Home Salads and appetizers Technical and technological map for a cutlet in Kiev. Salmon glazed with honey. Lesson topic: Chicken Kiev

Technical and technological map for a cutlet in Kiev. Salmon glazed with honey. Lesson topic: Chicken Kiev

Objectives of the lesson The formation of students' skills and abilities in the process of molding, breading, frying and serving "cutlets in Kiev" Development of creative thinking, palatability, eye, professional interest Education of accuracy, activation of attention, perseverance in achieving the goal

Obtaining a clean fillet 1. Remove the skin from the pectoral muscles, turn the carcass with the breast part towards you 2. Cut the muscle on one side of the bone with a knife along the protrusion of the breast bone, chop the fork bone, cut the tendons 3. Remove one fillet 4. Similarly, remove the other fillet

Fillet preparation Separate the small fillet from the large fillet. A tendon is pulled out of a small fillet, and the pulp is beaten off. For a large fillet, the bone-fork is shortened, leaving 3-4 cm. Fillets are moistened cold water, cut off the outer film from the inside. Longitudinal cuts are made in a large fillet, the fillet is opened and beaten off.

Heat treatment The semi-finished product aged in the refrigerator is deep-fried for 5-7 minutes at a temperature of C. Fat is taken 4 times more than the product to be fried.

Dispensing a dish A complex side dish is placed on a portioned dish or plate, consisting of 3-4 types of vegetables: potatoes, deep-fried julienne, green peas, bean pods. Lay on top ready cutlet, pour it with oil, put a papillot on the bone.

Evaluation criteria "5" - is set if the student confidently and accurately knows the methods of work, performs the work qualitatively without the prompting of the master, fulfills or exceeds the production rate, correctly organizes the workplace, does not violate the rules of B.T. "4" - is set if the student confidently and accurately knows the methods of work, but perhaps minor errors corrected by the student himself, performs the work independently, slightly reduces the level of quality of the work performed, the production rate corresponds to 100%, complies with the requirement of B.T. properly organizes the workplace. “3” - is set if the student does not have enough working methods, there are deviations from the norms of time (workout), there are significant deviations in quality, minor errors in the organization of the workplace, does not violate the rules of B.T. "2" - is given to students for inaccurate performance of work methods: inability to exercise self-control, non-compliance with the requirements of technical and technological documentation, non-compliance with time standards, unacceptable deviations.

Consolidation of new material Fill in the scheme of products needed for cooking cutlets in Kiev

Classic cutlets in Kiev! Agree, because this dish is so famous that it can be found in restaurants not only of Russian and Ukrainian cuisine. Chicken Kiev is served all over Europe and even in distant America.

It's delicious and hearty meal consists of broken chicken fillet in the form of a cutlet, inside of which there is fragrant butter (most often with dill). It is interesting that initially this oil was hammered into the chicken fillet with a hammer and later they simply began to wrap it inside the cutlet, which greatly accelerated and simplified the process of preparing the classic Kiev cutlet.

How to cook chicken Kiev at home? No problem! The main thing is to know some subtleties. First of all, remember that the filling of the classic Kiev cutlet consists exclusively of dill butter. In addition, seasoning with ground black pepper or other spices is undesirable, as they will be noticeable in the juice, which should be transparent. And one more thing: after the initial breading of the chicken Kiev, you can put it in the freezer for a few minutes (so that the crust holds better), and then continue to roll it in breadcrumbs.


(1 piece ) (3 tablespoons) (2 tablespoons ) (2 pieces ) (50 grams) (0.25 teaspoon) (1 bunch) (1 glass)

Cooking step by step:

First of all, we will prepare the oil - it should be soft so that it easily mixes with chopped fresh dill. If you do not like this fragrant herb, you can do without it. So, combine the oil with dill, mix well. We will have 4 cutlets in Kiev, so we need to make 4 blanks. It is most convenient to do this with 2 tablespoons, forming sausages. We put them in the freezer while we work on the meat.

Chicken breasts wash and dry. Cut them lengthwise to make 4 flat pieces. There is an inner part in the breast, it is called filet mignon - the softest and most tender meat. We have 1 breast, which means 2 fillets. They also need to be cut so that you get 4 pieces.

Now we will beat the meat with a kitchen hammer. To make it easier to work, and keep the table clean, put 1 piece of meat on the board, tighten it with cling film. We beat off with a hammer - our breast is well hidden, so the hammer does not touch the meat, but only the film. So we beat off all the meat. Then salt it a little to taste.

It turns out that such a cutlet, in which the oil is securely wrapped in as many as two layers of meat. This is very important, because during the frying process this oil can leak out, and this will not turn out to be a chicken Kiev. The shape of the cutlet should be as follows: it is oval with pointed ends. In total, we make 4 pieces in this way.

Now the primary breading - in wheat flour. As I said above, after that you can put the cutlets in the freezer for a few minutes, and then continue. In the meantime, put a saucepan with oil on the stove and heat it up.

Break up the egg and wrap the cutlets in it.

