Home Bakery products What can be cooked from badger meat. Badger meat: useful properties

What can be cooked from badger meat. Badger meat: useful properties

Every self-respecting hunter knows for sure that the meat of wild animals is tasty and healthy. From it you can cook many dishes that are qualitatively superior to chicken, pork and beef. We are aware of extraordinary medicinal properties wild meat and lard, everyone knows that beaver streams are used to treat joints, and badger fat cures stomach ulcers, it is not without reason that it is popularly called "ulcer". Badger can be cooked in the oven, oven, on the fire, and it tastes like the meat of a young bull.

Let's start cooking the badger...

Before proceeding with direct cooking, the badger must be checked at the sanitary and epidemiological station for the presence of trichinosis. In the spring, male animals are often infected with this type of infection, which can harm human health even after heat treatment. Next, we proceed to butchering the carcass. When you remove the skin, carefully inspect its inside, on which there may be tapeworms, they are washed under running water, and then scalded with boiling water. If you do not see the worms with the naked eye, treat the carcass with boiling water anyway.
If the meat sticks to your hands a little, then the badger is old, it needs to be cooked longer than usual.

To cook badger meat at home, you will need vegetables: onions, carrots, parsnips, potatoes, fennel, parsley or celery root, Chinese cabbage, Brussels sprouts, as well as honey to give a piquant taste, sugar, salt, spices.

Badger Recipes

First, all animal fat should be removed, as it has a very sharp specific smell. It is used exclusively for medical purposes and is not eaten. In order to make the dish tasty, it is better to use the meat of a healthy young badger.

Fried badger

  1. The meat needs to be cut into small cubes, for this, after cutting the carcass, you need to hold it for 30-40 minutes in the freezer: the meat will be cut into beautiful and even slices.
  2. Fry carrots and onions in a pan (3-4 carrots and 2 onions are needed per 1 kg of meat), at the end of frying, add a few potatoes, cut into circles.
  3. To obtain vegetable garnish, you can separately sauté Brussels sprouts and put them in a dish at the end of frying vegetables.
  4. We fry the meat separately from the side dish, for about 15-20 minutes in a well-heated pan under the lid. It should be salted and peppered.
  5. When the vegetables are covered with a golden crust, put the meat in a common pan, mix and give another 10 minutes to make it a little softer and more tender.
  6. Put fennel and parsnips in the stew after cooking, before serving the dish to the table.
How to cook a badger in the oven

To surprise guests with something interesting and tasty, you should cook a badger in the oven. Before starting, the badger is soaked for 10 hours, changing the water every hour so that the specific smell goes away.

  1. We cut the meat into small pieces, add each one, add seasoning and spices to taste, put the meat on parchment or foil.
  2. On the sides we put carrots, which should give the dish sweetness, a little celery and slices of fresh pineapple.
  3. The contents should be wrapped tightly in foil and placed in the oven for 45 minutes. The dish should be cooked in the oven at 180°C.
  4. When time is running out, unfold the foil and pour honey over the meat so that the badger in the oven acquires a slightly tart taste and piquant aroma.
Badger soup

Cabbage goes well with wild meat. For soup, take Chinese cabbage, since it is softer, 1 onion, 2 carrots, 2 tbsp. l. butter, 2 tbsp. l. olive oil, parsley and celery root.

Vegetable ingredients are finely chopped with a knife or on a coarse grater and put together in a saucepan, salted meat should be fried with chicory in olive oil. When the vegetables are half cooked, put the fried meat in a saucepan, melt the butter at the end of cooking and add to the soup for taste. Badger meat resembles young beef, it quickly boils soft if it is pre-soaked in cold water.

You can cook many delicious dishes from badger meat. In addition, badger meat is considered one of the healthiest. If you want to treat your family to badger stew, then start cooking by cutting it into small pieces. Fry badger meat with the addition of various vegetables: carrots, potatoes, celery, rutabagas. To do this, take 100 g of liquid honey, badger fat, grated lemon, including zest. If honey is not available, melted chocolate will do. You can add spices for fish. Leave the fillet for half an hour to marinate. Cut the salmon into pieces with bones five centimeters thick, and white fish- into four parts. Chop the chicken thighs along with the bones. Sea cocktail is a mixture of octopuses, squids, mussels, shrimps and many other delicious sea creatures. We present you a delicious recipe. sea ​​cocktail With fried vegetables. Quiche with vegetables will appeal to many due to the crispy dough and the most delicate filling.

