Home Drinks and cocktails Make soy milk at home. Soy milk. Soy milk with plum juice

Make soy milk at home. Soy milk. Soy milk with plum juice

Soy milk is an excellent food not only for those who cannot tolerate animal milk or are allergic to animal protein, but also for anyone who wants to live as long as possible. The quality of soy milk depends on many factors, and to minimize the risk of consuming a low-quality product, it is best to make your own soy milk. Moreover, it is not difficult to do this.

Step #1: Buy Soybeans

You can buy soybeans at your regular grocery store. They cost, on average, 60 rubles per kilogram, sometimes less, sometimes more. Before you put soybeans in your basket and carry them to the checkout, carefully read the label on the package:
- Is there any indication that the soybean you are holding is genetically modified? Buy only natural soy;
- Where is soy grown? It is better if in an ecologically clean region, since soybeans easily absorb heavy metal salts and other harmful substances from the soil, which then enter your body.

Step #2: Preparing the Soybeans

We take 200 grams of soybeans and rinse them thoroughly under running water. Then soak, making sure that the water covers the beans completely. Some advise taking not tap (chlorinated) water, but purified and even mineral water. In any case, soybeans need to be soaked for at least 8 hours. During this time, it is advisable to change the water a couple of times. If you soak the beans overnight, you may not need to change the water, the milk will come out, only it will have a more pronounced "pea" flavor.
Soybeans will approximately double in size during soaking, so take a larger container for them.
At the end of the soak, toss the beans with your hand. At the same time, the surface peel will separate from them. If it is removed, then the taste of soy milk will be more pleasant. Just fill the beans with water, and the husk rises to the top. We wash the soybeans thoroughly - everything, it is ready for use.

Step #3: Grind the Soy

For 200 grams of dry soybeans (400 grams are swollen), you need to prepare 1 liter of clean boiled water. Now we pour soybeans into a blender, add water and grind to a state of tender snow-white slurry. Usually this procedure has to be repeated 3-4 times, since all the soybeans and a liter of water do not fit into the blender at the same time.

Step 4: Boil Soy Porridge

Pour the soy gruel into a large saucepan and put on a slow fire. After boiling, the gruel should be boiled for about 20 minutes over low heat. Do not go far - the contents of the pan must be constantly stirred so that it does not burn and remove the foam so that it does not run away.
Some at this stage add more water to make the gruel thinner, but this is a matter of taste and habit.

Step #5: Strain the soy gruel

After cooling the contents of the pan slightly, we begin to filter it. Some use a sieve for this, others use calico folded in half, others use a special woven sleeve. The essence does not change: you need to carefully separate the liquid part from the solid.

Step #6: Getting Soy Milk

Basically, we already have it. However, some housewives prefer to flavor soy milk in order to remove the "grassy" or "pea" aftertaste. This is done by adding a pinch of vanilla and a teaspoon of cinnamon. Please note that if you add flavorings, then only natural ones, and then be sure to boil the milk again.
Subject to the proportions described above, about 0.8 liters of soy milk is obtained, the cost of which is less than 15 rubles.

Note: soy milk should be stored in the refrigerator for no more than a week, but most often it is drunk much faster, since it tastes excellent and, unlike cow's milk, soy milk is perfectly absorbed by the human body.

It has been proven that milk from soybeans is superior in many respects to a product of animal origin.

The mere fact of his belonging to plant foods arouses interest and tips the scales in the direction of choice. However, there is a lot of controversy around the benefits of soy milk - some classify it as a magical product, while others believe that regular use is harmful to health. To dispel myths and understand how and why this drink is useful, you need to understand its composition and method of preparation.

What is soy milk - briefly about the main

Soy milk is the oldest product, invented in the second century BC. The outward resemblance to the usual cow's milk is obvious - the liquid has the same white color and a similar consistency. The herbal drink is based on soybeans, a popular annual herbaceous plant widely used by vegetarians as a source of protein.

However, the plant product was called milk not only because of the visual similarity - the taste and nutritional properties soy milk is almost identical to cow's milk, but it does not contain cholesterol and is safe for people who suffer from allergic reactions to animal milk and lactose.

The production of milk from soybeans includes several stages:

  • soak,
  • boiling,
  • filtration.

Manufacturers enrich the drink with calcium, as the product cannot boast of its high content, like an animal competitor.

Benefits of soybean drink

Soy drink is consumed both unchanged (hot and cold), and for the preparation of other products and dishes: kefir, cheeses, soups, mashed potatoes, pancakes, ice cream and other desserts. In some Asian countries, they have been completely replaced with milk from animals.

