Home Vegetables Spinach and buckwheat Julia's blog. New rubric. Why the benefits of fractional nutrition are a myth

Spinach and buckwheat Julia's blog. New rubric. Why the benefits of fractional nutrition are a myth

). Simple, affordable and healthy recipes that anyone can repeat.

In winter time, there is always something pickled on my table every day. I start the winter-autumn season with sauerkraut, and by spring, in search of variety, I start fermenting almost everything that catches my eye.

My love for fermented foods is simply explained - in winter, they are excellent sources of vitamins, the deficiency of which we experience in this infertile season, as well as miracle bacteria that help maintain and strengthen the immune system.

Did you know that more than 70% of our immunity is located in the intestines in the form of a special lymphoid tissue? And protect and maintain the health of the lymphoid tissue, as well as the intestine itself, numerous friendly bacteria - the intestinal microflora.

Pickled vegetables, in this case prepared by lacto-fermentation, contain friendly bacteria that, when consumed, help maintain a balance of microflora, as well as soluble fiber, which these bacteria feed on. It turns out an excellent alternative to commercial probiotics, the quality and condition of which (whether bacteria are alive) is not guaranteed.

For greater effect, you need to reduce the intake of refined carbohydrates ( white bread, sugars), which feed on pathogenic bacteria that compete with friendly ones for a place in our intestines.

pickled winter vegetables


  • 2 - 2.5 kg. seasonal vegetables to taste: carrots, turnips, kohlrabi, onions.
  • Approximately 1.5 liters of water - enough so that the vegetables are covered with brine.
  • 3 tablespoons of rock salt.
  • 10 black peppercorns.
  • 5 cloves and other spices optional
  • 1 small bunch of herbs to taste - dill, parsley, cilantro.
  • 5 cloves of garlic
  • 1-2 pods of hot pepper, to taste.
  • 1 bulb.
  • Optional 2-3 cm ginger root


1. Wash the vegetables, peel and cut into pieces of approximately the same size. Put in a three-liter jar along with herbs and spices.

2. Mix water with salt until it (salt) dissolves.

3. Separate 1 cup of brine, add garlic, onion, hot peppers, ginger, if using, and grind in a blender until smooth. Return to the main brine, mix.

4. Pour the vegetables with brine, cover with gauze or a towel and leave at room temperature in a non-sunny place for 3-5 days.

5. Every day, vegetables need to be moved with a spoon or fork to release carbon dioxide that will be formed during the fermentation process.

6. After 3 days, vegetables can begin to taste. Readiness can be determined by the characteristic sour taste that characterizes sauerkraut, cucumbers.

7. When ready, cover the vegetables with a lid and put in the refrigerator. Fermentation will continue to a small extent in the refrigerator.

8. Such vegetables will be stored in the refrigerator for six months or more, but over time they will become more acidic due to the continued reproduction of lactobacilli, which secrete lactic acid in the process.

Bon appetit and stay healthy!

“Fragmentary nutrition helps to lose weight, improve metabolism and digestion, it fights hunger and helps not to store too much,” nutrition gurus explain to us. True, they do not explain why millions of people, despite all the fractions, are still struggling with being overweight, agonizing hunger, lethargy, drowsiness and fog in their heads. Maybe because all these statements are bullshit on vegetable oil? And we have already said that it is better to eat butter, not lean. A nutritionist analyzes from the point of view of physiology, evolution and common sense why there is no point in eating small portions every three hours. Unless, of course, you are a chicken.

Julia Bogdanova
NANP Certified Nutritionist
A second blog on the impact of nutrition and lifestyle on health“Spinach and Buckwheat”

For a long time, the issue of intervals between meals was relevant in my family life. For a year in France, my husband was imbued with the format of the local style of eating: only 3 meals at a given time. Missed - wait for the next one. I had more democratic views - I loved to have “fruits”, nuts and even sweets with me on a rainy day.

At that time it was not clear to us how to resolve the dispute. On the one hand, it is known that the French diet has a beneficial effect on health - these were the times when the entire Western world envied ““: a very low rate of cardiovascular disease and excess weight. On the other hand, my entire adult life eating smaller meals with frequent snacks has been standard medical advice.

And then I became interested in the topic, got an education and a whole new wonderful world opened up to me. And now the question that really worries me is: why do many nutritionists still recommend fractional meals?


Imagine our ancestors even a few centuries ago. Could they expect to eat breakfast in the morning and snack between lunch and dinner? Perhaps a couple percent of the nobility who had unlimited access to food.

