Home desserts Recipes from ector. Lasagna from Hector Jimenez-Bravo (Everything will be kind). National Culinary Academy

Recipes from ector. Lasagna from Hector Jimenez-Bravo (Everything will be kind). National Culinary Academy

Hello everyone!

Recently, I became the owner of a wonderful book, the author of which is the famous chef and, in combination, the judge of the culinary project "MasterChef" - Hector Jimenez-Bravo.

Where to buy the book: ATB.

Price: 50 hryvnia (less than $2).

How to get a book at such a wonderful price?

Now a promotion is being held in the ATB chain of stores.

You can collect 25 chips - then the cost of the book will be 250 hryvnia.

You can collect 50 chips - then the cost will be 50 hryvnia (this is my case).

Well, you can just buy a book at a price of 500 hryvnia.

One chip is issued when buying goods for 60 hryvnia. Also, there are promotional products, upon purchase of which you can get an additional chip by purchasing only this product.

Chips are glued into such a book.

Here she is with 50 chips.

I quickly enough collected chips for the book, since the whole family makes a lot of purchases in the ATB network.

The book itself looks like this:

The paper is very thick and excellent quality.

Cover - hardcover.

There are 300 pages in the book, which contain recipes and interesting stories from the life of Hector.

Very beautiful illustrations - do not take your eyes off.

The book is divided into several sections with cold appetizers, hot dishes, meat, fish, soups and desserts.

Each recipe is placed on the spread of the book.

On the one hand is the composition of the dish, the method of preparation of individual parts of the dish, as well as tips for assembling it.

It is very convenient that recipes for sauces, dressings, etc. are given separately, which you can then use in your regular homemade recipes.

And next to each recipe there is a colorful photo of the cooked dish. All these dishes are restaurant masterpieces!

Did I like the book?

The book itself is a collector's edition that will undoubtedly decorate my bookcase. This is the kind of book I will pick up from time to time.

The menu of this book, I repeat, is a restaurant one.

And only some dishes I can bring to life, maybe I’ll take note of some sauces. The rest of the dishes are very difficult for me to prepare, and the products are mostly, let's say, exotic.

Yes, and it’s not customary in my family to put meat on a plate and decorate it with dots of several types of sauces + a sprig of greens

But, of course, this book serves as inspiration in cooking.

In ATB stores, these books are on racks where you can look through, look and decide whether you need such a book, or it will gather dust on the shelf idle.

Thank you all for your attention!

  1. Heat up olive oil in a frying pan. Add chopped garlic, chopped onion and finely chopped bell pepper. Saute until onion and garlic are browned. Salt and pepper.
  2. Adding Ground beef and mix. When the minced meat acquires a grayish tint, put the oregano.
  3. After 5 minutes, put crushed tomatoes, tomato paste and some rosemary.

You can also add bay leaf to the sauce.

Dish for the New Year's table:

How to make bechamel sauce with cheese

  1. Melt in a frying pan butter. Sprinkle with flour, mix thoroughly and fry until light golden brown.
  2. Remove the butter-flour mixture (it is called roux) and cool slightly.
  3. In a separate pan, heat the milk a little (1 cup) and add roux (1.5 tablespoons) to it. Beat the mixture directly in the pan with a spatula to avoid the formation of lumps.
  4. Cook the bechamel on a very low heat so that the sauce does not burn. Add milk. Mix and add grated cheese. We take it off the fire.

How to cook lasagna

  1. Preheat the oven to 220°C. Grease the bottom of the lasagna dish with bechamel sauce. We put sheets of lasagne on it and cover them with bolognese sauce.
  2. Place the lasagna and bolognese sheets on top again - make 5 layers. Sprinkle the last layer of bolognese sauce with grated cheddar cheese. We cover it with sheets.
  3. Lubricate them with bechamel sauce and sprinkle with grated parmesan. Cover the form with a lid and put in the oven for 20-30 minutes.

