Home Products Soap bubble juice cake. How to make a children's cake from juice and Barney, kinders, sweets, lollipops, chocolates, cookies, cakes, soap bubbles? Children's performances at the Chekhov Festival

Soap bubble juice cake. How to make a children's cake from juice and Barney, kinders, sweets, lollipops, chocolates, cookies, cakes, soap bubbles? Children's performances at the Chekhov Festival

The article will provide ideas and a master class for making a cake from juice and sweets for children.

To surprise children, you can cook for the holiday not an ordinary cake, but from their favorite sweets and juice. This requires a little imagination and ideas.

  • Candy, cookies, chocolate can be combined with juice in the cake
  • Such a cake is very good for kindergarten, because you can’t bring ordinary baked cakes there.
  • This unusual cake can be a great gift for a child. It is bright, beautifully decorated and delicious.
  • To make such a gift, the time spent is minimal. The hardest part is the foundation. But with our master class you can cope with it in less than half an hour.
  • Cake in the garden can be made with the baby. He will definitely enjoy this creative process

Birthday juice cake: photo

Here is an example of a cake that can be made for a child's birthday. We choose small juices, any to your taste.

Cake from juices and barneys to kindergarten: photo

  • We make a cake from juices and sweets with the child. We need: two round bases for boxes, corrugated paper, adhesive tape and silicone glue, scissors, decor to your taste (ribbons, stickers, etc.)
  • To begin with, we attach juices to the bases, as many as children in a group. It is convenient to do this with hot silicone glue. If there is not enough space along the contour, the juice can be placed inside the circle
  • Such a design with juices will be our basis. To decorate it, wrap it neatly in brightly colored corrugated paper, tie a ribbon
  • We make the second layer. It must be smaller than the first one. This time we make the base of the baby's favorite sweets. We also attach sweets to the base, wrap in corrugated paper
  • We put a layer with sweets on the juice. To secure them, you can carefully wrap them with tape.
  • Now let's start decorating. You already do this at your discretion, foil, stickers, themed inscriptions can be used

Juice and barney cake
Step 1

Juice cake base

The base for a juice cake can be made from cardboard and juice and sweets can be placed on it. The three-tiered base, which is pasted over with paper, looks most impressive. It looks like this.

Do-it-yourself candy and juice cake: master class

  • For a cake made of juices and sweets, we need: cardboard, scissors, glue, corrugated paper in two colors, scraps, adhesive tape, white paper, small juices, sweets
  • Let's make the base first. It will consist of a circle and sides. We will have three such forms, the lower one is more, the upper one is less.
  • Cut out a circle of the desired diameter and measure the circumference. We cut a strip 10-15 cm thick and a length equal to the circumference. Now we attach the side to the base-circle. To make it easier, we make cuts in the side
  • Thus we make 3 parts. We glue them with white paper (or any other color)
  • We place one base on another, fasten them with adhesive tape or glue. We should get a three-tiered base for a juice cake
  • Now carefully place the juices around, fixing them with glue
  • We decorate each tier with corrugated paper and ribbons
  • Now we wrap the candy. To do this, attach each candy to the toothpicks with adhesive tape. We wrap the candy itself in corrugated paper, creating the illusion of flowers.
  • We carefully attach the sweets to the juice cake. Decorate to your liking

Juice and candy cake Step 1

Cake from children's juices and sweets, chocolates

Cake ideas that you can bring to life yourself:

Cake made from juice and chocopai cookies

As sweets, to complement the juice, you can use delicious Chokopai cookies. Here is a cake that can be made from juice and Chokopay:

And, of course, any treat for children is kinder chocolate. In the cake, you can use both kinder surprises and chocolates. But kinder surprises don't hold up so well. The idea of ​​\u200b\u200bdecorating a cake from kinders and juice:

Chupa chups juice cake

Chupa chups is another favorite sweet of children. Great idea to turn candy sticks into flowers. To do this, use corrugated paper or foil.

As an addition to the juice, you can use small toys or soap bubbles. Make sure that the jars are tightly closed so that soapy water does not get on food.

Video: Do-it-yourself juice cake

Soap bubble with cuckoo

Children's program of the Chekhov Festival

The Chekhov Festival this year presents a special children's program for the first time. Yesterday, two performances were shown at the Hermitage Theater at once - the Swiss puppet show "The Ballad of Portofino" and the Spanish show of soap bubbles "Bufaplanetes". MARINA SHIMADINA fell into childhood.

