Home Preparations for the winter Kombucha and its beneficial properties. Tea mushroom. Care, beneficial properties of kombucha, all about kombucha

Kombucha and its beneficial properties. Tea mushroom. Care, beneficial properties of kombucha, all about kombucha

Many are familiar with kombucha in a jar in the kitchen, and the invigorating sweet and sour drink obtained from it. The history of the origin of kombucha is still a mystery to scientists. One of the hypotheses suggests that the mushroom comes from Tibet, from where it came to India and then to China. It is believed that this happened during the reign of the Qing Dynasty.

History of kombucha

Kombucha was highly valued in Ancient China. It was drunk only by high-ranking persons, it was considered a divine drink that prolongs life. In 414 kombucha came to Japan, a Chinese healer healed the Japanese emperor with it. From Japan, the fungus quickly spread to nearby countries. In the 19th century, they learned about it in Russia, and in the 20th century throughout Europe. The German scientist Rudolf Sklener in 1964 conducted research on kombucha, proving it beneficial features, and it began to be sold in all European pharmacies.

It is believed that soldiers brought the mushroom to Russia after the Russo-Japanese War. But back in 1835, P. R. Stantsevich wrote in his report on the study of Siberia that people drink a strange tea that resembles kvass. It is insisted on a slippery cake resembling a mushroom. He himself did not try it, but wrote that local residents are treated with this drink, saying that it is very healthy and tasty.

For a long time, kombucha in our country was used only for preparing a refreshing drink, but in the second half of the 19th century, publications by G. Landau and L.A. Bachinsky appeared, which described the beneficial properties of kombucha. It has become fashionable to have several jars of kombucha in the house and treat guests with an exotic drink with healing properties.

Mushroom tea has practically replaced mead and has become an excellent alternative to Russian kvass. Its taste was appreciated by many doctors, recommending to patients as a therapeutic and restorative remedy. Doctor Shtilman from Gdansk, after studying the fungus, said that kombucha is not a fungus in its biological essence. It is a mixture of acetic fermentation bacteria and yeasts. It forms a slimy substance similar to a jellyfish. The fungus is able to turn tea leaves and sugar solution into a complex of useful substances, which have a beneficial effect on the human body.

By the 40s, kombucha was in every family. In the war and post-war years, during the period of devastation and famine, they forgot about him for a while, but in the 80s he again became very popular. Despite the fact that now on the shelves of department stores you can find drinks for every taste, a drink from a three-liter can does not cease to be popular, it is grown in many families, appreciating its beneficial properties and the unique taste of childhood.

Useful properties of kombucha

Kombucha contains a large number of biologically active substances:

  • b vitamins,
  • vitamin C
  • aroma oils,
  • vitamin P
  • polysaccharides,
  • wine alcohol,
  • carbonic and organic acids,
  • trace elements (zinc, iodine, calcium),
  • bacteria (natural antibiotic).

Due to this rich composition, mushroom tea is recommended for:

  • improve digestion,
  • treatment of ulcerative stomatitis as a rinse,
  • improving general well-being,
  • lowering blood pressure,
  • headache reduction,
  • angina treatment,
  • weight loss,
  • treatment of eye infections,
  • fortifications nervous system,
  • recovery after a stroke
  • alleviate the course of tuberculosis.

Tea is recommended for the elderly for the prevention and treatment of atherosclerosis, for those who lead a sedentary lifestyle - to prevent constipation. It can be used as a bactericidal agent for pustular skin lesions. It is used as part of a complex treatment for influenza, scarlet fever, diphtheria, typhoid fever.

On the basis of kombucha, the drug "Medusin", drinks Kom-Bancha, Kom-Sencha, Kom-Chungmee are produced.

Rules for the care of kombucha

For cooking delicious drink you need a three-liter jar. The mushroom itself will be there. It must be remembered that this is a living organism, it needs air access. Therefore, the jar cannot be closed with a tight lid. It is better to use gauze folded in several layers. The jar should be at room temperature, away from light and drafts.

The mushroom is regularly poured with a tea drink, 1 liter will require 2 tsp. long leaf tea and 50 g of sugar. Tea is brewed, sugar is stirred in it, the infusion is filtered, then poured into a jar of mushrooms. It is not allowed to pour sugar on the mushroom itself, this will lead to decay. It is necessary to monitor the level of liquid in the bank. The mushroom drink for the first time will be ready in a week, in winter the mushroom can be drained after 5 days, in summer after three. Each time you need to pour a new infusion into the jar. Ready tea can be stored in the refrigerator for several days. The solution, which will stand longer, will turn into vinegar, you can not drink it. Once a week, be sure to rinse the mushroom with boiled water, preventing it from darkening. A properly prepared drink should be refreshing, not harsh, sweet and sour.

How to drink kombucha

It is not recommended to drink tea before meals or immediately after it. It is better to do this in between meals to avoid contact of tea with food in the stomach. You can drink 100 ml of the drink in the morning as a tonic, and in the evening as a sedative.

Before use, tea should be filtered through several layers of gauze or a strainer. The drink tastes better chilled. It is not recommended to drink more than 2 cups of this tea per day.

Traditionally, black tea is used to make mushroom tea, but the use of green tea, as well as tea with natural herbal additives, does not spoil its taste. At the same time, useful substances are also preserved. It is not recommended only to use herbal infusions, in which there are many essential oils(sage, chamomile, wild currant). Such tea will be subject to changes that may affect health.

Mushroom tea contraindications

Mushroom tea also has contraindications.

  • increased acidity of the stomach;
  • exacerbation of gastrointestinal diseases;
  • individual intolerance;
  • diabetes mellitus type 1.

With caution, you need to drink this drink to women during pregnancy, lactation. It is not recommended to take antibiotics and kombucha at the same time. Abuse of the drink can lead to acidosis, allergies, and liver dysfunction.

Do not drink a drink that for a long time stood warm. The mushroom itself should be translucent, smooth, dense, and float constantly on the surface. It, as well as the jar where it is contained, must be washed regularly. This ensures that the fungus is healthy and produces a healthy drink.

Symbiotic Organism: Kombucha or Tea Jellyfish (Medusomyces gisevii) was known as early as 250 years before the beginning of our era, in the Han Dynasty in China. The Chinese called it the elixir of health and immortality.

This mushroom is familiar to many Russian people. Previously, it was an indispensable attribute of philistine and rural houses. Like many zoogleys with healing properties, he came to us from Asia.

In general, this is one of the very ancient organisms known from time immemorial. The first mention of it was made in Manchuria and dates back to 220 BC. e.

