Home Kashi Stewed pumpkin dishes. Braised pumpkin. Braised pumpkin with meat in the oven

Stewed pumpkin dishes. Braised pumpkin. Braised pumpkin with meat in the oven

They are the most popular all over the world. The fact is that on the basis of these fruits a huge number of various delicacies are prepared. At the same time, the usual Antonovka apple jam is prepared in a special way in order to get a dish of amazing consistency, which will also have a great taste. Such a product is used on its own, since it can be safely considered a real culinary masterpiece.

Cooking method

One of the important points in the process of preparing such a dish is the time and method of its preparation. heat treatment. Here you can use pots with a thick bottom, cauldrons or other containers with tight-fitting lids, but amber jam from Antonovka is best obtained in an ordinary bread machine. It is there that you can not only set the required temperature and time conditions, but also make a permanent placement of components to achieve better results.


For the dish you will need:

Apples (Antonovka) - 2 kg;

Food preparation

First you need to thoroughly wash the apples and cut them into small pieces. It should be remembered that Antonovka amber jam should not contain petioles or seeds, which means that they must be removed when cutting. Then it is necessary to determine the required amount of sugar. To do this, we place chopped apples in, which we then transfer to the capacity of the bread machine. For four such glasses you need to put one sugar.


After the apples and sugar are stacked, a little cinnamon is added to the container, which will make such Antonovka jam very piquant. The recipe also includes lemon juice, but if the apples are not quite ripe, then you can not add it.

Some chefs also prefer to add starch to the jam. However, then it is necessary to grate the apples, which in combination will not amber jam, but unclear, but very tasty jam.


After all the components are loaded into the bread machine, it is necessary to choose the mode in which Antonovka amber jam will be prepared. This is usually the "Jam" program, which is designed for a certain time at medium temperature and constant stirring. However, it should be noted that this is not always enough to achieve the desired result. Therefore, the whole cycle should be repeated twice. It is after the second time that the amber Antonovka jam will get its amazing color, and the fruits will become soft and even transparent.

If you use a regular saucepan, it is best to first let the sugar release the juice from the apples. To do this, simply fall asleep them (in the same proportion) and leave for 12 hours. Then cover everything with a lid and cook until the fruit becomes transparent. In this case, the fire should be minimal. When cooking jam in a saucepan, it is necessary to achieve a uniform consistency, which will indicate the readiness of the delicacy.

Rolling up in banks

After the dish is cooked, it is poured hot into sterilized jars. In this case, it is necessary to ensure that an equal amount of fruit and liquid gets into each container. Then they are covered with lids and, turning upside down, put in a warm place to cool evenly. When the jars have cooled, they are transferred to a dark place for long-term storage, where they will be until they are consumed.

Probably everyone knows and loves apples of the Antonovka variety, not only in our country, but also in the CIS countries.

These very fragrant apples have a sweet and sour taste and almost always give a rich harvest. They are very often used for baking as a filling.

And besides, they are great for stuffing meat. Thanks to their sweet and sour taste, they add a slight zest to pork, chicken, duck, etc.

Antonovka jam is very tasty and thick due to the content of a large amount of pectin. There are many ways to make jam from these fruits.

There are recipes that are aimed at maximizing the shape of the pulp slices and the transparency of the syrups.

Other recipes are simpler and the jam in them turns out to be a thick, almost homogeneous mass. Each hostess chooses what her family likes.

This recipe for making jam does not provide for a salty and soda solution and phased cooking. The jam is thick, viscous and rich. Although the pieces of apples remain intact.

Antonovka jam recipe

The fastest and easiest recipe

The easiest, fastest and affordable recipe jam.

For convenience, let's take 2 kg of apples and a little less than 2 kg of sugar.

For those who like it sweeter, you can take sugar, as much as apples. For those who prefer a sweet and sour taste, sugar can be taken less.

Then the apples are washed well and cut in half. We take out the core and cut the fruit into slices. In this case, the peel can be removed, or you can leave it. In general, the peel gives more flavor. But at the same time, it will be tougher than the rest of the pulp.

