Home desserts Okroshka classic recipe with meat. Meat okroshka - recipes for kvass, kefir, whey, water. How to make okroshka on whey with meat

Okroshka classic recipe with meat. Meat okroshka - recipes for kvass, kefir, whey, water. How to make okroshka on whey with meat

I don’t know about you, but it’s hot here and it’s time for light meals. Today I decided to offer you my favorite summer dish - classic recipe okroshka on kvass. Although now they use not only this drink for okroshka, they make it on kefir, mineral water, but I am firmly convinced that kvass is the primary recipe, although, to be honest, I have not studied the history of this dish.

Okroshka on kvass - a classic recipe

Okroshka is cold soup, which is most often prepared in the hot season. The classic recipe is the presence of the main ingredients - kvass, vegetables and herbs. Sometimes they didn’t put anything else if they needed a lean option. But more often, okroshka is made more satisfying by adding eggs, sausage, meat or chicken.

  • Light due to the large amount of vegetables and herbs, moderately satisfying due to eggs and meat components plus cold kvass- all this makes okroshka a dish that fits perfectly into summer menu. And the calorie content of the dish is attractive, an average of 78.9 kcal per 100 grams. product.
  • The name of the dish comes from the word crumble, so all the ingredients are finely chopped. It is believed that the ideal okroshka is when the pieces of all components are the same size.
  • What else can be added to this dish is that this summer soup is prepared quite quickly, though it is eaten quickly, but this is also a plus, it means delicious.
  • Advice about kvass - you can use both homemade and store bought. When cooking (I talked about the recipes), we regulate sugar ourselves and it is better not to make it sweet for okroshka. The taste of store-bought kvass no longer depends on us, and if it is sweet, then you can add tan or ayran to the okroshka. These salty drinks will perfectly adjust the sweetness of store-bought kvass and the taste of the dish will only benefit from such additives, believe me.

Now you can move on to the recipe, or rather there will be several of them, so that our summer menu would be more interesting and varied. I will indicate the number of ingredients in each recipe, but this is all conditional. Someone likes a more satisfying okroshka, someone likes it more easy option when there are more vegetables. So adjust the amount to your liking.

Okroshka with kvass sausage - recipe with photo

Okroshka with sausage I also refer to a series of classic recipes. But, perhaps, this is my subjective opinion, we just do this recipe most often and we like it.


  • boiled potatoes - 4 pcs.
  • boiled eggs - 5 pcs.
  • boiled fat-free sausage - 300 gr.
  • cucumbers - 4 pcs.
  • radish - 6 pcs.
  • Dill
  • green onion
  • sour cream

How to cook classic okroshka with sausage:

I almost forgot about sour cream, everyone also puts it to their taste. I heard that they season with okroshka and mayonnaise, but we usually eat with sour cream.

Okroshka recipe on kvass with chicken and mustard

Boiled chicken can be used in this recipe, but it will be tastier if it is fried or used smoked chicken. Try different options and choose the one you like best. Today we will cook with fried chicken. Also, this option differs from the classic okroshka in that it is made without potatoes and for spiciness and taste we will add mustard.


  • eggs - 4 pcs.
  • fresh cucumbers - 2 pcs.
  • chicken legs - 3 pcs.
  • mustard - 1 tbsp. l.
  • green onion
  • Dill
  • parsley
  • sour cream

How to cook okroshka with chicken:

Classic men's okroshka with meat and horseradish

Why male, you ask. It’s just that men, as far as I know, are very fond of meat, and horseradish with mustard will give okroshka a special taste. Also, there is a blog post about it. Try it, I'm sure everyone will like it, not only men.


  • boiled beef - 300 gr.
  • potatoes - 3 pcs.
  • fresh cucumbers - 2 pcs.
  • pickled cucumber - 1 pc.
  • eggs - 4 pcs.
  • horseradish - 2 tsp
  • mustard - 2 tsp
  • cucumber pickle - 0.5 cups
  • green onion
  • Dill
  • sour cream

How to make okroshka with meat on kvass:

Video recipe for lean okroshka on kvass

If you don’t eat meat or want a lighter option on hot days, then take note of the recipe for lean okroshka.