1. Cooking technology culinary dish"The Kiev's cutlets"

1.1 Composition of the dish Commodity characteristics of raw materials

1.2 Cooking technology

1.3 Requirements for the quality conditions and shelf life of the dish

1.4 Equipment used in the preparation of the dish

1.5 Organization of workplaces in the preparation of dishes, rules 10 of labor protection and fire safety

2. Technology for the preparation of the confectionery product "Cake" berry "

2.1 Commodity characteristics of the raw materials used in the preparation of the product

2.2 Technology for the preparation of confectionery

2.3 Quality requirements, conditions and shelf life of the confectionery product

2.4 Equipment used in the preparation of the confectionery

2.5 Organization of workplaces in the preparation of confectionery, labor protection and fire safety rules Conclusion

Among the main directions of innovative development in the trade industry, the following stand out:

First, when designing a product in the context of the rapid development of ICT, it is necessary to carefully analyze how computer technologies will affect traditional trade entrepreneurship, as well as what new opportunities open up for business expansion. In particular, new technologies make it possible to reduce the negative impact of the properties of a trading service (“5H”? inseparability of production and consumption of a service, intangibility, variability of quality, perishability, etc.) on the implementation of services, open up additional opportunities for differentiating strategies in the service sector of trading enterprises;

Secondly, along with the well-known features of the impact of ICT on pricing policy, innovative approaches should be highlighted. They are concentrated, first of all, around the possibilities of using ICT to study and take into account the individual characteristics of the buyer, assess his values;

Thirdly, it must be taken into account that modern ICT allows you to interact with the client anywhere and anytime. Therefore, it is advisable to replace the “place” element of the marketing mix with the “place, cyberspace and time” element, emphasizing that the trade service can be provided at the place and time when it is convenient for the client. At the same time, chains of innovations arise in the company's business processes;

Fourthly, innovations in promoting a trading business are most often associated with the use of Internet technologies (creating a company website, an Internet brand, etc.). At the same time, promotion, sales promotion in the trade industry can become a source of innovative solutions of a higher level, thanks to ongoing research on the creation of virtual reality and virtual worlds;

Fifthly, the continuity of the processes of rendering and consumption of trade services makes it necessary to introduce innovations based on ICT in the processes of providing services in a trade enterprise, organizing the interaction of personnel with the buyer, and forming the physical environment of the service. Currently, the Russian network trading market has entered the stage of maturity, which is characterized by a slowdown in its growth. However, Russian retail chains of modern formats, despite a slight decrease in growth rates, are still in the stage of active development. At the same time, the market influence of network trading is steadily increasing with simultaneous high competition between retail chains. More and more networks go to different regions of the country, mastering, among other things, small towns. The main ways of expanding food chains in the regions are the purchase of ready-made, already built networks of the required format and franchising.

Poultry meat is one of the most important components of a healthy human diet, as well as a leader noted in many parts of the world among meat dishes. Poultry meat is considered lean and dietary, but despite this, it is a healthy and tasty source of easily digestible proteins, vitamins and fatty acids, and today it is available to everyone. On the shelves of shops, poultry meat is present in a very large assortment. Compared to other types of meat, it is almost 2-3 times more affordable. Today, a wide range of products is made from poultry meat, such as minced meat, sausages, pates, dumplings, etc. Over the past years, the Russian poultry meat market has seen an increase in domestic production against the backdrop of a decrease in imports. Both state support (subsidizing the interest rate on loans, preferential taxation, customs and tariff policy measures) and the growth of private investment contribute to the development and growth of the industry's indicators. It is also important to increase the demand for poultry meat among the population. According to Amiko, poultry meat is the largest segment of the meat and meat products market, which occupies the largest share in the market structure - 41% (Figure 1). Chicken meat is cheaper than beef, so the level of its consumption is traditionally higher, this trend is especially pronounced during the financial crisis and the decrease in the solvency of the population.

Confectionery products are delicacies and are designed to give joy to people both on holidays and on weekdays with their appearance, taste, aroma. Confectionery and bakery products are an integral part of the Russian national cuisine and play an important role in human nutrition. The products are attractive appearance, good taste, aroma and are easily absorbed by the body. Confectionery flour products must comply with state standards, be made from high-quality raw materials using technological processes that ensure the production of high-quality products, because confectionery products are included in the diet and to a certain extent affect human health. Of particular importance are products intended for baby and diet food.


1.1 Composition of the dish. Commodity characteristics of raw materials Poultry meat is a complex of muscle, fat, connective tissue, in addition, it contains a small amount of nervous tissue and blood vessels. The nutritional value of meat is determined by its chemical composition and depends on the type of bird, breed, sex, age and fatness. A distinctive feature of poultry meat and game birds is that it contains a high amount of extractive substances (1.5–2.0%), which are represented by creatine (1100 mg%), carnosine (430 mg%) and anserine (700 mg). %). These substances belong to nitrogenous compounds and significantly exceed their amount in the meat of slaughtered animals. The nutritional value white meat is slightly higher than red meat due to the higher protein content and a more favorable ratio between complete and incomplete proteins. White meat has 1.5 times more creatine than red meat. At the same time, dark meat contains more fat than white meat.