Ceylon is considered the birthplace of kombucha, from where it spread to India, and then moved to China. Already from China, zooglea appeared in Manchuria and Eastern Siberia. The eastern origin of kombucha is also evidenced by its other name - kombucha. Scientifically, it is called jellyfish (Medusomyces gisevi) for its resemblance to jellyfish.

However, not all researchers share this version of the origin and distribution of kombucha. Some are sure that as such it originated in Tibet. Others point out that the ancient Greeks knew about its properties. It is now unlikely that it will be possible to establish the real history of this medicinal mushroom. However, it is known how kombucha ended up in Europe.

In Russia, it has been studied since the end of the 19th century, since Transbaikalia and Manchuria were in the halo of the interests of the Russian Empire. Then it was established that this, in fact, is not a fungus at all, but a symbiosis of acetic acid bacteria and several types of yeast. Scientists have found out both the composition of zooglea and its healing properties.

In Russia, Kombucha took root especially well in the Volga region, in the central provinces of Russia. He also found his niche in Ukraine, Belarus, and the Baltic states. It was also transferred to the Transcaucasus.

Of the European countries, Germany was the first to learn about kombucha. It happened at the beginning of the 20th century. It was also there that the first truly scientific description of an organism was compiled. It was made in 1913 by the German mycologist G. Lindau. This is where the history of the long-term and constant study of kombucha begins.

In England, France and Prussia, vinegar was made from a drink made with kombucha. It was produced in open wooden barrels, while the mushroom films reached gigantic sizes. A patent was even obtained for the production of vinegar in this way. It was also used as an ordinary drink, and therefore was called mushroom kvass, tea kvass. So he became known in Russian families.

Interested in the specifics of this zooglea and researchers. They found that the liquid obtained as a result of fermentation has a positive effect on the condition of a person with an increased arterial pressure reduces the risk of atherosclerosis. A good effect was also found in a number of cases with acute gastrointestinal diseases. On the basis of kombucha, even a special antibiotic was isolated - jellyfish (E.K. Naumova). Infusion of the fungus was prescribed for stomatitis. Since the middle of the last century, they started talking about its bactericidal action.

People used tea from kombucha not only as such, but also for medicinal purposes - to get rid of various kinds of colds, maintain strength, and give the body a tone. “Refreshing”, “sour”, “invigorating” – this is what all those who have tried it have said about it more than once. This drink was drunk for headaches, intestinal disorders. In Japan, for example, it was also used to maintain a slim figure. Vinegar obtained from it was rinsed with hair to give it shine. Its effect on the elderly was considered especially useful. Mushroom kvass improved the well-being of the elderly and old people. "Prescribed" this drink and constipation.

Later, already in the heyday of biology, it was found that such a drink has pronounced metabolic properties, restoring normal conditions in cell membranes, which ensures the effect of well-being.

Beneficial features

The fungus does not assimilate the aromatic, tannin and other substances of tea, but cannot live without it. Here is such a paradox! Without tea, he cannot, for example, synthesize acids. Actually, the secret of making this healthy and fragrant kombucha drink is very simple: water, tea, sugar, air, a secluded place plus care and cleaning.

The fermentation process is initiated by yeast. As a result, sugar is formed ethanol and carbon dioxide. Then bacteria come into play. They oxidize alcohol, and the resulting acetic acid stops the fermentation process.

It turns out a liquid in which there is still unfermented sugar, carbon dioxide, tannins (they are contained in the tea brew you used), vitamins jpynnbi B and vitamin C. This infusion also contains organic acids (lactic, carbonic, gluconic, kojic, etc.), enzymes, aromatic substances. As scientists have found out, according to the number of acids included in such a drink, it is equal to ordinary kvass. However, it gets its more pronounced positive properties compared to kvass due to the combination of gluconic and kojic acids.

For proper storage of the mushroom and obtaining a drink rich in useful substances, a suitable environment for this zoogley is needed - filtered sweet black tea. This serves as further evidence that the fungus appeared where the tea bush grows - in Asia. The stronger the tea is, the more vitamins will be in the desired product.

It is very important to take care of the normal intestinal microflora. Bacteria beneficial to the human body stimulate the processes of its defense. They are responsible for the removal of toxins and waste products - the main enemies of bacteria that protect us, the most important of which is Escherichia coli (intestinal bacterium).

It depends on the intestinal microflora how successfully the body can cope with negative factors, including those that cause disease and aging. The poisoning of the systems working in our body is manifested in bad breath, constant headaches, digestive difficulties, rheumatic diseases, and immune system disorders. Eczema and cancer - seemingly so dissimilar ailments - arise due to a weakened immune system, damage to healthy systems as a result of the negative effects of toxins. Tea mushroom contains the acids necessary for the body and flushes out the microbes that lead to these terrible consequences. It is very important that at the same time it is completely natural and safe.

Ripened tea kvass contains sucrose, glucose, fructose, wine alcohol. - Kombucha contains useful acids: gluconic, citric, lactic, acetic, malic, kojic, as well as enzymes, B vitamins, vitamins C and PP, sugar, caffeine. - Kombucha improves digestion. - Has antibiotic properties. - Its tincture is recommended to rinse the mouth for the treatment of ulcerative stomatitis. - Daily use half a glass of tea kvass 3 times a day for a cycle of 2-3 weeks improves the well-being of people suffering from sclerotic forms of hypertension, lowers blood pressure. - Reduces and removes headache. - Recommended for the elderly to improve well-being, especially those suffering from atherosclerosis. - Useful for a number of intestinal diseases, constipation. It is especially useful for people leading a sedentary lifestyle. - Has an antimicrobial antibiotic effect. The strength of this property depends on the accumulation of a special antibiotic jellyfish, resistant to acids and heat, non-poisonous. - It is used to treat some forms of angina. - Used for conjunctivitis, pustular skin lesions and as a bactericidal agent. Kombuka is a concentrated kombucha made from kombucha. The use of this drug has had a beneficial effect in senile phenomena, especially in atherosclerosis. - The drug "Medusin" has an antibiotic effect. - Kom-Bancha drink is made on the basis of Japanese green tea, it is sweet in taste and is intended to restore the health of alcoholics and drug addicts. The same drink was recommended for cancer patients to recuperate those patients who have lost their appetite. The drink is also suitable for diabetics. - Kom-Chungmee drink is made from Chinese green tea and is used all over the world to help with diabetes, prostate and kidney problems. - Drink Kom-Sencha based on green tea helps with cardiovascular diseases, hypertension, high cholesterol levels in the blood. It has a tonic and calming effect. - Kombucha helps in the treatment of the liver and gallbladder. - It is used to treat tonsillitis and tonsillitis. - Useful for treating eye infections. - Used together with other drugs in the treatment of scarlet fever, diphtheria, typhoid fever, influenza, acute respiratory infections, diseases of the ear, throat and nose. - Infusion of the fungus slows down and facilitates the course of tuberculosis. - Strengthens the central nervous system. - Lowers blood pressure in patients with hypertension.