I offered you classic kvass okroshka recipes, but each of them is interesting in its own way, try it, experiment, now is the time. Bon Appetit!

Elena Kasatova. See you by the fireplace.

When serving, sprinkle okroshka with meat with dill.

In okroshka with meat, you can add potatoes boiled in their skins, peeled and cut into small cubes.

Yield: 2 liters of kvass.

Black bread cut into small cubes, fry in the oven (do not overcook). Pour the obtained crackers from black bread hot water at a temperature of 80 degrees and insist 3-4 hours in a warm place at a temperature of 25 degrees, strain. Take a small amount of bread infusion, dilute the yeast and sugar with it and add the mixture to the bread infusion (wort).

Put the wort for fermentation in a warm place at a temperature of 25 degrees for several hours. Then strain the kvass, put in the cold and cool to 10 degrees.

Meat is one of the foods richest in protein. Beef contains more protein than pork or lamb. The fatter the meat, the less protein it contains. Meat proteins contain all vital amino acids (essential) that are not formed in the human body and must be supplied with food. Essential amino acids are necessary for the growth and development of a young organism (histidine and lysine), for the formation of hormones and vitamins, fat metabolism (methionine), for the synthesis of blood hemoglobin (tryptophan), etc.

The meat of chickens, turkeys, rabbits is better absorbed and digested.


Okroshka with meat

What do we need for okroshka. Yes, in fact - everything is here in the picture.

Let's do the potatoes first. She was bought in the market. Therefore, we clean, fill it with water and pour a spoonful of salt. Let's stand for twenty minutes. As you can see, redness has occurred. These are all sorts of harmful nitrates. We'll cut them out. We'll even throw out one potato. Wash and put to boil.

And let's do the little thing.

Rinse the onion plucked in the greenhouse, dry it, cut it finely. Add half tsp. salt and a little crush, not exactly grind, but slightly crushed.

Of course, I would like to have my own cucumbers. But I won't lie. Bought. That's why they cleaned it up. And they cut it.

Your dill. There are no secrets here. The main thing is to chop smaller.

Meat. Boiled veal and cut. Also not big.

Mix everything properly.

Some people love mayonnaise. Someone sour cream. A matter of taste.

And finally, kvass. We use, if our own is not made, from the Savva-Storozhevsky monastery. This is real Kvass. If anyone happens to be there, I recommend it. It really is something! It's useless to tell. You have to try.

And a bite to eat with potatoes. Yes, with fresh black.


Meat okroshka - recipes for kvass, kefir, whey, water

In the summer heat, meat okroshka becomes one of the favorite dishes for many. It is enough to know the basic rules and observe the proportions in order to deliciously cook meat okroshka at home.

The basis of meat okroshka is vegetables, to which meat is added in a 1: 1 ratio. Vegetable mass is used for cooking. In addition to vegetables, they take boiled meat, kvass, but not sweet drinking, but white. There are many options for making cold soup, the main thing is to combine the ingredients correctly so that you like the result.

How to do white kvass for okroshka

For cooking, rye malt and flour are used - 300 and 200 g each, respectively, barley malt 100 g, warm water 6 liters.

  1. Dry ingredients are mixed, a little boiling water is added and insisted for a third of an hour.
  2. Then the rest of the water is poured out so that the volume is 6 liters, yeast is added.
  3. When the liquid ferments (the process takes about 12 hours), it is placed in a cold place and kept for a day.

In okroshka they combine different vegetables and greens. One type of vegetables with minimal taste characteristics, the second - spicy vegetables that add spice to the dish. Have a neutral taste fresh cucumbers, ready potatoes, carrots. To make the soup tasty, the products are cut as small as possible.

Of the spicy vegetables, many people like to use celery. Chopped parsley, dill, green onion feathers are poured into the meat okroshka. Neutral components occupy a quarter of the volume, finely chopped onions - at least half the volume of spicy vegetables.

