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Combs and hair brushes tend to get dirty quickly. This is facilitated by the natural biological processes occurring on the scalp, the use of products for styling and fixing curls. The method of cleaning depends on the material of manufacture of the comb and the intensity of its contamination.

from wood

Wooden combs and combs are environmentally friendly and aesthetic. They are useful for hair and scalp, but short-lived, get dirty quickly, require timely care. Traditional washing with abundant moisture is not suitable for them, so cleaning should be dry and gentle. Initially, it is necessary to remove small debris in the form of villi, hair residues and dust. Then you should dip a cotton swab in an alcohol-containing solution and process each clove of the comb.

The use of products containing fragrances is not recommended. The smell of cologne, toilet water is firmly absorbed into the tree. It is better to use ordinary alcohol or vodka. Cotton swabs should be changed as they get dirty.

For cleaning, use wet wipes or a cloth.

If cracks and burrs are found, the comb should be replaced.

It is necessary to clean wooden products at least 1 time in 2 weeks for short hair, 1 time per week if the curls are long. After processing, the comb should be wiped with a dry cloth and dried in a well-ventilated area (away from heating devices).

Made of plastic

There are several ways to clean plastic combs. First you need to use a toothpick, knitting needle or needle to remove the greasy layer of dirt and hair residue. Next, you should prepare a solution of two glasses of warm water, a tablespoon of ammonia and several caps of liquid soap (shampoo). In the resulting composition, you must put a comb for an hour. After the desired time period has passed, it is worthwhile to rinse the product in this liquid with a brush, then rinse with cool water.

The next method consists in treating the accessory with a mass of toothpaste and dishwashing liquid. The resulting mass is applied to the comb for 5 minutes. Then the dirt is thoroughly cleaned with an unnecessary toothbrush. After cleaning, the comb should be washed and wiped dry.

The third cleaning method requires a glass of hot water and 4 tablespoons of baking soda. The comb is lowered into the resulting solution for 20 minutes. Then you need to wash it with a brush, rinse and dry. The fourth method is to use shaving foam, which is applied to the contaminated surface and brushed off with a toothbrush after a third of an hour. Contamination will be removed along with the foam. It is recommended to wash a plastic comb every week, buy a new one every 4 months.


Natural bristle brushes help to evenly distribute sebum along the entire length of the hair, which prevents dry curls and reduces the risk of split ends. This accessory is not prone to the accumulation of static electricity, it has a moderate massage effect, improves blood circulation in the head. The disadvantage of the raw materials used is bristles prone to dirt. To clean the comb, use a solution consisting of a liter of water, 3-4 tablespoons of shampoo and 1 teaspoon of ammonia. The product should be placed in the prepared mass for 10 minutes, then cleaned with a toothbrush and rinsed.

Not recommended for natural bristles pure alcohol and fluids containing silicone. Dry the comb should be pile down, placing on a napkin or towel. To prevent severe old pollution cleaning is recommended every week. With a slight clogging of the bristles, you can use a solution consisting of water and shampoo (without adding ammonia).


The low popularity of metal combs is associated with the risk of injury to the scalp and hair shaft, the inability to use them with dyed and damaged hair. The metal enters into a chemical reaction with dyes, which adversely affects the structure and color of the hair. To clean metal combs, you can use abrasive and liquid detergents. When cleaning with powdered preparations, it is enough to apply them to a damp sponge and clean the surface.

If you can't use household cleaners, you can use baking soda.

When removing abundant old pollution, dilute a solution of washing powder and hot water in a small container, place the product there and leave for an hour. After the specified time, the comb must be washed in the same water with a toothbrush, rinsed and wiped dry.

You can use shampoo or dishwashing liquid. After cleaning the main contamination the comb needs to be disinfected. This should be done by any available means (alcohol, vodka, hydrogen peroxide). The use of alcohol-containing liquids with fragrances and flavors is allowed. The metal does not absorb odors, so it may well be treated with cologne.