Even less common was the practice of regular eating among Paleolithic people, before the advent of agriculture. The contents of the “plate” and the frequency of its filling depended on how successful the hunt was, the time of year, weather conditions, at least.

That is, it is logical to assume that the schedule and frequency of eating is nothing more than a social convention, but not a physiological necessity that has appeared quite recently, if we consider it within the framework of two and a half million years of the evolution of the homo genus.

Literally over the past 100 years, we have gone from regular fairly long periods of fasting to the need to put something in our mouth every couple of hours. If our recent ancestors were content with 1-2 meals a day, and sometimes spent days and even weeks without full lunches and dinners, today many of us perceive the 5-hour interval between lunch and dinner as a serious deprivation. Why?

Our physiology was formed in conditions of constant food shortage - that is, it was critical for human survival and dominance as a species to enjoy food, give preference to those foods that saturate best, and store calories for a "rainy day" in the form of fat. deposits.

At the physiological level, the love of sugar is supported, among other things, by the release of dopamine, the hormone of pleasure and satisfaction, the love of fat by the release of the hormone leptin, an increase in the level of which is necessary for a feeling of satiety, and storage by insulin, which turns all energy excesses into adipose tissue.

In other words, our entire physiology is geared towards survival at any cost in a food shortage. And with this “old system,” we found ourselves in a new environment that, as a species, we had never encountered before - with the dominance of ubiquitous and hormonally attractive sugar and fat, also packaged in processed foods that are designed to more addictive and addictive.


Digestion, which starts every time, even if we eat a couple of nuts and an apple, is a complex physiological process that involves the brain, intestines, endocrine system, and liver.

In particular, let's take a look at the impact of food intake on one of the most talked about aspects of health right now - blood sugar balance.

When we eat almost any food (the exception may be fats - such as coconut, butter, olive oil), the reaction of the body - an increase in blood sugar levels - to a greater or lesser extent. In response, our pancreas begins to produce the hormone insulin, which is responsible for using the energy that has entered the body - spend it now for actual cellular needs or store it for later: for quick access - in the liver and muscles (in the form of glycogen) or for a "hungry year" - in adipose tissue.

With frequent meals, the process of regulating blood sugar levels, which is fundamental to health, and with it the regulation of hunger and satiety, are disturbed:

  • high blood sugar causes cells to lose sensitivity to the insulin it delivers to its cells,
  • in order to reach the hearing-impaired cells, the pancreas has to produce more and more insulin and its resources are depleted,
  • elevated blood sugar levels lead to physical damage to the walls of blood vessels and the development of inflammatory processes,
  • Elevated insulin levels lead to hypothalamic “hearing loss” due to neuronal death and disruption of the feedback that the hypothalamus provides when regulating hunger and satiety
  • elevated sugar levels are a signal to the body that there is a source of energy. This blocks the synthesis of hormone-sensitive lipase, an enzyme that is responsible for the breakdown of fatty tissues.

As a result, it turns out that the food has arrived, but the body - due to the high level of sugar and insulin - immediately put it aside in reserve. And from his point of view, there is not enough energy for normal activity, which means that he turns on hunger mode and forces us to go to the refrigerator or junk food machine again. Even after eating, we often starve at the cellular level and at the same time store energy in the form of fat mass. At the same time, we start inflammatory processes, injure the heart and blood vessels.


Adepts of fractional nutrition have a lot of arguments, let's look at why they all break up with science.

“The more time has passed since the last meal, the more hormones and the stronger the appetite. And, accordingly, the more you want to eat at the first opportunity ”- takzdorovo.ru

Indeed, many people find it insanely difficult to go without food for more than three hours. This is due to the fact that the traditional "Western" diet is rich in sugars and often causes metabolic disorders, in particular - a violation of carbohydrate metabolism.

This leads to frequent and acute feelings of hunger, which are caused by spikes in blood sugar and insulin levels. With a healthy carbohydrate metabolism and the body's adaptation to burning fat, an acute feeling of hunger does not occur even after 5 hours - many can comfortably afford not to eat for longer. This is due to the fact that in the absence of sugar, the body smoothly switches to burning its own fat reserves. Over time, the feeling of hunger, even with prolonged fasting, becomes even softer, while the energy level does not decrease.

IMPORTANT:The state of hunger while adapted to burn fat must be distinguished from a state of permanent calorie deficit. It is a long-term calorie deficit that leads to a state of stress (and this, in turn, to dysregulation of blood sugar levels due to increased levels of cortisol), chronic hunger andreduce energy costs .