Lean meat is suitable (carbonade, tenderloin), it is recommended to combine different types. To preserve juiciness and taste, the meat is boiled in salted boiling water. Do not divide into parts, cook whole.

  1. Okroshka is complemented with spicy dressing, egg mass, sour cream. To prepare a spicy dressing, take hard-boiled eggs, mustard, black pepper, or use only the brine left over from pickles.
  2. The taste of meat okroshka can be enhanced by applying pickled apples, salted mushrooms. Before adding the dressing to the dish, it is diluted in a small amount of kvass. They are sent to the rest of the products, insist 30 minutes, and only then pour the liquid.
  3. Sour cream and finely chopped eggs are added last. Sometimes grated horseradish is used instead of mustard for spicy dressing.

These are the basic rules, but there are many recipes and each has certain features.

The classic recipe for combined meat okroshka

For the preparation of meat okroshka, fresh cucumbers, eggs, boiled potatoes are taken. Before putting the ham, the skin is removed from it.

  • smoked, pre-boiled low-fat ham, boiled tongue and beef - 50 g each;
  • cucumbers - 75 g;
  • potato tubers - 100 g;
  • eggs - large or two small;
  • 600 ml of kvass;
  • onions, greens;
  • a little mustard;
  • a pinch of salt, sugar to taste;
  • sour cream - a small amount for serving the dish.
  1. Cut the ingredients. Preferred cutting options - cube, straw. If necessary, peel the cucumbers.
  2. Having dissolved mustard, salt, sugar in a liquid, they move on to onions - they are rubbed with salt and thrown into kvass.
  3. Ingredients filled with kvass are sent to the refrigerator. Meat soup insist half an hour. Okroshka is consumed with parsley, dill, sour cream is put before serving.

Meat okroshka on kvass - 3 recipes

With boiled sausage

  1. All ingredients, except for the radish, are cut into equal pieces.
  2. Grind the radish, add dill, parsley, mustard, sour cream.
  3. Pour the components with kvass with thorough mixing.

with beef

  • beef - 200 g;
  • two medium eggs or three small ones;
  • two medium-sized cucumbers;
  • two radishes;
  • grated horseradish - 5 g;
  • 500 ml of kvass;
  • salt, sugar;
  • sour cream;
  • Dill.
  1. Radishes are cut into slices, the rest of the products are cut into cubes.
  2. The ingredients are combined, salted. Add spice with horseradish, onions. To give a green color, dill is used, sweets - sugar. Then kvass is used.
  3. Sour cream is put into ready meal immediately before use.

With beef and veal

  • lean meat - 300 g (two types of meat are taken in a 1: 1 ratio, pre-boiled);
  • cucumbers - 3 pcs.;
  • two eggs;
  • a bunch of onions;
  • kvass - 300 ml;
  • sour cream - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • a little mustard (0.5 tsp is enough);
  • sugar (2 tsp), salt to taste;
  • greenery.
  1. Chopped onions are salted, thoroughly rubbed. Crushed eggs are mixed into it.
  2. Make dressing by mixing sour cream, mustard. Add a little sugar, salt to taste. Mix thoroughly, send to kvass.
  3. Pour cubes of cucumbers, meat to the rest of the ingredients, stir.
  4. Sprinkle with parsley and dill before use.

Meat okroshka on kefir - 3 recipes

Classic kefir recipe

  1. Combine kefir and water. Add pre-cut into small pieces meat, egg (slices), greens. In addition to onions, it is recommended to use cilantro, dill.
  2. The components are salted, mixed.
  3. Okroshka on kefir is ready.

Okroshka with beef on kefir

  1. Boil, finely chop beef, eggs.
  2. Circles of vegetables, chopped parsley, chopped dill are sent to the bowl.
  3. After lightly salting the components, pour in kefir.

