Home Salads and appetizers Meringue recipe from Alexander Seleznev. Meringue cake with wild berries from Alexander Seleznev Light cake with fruits. Cooking an airy fruit cake

Meringue recipe from Alexander Seleznev. Meringue cake with wild berries from Alexander Seleznev Light cake with fruits. Cooking an airy fruit cake

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Light fruit cake. Cooking an airy fruit cake.

Recipe - Pie with cherries and meringue

Biscuit on yolks. Recipe for biscuit cake on egg yolks.

Egg yolk (8 pieces) - 171 grams
Sugar (in dough - 171 grams in cream - 230 grams in syrup - 120 grams - 521 grams
Flour (sifted) - 197 grams
Egg white (8 pieces) - 256 grams
Vanilla essence - 0.2 grams
Citric acid - 0.1 grams
Water (in cream - 75 grams in syrup - 70 grams - 145 grams
Condensed milk (in cream) - 80 grams
Butter (in cream) - 350 grams
Chocolate (in glaze) - 100 grams
Vegetable oil (for glaze) - one tablespoon
Liqueur (in syrup) - one teaspoon

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Recipe - Meringue Cake with Cream

Recipe: meringue cake with Charlotte cream and nuts from videoculinary.ru

raspberry dacquoise recipe

Raspberries have already appeared on sale, but the raspberry season itself is still coming - it will not be superfluous to stock up on a delicious recipe in advance.

Blackberry frozen - 250 grams

Frozen pitted cherries - 200 grams

Powdered sugar for dusting

Sugar - 250 grams

Oatmeal (preferably fast food) - 50 grams

Fresh egg whites - three pieces

Cream with a fat content of 35% - 300 milliliters

Kiev cake recipe at home. How to cook Kiev cake with your own hands?

Recipe Ingredients:

Biscuit thin:

Eggs - two pieces

Sugar - three quarters of a cup

Flour - three quarters of a cup

Vanilla sugar - ten grams

Eggs - three pieces

Sugar - one glass

Starch - one teaspoon

Flour - one teaspoon

Walnuts - 1/2 cup

Vanilla sugar - five grams

Butter - two packs of two hundred grams

Condensed milk - one can

Cocoa - two tablespoons

Hazelnuts - thirteen pieces

Coconut flakes - half a bag

Shortbread lemon cake - light and fresh bakery for tea. A cake with a delicate sand base and fragrant lemon cream turns out to be incredibly tasty, fragrant and bright in summer. To prepare such a cake, you can use the recipe selected in the article with a photo.

Recipe Ingredients:

Cherry cake:

butter - about a hundred grams

half a glass of condensed milk

two hundred and fifty grams of frozen cherries

one hundred grams of white chocolate

cream twenty percent - one hundred grams

at your request one pack of red jelly for decoration

Lemon Cake:

One pack of cookies

three chicken eggs

one second cans of condensed milk

2 or 3 lemons zest of 1 lemon

one hundred grams of powdered sugar

seventy grams of butter

Pie "Tears of an angel" will easily pass a rigorous selection among those recipes that you can surprise your loved one with. This cheese cake perfect for romantic dinner both in its composition, and in design and, of course, in taste.
Custard for "Napoleon" it turns out surprisingly tender and tasty. This cream can also be used for honey cake, for custards, for meringues, for biscuits and for various desserts. At the end of cooking, it is important to gradually add to the cream butter, previously well mashed with a fork.

Now on the menu Intercontinental Moscow Tverskaya new dessert coming Aurora", for the creation of which Alexandra Selezneva inspired by famous TV presenter Aurora.

“Today we are in the kitchen of the Intercontinental Moscow Tverskaya hotel. And we will cook melon soup with French meringues. Let's start with the longest: it's French meringue, it's baked for two hours in the oven. Then we’ll prepare “caviar” from balsamic vinegar, then – melon soup, which should be served ice-cold.”



For the meringue:

3 eggs (100 g protein)
100 g powdered sugar
100 g sugar
sprig of rosemary
Coconut to taste

For "caviar":

100 ml balsamic vinegar
10 g gelatin

For melon soup:

1 medium orange melon
1 orange or 2 tangerines
A little mint syrup
A little Cointreau
Fresh mint to taste

For submission:

100 g heavy cream, 33-35% fat


1. Take three proteins, separating the proteins from the yolks.

2. Start whipping the protein, and then gradually add sugar in a thin stream. Protein with sugar is whipped for five to seven minutes. Beat until the sugar is completely dissolved in the protein.

BY THE WAY: checking meringue. If the sugar creaks on your teeth, then you need to continue to beat until a homogeneous mass is obtained. Also, the readiness of the protein is determined by the peaks. If they do not hang down, but keep their shape, then the protein is ready.

The readiness of the protein is determined by the peaks.