Description of the species

Kombucha is a kind of symbiotic organism consisting of two components: a fungus (mycobiont) and an algae (phycobiont). Kombucha is a symbiosis of acetic acid sticks and yeast. Kombucha, together with kefir fungus, belongs to the zoogley fungus. Yeast fungus ferments sugar with the formation of alcohol and carbon dioxide, and acetic acid bacteria oxidize alcohol and convert it into organic acids. The result is a flavored drink with a pleasant sour taste, reminiscent of tea kvass.

The fungus is a thick layered mucous film floating on the surface of a liquid nutrient medium - sweet tea or juice. Kombucha tends to fill the entire free surface of the nutrient medium, therefore, in industrial environment it can reach impressive sizes - up to 100 kg. V living conditions it is placed in glass jars from half a liter to five liters filled with sweet tea.

This mushroom, as already mentioned, looks like a jellyfish. Therefore, it often causes some alertness, and sometimes even discomfort. Its upper part is shiny, dense, the lower part is hanging threads. It is in it that the sugar solution and tea leaves turn into a healing drink.

For proper cooking this drink requires sugar, as for the Indian sea mushroom, and tea brewing. That is why this zooglea is called kombucha.

Its film is yellowish-brown in color and floats on the surface of a sweet black tea infusion. The liquid may contain glucose, sucrose, fructose. The type of tea does not matter, but it should be without additives and it is black.

In addition, a number of components are distinguished in the composition of the drink obtained with the help of kombucha:

Ethanol; . Sahara; . organic acids: acetic, oxalic, citric, malic, pyruvic, phosphoric, etc.; . ascorbic acid; . thiamine; . enzymes: lipase, protease, amylase, etc.; . fatty acids, etc.

Rules for cultivation, care and use

Usually, to prepare 1 liter of drink, add 2 teaspoons of dry black long leaf tea and about 50 g of sugar (maximum 100 g). Tea should be poured so that it does not fall on the fungus itself and does not cause decay processes.

You need to breed kombucha and prepare a drink from it in a glass jar. It should be large - 2-3 liters, with a wide neck. Prepare the jar in the same way as for breeding Indian sea rice. Pour in filtered sweet tea. Put the mushroom in there. Take gauze folded in two layers. It is with it that it is necessary to close the jar, but in no case with a lid. A fungus is a living organism, and it requires air.

Pour boiled or purified water, along with sugar dissolved in it. There is a lot of calcium in raw water, and a precipitate of gluconic acid salts can form in it. Do not sprinkle sugar on the mushroom as this will darken the mushroom and impair its performance.

The jar is left at room temperature so that direct sunlight does not fall on it. In addition, it must be kept away from the window and the cold. This slows down the growth of the fungus and degrades the quality of the drink.

Do not be afraid to breed a mushroom from its smallest piece. This zooglea is growing fast. Separate the bottom layer from the bottom of the mother mushroom and put it in the prepared jar, pouring the cooled sweet tea into it.

About three days Kombucha will not rise to the surface. This is a completely normal reaction. Then it will pop up, and in a week the first portion of the drink will be ready. Due to the carbon dioxide contained in it, the resulting liquid will be slightly carbonated.

Soon the mushroom will reach a thickness of several centimeters. Every 10 days, another new layer forms on its surface - a thin mucous film. To propagate the fungus, such layers are separated (usually 1-2) and transplanted into a new container.

Carefully monitor the liquid level in the jar and add (from 0.5 to 2 liters). If you suddenly forget about kombucha, the liquid may evaporate. This is not a very good phenomenon, but zooglea is very hardy, and it will not die. It is worth adding sweet tea, as it will come to life again and begin to increase in size.

Kombucha is usually sweetened with a solution in the proportion of 2 tbsp. spoons of sugar and 2 teaspoons of tea per 3 liters of water.

A few more specific conditions must be observed for the preparation of this healthy drink.

Get two three-liter jars. One should contain a mushroom. In another, you will begin to pour the drink, keeping it in the refrigerator. Drain the infusion every 5-7 days in winter, do it more often in summer, after 3 days, because it gets warmer and the fungus is activated.

To maintain the optimal composition of kvass and acceptable taste properties, the mushroom should be washed with warm boiled water once a week. If you have not done this, then your mushroom will overgrow. A drink that has not been drained for a couple of weeks takes on the qualities of vinegar. You can't drink it. In summer, rinse the mushroom with clean water after two weeks, in winter - about once a month.

A special sign of the unfavorable state of kombucha is its darkening. The top film turns brown. This means that the zooglea is dying. So, she stood in the infusion or you did not wash it properly. Prevent the situation by breeding new kombucha.

You can grow and propagate kombucha in another way. It is not necessary to separate new layers. Approximately 1 liter of a 10-day infusion is removed in a warm place. A thin film forms after two weeks. From it the zooglea of ​​Kombucha is formed.

The taste of the resulting drink should be sweet and sour, refreshing. By no means harsh, nor pronounced alcoholic taste, nor tart. Otherwise, you either overdid it with sugar, or, conversely, put it in less than necessary. Maybe the brew was too strong or too weak. In addition, the taste of the drink depends on the duration of the mushroom in it.

Since the incoming substances interact with food in your stomach, you should not drink mushroom kvass immediately before a meal, during it, or immediately after it, so that no mixing with food occurs. It is believed that after a hearty meal, if you ate fish, meat or poultry, two to three hours should pass, and after eating vegetables or fruits - 1-2 hours. But if you overeat, then to eliminate heaviness in the stomach, drink half a glass of kombucha infusion.

You can drink tea kvass in the morning and in the evening - twice a day. Morning reception performs a stimulating function, evening - soothing, normalizing sleep.

Before drinking normal mushroom kvass, it should be filtered by pouring it through gauze folded in four layers. The most delicious is a drink aged for a week. Pour the drink into jars (or bottles), store them in a cool place. It tastes better when chilled.

Although only black tea should be used for medicinal purposes, other types of tea are also suitable for special taste needs or occasions. For example, green tea contains more vitamins and caffeine, such a drink will be a real tonic. They can even rinse your mouth after eating, as it has a strong antibacterial effect.