A find for health and beauty

First of all, soy milk is valued for low calorie (about 40 kcal per 100 g) and the absence of lactose. In a vegetable drink made from soy, only 1.5% of vegetable fats are not only harmless, but also beneficial to health.

Switching to an alternative to dairy products of animal origin helps maintain normal weight and even promotes weight loss, since soy contains lecithin, a substance that has fat-burning properties and normalizes fat metabolism.

Soybeans contain phytoestrogens(isoflavones) - plant hormones that help normalize hormonal levels and compensate for the lack of the main female hormone - estrogen, which is responsible for the health and beauty of beautiful ladies. The lack of estrogen is especially noticeable during menopause, when the body stops producing it naturally. Taking phytoestrogens protects against osteoporosis, relieves hot flashes, and reduces nervousness.

It is believed that isoflavones reduce the amount of estrogen released into the blood, thereby preventing the formation of uterine fibroids and breast tumors. Phytohormones also lengthen the menstrual cycle and delay menopause.

Soy products 40% consist of valuable vegetable protein, which, like an animal, is the main building material for muscle mass. Soy protein is easily absorbed by the body, providing the needs of a person who refuses meat or consumes it in limited quantities.

Fat in soy milk is represented by unsaturated fatty acids - the most important elements necessary for normal metabolism, cardiovascular health, skin condition, good memory.

Soy products are rich in vitamins group B necessary for the functioning of the brain and the activity of the nervous system. Presence vitamin E makes the product an effective antioxidant that prevents the formation of cancer cells.

  • hypertension;
  • atherosclerosis;
  • coronary artery disease;
  • diabetes;
  • chronic cholecystitis;
  • obesity;
  • arthritis

Benefits and alternatives of mother's and cow's milk for children

Soy products have long been used in baby food. But soy-based infant formula is produced, recommended for babies with lactose intolerance and allergic manifestations to conventional mother's milk substitutes, digestive disorders and carbohydrate metabolism. Babies are allowed to give only special mixtures as directed by a doctor.

Soy milk can be included in the diet of a child after two years, after consulting with a pediatrician. For children with intolerance to cow's milk, it becomes the main source of protein and easily digestible nutrients. Milk is added to porridge, vegetable puree, soups. It is especially useful to use it instead of butter.

Soy kefir is also used in baby food as an alternative dairy product. You can cook it yourself by adding sourdough to the emulsion. By curdling, it is easy to get cottage cheese - soy cheese-tofu. To kids, its taste seems unattractive, but on the other hand, it can be diversified with fresh or dried fruits without harm to digestion.

When choosing soy products, especially for children, pay attention to the naturalness of the beans - transgenic plants can be harmful to health!

Soy Milk Beauty Recipes

Vegetable milk is used not only in food, but also in skin care. On its basis, creams, masks, cosmetic milk are produced. Soy proteins smooth the skin, nourish and moisturize it, give elasticity and firmness.

It is not necessary to buy ready-made care products in stores; at home, you can use soy milk by adding it to face masks to vegetable and fruit bases. You can also use milk for washing, rubbing the face and making tonic ice cubes.

How to make milk from soybeans at home

Soy products are relatively inexpensive, but not sold in all stores, moreover, some manufacturers use low-quality raw materials. Sooner or later, fans of healthy eating think about how to make soy milk at home. It turns out that it is very simple and beneficial for the family budget.

Soy cow - home production of healthy milk

You need a cow to get milk quickly, but don't worry, a soy cow doesn't need to be pastured and milked. This is a modern kitchen appliance with which you can prepare fresh and natural bean milk in 15-20 minutes. Fast Cooking only benefits the final product - the shorter the processing of the beans, the more useful substances remain in them.

A household soybean cow is a compact multifunctional appliance that is often compared to a food processor. In addition to vegetable milk from soy, rice, almonds, hazelnuts, corn, you can quickly cook many other delicious and healthy meals. In fact, this is a blender, meat grinder, slow cooker and kettle in one case.

Functional soy cows from the leader in their production Joyoung are fully automated and controlled by a microprocessor. They know how to cook

  • milk from dried and soaked beans,
  • vegetable and fruit juices,
  • liquid and side dish cereals,
  • tender puree soups,
  • uniform jams.

If necessary, the device will heat the cooled dish to the desired temperature. For this, a heating function is provided. It is very useful to have mixing during the cooking process - this option allows you to add various additives to the prepared dish.