Eggs - there are chicken, duck, goose, quail. Chicken is used in public catering. The nutritional value is determined by the content of proteins, fat, vitamins A, D, B, B 2; minerals - iron, phosphorus, calcium, sulfur; fat-like substances - cholesterol, lecithin. Contain all the nutrients necessary for human life. Chicken eggs contain 74% water, 12.6% proteins, 11.5% fats, 0.6-0.7% carbohydrates, 1% minerals, vitamins A, E, B1, B2, B6, PP. Energy value 100 gr. Chicken eggs is 157 kcal or 657 kJ. Table eggs, depending on the method and period of storage, are divided into fresh, refrigerated and limed. An egg consists of a shell, yolk and protein. Egg products include melange (frozen eggs and egg powder).

Fat - due to the increased (3-5 times) the amount of polyunsaturated fatty acids, it is fusible and well absorbed.

Bread - food product, obtained by baking, steaming or frying a dough consisting of at least flour and water. In most cases, salt is added and a leavening agent such as yeast is also used.

Potato - refers to tubers (table varieties). It contains proteins, sugars, minerals, starch, vitamins C and B. Potatoes are of great importance as a source of minerals; they are mainly represented by potassium and phosphorus salts; there are also sodium, calcium, magnesium, iron, sulfur, chlorine and trace elements - zinc, bromine, silicon, copper, boron, manganese, iodine, cobalt. Potato contains water 70-80%, starch 12-25%, fiber 0.2-1.3%, minerals 0.5-2%, vitamins C, B1, B2, B6, PP. Peeled potatoes quickly turn yellow in the air . To prevent this, it is stored in water - no more than 2-3 hours or without it, but subjected to sulfitation. Energy value 100 gr. - 83 kcal. According to the purpose, economic biological varieties are divided into table, universal, technical fodder.

Butter is a food product made by separating or churning cream obtained from cow's milk (less often from the milk of sheep, goats, buffaloes, yaks and zebu). It has a high content of milk fat (50--82.5%, in ghee - about 99%).

Green oil - oil soften at room temperature. Rinse the greens well, rinse with cold boiled water and dry on a paper or regular towel. Tear off stems and petioles. We use only leaves. Finely chop the greens. Grind the garlic (through a press or on a fine grater). Mix spices with salt and soft butter wheat bread without crust.

Vegetable oil - products extracted from vegetable raw materials and consisting of triglycerides of fatty acids and their accompanying substances (phospholipids, free fatty acids, waxes, sterols, coloring agents, etc. The raw materials for obtaining vegetable oils are: Seeds of oil plants (sunflower, soybean , rapeseed, cotton, flax, sesame, milk thistle, black cumin, mustard, poppy, hemp); Fruits of oil plants (palms, olives).

1.2 Cooking technology "cutlets in Kiev"

In order to cut a chicken breast, you need to wash the whole chicken, put it on the back, cut off the wings so that it is easier to separate the breast. Gently run a knife along the ribs and cut out the breast. Remove skin. Then cut off the right and left fillets. each fillet consists of a large (outer) and a small (inner). Separate the large fillet from the small and remove or cut the tendons (the tendons are cut or removed so that the cutlets do not shrink when frying) The inside of the breast. From one breast we got two large and two small fillets. Put the breasts inside up. Cut the fillet from the middle in both directions, put in a plastic bag and gently beat off on both sides. Beating the fillet in a plastic bag, there is less chance of tearing it. In the package, it can be beaten very thinly, which is much more difficult to do when beating meat without cellophane. Set the fillet aside and prepare the filling. Finely chop parsley or dill. Mix softened butter with chopped herbs, salt and form two forms of butter with tablespoons. Put the butter in the freezer for 3-5 minutes (this is necessary so that the butter hardens a little and does not flow out of the cutlet when frying). Salt the beaten fillet and put oil (from the freezer) in the middle of a large fillet, cover the filling with a small fillet, form a cutlet, wrapping the edges of a large fillet so as to completely cover a piece of butter. Put the patties in the freezer for a few minutes. Prepare the breading. Crack the egg into a bowl, season with salt and mix well with a fork. Pour flour into another plate. Pour into a third bowl breadcrumbs. Remove slightly frozen cutlets from the freezer, check that the fillet covers the filling on all sides, otherwise the oil will immediately leak out during frying. Dip the cutlet first in the egg, then roll in flour, then again in the egg and the last layer is breadcrumbs. Fry cutlets in hot vegetable oil on fire stronger than average on both sides until golden brown. Then bring the cutlets to readiness in the oven at a temperature of ~ 200 degrees for 10-15 minutes. (Figure 1.1)

Figure 1.1 Appearance of the culinary product "Cutlets in Kiev"

Cutlets are formed on a plate, they are placed on a toast, watered butter and served with garnish potatoes "Pai".

1.3 Quality requirements conditions and shelf life of the dish Cutlets have an ellipsoidal shape, covered golden brown. Taste and smell inherent fried chicken. The color of the patty is uniform, dark golden, white on the cut. The cutlet is soft, juicy; the crust is crispy, not cracked. The butter inside the patty has melted. Potatoes are moderately salty, pale golden in color, crispy. Carrots are soft. Green pea well warmed up, not boiled soft with a shine from the presence of butter.