Okroshka with boiled sausage on kefir and mineral water

  • sausage - 125 g;
  • two potatoes;
  • eggs - 2 pcs.;
  • one large cucumber or two medium-sized;
  • radish - 2-3 pcs.;
  • water, kefir - 500 ml each;
  • a pinch of salt, pepper to taste;
  • greenery.
  1. Radishes are rubbed on a coarse grater, the rest of the products are finely cut.
  2. After adding salt, pepper and thoroughly mixing, pour the liquid, which consists of equal parts of kefir and water.

Okroshka with sausage on mineral water is consumed chilled.

Meat okroshka on whey - 2 recipes

  • fillet - 200 g;
  • one egg;
  • cucumber, potato;
  • two small radishes;
  • sour cream - 100 g;
  • a liter of whey;
  • mustard - 0.5 tsp;
  • a handful of chopped onion feathers, herbs;
  • a pinch of salt.
  1. Boiled fillets and potatoes are cut into pieces, as for a salad.
  2. For chopping fresh vegetables (radishes, cucumbers) use a medium grater.
  3. Eggs are crushed, fall asleep in a bowl. Chopped onions, parsley, dill are also sent there.
  4. The products are poured into a saucepan, the whey is poured.
  5. They take a small bowl, mix mustard (replacement with horseradish is allowed) with sour cream, salt. The resulting mass is added to the dish.
  6. The components are mixed, okroshka insist.

Combined okroshka on whey

  • beef - 400 g;
  • ham, veal - 300 g each;
  • eggs, cucumbers - 6 pcs.;
  • sour cream - 400 g;
  • 3 l of serum;
  • different types of greens, onions - in a large bunch;
  • mustard - 2 tsp, the same amount of sugar;
  • a pinch of salt.
  1. Ham and cucumbers are cut into strips. The meat is cooked and cut.
  2. The egg mass is mixed with prepared products.
  3. Chopped and mashed with salt onions in a bowl are combined with mustard, sour cream, sugar. The dressing is diluted in whey.
  4. In a saucepan, mix the ingredients, pour the whey.
  5. Meat okroshka is placed in the refrigerator, greens are added before use.

Meat okroshka on the water

  • sausage - 135 g (excellent substitute - ham);
  • sour cream - 90 g;
  • two medium potatoes;
  • cucumber;
  • eggs - one large or two small;
  • 900 ml of chilled water;
  • greenery.
  1. Eggs and potatoes are peeled, cut into very small pieces. Cucumbers and ham are cut in the same size.
  2. Fall asleep chopped greens.
  3. The amount of sour cream indicated in the recipe is added to the water, stirred until a homogeneous liquid is obtained, which is used for pouring.
  4. Cool the okroshka before serving.

How to cook okroshka in meat broth

According to this recipe, summer soup is prepared by lovers to make the dish more fatty and with a rich taste.

  • boiled beef- 420 g;
  • kefir - 240 ml;
  • sour cream - 60 ml;
  • potatoes - 160 g;
  • medium cucumber;
  • eggs - 2 pcs.;
  • broth - 115 ml;
  • a handful of chopped onions;
  • greenery.
  1. Products are cut into cubes, chopped greens, fall asleep with onions.
  2. Liquids are mixed with sour cream, used for pouring.

Impossible to eat hot soups in the summer heat? Then choose meat okroshka, a dish that, due to the variety of recipes, does not get bored. Want to make some changes? Create your own recipes.

Using experience and imagination, taking into account your own taste preferences, you will get a result that will surely please appearance, taste and aroma. Choose any basis, cook for yourself, your family, and hot days will not seem so painful.


Okroshka with beef

Really warm days have come, the bright sun is shining outside the window, the trills of birds are sounding - the mood is wonderful, spring, the soul rejoices and sings: “Summer is coming!”.

On such days, I want to cook something light, summery - in this case, okroshka with beef is perfect - a cold soup that almost everyone knows and loves. The principle of cooking a primordially Russian dish is simple - first, meat, vegetables and herbs are chopped, then they are mixed, dressing and a liquid base are added.

As liquid base in the classic okroshka with beef, unsweetened bread kvass usually appears. The composition of the products in this dish is not strictly regulated, but, as a rule, boiled beef, potatoes, fresh cucumbers, eggs, radishes and greens are present in the classic recipe.