Round comb

Brushing has a round base with natural, artificial or metal bristles, used for styling hair and creating hairstyles. May have a simple, thermal design. The base is wooden, ceramic, plastic or metal. Due to the heterogeneity and simultaneous presence of two or more materials with different characteristics these combs require delicate cleaning, they are subject to strong and rapid contamination. This is due to the use of varnish and other means of fixation, the ability of the circular bristle to accumulate a greater amount of lost hair.

To remove small mechanical debris from brushing, you need to lubricate the remaining hair with a shine spray: this will allow you to gently pull it out with a knitting needle or a toothpick. Next, you should prepare a solution of 1 liter of warm water, 2 tablespoons of shampoo and 1 tablespoon of ammonia or hydrogen peroxide. Then you need to soak the comb in it and leave for an hour. Products with a wooden base can be in water for no more than half an hour. After the required time has elapsed, the comb must be rid of plaque with a toothbrush. Dry the product in a well-ventilated area or with a hair dryer.


A universal option that is used for all types of hair, including thick and long. Such products have a moderate massage effect, they have a positive effect on dormant hair follicles, provoking hair growth. Cleaning the massage should begin with the removal of hair residues, villi and small threads. Then you should place it in a solution consisting of 1 liter of water, 4 tbsp. spoons of shampoo and 3 tbsp. spoons of 9% vinegar.

After ten minutes, the comb should be removed, thoroughly cleaned with a toothbrush, then rinsed and left to dry. Vinegar can be replaced with ammonia, instead of shampoo, you can use liquid soap, dishwashing detergent. You can dip a wet toothbrush in baking soda and clean the base of the massage, rinse in a solution of vinegar, finally rinsing in cool water.

professional tools

There are special solutions for splitting fatty contaminants and disinfection. They are used in hairdressing and beauty salons, they are all freely available, so if you wish, any of them can be purchased. The most common and versatile tool is Guardian. This is a composition with a wide spectrum of action, which can be used for degreasing, cleaning, effective disinfection of combs. The tool is suitable for any type of combs and brushes made of any material.

Ideally, the procedure is not done in a residential area., but on the street or in a non-residential barn. It is optimal to do this after and subsequent drying of the hair.

If you are interested in knowing what lice are afraid of, you can read about it. You can also read about them.

Means of disinfection

Absolutely all things that have come into contact with the hair of a person infected with head lice must be processed. Yet again - nits remain on the comb or comb, which remain active for 3-4 days. Handling combs for head lice should become a habit.

How to treat combs after lice? With scallops, hairpins, you can do it in the usual way - place it in an airtight bag and send it to the freezer.

The so-called vacuum food sealers are ideal for this, which suck out almost all the air from plastic bags and thermally seal the seam.

And for combs and combs, it is recommended to use specialized treatment products, like Medifox and its derivatives, Paranit Sensitive. They are available in the form of sprays and a regular solution, but they have a rather toxic effect. How else to treat a comb after lice? A simpler and more radical method is soaking in warm water with kerosene or vinegar essence(acid concentration in the range of 20-25 percent).

How to process a comb after that with available means? At home, you can prepare a solution based on hydrogen peroxide, table vinegar and water (1: 1: 0.5). All this is thoroughly mixed. Further:

  • combs, hairpins and combs from lice and nits are placed in the solution for 3 hours;
  • after this time - they are placed in water at a temperature of 60-70 degrees (this will not harm the plastic);
  • after 20 minutes, all things should be washed under running water room temperature with soapy washcloth.

All this will be quite enough for the final killing of nits and lice remaining on personal hygiene products and combs.

At the same time, similar processing is performed with linen, outerwear and casual clothes, scissors and clippers. Hair dryer, hair straighteners, just wipe with a sponge dipped in hydrogen peroxide (off, followed by drying).

By the way, some specialized combs are available with interchangeable nozzles. After combing out, it is enough to remove it and replace it with a new one without further processing.

The used nozzle is also disposed of through a sealed bag.- for a few days in the cold, and after that - in household waste.