Shelf life: 3.0 days at t +2.00 +6.00°C.

1.4 Equipment used in the preparation of the dish primary processing meat use the following equipment:

Industrial baths - for thawing frozen meat;

Racks - for defrosting meat in the air;

Cutting table - for dividing meat.

Production tables - for production of semi-finished products.

Floor and table scales for accurate weighing of raw materials and finished products. The equipment is placed in accordance with the technological process of meat processing and compliance with safe working conditions. The semi-finished product is brought to readiness in a hot shop, where electric stoves, ovens, production tables are installed. Refrigerators and freezers are used to store semi-finished products. For storage of finished products, food warmers are installed. When working with the equipment, it is necessary to clearly follow the safety rules, check the grounding, fencing the current of the output paths, instructions with the operating rules should be posted next to the equipment, and before starting work, check the correct assembly of the equipment. The machine, the mechanism is checked at idle and under load. It is forbidden to leave the workplace unattended. It is strictly forbidden to lower your hands into the working chamber, bring them close to the cutting and moving mechanisms. At the end of work, it is necessary to disconnect the equipment from the mains, disassemble it, rinse, dry. Avoid getting water on the motor and starter and shutdown buttons. In the room where the heating equipment works, there must be ventilation and air conditioning. Also important is the correct selection of dishes by volume and purpose. The dishes must meet the following requirements: made of non-oxidizing metal, have a flat bottom, smooth walls, firmly attached handles, marking indicating the capacity. For frying - braziers and pans.

1.5 Organization of workplaces when preparing a dish The technological process of processing half-gutted poultry includes the following operations: defrosting, singeing, removing the head, neck, legs, gutting, washing, shaping cut carcasses, processing offal, making semi-finished products, cooling, packaging and packaging, labeling, storage , transportation.

In large poultry shops, three main sections are provided: for defrosting, for singeing, for gutting poultry and for the production of semi-finished products. Workplaces for gutting poultry are equipped with tables with built-in washing tubs, cutting boards, trays for collecting gutted poultry and processed giblets, chairs. For processing poultry, they use: cutter knives, chef's three knives, special knives with sickle-shaped blades for gutting poultry, tweezers for removing feather stumps from carcasses.

For the preparation of semi-finished poultry products, the workplace is equipped with a PM-1.1 universal drive with interchangeable mechanisms (grinding, meat grinder, meat mixer), a production table with a built-in refrigerated cabinet for storing a stock of semi-finished products. Scales VNTs-2 are installed on the table, a cutting board is placed. In the manufacture of semi-finished products, the following inventory is used: chef's three knives, a sieve, a chopper for beating fillets, musat for pointing and straightening knives.

Equipment for the poultry shop: stationary rack; lattice undercarriers; mobile rack; opal cabinet; oven for singeing offal; production table; washing drum; drying table; small scale scales; washing bath; poultry processing table; belt conveyor for poultry; band saw.

Semi-finished products are brought to readiness in a hot shop, where electric stoves, ovens, production tables are installed. Refrigerators and freezers are used to store semi-finished products. For storage of finished products, food warmers are installed. When working in workshops, the following rules must be observed:

- it is forbidden to work on a meat grinder without a safety ring; meat can only be pushed into the machine with a wooden pestle;

— it is forbidden to work on the cutter with a faulty microswitch;

- it is possible to remove or attach interchangeable machines to the universal drive only when it is completely turned off;

- before work, the universal drive trolley should be locked with screws;

- for singeing poultry and offal, it is necessary to use special plates with an exhaust hood;

- it is forbidden to take the fish out of the baths with your hands; wire scoops should be used for this purpose;

- workers engaged in deboning meat. must wear protective chain mail;

- on the floor next to the production tables it is necessary to install foot gratings;

- knives should have well-fixed handles and be stored in a specific place;

- production baths and tables should have rounded corners.

During work, it is necessary to remove and recycle waste in a timely manner, monitor the sanitary condition of the workshop and each workplace, thoroughly rinse and wipe all machines after work is completed, scald the cutting chair with boiling water and cover it with salt.

Hooks for hanging meat should be placed no more than 2 m from the floor.

When working in a hot shop, employees must necessarily study the rules for operating mechanical and thermal equipment and receive practical instructions from the production manager. In the places where the equipment is located, the rules of operation must be posted. The floor in the workshop should be flat, without protrusions, not slippery.

The temperature in the workshop should not exceed 26 degrees. WITH.

Disassembly, cleaning, lubrication of any equipment can be carried out only when the machines are completely stopped and disconnected from sources of electricity, steam and gas.

Electrical equipment must be grounded.

Passages near workplaces should not be cluttered with dishes and containers.

The lids of stationary cooking pots may only be opened after 5 minutes. after the cessation of the supply of steam or electricity; before opening, lift the turbine valve and make sure that there is no steam. Open the lids of wall-mounted boilers towards you.

Finished products weighing more than 20 kg should be transported on trolleys.

It is forbidden to melt the plates with flammable liquids (kerosene, gasoline).

