Home Preparations for the winter Scallop. Sea scallops - benefits and harms

Scallop. Sea scallops - benefits and harms

Sea scallops are considered special delicacies. These products contain a huge range of useful substances, but they also have contraindications. In this regard, to the topic of the benefits and harms scallops has always received close attention.

Useful properties of scallops

  1. These seafood contain iodine, calcium, iron, and copper. It was found that all trace elements from shellfish are completely absorbed. Therefore, they will be very useful for people with arthritis, gout, rheumatism, diseases of the joints and bone tissue.
  2. Sea scallops regulate blood cholesterol levels. This is due to the high content of sterol. The latter is known for its usefulness in heart diseases. It is worth noting that vitamin B12 is included in the sterol, which improves mood and helps fight depression.
  3. Another benefit of scallops is to increase sexual desire in men. They regulate reproductive function and are even able to eliminate impotence. These shellfish have long been known as excellent aphrodisiacs.
  4. They contain vitamin PP, which replenishes the composition of enzymes that affect cellular respiration. Scallops have been found to increase general tone organism, therefore it is recommended to people of advanced age.
  5. Fatty acids and omega-6 are very important for the body. They prevent the risk of developing serious and in some cases incurable diseases. These acids are also part of the beneficial shellfish.

Calorie content of sea scallops

Shellfish have gained great fame in dietetics. With such a large amount of minerals, vitamins, polyunsaturated fatty acids, scallops are very low in calories. 100 g of the product contains 90 kcal. In addition, seafood speeds up the metabolism. Therefore, they fit so well into various diets and allow cells to get all the necessary vitamins. This has a beneficial effect on the figure - the result will be noticeable after a few months of regular use of seafood.

Contraindications for scallops

Shellfish is not recommended for people with an excess of calcium in the body. Also at some people have been allergic to one of the elements that make up these seafood. Scallops have one unpleasant feature - they accumulate toxins. Therefore, before buying, you need to carefully look at their appearance. There should be no blue, plaque or unpleasant odor on top. In some cases, it was these signs that led to poisoning, and not allergies at all.

The benefits of sea scallops are invaluable. These amazing seafood give the human body almost everything it needs. Therefore, after their use, there is a feeling of lightness and emotional upsurge. It is important to remember to purchase fresh products and store them properly.

Delicate sweet meat of scallops is considered a delicacy. This marine animal is familiar to many firsthand. From the warm seas we bring small shells resembling a fan in shape and having a variety of colors. These are the wings of our scallops. Looking at them, it becomes clear why they were called that. The ribbed surface really resembles a comb. Between two such valves, the mollusk lives. Opening and closing them, he moves along the seabed in search of food or fleeing from the main enemy - the starfish.

Scallops from the northern seas and the Far East get to the store shelves. Their sizes can reach 20 cm in diameter. A large muscle of a mollusk and a bag of caviar are used as food. They are sold frozen, salted or pickled.

Composition of scallops

Sea scallops are very tasty and are used in various dishes Oh. Their meat is classified as dietary products. In addition, they contain a huge amount of substances necessary for the human body for normal operation. For example, the scallop muscle contains essential amino acids, nitrogenous substances and lipids.

As you know, the human body synthesizes only 8 types of amino acids. And 12 more species he needs to get with food for the construction of protein, which at one time serves as a building material for absolutely all organs, ligaments, tendons, glands and other parts of the body. Lipids are necessary for the body to supply energy to intercellular processes.

You can also meet scallops with or without armor. The meat can vary in color - from grayish pink to bright orange. Dishes with scallop exists in many countries. This product is especially appreciated in Japan, China, France, Spain and Croatia. Salads, soups, appetizers, aspic and much more are prepared from scallops.

Royal scallops

This dish is very easy to prepare. And his taste is truly royal. To prepare it, you will need 400 g of scallops, 100 g of butter, rice (by eye), 100 g of sweet pepper, 100 g of onions and 100 g of ketchup or tomato paste.