We spread the chopped apples in a container where the jam will be cooked and fall asleep with sugar. It is advisable to mix the sugar with apples very gently with your hands so that it is distributed evenly throughout the volume. Let stand for an hour so that the apples give juice. In this case, the sugar will not burn during cooking.

After that, put the apples on the fire and bring to a boil. After it boils, reduce the fire and stir occasionally.

In order not to break the pieces, you need to stir gently, shaking and shaking the entire container. If foam appears, it must be removed. Boil such jam over low heat, boiling slightly, as if languishing.

You need to cook it until done. Approximately it will take one and a half, two hours.

The characteristic signs of readiness are:

transparent color of apples,


After the onset of readiness, we lay out the banks. Of course, the jars must be clean and sterilized.

Then close the lid and let it cool down. After the jam has cooled, it can be removed away until winter.

This jam is also great as a filling, as it does not spread and has a very rich taste and aroma. And also it will be an excellent delicacy just for tea or for pancakes and pancakes.

In order for Antonovka jam to have a deep orange color at the very beginning of the process, when sugar is poured into apples, you can put a few. This is only needed for the dark amber color.

The Antonovka apple variety is a real storehouse of vitamins, micro and macro elements. In summer and autumn, it is widely used in diet food due to its low calorie content.

Those who are worried and take care of their health need to add Antonov apples to their diet. Consider how to cook apple jam from Antonovka for the winter.

Dessert made from Antonovka apples is the simplest, most practical and convenient way to harvest healthy fruits for the winter. Jam will perfectly complement dessert or decorate pastries. To obtain amber, fragrant and delicious treats Here are some tips from experienced chefs:

  1. Before cooking, be sure to taste the freshly picked fruits. If they are sour, then you need to increase the amount of granulated sugar.
  2. To keep the delicacy all winter long glass jars and lids must be thoroughly washed and sterilized to eliminate pathogenic microflora from the surface of the container.
  3. For those who do not want to bother with the processing of cans, after cooking, it is recommended to remove the container from the stove to the kitchen table, cover and leave for 4-6 hours at room temperature.
  4. For jam in whole slices, the fruits must be chosen more dense and strong. Otherwise, they will boil and instead of a beautiful appearance, you will get porridge.
  5. No less important is to monitor the readiness of the apple. If you overexpose the fruit mass, then it can burn. will go bad appearance and taste of the final dish.

With lemon

Compliance with the technology of preparing a sweet delicacy allows you to get a tasty and attractive-looking dish. A bright, rich shade of delicacy will decorate any tea party, and the pieces will melt in your mouth. Consider how to make amber jam from Antonovka.


  • Antonovka green - 1.5 kg;
  • granulated sugar - 1.5 kg;
  • lemon - 250 g.

  1. Rinse the juicy, ripe fruit thoroughly, cut into 2 parts, remove the seed box. Chop into slices of the same size. Put the prepared ingredient in a clean enameled container, pouring each layer abundantly with sugar. Cover and leave in this form for 3-4 hours so that the fruit has time to release the juice.
  2. Set the container with the contents to slow heating, wait until it boils and heat until the sugar grains are completely dissolved. Remove from heat, cover and leave on the counter for 30 minutes.
  3. After the time has elapsed, repeat the procedure and continue cooking for a quarter of an hour.
  4. In the meantime, let's start preparing citrus fruits. Rinse and rinse with boiling water. Chop into slices, removing the bones as you work. Combine boiled apples with lemon, mix gently and cook for 30 minutes.
  5. In order not to damage the structure of the apple slices, spread the finished jam with a plastic spatula into sterile jars. Spread the sweet syrup evenly on top, seal tightly, cool and store in a cold place.

Dessert with apple slices and orange

Citrus fruits during heat treatment taste like candied fruits. It is they who give an unusual flavor, an additional note and a stunning aroma of jam. Moreover, the appearance of the dish does not suffer at all - tender, light. In order for the Antonovka jam to be transparent and boil well, it is recommended to use small oranges.


  • fresh apples - 1.5 kg;
  • oranges - 300 g;
  • granulated sugar - 1.5 kg;
  • filtered water - 300 ml;
  • cinnamon - 5 g.