The devices of this manufacturer are equipped with a cleaning function that will help out if you do not wash the device on the day of use. For maximum comfort and safety, thermal sensors, water and overflow sensors, temperature controllers are provided.

To prepare a liter of soy milk at home, you need only 50-100 grams of beans - the cost of the product is ten times lower than the price per liter in the store! No more than ten rubles per liter! Thus, the device will quickly pay off, and given its versatility, you can abandon other household appliances in favor of buying a soy cooker.

More learn about soy cows and get expert advice You can visit the website of the official Joyoung dealer. There you can also buy equipment with delivery throughout Russia and with a guarantee.

How to use a soy machine

To prepare a portion healthy drink in the apparatus, it is recommended to pre-soak the beans, without abusing the possibility of cooking from dry beans. The fact is that soaking increases the amount of nutrients in the drink, and when working with dry beans, some of the valuable substance remains in them.

During cooking, the machine will grind the beans with sharp knives, heat the mass and thoroughly mix the suspension with water to extract all the beneficial components from the soybeans. The device will inform you about the readiness of the dish with a sound signal after a quarter of an hour.

Modern models are equipped with filters. The filter will remain okara- a valuable product, rich in soy protein, which is then added to other dishes: pancakes, cheesecakes, meatballs, cereals. Okara has no taste, so it takes on the taste of other foods. If there is no built-in filter, the resulting liquid must be passed through the filter manually and the okara should be separated.

Keep in mind that homemade soy milk contains no preservatives, so its shelf life is limited to a few hours.

Soy cooker for business

Machines for preparing vegetable milk can be used not only for personal needs, but also as a help to the family budget. Ready milk can be sold to neighbors, making the price less than in the store. Of course, the sale of products on the market requires permission, so it is better to limit yourself to close people.

You can also put a soy machine in a cafe - there will always be customers who do not drink cow's milk even with coffee. Such a device will make the cafe a favorite place for vegetarians and fans of a healthy diet.

It is important to remember that any product, even if it is completely natural and of plant origin, is contraindicated for some people for health reasons. Before switching to soy milk, be sure to consult your doctor, and if he prescribes tests and examinations, do not neglect the recommendations. Pregnant women and persons suffering from and should be especially attentive to their health.

Today, billions of people around the world have completely given up animal milk. The exclusion of protein foods from the diet is the subject of controversy among many doctors and nutritionists. Someone actively promotes as a useful and indispensable food product. Their opponents point to its harm. So what is the secret of soy milk? Is it good or bad for our health?

History of soy milk

Soy milk came to us from China. It has been produced since the 2nd century BC from soybeans. It is believed that the Oriental thinker Liu An decided to create a pleasant liquid from beans for the first time. His beloved but very elderly mother lost all her teeth, so she could not eat soybeans, which she adored. Then the caring son ground them, and then he made soy milk, which was distinguished by a delicate and pleasant taste.

In 1939, Harry Miller gave the oriental drink worldwide fame by starting it. industrial production. It was at this time that vegetarianism entered the masses, became popular, so Miller's product found its consumer.

Today, billions of people are vegetarians and consume soy milk, either store-bought or homemade.

How is soy milk prepared?

This drink can be easily prepared at home:

  1. soybeans are soaked for 60 minutes in distilled water;
  2. the resulting mixture is pureed;
  3. then boiled over low heat;
  4. the boiled mixture is filtered and cooled.

After all these manipulations, an emulsion is obtained from water, oil and vegetable protein. Soy milk has light fragrance, a sweetish taste that many people find pleasant. Due to its taste and composition, it is very popular among the henchmen of vegetarianism, while it is used in the preparation of many dishes. Soy milk becomes the basis for broths, kefirs, yogurts, milkshakes, tofu, puddings and pastries.

Video: Live great! Soy milk.

Features of the composition and properties

It is the composition of soy milk that makes experts argue about its benefits. It differs significantly from our traditional milk of animal origin. One glass of raw drink contains:

  • 1 mg iron;
  • 300 mg calcium;
  • vitamin A (500 IU), D (120 IU), B12 (3 mcg), E, ​​folate (24 mcg);
  • isoflavones;
  • lecithin;
  • vegetable fiber;
  • 100 calories, 8g carbs, 7g protein, and 4g fat.

This unique composition determines the properties of soy milk.