“Fractional nutrition allows you not to overload the digestive system, because due to the lack of a strong feeling of hunger, the portion eaten will be much smaller than usual. In addition, with this approach, the gallbladder can be emptied regularly, which means that bile will not stagnate and the likelihood of developing gallstone disease will significantly decrease. The main thing is that the intervals between meals should be on average three hours, in extreme cases - 2-2.5 ”- the-challenger.ru

As for gallstone disease, according to a number of experts, one of the main risks of its development is a diet withhigh in carbohydrates and low in fat, whilesome research demonstrate that a high-fat diet can prevent the development of gallstones. But if the bile, which is necessary for the digestion of fat, is not used to the full, as on low-fat diets, then it stagnates - with all the consequences.

In other words, the risk of developing gallstones is determined primarily by the quality of your diet, and not by the frequency of eating. Otherrisk of developing gallstones - overweight, diabetes, metabolic syndrome - in general, most of the bouquet of chronic diseases, the fault for the development of whichmodern experts entrusted to consume large amounts of sugar.

There is a place and time for fractional nutrition - for example, it works well for gastrointestinal diseases such as colitis, low stomach acid, and bacterial overgrowth syndrome.

However, it is important not to confuse therapeutic diets, that is, a diet used to restore health, with a diet, a lifestyle that maintains health and even helps to strengthen it. Therapeutic diets can be compared to a crutch - the leg has healed, you need to develop it and get rid of the support. So it is with our gastrointestinal tract: as its work is restored, we must strive to increase the load - how to introduce healthy foods that a person could not tolerate before, and increase the intervals between meals, which will help the gastrointestinal tract system and the whole body recover further.

“Meanwhile, a constantly full body, according to various sources, requires about 15 percent fewer calories than an episodic hungry one.” takzdorovo.ru

There are two problems here. First, there is no scientific evidence for such claims. On the contrary, even the rejection of breakfast - "the most important meal of the day" -does not lead to overeating . Secondly, all this is based on the theory of calorie content: eat as much as you spend - and you will not get better. If you want to lose weight, reduce your calorie intake so that you spend more than you take in. You can read on this topic why the first law of thermodynamics does not work. More precisely, it works, but not in the way we think. But in short: what matters is not how many calories you ate, but what exactly you ate and what hormones are released in response to this food. As I explained above, even hearty and low calorie meal can make your body store everything in fat and think it's still hungry.


Don't be afraid to eat "rarely" - skipping popular snacks and maybe sometimes even one of the three main meals. Thanks to pauses, not only is it much easier to control weight. Proper hunger helps you work more productively, train better, and improve your health.

Read about how much longer periods without food affect health. About the benefits of intermittent fasting.

A person who keeps up with the times does not cease to monitor his health. He not only tries to play sports, but also eats right. Today it is not difficult to find beautiful, simple recipes. A huge number of books are published every year the best dishes. The Internet is full of sites about a healthy lifestyle. But no virtual pages can be compared with author's blogs, where real people share their successes, stories, difficulties and, of course, recipes for delicious, healthy and such beautiful dishes that it is simply impossible to tear yourself away from these images. Today the site will share with you their list of the best healthy eating blogs. In these blogs you will find recipes for both vegetarians and those who are not used to food restrictions. In addition, the authors very often talk about useful products, sports, yoga, travel and much more. Read more about each of them below.

Blog of Arina Lisetskaya:

We will start with a Belarusian blogger - a well-known culinary expert and restaurant critic - Arina Lisetskaya. Arina has been fond of cooking for almost ten years. In 2014, she released her first cookbook, holiday recipes”, and since this year she has been filming in the culinary show “A Matter of Taste” on NTV-Belarus. She is a regular contributor to the culinary column in the newspaper "Komsomolskaya Pravda" in Belarus, works with glossy magazines - such as "Women's Journal", "City of Women", "Yo Life".

In her blog, Arina is happy to share the best recipes for children, for the holidays and just dishes for every day. Here you can find quick daily meals, best recipes for the holiday meatless dishes, dishes for the multicooker, meat dishes and many many others.

Victoria Filbert is a lifestyle blogger, main author on Eat and jog. In her blog, the girl talks about proper nutrition, a healthy lifestyle, self-development and how to stay alert and active. There is a lot of information here on how to choose products, how to replace the usual "harmful" products, Ayurvedic recommendations, as well as useful fitness tips.


