Home Preparations for the winter Soybean oil: uses and properties, health benefits and harms. Useful properties of soybean oil

Soybean oil: uses and properties, health benefits and harms. Useful properties of soybean oil

Soybean oil is a product with a long history. However, among domestic consumers, it enjoys a very controversial reputation. Some believe that soy is a product that is extremely harmful. Others believe that this plant may well replace most of the products we are used to. Whose side is the truth on?

What is soy?

Soybean or Glycine max is an annual plant belonging to the legume family. At the moment, it grows on all continents and in many countries. Soybean is not demanding on the climate and growing conditions, therefore it is an indispensable crop for many peoples of the world.

Historical information about soy is very contradictory. It is believed that it first appeared about 5000 years ago. The first country to cultivate this plant and use it for food was China. Then soybeans got to other Asian countries, first of all - to Korea and Japan.

This plant came to Europe only at the time of the Great geographical discoveries. In the 19th century, soybeans began to grow in the United States and Russia. However, this product received the greatest prevalence in the domestic market only after the Red Revolution. In times of economic crisis in various countries, soy has gained a reputation as a cheap meat substitute.

How Soybean Oil Is Made

Soybean oil is not a very common product on the domestic market. This is due to the fact that such crops as, for example, sunflower and mustard, have historically taken root better in our country. There was no need to grow soybeans for oil production. In Russia, soybean oil is distributed only in the Amur region.

At the same time, in the world among the production of all famous varieties vegetable oils soybean has always occupied a leading position. It is obtained from soybean seeds in two ways: mechanical and extraction. In the first case, classic extraction is used, that is, oil is extracted from seeds under piston pressure. In the second, the seeds are poured with gasoline derivatives and wait for the formation of an oily liquid on its surface, which is then passed through many filters. This is how refined oil is obtained.

This oil has a higher boiling point than sunflower or olive oil. It freezes at -18°C. That is why it is very convenient to use in cooking for frying and baking.

Oil composition

Soya is considered the most useful plant from all existing ones. The fact is that it has essential amino acids that are necessary for the human body, but are not found in plants. This is why vegans replace soy meat products. At the same time, it contains essential fatty acids, which are found in other plants, but not in animal products.

In addition, soy is rich in vitamins. It contains a large amount of vitamin A, E, PP, group B, as well as choline and biotin. Among the trace elements, the leading place is occupied by potassium, phosphorus, calcium, magnesium, copper and iron. Which of these substances are found in soybean oil?

The largest amount in it, of course, fatty acids. It is noteworthy that soybean oil holds the record for the content of lecithin, a component of cell membranes necessary for the body. In general, this product contains the most beneficial fatty acids for humans: linoleic, linolenic, oleic.

Unrefined oil has vitamins A and E, as well as all trace elements and a small amount of proteins. Refined oil, unless enriched artificially, is devoid of these components.

Let's return to the question of the benefits of this product and the possibility of replacing it with classic dishes Russian cuisine. Soy and its derivatives have properties such as:

  1. Protection against atherosclerosis. Atherosclerotic plaques contain cholesterol in their composition, while soy has fatty acids-cholesterol antagonists, which reduce its concentration in the blood. It has been proven that the use of soybean oil reduces the risk of coronary heart disease by 6 times.
  2. Stimulation of immunity. This property is inherent in unrefined oil, which contains all vitamins and microelements in its composition.
  3. Protection against tumor degeneration of cells. Due to the high content of tocopherol in soybean oil, its use can protect the body from cancer. Tocopherol is a natural antioxidant that stops lipid peroxidation, the main cause of neoplasms.
  4. Improvement of gastrointestinal motility. Like any other oil, this product is able to cope with constipation by accelerating the motor activity of the digestive tract.
  5. Stimulation of brain activity. Myelin, which is part of the sheath of neurons, is also fat. Soybean oil promotes the renewal of this substance, which speeds up the process of transmitting impulses from one cell to another, and, consequently, makes the brain work as a whole more efficient.
  6. Wound healing. To do this, the oil can be used both inside and outside. Lecithin, which is part of its composition and necessary for the renewal of cell membrane phospholipids, will promote the regeneration of the epithelium on the surface of the wound.
  7. Fight stress. Numerous vitamins and hormone-like substances also help with this.
  8. Improving male potency. The exact nature of this phenomenon could not be clarified, however, the experience of numerous studies shows that men who consume soybean oil are less likely to experience problems in their sexual life.
  9. Help for vision. Vitamin A, which is in this product, is necessary for the normal functioning of the visual apparatus. Its use is necessary, especially in childhood and old age.

There is one very interesting fact: soy almost never causes allergies. Soybean oil is also the most hypoallergenic of all vegetable oils. Soy and its derivatives are used to prepare hypoallergenic infant formulas. This is an indispensable product for babies who are contraindicated in milk and all milk formulas.