In turn, several hair treatments with specialized products such as: -, and ointments, or folk remedies: , For example

Everyone, without exception, must follow the basic rules of hygiene. Brush cleaning is included in this list. Often, hair, dust, remnants of sebum and other formations accumulate in the cavity between the bristles. Hairdressing tools should be cleaned at least once a week, if possible more often. The technology of the procedure depends on what material the teeth and the comb itself are made of. Consider the basic principles.

Cleaning combs from different materials

Depending on what material underlies the comb, the cleaning rules also vary. The problem becomes especially urgent if the instrument is dear to you and there is no desire to spoil it.

  1. Tree. Wooden combs have a number of advantages. They do not contribute to electrification, take care of the hair, and perform their main function well. But the disadvantage of the devices is that they are extremely difficult to clean. Do not wash wooden combs for too long, otherwise the teeth will crumble. In such a situation, use vodka, alcohol or Chlorhexidine. Soak a cotton swab in one of the selected solutions and wipe each tooth and the cavity between them. The alcohol composition eliminates the remnants of sebum, cotton wool will absorb all the dirt and dust. In the case of severe contamination, you will have to repeat the procedure several times.
  2. Metal. Not the most the best way for a comb, but it's not about that. Metal should also not be immersed in water for a long time to avoid oxidation. To start, roll the teeth hot water, but do not touch the rubberized part. Then eliminate the contamination using the above method, use alcohol and a cotton swab. If there is hair stuck in the comb, get rid of it with toothpicks. Finally, dry the tool so that the metal does not oxidize.
  3. Natural pile. Combs with natural bristles are the best option today. However, such tools are very capricious, quickly become dirty and salted. First, arm yourself with a comb and comb out the stubble with it to remove excess hair. Then lower the comb under the tap with warm water, moisten well. Start tapping the bristles on the sink so that all the dust falls out of it. Comb again, carefully beat out. Repeat the manipulations until the comb is perfectly clean. At the end of the procedure, wipe it with a terry towel and dry it in the sun.
  4. Plastic. The material is not difficult to care for, so cleaning will take place quickly enough. First, get rid of the hair on the comb using toothpicks or an old toothbrush. Then prepare a solution of 1 liter. warm water and baby shampoo. Soak the hairbrush in this composition for half an hour. During the allotted time, all the fat will peel off, you just have to rinse the comb under the tap and disinfect. Soak a cotton pad in vodka, wipe the teeth and the rubber cavity. If the dirt is strong, apply baking soda or tooth powder to the toothbrush, moisten, rub the tool well and rinse.
  5. Tourmaline. The material is natural, so it requires scrupulous care. Based on tourmaline, radio components, jewelry, medical devices and hair combs are made. A feature of the material is that it is not afraid of exposure to high temperatures. Therefore, you can safely soak the tool in soapy water and leave for half an hour. After this time, rub the comb with a toothbrush and baking soda. You can disinfect with alcohol.

The variety of hairdressing tools is amazing. On the shelves of shops you can find round, flat, square, oval and other devices. Each has its own purpose and cleaning rules.

Fine round comb

  1. Perhaps this type of instrument is the most difficult to clean due to its peculiar shape. The hair is woven into the teeth and wrapped around the rod, which makes it difficult to remove them. However, there is a way out.
  2. First you need to get rid of the hair. Arm yourself with nail scissors, pry them under your hair and cut. It is necessary to make sure that the “circle” of hair is conditionally opened.
  3. Then, using a toothpick, remove the residue and proceed to clean the dirt. Mix ammonia with hydrogen peroxide, taking them in 20 ml. Pour this solution into 1 liter. warm water, add 30 ml. shampoo and soak the comb for half an hour to an hour.
  4. Next, you need to rub the comb with a toothbrush or an old clean mascara brush, sprinkling an improvised tool with soda. At the end of the manipulation, rinse the comb thoroughly.

Massage comb

  1. To clean the attribute from dust and hair, it is recommended to use a flat comb. You will also need a solution. Take 1 liter. clean water and add 60 ml to it. shampoo, 90 ml. table vinegar.
  2. Keep the massage accessory in the composition for several minutes. Remove dirt with a flat comb. Dry the item thoroughly.