Source of vitamins

For the normal functioning of our body, a certain amount of vitamins must be supplied from outside. Soy drink contains all the main vitamins:

  1. A. Helps maintain normal vision.
  2. D. Necessary for the absorption of calcium, helps to strengthen the musculoskeletal system, teeth. With a lack of this vitamin, rickets develop in children.
  3. AT 12. During pregnancy, it is involved in the laying of the nervous system of the child. In adults, it performs many important functions (including participation in the formation and maturation of red blood cells).
  4. E. This powerful antioxidant helps our body resist various infections.

Light and nutritious

Protein is the basis of life. It contains 8 essential amino acids, without which our body cannot work. Soy milk contains about 35% protein. This makes it an indispensable source of protein for vegetarians. In addition, this drink does not contain cholesterol and fats (unlike cow's milk). This allows us to recommend it to patients with impaired functioning of the cardiovascular system (atherosclerosis, arterial hypertension, coronary heart disease), pathology of the gastrointestinal tract (chronic cholecystitis, pancreatitis, gastritis, gastric and duodenal ulcers), and obesity.

No allergies!

Its main feature is the absence of lactose in the composition. It is this substance that is a powerful allergen, while it is abundant in animal and breast milk. Drinking soy milk in babies with diathesis and lactose intolerance helps to significantly relieve their condition, as well as get the right amount of protein.

Useful in many ways

Soy milk contains many other biologically active substances that significantly improve the condition of our body:

  • Isoflavones. These plant estrogens are used in gynecology to improve the well-being of women during menopause;
  • Lecithin. This lipid is an integral element in the construction of cell membranes and a kind of “fuel” for the body to work.
  • Vegetable fiber. It stimulates and optimizes digestion. Its deficiency leads to the development of chronic constipation.

Do you need micronutrients?

Soy milk is poor in calcium. One glass contains only 1/3 daily allowance for an adult. It is this fact that is the main argument of opponents of soy drink. Calcium deficiency is detrimental to health. It strengthens our musculoskeletal system, teeth, nails and hair. A lack of calcium in childhood leads to a serious disease - rickets. In adults, this deficiency is manifested by frequent fractures, brittle nails and hair. To compensate for the lack of calcium, soy milk producers artificially enrich it with this trace element, bringing it closer in concentration to cow's milk.

But with the rest of the trace elements in soy milk, everything is in order. This is especially true for iron, which is necessary for the transport of oxygen by red blood cells to tissues and organs.

Healing properties of soy milk

The similar composition and properties of soy milk have interested many leading nutritionists, as well as doctors around the world. There are many studies that point to the benefits of soy milk in the prevention of various diseases.

Arterial hypertension

Every second person in the world over 50 suffers from blood pressure. This pathological condition leads to a number of complications: myocardial infarction, stroke, loss of vision, etc. The main reason for the development of hypertension is an increase in serum cholesterol. Since soy milk does not contain cholesterol, it is recommended to be consumed by patients with a similar problem.

Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and obesity

Soy milkdietary product which is easily absorbed by our body. This allows us to recommend it to patients with peptic ulcer, gastritis, chronic cholecystitis and pancreatitis. In addition, the low content of fats and cholesterol makes it possible to prescribe it to persons suffering from obesity. This product will reduce the total caloric content of the diet, while maintaining the desired concentration of vitamins, as well as trace elements in the menu.

myocardial infarction

Heart disease is the leading cause of death worldwide. Blockage of blood vessels supplying the heart with blood clots leads to myocardial infarction. According to studies, the constant use of soy drink reduces the risk of thrombosis, avoids the development of heart muscle infarction.


Menopause is a physiological process in a woman's body. With age, the amount of estrogen produced decreases. Although this is normal, but often menopause is accompanied by a number of painful symptoms that significantly reduce the quality of life of women, as well as their ability to work:

  • baldness;
  • sudden change of mood;
  • hair growth in unwanted areas;
  • subjective sensation of cold or heat ("hot flashes");
  • dryness of the vagina;
  • weight gain.

Soy milk contains vegetable estrogens - isoflavones. They help to level such symptoms, improve the condition of women during menopause.


Women during menopause often suffer from osteoporosis. Doctors attribute this to estrogen deficiency. Soy drink is rich in isoflavones, powerful plant estrogens. They help strengthen the musculoskeletal system, prevent the development of osteoporosis.

Mammary cancer

Researchers at the University of Buffalo conducted a study in 2010 that demonstrated the effectiveness of soy milk in preventing the development of breast cancer. The trigger for the development of this pathology are estrogens, which are produced in the female body. Isoflavones replace them, thereby preventing the development of cancer.