When laying out the lasagna in a dish, leave some free space around the edges, as the lasagna will expand during baking

We cut the finished lasagna into portioned pieces and decorate with a sprig of parsley.

This man managed to become the youngest chef in the history of the Hilton hotel chain. His dishes combine Latin American culinary traditions, French delicacy and Asian performance techniques. In our article, we will present best recipes by Hector Jimenez Bravo with photo and step by step description. The chef's dishes have different levels of complexity, but thanks to detailed instructions it will be easy to make them yourself.

Recipes from Hector Jimenez Bravo: salads for every day

Among the recipes of Hector Jimenez Bravo, there are a lot of salads, both complex and simpler. We propose to cook two completely different salads, but tasty and healthy in their own way, like all the dishes of the author.

  • Salad with pear and spinach is prepared from just three simple ingredients. But cheeses, nuts, and dried fruits can be added to the dressing. From this taste and the nutritional value dishes will only win. Apples and pears (2 each) are cut into thin slices, laid out in a bowl and mixed with spinach. From olive oil (1/4 cup), Dijon mustard and honey (1 tablespoon each), a sauce is prepared with a whisk (like mayonnaise). After 2 minutes, lemon juice and rosemary are added to it (1 tablespoon each). Salad is poured with dressing and sprinkled walnuts and goat cheese.
  • The salad is made from finely chopped white cabbage, carrots (3 pcs.), green apples (2 pcs.) and parsley. The dish is dressed with homemade mayonnaise. To prepare it with an immersion blender, you need to beat 1 a raw egg and a teaspoon of sugar, salt and dry mustard. In the process of whipping, vegetable oil (200 ml) and juice of 1 lemon are poured in a thin stream. Salt and pepper can be added to taste.

Simple and delicious salads perfect for the daily menu.

Recipe for pancakes with onions and cilantro

In the piggy bank of Hector Jimenez Bravo recipes, you can find not only traditional, but also fortified pancakes, for example, with green onion and cilantro. No less original are green pancakes with spinach, which the author prepared especially for Angelina Jolie at a time when the actress was vacationing in the Maldives.

Step by step cooking pancakes with onion and cilantro:

  • crushed green onion(100 g) is well frayed with a fork until the juice is released.
  • The cilantro is finely chopped with a sharp knife.
  • Salt (1 teaspoon) is added to the sifted flour (200 g) and water (100 ml) is poured.
  • The dough is thick and elastic. It needs to be kneaded well on the table and sprinkled olive oil.
  • A small piece (4-5 cm in diameter) is plucked off from the dough and rolled out on the table with a rolling pin.
  • Each pancake is pan fried.

Hector Jimenez Bravo revealed the recipe for pancakes with spinach at one of the master classes dedicated to Maslenitsa. The chef adds spinach puree to the traditional pancake dough made from eggs (2 pcs.), milk (350 ml) and flour (200 g). To prepare it, 100 g of pure green leaves of the plant are crushed in a blender with 100 ml of vegetable oil. The resulting puree is added to the dough, mixed, and then poured into the center of the pan, oiled (1/2 cup each). Pancakes with spinach Hector serves with a filling of chicken fillet and greenery.

potatoes and mushrooms

One of Hector Jimenez Bravo's favorite dishes is dumplings, despite the fact that this is far from being a Colombian dish. The chef has his own secrets of making dumplings. For example, Hector never adds eggs to the dough, because, according to the author, this ingredient makes the dumplings hard. To make the dough fluffy, it is recommended to add not milk, but kefir, to it when kneading. These are the top tips that Hector Jimenez Bravo gives. Recipes for toppings for dumplings from a famous chef involve the use of potatoes, meat or mushrooms, as well as all the ingredients together.