  1. The fair sex often faces the problem that dirt and hair accumulate on brush combs. Clearing an attribute is not easy. As described earlier, remove dirt with a toothpick.
  2. Next, you need to prepare a cleaning solution. To do this, take a small amount of water, hydrogen peroxide, alcohol and soap. Soak the comb in the solution for 1 hour. After the allotted time, rinse the attribute with running water and dry.

Vinegar and soda

  1. The cleaning method is one of the most effective. Soda is able to cope with ingrained pollution, table vinegar breaks down fat well.
  2. Before starting the manipulation, remove all the hair from the comb to the maximum. To do this, use any available method. A flat comb, toothpick, needle will help in this matter.
  3. Pass the tool between the pile and get rid of the hair. Then dissolve in 1 liter. water 30 gr. soda and 50 ml. vinegar. Place the attribute in the finished composition for 10 minutes.
  4. If minor impurities remain after the procedure, they can be removed with a toothbrush. Wash the comb with running water. Dry the brush upside down.
  5. It is worth knowing that this cleaning method should not be applied to wooden combs and products with natural bristles. Soda has a destructive effect on such materials.

Dishwashing liquid

  1. The procedure is gentle. With this tool, you can process absolutely any material. As in the first case, get rid of the hair on the comb.
  2. Fill a basin with warm water and stir in the gel dish soap. Give preference to a composition that breaks down fatty fibers. Soak the brush in the liquid for 20 minutes.
  3. After the time has passed, use a toothbrush. Apply dishwashing detergent to the bristles. Begin to clean the pile of the comb, reaching the base. Wash the instrument thoroughly and dry it on a towel with the bristles down.
  1. Follow simple recommendations and clean your comb in time. Procedures should be carried out systematically for hygiene purposes. Remember to remove hair from the instrument every evening. You need to wash your comb at least once every 6 days.
  2. Keep in mind that wooden attributes require special attention. Such combs are not recommended to be washed frequently. Unfortunately, the dry cleaning method does not always cope with complex contaminants. If you often wet the comb, it will begin to exfoliate and lose its original shape.
  3. Clean the comb each time before applying to clean hair. Use the dry method. Curls will be less dirty and will not leave particles of varnish and other cosmetic compounds on the bristles.
  4. If you are using the vinegar cleaning method, mix a few drops of any ether into the solution. Oil will kill the smell of vinegar and reward the comb with a pleasant aroma.

Choose the option for cleaning the comb, depending on what shape the tool has and what material it is made of. Be especially careful with products with natural pile. Plastic should not be dipped in hot water to avoid deformation. Do not forget to thoroughly dry the device and disinfect.

Video: how to quickly and easily clean a hairbrush

The question of how to clean the comb from hair and dirt is very relevant. This is one of the most polluted things. This is something that is used daily, and in the process of use, fallen hair, particles of varnishes, mousses, foams, sebum and the smallest particles of skin accumulate on it. Cleansing your comb is a necessary hygiene step to prevent dandruff and contamination of freshly washed hair. The instrument should be cleaned 1-2 times a week.

It is important not only to clean the comb from dirt, but to choose the appropriate procedure for the material and type. Only in this case the tool will serve you for a long time. The health of the hair also depends on the cleanliness of the comb, so do not neglect this issue.

