Home Dessert Fermented milk products: "Benefit" and "Harm" for humans. Dairy products

Fermented milk products: "Benefit" and "Harm" for humans. Dairy products

The onset of late autumn and winter is usually associated with colds, flu and other unpleasant respiratory diseases. Increasingly, you can hear the cough of a passerby on the street, and the number of red noses at work is increasing exponentially.

If you don't want to get sick and miss training, it's time to think about how to strengthen your defenses. This is especially true for those who work hard (stress lowers immunity) and at the same time train a lot, because after active training the body is more susceptible to viruses during recovery.

We have already published recipes for healthy hot drinks that help the immune system fight viruses. Today we want to talk with you about fermented milk products and how they can help us resist disease.

There is still controversy about whether fermented milk is good for the human body. Some scientists believe that milk is a product for children, but not for adults and the elderly. Others give quite a lot of arguments in defense of dairy and sour-milk products.


The older we get, the harder it is for our body to digest certain foods, including milk. In addition, those who suffer from lactose intolerance (milk sugar) should not consume dairy products. This can cause nausea, vomiting, bloating, and other problems. Also, in addition, milk can cause a number of allergic reactions.

Milk sugar intolerance is quite common. So, in Sweden and Denmark, lactose intolerance occurs in about 3% of adults, in Finland and Switzerland - in 16%, in England - in 20-30%, in France - in 42%, and in Southeast Asia and in African Americans in the US - almost 100%. Lactose intolerance is common among the indigenous populations of Africa, the Americas and some Asian countries. It is connected with the absence of traditional dairy farming in these regions. For example, the Maasai, Fulani, and Tassi tribes in Africa raise dairy cattle, and lactose intolerance is relatively rare in adult members of these tribes. The frequency of this phenomenon in Russia is on average about 16-18%.

Dairy products not only strengthen our immune system thanks to the bacteria they contain, but they are also easier for the body to digest than milk and also reduce lactose intolerance.
In our stores you can find a fairly wide selection of fermented milk products: kefir, yogurt, sour cream, cottage cheese, curdled milk, fermented baked milk (a variant of Ukrainian curdled milk with the taste of baked milk), ayran, acidophilus and many other varieties of this product.

Kefir. The birthplace of kefir is South Ossetia. This is made from whole or skimmed cow's milk on a natural sourdough - kefir fungi.

The main group of microflora of kefir fungi is lactic acid bacteria. Under their action, lactic acid is formed, and kefir acquires a special taste and aroma. Thanks to lactic acid and carbon dioxide, kefir perfectly quenches thirst and stimulates appetite. The main nutritional substances of kefir are in an easily digestible form.

However, if you suffer from peptic ulcer, gastritis with high acidity or pancreatitis, you should not drink kefir.

acidophilus drink. Acidophilus bacillus, which is used to make acidophilus and other acidophilic drinks, is one of the varieties of lactic acid bacteria. It is not destroyed by the action of digestive juices, better than other lactic acid bacteria, it takes root in the human colon, and its metabolic products have a broad bactericidal effect. Also, the acidophilus drink is high in vitamin B.

That is, if you really want to strengthen your immunity, an acidophilic fermented milk drink should be your choice. If you suffer from peptic ulcer, gastritis with high acidity or pancreatitis, drinking this drink is not recommended.

Yogurt. For the production of yogurt, whole pasteurized milk and sourdough prepared on pure cultures of lactic acid bacteria are used.

But the most interesting and important thing for us is that curdled milk normalizes metabolism, especially fat! That is, if you run not only to be in good shape, strengthen your heart and develop your lungs, but also in order to lose weight, then this is definitely your drink.

Yogurt. This is a curdled milk product. It contains 6% fat (more than many other fermented milk products) and 4.5% protein (1.5 times more than milk and other fermented milk products).

Daily use of yogurt promotes rapid recovery, covers the body's needs for vital amino acids, calcium salts and other substances.

Ryazhenka- this is a kind of Ukrainian curdled milk. It is made from a mixture of milk and cream, so it has a higher fat content than other fermented milk products. The peculiarity of fermented baked milk is that the protein and fat contained in this product are easily absorbed by the body. Therefore, ryazhenka is recommended for people with an increased metabolism who are actively involved in sports.


