a container and for another 2 hours they keep everything on a small fire;
  • salt at the very end.

For 1 kg of offal, you need to take 800 g of onion - then you don’t have to add water, the meat will be stewed in onion juice. The dish is ready when the onion acquires an even beige color and resembles a viscous caramel in consistency.

The pork stomach is usually stuffed - they use it as a filling. buckwheat porridge, mushrooms that are overcooked with onions and spices. After the prepared “bag” is filled with stuffing, it is pierced and baked in the oven.

They try to cook the mutton stomach in a simpler way - it is cut into thin slices and stewed in onions to get rid of the taste of lamb.

You can cook any dishes from the tripe: bake it, fry it, stew it, cook soup from it. But you need to keep in mind - for culinary experiments it is ready only after boiling.

The muscle tissue of the scar is very dense, and if it is introduced into the dish immediately after cleaning, it will be impossible to chew it.

Pig stomachs were often eaten by poor peasants who did not have the opportunity to regularly eat expensive meat. Nowadays, pork stomachs are often included in the daily menu in many families, because they are very nutritious. The main properties of such a product, the subtleties of its preparation and the most best recipes cooking - in our article.


The calorie content of the stomach of a pig is 159 kcal. 100 grams of such a product contains 10.14 grams of fat and 16.85 grams of protein. In terms of taste, it is in no way inferior to meat.

Like any other product, the pork stomach has positive and negative qualities, is beneficial and harmful to the body.

Pig stomach is very popular among consumers due to its high nutritional value and ease of preparation. It contains arachidonic acid, as well as vitamins of groups B, E and A. In many countries, people cannot imagine without such a product. festive table for Christmas.

As for harm, the stomach of a pig becomes dangerous for a person if it is poorly cooked. Raw offal may contain a large number of bacteria that adversely affect the human body.


In some cases, the pork stomach is bitter, has a strange aftertaste. To avoid this, the by-product will need to be effectively prepared before cooking the dish. It is recommended to do this in a certain order.

  • Rinse the product thoroughly under running water (you will need to pay attention to each side).
  • The offal consists of a large number of folds. They will need to be thoroughly cleaned with a dish brush or knife.
  • You will need to put the stomach in boiling water and leave it there for about 10 minutes. After that, you can quickly remove the mucous membrane from it.
  • Remove the layer of film, fat, mucous membrane.
  • Rinse thoroughly with water again.
  • The product turned inside out will need to be treated with salt and left for several hours.
  • Remove salt from stomach. Mix a tablespoon of vinegar and salt with a liter of water. Put the offal in this mixture and leave it there for about 60 minutes.
  • Rinse the pork stomach thoroughly with water and let it dry thoroughly. After that, you can start cooking the dish.

Fried with onions

Prepare some salt, sunflower oil. It will also be necessary to take 15 grams of seasonings, 30 grams of green onions and 1.5 kg of the main offal.

Cut the stomach into pieces (they should be quite large). Then put it in salt water and boil for 3 hours. Let the boiled product cool, cut it into smaller pieces and fry in oil. If the stomach is properly cooked, its hue will turn golden. To make the offal look better, sprinkle it with seasonings and chopped onions before serving.


Kovbyk is a stomach that is stuffed and baked in a special way. To create a cow bull at home, take the main ingredient, as well as salt, seasonings, wine, onions, 0.5 kg of pig meat and 2 chicken legs.

Separate the chicken meat from the bone and cut it into small pieces. Then prepare the same pieces of pork. Season the meat, salt it and add the onion rings. Fill the pieces with wine and leave them for several hours.

The stomach (it will need to be pre-prepared, cleaned) will need to be stuffed with meat, but not all the way: there should be some free space left in it. After that, pierce the offal in different places. Then take a strong twine and sew up the main hole with it.

Add a bay leaf, a few peas of allspice to the water and lower the stomach with the meat mixture there. Boil it for one and a half hours. After that, transfer the offal to hot oven and bake it for one hour (recommended temperature is 180 degrees).

Stuffed with buckwheat

If you stuff the offal with buckwheat, it will be very satisfying. If you additionally use mushrooms, the aroma of the dish will become simply wonderful. Prepare 100 g of mushrooms, 300 g of buckwheat, 300 ml of broth, a small chicken breast, carrots, 100 g of salted brisket, 2 onions. You will also need to use sunflower oil, seasonings, salt and half a head of garlic.

Prepare the pig's stomach according to the diagram above. During this preparation, you will need to boil the buckwheat until half cooked. Blanch the mushrooms. Grate the carrots, chop the onion and sauté the vegetables to soften them as much as possible. Cut the chicken breast into small cubes and mix it with the breast pieces.

mix prepared ingredients for the filling, season them, salt and sprinkle chopped garlic on them. Stuff the offal with minced meat, sew it up, put it in a duck bowl and pour the broth there. Then take the lid, cover the container and put it in the oven. Bake the dish at 180 degrees. It will be ready in about 3 hours. The lid will need to be removed 20 minutes before the end of its preparation.

With chicken and pork mince

Although the stomach of a pig with minced meat does not differ in catchiness appearance, it turns out very tasty and smells good. To create such a dish, you will need a pork stomach (its size should be medium), as well as seasonings, salt, a few carrots, soy sauce(100 ml will be enough), 2 kg each of chicken and pork fillets.

Cut the meat into pieces and mince them using a meat grinder. Add spices and soy sauce to the meat. Cut the carrots into small cubes and add them to the meat mixture. Cover it with cling film and place in the refrigerator. The workpiece can be left there for the whole night.

When the meat mixture is infused, stuff the prepared offal with it. Then sew up the stomach, pierce in different places. Pour water into the pan, put the workpiece there and cook it for about 180 minutes (the fire should not be very strong). After that, leave the offal overnight, and the next day it can be served on the table.