Every self-respecting European theater show has its own children's program, be it Avignon or Edinburgh. This year, she finally wound up at the Chekhov Festival. According to the curator and main inspirer of the children's program Galina Kolosova, the organizers sought to bring to Moscow not those caramel matinees for children that parents prefer to wait in the buffet or wardrobe, but performances for the whole family that speak of childhood not as a country of contented fat-cheeked little ones from commercials, but how about a time full of serious problems, painful questions and unrealizable desires. Moreover, all four performances of the program talk about childhood in languages ​​that are by no means primitive, proving that a child can understand the abstract and metaphorical language of music and dance, facial expressions and gestures, and, of course, the international Esperanto of soap bubbles.

The very first production of the children's program, "The Ballad of Portofino" by the Swiss theater "En Gro e En Detail", turned out to be a small masterpiece. All the action of the performance takes place inside the double bass. Probably, each of us in childhood wanted to look inside the music box, catch the little men living inside the toy model of the ship, or see what the cuckoo does in her grandma's big clock in her free time. Peter Rinderknecht provided us with such an opportunity: in his double bass there is a whole miniature house with real tiny furniture and a working mini-organ, there, according to the will of the author’s imagination, the inhabitants of the cuckoo clock are located - Mr. Ku-Ku and his naughty, freedom-loving son. In the performance of these miniature actors, it is not boring to hear the story about the conflict between fathers and children for the hundredth time. Moreover, it is told with lively humor. The actor speaks not only for his heroes, but also with them: he makes fun of ruffy relatives, tries to calm their disputes. And between times he manages to communicate with the public, creating a cozy atmosphere of friendly gatherings in a small hall. Here, a compact coffee maker with a miniature refrigerator, hidden in the same magical double bass, and unhurried kitchen conversations - memories of a vacation at sea with a nostalgic demonstration of postcards with views of Italy, come in very handy. This seemingly optional communication is the charm of the performance. In an hour and a half, the audience is so imbued with sympathy for the author of the play and his little heroes that their story imperceptibly becomes a story about each of us. But this beautiful parable about youth and old age, about the growing up of a person, is more likely to be appreciated by adult viewers.

But the Spanish bubble show "Bufaplanetes" without translation is understood by viewers of all ages and nationalities. Every child and adult who has not had time to grow old knows that there is nothing more exciting in the world than blowing rainbow bubbles. But few people realize that such miracles can be created from ordinary dishwashing foam. Bubbles are huge, a meter in diameter, or tiny, crumbling over the stage like a crystal waterfall, bubbles filled with cigarette smoke or multi-colored like semaphore eyes, bubbles one in another or on top of each other, amoeba bubbles, planet bubbles, snake bubbles. Magical mirages appearing and disappearing before our eyes. Pep Bow, the world-famous mime who founded a whole theater of soap bubbles, on the stage looks like an alchemist conjuring over multi-colored cones, then a trainer taming naughty soap animals, then a diligent master, stubbornly, step by step, creating a fascinating work of art. At this point, the noisiest children and the most gloomy adults rejoice immoderately, with bated breath.

Izvestia, June 10, 2003

Elena Gubaidullina

Soap and double bass with cuckoo

Children's performances at the Chekhov International Theater Festival

It seems symbolic that performances for children first appeared at the current, fifth Chekhov festival, because five is the favorite number of children. The organizers of the festival also deserved the round five. The children's program has just begun, but its curators already want to give the highest mark. Just because they brought us the Swiss "Ballad Portofino" and the Spanish "Bufaplanetes" - amazing performances, absolutely unlike anything else.

Peter Rinderknecht from the Zurich An Gro E An Detail Theater and the Catalan Pep Bow, who founded the only Bubble Theater in the world, are not only great actors and gambling inventors, but also subtle experts in child psychology. They communicate with the young audience on an equal footing, conspiratorially involve in the game and win over from the first moments. The "Ballad of Portofino" and "Bufaplanetes" have nothing more in common. One performance is like quiet reflection in an old grandfather's study, the other is like noisy fun on the lawn.