You can add tea with bergamot or herbs to infuse the drink - especially mint and oregano. This has a calming effect on the nervous system. Sometimes honey is put instead of sugar, as a result, you will enrich the resulting drink with additional trace elements, and the taste will be close to the type of honey that you use.

Since there are many people involved in the cultivation of kombucha, a lot of evidence has been collected that this organism as a whole is very unpretentious. Therefore, you should not have any particular difficulties in caring for him.

So, tea fungus infusion improves digestion, treats arthritis, has antibacterial properties, helps lower blood pressure, stimulates the immune system. In addition, being healthy and tasty at the same time, it diversifies the traditional and sometimes stingy set of drinks in your diet.

Medicinal and cosmetic effect of kombucha

Once again, we list the cases when the infusion of kombucha has a preventive, and sometimes even a therapeutic effect:

Diseases of the liver and gallbladder; . diseases of the gastrointestinal tract; . vegetovascular dystonia; . tonsillitis; . conjunctivitis; . chronic enterocolitis; . influenza and SARS; . gastritis; . wounds; . constipation.

In addition, the doctors who conducted the research believe that it is appropriate to drink such an infusion for tuberculosis. It also serves as a supportive agent in diseases of the central nervous system.

For the treatment of gastrointestinal diseases, as well as diseases of the gallbladder, the drink should be prepared in the above way and drunk regularly. Exactly the same recipe should be used in case of headache, insomnia, cardialgia.

The antibacterial effect of kombucha is manifested in the treatment of the nasopharynx and oral cavity. To enhance the action, the solution is slightly heated. This should be done in enameled dishes (not in aluminum and not in galvanized!), And even better - in clay or glass. There are examples when an infusion of kombucha prepared in this way was used in the treatment of sore throats for hourly rinsing. In such cases, water is added to the infusion in a ratio of 1:10. The nasal mucosa is washed with the same solution. In addition, mushroom kvass is drunk 2-3 glasses a day.

With stomatitis, rinse your mouth every half hour.

For the prevention of acute respiratory infections, they also drink 3 glasses every day.

In case of inflammation of the mucous membrane of the eye or barley, an infusion of kombucha, diluted in a ratio of 1: 20, is instilled 2-3 drops several times a day.

When removing the symptoms of a cold, gauze swabs soaked in such a solution of kombucha are also used. They are changed every half an hour.

An alcohol tincture prepared on concentrated kombucha is also very useful. To do this, you need to take the longest stored (maybe for a month) infusion and add vodka to it in a ratio of 1: 4. Then infuse the drink for 2 weeks, strain, and then store in a dark, cold place. Drink this tincture 1 teaspoon 3 times a day as a prophylactic to eliminate the symptoms of a cold.

In addition, excellent homemade vinegar is prepared from kombucha. To do this, the mushroom is poured with boiled water, tea leaves and sugar syrup and kept for 3 weeks. Do not forget to wash the mushroom periodically. Then pour the infusion into a saucepan, boil for about 40 minutes, filter through cheesecloth and add citric acid. You will receive a tool that can be used not only for cooking, but also in cosmetic purposes.

It should be said that the range of cosmetic use of kombucha is quite wide. Diluting it in water, they can wash oily hair. From it you can make an excellent lotion for the care of porous oily skin, cleansing from acne and pustular lesions. To do this, pour a weekly solution of the fungus, soak a cotton swab in it and wipe your face with it along the lines of the skin. It is advisable to perform this procedure twice a day - in the morning and in the evening. Your skin condition will improve, and due to the antibacterial action of kombucha infusion, all kinds of rashes and redness should also go away, unless, of course, they are of an allergic nature.

From the infusion of kombucha, you can make a tonic mask for any type of skin. They do it like that. First, clean your face and generously lubricate it with a natural-based cream. Then put gauze, abundantly moistened in a solution of kombucha and squeezed out so that the liquid does not drain, on your face. Lie down, rest for 20-30 minutes. Finishing the procedure, wash yourself with cool boiled water.

Kombucha - a natural cosmetic product

Kombucha infusion is a natural skin care product. It stimulates its excretory functions, improves blood circulation, smoothes and tones the skin. This product finds surprisingly diverse cosmetic applications, providing both therapeutic and cosmetic effects during many procedures.

Sebum and sweat, covering the skin with a thin layer, create an acidic environment that is unfavorable for many microorganisms that cause various skin diseases. The skin, which is naturally acidic, thus performs an important protective function in relation to the entire body.

The vast majority of soaps violate this protective shell of the skin, since alkali is involved in it. If your scalp or body itches, it usually means that you have used a cleanser that is too strong and that it has altered the natural acidity of your skin. When acid is used as a cleanser, the skin receives a natural product that meets its natural needs.

Therefore, after washing with soap, it is very good to rinse or wipe the skin with an infusion of kombucha for a month or even longer. Such an infusion has established itself as an effective skin care product, thanks to which its acidic environment is restored. In addition, it is valuable because it has a soft and very delicate effect on the skin.

To eliminate acne, you can add lavender flowers to the tea fungus infusion (a handful of flowers per glass of tea kvass) or lavender oil (in a volume similar to the volume of plants). Keep the lotion for three weeks in a cold place, then strain. Wash your face and take a bath by adding this solution to the water.

A good cleanser is an infusion of Kombucha, aged for a month. This is a kind of scrub and lotion at the same time, which can be used to wipe the whole body. First, wash your body well with soap, then rub yourself with infusion of the mushroom .. Lie down like this for about ten minutes, then wash everything off with clean water. After rubbing with infusion, you can do a massage, this will enhance its therapeutic and cosmetic effect.

It is not forbidden to add an infusion when taking a bath (a glass of kombucha infusion is aged for at least 2-3 weeks). Stay in the water for 20-30 minutes.

To kill bacteria from the skin, you can wipe the armpits with gauze or cotton cloth moistened with infusion of kombucha. This is a very effective remedy for the unpleasant smell of sweat, preserving the skin's natural acidic environment.

There are other ways to cleanse your face as well. Wipe your face with cosmetic milk, rinse with warm water. Then soak a linen cloth well in the 2-week kombucha infusion, wring it out, place it on your face and cover it with a warm towel. Lie like this for ten minutes. After that, remove the napkin, wash your face with warm water and massage the skin vigorously.