Badger meat: useful properties

When using the wrong methods of extraction, killing the badger and processing the carcass, the meat really tastes terrible. Special mention deserves such a product as badger liver. This method of cooking allows you to save as much as possible beneficial features badger meat. Steaming is also considered safe from this point of view, but such recipes are not popular, since badger meat turns out to be dry and tough. But frying the meat of this animal is not worth it. Not only does it turn out not tasty, but even most of the nutrients are simply destroyed under the influence of high temperature.

The most exotic of his dishes was a large horseshoe (a type of bat), which he said tasted like gray squirrel meat - if that tells you anything. Boyt, a 66-year-old retiree from Cornwall, insists that eating such animals is not dangerous to health if they are properly butchered and cooked. There was nothing on it that would somehow indicate its owner, although it was of excellent fatness, so I took it home and ate it. It tasted exactly like a good lamb."

I want to tell you about my experience of eating badgers - whose meat - I don’t like it very much - is very fatty. However, there are exceptions - I'm not talking about vodka - about the excess fat of badgers .. The first badger I ate was just like that - I didn’t have to heat the fat from it. Well, I was deprived of such prejudices - I turn off the road, shake the badger out of the skin - and eat potatoes. It was unpleasant for me when the peasants brought a meat dish for hunting, we ate it with vodka, and then declared - this is a badger!

We put the badger meat separated from fat in a vat of salted water for four to five hours, in nature, for eight to twelve hours at home. If you already have a butchered badger. Marinade: boil water, add vinegar or vinegar essence. You can cook it differently, but this is the most acceptable recipe.

Cabbage and meat are ingredients that are often found in cooking recipes. traditional dishes many peoples. And not in vain. After all, cabbage is a very healthy vegetable, rich in vitamins and minerals. What a product familiar to us is cabbage, but we are used to cooking borscht from it, and nothing more. It's fragrant, delicious, beautiful dish found in the cuisines of many nations and enjoys well-deserved popularity. Meat is a product from which you can make a huge variety of delicious dishes. Among them there are those that are not widespread, but very interesting and easy to prepare.

Factors affecting the benefits and taste of the product

They must be clean and healthy, otherwise, neither meat nor fat from the badger should be used for food or in medicinal purposes it is forbidden. Everyone has their own diet. You probably what kind of game have not tried? You have a huge + for the work done, nah, even a few pluses + for hunting; + for cutting and processing meat; + soaking, marinating and boiling, well, and + for the end result. I don’t understand why “it’s a pity for the bird”, among us there are at least vegetarians on the site, how does a badger differ from a chicken, for example? How much you need to cook a poor badger, and wet, and boil, and smoke.

Due to the long torment of the animal, the meat has a specific smell and unnecessary density. As a result, taste will suffer. badger meat, the severity of useful properties will decrease. If you spend a lot of time transporting and storing badger meat, then even after a long heat treatment, the product will be tough. The same factor must be taken into account when buying a carcass from a hunter. The processing time here can also be different - from 1.5 to 3 hours. True, you won’t have to count on a pronounced benefit here, many vitamins will simply collapse. Thirdly, this type of processing does not guarantee complete elimination of harmful components, which are sometimes found in the tissues of wild animals.

The chemical composition of badger meat is so balanced that it does not harm a person, even if consumed in large volumes. Unfortunately, even thorough heat treatment does not always guarantee that pathogens will be rendered harmless. Meat should not be consumed constantly. In case of any unusual reactions to the use of products, you should consult a doctor to exclude the possibility of negative consequences.

In its composition, the solar gourd contains many nutrients, which certainly puts it in a special position among others. healthy vegetables growing in our beds. The benefits of honey have long been proven by scientists, and a huge number of people were able to evaluate it for themselves. Numerous properties are due to the presence of vitamins, minerals and other useful substances. The main thing is to eat this delicacy correctly so as not to harm the body. Healthy foods necessary to improve health, lose weight and get rid of various problems in the body.

How to make meat heheHow to make meat hehe Meat heh is easy to make Korean dish. Despite its exotic origin, meat heh does not require any special products, except, perhaps, soy sauce, without which it is almost impossible to make Asian food.