Dairy products will help you not only strengthen your immune system and relieve some stomach problems, but also help you lose weight.

Recent research by Michael Zemel, Ph.D., head of nutrition at the University of Tennessee and a runner, has shown that fermented milk products can help shed belly fat, which is partly responsible for many heart disease, diabetes, and other metabolic problems.

The experiment involved 25 obese men and 25 women of the same build. They were on the diet for 24 weeks and their calorie intake was reduced by 500 kcal. Group A ate a typical American food mix that provided only 500 mg of calcium per day. The second group B was on the same diet, but took 2 calcium tablets per day (up to 1100 mg). The third group B received the same amount of calcium as the second, but not with the help of tablets, but by including several fermented milk products in the diet (the number of calories per day remained the same).

After graduation, all participants lost weight: participants in group A lost an average of 14.5 pounds (6.5 kg), participants in group B - by 18.9 pounds (8.5 kg), participants in group C - by 24.4 pounds ( per 11 kg).

Moreover, those participants who did not eat dairy products in their diets lost only 7.9% of fat in the abdomen, while participants in group B lost 66.2% of fat.

If you do not have stomach problems and everything is in order with the digestion of milk, include in your daily at least a small portion of fermented milk products. Thus, you will not only strengthen your bones and protect against viruses, but also lose weight.

Have a productive run.

The onset of late autumn and winter is usually associated with colds, flu and other unpleasant respiratory diseases. Increasingly, you can hear the cough of a passerby on the street, and the number of red noses at work is increasing exponentially.

If you don't want to get sick and miss training, it's time to think about how to strengthen your defenses. This is especially true for those who work hard (stress lowers immunity) and at the same time train a lot, because after active training the body is more susceptible to viruses during recovery.

We have already published recipes for healthy hot drinks that help the immune system fight viruses. Today we want to talk with you about fermented milk products and how they can help us resist disease.

There is still controversy about whether fermented milk is good for the human body. Some scientists believe that milk is a product for children, but not for adults and the elderly. Others give quite a lot of arguments in defense of dairy and sour-milk products.


The older we get, the harder it is for our body to digest certain foods, including milk. In addition, those who suffer from lactose intolerance (milk sugar) should not consume dairy products. This can cause nausea, vomiting, bloating, and other problems. Also, in addition, milk can cause a number of allergic reactions.

Milk sugar intolerance is quite common. So, in Sweden and Denmark, lactose intolerance occurs in about 3% of adults, in Finland and Switzerland - in 16%, in England - in 20-30%, in France - in 42%, and in Southeast Asia and in African Americans in the US - almost 100%. Lactose intolerance is common among the indigenous populations of Africa, the Americas and some Asian countries. It is connected with the absence of traditional dairy farming in these regions. For example, the Maasai, Fulani, and Tassi tribes in Africa raise dairy cattle, and lactose intolerance is relatively rare in adult members of these tribes. The frequency of this phenomenon in Russia is on average about 16-18%.

Fermented milk products not only strengthen our immune system due to the bacteria they contain, but they are also easier for the body to digest than milk and also reduce lactose intolerance.
In our stores you can find a fairly wide selection of fermented milk products: kefir, yogurt, sour cream, cottage cheese, curdled milk, fermented baked milk (a variant of Ukrainian curdled milk with the taste of baked milk), ayran, acidophilus and many other varieties of this product.

Kefir. The birthplace of kefir is South Ossetia. This is made from whole or skimmed cow's milk on a natural sourdough - kefir fungi.

The main group of microflora of kefir fungi is lactic acid bacteria. Under their action, lactic acid is formed, and kefir acquires a special taste and aroma. Thanks to lactic acid and carbon dioxide, kefir perfectly quenches thirst and stimulates appetite. The main nutritional substances of kefir are in an easily digestible form.

However, if you suffer from peptic ulcer, gastritis with high acidity or pancreatitis, you should not drink kefir.

acidophilus drink. Acidophilus bacillus, which is used to make acidophilus and other acidophilic drinks, is one of the varieties of lactic acid bacteria. It is not destroyed by the action of digestive juices, better than other lactic acid bacteria, it takes root in the human colon, and its metabolic products have a broad bactericidal effect. Also, the acidophilus drink is high in vitamin B.