The community writes about itself like this: “This community is for those who love to live cheerfully and cheerfully, every day makes a choice in favor of useful and delicious food, but he only wants to look chic and does not agree to anything less. ” Within the group, administrators talk about simple, useful and delicious recipes, about yoga, about moving towards joy, about healthy foods and little tricks that make our life brighter, and we ourselves more cheerful and happier.


One of the funniest vegetarian food blogs on the internet. Two people are working on the blog - Natalia Singareeva and her husband Oleg Singareev, a professional photographer. Natalia has been a vegetarian since 2008. At one time, the author faced the problem of finding delicious recipes for herself. Thus began a long learning curve that culminated in the creation of a delicious, fun, life-affirming food blog.


In her daily life, Yuliya adheres to a healthy lifestyle, in particular regarding nutrition. And in her blog, the girl shows that proper nutrition is not only tasty, but also very diverse. Even for those who want to lose weight. However, Julia is also interested in other recipes. She enjoys studying different cuisines, culinary traditions and recipes. In addition, the blogger is fond of food photography, which means that in addition to culinary ecstasy, guests are also waiting for aesthetic.


"Two Peas" is a blog about food and drink recipes that make us better: healthy, joyful, addicted. This is a blog for those who like to eat delicious and healthy food, please family and friends, and even just read the recipe "for inspiration". And there is something to be inspired by - all recipes are illustrated with beautiful photos from step by step instructions cooking.


Author Anastasia Goloborodko constantly updates her blog and gladly answers all questions in the comments. There is something to ask. The girl not only publishes interesting and simple recipes, but also announces master classes from chefs, gastronomic exhibitions and festivals. In addition, the blog has a lot of useful articles about individual products, travel, yoga.


How to be cheerful and healthy in a big city? This question was asked by the author of the blog Olya Malysheva. In her posts, the girl shares the secrets of nutrition, detox, lightness and movement in joy. Here you will find simple recipes vegetarian cuisine, in which there is no sugar and flour, but a lot of greens, fruits and vegetables. In addition, the blog has a lot of book reviews, helpful tips on the choice of products and reviews of natural cosmetics.


The name of the site speaks for itself. It's all about vegetarianism: recipes, news, interviews, articles, author's columns. The portal writes about itself like this: “The portal unites like-minded people - not only those who have already become a vegetarian, vegan, raw foodist or even a prano-eater, but, first of all, those who seek to consciously approach their lives, every choice and every action” . The site also includes the only printed magazine in Russia about vegetarianism - Vegetarian.


Yulia Bogdanova is a slender mother of three active children, a student at a small California college, where she studies a course in plant cooking, a blogger, and a master class leader. The main difference between Julia and other blogs is her love for seasonal products, mostly vegetable, simple recipes, exclusion of refined products and ingredients of animal origin. In the blog you will also find the author's thoughts on health and nutrition related issues.

The review was prepared by Anna Kopach

All photos were taken from the specified blogs.

* Reprinting materials from the site is possible only with the written permission of the editors.

Today I decided to announce to you a new column, where in the format of three opinions we will talk about healthy and conscious nutrition. We will try to give you answers to questions about what we eat, how it was obtained, how factory-made products differ from naturally grown products, how healthy and safe it is for our body, and we will dispel dozens of myths.

Since most of our audience are young mothers who want to make a competent diet for their family, we will pay special attention to issues proper nutrition for pregnant women, nursing mothers and children. We will also talk about products whose benefits are equally beneficial for both men and women. We will try to give excerpts from the history of Russian cuisine in order to return to the pedestal products that were undeservedly overthrown from it.
So, I am pleased to introduce you my partners Olga Shenkerman @pracooking and Yulia Bogdanova (her Facebook page https://www.facebook.com/buckwheatandspinach/). Olga is a popular culinary blogger, creator of the Pracoking community, absolutely crazy foodie, author of the book about meat "The book of a beginner deli. MEAT", host of various master classes and author of numerous culinary articles in Gastronom magazine. Julia is a soon-to-be Certified Nutritionist (or Nutritional Consultant) and author of the Spinach and Buckwheat blog, where she writes about promoting health and well-being through nutrition and lifestyle changes. In addition, a happy mother of three children, and a very curious person in life, stubbornly explores current topics, including in the field of nutrition, in search of her own reasonable explanations and answers. Olga and Yulia together lead the online course RIGHT CHOICE about choosing products and creating your own individual diet. The first topic will be devoted to the most popular product among us - chicken! Hot topic!