It is interesting to know that, if cooked properly, soy can be indistinguishable in taste from meat dish. In addition, soy is sometimes replaced with vegetable food. For example, most products sold as asparagus are actually soy. It is also added to bread products to increase their weight and volume. This use of this plant is a commercial fraud.

Harm of soy and soybean oil

Soybean has several harmful properties that should limit the consumption of soybean oil. These include:

  1. High calorie. The use of oil in large quantities may not have the best effect on the figure.
  2. protease inhibitors. These proteins are antienzymes. They prevent the breakdown of proteins. Those who replace meat with soy should be aware that the amino acids that make up the plant enter the body in very small quantities.
  3. Negative effect on the pancreas. Due to the presence of inhibitors, the pancreas has to excrete more enzymes. This leads to its hypertrophy and can cause pancreatitis.
  4. Side effects of lectins. Lectins are substances that promote the hemolysis of red blood cells, the absorption of harmful substances in the intestines and can cause growth retardation in a child.

Thus, we can conclude that soybean oil is a product that contains a large amount of useful substances. Its use in small quantities has significant benefits for the body. However, in large doses, this product is harmful. It can lead to many unpleasant consequences.

Video: 7 unhealthy vegetable oils

Despite the weak popularity in Russia, soybean oil is the first in the world in terms of annual production among vegetable fats. It is used in the food and agricultural sectors, as well as in some branches of the chemical industry. Direct pressed soybean oil is considered very useful product with a high content of antioxidants, useful fatty acids, lecithin, phytohormones.

From this article you will learn:

Is oil obtained from soybeans: production technology

Soybean oil is a liquid fat of vegetable origin, the chemical composition of which is 99% fatty acids. It is a transparent or translucent liquid, colored in shades of yellow, oily to the touch. When produced by pressing, it shines with amber hues.

Soybean oil

For the production of vegetable fat from soybeans, mechanical and extraction methods are used. The first implies only spinning, and the second - an additional processing cycle on chemical equipment. In both cases, the seeds of the plant undergo pre-treatment, which includes the following steps:

  1. Purification from mineral, organic and oil impurities.
  2. Drying of raw materials to a moisture content of around 15%.
  3. Separation of the seed and fruit coat from the nucleus.
  4. Destruction of the cellular structure by grinding beans.
  5. hydrothermal treatment.

Modern soybean processing plants use both mechanical pressing and extraction with organic solvents. The received products are packed and stored separately from each other. Soybean oil of direct extraction has a rich biochemical composition, its beneficial properties are most pronounced. However, due to the presence of various components in the composition, it has a shorter shelf life.

Soybean oil: properties and physico-chemical composition

Under normal conditions at room temperature the substance remains in a liquid state of aggregation, because its pour point is -15˚-18˚C. Fatty acids, on average, are in the following proportions:

  • linoleic - 51-57%;
  • oleic - 23-29%;
  • stearic - 4.5-7.3%;
  • linolenic - 3-6%;
  • palmitic - 2.5-6%;
  • arachidic - 0.9-2.5%;
  • hexadecene - up to 0.1%;
  • myristic - 0.1-0.4%.

A distinctive feature is the presence of fatty acids, which are characteristic of fish oils. This means that the product has a preventive and curative effect on the cardiovascular system. An equally valuable component is lecithin, which is an important substance for healthy liver function.

Distribution of basic nutrients in 100 grams:

  • proteins - 0 g;
  • carbohydrates - 0 g;
  • fats - 99.9 g;
  • dietary fiber - 0 g;
  • water - 0.1 g.
  • alpha tocopherol (vitamin E) - 17.1 mg;
  • zinc - 0.01 mg;
  • iron - 0.05 mg.

Is it possible to get soybean oil at home

Due to the low cost of soybean oil in retail chains, self-production of this product is not very popular. Firstly, to obtain a high-quality liquid, you need to properly prepare the raw materials, squeeze, and then filter. Second, it takes a lot of time. However, it is theoretically possible to squeeze fat out of soybeans at home. To do this, you will have to use a blender or meat grinder to get a wet slurry, from which the oil is then extracted using a colander and gauze.

It is important to note that such a primitive processing has a low efficiency, because there is no powerful press to squeeze the maximum possible volume. Accordingly, with a lower efficiency, the cost of raw materials increases. Because of this, it may turn out that buying a finished unrefined product is more profitable than making it.

Soybean oil harm and benefit

Soybean oil is one of the most affordable foods to help lower bad cholesterol levels. Accessibility means not only low price, but also widespread use. Due to the unique combination of fatty acids, pomace enhances the complex effect of other beneficial substances that prevent vascular and heart diseases. As already noted, this is the closest to fish oil. vegetable oil, which has a strong stimulating and normalizing effect on metabolism.

An important advantage of soy fat is the high content of alpha tocopherol, known as vitamin E. 100 grams of liquid contains 17.1 mg of this substance, which covers 114% of the average daily allowance consumption for an adult. In addition, the composition contains zinc, which is important for the health of the skin, hair and reproductive system, and iron, which plays an important role in the functioning of the circulatory system. The above complex of fatty acids has a very broad effect, which positively affects the state of all internal organs and systems.