You need to cook two pans at once. Put 50 g on one butter and all the scallops, salt them a little. You need to fry them until golden brown. From time to time, the scallops need to be turned over. Now you can finely chop the pepper and onion. Put the remaining butter in the second pan, when it melts, you need to add vegetables. When they are slightly fried, you can add ketchup and warm the sauce for 2 minutes. Boil the rice and place on a large flat plate. To make the rice golden, you can add curry or turmeric during cooking, as well as any spices to give piquant taste. Top the scallops with the prepared sauce. On the sides of the plate you can lay out sprigs of greenery.

Teriyaki sea scallops

This recipe came to us from Japan. In this country they know a lot about cooking seafood. We will need 300 g of scallops, 1 lettuce leaf, 4 tablespoons soy sauce, 2 tablespoons sake (rice vodka) or sherry, 1 tablespoon sesame oil, half teaspoon each grated ginger and crushed garlic.

Mix soy sauce, sake, sesame oil, ginger and garlic in a large bowl. Soak the scallops in this marinade for 2 hours. If among the scallops there are especially large ones, they can be cut in half. The oven must be heated to 200 degrees. On a baking sheet, you can put baking paper or foil greased with oil. Scallops need to be dried a little and laid out in one layer. They bake for 4 minutes. After that, they need to be turned over and left in the oven for another 1 minute, repeat this action again. A lettuce leaf is laid out on a dish, and baked scallops are placed on top.

Country style sea scallops

For this dish we need scallops, flour, olive oil, tomato juice, tomatoes, parsley, cilantro, lemon juice, ketchup and juice. The recipe is good because there is no need to observe strict proportions. Everything is done by eye.

Scallops need to be thawed, washed and dried with a paper towel. In a deep plate, mix the flour and salt, then put the scallops there and roll them in the resulting mixture.

Pour a little into the heated pan olive oil, lay out the scallops and fry for 5 minutes on both sides. Now we can move on to making the sauce. To do this, put tomatoes in a saucepan - fresh or canned, pour them tomato juice and add some ketchup for spiciness. We also add finely chopped parsley and cilantro. Greens should be quite a lot. Later you need to add crushed garlic. Now we put our scallops in this tomato mixture, put them out on medium heat for about three minutes, and then on low heat for another 5 minutes. Get a sort of stew of tomatoes, herbs and scallops.


What is a scallop

Scallops (Pectinidae) are a family of marine bivalve mollusks from the order Pectinoida. They have an uneven shell with ears - relatively large areas in front and behind the top. Scallops are known for their ability to move through the water column, creating jet thrust by frequently flapping their valves. They live in all oceans. Most species are fishery objects: scallop meat is a delicacy, and shells are used for decorative purposes.

Scallop meat is tender, slightly sweet in taste. Sea scallops are used to prepare various dishes. They can also be eaten and raw. Scallops are used for cooking second courses, as well as salads. Scallops are an integral part of many French dishes.


Scallop- a bivalve mollusk, lives in almost all seas and oceans. The greatest depth where scallops were found is the Kuriles - the Kamchatka Trench of the Pacific Ocean (8100 m).

All scallops are filter feeders. One scallop with a shell diameter of 4 cm can filter about 3 liters of water per hour, and a 7 cm specimen can filter up to 25 liters. The annual volume of scallop fishing is 12 million tons.

Externally, the scallop resembles an oyster, but there are still differences. The outer surface of the shell of the scallop is covered with convex rollers and fan-shaped grooves, and inside the mantle there is a fleshy film that envelops all parts of the body of the mollusk.

The scallop reaches from 2 to 20 centimeters in diameter. It is attached inside the shell with the help of a special leg on which the byssus are located. The color of the shell can be very different, the black and white pattern makes the shells unique. The body of the mollusk is covered with a special protective film - the mantle. It performs a protective function. It also contains many of the scallop's eyes, allowing it to see, albeit very close. In the structure of the scallop there are small tentacles that perform the function of touch. With their help, the mollusk recognizes foreign bodies that enter the shell and divides them into edible and not.

Scallop is quite difficult to find raw. This is a very specific product, in order to preserve its properties for as long as possible, the caught mollusks are frozen or salted. In this form, scallops are packaged and sold. They need to be thawed out gradually. room temperature by putting them in cold water. Freezing shellfish a second time is not recommended.

Useful properties of scallops

Scallop - useful product for healthy eaters.

