Home Preparations for the winter Recipe for sour cream and cocoa jelly. How to make sour cream jelly with cocoa for dessert. Cooking a dish step by step with a photo

Recipe for sour cream and cocoa jelly. How to make sour cream jelly with cocoa for dessert. Cooking a dish step by step with a photo

More than one sweet tooth and a child will not refuse such a delicious treat as sour cream jelly. With a little creativity, you can turn a simple jelly into a real one. cooking masterpiece. Multi-layer jelly desserts made from multi-colored layers of fruit and cream jelly look very nice. Jelly cakes look really festive and pretentious, in the context of which you can see fresh fruits or berries. Think also about the jelly in the form of a mosaic, known to everyone under the name "Broken Glass".

And what can we say about rainbow jelly in tall glasses. Today I want to bring to your attention a jelly recipe inspired by the Zebra recipe. Actually, for me, as, probably, for many of you, this dessert evokes nostalgia for childhood. I constantly remember how my mother cooked it on the eve of the holidays, and how much it was tempting to “halve it”, without really letting it thicken. This delicious dessert is sure to please both adults and children.

Cooking Ingredients:

  • Cocoa - 2 tbsp. spoons,
  • Hot water - 50 ml.,
  • Vanillin or vanilla sugar - 1 sachet,
  • Gelatin (it is best to use instant) - 1 sachet or 20 gr.,
  • Sour cream 20% - 500 ml.,
  • Sugar or powder - 150 gr.,
  • Grated chocolate - 10-20 gr.,
  • mint for decoration

Sour cream jelly with cocoa - recipe

Pour gelatin hot water.

Stir it with a teaspoon and let it swell. For swelling instant gelatin it will take about 10 minutes, while large-caliber gelatin (and I have met this today) should stand for more than 30 minutes. Put sour cream in another bowl.

Pour in sugar and vanilla.

Mix everything well with a whisk.

After that, divide the sour cream into two equal portions.

Add half of the gelatin to one of them.


Pour the sour cream jelly into silicone molds and put them in the freezer for 10 minutes.

After the sour cream layer has frozen, remove the molds from the freezer. Now let's prepare the chocolate layer. Pour cocoa into the second portion of sour cream.

Stir so that there are no lumps.

Pour in the gelatin.

Stir the chocolate mixture well again.

Pour it into moulds.

Place back in the freezer for about 10 minutes. In the photo you can see that I overexposed it a little, and it has already begun to turn into ice cream. But it's okay.

So, it remains only to turn it on a plate. Surprisingly from silicone molds it came out without any problems. If you cook this sour cream jelly in cupcake tins, to make it easy to remove, simply dip the cups in hot water for 2-3 seconds.

simple and delicious dessert- the perfect ending to a meal. In order not to burden the body once again flour products, we suggest preparing a small portion of sour cream and cocoa jelly as a sweet dish. This cute dessert has a very delicate texture and a pleasant taste, a bit reminiscent of the popular Italian.

For the recipe, we recommend giving preference to sour cream with a low percentage of fat, so that the dessert does not turn out to be heavy and high in calories. You can form sour cream jelly with cocoa according to the “zebra” principle (as in our example), or you can simply lay out the mass in ordinary layers without any decor.

Ingredients per 1 serving:

  • sour cream (10-15%) - 250 g;
  • powdered gelatin - 6 g (1 teaspoon);
  • boiled water - 4 tbsp. spoons;
  • cocoa powder - 1 tbsp. a spoon;
  • powdered sugar - 4-5 tbsp. tablespoons (or to taste)