Okroshka, before pouring it with kvass, it is advisable to place it in the refrigerator for 30 minutes, or add ice cubes to each plate.

Okroshka with beef on kvass: a classic recipe


Cooking okroshka with beef: a step by step recipe

To prepare okroshka on kvass with beef, all ingredients must be chilled. Therefore, it is advisable to boil meat, potatoes and eggs in advance and place them in the refrigerator.

  1. We cut the boiled beef across the fibers into cubes, with a side of 1 cm or a little less.
  2. Peel boiled potatoes and boiled eggs, cut into cubes of the same size.
  3. Radishes are also cut into cubes. If you grate it on a coarse grater (or chop), then the taste of radish will be felt stronger.
  4. Fresh cucumbers, like other ingredients, cut into small cubes. If the skin is bitter or rough, then it is advisable to peel the cucumbers.
  5. Finely chop parsley and dill.
  6. Finely grind green onion, rub it with salt in a separate bowl.
  7. We spread chopped potatoes, eggs, radishes, cucumbers, onions in a large container, add beef.
  8. Season with sour cream, mix.
  9. Add chopped herbs, mustard, sugar, salt. Pour the ingredients with kvass.

10. Gently mix.

11. We lay out the classic okroshka with beef on portioned plates, adding, if desired, ice cubes.

Kvass for the preparation of okroshka can be used purchased, designed specifically for okroshka. But you can cook it yourself at home. Fragrant homemade kvass is prepared quickly and easily.

Recipe for homemade kvass for okroshka

  • yesterday Rye bread cut into slices.
  • Dry it in a preheated oven until dark brown (do not overcook, otherwise the kvass will be bitter).
  • Pour the resulting croutons (50 g) with hot boiled water (6 cups) and leave to infuse for 5 hours.
  • We filter the infusion, add sugar (1 tablespoon), yeast (1.5 g), a handful of washed raisins.
  • We let our kvass stand for 8 hours in a warm place, then we filter it and put it in the refrigerator. Real homemade kvass for okroshka is ready.

Let's try to cook okroshka according to another recipe. Kvass is also desirable to use home-made.

Okroshka with beef meat


  • Kvass - 1 l;
  • Boiled beef - 250 g;
  • Fresh cucumber - 2 pcs.;
  • Boiled egg - 2 pcs.;
  • Green onion - 75 g;
  • Sour cream - 3 tablespoons;
  • Salt, sugar, mustard - to taste;
  • Parsley, dill - to taste.

How to cook meat okroshka on kvass

  1. Cut boiled beef into small cubes.
  2. We clean the fresh cucumbers and cut them into cubes too.
  3. Finely chop the green onion and lightly rub with salt.
  4. Squirrels boiled eggs chop finely.
  5. Grind egg yolks with sour cream, salt, sugar and mustard.
  6. Mix seasoned sour cream with proteins and onions.
  7. We breed kvass.
  8. Add cucumbers and beef, mix everything thoroughly.

Serve on the table, sprinkled with finely chopped parsley and dill, and put ice cubes in each plate.

Try to cook and see for yourself what is the most tasty dish in the summer heat - this is okroshka with beef, it not only nourishes, but also perfectly quenches thirst.

As for okroshka as a dish in general, almost everyone can hear an affirmatively positive answer about whether they like its taste or not. But if we consider food options using one or another basis for its preparation, opinions here differ significantly. Someone likes okroshka on kefir with sausage, someone prefers a dish on the water with boiled tongue. And some are simply crazy about the taste of food on broth or kvass with meat. Each of the options in a particular region is considered a classic, and we will consider the preparation of the most popular of them below in our recipes.

Okroshka - a classic recipe with kefir sausage


  • kefir - 650 ml;
  • boiled doctor's sausage- 275 g;
  • fresh cucumbers - 275 g;
  • coarse salt - to taste;
  • boiled water (optional) - to taste.