Step by step cooking dumplings:

  • 115 ml of kefir is poured into the sifted flour (340 g), a pinch of salt and a tablespoon of vegetable oil are added. Soft dough is kneaded.
  • The filling is prepared from boiled and chilled potatoes, boiled chicken breast and mushrooms. The amount of ingredients is adjusted to your taste. In total, you will need about 400 g of filling.
  • The dough is rolled out into a thin layer. With the help of a glass, circles are cut out, the filling is laid out in the center, after which the edges are pinched.
  • Dumplings are boiled in boiling salted water for no more than 5 minutes.

Hector's recipe

The chef prepares the pasta for the dish in a very special way. simple recipe. In a deep bowl, he mixes flour (250 g), a pinch of salt and 3 yolks. Gradually, milk (100 ml) is poured into this mixture, and a tablespoon of olive oil is added. The dough is collected in a ball, sprinkled with flour and left on the table for 3 hours.

After the specified time, the dough is rolled into a thin layer, cut and dried. The resulting pasta is boiled in salted water for no more than 3 minutes. At this time, cream (500 ml) is whipped with eggs (4 pcs.). Onion, garlic and bacon (200 g) are fried in olive oil. Then cream with eggs is poured into the pan, salt and pepper are added to taste. Lastly, boiled pasta is transferred to the sauce.

Meat dishes from Hector Jimenez Bravo: steak recipes

The basis of all chef's dishes is meat, fresh fish and seafood. But precisely beef steaks prefers Hector Jimenez Bravo. The chef's recipe book contains many interesting options. Below we present only two ways to cook beef and veal steak.

  • Steak "New York" beef with Mediterranean salsa. First of all, the striploin steak (180 g) is marinated in a mixture of salt, pepper, vegetable oil and rosemary for 20 minutes, and then grilled until tender. At this time salsa is being prepared. To do this, onion and garlic are fried on vegetable oil, and after 5 minutes olives (50 g), capers (30 g) and a tablespoon of mustard are added. After another 3 minutes, tomato, herbs, salt, pepper and butter are added to the mixture. The steak is served on the same plate with Mediterranean salsa.
  • with creamy apple cream, leek sauce and First of all, the meat is fried in a mixture of olive and butter. For the cream, onion and garlic are sautéed in vegetable oil, after 3 minutes a plum and an apple are added. The ingredients are poured with white wine (100 ml) and stewed under the lid for 15 minutes, after which they are crushed into puree. The sauce is made from leeks fried in butter, stewed in cream and chicken broth(50 ml each). Ready sauce is filtered through a sieve. When serving, the steak is laid out on mashed potatoes, poured over with sauce and decorated with dor blue.

Festive turkey with champagne

Hector Jimenez Bravo has been preparing a dish according to this recipe for 15 years, especially for Thanksgiving Day, as well as for the New Year. According to the author, the secret of tender meat lies in the large amount of parsley, which is used in cooking. Hector Jimenez Bravo reveals recipes for a festive turkey and sauce for it for everyone.

At the very beginning of cooking, a turkey weighing about 7 kg is rubbed with a mixture of salt (2 teaspoons), pepper and melted butter (1/4 cup). After that, the bird is transferred to a baking sheet and sent to the oven for 30 minutes at a temperature of 165 °. At this time, champagne (2 glasses) is combined in a deep bowl, beef broth(1 cup), 2 finely chopped onions, a glass of parsley, thyme and marjoram (1/2 teaspoon each). The resulting gravy turkey is watered every 10 minutes for 3.5 hours, which the bird will bake in the oven.

Apricot stuffed pork recipe

This dish is perfect for New Year's table. It is easy to prepare, and the taste is refined and delicate. Hector Jimenez Bravo in pork recipes suggests using fruits and dried fruits as one of the ingredients, which make the taste of meat spicy and more interesting.