Vitamin E also plays an important role in cancer prevention. It stimulates the immune system, tones the body, which is also important for preventing the development of a life-threatening pathology.

Arguments of skeptics

If soy milk is so healthy, then what are the arguments of the opponents of this drink? Criticism is based on the following factors:

  1. Negatively affects the condition of pregnant women. For the normal development of the mother and fetus, a woman must receive all the nutrients. Experts recommend refraining from experimenting with the diet during pregnancy in order to avoid disrupting the development of the child, as well as pathological conditions on the part of the woman.
  2. Harmful for small children. The composition of soy milk is very different from mother's milk. This applies to the ratio of proteins, carbohydrates and fats. And the lack of calcium will negatively affect the state of the child's musculoskeletal system. That is why pediatricians recommend to refrain from feeding babies soy drink.
  3. Excess phytic acid in the composition. This acid binds and removes from the body a whole list of useful substances: calcium, magnesium, zinc, iron. Thus, the systematic use of large amounts of soy milk can lead to their deficiency.
  4. Negative impact on the reproductive system of men. An excess of plant estrogens (female hormones) leads to inhibition of sperm production.

The benefits of soy milk are an individual matter. If you decide to introduce it into your diet by replacing an animal product with this drink, consult your family doctor or nutritionist. It will help determine whether it will benefit your body or cause harm.

You will need

  • For soy milk:
  • - 1 cup soybeans;
  • - 11 glasses of water;
  • - 1/4 cup sugar.
  • Kitchenware:
  • - blender;
  • - a large cup (should hold at least 11 glasses of water);
  • - several cups;
  • - gauze;
  • - wooden spatula for stirring;
  • - a container for storing ready-made soy milk.


Put the soybeans in a deep bowl and fill with water so that it covers all the beans, leave to soak for 8-11 hours in a warm place. If possible, use mineral, purified water, rather than raw tap water, as soy can get an unpleasant aftertaste from it.

Add water as needed if it starts to evaporate to keep the beans submerged at all times. Transfer the beans, along with whatever water you soaked them in, to a blender, chop, add about four more water, mix to get a smooth bean paste.

Put the rest of the beans (pomace) from the cheesecloth into a blender, add three more glasses mineral water and mix to get a homogeneous mass. Squeeze the mixture through cheesecloth again, and then return the remaining beans to the blender again, pour two glasses of water, mix and strain again.

Boil raw soy milk: pour it into a deep saucepan (leaving ¼ of the saucepan free) and place over high heat. Constantly stirring, wait until the mixture boils, carefully watch that the milk does not stick to the bottom of the pan, remove the foam from the surface (then the so-called " Korean asparagus»).

Add a few drops of cold water to the milk to help reduce foam. Reduce the heat to boiling and cook it for another eight minutes, stirring constantly.

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  • soy cooking

Tip 2: Benefits of plant-based milk and how to prepare it

Vegetable milk is a raw food product and extremely healthy. Preparing such milk is easy and simple, although it takes some time.

Vegetable milk is consumed by those people who, for ethical reasons or for health reasons, refuses milk of animal origin. Also, such an analogue of liquid food is suitable for those Orthodox who observe long fasts preceding the Great Holidays and abstain from food of animal origin during one-day fasts on Wednesdays and Fridays.

How to prepare plant milk?

In order to prepare plant-based milk, you will need any seeds or nuts. You will also need clean fresh water. From special devices you will need a small sieve, gauze or cotton cloth, two containers of the required size. The ratio of seeds or nuts and water is as follows: 1.2 - 1.5 liters of water is taken per 100 grams of raw materials.

In a container of a suitable size, for example, glass jar 1 liter, pour washed, peeled seeds or nuts. Pour 500 ml of cold water here. We leave at room temperature for a period of 1 to 12 hours. The soaking time depends on the types of seeds or nuts that are used to make plant-based milk. After the specified time, the seeds, together with water, are wiped as much as possible with an immersion blender. With the help of a sieve and gauze, the liquid is filtered into a free container of a larger volume. Then topped up to a volume of 1.2 - 1.5 liters.

The remaining pomace can be used for cooking various cereals, sauces, desserts.

What are the benefits of plant based milk?

Useful properties of vegetable milk takes from the product from which it is produced.

