Home Salads and appetizers What is eggnog and how to cook it? Mogul-mogul recipe at home. Coffee Mogul: Recipe

What is eggnog and how to cook it? Mogul-mogul recipe at home. Coffee Mogul: Recipe

The famous eggnog: recipes that conquered the world

No one knows for sure the inventor of this drink, but the eggnog is “overgrown” with legends about its origin. There are several versions of its appearance. The motherland of the mogul is called England, Germany and Poland. Having delved a little into his history, you can find out that his invention is attributed to the confectioner from Germany M. Kekenbauer. Another version of the legend tells about a singer from the choir of the synagogue in the city of Mogilev (Mogel), who has the surname Gogel. Having lost his voice, he was afraid of losing his place, and after much thought, a recipe came to his mind that helped him and was named after his last name and place of origin. The Polish version of the legend speaks of Countess B. Potocka, who used eggnog in a somewhat different version, replacing some of the ingredients.

Be that as it may, the classic recipe for the drink has come down to our time, as well as its variants with various flavors.

Thanks to its medicinal and nutritional properties, the mogul-mogul recipe was also popular in Russian cuisine, where it was used mainly classic version its preparation.

Beneficial features

The benefits of mogul-mogul are as follows:

⇨ the ability to restore the functions of the vocal cords and strengthen them;
⇨ therapeutic effect on a sore throat for colds and tonsillitis;
⇨ treatment of respiratory diseases - it helps to get rid of cough;
The nutritional properties of mogul help to quickly satisfy hunger.

Various recipes for mogul-mogul

There are a lot of recipes for making a drink today. There are varieties of it that are intended for children, and there are specially compiled only for adults.


The recipe for this drink is very simple. Egg yolks are separated, ground with salt and sugar, beaten with a whisk or mixer until the volume is approximately doubled. After that, the proteins are whipped, which must be pre-cooled in the refrigerator for 10-15 minutes, also with sugar and salt. Whipped components are mixed in a glass in which the drink is served.

Can be further decorated ready meal nutmeg or whipped cream.

**For those who do not like sweets, we can advise you to make eggnog only with salt, and crumble the crumb into the finished drink white bread. How to make eggnog according to this recipe? Very simple! Beat the egg with salt until foamy and finely crumble the white bread into it.

Classic recipe eggnog has become the basis for other drinks, but with different ingredients.


Children are very fond of mogul-mogul, how to cook it for a cold, you ask? Elementary!


⇨two eggs;
⇨ a tablespoon of sugar or powdered sugar;
⇨ cocoa powder - one teaspoon;
⇨ butter - 1/2 teaspoon;
⇨ a pinch of cinnamon.

Cooking method:

⇨ separate the yolks from the proteins;
⇨ add sugar to the yolks and grind;
⇨ add butter, cinnamon and cocoa;
Beat the mixture together with the proteins in a mixer or whisk until a thick and fluffy foam is achieved.

Everything, the cocktail is ready, you can pour it into a cup and give it to your baby.

Honey for cough

Mogul itself has the ability to relieve a cold throat and bronchi, and if an ingredient such as honey is added to it, the drink becomes absolutely healing. In fact, the recipe for a cough mogul is simple!


⇨two eggs;
⇨5-6 teaspoons of honey;
⇨ one glass of hot milk;
⇨2-3 tablespoons of citrus juice;

Cooking method:

⇨ separate the yolks from the proteins;
⇨ add honey to the yolks and beat in a mixer until smooth;
⇨ add a glass of hot milk and juice;
⇨ beat the whites in a mixer separately until a thick and fluffy foam is reached;
⇨ proteins are slowly added to the heated yolk mixture;

It is better to drink this healing cocktail on an empty stomach.

Healing with rhubarb juice

Rhubarb has a beneficial effect on blood vessels and the heart, all of its beneficial features. The combination of mogul-mogul with rhubarb juice makes the drink not only healthy, but also pleasant to the taste.