Often, people who have tried a product refer to its specific taste and pungent aroma. But the violation of the technology of extraction and processing will spoil the product irrevocably. Stimulates the synthesis of collagen, which is necessary for youth and beauty. The ratio of all elements is balanced, so there is no need to be afraid of oversaturation and hypervitaminosis.

People who want to try the meat of this forest animal are sure to wonder if it is possible to eat the meat of a wild badger that eats everything. Secondly, it is the omnivorous property that gives meat a huge benefit.

Share your experience, absorb the experience of other hunters, communicate, invite friends! Post photos in albums, add stories from hunts, offer hunting equipment (just create a topic for this), ask questions to fellow countrymen. The rest of the cooking process, I repeat, is the same as with beef.

A skilled marksman is one who can hit any target he sees, no matter the situation. A master is one who can use the capabilities of his rifle.” What matters is not which roads we choose, but what chooses these roads inside of us. Good man not the one who does not do nasty things, but the one who does not enjoy it. Most importantly, this product is, as it were, canned food.

On trend:

Many people know about the therapeutic properties of badger fat, but few people know anything about the meat of this animal. This product is extremely rare on our tables, therefore, only experienced hunters and their families get to know the taste and aroma of a fried badger. To get the most out of meat dish you need to follow some nuances during its preparation. Read our article on how to cook a badger.

Composition of badger meat

Among the people you can hear different opinions about the quality of badger meat. Some people refer to its sharp aroma and specific taste, but few of them know how to cook a badger deliciously (recipes will be given in the article). If you handle the product in a delicate way, the dish will turn out to be very soft and pleasant to the taste. In most cases to pungent odor and it is precisely the violation of the technology for processing and cooking meat that leads to similar troubles. As for the benefits of this product, it is not inferior in therapeutic properties even to the well-known badger fat.

This benefit is due to the huge amount of vitamins and minerals that badger meat is saturated with:

  • vitamins E and A - strengthen immunity at the cellular level, stimulate the production of collagen, which is especially necessary for maintaining beauty and youth;
  • group B vitamins - are important catalysts for metabolic processes, normalize water balance in tissues and take part in blood circulation (without them, muscles will not function normally);
  • vitamin K - a deficiency of this element in the body can lead to a deterioration in blood clotting;
  • unsaturated fatty acids - have a positive effect on the cardiovascular system, do not allow the partitions and walls of blood vessels to wear out.

It is worth noting that in badger meat the ratio of all of the above elements is well balanced, so you should not be afraid of hypervitaminosis or oversaturation of the body with microelements.


Before you begin to figure out how to cook badger meat, you first need to learn about some of the factors that affect its therapeutic properties and gastronomic features. For example, the product will have the maximum nutritional value in the autumn period. At this time of the year, the animal is stocking up on fat reserves for the winter, so the meat will be enriched useful substances. If a hunter caught a badger in the spring, then its meat and fat will have practically no therapeutic properties, since they contain practically nothing useful.

Factors affecting taste

Badger meat will have an unpleasant taste if traps or loops were used to capture the animal. The fact is that due to prolonged torment, the meat acquires an unnecessary density, and a specific smell also appears. If you want to avoid this result, then use a gun loaded with small shot or a crossbow to hunt a badger.

If cops were used to catch a badger, then the carcass can be badly damaged. Even if the quality of the skin does not play a big role for you, the dog's teeth can leave a lot of marks on the meat part. Damage to the bladder or gallbladder is fraught with unnecessary elements on the fibers. Most often, it is because of this that the taste characteristics of badger meat suffer, and its therapeutic usefulness also decreases.

Carcass transport and butchering

If a hunter spends too much time transporting or storing badger meat, it will become tough even after heat treatment. To prevent this from happening, consider this factor while hunting or when buying a carcass on the market. Unfortunately, it will be quite problematic to establish the freshness of a product without proper experience.

If you decide to carve the carcass yourself, then you must perform all actions with great care. Particular attention should be paid to the groin area. This should be done as soon as possible after the slaughter of the animal. If you delay this process, the meat will get a rather unpleasant taste.

How to cook a badger: recipes

Most of all, the cooking process affects the beneficial properties of the product and its taste. Experienced chefs agree that animal meat can be processed in three ways: baking, stewing and boiling (in the following sections you can find various recipes). How to cook a badger according to recipes from experienced chefs? We'll be happy to tell you.

Fried badger

After you are convinced of the quality of the meat, you can begin the cooking process. The first recipe will involve frying a badger in a skillet. You will also need the following accessories:

  • a spoon;
  • boiler;
  • grater;
  • pan.