When deep-frying, the products should be dried and laid in fat away from you.

There must be a first aid kit with a set of medicines in the workshop.


2.1 Commodity characteristics of the raw materials used in the preparation of the product Wheat flour is a powdered product obtained by grinding wheat grain. The quality of flour is characterized by its color, humidity, grinding, smell, taste, acidity, content of proteins, carbohydrates, fats, enzymes, minerals, harmful and metallic impurities.

Sugar - cane and beet sugar (granulated sugar, refined sugar) is an important food product. Regular sugar (sucrose) refers to carbohydrates that are considered valuable nutrients that provide the body with the energy it needs. Sugar - consists of pure sucrose, is a valuable food product and raw material for confectionery industry. Energy value 100 gr. Sahara. 375 kcal, or 1569 kJ. A person needs 100 grams per day. Sahara. Sugar is easily absorbed by the body, restores strength, has a beneficial effect on nervous system but its excess is harmful. The sugar industry produces granulated sugar and refined sugar. It is obtained from sugar beets.

Melange is an egg mix. Melange is a mixture of egg white and yolk. The use of eggs in industrial cooking is difficult for a number of reasons: due to the fragility of the shell, it is problematic to transport them, and because of their shape, they are inconvenient to store. Therefore, on an industrial scale, a protein-yolk egg mixture is used, which is devoid of these shortcomings. In appearance, melange is a semi-liquid yellow or yellow-orange mass. Melange can be frozen, which can significantly increase its shelf life. At the same time, shellless eggs spoil much faster, which increases the risk of violating sanitary conditions when using melange. Some large enterprises are engaged in the production of pasteurized melange in aseptic sealed packaging, which allows it to be stored for up to 28 days at a temperature of +4 - +6 C.

Powdered sugar - granulated sugar, ground to a powdery state.

Butter is a food product made by separating or churning cream obtained from cow's milk (less often from the milk of sheep, goats, buffaloes, yaks and zebu). It has a high content of milk fat (50-82.5%, in ghee - about 99%).

Whole milk condensed with sugar - condensed milk product with sugar.

A syrup is a concentrated sugar solution or mixture of individual sugars (sucrose, glucose, fructose, maltose) in water or natural fruit juice.

Agar is a product (a mixture of agarose and agaropectin polysaccharides) obtained by extraction from red and brown algae and forming a dense jelly in aqueous solutions. Agar is a vegetable substitute for gelatin.

Fruit is the juicy edible fruit of a tree or shrub.

Kiwi is the name of the fruits of cultivars of plants belonging to the genus Actinidia, the species Actinidia chinensis or Actinidia delicacy. The plants themselves are large tree-like vines native to China, which is why they are sometimes called "Chinese gooseberries".

Fruit filling is a food product obtained by boiling fruit or berry puree with sugar. Sometimes spices are added (cinnamon, cloves, etc.). Jam is a light brown homogeneous mass without solid inclusions, has a sour-sweet taste. If the puree has low acidity, then citric or other food acid is added to the jam. The finished jam contains no more than 34% moisture and no less than 60% sugar. Calorie content 250-260 kcal per 100 g. The most common are apple, apricot, cherry, plum, cranberry, pear jam.

2.2 Cooking technology of biscuit confectionery For the preparation of a berry cake, we use products:

Premium wheat flour Potato starch Granulated sugar Melange Essence Refining powder

Butter Whole milk condensed with sugar Vanilla powder Strawberry syrup

Fruit filling Kiwi Lightly grease a baking dish with oil and cover with parchment (or grease with oil, sprinkle with flour and shake off excess flour).

Sift flour 1-2 times. Separate the whites from the yolks. The squirrels must be separated from the yolks very carefully so that not a drop of the yolk gets into the squirrels, otherwise the squirrels will not whip. Also, the bowl in which the proteins will be whipped should be clean, without traces of fat.

It is better to wipe it with a paper towel dipped in vinegar or lemon juice. Put the yolks in a bowl, add half the sugar and vanilla sugar. Grind the yolks with sugar well until they increase in volume and whiten the mass. Yolks can be ground with a fork, whisk, mixer or rod grinder.

Place egg whites in a clean bowl and beat on low to medium speed with mixer until light and fluffy.

Increase the speed of the mixer to medium or maximum (the speed depends on the power of the mixer) and, without stopping whipping, add sugar in a thin stream.

When all the sugar has been added, continue beating until the egg whites spill out when you tilt (or turn) the bowl.

Add a third of the whipped proteins to the yolks and gently, from the bottom up, mix.

Add the sifted flour to the yolk mass and mix well.

Then add the remaining whipped whites and very gently, moving from bottom to top, as if lifting layer by layer, mix the dough. The dough does not need to be mixed for a long time, so as not to destroy the air bubbles, due to which the biscuit rises.

Bake the cake in a preheated oven at 180°C for about 30-35 minutes.

The biscuit is ready if it has shrunk a little, the edges move away from the walls of the mold, and when you lightly press it with your fingers, the biscuit springs up, and the hole is quickly restored.