That is, if you really want to strengthen your immunity, an acidophilic fermented milk drink should be your choice. If you suffer from peptic ulcer, gastritis with high acidity or pancreatitis, drinking this drink is not recommended.

Yogurt. For the production of yogurt, whole pasteurized milk and sourdough prepared on pure cultures of lactic acid bacteria are used.

But the most interesting and important thing for us is that curdled milk normalizes metabolism, especially fat! That is, if you run not only to be in good shape, strengthen your heart and develop your lungs, but also in order to lose weight, then this is definitely your drink.

Yogurt. This is a curdled milk product. It contains 6% fat (more than many other fermented milk products) and 4.5% protein (1.5 times more than milk and other fermented milk products).

Daily use of yogurt promotes rapid recovery, covers the body's needs for vital amino acids, calcium salts and other substances.

Ryazhenka- this is a kind of Ukrainian curdled milk. It is made from a mixture of milk and cream, so it has a higher fat content than other fermented milk products. The peculiarity of fermented baked milk is that the protein and fat contained in this product are easily absorbed by the body. Therefore, ryazhenka is recommended for people with an increased metabolism who are actively involved in sports.


Dairy products will help you not only strengthen your immune system and relieve some stomach problems, but also help you lose weight.

Recent research by Michael Zemel, Ph.D., head of nutrition at the University of Tennessee and a runner, has shown that fermented milk products can help shed belly fat, which is partly responsible for many heart disease, diabetes, and other metabolic problems.

The experiment involved 25 obese men and 25 women of the same build. They were on the diet for 24 weeks and their calorie intake was reduced by 500 kcal. Group A ate a typical American food mix that provided only 500 mg of calcium per day. The second group B was on the same diet, but took 2 calcium tablets per day (up to 1100 mg). The third group B received the same amount of calcium as the second, but not with the help of tablets, but by including several fermented milk products in the diet (the number of calories per day remained the same).

After graduation, all participants lost weight: participants in group A lost an average of 14.5 pounds (6.5 kg), participants in group B - by 18.9 pounds (8.5 kg), participants in group C - by 24.4 pounds ( per 11 kg).

Moreover, those participants who did not eat dairy products in their diets lost only 7.9% of fat in the abdomen, while participants in group B lost 66.2% of fat.

If you do not have stomach problems and everything is in order with the digestion of milk, include in your daily at least a small portion of fermented milk products. Thus, you will not only strengthen your bones and protect against viruses, but also lose weight.

Have a productive run.

Hello! I always knew that the benefits of dairy products are enormous. But the other day I became a witness to a dispute, one of the parties actively proved the harm of my favorite kefir and fermented baked milk.

This is not the first time I hear such a point of view and I know that many people are wondering if fermented milk products are really useful?

Friends! I, Svetlana Morozova, invite you to mega useful and interesting webinars! Host, Andrey Eroshkin. Health Recovery Expert, Certified Dietitian.

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In this article, I propose to understand this topic. We will see what benefits sour-milk products bring, and in what cases it is better not to use them.

What's the use?

Why do doctors keep repeating that milk or dairy products should be in our diet? To understand how they are useful, let's remember the method of obtaining fermented milk products.
Did you know that the birthplace of kefir is South Ossetia? In tsarist times, the Caucasus was considered a real health resort for the ruling elite. Those close to the throne regularly visited the Caucasian mineral springs, and this tradition, by the way, has survived to the present day, however, now the Caucasus is accessible to everyone.

And in the conditions of surprisingly clean mountain air on green pastures, Ossetian cattle breeders fed their dairy cows. And grateful cows gave their owners a lot of fresh nutritious milk. And the farmers, with their inherent hospitality, were happy to offer fresh kefir to the guests.

Dairy products are essential for the body. Their distinctive feature is high nutritional value, as well as the presence of a number of useful qualities. They are prepared thanks to lactic acid fermentation and include bacteria that secrete antibiotics that can suppress pathogens of such dangerous diseases as tuberculosis and typhoid.