Peter Rinderknecht tries to play double bass. Every now and then he starts and cannot finish the play "Night Butterfly". Sounds definitely do not fit in the instrument - there are so many things stuffed there. The giant polished cabinet contains a miniature room with toy furniture, a refrigerator with a capacity of three cans of Coca-Cola, a life-size coffee maker, and even a tiled toilet and bathroom for oversized wooden dolls. All this economy is revealed quite unexpectedly. The actor, as if nothing had happened, plucks the strings, when suddenly a window with a very unceremonious bird opens in the upper deck. It turns out that the double bass is not a double bass at all, but a cuckoo clock. The puppet-dad works as a cuckoo, who has a naughty puppet-son and a favorite harmonium. The son hates the classics, loves rock and is absolutely sure that he will achieve much more in life than the cuckoo dad. But the instructive moments of the unusual story were literally ignored by our audience - Peter Rinderknecht played his performance in English. But the unusual space, jewelry manipulations with moving wooden men and the smallest intricate props, numerous puppet finds were appreciated by everyone. Although they followed the action with some bewilderment.

But on the "Bufaplanetes", going at the festival in the same theater "Hermitage", the enthusiastic exclamations of the children accompanied the birth and short life of each ephemeral construction of Pep Bow. The famous Spanish mime appeared on stage in the form of an eccentric professor of alchemy, performing miracles with a flask of water, a beaker of shampoo and several glass tubes. Bow's partner, Luis Bevia, played the cheerful loser. He interfered and fouled the inventor in every way and along the way came up with the easiest ways to build soapy structures. Either he will blow foam with a tennis racket, or he will adapt a gas burner to bubble building.

And Pep Bow, meanwhile, rejoiced and celebrated. Soap balls inflated with cigarette smoke, turned into ping-pong balls and kites, sparkled and shimmered in the beams of spotlights, chased each other, flirted, connected, swirled and exploded with fireworks. Each subsequent creation of Bow turned out to be larger and larger than the previous one. The magician and wizard inserted one soap ball into another and, quite surprisingly, pulled it back out. And in the finale, in complete darkness, a giant rainbow city with sparkling tents appeared on the stage - the mysterious land of Bufaplanetes. Before becoming an actor, Pep Bow worked as an architect. I do not know what kind of houses he built, but the soapy buildings that grow and scatter from light breezes look like real masterpieces on the theater stage.

MK, June 10, 2003

Soap bubble cake

Dishwashing liquid, water and a little glycerin - that's all you need to turn a cold reality into a fairy tale. Artists from Catalonia, Pep Bow and Luis Bevia, opened the doors to the world of ghostly fantasies with the play "Bufaplanetes" from the children's series of the Chekhov Festival. Together with the small audience, Svetlana OSIPOVA dreamed.

In Russian, “bufaplanetes” is something like inflatable planets. They are born at the behest of the charming clown Pep Bow, who sometimes looks like a good wizard, sometimes like a mad scientist. But the “planets” disappear, alas, when they please. However, not all so simple. As Luis Bevia told us, the lifespan of a soap bubble directly depends on what the weather is like outside. If there is a dry wind, then the “planets” live only about 20 seconds, and if it rains, then a whole minute longer. We were lucky, because on Sunday, when Pep and Luis gave their first performance, it was overcast. So the “planets” were blown out easily. They shimmered with all the colors of the rainbow - and none of them repeated the other: round, oval, shapeless, colored and even filled with cigarette smoke. They appeared from everything - from glass tubes, tennis rackets, and a small white ball could suddenly appear inside a large and transparent one.

The hardest trick, Louis says, is to extract the "child" from the inside of the "mother." This must be done very gently so that it does not burst and does not turn into a cloud of cigarette smoke.

It's strange, like adults, but they think about soap bubbles. However, with these same soap planets, you can, for example, play ping-pong, bake a cake out of them, or make a lampshade over the table. The product will be exclusive. But the most important thing is that you can conquer the most beautiful girl on earth with a fairy tale of soap bubbles. Pep succeeds. And in fact, what kind of woman would not follow someone who can present her the very dream on a silver platter! Well, or on the palm of your hand. In Moscow, performances will last until June 12.