⇨two eggs;
⇨ three tablespoons of sugar or one and a half powdered sugar;
⇨ half a glass of warm boiled water;
⇨ a glass of milk;
⇨150-200 grams of rhubarb juice;

Cooking method:

⇨ separate the yolks from the proteins;
⇨ add sugar to the yolks and grind, then add juice and cold milk;
⇨ add salt to the whites on the tip of a knife and beat until a dense foam;
⇨then add foam of proteins to the yolk mixture;
⇨ then pour the cocktail into glasses or cups, garnishing with grated nutmeg.

Coffee with milk

For lovers coffee drinks this mogul-mogul will do just fine.


⇨ one egg;
⇨2-3 tablespoons of sugar;
⇨ one glass of milk;
⇨ one teaspoon of ground coffee.

Cooking method:

⇨separate the yolk from the protein;

⇨ at the bottom of the glass you need to pour warmed milk, pour coffee on top of it;
⇨then the yolk is laid out, and I will overthrow the whipped foam of the protein.

With fruit juice

This drink will appeal to everyone who loves the fruity taste of desserts.


⇨two eggs;
⇨ three tablespoons of sugar;
⇨ salt on the tip of a knife;
⇨ one glass of milk;
⇨ two thirds of a glass of any favorite juice.

Cooking method:

⇨separate the yolk from the protein;
⇨ add sugar to the yolk and grind;
⇨then juice is added and the whole mixture is mixed;
⇨ add salt on the tip of a knife to the protein and beat until a dense foam;
⇨ milk, necessarily chilled, and protein foam are added to the yolk mass;

The cocktail is drunk with a straw.

Mogul-mogul is a sweet creamy cocktail with the smell of childhood, which easily improved mood and increased vitality for a child with a sore throat, hoarse throat, colds and poor appetite. However, growing up, many were surprised to learn that the mogul-mogul is not only a sweet medicine, which was both a cure, a consolation, and a reward and compensation for the disease that everyone needs so much in childhood. Eggnog is a gourmet dessert with lots of options and therefore ingredients to satisfy every palate. Let's discuss how to make a mogul that decorates life on weekdays and holidays for adults and children.

IMPORTANT! The basis of all eggnog recipes are raw eggs. To avoid trouble (salmonellosis and other intestinal problems), only organic and proven eggs should be used. There is a point of view that the cleanest eggs are quail, given their size, for all recipes you need to increase the amount of yolks and proteins. Before preparing a cocktail, any eggs must be thoroughly washed and wiped.

Children often do not like to take medicine, act up and spit it out. Mogul-mogul is a tool that will help get out of this impasse. You need to take 2 yolks, add sugar or powdered sugar to taste and grind thoroughly until a homogeneous white state. To this mixture add a little soft butter, grind again and cheers! wonderful medicine is ready. For a change and entertainment of the child, a little cocoa powder can be added to the classic cream.

Adults, especially singers, use eggnog to support and improve the sound of the voice. Professional eggnog for adults (singers, actors, announcers) from crushed yolks and sugar is taken in the morning on an empty stomach, 2 teaspoons.

Classic mogul recipe


  • yolk of one egg;
  • 2 glasses of milk;
  • 2 tablespoons lemon or orange juice;
  • 6 tablespoons of honey.


Grind the yolk, add milk and honey to it. Everything should be knocked down with a whisk or a mixer. Then add juice and beat again. Instead of the yolk, you can take the whole egg and beat it, then add the rest of the ingredients. Another variation of this recipe involves mixing all the products and, at the last stage, adding protein whipped with sugar.

Video recipe

Mogul with milk and rum

This recipe, as well as mulled wine, is very good in winter for warming and healing. Recipe for 6 servings.


  • 6 yolks;
  • 150 g of powdered sugar;
  • 1 liter of milk;
  • 50 g of rum.