For many years of use, fermented milk products have practically proven their health-improving effect on the human body, so its demand in nutrition is quite understandable. Slightly spicy, pleasant, refreshing taste whets the appetite and has a positive effect on the general condition of the body. And alcohol and carbon dioxide in milk drinks optimize the functionality of the vascular-motor center.

Sour milk has been an integral part of the diet of every person since childhood, not only because of the pleasant sour taste, but also due to the presence of lactic acid in them. The abundance of macro- and microelements helps to actively fight putrefactive microorganisms in the body, and bowel function improves.

Dairy products are divided into two categories:

  1. Fermented milk flavored with bacteria. These include: curdled milk, yogurt, rennet cheese.
  2. Products formed due to lactic acid and alcoholic fermentation: koumiss, kefir, shubat.

It's delicious and healthy meals for all family members. Their choice and storage should be taken responsibly, because fermented milk products can bring not only benefits, but also harm to health.

The benefits and harms of dairy products

In the production of most of these products, special additives are used (to improve taste, nutritional value and aroma), which not only affect their composition, but can also cause unwanted side effects, such as allergies.

Beneficial features

The benefit of fermented milk products lies in the easy digestibility of the nutrients that they contain. And the main advantage is the presence of bifido- and lactobacilli. They cleanse the body of putrefactive pathogens that can cause intoxication.

After a couple of weeks of regular use, the body will no longer suffer from self-poisoning, kidney function improves, and most importantly, the liver returns to normal.

Other benefits of dairy products:

  • contribute to the renewal of intestinal microflora;
  • help in the fight against constipation, colitis;
  • are recommended for use by people who suffer from heavy metal salt intoxication;
  • rich in vitamins of groups B, E, D;
  • prevent the penetration of pathogenic microorganisms into intestinal cells;
  • help reduce the formation of gases;
  • good for absorption, easy to digest;
  • suitable for people with individual lactose intolerance;
  • normalize bowel activity;
  • used as a prophylactic against tuberculosis;
  • help increase calcium absorption.

Fermented milk contains almost all amino acids: albumin, lysine, leucine, globulin and others. With a mixed diet, such products increase the nutritional value of the protein, which is part of cereals.

Potential Harm

A person's age affects the ability to digest certain foods. This fully applies to milk. After 30-40 years, about 3% of the inhabitants of our country lose the ability to absorb milk sugar (lactose). Dairy dishes are fraught for them side effects: nausea, vomiting, bloating and other allergic reactions.

Lactose, when it enters the stomach, is split into two components: galactose and glucose. Glucose is converted into energy, and galactose is absorbed only from breast milk. When it enters an adult organism, it accumulates in the cells of the body. Because of this, the percentage of people with dairy intolerance is on the rise.

Intolerance manifests itself after an hour with the following symptoms:

  • gas formation;
  • painful spasms;
  • nausea;
  • rumbling in the stomach.

The resulting allergy can manifest itself in the form of:

  • skin rashes;
  • vomiting;
  • swelling of the eyes, swelling of the eyelids;
  • mucous secretions from the nose.

Adverse reactions may occur due to the amount of dairy products consumed. Experts believe that the harm of fermented milk products (in large quantities) may also lie in such formidable symptoms:

  • removal of calcium from the body;
  • the occurrence of gastric ulcer;
  • growth of cancer cells in adults.

The best healthy lactic acid products

Sour milk is necessary for children and adults to maintain health and well-being. We list the most useful variations.

curdled milk . It is obtained by a natural fermentation process. Milk is first pasteurized, then homogenized and cooled to the desired temperature. Bacterial starter is added to the resulting mixture and left to ferment in a thermostatic way.

When preparing curdled milk with different flavors, additives are introduced into milk before the pasteurization process, and aromatic additives are added immediately before the starter culture.

Ryazhenka . It is a type of curdled milk. It is prepared from fat milk by long-term heat treatment. It has a sour taste and creamy brownish color. This a traditional dish Ukrainian and Russian cuisine. Ryazhenka is well absorbed, contains a healing set of vitamins and minerals. One glass of such a drink is able to fill the body with a quarter daily allowance calcium. Contraindicated in stomach ulcers.