Alisa Nikolskaya

Dancing, bubbles and an old double bass

Children's performances at the Chekhov Festival

A separate program for children appeared in the repertoire of this famous show for the first time. It also turned out to be the shortest. However, visiting the performances left the most positive impressions both in terms of quality and the reaction of the public. At first, I thought: who will go to all this - ordinary parents with children, or, as is usually the case at festivals, mostly specialists and "their own" audience? However, it was this program that became "a theater for people": whole families with children from four to fourteen years old went to the box office of the Hermitage Theater, where the main block of performances was played. Probably, the composition of the audience influenced the course of the performances: the children's audience reacted sensitively and directly, trying their best to understand what was happening on the stage. Which was not very easy, for example, in the play "Ballad Portofino" by the Swiss theater "En Gro e En Detail", played in English. But at some point, textual details became unimportant. The story told in the performance is so transparent that emotions successfully replace words. At first it seems that "Ballad ..." is a solo performance. On stage is a charming middle-aged gentleman (author and performer Peter Rinderknecht), who first, apologizing, finishes playing a game of chess with himself, and then dresses up in a scarlet concert coat and enthusiastically plays the opus "Night Butterfly" on an old double bass. But he is not destined to finish playing to the end, because at some point the double bass will take on a life of its own. A small room is hidden in it, where a sad puppet man lives. He is sad about the passing time, which is counted by the malicious cuckoo in the clock, and cannot find a common language with his son. The son, like all young people, loves loud music and does not want to be like a parent. They quarrel, argue, worry, and then in desperation rush to the owner of the double bass to reconcile them. The owner, at first, grumbles: “It’s none of my business!”, But he loves his puppet friends too much and therefore comes up with a way: he throws a magic box with all sorts of miracles to the debaters, including swimming suits, in which you can swim to the wonderful town of Portofino - a kind of heaven on earth. Of course, Portofino exists only on a postcard or in the imagination, but thanks to this fantasy, puppet father and son come to terms with themselves and with each other. The dolls here are full participants in the action: you empathize with them, together with them you think about the difficult conflict between fathers and children and the wonderful power of a dream. And the wise storyteller Peter Rinderknecht, having simply and slightly naively told the story of an old double bass, will again and again improvise on it in the hope of finishing the same “Night Butterfly”. Maybe this will help him write a new story?

The Spanish performance "Bufaplanetes" by "Pep Bow Company" did not need translation at all. For its main characters were ... soap bubbles. Under the guidance of the wizard-alchemist Pep Bow and with the help of a flask of water, a bottle of shampoo and several glass tubes, real miracles were born. Who would have thought that ordinary rainbow balls could be ping-pong balls and kites, that they could have their own character and relationships? Throughout the performance, the bubbles, no worse than flesh-and-blood artists, danced, chased each other, flirted and flirted, and then unexpectedly exploded into hundreds of small sparks. Restless Pep Bow, director and tamer rolled into one, conducted his numerous wards, played with them and fought, childishly rejoicing at each newborn. In the finale, a giant city appeared on the stage, a real architectural masterpiece (apparently, the same "Bufaplanetes" - an inflatable planet), where, probably, all the dreams of both adults and children come true. Of course, both "The Ballad of Portofino" and "Bufaplanetes" cannot be called 100% children's performances, rather, these are performances for family viewing. However, this nice company also got a performance that was not at all for children, although it was unusually entertaining: "Ta ti ting" by the Danish theater "Rio Rose". The author and director Catherine Poer presented on the site of the Small Stage of the Chekhov Moscow Art Theater a whimsical cocktail of fantasies on the themes of popular children's fairy tales, events of recent world history and all kinds of human thoughts and desires. All this is retold in separate text fragments in several languages, accompanied by music and original plasticity. Seventy-five minutes of action are so densely saturated with events that a fair amount of time is then spent on further reflection on what has been seen. At first, there is only an old woman on the stage, sitting on a pile of rags, who is hungry, and a mysterious gentleman, reminiscent of an orderly from the corresponding institution. But soon this strange old woman will extract from the rags, first a flexible, handsome dancer, then a pretty young lady in a dress with flowers, and, finally, an eccentric musician with an accordion, who will eagerly offer his art to the public. All this cheerful company will go through numerous clothes on the floor for a long time and recklessly, remembering the history of everyone who wore this or that dress or jacket: a respectable bourgeois, a famous athlete, a cripple who suffered in the war. And then the company will begin to reincarnate in those who are in question. And this is just the beginning. There will also be Little Red Riding Hood in a male guise, and a voluptuous Gray Wolf, and a timid Snow White in a ball gown, and two demonic cavaliers who will share her in a dance, and a newly emerged grandmother, who speaks her teeth to everyone in order to save her life. But at some point, the fun and the game will suddenly change into a bitter intonation of losses, the heroes will dress in dark clothes, and the rag sack will turn into a huge black shroud. The dreamer-grandmother will be dressed up in a scarlet evening dress and they will sing to her a song "about a dead friend." And the viewer, carried away by the dizzying pace of the action, will dumbfounded, not having time to switch from deliberate theatricality to painfully tangible reality. Of course, for children, especially small ones, it was hard to watch "Ta ti ting". But it was on it that young spectators were least of all. And the adult audience, I think, found a lot of attraction in this spectacle.