Cleaning depending on the material of manufacture

Different combs require different care. This is especially true if the tool is expensive and you do not want it to quickly become unusable. Follow these guidelines:

  1. 1 Wooden. These combs are often recommended by hair care professionals. They are eco friendly. At the same time, this material is quite capricious. It is forbidden to place the tree in water for a long time. This may lead to deformation. How to clean a comb at home? You need to use a cotton swab soaked in vodka or alcohol. Swab should wipe the comb. This method has several actions: alcohol eliminates fat deposits, and cotton wool neutralizes dirt, dust, and small particles. If the instrument is heavily soiled, the procedure should be repeated.
  2. 2 Plastic. This is a fairly easy to clean material. The procedure begins with cleaning the tool from the remaining hair with a toothpick. Next, it is worth dissolving in warm water 30 ml of ammonia and shampoo. The instrument is immersed in water for 20 minutes. During this time, there is an exfoliation of fat deposits, residues of cosmetics, dirt, dandruff. After 20 minutes, rinse the instrument in running water, thoroughly washing it from the detergent composition. Any pollution left? You can remove the residue with baking soda. It is applied to an old toothbrush, with the help of which the cleaning procedure is carried out. If the comb was used on hair with lice, disinfection must be carried out. For this, a 10% bleach solution is useful. Soak the tool in the solution, wait half an hour and rinse off the residue well.
  3. 3 metal. Such tools are quite rare, as they are too hard and can damage the delicate scalp. But if you have such a brush, special care must be taken when cleaning. After the cleaning procedure, dry the instrument well. Otherwise, corrosion will gradually form on it.
  4. 4 Natural bristles. First you need to remove the remaining hair with a toothpick. Washing a tool with natural bristles should be especially careful, because its cost is high and it is designed for long-term use. To do this, you can use a toothbrush and shampoo. A long-bristled brush purchased from a hardware store will make it easier to clean your natural bristle massage product.

Each material has its own characteristics, and therefore it is cleaned differently.

Methods according to product shape

How to clean a comb? For this, it is worth considering its shape. Ordinary brushes are cleaned quite simply, massage and round products will require a special approach:

  1. 1 Round. Full cleaning of such a tool is difficult due to the shape, so a lot of dirt accumulates on a round comb, and this further complicates the task. First of all, you need to remove all the remaining hair. To do this, use a toothpick. After that, shampoo, ammonia and hydrogen peroxide are added to warm water in equal proportions. The brush is left in the detergent composition for an hour, after which all residues should be washed off with soap. If you are cleaning heavily soiled tools, you can use an old mascara brush. First, it should be well washed from the remnants of the cosmetic product. The brush copes with the smallest hairs, and with dust, and with fatty deposits.
  2. 2 massage. You can remove the rest of the hair with a flat comb. Then it is worth preparing a detergent composition: 1 liter of warm water, 2 tablespoons of shampoo, 3 tablespoons of 9% vinegar. The tool is kept in the composition for 5 minutes, after which it is left to dry.
  3. 3 brushes. Such combs tend to accumulate dirt, hair. It's not easy to clean them. How to clean a comb at home? To do this, as in other cases, it is necessary to remove the remaining hair with a toothpick. Then a detergent composition is prepared: soap, alcohol and hydrogen peroxide. The brush is left in the water with the solution for an hour.

Method using baking soda and vinegar

This is one of the most effective methods, as baking soda helps to fight the most stubborn dirt, and vinegar dissolves grease. The procedure is as follows:

  1. 1 The remaining hairs are removed from the brush. This can be done using the corner of a narrow comb, toothpicks, needles. It is enough to hold the tool between the grooves, and then collect the released hair.
  2. 2 In warm water, add 1 tablespoon of soda and 1-2 tablespoons of vinegar. You can use apple or table vinegar. The comb is lowered into the solution and kept in it for 5-10 minutes.
  3. 3 The remaining dirt is cleaned off with a toothbrush.
  4. 4 The product is washed under running water.
  5. 5 Dry the instrument with the teeth down.

The cleaning method is not suitable for wooden, rubber soft products, natural bristle brushes. These materials do not benefit from procedures using soda. It is better to choose a more gentle option for them.

Using dishwashing detergent

This is a gentle method that allows you to process a product of any shape and material. How to clean a hairbrush with dishwashing detergent? Follow these guidelines:

  1. 1 First remove the remaining hairs from the product.
  2. 2 Fill a container with warm water. Add dish detergent to it. It is advisable to choose products aimed at combating fat. Soak the brush in the solution for 5-7 minutes.
  3. 3 Take a toothbrush. Apply dishwashing detergent to it and start brushing the teeth down to the base.
  4. 4 Rinse off the solution with warm water and place the comb to dry on a prepared towel with the teeth up.