V pork tenderloin(350 g) an incision is made that allows you to open the meat like a book about 1.5 cm thick. Finely chopped dried apricots (1/4 cup), grated Gruyère or Swiss cheese (1/3 cup), a pinch of thyme, are laid out in the center of the meat piece, garlic clove, salt and ground black pepper to taste. Then the pork is wrapped in a roll, tied in a circle with threads and fixed with toothpicks. The meat is laid out on a baking sheet, smeared with melted butter on top and sent to the oven for 35 minutes at a temperature of 190 °.

Light desserts from Hector

In addition to the main dishes, the famous chef prepares a variety of desserts. Their delicate texture, pleasant light taste and exquisite decoration are calling card Hector Jimenez Bravo. Dessert recipes from the chef are presented below.

  • To prepare "Dessert Pavlova", the oven is preheated to 150 °. Egg whites (4 pcs.) Are whipped with powdered sugar (250 g) to high peaks. Without stopping whisking, starch is added to the fluffy mass (1 tbsp. Spoon). At the last minute, it is introduced into the protein mass vinegar and lemon juice (1/2 teaspoon each), as well as vanillin and ground coffee(1 teaspoon each). protein dough laid out on parchment along a predetermined contour, a recess is formed inside. Dessert is baked for 1 hour, but left in the oven until completely cooled. The filling is fresh strawberries mixed with blackberry jam and whipped cream.
  • Tart with creme brulee and caramelized figs is prepared in portions in small molds (as for muffins or baskets). To prepare the dough, 4 yolks are beaten with powdered sugar (175 g), then butter (160 g), sifted flour (220 g), baking powder, a pinch of salt are added. The dough is kneaded by hand and immediately laid out in forms. Baskets are baked at 165 ° for 20 minutes. For cream, 4 yolks are beaten with a mixer, then powdered sugar and cornstarch are added (1/4 cup each). Without stopping beating, pour in hot milk (300 ml). After that, the mixture is sent to the fire and boiled to a thick consistency. The cooled cream is laid out in baskets and decorated with caramelized figs.

Step by step cooking "Tiramisu"

The famous chef has his own secrets for preparing one of the most popular Italian desserts. The recipe for "Tiramisu" from Hector Jimenez Bravo is as follows:

  • Eggs (6 pcs.) Are beaten with sugar (3 tablespoons) and mascarpone (500 g) into a homogeneous mass. In the process of whipping, espresso coffee, sweet wine and rum (2 tablespoons each) are added to the cream.
  • 100 ml of rum, sweet wine and coffee are poured into a separate bowl.
  • Biscuit cookies (500 g) are dipped in the prepared impregnation and laid out in a rectangular shape. A layer of cream is distributed on top, then again cookies and again cream.
  • Top "Tiramisu" is decorated with cocoa and grated chocolate.

Hector Jimenez-Bravo was born and raised
in sunny Colombia, having discovered the world of cooking as a child thanks to her beloved mother, who, it seemed, could cook something deliciously tasty for the whole family out of nothing.


School of Culinary Arts

At school age, Hector was interested in fine arts,
but the passion for cooking outweighs,
and in 1989 he successfully passed the exams at the Metropolitan Schoolculinary arts in Bogotá to become a haute cuisine artist. He successfully combines studies

with work in restaurants in the Colombian capital.


National Culinary Academy

After completing his studies in 1991, energetic and full of ideas, Hector works in the most prestigious restaurants in his homeland, and from 1994 to 1997 teaches at the National Culinary Academy Colombian city of Medellin



Soon, foreign haute cuisine experts pay attention to the talented chef, and in 1999 Hector receives an appointment that he himself calls a turning point in his destiny: at just 27 years old he becomes a chef one of the most luxurious hotels in the United States - Hilton Boston Back Bay.



After passing through Hilton High School, Hector accepts a contract offer
for the opening of the five-star hotel complex Brookstreet Hotel and Resort
in Ottawa and has been developing a career in Canada for six years. There Hector's signature culinary style is bornNuevo Latino - harmonious and original combination of French,

Latin American and Asian cuisine.