Newstime, July 4, 2003

Dina Goder

Without princesses and kikimore

When my daughter was little, we often went to the theater, and I even thought that she liked it. And at the age of eight or nine, she suddenly refused to see another fairy tale resolutely and irrevocably: “I don’t want to - they always scream in the theater.” For the most part, she was right. I had to fall behind, and a few years later I began to build confidence in the theater again - already good adult performances. I must say, for many children, the fear of elderly princesses and shrill kikimors remains forever. As adults, they go to commercial performances - aesthetic continuation of fairy tales about hysterical princesses and grimacing kikimores, and remain convinced that this is exactly what theater is.

I am telling all this to the fact that in a huge city where there are almost no good children's performances, but full of parents who dream of watching something exciting with their children, it is high time to bring spectacles for the little ones from abroad. And so the Chekhov Festival, which previously delighted only adult theatergoers, decided this year to try out a small children's program. I've seen three of the four, and they were all excellent, and the fourth, they say, is no worse. The only pity is that there was so little information about these performances that the halls of the Hermitage Theater were not full, and the children, greedy for entertainment, remained sitting in their boring dachas.

Of course, the hit of the children's program was the famous "Bufaplanetes" - for 20 years the bubble show of the Spanish clown Pep Bow, which has traveled around the world and won a bunch of awards. In essence, this is not a performance - in "Bufaplanetes" there was no action or plot, but only a huge magical attraction in which soap bubbles of incredible shapes, sizes and colors flew out of the various tubes of a shy bespectacled clown. Without saying a word, Bow inflated balloons with cigarette smoke, inserted them one into the other, built figures out of them, juggled, played ping-pong, adorned the girl he liked with them like jewels, and showered the whole hall. Children squealed with delight and jumped in the aisles, trying to catch a waterfall of iridescent balls.

"Ballad Portofino" by the Swiss Peter Riederknecht and "The Tale of Childhood" by the Italians Michele Abbondanz and Antonella Bertoni are no longer shows, but real performances, and not so much for children, but about childhood. Nostalgic and tender.

Peter Riederknecht, a gullible and talkative double bassist (he speaks very simple English to the audience, but is ready to switch to any other European language for the viewer who does not understand something), seemed to have come to play a concert in front of us. And along the way, he tells a sweet lyrical story, constantly being distracted by parallel plots, promising his mother (by mobile phone) to buy groceries or showing off a scarlet velvet jacket: “Really, beautiful? Feel the material. By the way, it's expensive! I rented it." When Peter plays solo, a tiny window opens in the deck of the double bass, like in a clock, from which the cuckoo looks out. This is where the real plot begins: the double bass turns its back to the viewer and it turns out that in its upper part there is an apartment of cuckoos, dad and son (from the other side they look like little men). An elderly grumpy dad regularly, every hour, goes to cuckoo, and gouging son listens to loud music, is impudent, dreams of freedom and does not want to ruin his best years for boring work. Then both "cuckoos" remember their holidays at sea, in the town of Portofino. Peter takes out larger dolls from the bottom of the double bass, and plays with them the memory of happiness, and then reconciliation: the father, relaxed by dreams, for the first time in his life forgets to cuckoo on time, and the son, worrying, for the first time goes to a dangerous, "high-altitude" work with his father.

Good children's performances are always born on the border between genres. The Swiss "Ballad of Portofino" - between the drama theater and the puppet, the Italian "Childhood's Tale" connects the drama with the plastic theater. A charming story about visionary brother and sister - ten-year-old Tomaso and eight-year-old Nina - and their terrible parents, is more danced than told. Two wonderful actors play children and parents at the same time, literally with one gesture and intonation, indicating the transformation of a scolding dad into a naughty son and a dreamy daughter into an eternally busy mother. Children, constantly living among lectures and cracks, tell each other horror stories at night, skip school, going to the cemetery, and play with fire when their parents go to their endless La Traviata. The parents, unable to bear the leprosy, decide to send Tomaso to a boarding school, and then Nina and her brother run away to freedom.