To prepare okroshka according to this recipe, we cut sausage, eggs, potatoes and cucumbers into approximately equal cubes. Grind the radish all the same cubes, only as finely as possible. We also finely chop the stalks of green onions and dill sprigs. Combine all prepared ingredients in a bowl, season with salt and mix. To serve in plates, we put the prepared thick filling in portions and pour it with kefir. If kefir is too thick, then it can be diluted with a little boiled chilled water before use.

Absolutely identical to the classic recipe for okroshka with whey sausage, where it is used instead of kefir. For greater saturation, in this case, as a rule, sour cream or mayonnaise is additionally added to the plate to taste.

Okroshka - a classic recipe for kvass with beef


  • - 950 ml;
  • beef boiled until tender - 275 g;
  • medium-sized chicken eggs, hard-boiled and peeled - 4 pcs.;
  • green onion stalks - 3-4 pcs.;
  • medium-sized radish - 5 pcs.;
  • fresh cucumbers - 275 g;
  • potatoes boiled in their skins and peeled - 350 g;
  • sprigs of fresh dill - 5-7 pcs.;
  • coarse salt - to taste;
  • sour cream - to taste.


We prepare a thick base for okroshka in the same way as the recipe described above, but instead of sausage, in this case we cut the beef boiled to softness into medium-sized cubes. For the rest, we also mix the ingredients crushed into cubes, add some salt and arrange them in portions on plates. Pour everything with kvass, add about a tablespoon of sour cream for each serving and mix. Kvass in this case is better to use unsweetened.

Okroshka - a classic recipe with sausage on the water with vinegar



The preparatory stage in the process of preparing okroshka on water is not much different from the previous ones. Grind sausage, cucumbers, eggs and potatoes into cubes and place in a saucepan. Add chopped green onion, dill and fill everything with water, which must be boiled in advance and cooled in the refrigerator. Add sour cream or classic mayonnaise, salt to taste and add vinegar. The latter can be replaced if desired. lemon juice or citric acid. You can serve the dish immediately, but it is advisable to let it brew a little in the refrigerator.

Cold soups are very popular in summer, when we look for freshness and lightness in drinks and dishes to help endure the heat.

That is why we want to tell you about how okroshka with meat is prepared - a kind of Russian dish that is often present on the tables in the summer. This cold meat soup has many cooking variations, today we will look at the most delicious and most successful of them.

It is erroneously considered that classic okroshka prepared using boiled sausages, but this is not entirely true. A modernized recipe can and does allow the addition of this ingredient, but in ancient times, when such sausages were not produced, people used pure meat.

Yes, let's be honest, meat product, which is now sold in stores, can hardly be called natural. Even the most expensive varieties of boiled sausages contain a small amount of meat in their composition.

If you avoid such products or just like to eat everything natural, then meat okroshka is exactly the dish that will help you successfully resist the summer heat.

At the same time, the presence of meat in this cold soup makes it quite satisfying. This combination of qualities has made this dish a real favorite in the former CIS and far beyond its borders.

Those gourmets who cannot imagine their life without meat will especially appreciate the recipe for mixed okroshka. In addition, you will certainly be pleased with the original version of this dish, prepared with fried meat. But, perhaps, let's not rush and consider each recipe closer.


  • Meat (beef, pork)- 300 g + -
  • - 1 PC + -
  • - 1 PC + -
  • - 2 pcs + -
  • - 1 PC + -
  • - 2 pcs + -
  • Kvass - 1.5 l + -
  • Cucumber pickle— 0.5 l + -
  • - 1 tbsp. + -
  • Parsley, dill, green onion- 1 bunch + -
  • - taste + -
  • - taste + -

How to cook okroshka on kvass with meat

  1. The meat should be boiled in a small amount of salted water. After that, we take it out of the broth, cool it and chop it very finely. Pour into a deep container.
  2. Hard-boil the eggs and cool under running water. cold water. Peel off the shell and chop finely, add to the meat.
  3. My potatoes and boil directly in their skins. According to the same scheme, cool, clean and then cut into a small cube.
  4. Peel fresh cucumber and onion. Cucumbers of both types are cut into cubes, like potatoes, but we cut the onion very, very finely. Combine all previously chopped ingredients.
  5. In a separate container, mix brine, mustard, kvass and finely chopped greens. Mix everything until the mustard is completely dissolved.
  6. Pour the previously chopped vegetables, eggs and meat with our solution and mix. Salt, pepper and taste.
  7. We put the container in the refrigerator for half an hour. After that, serve to the table, adding a little sour cream to each serving.