One hundred grams of scallop contains 70 g of water, 19 g of proteins (including 15% glutamic acid, 7% arginine, 7% leucine, 6% lysine, 5% phenylalanine, 4% aspartic acid, 2% proline, 2% histidine and 2% tyrosine), 2 g fat and 3 g carbohydrates.

Mollusk meat contains 165 mg of chlorine, 60 to 190 mg of calcium, 0.7 mg of zinc, 55 µg of chromium, 430 µg of fluorine, 4 µg of molybdenum, 6 µg of nickel, 3 µg of iron, and 90 to 200 mg of vitamin B1 , from 80 to 120 mg of vitamin B2, 2.905 mg of vitamin PP.

  • Calorie content of scallop (88 kcal), its complete proteins make up 17.5 g%, and fats (2 g) include essential fatty acids.
  • It contributes to the prevention and treatment of the endocrine, cardiovascular and nervous systems.
  • Scallops are very actively used to improve metabolism, strengthen the immune system.
  • Scallop is a source of substances necessary for our body, such as iodine, magnesium, phosphorus, zinc, iron, nickel, cobalt.
  • There are many vitamins in scallops, including group B, which contribute to the preservation of our nervous system in proper condition. In addition, for example, vitamin B12 (riboflavin), contained in scallops, is necessary for maintaining vision, and its deficiency leads to anemia.

Scallop meat lowers cholesterol levels in the blood, normalizes metabolism, improves the functioning of the nervous, endocrine and cardiovascular systems, and increases the overall tone of the human body. A large amount of iodine in the composition of scallops, as well as a high biological value, allow us to recommend them as required product in the nutrition of patients with atherosclerosis.

The low-fat protein of this shellfish is easily absorbed even by a weakened digestive system, so scallops can and should be included in the diet of recovering patients recuperating after surgery or treatment. This food is suitable for both children and the elderly. Sports and fitness enthusiasts seeking to build a muscular and beautiful body appreciate scallops for their high amount of essential amino acids and eat them even during pre-competition drying. Finally, scallops are worth a try for everyone who is not indifferent to tasty and healthy food and likes to cook at home.

Harm of scallops

You can not abuse shellfish to people with an excess of calcium, iodine or phosphorus in the body.

Possible harm to scallops in case of violation of their storage conditions, they are very "capricious" and quickly deteriorate. Do not defrost seafood too often. If they are past their expiration date, eating such food can cause serious poisoning.

It is possible to determine whether scallops will be harmed by their appearance. They should not have raids, blue and unpleasant odors. There is some feature of mollusks that is unpleasant for humans - this is the ability to accumulate toxins that, if they enter our body, can cause poisoning.

Scallop for men

Scallop in Asian culture rises to one of the indispensable means to increase potency in men. Scientists have proven that regular consumption of scallop helps not only restore sexual function, but also maintain it at a high level for a long time.

Scallops in our industrial age are also bred in captivity, but the process is difficult, because unlike mussels and oysters, scallops are very mobile.

The best scallops are freshly caught. However, given the great demand for this delicacy all over the world, people had to learn how to freeze and salt them.

How to select and clean scallop

Edible scallops are caviar pouch and muscle.

Sea scallops are used to prepare various delicious dishes. It is especially famous for this french cuisine. Mollusks are used for salads, cabbage rolls, pies, meatballs, soups. They are boiled, stewed, fried.

And, like all bivalves, gourmets eat scallops raw. Of course, freshly caught scallops are suitable for this purpose.

The shells of live mollusks are usually slightly open, and when you knock on the shell, it closes.

The scallops must be absolutely fresh and cooking must not be delayed. While preparatory work is underway, put the clams in the refrigerator for a short while.

Stores usually sell quick-frozen scallops without shells. The best color for these scallops is creamy white or pinkish, with a slight fresh smell. They need to be thawed by transferring from the freezer to the refrigerator.

To clean the scallops, rinse in cold running water. You can remove a small white formation on one side of the comb (this is part of the shell lock).

How to cook sea scallops

Boiled scallops - the easiest and fast way their preparation. Boiling scallops takes very little time, and the result is a ready-to-eat dish or the basis for other, more complex culinary compositions:

To boil a pound of scallops, pour a liter of water into a saucepan, lightly salt and add a few bay leaves and peppercorns (black and allspice). When the water boils, dip the pre-thawed scallops into it and cook over low heat without a lid for 5-7 minutes. Drain water through a colander, sprinkle boiled scallops lemon juice and serve with rice or vegetable salad.