  1. Rinse citrus fruits, dry and cut into 4 parts. Put in a suitable saucepan, pour in water and cook until the peel becomes soft. Temperature heating - medium.
  2. After the time has elapsed, pour granulated sugar into the container for oranges, continue cooking until the grains are completely dissolved. Be sure to stir regularly.
  3. Wash the apples, remove the seed box and peel in a thin layer. Cut into slices of medium size. Put in an enameled bowl, cover with water and blanch for 5 minutes. Strain and add to orange syrup.
  4. Cook until the apple slices are fully cooked. Cinnamon is added 2-3 minutes before the stove is turned off.
  5. Arrange the finished jam in sterile containers, close tightly. After cooling, remove to a cold place.

Jam "Fast"

It takes a minimum to make apple jam, if you use a kitchen assistant in the form of a slow cooker. It is enough to prepare all the products, combine them in the bowl of the “miracle oven”, set the temperature and time. That's all, nothing complicated. Therefore, consider the recipe for making sweets for the winter with the addition of vanilla sugar.


  • freshly picked apples - 1.5 kg
  • vanilla sugar - 7 g;
  • granulated sugar - 300 g.

Operating procedure:

  1. Rinse Antonovka, cut into 2 equal parts and remove the seed box. Cut into a medium sized cube. Put in a multicooker bowl, cover with sugar. Cover with gauze and leave for 2.5 hours. During the specified time, more often should appear Apple juice. Add vanilla sugar, mix well.
  2. Put the container with the contents in the “miracle oven”, set up the “Cooking / Steaming” mode. Bring to a boil, warm for a quarter of an hour. Switch off the electrical device.
  3. Pack in sterile jars, close tightly and store in a cold place.

What is called - lick your fingers

Dessert from Antonovka, walnuts and chokeberry

The jam is unusual and incredibly tasty. Try to cook it once and it will forever remain in your cookbook. In addition to taste, the product retains the maximum amount of vitamins and other useful substances, which is important in winter.


  • lemon - 1 medium-sized fruit;
  • Walnut- 500 g;
  • granulated sugar - 1.5 kg;
  • apples - 550 g;
  • chokeberry - 1.2 kg.

The cooking process is as follows:

  1. Sort the berries, remove unsuitable and spoiled fruits. Put in a saucepan, pour boiling water over it and insist under a closed lid for 6-10 hours. After the time has elapsed, discard in a colander. Dry the berries, and use the broth later in cooking.
  2. Peel nuts from inedible partitions and dry a little in a dry frying pan so that preservation at long-term storage did not sour. Rinse the apples, remove the skin and seeds. Chop into slices.
  3. Pour 300 ml of infusion into a separate pan, pour sugar in small portions. Put on the stove and cook at medium heat until completely dissolved. Put berries, nuts and apples.
  4. Stir, two hundred to a boil and continue cooking for a quarter of an hour, stirring the composition regularly and removing the resulting foam from the surface.
  5. Remove from stove, close and leave until completely cooled. Repeat the procedure of boiling and cooking for 10 minutes. Remove, cool. Similar actions must be repeated 2 more times.
  6. Wash the lemon, chop into thin slices and put in a saucepan to the contents. Warm up for 10 minutes and pack in sterile jars.

Delicious jam for the winter

Apple fruits of the Antonovka variety contain a huge amount of pectin, which allows you to make fragrant jam from Antonovka for the winter. The cooking method is quite difficult, one might even say original. After cooling, the sweet dessert turns out to be transparent as a tear and thick as marmalade.


  • apples - 1.5 kg;
  • granulated sugar - 1.5 kg;
  • filtered water - 1.5 l;
  • citric acid - 2/3 tsp

Action algorithm:

  1. Wash and dry fruits. Cut off the skin in a thin layer and remove the seed box. Using a grater for vegetable salads cut the processed fruit into strips. Put the finished mass into an enamel bowl, add the filtered liquid, granulated sugar and citric acid.
  2. Mix thoroughly, put on the stove and bring to a boil, and then reduce the heat to a minimum. It is important to stir the contents of the container from time to time so that the mass does not burn. Continue cooking in the same way for 40 minutes.