Yogurt . It is a special type of curdled milk. This diet drink is often found in America and Europe. Homeland is the Balkan Peninsula. Whole milk is used for cooking. Sourdough acts bulgarian stick and thermophilic lactic streptococcus, which must be taken in a 1: 1 ratio.

In its natural form, yogurt has a pure sour-milk taste. In combination with sugar - sweet, and fruit and berry yogurt has characteristic taste with the aroma of fruit syrup. The drink is slightly viscous, the consistency is uniform.

Varenets . Produced from baked milk. The role of the starter is performed by thermophilic lactic streptococcus and Bulgarian stick. The method of preparation and properties are similar to ryazhenka.

Kefir . The technology of its production includes interaction with special fungi capable of producing alcohol in finished kefir. The drink may differ in the level of fat content and readiness:

  • one-day - contains the least alcohol of lactic acid;
  • two-day - contains more lactic acid than one-day;
  • three-day - stands out with the greatest strength due to the content of a high percentage of alcoholic substances and acids.

The antibacterial properties of kefir are much stronger than those of curdled milk. It is useful for anemia, pneumonia.

This is a favorite product of losing weight people, which improves the digestive process, serves as an antiseptic and antibiotic. Helps the absorption of vitamins throughout the day.

Kumys also rich in vitamins. It is an excellent tool in the fight against tuberculosis, and most importantly, helps to prevent it. For cooking, milk, whey and sugar are used, mixed well and fermented with yeast.

Cottage cheese . It is formed during the fermentation of milk with the gradual withdrawal of whey. The modern market offers several types:

  • low fat - best for diabetics;
  • low-fat - a great choice for allergy sufferers;
  • classic - a universal type of cottage cheese.

Cottage cheese is the most useful product due to the presence of protein, minerals, vitamins. It is easily digestible, calorie content is 226 calories per 100 grams of product. Cottage cheese is popular among adherents of weight loss diets, as well as people suffering from liver diseases, hypertension and atherosclerosis.

Cottage cheese miraculously contributes to the dissolution of fats in the human body. It strengthens the skeletal system, increases the level of hemoglobin, has a great effect on nervous system. The product is useful for children and women.

Sour cream . Taste, smell and appearance sour cream is given lactic acid bacteria, they also contribute to the colonization of the intestines with the necessary microflora, setting it up for proper operation.

Sour cream contains a lot of iron, manganese, copper and other useful minerals. It contains fatty, organic acids, animal proteins, natural sugar, carbohydrates, biotin. Due to the balanced composition, this product is absorbed much better than milk, cream, yogurt and even kefir. The beneficial properties of sour cream also include:

  • brain stimulation;
  • improving muscle functionality;
  • increase in working capacity;
  • strengthening of male potency;
  • main supplier of calcium for children.

The use of sour cream was also found by cosmetologists. Masks help to improve the condition of the skin, tone it, make it more elastic. The product is actively used in the fight against sunburn.

acidophilus milk . It is a mixture of acidophilic bulgarian sticks and cow's milk. It has a specific taste, viscous texture. Because of the unpleasant taste, it is used with the addition of cinnamon, honey, sugar and other additives.

Acidophilus milk is administered as complementary foods to infants, but with care so as not to cause unwanted allergic reactions. As for adults, the intake of this drink is recommended in the presence of:

  • kidney and liver problems;
  • anemia;
  • diabetes;
  • infectious diseases.

Acidophilus milk is contraindicated only for people suffering from lactose intolerance.

Fermented milk products are important and beneficial for the body in any form, no matter if we are talking about curdled milk, cottage cheese or yogurt, and it is difficult to single out the most useful fermented milk product, since each of them has its own advantages. These versatile treats will help you lose weight and build muscle. They will also become an essential ingredient in nourishing skin masks.

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One of the main principles of a healthy lifestyle is proper nutrition. It provides a certain regimen and the right diet. There are many foods, many of which are healthy, while others are more unhealthy. Usually people choose to eat both of them, while not thinking about the consequences for the body.

It is important to understand that what we eat directly affects the state of health. Therefore, in your diet you need to enter as much as possible. wholesome food. One of the necessary components for the normal functioning of the body are sour-milk foods. This is a number of representatives that are of natural origin, due to which they have a beneficial effect on the organs of the gastrointestinal tract and the whole organism as a whole.