Scallop for weight loss

With a low calorie content and easily digestible proteins with a low fat content, scallop meat is recommended by nutritionists for daily use overweight people. Thus, you can receive not only the substances necessary for a normal life, but also lose weight.

As a classic low calorie recipe you can bring a baked sea scallop (calorie content ready meal reaches a maximum mark of 100 kilocalories per 100 grams of the finished dish). This dish is not only very tasty, but also elementary in preparation, for which you just need to wash the clams right along with the open sink, salt a little, add 10 grams of butter, half a clove of garlic and fresh parsley leaves to each.

The whole difficulty of this recipe lies in the proper roasting of seafood, because if you overexpose the scallop in the oven even a little, then its tender flesh will instantly become rubbery. If desired, the finished scallops can be sprinkled with cold-pressed olive oil and sprinkled with a small amount of squeezed lemon juice.

Sea scallops are a versatile delicacy that can be prepared in many ways. They can be boiled, fried, added to a salad or soup, stewed, marinated. At the same time, the taste of seafood will not stand out from the general palette of the dish, but will only complement it with its tenderness. Residents of Europe, China and Japan will not have a question about what it is - scallops. But in our country, meeting them on the table is a rarity. To correct this shortcoming, let's try to understand the usefulness of this product.

What is it - sea scallops?

Sea scallops are mollusk-type animals. They live in the salty waters of almost all the seas of the oceans. The soft body of the mollusk is closed on both sides by two ribbed valves in the shape of a semicircle. Mollusks spend their entire lives at the bottom of water bodies. An interesting feature of this invertebrate is its way of locomotion. In order to give acceleration to its body, the mollusk intensively opens and closes the shell valves. Dredges are used to collect scallops from the bottom. But if the deep-water surface is not even, then the collection is done manually.

Answering the question: "What is it - scallops?" - it is impossible not to touch upon their symbolic meaning. In the old days, the shells of these mollusks were used as a talisman and amulet. Also, the scallop shell was a symbol of femininity, fertility. For example, in Botticelli's painting The Birth of Venus, the goddess is born from sea foam on a scallop shell. After the pilgrimage that the Apostle James made, the clam shell became the symbol of all pilgrims making a spiritual journey to the tomb of this saint. In the modern world, the scallop shell is used for its logo by the well-known Shell company, which produces oils for cars.

Benefits of sea scallops

Answering the question of what it is - scallops, you need to make out the composition of the delicacy. Bivalves are a storehouse of nutrients and a favorite product of nutritionists. In order to make sure of their healing properties, we will analyze the components in order:

  • Squirrels. The content of this organic matter in the scallop is high. Approximately 100 grams of the product contains about 40 grams of protein. It contains essential amino acids that are not produced in our body, but their significance is great. By consuming proteins in food, we provide ourselves with building components from which the proteins of our body are formed. Also, substances are of great importance in the formation of a protective reaction of the body to antigens.
  • Fats. In the composition of scallop meat, the amount of fat tends to zero. There are only about 0.9 grams of fat per 100 grams of product. That is why this sea delicacy is included in the menu of many diets.
  • Carbohydrates. The sugar content in scallops is also negligible. People suffering from high blood sugar can safely consume this type of product.
  • Vitamin B12. Compared to squid and shrimp, scallop is the leader in the content of an important vitamin for human life. Eating the meat of a sea delicacy as food, you provide yourself with a supply of health. After all, it is known that vitamin B12 is responsible in the human body for hematopoiesis and the functioning of the nervous system without failures. 200 grams of the product contains a daily dose of vitamin B12.
  • Iodine. All seafood delicacies contain iodine, so scallops are no exception. In 100 grams of meat there is a daily norm of a microelement. The value of iodine for the human body is great. After all, he is involved in the synthesis of the hormone, which is responsible for the production of energy in the body. The lack of this trace element leads to apathy and a decrease in vitality.
  • Omega-3 fatty acids. Once in our body, these unsaturated acids actively affect the well-being of a person. Indeed, thanks to omega-3, blood vessels do not become overgrown with atherosclerotic plaques, and the blood circulating through them does not thicken. In addition to the beneficial effect on the cardiovascular system, omega-3s affect the state of the brain. Doctors often prescribe drugs containing these unsaturated acids to people with poor memory. nice bonus from the presence of omega-3 in food - good skin condition, youth.
  • The scallop fillet contains a huge amount of trace elements (about 2 grams per 100 grams of product). Here are present: phosphorus, sodium, zinc, potassium, calcium, sulfur and others. All of them contribute to the normal functioning of the body.