Olga Shenkerman:

The other day, one sweet girl was very upset that, according to my advice, you need to buy a farm bird, since it is more expensive. It seemed to me very important to explain why it is better not to eat a bird at all than to eat a store bird, regardless of the price. By the way, in Evprop a good bird costs much more than in Russia. This text is part of the abstract for our online course with Yulia Bogdanova RIGHT CHOICE.
And now the details. When I first learned about this about 5 years ago, I forgot forever what a store chicken is. Reading will not be pleasant, sorry.
Not their living conditions, not food, not their growth rate, not their behavior and habits can not be called healthy, or at least minimally close to what nature intended. The broilers live in one large shed that houses 10,000 to 40,000 birds. At the same time, there are 36-38 kg of live birds per square meter. This means that approximately 1 sheet of A4 area is laid for 1 bird. When animals are mass-raised, they start behaving extremely abnormally. For example birds begin to fight, often to the death. That is why the beaks are cut off for live chickens. But this does not stop them from other strange behavior, for example, they can unexpectedly huddle in thousands into one living mountain, where they suffocate. Basically a mass suicide. At the same time, even a 50% death rate does not prevent the mass producer from earning good money. For example, in England, approximately 50 million chickens do not survive to slaughter.
Most often, such a bird is raised for 6 weeks. By comparison, poultry is raised three times as long. Birds raised this way are genetically prone to obesity. Specially used breeds that are able to quickly gain weight. Broiler chicks will never see their mother, which is why their gut microflora is not properly seeded, they become more prone to disease, and that is why they receive antibiotics in large quantities.
Living in such a concentration camp, birds, rapidly gaining weight and at the same time limited in movement, suffer from poor muscle and skeletal development, especially their paws. Many birds spend the last weeks of their lives literally on their knees. In the industry, there is such a thing as a burn of the knee joint - a discolored area around the knee. These are burns from ammonia, which is found in large quantities in the feces on the floor under the birds, which are cleaned out only after the birds are slaughtered. And such a bird comes to our table.
I'll save your nerves and won't talk about the horrors of transportation and slaughter, but I think it's pretty clear why such a bird should be boycotted. The conditions for growing other poultry and livestock differ little from those described above. Even if moral aspects are omitted, can such meat be of any use to us?

Julia Bogdanova:

Olya very clearly presented the ethical side of the issue of eating animals industrial production. I want to introduce a more selfish aspect - the benefits to those who eat meat of chicken raised in different conditions. Everything is very simple - when we eat a chicken or any other animal (to a lesser extent a plant), we eat not only them, we eat everything that they ate, partly the air they breathed, the water they drank and, of course, everything supplements and medicines they were fed. All this leaves a tangible and concrete trace in their body, and then ours. For instance, known fact that the largest consumers of antibiotics in many countries are livestock companies. Most often, they are not used to stop a bacterial infection, but to make animals gain weight faster. This effect of antibiotics is explained by their influence on the intestinal microflora, among the many functions of which are the regulation of metabolism and weight. Small doses of antibiotics do not completely kill the bacterial flora, but change the ratio of different types of bacteria, lead to the growth of pathogenic flora, as well as the evolution of pathogenic organisms and antibiotic resistance. Coming back to us, as chicken consumers, we get low doses of antibiotics (albeit lower than in the case of the chickens themselves), hormones, if they are added, and also a lot of grain, which is the main food of industrially raised poultry. Grain is important here, as it changes the ratio of essential fatty acids in meat (that is, those that we should get from food). In short, grains result in a high content of Omega 6 with a general inflammatory effect, which is already too much in our today's food life. Feeding with grass, hay at least partially increases the content of Omega 3, which we have a general deficiency, the adequate content of which is absolutely critical for health, including mental health, since the gray matter of our brain consists mainly of Omega 3. And this story can be continued further. And then, along with industrially grown chickens, you feel sorry for yourself ... And the modern epidemic of chronic diseases becomes even more understandable.

Olga Karpova:

A little about how we raise poultry on our farm. Since the beginning, we have only raised laying hens, this is due to the fact that they are best suited for making broth, and it is very useful for our children. There was a sharply negative attitude towards broilers then, like many townspeople who are not very versed in agriculture. Only over time, we realized that a broiler is just a breed of bird that quickly gains weight, has enough fat to make the meat soft and juicy when frying or baking.
Our chickens live in spacious and clean poultry houses, so they are not susceptible to diseases. They walk down the street all year round if there is no severe frost. Chickens always have access to clean water and food in the form of a mixture of grains (wheat, corn, oats, etc.). Every day, the diet of our poultry includes vegetables and herbs, which we pick up in vegetable stores. They are happy to give them to us for free as waste. And also, as we have already said, all the waste from the table of our family and the families of our loved ones goes to feed our animals, including chickens. We do not use any growth stimulants, because we ourselves eat, everything we do and we ourselves are the strictest customers. We constantly compare the taste of our poultry with poultry from other farmers. We learn their secrets and, if necessary, make adjustments.