An infusion of kombucha is also used to treat the scalp. Rinse your hair with kombucha infusion after every hair wash, and they will become shiny. For oily hair, use a combination of a mushroom infusion with an infusion of nettle leaves. Dried nettle leaves brew at the rate of 2 tbsp. tablespoons in a glass of water, mix the resulting solution with mushroom kvass in a ratio of 1: 1. After washing your hair, moisten the Skin with this infusion and massage it along the hairline. There is no need to rinse your hair with water afterwards. If it is unpleasant for you to leave the infusion unwashed, rinse them, but not earlier than after half an hour.

To care for oily hair, you can prepare another infusion: take 1 teaspoon of sage, rosemary, thyme and horsetail, brew half a glass of boiling water and mix with half a glass of infusion.

For brittle hair, nettle leaves, chamomile and mushroom infusion are used, taken in the same proportion.

To make your hair thicker, try taking care of it with mushroom kvass with the addition of dry burdock herb (2 tablespoons per half glass).

Helps infusion of kombucha and dandruff. Rub it into the skin after washing your hair, hold for 20 minutes, and then rinse.

Similarly, you can wipe your hands, torso, nails with infusion of kombucha. This helps to improve their appearance and your overall well-being.


With increased acidity of the stomach, stomach ulcers are not recommended.

Medusomycete (Latin name Medusomyces gisevi) is a symbiotic union of yeast-like and acetic acid microorganisms that form a colony. It looks like a thick layered film floating on the surface of a liquid. In Russia, the beneficial properties and contraindications of kombucha have long been known folk medicine, the benefits of the drink produced by him are recognized even by doctors. The resulting infusion has a refreshing sour-sweet taste and is used to quench thirst, treat and prevent diseases.

Medusomycete is mentioned in Chinese manuscript sources dating back to the Han Dynasty, 250 years before the beginning of our era, where it is called the elixir of life, health and immortality. Kombucha came to European countries in the 19th - early 20th centuries, as a result of a mistake, received the name kombucha (kombucha), in consonance with "kombutya" - made from seaweed the drink with which he was confused.

In Russia, the mushroom became widespread in 1904–1905. It is also called tea and sea kvass, Japanese or Manchurian mushroom. Medusomycetes entered medical practice in the middle of the 20th century after the publications of foreign and Soviet scientists, in which the benefits of the drink were proven. It cannot be attributed to the plant or animal world. He got his name partly because of the remote external resemblance to representatives of the macromycete family. The mushroom resembles a jellyfish, which is reflected in its scientific name.


20-30 years ago, a healing drink was infused in almost every home. Since the medusomycete regularly forms young layers, reproduction is not difficult: it is enough to separate them from the main body. Now many have forgotten about the useful tea kvass, but it has become possible to purchase spores through online stores. However, it is not difficult to grow a jellyfish from scratch at home, the process will take 6-12 weeks.

They take large-leaf black tea, brew 3–4 g with a liter of boiling water, pour 100 g of granulated sugar. The nutrient solution is thoroughly mixed, filtered, poured into a large glass jar. The container must first be washed without the use of household chemicals and boiled. It is acceptable to use soda for cleaning, but then it is recommended to rinse with vinegar to avoid the formation of mold.

Covered with a layer of gauze, the jar is placed in a dark place with an air temperature of + 20-25 degrees. Gradually, a thin film begins to form on top. Adding 6% apple or grape vinegar to the liquid (a tenth of the total volume) will help accelerate growth. When the layer thickness reaches 1 mm, a slight sour aroma is captured from the container.


So that the fungus does not get sick and does not die, and the infusion remains useful, the following rules must be observed:

  • do not use metal utensils;
  • put the jar in a place protected from the sun;
  • maintain the air temperature not lower than +22°C: in a cool room, the risk of formation of microflora pathogenic for the fungus increases;
  • in warm weather, drain the infusion every 2-3 days, in winter - once every 5-7 days, leaving at least a liter of the old solution;
  • take care of the jellyfish, regularly washing with distilled or filtered cool water (in summer 2-4 times a month, in winter - 1-2);
  • do not use a lid - the fungus needs oxygen, it is enough to tighten it with gauze to protect against the penetration of midges, dust;
  • a fresh nutrient solution must be prepared in a separate bowl: fragments of leaves or sugar crystals should not be allowed to fall on the mushroom body, this threatens to burn or damage the surface;
  • if the jellyfish darkens, the brown part is cut off, the rest is washed with boiled water.

When transferring to another container, the mushroom body is placed with the smooth side up so that the fibrous part is at the bottom.

A healthy jellyfish is on the surface of the nutrient fluid. When it stays in the middle of the container or sinks to the bottom, this indicates that there is not enough nutrient solution or the infusion was prepared incorrectly. In this case, the kombucha is taken out, washed thoroughly, the liquid is changed and poured into a clean jar.

When he sank to the bottom after transplanting, separating the layer or changing the usual composition of the solution, time must be given to adapt. If an unpleasant odor appears, the liquid thickens, mold patches are visible on the surface of the medusomycete, it is dangerous to use the infusion for health and can lead to detrimental consequences.

What is useful solution of Kombucha

The composition of the drink produced by kombucha includes enzymes, vitamins B, C, P, natural acids - acetic, citric, malic, phosphoric, oxalic, lactic. It also contains 2-2.5% ethyl alcohol, sugar, caffeine. The infusion has a metabolic effect, normalizes the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, lowers blood pressure, and has antimicrobial properties. Doctors have confirmed the benefits of kombucha for the body with moderate use. The drink is used in folk medicine in many countries.

weight loss

The infusion stimulates the excretion of harmful substances and excess fluid, improves metabolic processes, therefore, in combination with diet and physical activity, it helps to get rid of extra pounds. The drink is kept for 9-12 days (less in warm weather), taken one hour before meals, then two hours later - after. You need to drink 6 glasses per day, the course of admission is 4 weeks. Having made a seven-day break, it is permissible to repeat it. Regular use of the infusion of medusomycete helps to normalize the work of the gastrointestinal tract, get rid of constipation, dysbacteriosis, swelling, which allows you to lose weight faster.

Health promotion, disease prevention

The drink increases the body's defenses, saturates it with vitamins, fills it with energy, activates brain processes, and improves blood circulation. It is useful to drink it during epidemics of SARS and influenza. The bactericidal and immunomodulatory effect helps to overcome the first signs of a cold, but it is impossible to cure viral diseases with one drink. With anxiety, nervous tension, insomnia, the infusion taken at night will have a calming effect, speed up falling asleep.

Outdoor use

The solution is used for rinsing with tonsillitis, stomatitis, gingivitis - antiseptic, bactericidal action stops the reproduction of pathogenic microorganisms and speeds up recovery. Treatment of purulent wounds with infusion removes inflammation, prevents the spread of infection.