I don’t know how confiture is prepared correctly, but my dessert turns out just as well, but it’s done very quickly and simply. It was pure luck that helped me come up with this recipe. Somehow our apple tree gave a big harvest, but there were a lot of apples with a wormhole and carrion. It was a pity to throw away and I decided to cook jam from such apples on hastily. But it turned out great apple jam. Just lick your fingers! Be sure to try cooking. Makes a great dessert for tea. Children eat it instead of candy!


    5,000 grams

    4,000 grams

    2 glasses


For the recipe you will need apples and granulated sugar. Any apple will do durum varieties. Only White filling does not fit. These apples are very tender and boil quickly. They are suitable only for juice and compote.

Take apples, rinse and cut into small pieces of arbitrary shape. It can also be made into long thin slices. Do not remove the skin from apples. We all know that the peel of vegetables and fruits contains the highest concentration of vitamins and nutrients. Yes, and the skin will retain the shape of the pieces and they will not fall apart during cooking.

Take an enameled or aluminum bowl for cooking jam, put chopped apples in it and pour in some water. Put the bowl on the fire and stir very often while heating so that the sugar begins to dissolve evenly and does not burn. As soon as the sugar dissolves and the contents boil, let the jam cook for about 10 minutes. Then remove it from the heat and put it away overnight so that the pieces absorb sugar syrup. In the morning, put it to boil again until a stable droplet forms from the resulting syrup.

If you add more water, you will get apple jam. And if you pour in enough water only to dissolve the sugar and boil longer, then you get real confiture. Both jam and confiture are very tasty and fragrant with a summer smell of apples. Looks like apples cooked with honey. A wonderful dessert for homemade tea. fragrant apple slices can be used for baking pies. Cook and pamper your family with such yummy and treat your friends.

Such a dessert can be perfectly preserved for the winter. When the confiture is ready, reduce the heat and place it hot in pre-sterilized jars and tightly seal with lids. You can even nylon, treated with boiling water, so that a film of mold does not form.

Bon Appetit!

Each housewife in her bins must have a jar - another of delicious fruit or berry jam. Why jam? Yes, because, having a thick, jelly-like consistency, jam is very convenient to use as fillers in home baking(pies, croissants, puffs). Due to its dense texture, jam does not spread on toast or biscuit slices. And as a separate dessert, jam is very tasty and nutritious.

The most suitable for making jams are apples, better than sour varieties. They contain the largest amount of pectin, which is a natural thickener. Usually, when preparing apple jam for the winter, a couple of sour, unripe apples are added to ripe fruits. Especially tasty and natural jam is obtained from homemade apples, not treated with various chemicals.

Cooking apple jam at home is much faster and easier than jam or jam. You will need apples, sugar, water, some free time and apple jam, simple and fragrant, ready!

Cooking time- 60 minutes

Exit- 1 liter of ready-made jam


  • Apples - 1.5 kg
  • Sugar - 1 kg
  • Water - 150 ml

How to make apple jam:

Prepare apples. Wash them, peel them, chop them into pieces of arbitrary shape. The smaller you cut the fruit, the faster the apple jam will cook.

Add sugar and some water to the apples. Place the pot of fruit on the stove, turn on the quietest fire and cook the mass until the apples are completely boiled and the jam becomes thick and rich. In time, this process will take about one hour (if the apples are hard, then longer).

While the jam is cooking, sterilize the jars. One of the fastest and most convenient ways is sterilization in microwave oven. To do this, fill clean dry jars with 1/3 clean cold water and put in the microwave for 3-5 minutes.

Arrange apple jam in prepared jars, cork and store in a dark, dry place for storage. The product under such conditions can be stored up to 3 years.

You already know how to make apple jam simple. But very often, housewives prepare jams by combining several types of fruits, which greatly improves taste qualities dishes, makes it more interesting and unusual.

Jam from apples and plums

Plums (especially dark varieties) give apple jam a beautiful shade and a slight sour taste.