Beat the yolks in a bowl and grind them with powdered sugar until white. In the same bowl, while stirring, add boiling milk in portions, without allowing cooling, add rum, mix everything and serve hot in ceramic mugs.

fruit eggnog

This recipe is made non-alcoholic cocktail on a hot day.


  • 2 eggs;
  • 3 tablespoons of sugar;
  • a pinch of salt;
  • half a glass of berry or fruit juice (most often cherry or strawberry);
  • 2 glasses of cold milk;
  • half a glass of cold (ice) water.


Beat the yolks with salt and sugar, pour in the juice and mix. Pour milk and water into this mixture, mix and add the whites whipped into a steep foam. Pour eggnog into glasses and sprinkle with chopped nutmeg, in combination with which egg white gives the cocktail a delicate aroma.

Video recipe

Mogul-mogul cocktail "Golden Cockerel"


  • 200 g of alcohol (food) or 2 glasses of vodka;
  • 1 can of condensed milk;
  • 0.5 cups of chilled boiled milk;
  • a pinch of vanillin;
  • 5 yolks;
  • 1 tablespoon of powdered sugar.


Mix alcohol, condensed and boiled milk, add vanillin to taste and pour this mixture into a mixer. Grind the yolks with powdered sugar and transfer them to the mixer to the prepared mixture. Beat everything together, pour into a bottle and refrigerate for at least 12 hours. Pour cold eggnog into glasses and sprinkle with grated chocolate, biscuits or coconut flakes.

Mogul recipe with champagne

INGREDIENTS per serving:

  • 1 yolk;
  • 1 teaspoon of powdered sugar;
  • freshly squeezed juice from half an orange;
  • 1 teaspoon of liqueur;
  • chilled champagne;
  • crushed ice.


Grind the yolk with powdered sugar and mix with orange juice and liquor in a mixer. Strain the mixture into a tall glass, add ice and fill everything with cold champagne.

coffee eggnog

Grind the yolk of one egg with or powdered sugar until the color changes. Beat the protein until a stable thick foam (you can drop 1-2 drops of lemon juice or solution citric acid to stabilize the foam). Pour a little warm milk or cream into four coffee cups, then brewed coffee, put ¼ of the pounded yolk and ¼ of the whipped egg white on top. Serve without stirring.

Video recipe

The main feature of the eggnog, which distinguishes it from other creams and cocktails, is rubbing the yolks with sugar or powdered sugar. At the next stage, they are mixed with a variety of drinks from milk to cognac and champagne. You can come up with your own unique recipes for adults and children with your favorite flavors and aromas. At the same time, it must be remembered that mogul-mogul cannot be stored for a long time and made in advance, except for specified cases.

What is your favorite eggnog recipe?

Mogul-mogul is a famous drink with a wonderful aroma and taste. Many people use it as a cure for various diseases. There are many options for its preparation. The main ingredients of the appetizing remedy are eggs and sugar. At will and taste, gourmets bring their own additives - nutmeg, fruit juice, vanillin, milk, honey, cognac, rum.

The calorie content of the dish varies significantly and depends on the products present in the recipe. On average, it is 250 kcal per 100 g. How to make eggnog, you will learn by reading this material, which describes several variations step by step and with a photo.

The benefits and harms of a mogul-mogul

What is the benefit of the product:

  • The egg is rich in useful amino acids;
  • Minerals: zinc, iodine, selenium, phosphorus, calcium, iron, magnesium;
  • Vitamins: C, D, A, B12, B3.

Medicinal qualities:

  • A great dessert will help treat a sore throat, loss of voice, respiratory diseases;
  • It has a beneficial effect on vision, the condition of teeth, hair, nails;
  • Well satisfies the feeling of hunger;
  • Although the dish is considered low-calorie, fat and animal protein will help you gain weight quickly. The remaining additional components bring their healing and beneficial properties to the drink.