And here the problem begins. The excellent performances brought to Moscow (thanks to the selectors) are, in fact, performances not for children, but about childhood. Either about the children themselves, or about the children's sense of the world. These performances are not suitable for children, neither themes, nor the plots, nor the language. There is a positive side to this - children who easily accepted the indirect, torn narrative and elegant theatrical metaphors, I hope, having grown up, will not require simplification from the theater. However, I am sure that performances cannot be staged without at all being applied to the children's consciousness. I myself am ready to watch performances about evil parents as much as I like. But I am glad that my child did not see the story of children who dreamed of dying in order to be loved by their father and mother. And that the best form of protest for an eight-year-old child is to leave home. I think that the suffering that these new thoughts will bring to a sensitive baby who does not yet share life and the theater is very great and far from art. And the more charming the performance, the more difficult it will be for the child to get rid of the anxiety and feeling of insecurity that can arise when he is shown that there are parents who do not love their children, beat them and separate them.

And yet, it was at the Chekhov Festival that our children could see several performances in which the actors are able to easily and effortlessly communicate with the audience, instead of jumping like goats after smearing their faces with soot. And now we can hope that in ten years there will be a little more people among adult theatergoers who know that the theater is not only screaming.

The program includes a performance of 25 minutes or 40 minutes

Bubbles are inflated in large numbers from the smallest to the giant. During the soap show for children, the artist will show the main tricks with soap bubbles: bubble caterpillar, soap carousel, bubble cake, aquarium, bubble juggling, bubble tower, soap grapes, jumping bubbles, create soap foam, and also introduce children to mesmerizing smoky and fiery bubbles, etc., will immerse everyone in a soap cap (the head is up to the shoulders in a huge bubble), will provide an opportunity for both adults and children to play the role of masters of soap bubbles: with the help of an artist, you can create soapy rain and clouds, dancing bubbles, train bubbles, round bubble giant, as well as perform easy tricks with bubbles and launch handmade soap bubbles that will not burst in your palm. The culmination of the holiday is the immersion of each guest several times in a huge soap bubble.

You can order a soap bubble show for a children's party or a child's birthday in Moscow and the Moscow region, or for an adult event, whether it's a wedding, anniversary, corporate party or just a fun party.

Unforgettable impressions and affordable prices from our show are guaranteed!

Program cost -

1. Mini-show of soap bubbles - cost 2500 rubles - soap showwithout diving into a giant bubble, includes tricks with bubbles, giant bubbles, plume bubbles, various rackets for figured bubbles, fireworks from soap bubbles, soap suits for all participants in the show, as well as participation in the show of children - duration 25 minutes,

2. Soap bubble show "STANDARD" - cost 4000 rubles - includes a mini bubble show program plus additional fiery and smoky soap bubbles and immersion of children in a giant bubble in full growth

(duration 30-40 minutes, the duration of the soap show depends on the age and number of children)

For children aged 8-10 years and older, you can also order the most complex and spectacular soap show "PREMIUM" - worth 6,000 rubles.

(1 artist involved - performance duration up to 40 minutes - includes the STANDARD show program, as well as light illumination and beautiful complex tricks with soap bubbles on a professional luminous LED table with backlight)


(click for details)

Special offer at a special price:

giant bubble show + science show = lots of fun and laughter for your kids

If you want to know the price and other details - call!

Hello everyone. Today my baby is 5 months old. And I decided to publish my first master class. My son is a kindergarten graduate, so April and May were spent in preparation for this event. I made gifts for teachers and kindergarten workers, and I had the idea to surprise the graduates, the idea was supported by my parents. The few master classes I found on the Internet did not suit me. And I decided to go my own way. I decided to photograph the manufacturing process.
So, for work you will need:
1. A durable material for the bottom of the cake, such as plywood or fiberboard. In my case, this is a sandwich panel, which is used in the manufacture of PVC windows and doors.
2. Penoplex or polystyrene.
3. Corrugated cardboard.
4. Cardboard tube from foil or cling film.
5. Crepe paper. I used Chinese crepe paper, which imitates corrugation.
6. Corrugated paper.
7. Glue. I have a Titan.
8. Satin ribbons.
9. The treats themselves. In my case, these are juices, wafer rolls, soap bubbles, Barney cakes, chocolates and lollipops.
The cake is designed for 20 children.