German recipe

Selz is a very tasty cold dish from German cuisine. Some people are sure that dishes according to old recipes can only be prepared by the "chosen ones" who know about the special intricacies of their creation. And yet, in this case, everything is much simpler than it might seem at first glance.

Prepare spices, salt, pig stomach, one kilogram of liver, lung and pig heart. Take also garlic and 500 grams of lard.

Boil the prepared heart and lung until half cooked. Separately, boil the peeled liver (this will take less time). Grind the offal and add crushed garlic, seasonings, salt and cubes of bacon to them. Then take fragrant minced meat and stuff the prepared stomach with it. After that, sew it up and cook for half an hour.

A container with a stuffed blank will need to be clamped between two boards. Put her under pressure and wait two days.


This is originally italian dish gained great popularity in Russia. Saltison is prepared from different types of meat. To create such a dish, you will need spices, salt, 2 chicken legs, pork stomach, a bunch of dill, 300 gr beef liver. Take also a head of garlic, 250 grams of pig's heart, 200 grams of tongue, 300 grams of pig's brisket, 250 grams of beef pulp.

Separate the chicken meat from the bone. After that, you will need to chop the beef, heart, poultry fillet, garlic, brisket, tongue and liver. Sprinkle the above ingredients with seasonings, salt and chopped herbs.

Take minced meat and fill the prepared stomach. Then sew the offal and place it in a saucepan, after pouring water into it. Put the container on fire. When the water boils and the stomach swells, pierce it and leave to cook for another 1.5 hours. Then let the stomach cool, cut it and serve it to the table.

So, we can conclude that the pork stomach is a very useful and nutritious product, besides, it can be cooked different ways. This is very convenient for those people who tend to make changes to the menu as often as possible. If such an offal is cooked correctly, it turns out to be very satisfying and pleasant in taste.

Another recipe for stuffed pork stomach in the video below.

Offal by nutritional and useful properties nothing beats the meat. But unfortunately, some housewives are dismissive of such dishes, considering them tasteless and inedible. Most likely, the reason for this is the inability to cook them correctly. We will try to convince you and reveal all the subtleties technological process. Today we will be a muscular organ that will decorate the Christmas table.

This was revered by the ancient Slavs. It was stuffed with various cereals, vegetables and other products. A dish called "Vantrobyanka" is loved to cook in Ukraine. In the Chuvash Republic, culinary specialists make "Cougar Shyurbi" - this National dish with piquant spices and melted lard.

Before preparing the stomach, it should be degreased, all contents removed, the protective film removed and kept in warm water. Please note that during heat treatment the offal is significantly reduced in size, so there should not be a lot of filling, otherwise the organ will simply burst. If all the recommendations are followed, you will get an exquisite meat delicacy that is not ashamed to serve to guests.

Stuffed pork stomach: recipe with buckwheat and mushrooms

Required set of products: tripe, half a glass of boiled buckwheat, two hundred grams of minced meat (any), dried or frozen mushrooms (one hundred grams), two eggs, an onion, two cloves of garlic, 150 ml of sour cream and spices at will (pepper, salt). You will also need threads and a food bag for baking (you can use a film).

Cooking process

Rinse the muscular organ of the animal, cut off the greasy film and put it in slightly salty water for three hours. During this time, we pass the minced meat with onions and mushrooms. When the filling has cooled, squeeze the garlic, beat in the eggs and add seasonings. We fill the scar ready mix(loosely), we grab the hole with a thread and transfer it to the bag. Stuffed pork stomach is sent to bake for 40 minutes at 200C. After that, open the package, pour plenty of sour cream or mayonnaise and put it back in the oven for 15 minutes. Serve chilled with pickles and herbs.

How to stuff pork stomach with other offal

The dish is more labor-intensive, but very tasty and tender. We will make it from the following components: a medium-sized pork tripe, pieces of beef meat (two hundred grams), two kidneys, tongue and ears of a pig (1 each). For a sophisticated fragrance you will need fresh carrot, one onion, red and black pepper, garlic salt, parsley.

Cooking technology

Pour two liters of water into a deep container, dissolve a large spoonful of salt in it and vinegar essence. Dip the abomasum into the solution for three hours and the kidneys for an hour. Remove dirt and stubble from the tongue and ears. Boil pork kidneys for an hour. We will do the same with the tongue and ears - they should be boiled in a separate bowl for about 90 minutes with spices and baked vegetables.

Remove the white coating from the tongue, cut into pieces. Ears and kidneys - straws. Cut the beef fillet into neat pieces, season with salt and pepper, combine with offal. Fill the space of the scar with this mass, then lightly “bait” with ordinary threads and set to boil for a couple of hours. Then we spread the stuffed pork stomach with mayonnaise and bake for about an hour. Enjoy your culinary experience!

Recipe with potatoes and lard

Absolutely everyone will like the traditional Scottish dish, as it consists of ingredients familiar to us: half a liter of milk, one tripe, two kilograms of potatoes, onions and lard (three hundred grams). Crushed black pepper, bay leaf and salt are used as seasoning. For lovers of spicy, we suggest adding chili or hot peppers.


Similarly to the previous recipes, soak pork abomasum in salt water. Let's prepare minced vegetable: rub potatoes, remove excess liquid with gauze, add bacon cut into small pieces, fried onions, all spices and pour warm milk. It will turn out not a very thick mass, with which we will fill the gastric space. Let's put it in the oven for two hours. Periodically water the pork stomach stuffed with secreted fat to form a golden crust.

As you can see, everything is simpler than it seems. Don't be afraid to get creative and experiment with products. Unusual dish amaze with amazing aroma, juiciness and amazing taste.

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