Carefully remove the cake from the mold, place on a wire rack and let cool. Cover the cooled biscuit with a napkin or paper towel and let it rest at room temperature for 8-12 hours (then, when soaked with syrup, the biscuit will not soak and crumble when cut).

Cream for making cream we use products:

Butter Condensed milk Cognac

Beat the softened butter with a mixer (on low or medium speed) until fluffy. Pour in the condensed milk in a thin stream, while beating the mass with a mixer (at low or medium speed). Then increase the mixer speed and beat the cream until smooth. (Fig. 2.2)

Figure 2.2 Appearance of the confectionery cake "Berry"

We cool the cake, cut it horizontally into three cakes, soak the bottom one with syrup, put the fruit filling on top, put the next cake on top, soak it with syrup, put butter cream, cover, top down, the top cake, soak again with syrup and put butter cream, decorate with fruit and pour jelly. Grease the sides of the cake butter cream and trim with biscuit crumbs.

2.3 Quality requirements, conditions and shelf life of the dish Storage and transportation of cakes is carried out in accordance with the requirements of the industry standard OST 10-060-95 "Cakes and pastries". Cakes with oil creams stored at a temperature of 4-2 C.

With creams based on butter - 36 hours. Cakes and cakes containing fruit or cream should be stored in specially designed confectionery display cases or refrigerated cabinets at a temperature of 2 to 6 degrees C. The warranty period is established from the date of manufacture.

2.4 Equipment used in the preparation of confectionery The main technological operations are carried out in the production workshop, and in the auxiliary premises there is a pantry for the daily supply of raw materials, washing containers and equipment, an egg processing department, an expedition with a cooled chamber for short-term storage of finished products. For molding products biscuit dough workplaces are equipped with tables. For the manufacture of biscuit dough, which is the basis for making a berry cake, the following equipment is required:

1. Whipping machine. It is necessary for the preparation of biscuit dough, for kneading sourdough.

2. Dough depositing machine. It is used for the formation of flour confectionery, including for the formation of cupcakes and biscuits.

3. Furnace modular conveyor. Essential for baking cakes and biscuits.

4. Glazing machine. It is necessary for applying glaze, usually chocolate, to finished products.

5. Packer. Necessary for packing and packaging of the finished product.

Molded confectionery products from sand, puff, biscuit and choux pastry Lay on pastry sheets and bake immediately. For baking confectionery products, baking cabinets are installed in the workshop, in which there may be from two to four baking chambers. After baking, sheets with finished confectionery products are placed on a mobile pin and sent to the cooling compartment for cooling. To organize the design of confectionery products, a separate production area is created, where cakes and pastries are cut, impregnated, lubricated and decorated with a variety of finishing semi-finished products. In accordance with the technological processes, this section is equipped with an electric stove, which is necessary for cooking syrups, sweets, custard, production and refrigerating tables, a table mixer for cream preparation, as well as racks for storing the necessary equipment. Ready-made cakes and cakes are sent to the expedition. Creams are prepared in a separate room, in which beaters of various capacities and capacities are installed.

2.5 Organization of workplaces during preparation Workplaces of confectioners are determined in accordance with the technological process of preparation of flour confectionery products, which usually consists of the following stages: storage and preparation of raw materials; preparing and kneading dough; product molding; preparation of fillings; baking; finishing and short-term storage of finished products. Workplaces for molding products are equipped with tables in sliding chests for flour, tool boxes, mobile racks and racks-lockers, wall racks - “studs”. The “berry” cake is finished in special rooms or on separate production tables isolated from other workplaces. The tables are equipped with drawers for tools, supports for strengthening pastry bags, a special tank for syrup. Confectionery products are baked in confectionery and baking cabinets, baking ovens (electric, as well as those using solid, liquid or gaseous fuels). In confectionery cabinets, you can maintain a certain mode. The most important measure aimed at preventing accidents is the mandatory conduct of production briefings. Introductory briefing is given to all employees who first come to work, and students sent to the shop for practical training. Briefing at the workplace and repeated briefing are carried out to consolidate and test knowledge of the rules and instructions for labor safety and the ability to apply skills in practice. Unscheduled briefing is carried out when changing the technological process, acquiring new equipment, etc. Before starting the machine, make sure that there are no foreign objects in the working chamber and near the moving parts of the machine, put the workplace and overalls in order, check the presence of guards for the moving parts of the machine; check the serviceability of the starting equipment and the correct assembly of the replaceable parts of the machine; start the machine at idle and make sure that the drive shaft rotates in the direction of the arrow. There should be a rubber mat on the floor near each electrical equipment. Turn on electrical equipment only with your right dry hand. While the machine is in operation, it is not allowed to leave it for a long time. Replaceable bowls are fastened with a locking mechanism, the strength of the fastening is checked before starting. The bowl is loaded after the machine stops; before transportation, the bowl is fixed on the carriage with a screw brake. Add products to the mixer and beater with the engine off. After finishing work, you need to stop the machine, turn off the breaker and - only after that, disassemble the working parts for cleaning and washing. In basements, it is forbidden to arrange warehouses for storage of flammable substances and materials, as well as flammable and combustible liquids. To remove steam and combustion products in confectionery shops, artificial supply and exhaust ventilation is installed.