Use during pregnancy and lactation

Kombucha does not contain components hazardous to the health of the woman and the fetus, so the period of bearing a child is not a contraindication for drinking the drink. However, the measure must be observed, since the infusion contains 2-3% alcohol. When feeding a baby, you can drink tea kvass, if initially there were no allergic reactions in the baby.

Application in cosmetology

The infusion tones and refreshes the skin, antimicrobial action helps to get rid of pimples, acne on the face, smooth out mimic wrinkles. Rubbing after washing will restore the PH balance of the dermis, which is disturbed by alkalis in the composition of gels and soaps. When adding tea kvass, aged for 2-3 weeks, to the bath, sweating decreases. Cosmetic masks with medusomycete solve skin problems, remove excess fat, improve the functioning of the sebaceous glands, which prevents the appearance of new acne.

With rosacea, when the tone of the vascular walls decreases, a neatly separated layer of the fungus is applied to the capillary nets and asterisks. The procedure is repeated for a month. Age spots and freckles are removed by rubbing with cubes of a frozen solution of a monthly exposure, a lotion made from onion juice and infusion of jellyfish, mixed in a ratio of 1 to 2, also helps. The product is applied to pigmented areas and left overnight. Natural cosmetics based on kombucha are safe, have no contraindications, except for individual intolerance.

A solution of kombucha is useful for hair loss, brittle nails. Ingestion restores metabolism, replenishes the deficiency of vitamins and minerals. To give shine and silkiness to curls after washing, they are rinsed with infused liquid for 4–5 weeks.

Use in cooking

The stagnant drink is converted into acetic acid, which can be used for the preparation of sauces, marinades, salad dressings. Before this, it is desirable to boil the liquid. In a number of recipes, part of the milk when baking pancakes is replaced by a fresh infusion of jellyfish, which makes them tender.

According to a number of homeopaths, a drink is useful in the early stages of oncology. Kombucha normalizes the work of the prostate gland in men, its use will serve as a prevention of prostatitis. In folk medicine, it is used for thyroid nodules. In gynecology, medusomycete is used to relieve painful menstruation. Another property of the solution is the removal of a hangover syndrome.

Japanese mushroom drinks

For the preparation of infusion, both black and green tea. It is useful to add rose hips, mint leaves, lemon balm, oregano, which will make the finished drink more aromatic. Sugar can be replaced with honey if none of the family members are allergic to bee products. To make a nutrient solution, brew weak tea, put 3-5 tablespoons of granulated sugar per liter of water, boil the liquid, cool to room temperature, carefully filter. Too strong welding negatively affects the growth of medusomycete.

After 5-7 days, a refreshing slightly carbonated drink is ready. The drained infusion is stored in the refrigerator. If the mushroom has been left in the solution for too long, the liquid turns into vinegar, which is harmful to health if consumed. When experimenting with the proportions of tea and sugar, the taste of the liquid produced by the fungus changes. According to reviews, a particularly pleasant drink is obtained using juices or compotes as a base solution.

Kombucha is beneficial in moderation. To maintain tone and well-being, quench your thirst in hot weather, it is enough to take 600-800 ml per day.

It is undesirable to use a drinking infusion of the mushroom during meals or immediately after a meal, as this will lead to a rapid onset of hunger. However, with heaviness in the stomach after overeating, you can drink tea kvass immediately: this will speed up the process of digestion of food and alleviate unpleasant symptoms.


The medicinal drink from kombucha benefits the human body and does not contain toxic substances, however, there are diseases in which it can be harmful. Admission restrictions are:

  • diabetes mellitus (infusion causes a jump in blood glucose);
  • an increased level of acidity of the stomach with gastritis, in which the drink will cause irritation of the mucous membranes;
  • acute phase of pancreatitis;
  • taking medications that are incompatible with alcohol (although the alcohol content does not exceed 3%, it is advisable not to drink a drink during the course of therapy);
  • peptic ulcers of the duodenum, stomach;
  • mucosal candidiasis, since pathogenic fungi with these disorders actively multiply in a sweet environment;
  • green tea drink is contraindicated in hypotension;
  • children's age up to three years (with the permission of the pediatrician, it is permissible to give in minimal doses to one-year-old babies);
  • individual intolerance to the constituent components, allergic reactions.

It is better to refrain from drinking before driving. In case of obesity, the intake of kombucha is recommended to be agreed with a nutritionist. It is acceptable for mild diabetics to take an infusion of honey instead of sugar, if the doctor considers that this does not pose a health risk. With proper use, a healing drink helps to strengthen the immune system, prevent diseases, and eliminate cosmetic defects.

Many of the once-popular health remedies are making a comeback. Except their medicinal properties, some of them still perfectly satisfy and tone up the body. This is especially true for jellyfish, and today we will take a closer look at this kombucha, its beneficial properties and contraindications.

Beneficial features

In its structure, it is a kind of hybrid of a mushroom and grass, similar to a jellyfish. Scientifically, it refers to biosubstrates containing some types of yeast fungi and products from acetic fermentation. Therefore, the liquid in which it is located eventually turns into a carbonated drink.

Thanks to these properties, the "fungus" produces a lot of useful acids and compounds. They, in turn, have effects such as:

  • antibacterial and anti-inflammatory action;
  • (especially when);
  • general toning of the body with regular consumption;
  • "smoothing" of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • treatment of infectious;
  • healing (abscesses, abscesses,);
  • the ability to fight tuberculosis of any stage.

In addition, it is also a budget tool for.

Benefits for weight loss

Let's make a reservation right away - the mushroom will only be effective. By itself, the use of the drink developed by him will not remove.

The resulting tincture acts gradually and gently, dissolving toxins and fat deposits, while removing.

The results will only appear if . The combination of such a drink with o is generally excellent, the body consistently receives different ones.

For such purposes, the infusion is made on or (ordinary black will not work). You can also speed up the process by enriching the composition.

The method of use is reduced to two glasses a day: on an empty stomach before meals. This improves the functioning of the stomach, and the presence of fluid in the body will moderate.

How to grow from scratch

After evaluating the kombucha and estimating that the benefits of it outweigh the possible complications and harm, they begin to grow it.
Step by step it looks like this:

  • First you need to take the “pancake” itself or a small piece (zoogley).

Did you know? Many people remember a jar of "jellyfish" from childhood. V Soviet time such containers were almost in every second kitchen.