Harm of scallops

Scallop, like most seafood, is a serious allergen. Therefore, if a person has a reaction to shrimp, crabs, squid and other seafood, then it is better to refuse to use this delicacy.

Also, with caution, people suffering from hyperthyroidism should eat scallops. After all, additional consumption of iodine in this case will negatively affect human health.

How to choose

When scallops are harvested from the seabed, they are immediately cooled and cleaned of the exoskeleton. We are used to seeing an already gutted version of the delicacy. Sea scallop is a perishable product. Therefore, it is impossible to purchase it fresh in cities located far from the sea. Frozen scallops are often found on store shelves and, less often, a chilled product. A good and fresh scallop has a cream color and small size. The white color of the scallop indicates the pre-treatment of the mollusk before freezing. Large sizes indicate the age of the scallop: the larger the mollusk, the older it is, the less nutrients it contains.

How to store

The main way to store a sea delicacy is shock freezing and vacuum packaging. In this form, the scallop can be stored for 3 months. If you are lucky and you bought a chilled product, then you can keep it fresh with the help of ice. In this form, it can be kept in the refrigerator for up to three days. The best way is to cook and eat.


The price of scallops depends on where the mollusk was caught. Most often in Russia, Sakhalin, North Kuril and Chinese scallops are found on sale. The best are those that were mined in the northern seas. The price of scallops per kg varies from 1500 rubles to 2500 rubles. Despite the high cost of the product, it is quite in demand among consumers.

Delicious delicacy

In reviews of recipes with scallops, the impression of culinary specialists about these mollusks is very positive, since you can cook a lot of it delicious dishes. This is a very grateful product for use in cooking. You can simply boil it for a few minutes in water, then enjoy. the most delicate taste delicacy. In Japan, for example, it is customary to eat raw clams, adding only some kind of sauce. Another of the elementary ways to serve scallops is to fry in a hot skillet for a few seconds on each side. According to the reviews of lovers of this delicacy, its texture and taste remain the most delicate.

Recipe: Scallop Salad

Despite the fact that sea scallops are no longer among exotic products and you can buy them in almost any supermarket, a dish with this delicacy will always be a table decoration. One common way to serve clam is to make a salad with it. There are many recipes for this kind of snacks on the Internet. For example, the combination of tomatoes and scallops is harmonious, so based on these products, you can come up with a lot of snack variations. Consider one of the options for how to cook scallops.

Ingredients: 3 medium tomatoes, 300 grams of scallops, 2 boiled eggs, 1 small onion. Mayonnaise can be used as a sauce.

First you need to boil the scallops in slightly salted water for no more than five minutes. Then put them in a colander and set aside. While the clams are cooling, dice the tomatoes, chop the eggs, fry the onion in a pan until tender. After the main component of the salad has cooled, tear the fillet into fibers with your hands. The final step is to mix all the ingredients of the salad with mayonnaise and salt to taste.

Recipe: okroshka with scallops

On the Internet, you can find original recipes with sea scallops. Surprise your household with okroshka with this shellfish.

Ingredients: 3 boiled potatoes, 2 boiled eggs, 2 fresh cucumber, 1 bunch of dill, onion, 300 grams of scallop. For sauce: 4 tbsp. l. sour cream, 1 tbsp. a spoonful of sugar, mustard and salt to taste. Use the kvass you like as a liquid component.

Cooking the dish is no different from the usual okroshka. Dice potatoes, eggs, cucumbers. Fry sea scallops in a pan for no more than five minutes. Then cut into cubes too. Mix all the ingredients in a saucepan, add chopped onion and dill. In a separate bowl, mix mustard, sour cream, salt, sugar. Add sauce before serving. Pour kvass for each portion.