Classification and varieties of fermented milk products

Fermented milk products are a whole range of products that are produced by fermentation whole milk. In most cases, sheep, goat or mare milk is also used, but sometimes processed.

Milk has been popular for centuries. Since ancient times, people have noticed it beneficial features and actively used it for food. Then they began to actively process for fermented milk products, useful substances in which no less.

General beneficial properties of fermented milk foods:

  • Dietary properties;
  • Vitaminized composition (vitamins of group B, as well as A, E, D);
  • Easily digestible trace elements, magnesium, phosphorus, calcium;
  • Lactic acid is able to fight various harmful bacteria.

Today, milk in its usual form is used less frequently than other raw materials. In general, they are all divided into two groups:

  • Products that are produced exclusively by natural fermentation. These include: sour cream, acidophilus, curdled milk, cottage cheese, yogurt. In structure, they are all similar, slightly thick and uniform. They have a sour taste due to the presence of lactic acid in them.
  • The second group is represented by products that are produced by mixed sour-milk and alcoholic fermentation. This, for example, kefir, koumiss and others. The taste of these products is peculiar, due to the presence of carbon dioxide and ethyl alcohol. In appearance, they are more reminiscent of drinks, with light shaking they become completely liquid.

The benefits of dairy products

The benefits are hard to overestimate. Doctors believe that the regular use of such components in food reduces the chances of developing diseases by almost half. These representatives of a healthy diet give the most benefit to the digestive organs. More precisely, without the necessary bacteria that are contained in such products, normal digestion cannot be ensured.

Dairy products can affect various organs, their benefits lie in the following factors:

  • All beneficial bacteria that are included in the composition are very quickly and easily absorbed in the body;
  • Bifidobacteria and lactobacilli contribute to the rapid breakdown of proteins in the body;
  • Lactic acid contributes to the normalization of the work of the internal microflora of the intestine, thanks to the active components, harmful bacteria die, and the number of useful ones increases;
  • Fermented milk products are filled with organic fatty acids, which improve the motility of the digestive tract;
  • These products actively fight flatulence, reducing the amount of gases in the intestines;
  • Fermented milk products are much healthier than fresh milk, they contain ten times more amino acids than in a fresh product, and these components activate metabolic processes;
  • Calcium strengthens bone tissue, regular consumption of fermented milk products is a necessary prevention of osteoporosis;
  • These products are used to prevent and treat hypertension and atherosclerosis;
  • Bifidobacteria actively fight toxins that are released when taking harmful products or under the influence of other factors, they do not just utilize them, but remove them from the body along with heavy metals, slags, radionuclides and salts;
  • Dairy products increase appetite, strengthen the human immune system.

Such a wide range of useful properties determines the importance of these products. It is especially important to introduce it into the diet of children. It is in childhood that the body is formed and it needs vitamins and minerals that are contained in fermented milk products.

Harm of dairy products

Despite many beneficial properties, fermented milk products can also adversely affect the human body. This rarely happens, but you need to know about such moments so as not to harm.

  • Ulcers and suffering from pancreatitis;
  • People who have an increased level of acidity in the stomach;
  • With diarrhea and frequent bloating;
  • With a disorder in the functioning of the liver and gallbladder;
  • People who have personal intolerance.

Excessive consumption of such food can cause the following negative aspects:

  • Increased cholesterol levels in case of eating a large amount of cottage cheese;
  • Violation of calcium metabolism;
  • In products industrial production contains chemical preservatives that increase the shelf life, so such components in large quantities can harm;
  • usually contains a large amount of sugar, so it can lead to problems with overweight, in addition, it may contain various preservatives, for children it is better to choose special ones with age determination;

When choosing fermented milk products, it is very important to pay attention to the date of manufacture. Usually they spoil quickly, and in this form they should not be consumed, it can be harmful to health. Store them in the refrigerator at a low temperature.

It is necessary to introduce such food into the diet rationally. For example, you can use 2-3 times a week, sour cream - twice, kefir - five times a week. Moreover, portions are important for both adults and children.

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