Prepare the rosemary: separate the leaves from the stem and finely chop.


BY THE WAY: powder, flour and starch must be sifted so that there are no lumps and impurities.

Pour 100 g of powdered sugar, sifting it with a special device.

5. Add chopped rosemary and mix gently from bottom to top.

6. Take a confectionery sheet, put a silicone mat on it. You can also use parchment.

7. Form the meringue by carefully laying it on the parchment using a stencil. Smooth out with a spatula.

Form the meringue by carefully laying it on the parchment using a stencil.

BY THE WAY: in meringue, you can also add thyme, lavender, mint or lemon zest.

8. Sprinkle the top of the meringue with coconut flakes.

9. Bake the meringue at 90°C for two hours.

international confectioner, host of the Sweet Stories program

I usually put either sorbet or ice cream between the French meringue, but this time I suggest adding whipped cream. They can be deposited from a pastry bag, or you can make dumplings with two tablespoons. Cream should be fatty, 33-35% fat. They need to be beaten with a whisk for one to two minutes.

Preparation of "caviar":

10. To do this, put the gelatin in ice water and let it swell for two to three minutes.

Gelatin put in ice water and let it swell for two to three minutes.

11. warm up balsamic vinegar to boil it out.

BY THE WAY: gelatin is used for jelly, for the preparation of mousses, jelly.


Combine vinegar with swollen gelatin and mix.

13. Cool vinegar to room temperature.

14. Roll a carnet out of parchment and pour a mixture of gelatin and vinegar into it.

BY THE WAY: A carnet is a tube of parchment rolled into a cone, which is used to decorate dishes with cream and butter.

A carnet is a tube of parchment rolled into a cone.

15. Prepare parchment. Release balsamic vinegar with gelatin one drop per parchment, so that small drops are obtained.

BY THE WAY: it is important to catch the moment when the consistency of the mixture is such that the drops will not spread and will keep their shape.

Release balsamic vinegar with gelatin one drop per parchment, so that small drops are obtained.

16. Send the finished caviar to the refrigerator for fifteen minutes so that the jelly freezes.

Melon Soup:


Cut the melon into cubes about 1x1cm.

18. Separate 200 g of melon cubes, and puree the rest in a blender with the juice of one orange or two tangerines. Add some mint liqueur and fresh mint if desired.

Serving the dish:

19. Take a soup bowl. Put a metal ring in the middle of the plate in order to put the melon tar-tar (diced pieces of melon) there. Tamp it so that later, when the ring is removed, the “tower” does not fall apart.

Put a metal ring in the middle of the plate and put melon tar-tar there

20. Carefully pour the soup into a bowl.

21. Whip cream. Take the “petals” of the meringue, put a ball of whipped cream on one petal and cover with the second petal.

Put a ball of whipped cream on one petal and cover with a second petal.


Decorate the meringues with balsamic vinegar "caviar".

23. Carefully remove the metal ring and put on the "tower" of meringue pieces.

Dessert is ready!

Photos courtesy of OK!

Source: domashniy.ru

Amazing lightweight and air cake With juicy stuffing from plums, raspberries or any other berries and fruits of your choice.
Meringue are protein and sugar. It is prepared very easily and simply, and does not require confectionery skills. To prepare the meringue, take three eggs and separate the protein from the yolk. Proteins need to be whipped perfectly in a clean bowl: if even a small drop of fat gets in, the protein may not whip. After preparing the meringue, using a pastry bag, place the beaten egg whites in a spiral on the parchment so that you get a cake. Bake the cake in the oven at a low temperature, and while it is baking, prepare the cream and filling.

You will need:
3 egg whites
175 g powdered sugar
6 g cornmeal
20 g nuts
250 g cheese
15 ml orange juice
30 g yogurt
3 plums
225 g raspberries
15 ml honey

"For 100% egg whites to be perfectly whipped, I recommend that you add a pinch of salt or lemon juice: then the structure of the protein will be more dense and stable.
When the proteins are whipped with powdered sugar, you need to add a little cornmeal. Cornmeal won't let our protein settle."

- Alexander Seleznev , confectioner, host of the Sweet Stories program.

Meringue cake with forest berries recipe:

Prepare the protein mass by whipping the proteins with powdered sugar with the addition of salt or lemon juice,
Finally add cornmeal.
"Powdered sugar must be sifted to get rid of excess lumps.
While beating the protein, add the powdered sugar gradually: this is necessary so that it does not settle.
To prepare the cream, Mascarpone cheese is used or thick sour cream.
The second ingredient is yogurt.
Can add Orange juice: it will give the cream an unforgettable aroma!"
Bake the product for 1 hour at a temperature of 140 ° C.
Put the cream, nuts, raspberries and plums on the chilled meringue.
Lubricate the product with honey.

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