Thus, soybean oil as part of a balanced healthy diet helps to increase general tone body, improve immunity, improve metabolism and prevent many diseases.

Soybean oil in baby food: harm and benefit

There is a wide variety of opinions about whether soy and products derived from it are good for baby food. Many parents are inclined to give a negative answer, citing the fact that a significant proportion of soybeans grown in the world are genetically modified varieties. This is a true fact, however, such components are not included in products that are produced and imported to Russia, because this is prohibited by law. So there is no need to worry about GMO soy products.

Experts say that soybean oil does not have a specific effect on the child's body, but it is advised to include it in the diet on an ongoing basis from 1 year. A small amount of this product in mashed potatoes, porridge or salad will be useful due to the diverse fat composition.

For pregnant and lactating women, the use of this product is not contraindicated. But in order to avoid potential problems with the health of the child, one should consult on this issue with the observing doctor.

Soybean oil: useful properties and contraindications

The beneficial effect on the body is expressed in the following effects:

  • the efficiency of metabolic processes increases;
  • toxins and slags are removed faster and better;
  • immunity is strengthened;
  • work stabilizes nervous system;
  • the body (primarily the skin) experiences a rejuvenating effect;
  • the risk of development and complications of oncological diseases is reduced;
  • stabilizes the level of sugar and cholesterol in the blood vessels;
  • increases the productivity of brain functions;
  • improves the work of the gastrointestinal tract.

The described changes appear faster and stronger with the use of unrefined oil, because the refining of the product almost completely removes minerals and vitamins.

A key contraindication to the use of this product is individual intolerance. There are no specific restrictions, except for those that apply to any vegetable oils.

Soybean oil: properties, how to use it in food

In the food industry and home cooking, soybean oil is used in unrefined, refined and deodorized form. The latter is the most versatile in terms of performance. It does not deteriorate or become harmful when heated during frying. But this is because it initially has rather limited useful properties.

Refined oil is also used for frying. It is convenient due to the fact that it does not “shoot” and does not splatter, and a soft crust forms on the surface of the meat.

Unrefined oil has the most useful composition. It is produced by direct pressing. This option contains more vitamin E and trace elements, but it can only be used without heating. The smoke point of unrefined soybean oil is +160˚-+170˚C. When heated above this temperature, fatty acids are oxidized. This not only gives the pomace bitterness, but also leads to the formation of carcinogenic substances.

Can you fry with soybean oil?

Refined soybean oil can be used to fry fish, meat or vegetables. Its smoke point is +238˚C. The temperature of frying food in living conditions rarely exceeds +200˚C, so it does not lead to deterioration of the product and the formation of harmful substances. Soybean vegetable oil is also suitable for frying and roasting in the oven or over low heat.

Using Hydrogenated Soybean Oil

Hydrogenation is the processing of vegetable fats with the addition of hydrogen atoms to the unsaturated double bonds of the main substance. Figuratively speaking, this allows under pressure to create a homogeneous substance from oil, catalyst and hydrogen (initially, these components cannot be mixed with each other). Hydrogenation technology has been known and widely used in our country since Soviet times. Today, fats converted in this way are called trans fats, and they have a very bad reputation.

Experts studying this issue say that the body has to absorb unnatural substances in the form of trans fats that do not exist in nature. It is assumed that they provoke unpredictable reactions in the body and increase the risk of developing:

  • oncological formations;
  • cardiovascular diseases;
  • obesity;
  • diabetes mellitus type I and II;
  • liver diseases;
  • disorders of the nervous system;
  • atherosclerosis.

Some studies show that people who regularly consume hydrogenated oils experience worsening hormonal levels and metabolic disorders.

Soybean oil for hair: harm and benefit

The product greatly helps in the fight for the health of hair when it is subject to excessive brittleness, dryness, thinning, split ends or damaged after intensive creation of complex hairstyles using synthetic substances (varnishes, mousses, etc.).

How to make a mask with soy oil for damaged hair:

  1. For 1 share (5 ml) of lemon or lime juice, take 3 shares of soy and 6 shares of burdock oil.
  2. Combine the ingredients, heat a little in the bath, distribute over the entire length.
  3. Put a cellophane cap on your head and wrap a woolen scarf or scarf over it.
  4. After an hour, wash your hair with a delicate shampoo.
  5. Rinse a clean head with water with the addition apple cider vinegar, lime or lemon juice(15 ml per 1 liter).

To stimulate growth and strengthen hair, you can use an even simpler mask made from a mixture of soybean oil and castor oil. It is necessary to mix 2 tbsp, slightly warm and distribute over the roots and tips. The head also needs to be insulated over a plastic cap.

For dry hair:

  1. Mix ¼ melted butter with 1 glass of soy.
  2. Apply over the entire length 20 minutes before shampooing.

For firming and moisturizing

  1. Mix 1 tsp. soybean oil, 2 tbsp. onion juice and 1 tbsp. liquid honey.
  2. Warm up a little before combining the products with each other. Apply over the entire length 45 minutes before shampooing.