Separately blanks, unfortunately, could not be photographed. But I will try to explain in as much detail as possible what it is and from what.
In the photo you see 4 separate blanks made of different materials, pasted over with crepe paper. All 4 blanks are glued together relative to the center. Yellow ruffles are made of corrugations.
Blank No. 1 - the bottom of the cake (diameter 40 cm), which my husband cut out from a sandwich panel. Ruffle width - 6 cm.
Blank No. 2 is cut out of foam plastic. Further, I will not indicate the diameters in numbers of all blanks, because. it depends on the size of the treats you will be using to make the cake. Diameter 2 of the workpiece is equal to the inner diameter of the juice circle. Below in the photo you will understand what I wrote here).
Blank No. 3 - in my case, this is a cardboard tube with a diameter of 8 cm. You can use a different diameter, but not less than 7-8 cm. The same blank can be cut out of foam or use tape reels. The height of blanks No. 2 and 3 in total is equal to the height of the juice box. Further on the photo everything will be clear.
Blank No. 4 - a circle of corrugated cardboard, the diameter is equal to the diameter of blank No. 2.

The width of the ruffle on blank No. 4 is 3.5 cm. It is glued along the very edge of the blank so that it protrudes 3 cm.

We put the first treats in the formed niche. These are wafer rolls. All 20 pieces fit. Thanks to this design, there are no empty spaces in the cake).

And the top ruffle covers the juices a little from above. I thought it looked better.)

The first tier is ready. It remains only to tie the juices with a string. More on that below. I don't use any tape or glue for juices and other treats.
I did the frame of the cake in stages. The whole frame was not glued. Only after complete completion with all the treats of the first tier, did she move on to the second, etc.

Soap bubbles were originally supposed to be a separate tier, but they have unsightly stickers pasted on them that cover the entire pattern. So I decided to cover them with Barney cakes. But first things first.
So, in order to build the frame further, I needed the inner diameter of the circle of soap bubbles. Putting the bubbles in a circle, I measured it.

Here again you see 3 separate blanks, which are glued together and with the lower tier. 5 and 7, the workpiece is pasted over with the remnants of the corrugation.
The diameter of blanks No. 5 and 7 is equal to the inner diameter of the circle of bubbles. Blank No. 6 - a piece of cardboard tube, which is inserted and pasted into blanks 5 and 7. The height of all blanks in total is equal to the height of the bubble jar.

Blank No. 7 is decorated with a ruffle 3.5-4 cm wide, this time the edge of the ruffle coincides with the edge of 7 blanks.

That's what the second secret niche came in handy for. There I placed 4 barneys that did not fit outside.

It's a child's birthday and you don't know what to bring to the kindergarten to treat the children? Make a beautiful cake out of juices and sweets! The kids will be delighted!

  • What a holiday without a cake, especially if it's a children's birthday! But the difficulty for parents lies in the fact that babies should receive only natural, hypoallergenic, healthy, easily digestible and moderately fatty foods. Unfortunately, only a small number of confectionery products have similar properties.
  • That is why parents will never be allowed to bring cream cake, ice cream, and other favorite but not very healthy treats to kindergarten.
  • There are two options left - to treat apples and biscuit cookies for a name day, or to make an original cake from juice, biscuits - Barney bears and other children's sweets

Juice cake for kindergarten: photo. Do-it-yourself barney and juice cake: master class

Probably not a single child will refuse to drink juice from a small pack with a straw. A kindergarten group or small guests invited to a birthday party will be extremely happy with such a treat. Therefore, the simplest idea for making an unusual cake is to use packaged juices. Mom and dad who make the cake should take into account some things:

  1. Juice must be fresh and of high quality. It is better to choose any brand of baby food that has a minimum of sugar and preservatives in its products. Be sure to look at the date of manufacture of the drink
  2. It is better to choose juice from the least allergenic fruits and berries. If there are allergic people in the children's team, a delicious "multifruit" or "citrus cocktail" can cause an unexpected unpleasant reaction in them. It is better to buy the simplest apple juices, they are suitable for almost all children.
  3. The number of cookies should match the number of children. The reaction of one of the kids, if he does not get a treat, is easy to predict. It is better to use a couple of extra juices in making a cake.

IMPORTANT: For reinsurance, you can ask the kindergarten teacher what juices and other sweets can be brought to the group to treat the children

At a children's holiday, kids will want not only to drink, but also to eat something tasty. You can complement the juice cake with something that all the kids love, for example, Barney biscuits. In convenient portion packaging, they are ideal for the original cake. Of course, they also need to be taken for all the children in the group.

Making a cake from juices and biscuits for children "Barney" is an opportunity for adults to show their imagination. They can also involve a child in the creative process, unless, of course, the finished product should come as a surprise to him.

A small master class will tell parents where they should start.