List necessary ingredients as follows:

  • meat from the carcass of a young badger - one kilogram;
  • potatoes - five pieces;
  • shallots - two heads;
  • onions - two heads;
  • sunflower oil - used to lubricate the pan;
  • butter - 70 grams;
  • pumpkin seed oil - to taste;
  • carrots - one piece;
  • parsley and celery root - to taste;
  • parsnip, fennel, chicory - to taste;
  • Chinese cabbage - one fork;
  • Brussels sprouts - two hundred grams;
  • swede - one piece;
  • water;
  • salt - to taste.

To begin with, let's cut the meat and gut the carcass. Most of the badger fat must be removed during the process, as it can give the dish an unpleasant odor. It is worth noting that the meat of an old badger can be quite tough, so it is recommended not to use it. Choose only carcasses of young and healthy badgers in the market.

After that, we move on to cutting meat. The best option will divide it into small pieces, and then fry in vegetable oil until golden brown. Add chopped onions, carrots and potatoes to the pan. Vegetables should lie about two centimeters thick. To give the badger meat tenderness, you can add Brussels sprouts or Chinese sprouts as one of the ingredients. Salt the meat, then mix everything thoroughly. All other ingredients (rutabaga, chicory, pumpkin oil, etc.) are added strictly at the request of the cook. A dish with vegetables should be stewed for at least 15 minutes. Served on the table with the addition of grated sprigs of fennel or parsnips.

Badger soup

Who will refuse a fatty autumn stew, and even from such exotic meat? Moreover, for the preparation of such a dish you will not need as many ingredients as in the previous recipe. Most of them can be purchased at any market at affordable prices.

So, we will need:

  • animal meat - about four hundred grams;
  • butter - one hundred grams;
  • carrots - one piece;
  • olive oil- one hundred grams;
  • potatoes - four pieces;
  • shallots - one piece;
  • parsley and celery (root) - to taste;
  • Chinese cabbage- floor fork;
  • chicory - half a teaspoon;
  • iodized salt - to taste.

We cut the above ingredients and fry the badger meat with the addition of vegetable oil. It is recommended to add a pinch of chicory in order to give the dish a piquancy of taste. Vegetables should be cut into rings. As soon as the meat is fried, we throw all the ingredients into boiling water. You can additionally melt a small piece of natural butter and add it to the soup for more delicate taste. The broth is cooked for about 17 minutes, after which it can be served at the table.

Stew with badger

One of the most delicious and nutritious meals, which has a pleasant aroma due to unusual ingredients in the composition. This treat is perfect for a festive feast or family dinner. Please your loved ones with something really exotic and unique!

To prepare the stew, we need the following ingredients:

  • meat of a young badger - one kilogram;
  • shallots - two heads;
  • sunflower oil - for frying;
  • potatoes - five pieces;
  • pineapple - half of the fruit;
  • carrots - one piece;
  • swede - one piece;
  • honey - one hundred grams;
  • salt, sugar - to taste;
  • water.

Before cooking, be sure to soak badger meat in cold water for ten hours. After that, it is necessary to cut the carcass into small pieces and throw it into a cauldron of boiling water. After cooking, be sure to lightly fry the product over low heat until golden brown.

After cooking the meat, add the remaining ingredients to the pan: potatoes, turnips, carrots. To give the dish a festive look, you must additionally add the pulp of pineapple. However, in this case, salting the meat is not necessary. It is better to sprinkle it with sugar or pour sweet honey. For this purpose, it is best to use mustard honey. So badger meat will acquire a more piquant and slightly tart taste.

Badger in the oven

Many people are interested in the question: "How to cook a badger in the oven?" And not in vain! After all, this way the meat will turn out very fragrant and tasty. Before cooking the badger in the oven, the butchered and chopped meat must be soaked in dry wine for several hours. After that, the pieces are rubbed with various seasonings and spices and wrapped in foil. We heat the oven to 230 degrees and bake our badger in it for four hours.

Badger cutlets

If you want to cook badger cutlets in the oven, then the meat must be soaked not in wine, but in vinegar. This procedure is carried out for twelve hours with a periodic change vinegar essence. This is very important to do so that the badger meat becomes soft and tender. It is best to cook chopped minced meat, so it is recommended to use not a meat grinder, but an electric combine. So the cutlets do not lose a lot of juice during the baking process. After that, the cooking process is no different from cooking ordinary pork cutlets. Add an egg, lard, and a piece of a loaf soaked in milk for a few seconds to the minced meat. The baking sheet is greased sunflower oil. Preheat the oven to 250 degrees and bake the cutlets in it for an hour.