  • With liver diseases, diabetes, problems with the pancreas, gastrointestinal tract, gallbladder, atherosclerosis;
  • With an allergy to eggs.

It is advisable to give homemade eggnog to babies from the age of five.

The testicles must always be used fresh (without cracks), from healthy chickens, and pre-washed with a brush and soap. You can’t keep such a drink from eggs for a long time, but only use it freshly prepared.

The original recipe for mogul-mogul

The classic eggnog recipe is the most common and popular and serves as the basis for other types.

You will need:

  • A pinch of salt;
  • 3 small spoons of sugar;
  • 2 eggs;
  • Nutmeg or cinnamon - for decoration.


  1. Separate the yolks from the proteins, put the latter in the refrigerator for 15 minutes;
  2. We introduce 1/2 sugar into the yolks, salt, beat ourselves with a mixer. The mass should double, or a little more;
  3. We take out the cooled proteins, put the rest of the granulated sugar, add a little more, beat until foam appears with a mixer;
  4. We mix the yolks and proteins, again carefully work with a mixer;
  5. We shift into a bowl, sprinkle with nutmeg, cinnamon.

Miracle medicine with honey

It strengthens strength, helps with coughing, treats seasonal depression. For cough, a warm "elixir" is taken in the morning before meals. You can just eat it chilled at any hour.

List of ingredients:

  • Powdered sugar - 2 large spoons (can be smaller);
  • Egg;
  • Honey - 2-3 tablespoons;
  • Lemon juice room temperature;
  • Warm milk - a glass.

Detailed recipe:

  1. Separate the protein from the yolk, add honey to the latter and grind with a mixer until almost white;
  2. Pour milk, continue to beat;
  3. Enter lemon juice;
  4. Beat the protein with sugar until soft peaks;
  5. Pour the delicious mixture into glasses, filling them 3/4 at the same time. Decorate with a "hat" of protein.

With sore throat, honey and lemon juice should be replaced with soft cocoa butter.

Mogul-mogul from sugar and proteins

In many variations, such a hearty drink is made from either whole eggs or yolks. But in their composition there is a large amount of cholesterol, so you can cook eggnog mogul from protein and sugar (without yolks).

In addition to proteins, any fruit juice that you like is added to such a dessert. Peach, apple, pineapple, grape are perfect. To decorate the dish, take cinnamon or nutmeg, grated chocolate.

Required components:

  • Fruit juice, boiled milk or cream - 50 ml each;
  • Grated chocolate - to taste;
  • Protein - 2 pieces;
  • Sugar (brown or regular) - a large spoon.

Cooking scheme:

  1. We split the eggs with a knife, salt the squirrels through the gap, add sugar, beat until a thick foam;
  2. We add juice. Add a few if you like. different types, or use mashed peaches or bananas, chopped with a blender;
  3. Next, add boiled milk or cream at room temperature;
  4. Sprinkle grated chocolate on top.

Recipe for a healthy drink for a child

If you are preparing a cocktail for children as a medicine, and not as a dessert, then it is advisable to use it warm. It will relieve sore throat and hoarseness well.

Such a "potion" is drunk on an empty stomach every day, 2-3 large spoons. A good effect will come with angina. It is also not forbidden to take this product just like that, for prevention. The ingredients use either honey or sugar.


  • Sugar - 3 small spoons;
  • Honey - 4 small spoons;
  • Milk - a glass;
  • Nutmeg - a pinch;
  • Eggs - 2 pieces;
  • Juice - 5 - 6 tablespoons (apricot, pineapple, peach).

Cooking instruction:

  1. Separate the yolks and squirrels before whipping so that the mogul-mogul at home turns out to be airy and lush;
  2. Mix the yolks with honey or granulated sugar;
  3. Separately, beat the whites and sweet yolk composition. It is better to use a mixer;
  4. Add a pinch of nutmeg and juice to the yolk mixture, then mix it with whipped proteins;
  5. Pour the resulting cocktail into a glass, decorate with berries, nuts or sprinkle with cocoa powder through a stencil.