Even a soft rubber product can be washed in this way. However, the water should be warm, not hot.

  1. 1 It is advisable to remove accumulated hair from the product every evening. This will help prevent severe contamination.
  2. 2 It is recommended to wash the comb at least once a week.
  3. 3 Regular care is especially important for a wooden product, since it is not recommended to wash it, and dry processing will not allow you to cope with complex contaminants. This measure will protect the tool from deformation and delamination.
  4. 4 It is recommended to clean the brush of dirt before using it on clean hair. This will prevent contamination of the hair with particles of varnish, oil and other cosmetics remaining on the instrument.
  5. 5 When using vinegar in the procedure, add a few drops of essential oil to the resulting composition. This will help get rid of the bitter smell of the vinegar, as well as give your brush your favorite scent.
  6. 6 If you need to remove hairs from the tool, it is much easier to do this if you pre-moisten them.
  7. 7 Items must be dried thoroughly. Moisture can collect in some of them, which provokes the growth of mold.

Following these guidelines will help you keep your main hair tools neat and tidy. In this case, you do not need to spend a lot of time to eliminate the remaining fat and small particles. All methods involve the use of simple components.

Regular care will protect products from severe contamination and extend their life.

To look good, you must not only be able to apply makeup, but also take care of your hair. Combs made of natural bristles, with metal teeth or plastic ones, help with this.

In order for the hair to always please with shine, it is necessary to regularly wash the combs from the accumulated dirt.


Wooden combs are one of the most the best means for hair care. Such a brush is valued because it can absorb oil and sebum and distribute it throughout the hair while combing.

Cleaning such a ridge serves two purposes - removing debris and conditioning the material. Such combs need special care.

How to clean a wooden comb:

  1. It is best to use the oil recommended by the manufacturer. To clean the comb from hair and dirt, as well as sebum, you can buy coconut or olive oil. They perfectly wash all the cloves. In addition, they are disinfected. After applying these oils, the hair is also restored, because it is these substances that are recommended to be used to restore shine and growth. How to properly clean: Apply oil to a clean cotton cloth, wipe the wood with it, passing the material through each tooth.
  2. Many do not want to make additional efforts and therefore wash with water from plaque. After this procedure, the cleaned comb must be wiped with a dry cotton cloth. Otherwise, do not submerge the comb completely in water. Instead, brush it with a soft toothbrush with a little liquid.

It is convenient to comb with wooden combs, especially if the hair is long. But they need to be properly looked after.

Care rules:

  1. Always make sure that the comb does not get too wet. Do not use it immediately after washing your hair, use a different comb or wait until the hair is dry.
  2. Never clean the wooden comb with detergent or other aggressive liquids. They are very sensitive and can become brittle due to these substances and break.
  3. Never clean with too much liquid. It is better to lightly dampen a dry cloth.
  4. Never put in water as the wood swells very quickly.
  5. If you used a spray or varnish, then be sure to remove all hairs and wash the product. Otherwise, these products can eat wood and permanently destroy the comb.
  6. Store this accessory in a place that is neither hot nor humid. In the bathroom, for example, you can not leave.
  7. Oil more often. It nourishes the wood and prevents it from drying out.

The correct way to clean hair combs and care will affect not only the quality of the tree, but also the hair.

If the edging is wooden and the teeth are plastic, you can remove the rubber part and wash such combs unassembled.


Many people do not even think about how to clean a comb at home. They believe that it is enough to remove the hair.

In order for the hair to be better, it is necessary to take care not only of it, it is also important to know how to wash the comb from plaque.

Oil, dust, dirt and residues of hair care products accumulate on the teeth, which over time leads to an unpleasant odor, and the accumulation of a huge number of pathogenic microorganisms, which is harmful to the hairline, because the next time you use the accessory, they will move to the scalp . This can lead to scalp infections, dandruff, hair loss and other problems.