Soybean oil in cosmetology

Soybean oil is among the available and inexpensive natural products, which can seriously help in the fight for the preservation of beauty. It is well suited for the care of normal and dry skin, but not for combination or oily skin. The fact is that the remedy can stimulate the formation of excessive skin sebum, which in many cases worsens the condition.

Soybean oil in cosmetology can be used for nail care, and for massage procedures, and for enriching cosmetics. Due to the variety of fatty acids, it has an extensive nutritional, restorative and healing effect. When used as a massage base or added to a blend, it is convenient because it absorbs quickly into the skin. When used as part of home cosmetics for the face, soybean oil makes the skin more tender, supple, and evens out tone.

Options for use in home cosmetic procedures:

  1. Add a little pomace to the makeup remover milk to add a nourishing effect to it.
  2. Enrich the composition of the product for tightening, rejuvenation, nutrition and recovery by adding a few drops before application.
  3. Lifting mask. Mix ½ small apple with the pulp of 1 jacket-boiled potato and 1 tsp. soybean oil. After bringing to uniformity, transfer to the skin for 20 minutes.
  4. Balm for dry skin. Apply at night a mixture of an equal volume of pomace of soybeans and peach pits.
  5. An effective balm for sensitive skin is obtained from a mixture of olive and soy fats with chamomile ether.

Application of oil in industrial sectors

  • Food industry: production of margarines, confectionery, baking, bakery products.
  • Chemical industry: production of surfactants, thinners, emulsifiers, phosphate concentrates.

Storage conditions and shelf life

The shelf life of unrefined soybean oil is 1 year under the following conditions:

  • Temperature: +10˚C to +25˚C.
  • Relative air humidity: up to 85%.

The expiration date after opening expires after 6 months, but no later than the main period. When choosing in a store, preference should be given to the product in small glass bottles with tinted glass.

Video: soy products

The content of the article:

Soybean oil is a product derived from soybean seeds (Glycine max). For its manufacture, pressing or extraction is used, and more often two methods at once at the same time. It ranks first in the world among vegetable oils. The most active use of the product is in cooking and agriculture. Refined deodorized oil is used in food for both adults and children. In agriculture, it is used raw as an additive to livestock feed. Soybeans are cultivated all over the world. In Russia, most actively grown since the 60s of the last century in the Amur region.

The composition and calorie content of soybean oil

This product is filled with a real storehouse of healing acids. There are more than a dozen of them in soybean oil. The product is useful, despite the high calorie content.

The calorie content of soybean oil per 100 g is 899 kcal, of which:

  • Fats - 99.9 g;
  • Water - 0.1 g.
The benefits of the product are mainly due to the presence of fatty acids. However, vitamins, micro and macro elements are also available here. In particular, the positive effect on the human body after drinking oil is enhanced by the presence of vitamin C, calcium, sodium, magnesium, and potassium.

The composition of nutrients per 100 g:

  • Vitamin E - 17.1 mg;
  • Phosphorus - 2 mg;
  • Iron - 0.05 mg;
  • Zinc - 0.01 mg;
  • Beta Sitosterol - 300 mg.
Vitamin E is a powerful antioxidant that supports the thyroid gland, nervous system and heart. Phosphorus is responsible for the health of the optic nerve, supports strong bones and teeth. Iron is the first violin in hematopoiesis, providing tissues with oxygen, and accelerating cellular metabolism. Zinc is involved in the activation of the brain, synthesizes sex hormones, accelerates the growth of hair and nails, and helps rapid tissue regeneration. Beta sitosterol provides invaluable assistance in maintaining the health of the male genitourinary system, is an oncoprotector, an immunostimulant.

Fatty acids per 100 g:

  • Palmitic - 10.3 g;
  • Stearic - 3.5 g;
  • Oleic - 19.8 g;
  • Linoleic - 50.9 g.
The main characteristics of acids are shown in the table below:
AcidAction on the human body
palmiticSlows down the aging process
StearicParticipates in the formation of brain cells, supports the functioning of the nervous system
OleicRegulates cholesterol levels, improves immunity, has an anti-inflammatory effect
LinoleicNormalizes blood pressure, improves blood circulation, relieves inflammation in the joints

For those who follow the figure and strictly control the number of calories, we note that 17 g of soybean vegetable oil fits in a tablespoon, which equals 152.8 kcal, and in a teaspoon - 5 g of oil, which is 45 kcal.

Useful properties of soybean oil

It is not surprising that a product containing such an amount of nutrients has an extremely positive effect on the human body. Consider below what are the main benefits of soybean oil.