Another way to prepare a remedy for a baby

If a child has a sore throat, we offer you this version of a “magic” dessert. He is a lifesaver for children who are difficult to get to drink medicine.

Composition of products:

  • 150 g of sugar;
  • 10 g butter;
  • 2 testicles;
  • 100 g cocoa.

Manufacturing process:

  1. We break the eggs, separate the proteins from the yolks, grind the latter with sugar until smooth;
  2. Add butter and cocoa to the yolk mass, mix all the ingredients well;
  3. Whisk the egg whites and fold into the yellow egg mixture. Pour the healing "elixir" into cups, decorate on top with small pieces of walnuts or pieces of chocolate.

It is advisable to use testicles at home, good quality and not purchased. They must be at room temperature.

Healing "elixir" with cognac

It is necessary to take such a "mixture" for coughing 6-10 days before bedtime. Do not give to children, because alcohol is present in the components. Use the remedy for a dry type of cough, it perfectly disinfects and warms. Instead of cognac, you can take vodka in the same amount. Also in the recipe there is iodine, which has an expectorant property.


  • Cognac and honey - a large spoon each;
  • Iodine - a drop;
  • Butter - a small spoon;
  • Yolk.

Cooking description:

  1. Pour the yolk into a glass, flavor with oil;
  2. Stir, add cognac and honey;
  3. Stir again and drip iodine.

Medicine to restore the vocal cords

  1. Break an egg into a bowl, add salt, if desired, season with spices;
  2. Let's crumble bread, best of all - "Borodinsky";
  3. Mix well and eat with a teaspoon in the morning.

Video: A simple eggnog recipe

Unusual dessert called mogul-mogul is not only very tasty, but also useful, because it relieves cough, relieves sore throat. Moreover, it can be prepared even with alcohol by adding a little red wine.

The origin of the name "mogul-mogul" is still not exactly known, it is fanned by many legends. Some attribute its appearance to a German confectioner who called the drink "Kuddel-Muddel", that is, "mess", others believe that it was invented by Deacon Gogel, a resident of Mogilev, who came up with the idea of ​​treating his throat with a mixture of raw egg and bread crumbs.

There is also an opinion that this recipe was developed by Countess Bronislava Potocka - she came up with the idea of ​​using honey instead of bread, she also gave the name "mogul-mogul", because it is more harmonious. In any case, the classic version of this dish can be attributed to a dessert in which you can use sugar instead of salt and bread.

There are a lot of recipes for making this drink. There are traditional options - they include alcoholic drinks, there are "children's" where alcohol is replaced by juice or some other healthy ingredients. Regardless of the chosen recipe general principles eggnog preparations are very similar.

The drink is based on eggs or only yolks, in any case they must be raw. However, this increases the risk of contracting salmonellosis, which can cause serious harm to the body. That is why it is so important to use only proven chicken eggs. To prepare a drink, eggs should be beaten, according to some recipes, eggs can be beaten whole or only whites or yolks. It will be easier to beat them if you cool the eggs in advance and add a little salt.

If you are using a drink in medicinal purposes for children, eggs should not be whipped into a thick foam, as this will only exacerbate the problem. Also in this case, it is advisable to use eggs at room temperature.

It is important to use exclusively fresh products, old eggs can not only spoil the taste of the drink, but also be harmful to health.

You need to drink the drink only fresh - it will not be able to stand for a long time even in the refrigerator.

The classic recipe for cooking with alcohol

For cooking you will need the following ingredients:

  • 1 egg;
  • 40 ml of table wine;
  • 1 tbsp Sahara;
  • 150 ml of milk;
  • a pinch of salt and nutmeg.