How to clean a plastic hair comb - the correct method:

  1. Shampoo, an old toothbrush, essential oil tea tree. You will also need a towel, toothpicks, warm water and a small container.
  2. First, remove the hair and dust. Then we use a cotton cloth and pass it between the teeth to remove sebum.
  3. Place the dirty comb in a container. We pour warm water. Do not use hot or boiling liquid - you will burn yourself.
  4. Pour the shampoo, mix thoroughly and leave the accessory for 20-30 minutes alone.
  5. Then we take an old toothbrush and clean off the dirt, washing the accessory in water from all sides. We clean each tooth.
  6. A toothpick for a cleanable comb is necessary if it is difficult to reach dirt with a toothbrush.
  7. Finally, rinse with clean water. After that, it is necessary to treat the cloves with tea tree oil. It disinfects well and smells good. Add a few drops of oil to the water and put the accessory there. Then wash the teeth again with a brush and dry with a towel.

After cleaning from dust and disinfection, leave the comb in the open air to dry.

The accessory is ready to use, and clean.


Metal combs usually have small teeth, so they are not easy to wipe off dirt.

A dirty accessory may contain bacteria or dirt that makes hair look dull and unhealthy.

It is especially important to know how to clean a metal comb if you have used it to remove lice or nits.

How to wash:

  1. Remove your hair first.
  2. Fill a bowl with hot water. The temperature should be 60-90 degrees.
  3. Add a few drops and then 1 tbsp. l. mouthwash, bleach, or white vinegar.
  4. Lightly tap the cloves against the bottom of the bowl to dislodge any stuck debris.
  5. Leave the comb in the solution for 15-60 minutes.
  6. Then wash the teeth with an old toothbrush, removing all dirt gradually to clean all the teeth.
  7. Rinse with clean water and place on a clean towel.

After drying, you can safely comb your hair with a comb and not be afraid to infect your scalp with infections.

Natural bristles

How to wash natural bristle combs from dirt?In order for the hairstyle to turn out the first time, it is necessary not only to use various cosmetics, but also a clean comb.

A dirty accessory causes your hair to stop shining, even if you just washed it. In addition, they are electrified.

How to clean a natural bristle massage comb:

  1. First you need to remove the remaining hair. How to clean a comb from hair: you need to do this with your hands or a wooden comb, the latter will be faster and more convenient.
  2. Don't be afraid to wet your natural bristles. Such a massage can be washed with the help of such detergents: laundry soap, colorless shampoo, liquid soap.
  3. Then rinse the cleaned comb of dirt in water with a few drops of tea tree oil.
  4. Finally, wipe dry with a cloth and place on a towel to dry. many recommend laying the bristles down, but this should not be done. The villi can be damaged, broken and the comb will thin. It is better to put the cloves up.

As you can see, there is nothing complicated. It is enough to take a few minutes a week to wash the natural bristle comb from dirt and sebum.


Often, round combs are used for hairstyles. It is convenient to make smooth hair and curls with such brushes.

How to clean a round comb?It will be more difficult to do this, but it will work if you follow the recommendations.

How to quickly clean:

  1. In a container where the accessory fits, pour water and add 1 tbsp. l. hydrogen peroxide, as well as the same amount of ammonia and shampoo.
  2. The accessory is placed in the solution, and left to soak for 1 hour.
  3. Then they take an old toothbrush and wipe the plaque from the comb.
  4. During the procedure, turn the brush to rinse all the teeth.
  5. Pour warm water into another container, pour 1 tbsp. l. baking soda, stir and soak the hair accessory for 15 minutes.
  6. Then rinse well and dry with a dry cloth.

Clean your round brushes at least once a week. This will prevent the formation of dirt and debris.

Many women say: "I brush every 2-3 weeks, and my hair is good and there are no diseases." You can't do that. Over time, the hairline will thin out, and the hair itself will become thinner.

Dirty bristles can cause clogged follicles and other scalp conditions that can lead to hair loss.

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