What are the main qualities of the product when used for culinary purposes:

  1. Cholesterol Reduction. Thanks to the components that make up the oil, the harmful lipid is absorbed. At the same time, there is a decrease in the level of "bad" cholesterol, while "good" continues to perform its healing functions. The lumen of the vessel increases, and atherosclerosis is prevented.
  2. Strengthening the heart muscle. The above effect helps to significantly support the heart. Normalization in progress blood pressure, shortness of breath, cardiac edema disappear.
  3. Activation of the brain. Especially noticeable is the effect of using oil during a period of serious mental stress - passing exams, work projects.
  4. Prevention of prostate hyperplasia. This is due to sitosterol. It is this compound that is the main component of medical preparations, with the help of which the production of dihydrotestosterone is synthesized, which slows down the growth of cells in this area.
  5. Acceleration of sperm motility. In general, in the question of the benefits of soybean oil, one of the leading places is occupied by the ability to maintain men's health. Not only are its components involved in the production of sperm, they also increase their mobility.
  6. Slow down skin aging. The acids that make up the product contribute to the active synthesis of substances such as collagen, elastin and hyaluronic acid. They help our skin stay young for as long as possible. Regeneration processes are launched that resist the damaging effects of the sun, wind and frost on human skin.
  7. Improving the condition of hair and nails. The growth of hairs is significantly accelerated, and the condition also improves: they become stronger and shinier, fall out less, the tips do not split so actively. Nails cease to be brittle, do not exfoliate.
  8. Saturation of mother's milk. It is quite difficult for nursing mothers to make full-fledged milk, without compromising their own health. It's all about the diet that must be followed to avoid colic in children. The basis of mother's milk is palmitic acid, which is part of the product. Therefore, its use in small quantities will only make milk healthier.
But the beneficial properties of soybean oil do not end there. It helps to reduce asthma attacks, relieves convulsions, resists the formation of gallstones, is a strong antiviral and antibacterial agent, relieves inflammation and heals wounds.

Contraindications and harm of soybean oil

Most often, the ban on the use of oils applies to children, pregnant women and allergy sufferers. Children can use the product: after a year - without restrictions, and up to 12 months - in agreement with a pediatrician or gastroenterologist. The oil is also useful for pregnant women: as noted above, it helps to replenish those important components that mothers gave to the fetus and prepare the body for breastfeeding. Of these three categories, soybean oil can only bring harm to allergy sufferers.

Let's take a closer look at who should not add oil to food:

  • Soy protein intolerant sufferers. This type of food allergy can be activated by oil intake. Therefore, it is worthwhile to administer the product with caution and, at the first signs of malaise, take antihistamines.
  • Obese people. The high calorie content of the product will harm.
  • Those who do not plan to become parents in the near future. The ability of the components of the product to activate spermatozoa and increase the chances of conception can make adjustments to marital status.

Features of the manufacture of soybean oil

Almost always, the characteristics of any product, its benefits and harms depend on the characteristics of its production or preparation. There are two ways to make this vegetable oil - pressing and extraction.

At the core pressing lies a natural mechanical process in which oil is simply squeezed out of certain seeds. This method is environmentally friendly, allowing you to save the maximum useful properties of the product. However, in Russia it is used most often in conjunction with extraction. It is a chemical process. But you shouldn't be afraid of it. Soy is processed with alcohol, which is subsequently evaporated. The product is then carefully refined and bottled.

If, in the production of oil, only extraction or other compounds other than alcohol were used, such a product is suitable for feeding certain livestock and technical purposes.

Eat oil without sediment, uniform bright straw-yellow color. A pinkish tint is allowed. Its aroma is sharp and specific, they say about this “an amateur”. At home, hostesses most often dress salads with such soybean oil, since in this form it is most useful.

In the food industry, refined oil is the basis for margarines, non-dairy creamers, mayonnaises, baked goods, preserves, and frozen semi-finished products.

Soybean oil recipes

The main feature of this product, which housewives must be aware of, is that soybean oil is unsuitable for frying. It can be consumed raw, added to boiled and stews, bake with it and preserve. But frying on it is absolutely impossible! Firstly, it becomes extremely harmful to health due to changes in the structure and release of carcinogens, and secondly, it acquires a bitter aftertaste that spoils the taste of cooked food.

Very subtly soybean oil will emphasize the following dishes:

  1. Salad with sprouts. Take 300 g of bean sprouts, wash and dry them. A couple of large sweet bell peppers also rinse, cut the stalks and seeds, cut into cubes. Send to a pan with hot sunflower oil, finely chopped small bunch of parsley, then sprouts. Fry for 2-3 minutes, stirring constantly. Salt and pepper, add a tablespoon wine vinegar, stir. Cool, add 2 tablespoons of soybean oil. Serve to the table sprinkled with sesame seeds.
  2. Meat with herbs. Take pork loin, cut into steaks 1 cm thick, beat well. Finely chop a bunch of parsley, dill, tarragon, a couple of mint leaves, add 1 clove of finely chopped garlic, 1 tablespoon of horseradish, 100 ml of cognac, 1 tablespoon of lemon juice, 50 ml of soybean oil. Lay the chops in layers, spread each layer with chopped herbs and butter, cover with cling film, send to a dark place for 3-4 hours. From the resulting chops, twist the rolls, inside each add finely chopped onions and a small piece of bacon, preferably smoked. Pin the rolls with toothpicks or secure with thread. Fry each in a frying pan sunflower oil, then send to a baking dish, fill by a third meat broth. Cover the form with foil and put in the oven at 220°C for 25 minutes. Then turn the rolls over, again pour a third of the broth, cover again and cook for another 25 minutes. Remove the foil, grease the rolls with mustard, honey or soy sauce - depending on your gastronomic preferences, and let the crust form. Serve hot.
  3. Vermicelli with ham. Take 200 g of vermicelli durum varieties, boil until al dente, drain the water, let the pasta dry slightly. In a frying pan, sauté 1 large onion, cut into half rings, 1 carrot and 100 g of ham, cut into strips, in sunflower oil. Transfer the passerovka to a sieve to glass the oil. Send vermicelli to the pan, add 2 cloves of finely chopped garlic, 2 tablespoons of butter, 2 tablespoons soy sauce. Fry for 3-4 minutes until golden brown, put the vermicelli on a plate, drizzle with soy oil, garnish with browned vegetables and ham on top.
  4. sandwich paste. To prepare this savory snack, you will need 200 g of tofu. Add to it 1 tablespoon thyme, 1 tablespoon oregano, 1 teaspoon mustard, 2 cloves finely minced garlic, 2 tablespoons soybean oil and a pinch of salt. Mix all the ingredients well, serve on black bread toasts, garnish with a sprig of parsley.
  5. chocolate chip cookie. Mix in a bowl 2 cups flour, 100 ml soybean oil, 200 g sugar, 100 g cocoa, 200 g almonds, 50 ml water, 2 teaspoons baking powder and 2 teaspoons vanilla sugar. Knead the dough well, put the cookies on a baking sheet with a spoon. Be sure to leave plenty of room as the cookies will fit at least twice. Slightly flatten the cakes and send them to the oven preheated to 180 ° C for 8-10 minutes. If overcooked, the cookies will be too dry.
  6. . Mix 850 g wheat flour, 150 g soy flour, 100 g dry yeast, 1 tablespoon salt, add 3 tablespoons soybean oil, 500 ml soy milk and 200 ml of warm water. Knead the dough, leave to rise for 30 minutes. Place in two baking dishes and leave for another 30 minutes under a towel. Brush the top with water, bake for 20 minutes in the oven at 200°C. Lower the temperature to 180°C, bake for another 40 minutes. Sprinkle the bread with water, cover with a towel, remove from the molds after 5 minutes and cool in the oven on a wire rack.

According to some reports, soybean oil has been used by humans for over 6,000 years. It happened for the first time in Ancient China where soy was a sacred plant. Oil was used in cooking, primarily for medical reasons, but they also paid tribute to its pleasant taste.

From China, the plant spread further to Asia. And today, its habitat can be called Africa, Europe, Australia. But not all of these places make soybean oil. Some countries are focusing more on the production of soaps, detergents, plastics, dyes from soy because they are environmentally friendly and cost a lot of money. At the same time, they export their soybeans to countries where they make oil.

Today, soy has entered our lives so tightly that we don’t even notice it anymore. Often, studying the composition of a product, you can find soybean oil in it. This should not be feared, because, subject to all production standards, it is much more useful than that same sunflower, for example.

Watch the video about soybean oil:

Be sure to try the product. To get started, check out our soy oil recipes that we introduced you to today. And if you like it - expand its sphere of influence on your dishes. Your body will be very grateful to you for this.

Soy is not only a rich source of animal-identical vegetable protein. Vegetable oil is produced from its fruits. It is rarely used in our country. At the same time, it is worth taking a closer look at this product, the benefits of which were spoken about by ancient Chinese scientists and healers. They considered the fats extracted from the seeds of the plant to be a powerful aphrodisiac and recommended them to strengthen male power.


Soybean oil should be included in your diet. One of the reasons is that it is almost 100% absorbed by the body, providing a beneficial effect on it as a whole.

Scientists have proven that regular consumption of soy fat reduces the likelihood of a heart attack by 6 times, improves the functioning of the heart, blood vessels, and the liver, and prevents diseases of these organs. This is an excellent prevention of cancer. The tool normalizes metabolism, improves the functioning of the digestive tract.

The composition includes linolenic acid, which belongs to the class of omega-6-unsaturated acids. These substances are responsible for the normal functioning of cell and intercellular membranes. It also contains a large amount of tocopherol - vitamin E, which improves reproductive function, activates blood circulation in the vessels, and prevents the formation of clots (blood clots).