If you want your okroshka to be very tasty, then take the choice of meat seriously. Here it is the main ingredient and therefore the quality requirements are quite high.

Choose only the meat in which the number of veins is minimal, and all films must first be removed.

Recipe for okroshka in meat broth with meat


  • Beef - 300g;
  • Potatoes - 3 pcs;
  • Chicken eggs - 3 pcs;
  • Fresh cucumbers - 3 pcs;
  • Radishes - 5 pcs;
  • Mayonnaise - 1 tbsp;
  • Sour cream - 2 tablespoons;
  • Citric acid - 0.5 tsp;
  • Meat broth - 2 l;
  • Salt and black pepper - to taste.

Cooking okroshka in meat broth

  1. Place the meat in a small amount of water and bring to a boil. We drain this water and pour in new, salt, it should be a little more than two liters, since part of it will evaporate during the cooking process. When the meat is ready, take it out, and cool the broth and put it in the refrigerator.
  2. Finely chop the beef and place in a bowl in which we will continue our cooking.
  3. Boil the potatoes in their skins, then cool and cut into small cubes.
  4. Wash fresh vegetables and cut into quarters, pour into a bowl.
  5. Eggs are also boiled, cooled under cold water and cleaned. After finely chop and combine with the rest of the ingredients.
  6. We take out the broth from the refrigerator. Pour acid into it, add mayonnaise and sour cream. Here you need to add finely chopped onion, parsley and dill.
  7. Pour solid ingredients with our broth. Salt and pepper, then mix thoroughly. We try to taste, if everything is in order, put in the refrigerator for another hour.
  8. After this time, the dish is ready and it can be served at the table.

If you wish, you can replace citric acid with freshly squeezed lemon juice. In this case, its amount should be equal to 1 tablespoon. This value can be adjusted to your liking.

Meat okroshka: whey recipe


  • Meat (beef or pork) - 200 g;
  • Smoked meats - 100 g;
  • Chicken eggs - 2 pcs;
  • Fresh cucumbers - 2 pcs;
  • Potatoes - 3 pcs;
  • Sour cream - 100 g;
  • Serum - 1 l;
  • Parsley, dill, green onions - 1 bunch each;
  • Salt and pepper - to taste.

How to make okroshka on whey with meat

  1. The meat should be boiled until tender. Then let it cool down and finely chop.
  2. Boil the potatoes in their skins, let them cool, peel and cut into cubes with a side of half a centimeter.
  3. Smoked meats are cut in a similar way.
  4. Hard boil eggs, cool in cold water, peel and finely chop.
  5. Cucumbers need to be washed, if desired, peeled and cut into cubes.
  6. We combine all our cuts in a sufficiently deep container and set aside, now we are engaged in refueling.
  7. We mix whey with sour cream, pour finely chopped and washed greens here, mix everything until sour cream is completely mixed with whey.
  8. Pour the rest of the ingredients with the resulting liquid. Add salt and pepper. Put in the refrigerator for half an hour or an hour.
  9. After the specified time, the dish is completely ready.

Meat Okroshka Recipe

lovers meat dishes will be delighted with this cold soup, because it contains three types of meat at once. At the exit, we get a kind of chilled hodgepodge that will surely conquer you from the first spoon.


  • Beef tongue - 100 g;
  • Chicken fillet - 100 g;
  • Smoked pork - 100 g;
  • Ready mustard - 1 tbsp;
  • Chicken eggs - 3 pcs;
  • Fresh cucumbers - 3 pcs;
  • Dill, parsley, green onions - 1 bunch each;
  • Kvass (preferably white) - 1.5 l;
  • Sour cream - to taste.