In 2006, having already received Canadian citizenship, the Colombian chef suddenly accepts an invitation to work in Russia - this time at the Radisson SAS Royal Hotel
Hotel in St. Petersburg. This
cooperation brought the hotel the prestigious Best Hotel award
Restaurant Award from TimeOut magazine.



Since 2007, Hector has been implementing a substantive interest in subtleties national cuisine different peoples, working first in the Maldives, where he becomes the leader of the team of chefs at W Retreat & SPA hotels
and Sheraton Full Moon Resort, and then - in Singapore and Hong Kong.



And in 2009, Hector Jimenez-Bravo comes to Ukraine by accepting an offer from the international hotel chain InterContinental Hotel Group. Settling in Kiev, he not only participates
in the opening of the five-star hotel InterContinental Kiev, but also develops
and implements concepts for the company's restaurants.


TV show

The natural artistry of this
an extraordinary person has found a vivid application on television. Since 2011 he becomes a judge of the popularly beloved MasterChef project. In 2012 - the TV presenter of the show "Culinary Dynasty" and an expert on the show "Everything will be kind." And in 2014, she also became a judge of the Ukraine Got Talent project.



In 2013 Hector opens the International Culinary Academy in Kiev, where, under his leadership, future culinary stars are born,
as well as gourmets and admirers of the star chef's talent. Culinary Academy Hector
Jimenez Bravo has become a unique place where the love of cooking brings together completely different people.

famous admirers

Love for "haute" cuisine can conquer even the most demanding gourmets. To date, the circle of famous admirers of Hector's culinary talent includes Queen Elizabeth II Of Great Britain, 73rd British Prime Minister Tony Blair, American singer and actress Madonna, British supermodel,
actress and singer Naomi Campbell and many others.


Striving for excellence in style
Ektor is a constant development. Today he is not only world famous
chef, but founder of the consulting company Bravo Restaurant Group.
How does he manage to travel?
and writing a book dedicated to my travels, as well as the culinary tastes of different continents, is a mystery. But precisely
it is the secret of his success!


The London-based World Master Chef society also appreciated the professional skills of the original Colombian chef, awarding the title of World Master Chef in 2011. And the World Culinary Association Chaîne des Rôtisseurs, founded in 1248 (766 years ago!), gladly accepted Hector into its ranks, recognizing him as one of the best chefs in the world.

A homemade video recipe for pasta with pesto sauce from Hector Jimenez Bravo, with which you will not only significantly save your home budget by refraining from buying ready-made sauce in the store, but also unite the family and arrange a real Italian belly feast. Enjoy!

Ingredients (For 2 people)

fettuccine pasta 225 g

basilica 3 st.

garlic 1-2 cloves

olive oil 0.5-1 tbsp.

roasted pine nuts 50-100 g

grated parmesan cheese 300 g

salt to taste

lemon juice to taste

bell pepper 1 PC.

lemon zest 1 tbsp

pasta recipe from ector

1. We grind basil in a mortar, if there is no such device, or there is no desire to use it, beat it with an immersion blender.

2. Add chopped garlic to half of the basil, add a pinch of salt, and half of the olive oil. Gradually introduce the remaining basil (leave a few leaves for decoration) and olive oil.

3. Add pine nuts, grated parmesan, beat, salt to taste, then add a little lemon juice in the sauce - to taste.

4. Add a little olive oil and salt to boiling water, boil your favorite pasta, stir and cook until al dente.

5. Rub the lemon zest (only the yellow part), chop the bell pepper very finely.

6. Drain the water, add a little olive oil to the pasta, send the pasta to a deep frying pan heated over medium heat with olive oil, add pesto to taste, salt, pepper and mix the pasta.

7. Beautifully spread the pasta on a plate, decorate with 0.5 tsp. pine nuts, lemon zest, finely chopped bell pepper, parmesan and basil leaves. We put the remaining pesto on a common table to add to taste in pasta.

Bon Appetit!

Pasta with sauce from Hector video

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