Other Benefits of Soybean Oil:

  • lowering the level of cholesterol in the blood and preventing the development of atherosclerosis, which provokes dangerous cardiovascular pathologies;
  • counteracting free radicals that cause oxidative processes in the body;
  • immunomodulatory action;
  • normalization of the nervous system;
  • help with chronic fatigue syndrome;
  • reducing the risk of developing iron deficiency anemia;
  • neutralization of the consequences of stressful situations;
  • restoration of blood coagulation processes.

This remedy also has benefits for children, in whom the product contributes to the normal development of the nervous system, strengthens the visual apparatus, and prevents respiratory diseases.

Fats extracted from soy are also used in cosmetology - for dry and normal skin, with loss of tone, and wrinkles. They nourish, moisturize, soften, form a barrier on the surface of the epidermis that protects against moisture loss and aggressive environmental influences. The product also improves the condition of dry hair.


Soybean oil is characterized by high calorie content, so nutritionists do not recommend ingesting more than 30 ml daily.

Some researchers warn that long-term use may lead to migraines, as such an effect has been seen with soy.


Is soybean oil contraindicated for pregnant women? This should be consulted with a doctor, because there is no consensus on its use during pregnancy. So, a number of sources claim that it is unsafe: it contains a lot of isoflavones, which belong to the group of phytoestrogens. They act like estrogen (female hormone), but are less active. Other sources claim that the product must be consumed moderately during this period for the normal development of the brain in the fetus.

Limit the use of soybean oil for diseases and disorders in the digestive system, kidneys. In cosmetology, preparations based on it are forbidden to be used for oily skin types.

Soybean oil is not consumed with individual intolerance to the product or soy protein. In general, a remedy can bring significant harm to the body only if the norms for its use are not observed.


The composition of soybean oil includes many vitamins and minerals, which explains its nutritional value.

Soybean oil has high calorie content- 763–900 kcal. By type, fats were distributed as follows:

  • saturated - 15 g;
  • polyunsaturated - 45 g;
  • monounsaturated - 11 g.

Protein, carbohydrates and dietary fiber are absent here.

How to cook

Soybean oil is seasoned in salads, used as a base for sauces, processed before freezing and canning. Since soybean oil has a high smoke point, it is allowed to fry in it.

Lecithin is obtained from soybean oil, which is included in the composition of many food products- margarine, bread, mayonnaise, non-dairy creamer.

Externally, soybean oil is used for masks, body wraps. It enriches ready-made creams, masks. But if it is recommended to eat a refined product, then cosmetologists prefer an unrefined one.

How to store

Store the oil in the original container, unrefined (cold-pressed) varieties - two months, refined - no longer than four after opening. Under the influence of sunlight, the product loses its properties faster, so a place protected from sunlight is selected for it. The expiration date of an unopened bottle is indicated on the label and depends on the manufacturer.

This oil is a champion in the list of similar herbal products in terms of the content of biologically active substances. Moreover, it has the highest degree of digestibility by the body.

Liquid oil from soybean seeds began to be obtained about 6 thousand years ago in China. Then they learned about medicinal properties beans and considered soybean a sacred plant. Later, this plant came to Korea, and from there - to the Land of the Rising Sun.

There are references to soybeans in the ancient books of Shen Nung dating back to 3000 BC. It is traditionally cultivated in Indochina, and since the 16th century. this plant was brought to the Far East, Don and Kuban.

It is interesting that soybeans came to Europe only in the 20th century. The inhabitants of foggy Albion are considered to be her most devoted fans in Europe. In England, an unusual diet is baked with soy bakery product, called "Cambridge bread", which is famous for its unique vitamin and mineral composition.

Soybean oil is produced from soybean cultivated, which grows in subtropical and tropical areas of Asia, Central and South Africa, America, Australia, Southern Europe, in the island part of the Pacific and Indian Ocean. The area of ​​soybean growth extends to latitudes of 55-60 degrees.

Soy bean oil has a bright, straw-yellow hue. It has a rather sharp, specific aroma. The oil is used for food only in a refined form, it is obtained as a result of pressing and extraction. After refining and deodorizing processes, this product becomes transparent and acquires a delicate pink color. Among other oils, soybean is considered the leader in world production.

Soybean oil is an excellent source of lecithin, which is widely used in the pharmaceutical and food industries. Soaps and detergents, plastics, dyes and synthetic oils are produced on its basis, which, when released into the soil and water bodies, do not cause any harm to the environment. And as part of cooling agents, this oil is not dangerous even for the ozone layer of the Earth.

Soybean oil is considered the champion among oils due to its chemical composition and extraordinary beneficial properties. Chemical composition This oil is a unique alloy of fatty acids useful and indispensable for the body, the list of which includes linoleic, stearic, palmitic, and oleic.

In addition, the soybean product is enriched with iron, vitamins E, K, as well as choline and zinc. And the phytosterols contained in it in large quantities have a beneficial effect on the skin, rejuvenating it.

Soybean oil contains just a record amount of tocopherol (vitamin E), which is involved in the formation of male seed. It is also useful for women, because it contributes not only to the normal course of the entire pregnancy, but also to the proper development of the fetus. Tocopherol also helps in the fight against stress, prevents kidney disorders and cardiovascular ailments.