  • First of all, you need to think about what will be used for the cake. To make it beautiful, and the children are full, you need to make it from at least 2-3 components (for example, juices, Barney and lollipops)
  • Next, you should buy sweets. They are cheaper in bulk. Juice - in packages, "Barney" - in boxes, other

And the Barney biscuits are in these boxes.
  • At the next stage, everything necessary to create the frame of the cake is prepared: cardboard, colored and corrugated paper, foil, glue, scissors, a stapler, ribbons, beads for decoration, wrapping polyethylene, etc.
  • The first tier of the cake will be made from juices, as they are the heaviest. If there are a lot of packs, they may take two tiers. They must be placed in a circle in order to measure out what the diameter of the cardboard base will be.

  • A corresponding circle is cut out of cardboard. Its decor is made at will
  • Juices are exposed along the edge of the finished circle. The diameter of the next tier is measured. A new circle is cut out for it - a “lid” and a leg, these elements of the stand are also decorated
  • According to this scheme, all subsequent tiers of the cake are made.
  • Treats are installed on the frame of the cake, decorated, for example, tied with ribbons or bows. They are needed, firstly, so that the product does not crumble, and secondly, for beauty.
  • You can also use double-sided tape for this purpose. But it doesn't look as aesthetically pleasing. In addition, it will be inconvenient for children to disassemble the treats glued to them.

The cake is being packed

IMPORTANT: So that juices, biscuits and lollipops do not fall from the stand, sides can be glued to each of the tiers of the cake

And this is a treat for little princesses.

VIDEO: Making a birthday cake from juices and barneys in kindergarten

Juice cake base

As mentioned above, the base for the cake can be made from cardboard. Also suitable for her are round or square boxes for sweets and other sweets.

The main thing is that the base is strong, the original design with sweets does not crumble in the hands during transportation and presentation. During its manufacture, it is recommended to use a glue gun, adhesive tape, a stapler with strong staples, etc.

The appearance of the base must be aesthetic. During the presentation of the cake, it will be hidden by juices, chocolates, and other children's treats. But when the children grab them, the cake can turn into something ridiculous, the overall impression of the treat will deteriorate.

VIDEO: Candy cake base

Cake made from children's juices and sweets. Do-it-yourself chocolate and juice cake

Various sweets are also suitable for decorating the cake, ranging from bars like "Mars" or "snickers", bags of "m&m's" and "skittles", ending with any candies by weight. But such a treat, most likely, is not suitable for kindergarten kids, but for older children.

Candy cake.

Chocolate bars and sweets in the original design.

Kinder and juice cake

There is probably no such child who would be indifferent to kinder surprises. Imagine the delight of the kids if the egg is not one, but a whole bunch of them! And they are collected in a beautiful cake, one of those as in the photo below.

Cake made from Kinder bars and eggs.

Three tier cake made of chocolates and Kinder eggs.

Cake - a basket with kinders.

A child's dream is a cake made from many eggs and Kinder bars.

VIDEO: Totik from juice bags, barney and kinder surprises

Juice Cake and Chocopai

Chokopay - delicious biscuits, their children have already appreciated and loved. The treats are free of preservatives, GMOs and chemical colorings and are perfect as an accompaniment to a juice cake.

Juices, chokopay and lollipops are a great treat for kindergarten kids.

A small cake of Chokopay biscuits and baby juices.

Cake juice and chupa chups

During the presentation of the juice cake, candies on a stick will decorate it, after which the children will enjoy them with pleasure.

VIDEO: Cake for a child from bags of juice, muesli and candies, decorated with flowers

Cake made from juice and cookies. Juice and pastry cake

Cookies are also suitable for treating children in kindergarten or at a birthday if they:

  • biscuit or sugar
  • without preservatives and other chemicals
  • fresh

It is desirable that it be in individual packaging, separate for each baby present at the celebration.

Barney's juices and biscuits in the form of a cake for the kindergarten kids.

But it’s better not to use juice cakes for cakes, since children can’t have fat butter cream, protein from raw eggs, or boiled condensed milk in large quantities. Yummy with curd cream or yogurt filling is not stored for a long time, it is very difficult to control its freshness.

Cake made from juice and soap bubbles

Children are always pleased if after the holiday they get a souvenir. These can be soap bubbles in bright bottles used to decorate an unusual cake.

Cake for a girl with juices, Barney and soap bubbles. Juice cake with a gift for a three-year-old birthday princess. Big cake with kinder juice for 6 years.

VIDEO: Cake of sweets for kindergarten

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