How to make sour cream jelly with cocoa

  1. Pour gelatin into a convenient bowl, pour cold boiled water. Mix and leave to swell. This may take from 5 to 60 minutes (the exact time should be indicated in the instructions on the package).
  2. We immediately combine the entire norm of sour cream with powdered sugar, the dosage of which can be increased / decreased depending on taste preferences. Mix vigorously.
  3. We heat the swollen gelatin in any convenient way for its complete dissolution. You can place a container with a gelatinous mass in a bowl of hot water, on " water bath” or send to the microwave. The main thing is not to boil gelatin, otherwise it will lose its properties, and our jelly will not harden! Pour the liquid gelatin mass into the sour cream and mix.
  4. Put about half of the serving of sour cream in another container and mix with cocoa powder. We achieve a uniform coloring of the mass in a light chocolate shade.
  5. We take transparent bowls or other containers. At the bottom pour 1-2 tbsp. spoons chocolate mass, and on top we apply the same portion of light cream.
  6. Thus, alternating layers of contrasting shades, we fill the container. In this recipe, the ingredients are designed for 1 large or 2 small creamers. If necessary, you can increase the proportions of the products, depending on how many servings you want to receive.
  7. To make sour cream and cocoa jelly look the prettiest, we will make a simple pattern. We take an ordinary toothpick and draw straight lines with its tip from the middle of the dessert to the edge. As a result, we get a kind of "spider web".
  8. We put the bowls on the shelf of the refrigerator so that the sour cream and cocoa jelly is completely frozen. The time can vary from 1 hour to 3-4 hours (depending on the quality of the gelatin and the size of the container used). To speed up the process, you can remove the dessert for 15-20 minutes in the freezer. Only in this case, do not forget to periodically look into the freezer, otherwise the jelly may simply freeze!

As soon as the mass hardens, we remove the dessert from the refrigerator / freezer and proceed to the tasting. sour cream jelly with cocoa will delight you with a delicate texture and moderately sweet, refreshing taste. Bon Appetit!

Jelly made from sour cream with cocoa will definitely decorate a festive children's table, and will be a bright addition to any buffet table.

Jelly with sour cream and cocoa


  • sour cream - 2 tbsp.;
  • cocoa - 2 pinches;
  • sugar - 1 tbsp.;
  • gelatin - 40 g;
  • water - 1 tbsp.


Let's figure out how to make cocoa jelly. Dissolve gelatin in water and leave to swell room temperature. Then we put it in a water bath and dissolve until completely dissolved, preventing the mass from boiling. Then remove and leave the gelatin to cool. Without wasting time in vain, combine sour cream with sugar and mix well. After that, spread the gelatin to the sweet sour cream and again whisk everything a little with a whisk.

The resulting mass is divided into 2 parts, pour cocoa into one and mix. We prepare portioned glassware for jelly and pour the mass in turn: first pour the white mixture, and then the chocolate. Now we remove the jelly from sour cream and cocoa in the refrigerator for complete solidification. After 2 hours, we serve the delicacy to the table, garnishing with nuts, grated chocolate or coconut flakes as desired.

Recipe for sour cream jelly with cocoa


  • coffee - 1 teaspoon;
  • gelatin - 20 g;
  • sour cream - 500 ml;
  • cocoa - 2 pinches;
  • sugar - 1.5 tbsp.;
  • water;
  • vanillin - to taste.


To prepare milk jelly with cocoa, dissolve gelatin in a glass of warm water and leave for 30 minutes. Separately, boil the drink, let it brew and filter through a fine strainer. We filter the infused gelatin and divide it into 2 equal portions. We mix one part of the jelly with vanilla, and pour the second into coffee, adding cocoa, a little sugar and vanilla to taste. Mix everything well, put on low heat and, without bringing to a boil, heat to complete dissolution, and then slightly cool the mass.

Beat sour cream with the remaining sugar and divide into 2 equal parts. Pour the coffee mixture into one part, mix. In the other part, add the dissolved gelatin with vanilla sugar. Now we take a small glass form, and spread alternately sour cream jelly of two colors in even layers. Then we remove the treat for 1 hour in the refrigerator, after which we lower the form into hot water for a few seconds and, turning it over with a quick movement, put it on a flat dish. Decorate the finished jelly with and sour cream fresh berries and mint leaves.

Cocoa and sour cream jelly is a dish that is perfect for any holiday table. The dessert is beautiful, delicate and has an incredible taste. The calorie content is not too high, which is also an advantage. To prepare the recipe, we advise you to make a choice in the direction of sour cream with a minimum fat content - no more than 15 percent.