CONCLUSION As food, a person uses a wide variety of currently existing food products, from which meat and meat products made from it occupy one of the main places on our table. We all need a certain amount of energy, proteins, fats, carbohydrates, mineral salts, trace elements, vitamins and amino acids, including those that are not produced by the body itself, but which are found in meat products. Meat is considered to be a protein product. The norms of consumption of meat and meat products recommended by the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation for a person are 85 kg per year or 232 grams per day. Poultry meat contains fats, minerals, a lot of extractives, vitamins A, PP, D, B1, B2, B12. Increasing the pace of production and output of the meat industry requires the improvement of existing and the development of new technological processes that ensure the rational use of raw materials, increase yields and improve the quality of products.

Cake is a high-calorie and easily digestible food product with a high sugar content, distinguished by a pleasant taste, aroma and attractive appearance. The main task for this confectionery product is to bring taste pleasure to a person, and he copes with this perfectly. Cake is traditional festive dish at weddings, birthdays and other special occasions.

1. Anfimova N. A., Tatarskaya L. L. Cooking: A textbook for primary vocational education. - 2nd publishing house, ster. - M .: Academy Publishing Center, 2011. - 328 p.

2. Panova L. A. Organization of production at public catering enterprises: Textbook. - 2nd edition. - M .: Edition of the corporation Dashkov and K. - 2010. - 329 p.

3. Malchikova I. G., Muradova E. O. Cooking: Textbook.- M .: Alpha - M, 2011.- 315 p.

4. Antonova R.P. Technology of cooking and culinary products: a reference guide for public catering.- M.: professional KS, 2009.- 320 p.

5. Rumyantsev A. V. Collection of recipes for dishes and culinary products. Normative documentation for catering establishments. - M .: Publishing House Delo and Service, 2012. - 508 p.

6. Kuznetsova L. V. Technology and organization of confectionery production: a textbook for secondary vocational education. - M .: Academy publishing center, 2010. - 250 p.

7. Buteykis N. G., Zhukova A. A. Technology for the preparation of flour confectionery products: a textbook for primary vocational education.- M .: ProfObrIzdat, 2012.- 304 p.

8. Stoikova L. Baking bread. A series of training courses. - Rostov-on-Don: Phoenix, 2011. - 280 p.

9. Collection of recipes for flour confectionery and bakery products. - M .: Drofa Publishing House, 2010. - 265 p.

10. L. A. Radchenko Organization of production and service at public catering enterprises: textbook / L. A. Radchenko.- M.: Knorus, 2013.- 328 p.

APPENDICES technological cutlet cake confectionery Application 1

TECHNICAL AND TECHNOLOGICAL CARD No. 1 Name of the dish "Cutlets in Kiev"

Stuff the prepared chicken fillet with green oil, dip in eggs, bread twice in white breading and deep-fry for 5-7 minutes until golden brown. Bring to readiness in the oven. On vacation, garnish the cutlets and pour with butter. Cutlets can be served on toast.

Appendix 2

CALCULATION CARD No. 1 Name of the dish: “Kiev cutlets”

Annex 3

TECHNOLOGICAL SCHEME Name of the dish: "Kiev cutlets"

Appendix 4

TECHNICAL AND TECHNOLOGICAL CARD No. 2 Product name: "Berry" cake

The layers of semi-finished biscuit are soaked with strawberry syrup, the cream is combined with fruit filling. The surface is covered with cream and jelly, finished with fruits or candied fruits. The side surfaces are trimmed with cream and biscuit chips.

Appendix 5

COST CARD No. 2 Product name: Berry cake

Name of products

The number of products for 1 serving, kg

The price of products per kg. to

The cost of r. to



Refined powder


Condensed milk

Vanilla powder

biscuit crumb

Fruit filling

Fruit (kiwi)

The cost of the raw material set r. to

Markup 85% R. to

The cost of r. to

Appendix 6

TECHNOLOGICAL SCHEME Name of the dish: "Berry" cake

The fillet of a bird or game is cleaned, for this the inner muscle (small fillet) is separated from the outer muscle (large fillet). Tendons are removed from the small fillet, and the rest of the clavicle is removed from the large fillet. A cleaned large fillet is moistened with cold water, placed on a board and a surface film is cut off with a sharp wet knife. A large cleaned and open fillet with a bone is slightly beaten off, tendons are cut, broken pieces of pulp cut from a small fillet, or trimmings from a large fillet are applied to the cuts formed. Chilled butter shaped like a sausage is placed in the middle of the prepared fillet, covered with the remaining small fillet and the edges of the large fillet are wrapped. Then it is dipped in lezon, breaded in white breading, again dipped in lezon, again breaded in white breading and stored in the refrigerator until frying so that the oil is frozen. deep-fried for 5-7 minutes and brought to readiness in the oven. On vacation, the cutlet is garnished. Side dishes - boiled green peas, deep-fried potatoes, complex side dishes.