Now even the inhabitants of Siberia can please themselves with a treat made from sea scallops. To do this, they do not need to fly to the sea coast, but just walk a few meters to the nearest supermarket.

Scallops are an excellent source of pure protein with minimal fat content. The love of eating fresh scallops is especially prevalent in China and France. In these countries, it is customary to eat scallops, lightly sprinkled with lemon juice, salt and olive oil.

But it is not at all necessary to eat this seafood raw, the world culinary knows many recipes for preparing various dishes with the participation of shellfish. Sea scallop dishes are perfect for diet food.

The main advantage of all seafood can be called the low fat content in shellfish meat - only 2 g of fat per 100 g of the product, while it practically does not contain carbohydrates, the glycogen content is within 3 g for the same volume.

It turns out that the inclusion of scallop dishes in the diet will help not only maintain a decent level of protein in the body, but at the same time prevent hateful fats from entering the human body. low calorie scallop dishes allows you to use them in a low-carbohydrate diet.


Shellfish meat allows you to fully absorb this useful mineral the human body. Without iodine, it is not possible to effectively deal with the symptoms of lethargy, fatigue and stress - the lack of secretion of T3 and T4, which occurs when the thyroid gland is dysfunctional, has just such an effect, and iodine restores and strengthens it. The presence of iodine is mandatory in the products of lactating women and children.


Without enough magnesium in the human diet, an imbalance in the water-salt balance occurs, which can lead to seizures. Magnesium is useful for strengthening the nervous system and keeping it in good shape.


Strong and healthy blood vessels can be maintained by getting the required amount of this mineral. Potassium is useful for the stable functioning of the heart and will help to cope with the failure of the metabolic process in the human body. Like magnesium, potassium controls the water-salt balance and, with its significant deficiency, edema can occur.

Vitamin B12

Scallops contain the optimal amount of vitamin B12, without which it is impossible to carry out rehabilitation after long protein-free diets. After giving up meat and dairy dishes, recovery with the help of seafood is more efficient and safer, and the content of vitamin B12 in the body returns to normal.

The nervous system, which does not receive B12, begins to malfunction, which is expressed in impaired coordination, lowering the pain threshold when the body is exposed to high and low temperatures. Seafood is a source of essential amino acids, which, like vitamin B12, are easily absorbed by the human body.

In children's diet

Domestic medicine does not recommend eating foods that can cause an allergic reaction in children, and seafood can be just such an irritant for a fragile child's body. Some experts suggest completely abandoning the use of seafood by pregnant women and children, but such reasoning has not yet been supported by sufficient scientific research and harm has not been proven.

How to choose shellfish

Not many people can consider themselves experts in such a matter as to choose delicacies caught in the depths of the sea. Fresh ocean products have no smell, except for the natural marine smell of iodine-rich algae. On the counter of the store, scallops should be in ice.

It is worth choosing only fresh, live shells with highly compressed valves, otherwise you will get an already dead mollusk and will not get quality product. If you have to purchase frozen scallops, make sure they have not been thawed. Repeated procedures for freezing marine life lead to a decrease in the quality of the product. The benefits of preparing such products will not be great.

How to cook

Fresh shells are washed using a brush in running water, removing fine debris from the sand and various bottom sediments. To quickly open the sash, you should throw the shells into boiling water for a couple of minutes. The extracted meat is washed with plain water and the product is ready for cooking.

The taste of scallops is slightly sweet and the structure of the meat is similar to shrimp. Clams are prepared quickly and quite simply.

Before cooking, clams should be thawed, it is believed that sending frozen scallops to boiling water, you get a tasteless dish, all famous restaurateurs insist on this.

Thawed clams should not be eaten raw, as the Chinese or French do (they only use fresh shells) - send the meat to heat treatment in any way.

Scallops can be boiled, fried, stewed and marinated. To obtain diet dish it is worth paying attention to the freshness of the oil when frying in order to avoid carcinogens in fried clams. It is enough to hold the meat for 2-3 minutes in a well-heated pan with a minimum amount of olive oil and an excellent dietary dish is ready.

To cook scallops, it is enough to keep them in boiling water for 6 minutes, steaming will take up to 12 minutes, baking depends on the temperature in the oven and is calculated individually. Scallop recipes can be found in abundance on the Internet.

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