To prepare a dessert, it is not enough to follow the recommendations that the recipe offers, it is important to know the nuances that will be discussed.

  • It is advisable to choose sour cream with a minimum percentage of fat, as it whips better.
  • For high-quality dissolution of components, including granulated sugar, you need to use warm ingredients. Therefore, if you intend to prepare a dessert with sour cream, take everything you need from the refrigerator in advance.
  • To make the mass as lush as possible, beat the sour cream with a whisk. A fork or spoon will not give the expected result.
  • Be sure to take care of the preparation of gelatin. The recipe does not provide for the usual rash of powder. It is important to soak it in cold water and leave for a while to swell. As soon as the lumps of gelatin become larger, you need to put the mixture in a water bath, stirring until the lumps disappear completely.

Recipesour cream and cocoa jelly

You will need 400-500 ml of not too fatty sour cream, 2-3 tablespoons of cocoa powder, an incomplete glass of granulated sugar, 40 grams of gelatin, 200-250 ml of water, vanillin.

So let's get started:

  • After opening the package with gelatin, pour the contents into a small enameled container and fill with water, leave to swell for about sixty minutes.
  • After that, combine gelatin with granulated sugar and mix well. Then add vanilla. Put the container with the resulting mixture on the stove and bring to a boil over low heat. However, the mass should not boil completely! When heated, stirring is necessary, while the ingredients should dissolve.
  • Strain the prepared syrup with gauze to separate from undissolved gelatin lumps. Then pour the finished syrup into two molds, add cocoa to one, stirring everything well. Then add equal amounts of sour cream to both containers, also mixing thoroughly.
  • Pour the resulting masses in layers. So, if one layer is sour cream, then the second is cocoa, and further, it doesn’t matter what exactly the first layer will be. The recipe recommends decorating the finished jelly with strawberries, currants, chocolate chips or fruit pieces.

To prevent blurring of the layers, immediately after cooking, put the sour cream jelly in the freezer. Basically, jelly is eaten from the molds in which it was prepared. Therefore, immediately pour it into beautiful bowls.

Serve sour cream and cocoa jelly for dessert, although kids love this treat all the time! We are sure that you will successfully master the recipe for this delicious jelly.

Video recipe for making jelly from cocoa and sour cream

Jelly - delicious treat, which is usually served as a cold dessert. Prepared food from a variety of different products- wine, berry juice, milk, chocolate, but its main component is gelatin.

Gourmets claim that the jelly dish was known long before the advent and spread of gelatin: the “trembling” dessert was served at the tables of the European nobility from about the 16-17th century, and Josephine, the beautiful wife of the Great Napoleon Bonaparte, adored the fruit version of the delicacy.

It has already been said above that jelly can be prepared from different products, but delicious option the food is considered chocolate jelly. In the article you will find different options for chocolate jelly recipes, as well as a detailed description of their preparation.

To make a “trembling” dessert really tasty

Modern jelly food can be prepared not only on the basis of gelatin: in order to give the product the desired degree of viscosity during cooking, pectin or agar-agar can be added to the fruit and berry mass or mass from other products.

Pectin is a vegetable substance and it is they who are advised to replace gelatin in desserts that are prepared for children. However, you need to know that if you are making a treat based on pectin, you must constantly stir the mass during the cooking process, otherwise your masterpiece will turn out to be opaque.

Agar-agar is also a concentrate of plant origin. It is obtained from special varieties seaweed. This substance must be soaked before being used in the preparation of a dessert (as well as gelatin) and allowed to swell in water for 40-45 minutes. After agar-agar is boiled with other ingredients of the dish.

Let's reveal a few more secrets of a really tasty "trembling" delicacy:

  • When cooking, you can add a drop of fresh lemon juice. Such an additive will significantly improve the taste of the product;
  • You can cook the mixture for jelly in any dish, except for aluminum.