Appearance - breaded deep-fried cutlet from large and small poultry fillets, oval with one pointed end, stuffed with butter, retained its shape and breading, garnish;

The color of the crust is light brown with a golden-orange tint, grayish-white on the cut;

Taste and smell - delicate, characteristic of fried poultry, slightly salty, with a taste and aroma of butter;

Consistency - soft, juicy, with a crispy crust.

O explain what causes a decrease in the mass of a bird during heat treatment

The decrease in poultry weight during heat treatment is mainly due to three reasons - the release of moisture, the rendering of fat and the loss of soluble substances. .

11.List the range of dishes from fried meat portioned piece, outline the technological process of preparing and dispensing a steak, describe Organoleptic indicators, explain the decrease in meat mass during frying .

List the assortment of fried meat dishes in a portion

Beef steak, fillet, langet, entrecote, natural cutlets, escalope, chops, rump steak, schnitzel.

Technological process of preparation and dispensing of steak

Portioned pieces of beef 20-30 mm thick, cut from the thickened part of the trimmed tenderloin, lightly beaten, sprinkled with salt and pepper, fried in a pan with fat heated to 150-180 ° C, until a crispy crust forms on both sides. The duration of the heat treatment is about 15 minutes. They release the steak with a side dish and planed horseradish, pour over the meat juice. In the absence of fresh horseradish, horseradish sauce can be served separately with the steak. Side dishes - fried potatoes, deep-fried potatoes, pumpkin, zucchini, fried eggplant, complex side dishes.

At the request of visitors, you can cook low and medium fried steak.

Beef steak with egg - prepared and served in the same way as natural beef steak, but when you leave, they put scrambled eggs on top.

Beefsteak with onions - prepared and served in the same way as natural beefsteak, but when you leave, deep-fried onions are placed on top.

Describe the organoleptic characteristics

Appearance - portioned piece of fried beef (tenderloin);

Brown colour;

Taste and smell - characteristic of fried meat, flavoring and aromatic products;

Consistency - soft, dense, juicy.

Shelf life and storage conditions: on a food warmer or hot stove no more than 3 hours, at a temperature of +2+6ᵒС no more than 24 hours.

Explain the weight loss of meat during frying.

The decrease in the mass of meat during frying is mainly caused by three reasons - the release of moisture, the rendering of fat and the loss of soluble substances. .

List the assortment of meat cutlet dishes, describe the technological process of preparing and dispensing the roll, characterize the organoleptic indicators, explain the purpose of puncturing the semi-finished product before baking.

List the assortment of meat cutlet dishes:

Cutlets, meatballs, schnitzels, chopped zrazy, roll, meatballs in sauce, Moscow cutlets, homemade cutlets, meatballs baked under sour cream sauce with rice (in Cossack)

4.1 Technical routing on the dish "Cutlets in Kiev"

I approve:

Director ……………

"______"_________200…. G.


"The Kiev's cutlets"

1 area of ​​use

This technical and technological map applies to the product "Cutlets in Kiev" produced by the enterprise.

2. List of raw materials

To prepare the dish "Cutlets in Kiev" use the following raw materials:

Raw materials used for the manufacture of "Cutlets in Kiev" must comply with the requirements of regulatory documentation, have certificates and quality certificates.

3. Recipe for the product "Cutlets in Kiev"

* Pulp without skin

** Bone weight

4. Technological process

Preparation of raw materials.

The bird fillet is cleaned. To do this, separate the inner muscle (small fillet) from the outer (large fillet). Tendons are removed from the small fillet, and the rest of the clavicle is removed from the large fillet. A cleaned large fillet is moistened with cold water, placed on a board and a surface film is cut off with a sharp wet knife. A large fillet is cut from the inside in the longitudinal direction, slightly expanded, the tendons are cut in two or three places and a small fillet is inserted into the incision, which is covered with the expanded part of the large fillet.

Potatoes are sized, peeled, eyes removed, cut into cubes.


Fillet. The prepared chicken fillet is stuffed with butter (make butter in the form of a stick), dipped in eggs, breaded, dipped again in eggs (lezon), breaded again in white breading and deep-fried for 5-7 minutes until a crispy crust forms. Bring to readiness in the oven.

Deep fried potatoes.

Sliced raw potatoes washed in cold water, dried on a napkin, put in boiling fat and fried until tender for 8-10 minutes. Fried potatoes recline in a colander to drain the fat and sprinkle with fine salt. On vacation, potatoes are poured with melted margarine or butter.

On vacation, cutlets are garnished with potatoes and poured with butter.

6. Shelf life and quality indicators

Poultry fillet dishes are prepared to order, as their quality deteriorates during storage. Dishes from cutlet mass can be stored hot for no more than 30 minutes.

6.1 Organoleptic characteristics of the product:

Chicken fillet cutlets, breaded, should be golden in color, the texture is soft, juicy, with a crispy crust, the breading should not lag behind; potatoes should have a fried crust, not disintegrate;

6.2 Physical and chemical indicators should reflect the mass fraction of solids (in%), fat (%), proteins (%).

6.3 Microbiological indicators provide information on the number of pathogens allowed in the finished product

7. Nutritional and energy value

This section also reflects the amount of proteins, fats, carbohydrates and gives the results of calculations energy value finished product.

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