So, sunflower seed milk rich in B vitamins, vitamin E, contains among other micronutrients iron, and macronutrients magnesium, calcium and phosphorus. This makes sunflower seed milk a useful product in the diet of pregnant and lactating women. Such milk is also a supplier of valuable and easily digestible vegetable protein. Due to the content of these substances, milk from sunflower seeds is useful for patients with diabetes to improve their general condition, as well as to prevent complications caused by endocrine disorders. Such milk helps to cope with the seasonal blues and depression caused by frequent stress. This is possible due to the high content of magnesium and vitamin B6 in sunflower seeds. These substances generally have a positive effect on the state of the nervous system.

pumpkin milk useful content in the composition of vitamins A, C, E, and B vitamins, as well as substances such as magnesium, manganese, iron, phosphorus and zinc. Due to the high content of folic acid or vitamin B9 and zinc in pumpkin milk, the reproductive function of men improves, because the lack of these substances leads to a loss of sperm motility. As you know, a mature human body loses the ability to absorb calcium contained in milk and dairy products of animal origin, which with age leads to thinning of bone tissue, osteoporosis, and frequent fractures associated with age-related bone fragility. Milk from pumpkin seeds contains a sufficient amount of easily digestible calcium at any age, as well as other substances necessary for the successful absorption of this element. Milk from pumpkin seeds can be used to prevent iron deficiency anemia.

Almond milk. By their own useful properties Almond milk is just like any other plant-based milk. However, there are also differences. For example, the high content of vitamin D in almond milk. And along with calcium and phosphorus, which are also present in this product, regular consumption of almond milk helps to strengthen bones and teeth, gives beauty to the skin, hair, and nails. And a large amount of vitamin A in the composition of milk from almond kernels helps to improve and maintain vision. B vitamins and magnesium in almond milk strengthens nervous system. And in combination with vitamin E, which is also abundant in almond milk, this product reduces the risk of miscarriage and is indicated for a woman who has been diagnosed with a threatened miscarriage at various gestational ages. The high content of potassium makes almond milk useful for the prevention of diseases of the cardiovascular system.

Soy milk has a somewhat specific sweetish and slightly astringent taste. Nevertheless, such milk is very useful. First of all, the benefits of milk from soy seeds are due to the incredibly high content of easily digestible protein. To prevent exacerbation of peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum, it is useful to introduce soy milk into your diet. But you should be careful during periods of exacerbation of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, since a high fiber content in such periods in the diet is undesirable. Soy milk can be used to prevent hormonal disorders in women. Especially helps to support the endocrine system during periods associated with hormonal instability. This is during menopause, pregnancy, puberty. Also, milk obtained from soybeans is useful to introduce into the daily diet of a woman suffering from hirsutism or increased male pattern hairiness. Phytoestrogens, which are part of soybeans, will help to cope with this problem. Also, the use of soy milk has a positive effect on the external beauty of a woman, which is manifested in the improvement, with regular use of this product, of the condition of the skin, hair, improvement of complexion and the appearance of shine in the eyes. This is also due to the high content of phytoestrogens in soy.

sesame milk is a champion in calcium content. It does not have a very pleasant bitter aftertaste.

Vegetable milk can be consumed not only in its pure form, but also as an addition to tea or coffee, as part of milkshakes with various additives (bananas, berries, dates, spices, honey).

The question of how to replace cow's milk during Lent is very relevant. Soy milk is very rich in vegetable protein. Soybeans are very inexpensive, which is why home-made milk from them is several times cheaper than cow's, nut or coconut milk. Soy milk can be used to make many useful products: soy cheese tofu, lean soy mayonnaise, milk soy sauce. You can also cook various pastries on it, use it to make porridge and milk soups.

To get 700 - 800 ml. soy milk You will need 1 cup of dried soybeans and 1 liter of water.

Soak soybeans in cold water for 6-12 hours, then drain the water. Soybeans will increase in size by about 2.5 times, so choose a deep saucepan or bowl for soaking. It is advisable to change the water several times during soaking, then the taste of milk will not be very “grassy”.

Also to improve palatability milk after soaking, it is desirable to clean the grains from the husk. The film peels off fairly easily. Rinse the cleaned soy again.

Pour the cleaned soybeans into food processor(or a blender), add a small amount of water (the water level is slightly above the beans) and grind in a food processor for about 2 minutes.

Pour the crushed soybeans into a saucepan, add the remaining water. Put the pot on the fire and bring to a boil. After boiling, reduce the heat and cook over low heat for 20-25 minutes. Stay close to the pot at all times, as the milk foams a lot and the foam needs to be skimmed off constantly.

Strain the resulting milk through several layers of gauze.

Milk is very thick and rich. If desired, you can add a little vanilla and sugar to it.

Soy milk is ready!

Bon appetit!

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