  • Before this, a dry and clean three-liter jar is prepared for the process, into which it is immediately placed.
  • We prepare tea in a separate bowl (80-100 g of tea leaves per liter of water).
  • We fall asleep there (at the rate of 60-100 g / 1 liter of water) and wait until it dissolves. You can interfere. This must be done without fail, otherwise the remaining crystals will destroy the fungus.
  • Allow the tea leaves to cool and pour into the jar so that about 1/6 of its volume remains free.
  • The container is covered with gauze folded in several layers. The fungus needs access to oxygen, and a plastic cover is useless here.

People who know how to grow kombucha put emphasis on shade. It is better to keep it in a dark place at temperatures from + 17 to +24 °C.If it is colder, the drink loses its properties, and the plant itself gradually dies.

The infusion is regularly drained: in the summer every 2-4 days, and in the winter - from 4 to 6 days. Remember to rinse with clean water - they are done every three weeks. In this case, the water should be cool.

Important! The solution must be updated constantly, otherwise the fungus will darken. At the same time, it should not “grow” to the neck - leave some free space even before the container narrows.

If necessary, add tea to the jar - the liquid evaporates over time, and the processes require replenishment.

Every decade a new layer of mucous membrane appears. They can be separated for reproduction by placing them in a separate container.

One more nuance: the first 2-3 days the mushroom may not rise up. This is not a reason to be upset. Like any living organism, it adapts to a new environment. After surfacing, count the week - that's how long it will take to get the first portion.

Kombucha diseases

Mistakes in care lead to various failures that can lead to the death of the fungus. Often they are caused by pour damage. Cuts, breaks, breaks affect the general condition.

Small "breakdowns" do not cause tangible harm to the work of microorganisms, but it is better to move the mushroom "beaten" by life into a separate jar with a nutrient solution, slightly drowning the cap.

The presence of brown spots- the result of undissolved sugar or tea leaves getting on the surface. To avoid this, tea is filtered through a strainer, after removing the affected layer.

Young mushrooms, which have not yet gained the desired acidity, may become covered. It appears with stale air and sudden changes in temperature. Rinsing with water, treating with boiled vinegar and disinfecting the container does not always help, and then the process is disposed of.

Direct sunlight and low temperatures against the background of high acidity lead to the appearance of green algae. They are fought with washing and changing containers.

In the warm season in loose closed jar flies may come. Everything is simple here - you need tape or an elastic band that will hold the gauze tightly.

If the infusion is not cloying (it happens if you sort out sugar) and has not turned into vinegar (after standing for 1.5–2 weeks without replacement), you can drink it. The taste should be sweet and sour and refreshing. A drink that has reached the condition of the mash is not good.

As we remember, you can prepare the composition not only with the help of tea leaves, but also with herbal supplements. Let's see what kombucha complements and add it to our recipe.

Important! "Permanent" kvass ferments more intensively. When it is poured, a hiss is clearly audible.

Nettle, lime blossom, birch leaves would be a great addition. They are crushed and added to tea (2-3 teaspoons per liter).

To heighten the effect, eat on an empty stomach in the morning.

With gastritis

Here, too, they observe a light regimen, especially in the first week. Then gradually add spices to the diet. Kvass is taken three times a day, 100 ml (for 2 weeks).

Important! Such an infusion is especially useful for people suffering from inflammation of the mucous tissues (if there are no direct contraindications).

When preparing the base, ground chestnut bark is added to boiling water, after which the mixture is infused for 20–30 minutes and poured into a jar.

For diabetes

Kombucha also works with metabolism, including. True, before taking it is better to consult a doctor - kvass is not suitable for all stages.

To “knock down” blood sugar, take a glass a day and divide into portions (3-4). The brewing technology is also different - they put less sugar than usual. For two liters of workpiece, 80 g is enough.

When consumed, it is advised to dilute the drink or herbs.

This is where reinforcing properties come into play. ½ cup three times a day will help. The same dosage is observed for.
The liquid can be used for by soaking the swab in the solution. They need to be changed after half an hour.

Very effective, but for some dangerous, is another remedy. The old tincture (up to a month) is diluted at the rate of 1/4.

Did you know? The peak of scientists' interest in the amazing plant occurred at the turn of the 1940s-1950s. Although many of the effects have remained misunderstood.

The solution is allowed to brew for 2 weeks, filtered and kept in a cool place. Three doses of a teaspoon will not give infection a chance.

Application in cosmetology

Fungal nails can lead to other problems over time, including eczema and allergic dermatitis.

Barely noticing the symptoms of this ailment, do compress.A thin plate is separated from the fungus and tied to the finger (most often at night). To keep it, put cellophane and socks on top - the liquid will come off.

The reaction will be unpleasant, but you have to be patient. The next day, the compress is removed, and the leg is washed with warm water. The dead pieces are cut off and immediately poured with brilliant green.

The course usually consists of 6-7 procedures, repeated every other day. The pain will be noticeable (especially at the beginning), but gradually the focus of infection will be neutralized and removed.

Did you know? The Vikings were also not indifferent to such infusions, using them on long trips instead of water.

Another problem with nails is their ingrowth into the skin roller. The scheme is the same, but three times will be enough.

Contraindications and harm

For all its simplicity, kombucha is first of all, and it has its own contraindications.

To avoid complications, the infusion is not recommended for people who have such diseases:

  • or its pathways (due to high acidity);
  • low blood pressure;
  • diarrhea of ​​an infectious type;
  • type 1 (insulin-dependent);
  • chronic and inoperable lesions of internal organs;
  • a healthy person should keep in mind one more thing - a drink saturated with acids causes frequent use.
Now you know why kombucha is attractive, how to care for it and in what doses to use it. The technology, as you can see, is simple. Good health!

Remember that slimy thing in the jar on the windowsill? You still need to “feed” her with sweet tea and in no case poke her finger. Meet this medusomycete or just kombucha.

What is kombucha

Kombucha, also known as a Japanese mushroom, medusomycete or even Medusomyces gisevi, and in everyday life just a “mushroom” is a combination of acetic acid microorganisms and yeast colonies. From the USA to Europe, the fashion came to us to call Kombucha (from the Japanese word "kombutya"), but in Spain and southern France it is called "hongo".

The body of the fungus is disc-shaped, dense, smooth and shiny on top, in the center lives a colony of fungi and bacteria, which are involved in the processing of sugar, and the bottom of the medusa mycete is a germ zone consisting of hanging threads formed by colonies of bacteria. The fungus is constantly growing, filling all the space allotted to it, therefore, on an industrial scale, its body weight can reach 100 kg.