We hope our article has helped you better understand how to cook badger meat at home. Remember to prepare delicious dish it is best to use the meat of a young animal and do everything strictly according to the above recipes. The hardest thing will be skinning and gutting the badger. If you are not confident in your abilities, then buy a ready-made fillet on the market, but it will be problematic to check the quality of such a product. In this regard, it is recommended to purchase badger carcasses or their meat only from trusted sellers, or even better - to get the animal yourself. Happy hunting and bon appetit!

Badger is a rare prey for hunters. This can be explained by several reasons, but the main ones are the difficulty of hunting this animal and the specific taste of its meat. With the wrong method and processing of the carcass, the meat really has an unpleasant aftertaste. However, if everything is done correctly, badger dishes will delight you with their piquant taste.

Useful properties of badger meat

Opinions on the quality of badger meat differ, meanwhile, its gastronomic characteristics deserve the highest praise from nutritionists. Often, people who have tried this product refer to its sharp aroma and specific taste. In fact, if cooked properly, you can get a dish with a pleasant smell and soft texture. But a violation of the technology of processing and preparation will spoil the product irrevocably.

The composition of badger meat is not inferior to fat and has certain therapeutic properties. It contains a number of useful substances:

  • vitamins A and E. Stimulates the synthesis of collagen, necessary to maintain youth. Responsible for strengthening immunity;
  • vitamin K. Its deficiency in the body leads to poor blood clotting. Regular consumption of badger meat has a positive effect on the process of hematopoiesis;
  • B vitamins. They take part in hematopoiesis and regulate metabolic processes;
  • unsaturated fatty acids. Effectively affect the cardiovascular system, help strengthen the walls of blood vessels.

The ratio of these elements in badger meat is balanced, so you can not be afraid of oversaturation and hypervitaminosis.

However, despite the beneficial properties of this product, there is a risk of infection with helminths, so before cooking badger meat, it must be tested for trichinosis. The product is tested in special laboratories, but it takes a lot of time. Meat can be cooked only if everything is in order.

The maximum nutritional value of fat and meat falls on the autumn period. If the badger is harvested in the spring, then the products obtained from it do not contain anything useful.

On a note! After a fracture, it is recommended to include badger liver in the diet, as it contains substances that contribute to the rapid restoration of bone tissue.

Cooking features

The useful properties and taste of badger meat are affected by the method of its preparation. If cooked properly, it will taste almost the same as beef.

To cook a badger, you need to properly gut the carcass. In the process of cutting the carcass, all fat should be removed, since it is he who has an unpleasant specific odor.

Important! The meat of an old animal is hard, so to cook it deliciously, you need to use only the meat of a young badger.

According to experienced hunters and cooks and hunters, meat is best processed in the following ways:

  • boiling. Cut the carcass into small pieces and boil with vegetables in salted broth until tender. Cooking time depends on the age of the animal. The meat will be ready when it separates easily into fibers;
  • extinguishing. In this case, you need to use different vegetables. They are ideally combined with badger meat and fill it with a spicy taste. Processing time can be 1.5-2.5 hours;
  • baking. You can cook many dishes in this way, in addition, cooking in this way is considered the most beneficial for health, since it is during baking that the beneficial properties of the product are preserved to the maximum. So that the meat does not turn out dry, you need to use a “sleeve”, then the dish will be juicy and soft. Before sending the product to bake, you can hold it in the marinade for 2-4 hours.

Badger Meat Recipes

All recipes are quite simple, they can be prepared at home and a novice hostess, most importantly, follow the cooking technology.

Goulash from badger meat


  • badger meat - 1-1.5 kg;
  • 2-3 pcs. Luke;
  • 50 g sour cream;
  • 0.1 kg of sauce (tomato paste);
  • 0.5 liters of water;
  • 0.2 kg of mushrooms;
  • herbs, salt.


Cut the soaked badger meat into pieces (straws), salt, fry in oil with onion cut into half rings. Add chopped mushrooms. Simmer over low heat for 15-20 minutes. Add sour cream to taste tomato paste and mix. Transfer all the goulash to the duck bowl, pour the bouillon cube diluted in boiled water and bake in the oven for 1.5 hours.