Take a kilogram of apples and plums. Peel the apples, remove the core. Remove pits from plums. Finely chop the fruit with a knife. Place them in a container in which you will prepare jam, add two kilograms of sugar and a glass of water. Cook the dessert over low heat for half an hour, then use a blender to grind the fruit into a puree. Boil the mass for another ten minutes, stirring vigorously.

Jam from apples and pears

Pears and apples go great together. It will not be superfluous to add lemon juice to such a jam.

Pass peeled and chopped apples and pears through a meat grinder. Place the prepared mashed potatoes in a saucepan and cook over medium heat until it becomes thick. Stir constantly so that it doesn't burn! Add sugar, juice of half a lemon and cook the jam for another 10-15 minutes. Place hot in jars and roll up.

Fragrant jam from apples and oranges

If apple dessert seems very sweet and even cloying to you, try adding orange slices to it. The result will pleasantly surprise you!

Grate a kilogram of peeled apples on a grater with large holes, place them in a saucepan, add 1.5 cups of water and boil the puree until soft. Remove the zest from two large oranges. Peel them from the skin, remove the white film and divide into slices. hot applesauce add two kilograms of sugar, orange slices and zest. Mix thoroughly. Boil the jam for 30 minutes, stirring occasionally. Arrange the finished jam in sterilized jars and seal.

Cowberry jam with apples

The special, bitter-sour taste of lingonberries will bring an original touch to apple jam. In addition, this red berry is a real source of vitamins.

Rinse the apples, remove the peel (if it is rough), remove the core and chop finely. Put the fruits in a suitable container, add a little water and boil them until soft. Carefully sort the lingonberries, remove excess debris and spoiled berries, wash it. Soft apple slices pass through a sieve, add cranberries and sugar. Cook the jam for 20-25 minutes over low heat with constant stirring.

Jam from apples with lemon

Grind the lemon (with peel), combine it with peeled and chopped apples. Sprinkle the fruit with sugar and leave for 6 to 8 hours to extract the juice. Boil the jam for 35 - 40 minutes (until thick).

Jam from apples with cinnamon

Apples and cinnamon are a great combination! You could say it's a classic of the genre.

To make apple jam cook faster, pass the prepared fruits through a meat grinder. Add water and sugar. Place the container with the puree on the stove, turn on a slow fire and cook the mass until it becomes thick. At the end of cooking, put cinnamon to taste.

Aronia jam with apples

This jam is not just a sweet dessert, but a natural healing delicacy that will help support immunity in the cold season.

Sort the chokeberry, remove the branches and rinse. Place the berries in a saucepan, add some water and blanch for five minutes. Wash the apples, remove the core, cut into slices and send to the mountain ash. Close the pan with a lid, cook for 20 minutes until the apples soften. Cool down. Grind the mass through a sieve. Add sugar, mix thoroughly and simmer for about an hour. Arrange the finished jam in clean, dry jars and roll up. Store in a cool place.

Jam from apples in a slow cooker

Recently, to prepare blanks for the winter, housewives are increasingly resorting to the help of such kitchen appliances as multicookers and bread machines. And this is not surprising - cooking using such tools is much easier and faster. No need to stand at the stove, endlessly stirring jam or jam, catching sticky juice splashing in all directions.

Place prepared apples in a multicooker bowl, add a little water (about 100 ml), sugar. Stir. Close the lid of the multicooker and turn on the “Extinguishing” mode for an hour. Then switch to "Baking" and cook the jam for another 15 minutes, stirring.

Apple jam in a bread machine

Peel and chop 500 grams of apples, add a glass of sugar and 2 tablespoons of lemon juice. Place the form with the ingredients in the bread machine and set the "Jam" mode. After about an hour and a half, delicious, fragrant jam is ready!

Jam from apples without sugar (dietary)

Appetizing and healthy apple jam can be prepared without sugar. It will be especially relevant for people who, due to certain circumstances, do not consume sweets.

Boil a kilogram of peeled apples in 200 ml of water. Grind the mass through a sieve. Cook the resulting puree over low heat until it thickens. Place hot in prepared jars and sterilize at a temperature of 100 degrees for 15-20 minutes. Seal and store in a cool place.

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