And to avoid the appearance of unpleasant lumps - always warm the bottom of the dish before laying and cooking the components.

These little tricks will help you in the preparation of the dish, including will be useful in making chocolate jelly from cocoa powder, the recipe of which we will give in the next section.

Chocolate and cocoa dessert

The cocoa chocolate jelly recipe will require you to prepare the following set of products:

  • Half a liter of fresh baked milk;
  • Cocoa powder - four teaspoons with a slide;
  • A bag of gelatin weighing 20 grams;
  • Sugar - to taste;
  • A bag of vanilla sugar weighing 20 grams;
  • Slice of natural chocolate for decoration.

Cocoa jelly begins to be prepared with gelatin steaming.

There is nothing complicated about this - just soak the product, strictly following the recommendations on the package. While the gelatin dissolves, you can start processing the rest of the products.

Pour exactly one hundred grams of the product from a bag or bottle of milk, pour it into an enameled small saucepan and heat over low heat. When the milk becomes warm, pour cocoa and sugar into it, mix and start introducing one half of the gelatin into the mixture. Add gelatin in small portions, gradually and all the time mix the heated mass of the ingredients.

When the components turn into a homogeneous mixture, remove the pan from the heat and pour the resulting mass into pre-prepared forms. Pour the mixture so that it fills the molds only halfway. Put the forms in the refrigerator for ten minutes.

Take a clean pan, pour the remaining milk into it, add sugar and the second part of gelatin. Heat, stir and beat with a whisk. Cool the resulting mass slightly. Remove the molds from the refrigerator and add the cooled milk mixture with a second layer. Return the blanks to the refrigerator until the product has completely solidified. Serve the dessert chilled to the table; you can additionally decorate the dish with grated chocolate.

Sour cream chocolate recipe

Sour cream-chocolate dessert has a delicate texture and pleasant taste.

For the recipe for sour cream chocolate jelly, you will need a set of the following ingredients:

  • Oily ( homemade sour cream) - five hundred grams;
  • Cocoa powder - two teaspoons with a slide;
  • Powdered sugar - two tablespoons with a slide;
  • A bag of gelatin weighing twenty grams.

Pour boiling water over the gelatin powder in the proportions indicated on the package and let the product swell well. This usually takes 30 to 40 minutes.

Transfer the sour cream to a small saucepan, add powdered sugar there and, adding gelatin, mix the ingredients thoroughly until a uniform mixture is obtained.

Pour part of the finished mass into another container and add cocoa powder to the cast part. Stir so that the mass acquires a rich chocolate color.

Take a thin long mold and pour the chocolate mixture into it in a thin and even layer. Put the form in the refrigerator to set the layer.

After ten minutes, pour in a layer of sour cream, let set, and continue alternating layers until the mold is filled to the top. Put the workpiece in the freezer to completely freeze. The hardening process can take up to 12 hours, so if you are preparing a dessert for festive table, it is better to start preparing it in advance. Ready meal cut into nice neat pieces. When serving, the delicacy can be decorated with fresh berries, mint leaves and biscuit cookies or curly waffles.

Recipe with milk, chocolate and fruit syrup

Milk chocolate jelly with syrup can safely be called a royal dessert - it literally melts in your mouth, and fruity notes give the delicacy a magical aftertaste.

To prepare milk chocolate jelly from gelatin and sweet syrup, stock up on the following list in advance:

  • Fresh milk with a good percentage of fat content - three hundred grams;
  • Cocoa powder - two tablespoons with a slide;
  • A bag of gelatin weighing ten grams;
  • Sugar - three tablespoons with a slide;
  • A small bag of vanilla sugar;
  • Fresh berries or fruits;
  • Thick fruit syrup.

Pour exactly one hundred grams from the total amount of milk into a convenient and deep bowl. Pour gelatin granules into the cast product and leave the product to swell for exactly a quarter of an hour.

Pour the remaining milk into an enamel bowl, add cocoa, two types of sugar (regular and vanilla), mix first with a spoon, and then beat with a whisk.

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