The cooking method is as follows:

  1. Separate the whites from the yolks.
  2. Divide the sugar in half, mix one part with the protein, the second with the yolk.
  3. Add wine, salt to the yolk, whisk.
  4. Pour in the milk and whisk again. Fill the bowl with the resulting mixture.
  5. Whisk the whites with sugar into a thick foam, decorate the dessert.
  6. Lastly, sprinkle nutmeg on top.

A simple protein and sugar recipe

Most recipes call for whole eggs or just the yolks, but such drinks usually contain a large amount of cholesterol, which is quite dangerous for the body. Let's look at the recipe for making eggnog exclusively from proteins. In such a dessert for taste, you can add any fruit juice, cinnamon, chocolate.

The ingredients are as follows:

  • 50 ml of milk, juice;
  • grated chocolate to taste;
  • 2 egg whites;
  • 1 tbsp brown sugar.

Preparing dessert is pretty easy. First, we separate the protein, then add sugar there and beat thoroughly to make foam. We add juice to the mixture, but you can also use fruit puree - in this case, the eggnog will turn out to be thicker. It remains to add boiled milk to the mixture (it should be at room temperature). Top with grated chocolate or nuts.

Therapeutic mogul for coughing for a child

If you want to prepare a drink for children and use it as a medicine, then you need to use mogul-mogul in a warm form, it will quickly relieve hoarseness and pain. Take a "potion" on an empty stomach every day for a few tablespoons. By the way, it helps a lot with angina and similar diseases, but it can also serve as an excellent prophylactic.

When cooking, it is better to use not sugar, but natural honey.


  • 4 tsp honey;
  • 200 ml of milk;
  • a pinch of nutmeg;
  • 2 eggs;
  • 6 tbsp peach or apricot juice.

The preparation of the drink is quite simple:

  1. Separate the yolks and proteins - due to this, the healing dessert will turn out to be airy, lush.
  2. Mix the yolks with honey.
  3. Beat the whites separately in the foam, for this it is best to use a mixer.
  4. Add nutmeg to the yolk mixture and pour in the juice, then mix with foam.
  5. Pour the resulting cocktail into a glass, and decorate with fruits, berries, nuts on top.

Delicious recipe for Easter

Not many people know that white icing, which is covered festive easter, and is a mogul, but slightly modified.

Let's look at the simplest recipe:

  • whites of 3 eggs;
  • 200 g of sugar or powdered sugar;
  • 1 tbsp lemon juice.

Step by step preparation:

  1. First, separate the yolks from the whites and put the whites in the refrigerator for a few minutes.
  2. When the whites have cooled, add a glass of sugar to them.
  3. Beat well until a thick foam forms, then add lemon juice. Keep whisking.
  4. When the foam becomes thick enough, dip the top of the cooled cake in it and decorate with sprinkles. Now it remains to wait until the eggnog dries.

Medicinal properties and contraindications

Mogul-mogul is not only tasty, but also a very healthy dessert that has the following properties:

  1. It helps to cure the throat, restores the voice, is useful in diseases of the respiratory tract.
  2. It has a positive effect on vision, the condition of nails, hair, even teeth.
  3. Satisfies the feeling of hunger.

Despite the fact that such a dessert is considered low-calorie, due to the presence of a large amount of fat and animal protein, you can quickly gain weight, which is important to consider.

There are also contraindications. So, mogul-mogul is not recommended to take:

  1. With liver diseases, diabetes mellitus, gastrointestinal diseases, atherosclerosis;
  2. With an allergy to eggs.
  3. Children under 5 years old.

Eggnog is a simple cocktail made from available ingredients. The basis for it are eggs and sugar. But these ingredients are used for the basic recipe.

The availability of ingredients for cooking determines its popularity. The drink has a mild taste, slightly sweet. When additional ingredients are added, the organoleptic properties change.