Julia wrote a very useful article for Mindful Beauty about what detox at home is, why it is important for us and our loved ones, and most importantly, what rules we need to follow in everyday life in order to competently get rid of toxins.

« How to optimize your detox system

As residents of a large city with numerous sources of toxic pollution and a country that does not have a reliable system for certification of organic products, we are all at risk in terms of the effectiveness of our detoxification system.

In addition to external, there are also internal toxic substances that must also be excreted without fail: used hormones, such as estrogen, neurotransmitters, cells that have outlived their lives, and also (very important!) All substances to which a given person is allergic reaction or sensitivity. That is, allergens that the body perceives as a source of danger are excreted by them in the same way as additives from potato chips.

Given these features of the detox process, here's how we can optimize it for each day and perhaps even avoid the need for strict detox diets.

To the max« clean" food and life to reduce the overall toxic load:

  • Try to buy products of known origin and responsible production. This is especially true in the case of animal products. As in the case of humans, toxic substances that remained outside the capabilities of the animal's detox system most likely settled in its fatty tissues.
  • Avoid plastic in everyday life, water from plastic bottles, storing food in it, heating it. Plastic is a source of substances that I call endocrine disruptors. These substances act on the same receptors in the cell as our hormones and often lead to hormonal disorders. As a result of a number of recent studies, experts have found out that even products made from high-quality plastic release these substances during use.
  • Use a minimum of medicines - they not only put a lot of stress on the liver, but also lead to a deficiency in a number of important nutrients. For example, the use of hormonal contraceptives leads to a deficiency of folate (folic acid), which is necessary, among other things, for detoxification processes.
  • Remove from the house detergents with black crosses on the packaging, cosmetics that you could literally not eat without the threat of poisoning.
  • Install good water and air filters;
  • Avoid Teflon coatings, copper utensils (it can lead to an excess of copper in the body).
  • Choose non-toxic furniture and renovation products, avoid PVC products.

Reveal allergies and sensitivities

To detect food allergies and latent sensitivities, the reaction to which may be delayed, the so-called elimination diet is often used. During this diet, all suspected foods are excluded from the diet for about 3 weeks, as well as generally highly allergenic foods, which include soy, eggs, nuts, seafood, corn, dairy and gluten-containing products.

After 3 weeks, these products are introduced back into the diet one at a time - in the morning on an empty stomach. Before that, the pulse is measured, and then it is compared with the pulse an hour and two after eating the suspicious product. With a significant increase in the pulse, the product should be checked again, and if the reaction is confirmed, remove it from the diet for a while.

Optimize bowel function

The intestines and its inhabitants - numerous bacteria (there are more of them in 30 grams of feces than stars in the Universe :)), have a huge impact on almost all processes in the body, including detoxification processes.

In fact, toxic substances released by pathogenic bacteria, which are even in a healthy intestine, are first "filtered" by the intestine itself and only then enter the liver. That is, on the one hand, it is a kind of additional resource that should be protected, and on the other hand, it is a potential source of additional toxic substances if the number of pathogenic bacteria increases.

To maintain gut health, regularly eat sources of probiotics - pickled vegetables, fermented foods, drink homemade kvass, a drink from kombucha. So that bacteria have something to eat, do not forget about soluble fiber. Particularly good sources are asparagus, the onion family, Jerusalem artichoke, green banana, cooked and chilled rice, and potatoes.

Optimize the work of other organs of excretion and sleep

The skin, kidneys, lungs in the second stage also feel in the detoxification processes, so it is important that they also work effectively. For skin health, sweat more often: go to the bathhouse and sauna regularly, move (by the way, physical education also increases the synthesis of the antioxidant and “tail” - glutathione), drink clean filtered water, practice breathing exercises.

Sleep also detoxifies the brain! The system responsible for brain detox is called glymphatic. For optimal detoxification, the brain needs at least 7 hours, and 8 hours is better for quality sleep.”

Thanks a lot Julia!

All Radiance, Beauty and Health!

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