Ragout with badger


  • badger - flesh from the carcass;
  • 3-4 pcs. potatoes;
  • vegetable oil (50 milliliters);
  • carrots - 1-2;
  • 50 g celery;
  • 2-3 pcs. Luke;
  • one pineapple;
  • 50 g honey;
  • sugar, salt.


Before cooking a badger according to this recipe, its meat must be soaked in cold water for 10 to 12 hours. After that, cut large pieces into small ones and cook for 1.5-2 hours. After cooking, the product is fried in hot oil with different vegetables: carrots, potatoes, celery. To give the dish refined taste, instead of these vegetables, you can add the pulp ripe pineapple. In this case, it does not need to be salted, but poured with liquid honey and sprinkled with sugar.

Badger skewers


  • badger meat - 1 pc;
  • 50 g of vinegar;
  • 2 kg of onion;
  • garlic - head;
  • greens, black pepper, zira, salt;


To prepare delicious barbecue from badger meat, you need to cut off all the fat from it, chop the meat into large pieces, soak it for a day in water, periodically changing it. Next, put the soaked meat in the marinade for a day, after which you can cook fragrant barbecue in the same way as with any other meat.

Marinade options:

  • vinegar diluted with water, chopped onions, garlic, spices;
  • pomegranate juice (1 l) and vodka (100 ml);
  • onion, lemon and mineral water(carbonated).

Badger meat in the oven


  • 1-1.5 kg of badger meat;
  • 4-5 potatoes;
  • 1-2 pcs. sweet pepper;
  • 100 g of onion;
  • 50 ml sol. oils;
  • oregano, rosemary, cilantro - 10 g;
  • salt.


  1. Rinse the meat, remove all fat, cut into pieces.
  2. Next, boil the potatoes in salted water for 10 minutes, after which you need to put them in a mold and bake.
  3. Pour oil into a hot frying pan, add crushed garlic, oregano, rosemary. Put the meat into this fragrant mixture and fry. Then send it to the oven to the potatoes, laying it on top. The dish should be baked until ready for 20-30 minutes.
  4. Put chopped onion and cilantro in a fragrant bath instead of meat. Fry for 5-7 minutes.

Put the resulting mix on a dish - potatoes, meat and lentils, decorated with tomato slices, strips bell pepper and greenery.

From badger meat you can cook a lot of delicious and healthy meals. Most importantly, follow technological process, starting from butchering the carcass and ending with cooking. Only then can you feel spicy taste this useful product.


  • Put the desired part of badger meat and marinade on the kitchen table. If necessary, let the meat thaw in cool water or in the refrigerator. Then inspect the tenderloin again for unnecessary details such as fat, streaks and films. Rinse thoroughly and pat dry with paper towels.

  • Cut the prepared meat in cartilaginous places into small pieces. Smaller slices marinate faster and stew better.

  • Put the meat pieces in a deep container and pour berry or any other semi-sweet wine. Remove the badger in the marinade to a cold place to infuse overnight or 8-10 hours.

  • After the time has elapsed, take out the finished marinated meat and dry it slightly. Put the meat pieces in a well-heated skillet over medium heat. At a low temperature, fry the slices until the fat layers are completely rendered.

  • In the meantime, while the meat is fried, it is necessary to prepare the remaining ingredients according to the recipe. Peel the onion and carrot and rinse well, then cut the onion into half rings, and the carrot into circles. Coarsely chop the green arrow of garlic or garlic cloves, cut the parsley and dill into large pieces as well. In a separate pan, lightly fry the sliced ​​salted or smoked lard.

  • After the meat is sufficiently fried, it should be placed in a deep container with a thick bottom. Add chopped vegetables, herbs and fried bacon to the badger. Also put black pepper and sweet peas, bay leaf, dry seasoning for cooking stew and salt to the meat. Completely fill the container with hot water. Put the container with food on maximum heat, bring to a boil, and then reduce the heat to a minimum and simmer for 90-110 minutes.

  • Badger stewed with vegetables is ready. It is desirable to serve meat with a side dish of boiled potatoes in pieces or in the form of mashed potatoes or with buckwheat porridge. Ready meal before serving, you can decorate with sprigs of greens, pickled mushrooms, sweet and sour berries or thinly sliced ​​​​fresh vegetables. Bon Appetit!

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