  1. Dishes must be dry. Even a couple of drops of water can spoil the result.
  2. Eggs must be chilled. Therefore, it is better to keep them in the refrigerator.
  3. Separate the whites very carefully so that not a drop of yolk gets into them!
  4. It is better to use a mixer. Beating the mass by hand is very difficult, the process will take a long time.

Classic eggnog recipe


  1. Egg - 1 pc.
  2. Sugar to taste

Cooking Method

  1. Break the egg carefully. By pouring between the two parts of the shell, the protein is separated, it is not needed in this recipe.
  2. The yolk is placed in a glass. Add enough sugar to it.
  3. Now take a fork or mixer. Whisk the mixture well until it becomes whitish in color.
  4. The drink is ready! By the way, the number of yolks can be increased by adding enough sugar to them.

Mogul-mogul recipe with cognac


  1. Cognac - 40 ml
  2. Sugar - 3 tbsp. l.
  3. Yolk of one egg.

Cooking Method

  1. Alcohol is better to take not the cheapest. Budget cognac and liquor has a specific taste and can ruin your cocktail.
  2. First, separate the yolk and beat with sugar.
  3. Then add some alcohol to the glass and mix everything well again.
  4. If you want to get more finished drink, then proportionally increase the amount of all ingredients.

Recipe eggnog with lemon


  1. Rum - 100 ml
  2. Powdered sugar - 6 tbsp. l.
  3. yolk - 5 pcs.
  4. lemon zest

Cooking Method

  1. Take a small grater. You need to remove the zest on it in one movement. That is, swipe the lemon down the grater, turn it to the side a little. Continue like this until you remove all the zest from the surface. The white part of the peel is bitter, it will only spoil the taste.
  2. Now the yolks need to be mixed with powdered sugar. Continuing to beat them, add the zest and rum.
  3. The result should be a special dessert, with the aroma of lemon and the taste of rum.

Mogul protein recipe


  1. Eggs - 3 pcs.
  2. Sugar - 9 tsp

Cooking Method

  1. Place the whites in a dry bowl. Beat them until a slight foam forms, start adding sugar and continue to mix the mass.
  2. It is important to achieve a lush structure. If you remove the whisk from the proteins and soft peaks form, then the dessert is ready!
  3. Move the mass into a glass. The resulting dessert has a sweetish taste and airy structure. For its use it is better to use a spoon.

Mogul Coffee Recipe


  1. Brewed coffee - 5 tbsp. l.
  2. Sugar - 2 tbsp. l.
  3. Egg - 1 pc.
  4. Milk - 5 tbsp. l.

Cooking Method

  1. Break the egg, separate its parts. Rub the yolk well with sugar.
  2. The protein is whipped separately until foam is formed.
  3. Now combine the yolk and protein mass, mix a little.
  4. Pour milk and coffee into a glass, stir everything again.
  5. As a result, you should get delicious drink with an air cap on top.

The benefits and harms of eggnog

First, let's list the useful properties

  1. The drink is often used for loss of voice.
  2. The amino acids contained in it improve the condition of hair, skin, nails.
  3. Increased visual acuity.
  4. The drink can be consumed with a lack of mass, if you need to gain weight.
  5. It will be useful in diseases of the respiratory tract.

When not to drink this cocktail

  1. You have disorders in the digestive tract.
  2. Diseases of the liver and pancreas.
  3. Diabetes.
  4. Individual intolerance to eggs.
  5. Atherosclerosis.
  6. Children's age up to five years.

But I can get salmonellosis

Don't be afraid. The fact is that directly the yolk and protein do not contain the causative agents of this infection.

If the chicken is sick, then the bacteria are on the shell. They can get into the drink when breaking an egg.

How to protect yourself from infection?

It's simple - just wash the eggs well using soap. If there were bacteria on the shell, they are now completely removed. Do not use cracked eggs for the drink, the infection could get inside.

Do not use shelled eggs for a cocktail. They are also called "battle". Such eggs are only suitable for frying, as bacteria die during heat treatment.

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