Interestingly, 100 grams of soybean oil contains 114 mg of tocopherol, while sunflower oil contains 67 mg, and olive only 13 mg. Also, soybean oil is considered the champion among other plant products in terms of the number of trace elements.

  • 51-57 linoleic;
  • 23-29 oleic;
  • 4.5-7.3 stearic;
  • 3-6 linolenic;
  • 2.5-6.0 palmitic;
  • 0.9-2.5 arachidic;
  • up to 0.1 hexadecenoic;
  • 0.1-0.4 myristic.

The benefits of soybean oil

Beneficial features soybean oils are defined by their rich micronutrient and vitamin content. With regular consumption of this product, the risk of heart attack, heart failure and cancer is reduced.
Soybean oil contains organic choline, palmitic, stearic and linolenic acids, which can significantly improve liver and heart function.

This herbal product has a positive effect on brain function, normalizes cholesterol levels in the blood, and improves sexual function in men.

In addition, this oil is advised to use for the prevention of diseases of the digestive system, immune diseases and metabolic disorders.

The use of soybean oil in cosmetology

The popularity of using soybean oil in facial care lies primarily in its composition. So, this product contains a record percentage of tocopherol, which guarantees the necessary nutrition of the skin and slows down the aging of skin cells.

Another very valuable component that is part of the oil is lecithin. It plays an important role in the formation of new and restoration of skin cells damaged for any reason, in alleviating the condition of various skin diseases and improving the protective functions of the skin. In particular, lecithin has nutritional, softening and tonic properties.

It should be noted that soybean oil is great for dry and normal skin, but in the case of oily skin, it is better to refuse it.

The action of the oil is aimed at moisturizing, nourishing the skin and increasing its ability to retain moisture. Also, regular use of this product creates a protective barrier on the skin, protecting it from aggressive environmental influences and drying out.

Due to its good emollient action, this oil also perfectly copes with the problems of wind-blown, dry and rough skin, and tonic properties will restore a pleasant color, lost freshness and radiance to the face.

Soybean oil is considered an excellent remedy for rejuvenating aging, tired, losing skin tone and beauty. It helps slow down the aging process and eliminate already observed signs - smooth out wrinkles, improve skin tone, elasticity and firmness.

Despite all the properties of soybean oil, using it in its pure form can provoke the formation of comedones (black dots) on the face. So while it's often recommended to use undiluted oil on your face, it's still a good idea to use it to enrich your homemade and store-bought beauty products or mix it with other oils. And pure soybean oil can be pampered on the skin of the hands and body.

To soften, nourish and rejuvenate the skin, you can mix soybean oil with olive, peach, castor, cedar, almond and many other vegetable oils. After studying the detailed information about all these oils, you will be able to find the most suitable combinations (in equal proportions) for your skin.

The resulting mixture is advised to use both for cleansing and for removing makeup (in this case, the composition will need to be slightly warmed up). You can also use this mixture of oils instead of your daily day or night face cream (for very dry skin or in windy and frosty weather). In particular, this mixture can be used as a mask, applied to the face for 30-40 minutes, or to lubricate chapped, rough and overly dry skin areas. Also, a few more drops of essential oil are often added to the existing composition.

As for the enrichment of store masks and creams, you can add soybean oil to the eye. So, you can take a single part of the cream and apply pointwise on the face. Also apply a little soybean oil. After that, rub the cream and oil over the entire skin of the face with your fingers, that is, the way you always apply the cream.

For one part of a store mask, you can add one incomplete teaspoon of soybean oil. Also, the oil can be combined with cleansing milk.

Adding soybean oil to prepared homemade cosmetics is also considered a good remedy. For example, in a mask, you can simply add to necessary ingredients a teaspoon of soybean oil.

If you are making a cream, then you can replace one of the vegetable oils indicated in the recipe with soybean oil.

Also, if a lotion or scrub recipe lists vegetable oil as an ingredient, soybean oil can be used.

It is worth remembering that all the described ways of using soy oil are suitable for you if you have dry, normal or aging skin prone to dryness. For oily skin, soybean oil is not recommended. In the case of a combination skin type, soybean oil is advised to be applied only to its dry areas, for example, to the cheek area.

Application of soybean oil

Doctors advise taking 1-2 tablespoons of oil daily. There have even been some interesting product trials. More than 80,000 people participated in testing. It turned out that those who took soybean oil regularly, the risk of developing a heart attack was reduced by 6 times.

Contraindications to the use of soybean oil

Soybean oil is contraindicated for internal and external use in case of individual intolerance and disposition to allergic reactions to beans and soy protein.

Can also be harmed by this oil during pregnancy and breastfeeding due to the content of estrogenic isoflavones.

It is not advised to use soybean oil for serious brain diseases and migraine attacks. In limited quantities, this product should be consumed by people with kidney and liver failure, severe diseases of the digestive system, and intestinal disorders.

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