How to cook okroshka team with meat

  1. Languages chicken fillet should be boiled until done. Remove the skin from the tongue, and then finely chop both types of meat.
  2. We cut the smoked meats into small cubes, pour all three types of meat into a deep container, in which we will continue our cooking further.
  3. Hard-boil the eggs, then cool them under running cold water, peel them and finely chop them.
  4. Thoroughly wash cucumbers and greens under running water, cut cucumbers into cubes, and finely chop the greens. We combine all the ingredients.
  5. In a separate container, mix kvass and mustard, mix until the mustard is completely dissolved. Fill with this solution our remaining components.
  6. Fresh cucumber - 1 pc;
  7. Radishes - 5 pcs;
  8. Chicken eggs - 3 pcs;
  9. Ready mustard - 2 tablespoons;
  10. Lemon juice - 1 tablespoon;
  11. Sour cream - 3 tablespoons;
  12. Green onions, parsley, dill - 1 bunch each;
  13. Vegetable oil - 1 tablespoon;
  14. Salt and black pepper - to taste;
  15. Kvass (preferably white) - 0.5 liters.
  16. How to make okroshka with fried meat

    1. Pour vegetable oil into a frying pan and heat over medium heat. We put the meat here and fry until cooked. Don't fry it too long as the meat will dry out.
    2. We cut our fried meat into small cubes.
    3. Wash and cut vegetables in the same way.
    4. Hard-boil chicken eggs, cool with cold water, then clean them and chop finely. We mix all the ingredients.
    5. Separately, mix sour cream, mustard, lemon juice, and finely chopped greens, mix everything and add to our cut.
    6. Pour the resulting mass with kvass, salt, pepper and check for taste, after which we send it to cool and infuse in the refrigerator for half an hour. The dish is now ready to be served.

    prepared according to this original recipe okroshka with meat is somewhat different from classic dish palatability. So if you usually don't really like cold soups, try this variety of this dish, this okroshka will surprise you.

Okroshka is a type of cold soups, the basis for the preparation of which are whey, kefir, mineral water or kvass. But the most important thing in okroshka is the vegetable mass. This cold soup comes in three varieties: meat, vegetables, and fish. And today we are preparing a recipe - okroshka with meat on kefir from our culinary notebook. How to cook delicious okroshka with meat.


Okroshka recipe with meat


- th knitted fillet - 300 gr;

- table salt;

- kefir - 500 ml;

- potato tubers - 2 pcs;

- radish - 1 pc, or radish - 200 gr

- a bunch of green onions - 1 pc;

- fresh cucumber - 1 pc;

- hard boiled egg - 4 pcs.

Cooking okroshka with meat

Step 1.

We clean the washed radish and rub it coarsely on a grater. Or use radish instead of radish. You need to cut it into thin circles.

Step 2

In the "uniform" boil the potato tubers. When potatoes are cooked, peel and cut into cubes.

Step 3

Cut the washed cucumber into cubes or strips.

Step 4

Finely chop the green onions.

Step 5

We mix the prepared products and season them with salt.

Step 6 .

Fill the whole mass with kefir.

Step 7

On plates, pour the finished okroshka with meat, adding a chopped egg into each quarter. Good appetite! We hope you enjoyed our okroshka with kefir meat.


Okroshka can be seasoned with kefir, kvass, whey, and even mineral water. You can add mustard, it will give spicy taste okroshka and sharpness with aroma. Radishes are also often added to okroshka.

Some people make okroshka according to the Olivier salad principle, that is, the ingredients are the same, but they are seasoned not with mayonnaise, but with kefir or whey. It turns out a kind of liquid Olivier. Okroshka generally loves fantasy. Experiment and your okroshka will turn out the most delicious!

Finally, we offer you a joke about okroshka and a video recipe.

Our meeting was one big and continuous mistake. It was necessary to break off all relations with her back then, in the summer, when she offered me to warm up the okroshka.

Video recipe for okroshka on kefir and mineral water

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