The more layers the mushroom has, the stronger and healthier it is, but it is more difficult to manage it - it is more difficult to remove it from the jar, rinse it properly. If your mushroom is “fat”, then remove one or two layers and donate them to other kombucha lovers, let them grow them.

The mushroom lives in a transparent glass container and eats sweet tea. The variety of tea can be any, and instead of sugar, you can add honey or fructose. You can replace tea with herbal infusion, but you can not use those varieties of tea and herbs that contain a lot of essential oils (for example, sage, pepper, chamomile, wild currant and a number of others). From such infusions, the medusa mycete can get sick.

Yeast living in the fungus ferments sugar, forming alcohol and carbon dioxide, and fungal bacteria oxidize ethyl alcohol into acetic acid. Thanks to these processes, an 8% solution of sugar in tea turns into a sweet and sour, slightly carbonated drink - “tea kvass”.

The main components of the infusion of jellyfish on sweet black tea are gluconic and kojic acids, lactic, acetic and carbonic acids, small amounts of citric and malic acid, sugars, caffeine, up to 2.5% ethanol, vitamins of group B, C, D, PP , various aromatic substances, enzymes protease, amylase and catalase.

Do not forget to wash the tea jellyfish with warm boiled water once every two weeks. And you can also send the mushroom to rest if you suddenly need to take a break in production: fill it with boiled water or a weak solution of tea, let it relax.

Useful properties of kombucha drink

Tea kvass has a slight antimicrobial (antibiotic) effect, and thanks to the enzymes contained in the composition, it helps to improve digestion. Protease helps to break down proteins into amino acids, amylase is involved in the processing of carbohydrates, and catalase destroys toxic hydrogen peroxide formed during various oxidative processes in the body.

Back in 1929, a scientist by the name of Germani conducted an experiment with Kombucha: already knowing that the main active principle of Kombucha is gluconic acid, he poisoned the experimental rat, rabbit, dog and cat with Vitantol. This drug caused a sharp increase in blood cholesterol levels in animals, and they would certainly have died if the scientist had not injected them with an infusion of kombucha. The drug helped bring cholesterol levels closer to normal.

In the 50s of the 20th century, at the Department of Microbiology at the Yerevan Zoo Veterinary Institute, Professor Shakaryan and Associate Professor Danielyan developed methods for detecting the active principle from Kombucha infusion using the adsorption method on ion-exchange resins. They managed to isolate highly effective antibacterial substances: crystalline bactericidin KA, KB, KM, completely devoid of toxic properties.

Around the same years, Professor Naumova drew attention to the therapeutic properties of kombucha, especially its jellyfish concentrate. She tested the drug on rabbits, guinea pigs and white mice. After infecting rabbits with an experimental pneumococcal infection, guinea pigs with diphtheria, mice with salmonella infection and diphtheria bacteria, she injected them with Kombucha preparation for several days and achieved positive results in 80% of cases.

Doctors rightly believe that the content of medicinal substances in the infusion of kombucha is small, so it cannot replace medicines, it can only be taken for preventive purposes.

The concentration of nutrients in the infusion of kombucha is optimal when its pH is in the range of 4.5-3.5. When the pH of the solution is less than 3.5, a rapid accumulation of acids begins. Drinking at this stage is useful, since many useful components, for example, jellyfish, accumulate during long-term cultivation, but only in a diluted form, since kommuch already turns into vinegar and its acidity is high.

How to care for kombucha

If the infusion of kombucha is left at room temperature, then after 1-2 weeks a thin translucent layer forms on the surface of the liquid - a colony of microorganisms, which over time will also turn into an adult fungus.

It is possible to grow a mushroom in this way, but it is difficult. It is better to find a donor from which you will tear off several layers. This is a normal process, mushrooms only benefit from this, but in the first days a young mushroom may lie at the bottom or even get a little sick and become stained. If in a week or two he does not recover, then throw it away and buy another one.

Do not store kombucha on the windowsill - it is cold there.

How you care for your kombucha affects not only the taste, but also chemical composition, and hence the beneficial properties of the drink. The cycle is as follows: the infusion was drained, the mushroom was washed, new sweet tea was poured.

Find a mushroom home: glass jar(volume not less than 3 liters) with a wide neck. The fungus should not be kept in containers made of metals other than stainless steel, as the acids produced by the culture may react with the metals.

Prepare the nutrient mixture: for every liter of water, put 2 teaspoons of black or green tea and 5 tablespoons of sugar. Completely dissolve the sugar and strain the mixture: there should be no particles of tea leaves. Let the tea cool to room temperature, then pour directly over the jellyfish.

If your mushroom is still young, then add a little infusion of the mushroom from the jar where it was previously contained as a “starter culture” to the tea - about 1/10 of the total volume.

Infusion maturation: tightly close the container with the mushroom with gauze or a paper towel. This will allow the kombucha to breathe, but midges and dust will not enter the jar. Place the jar in a dark and warm place - the ideal temperature is from 22 to 25 ° C. After 4-6 days, the infusion is ready for use.

Storage: pour the finished drink into a glass container with a tight lid, and let it ripen in a cool place for another 2-3 days - the bacteria stop functioning without air access, and the yeast continues to work. Therefore, if the container is tightly closed, then the gas resulting from the activity of the yeast will not be able to escape and you will get a more fizzy drink.

The mushroom at a respectable age reaches a thickness of several centimeters, so you can drink the infusion daily directly from the jar where he lives. Do not forget to replenish the infusion with a new portion of cold, sweet tea.

Keep the jar of mushroom in a dark place with good natural ventilation. Cold and direct sunlight inhibit the development of kombucha, so it is best to keep it away from a window.

Do not pour sugar on kombucha and place it in a solution with undissolved sugar. This causes burns in the form of brown spots. Tea should not be too strong - excessive concentration of tea inhibits the growth of kombucha. If the upper part of the kombucha begins to turn brown, this is a sign that the kombucha is starting to die. Sometimes this happens if kombucha stands out in solution. Rinse the mushroom, separate and discard the top layer, and start taking care of your pet again.


  • Kombucha and its biological features, L.T. Danielyan, 2005 http://www.skif.biz/files/b32901.pdf
  • The yeast spectrum of the "tea fungus Kombucha", 1995 http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/8559192
  • A Case of Hepatotoxicity Related to Kombucha Tea Consumption, 2016 http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/26882579
  • Lactic acid bacteria: promising supplements for enhancing the biological activities of kombucha, 2015 http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/25763303
  • Current evidence on physiological activity and expected health effects of kombucha fermented beverage, 2014 http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/24192111
  • Kombucha: a systematic review of the clinical evidence, 2003 http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/12808367

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