Home Kashi What is the best thing to take on the train? What can you take with you on the train? What to take a child on a train from food

What is the best thing to take on the train? What can you take with you on the train? What to take a child on a train from food

What to take with you on a train trip to feel comfortable and comfortable? First of all, light and worn shoes, for example, ordinary slippers. You will immediately feel at home in them. Also on the road, you may need a lot of other things, from books and an audio player to personal hygiene items.

Let's start with clothes

In a suitcase for traveling by rail, you need to pack a light change of clothes in which you will be on the road. The seats of most reserved seat and compartment carriages are not clean, so after checking tickets it is better to change clothes immediately. What to take on the train from everyday wear? Grab a sports leotard, home bike or trowel. Also on the train you can wear shorts and old T-shirts, breeches, tracksuits. Upon returning home, these things are recommended to be washed.

Change of shoes will also not be superfluous. In addition to slippers, you can safely take on a trip:

  • flip flops or flip flops;
  • sneakers or well-worn sneakers;
  • ballet shoes;
  • summer sandals.

In these shoes, you can not only move around the car, but also go out onto the platforms of railway stations.

What to take with you on the train from food?

If you do not plan to eat in the restaurant car during your trip, you will need to pack a "bag". Pay special attention to this item, because the products will have to be transported without a refrigerator. So all perishable food must be left at home, otherwise there is a risk of food poisoning. We do not recommend taking:

  • fermented milk products - kefir, yogurt, glazed curds, curds, etc.;
  • cooked meat;
  • liver and blood sausage;
  • any products containing mayonnaise or sour cream - salads, sandwiches, etc.;
  • fish or meat pates;
  • cakes and pies with cream or cottage cheese filling.

Now about what kind of food you can take on the train. Feel free to take vegetables and fruits - cucumbers, tomatoes, apples, pears. It is recommended to wash them in advance and put them in a clean, separately purchased bag. From meat products on the train you can eat:

  • raw smoked sausage;
  • grilled chicken;
  • polandvitsu.

It is better not to take risks with hot smoked fish and herring. These products are classified as perishable, moreover, they have a strong odor. After them, you will have to wash your hands for a long time and thoroughly, and there may not be water in the restroom of the railway train.

  • boiled eggs. They perfectly satisfy hunger and take up little space in luggage;
  • black bread;
  • dried fruits;
  • gingerbread, cookies or waffles.

Thinking about what food to take on the train for a day, 2, 3 days, many travelers think about fast food - vermicelli, mashed potatoes, etc. It must be remembered that they will have to be diluted with boiling water from titanium. Despite the fact that it is boiled water, its quality may be questionable. Alternatively, you can boil some potatoes or pasta in advance and put them in a plastic container. You should not take broths - they quickly deteriorate, and there will be nowhere to warm them up.

Don't forget about water too. Take it at the rate of at least one and a half liters per person for every day of travel. You should not take sweet soda, juice or nectar. These are aggressive drinks that only increase thirst and can provoke indigestion. Instead, it is better to buy ordinary drinking sparkling or mineral water, but not very salty.

Cosmetic accessories

The list of things for a train trip must include a minimum set of hygiene items. The first thing to decide is whether you will brush your teeth. Some travelers neglect this hygienic procedure, as they fear for the quality of the water in the washstands. It can not only be drunk, but even typed into the mouth. And brushing your teeth with mineral water, in the vestibule or right in the restroom is inconvenient and unpleasant.

But if you have to go for more than a day, it is better to take a paste and a brush. Also, purchase 0.5 liters of clean drinking non-carbonated water in advance. Brush her teeth only. What to take on the train from things for hygiene, besides water? During the trip you will definitely need:

  • wet wipes with antibacterial effect;
  • ordinary paper napkins;
  • cotton buds;
  • small towel for washing. It will come in handy if the towel in the sleeping set is stale.

What to do if you have a child with you?

If you have to travel with a child under the age of 2, take care of diapers and disposable diapers in advance. Be ready to change them right in a compartment or a reserved seat car. What to take on a train for a child of 4 years old, a little younger or older? His pot, in which he relieves himself. It will be inconvenient for the child to do this in the restroom of the car, besides, the potty is more familiar and does not cause stress. Just do not forget special disposable bags - you can buy them in children's goods stores. They are quickly put on directly on the pot and taken out with all the contents separately from it.

What to take on a train with a child so that he does not get bored and does not start acting up? Take with you a coloring book with pencils or felt-tip pens, a book with colorful pictures.

Useful little things

If most of the seats in the train are occupied, passengers may not have enough glasses in which the conductors serve tea and coffee. So it’s wiser to bring an unbreakable mug with you, or even better, a small thermos with a hot drink of your choice. Do not forget about disposable cutlery - plastic forks, spoons, knives.

The size of luggage on the train is virtually unlimited - passengers can carry bags up to 2 m long and up to 0.5 m wide or more, with a total weight of up to 36 kg per person. If your bag is really big, there will surely be a place in it for an interesting book, several magazines and newspapers with scanwords. An MP3 player with your favorite songs will also help pass the time on the road.

If you find it difficult to travel at night, purchase an eye mask and earplugs in advance - noise-absorbing earplugs. Thanks to them, it will be more comfortable to sleep. Ear plugs and a mask are generally universal companions of a traveler, regardless of the transport by which he moves. If you think about it, do not forget the accessories for a restful sleep.

How to prepare for a trip a girl in position?

A special category of passengers who need to take a very balanced approach to the decision to travel by rail are girls in position. It is not difficult to get on the train of a pregnant woman in the early stages (up to 3 months). You will need to take plenty of drinking water with you, a soft blanket, a small pillow under your back and head to make the trip more comfortable. From food grab more fruits and vegetables.

But if the term of the expectant mother exceeds 4 months, she must consult a doctor before the trip. Traveling by train involves almost constant shaking and vibration, which can negatively affect your well-being. For women who have pregnancy complications, train travel is generally contraindicated. So it is better to take care of yourself and the child and choose another method of transportation.

If you still need to go, ask the conductor to find you a place not above the wheels. In such places, shaking and vibration are less felt.

Good luck and happy travels!

Going on a trip, a business trip, or just for a short time to relatives, most people prefer to travel by train, as it is relatively inexpensive and convenient. On trains, you can always buy something to eat or drink, get if you plan to spend the night, and even buy all sorts of knick-knacks and magazines. In general, what you will not find in this transport! But be that as it may, the cars do not have everything that can be useful on the road, so you need to clearly know what to take with you on the train in order to feel comfortable and confident on the way.

Personal care products

The train, even with all its advantages in comparison with other means of transportation, is still public transport, where no one is safe from germs, and therefore it is clear that you need to take certain means with you on the train:

  1. First, stock up on a roll of your toilet paper. Of course, the toilet most often has it, but there are a lot of people on the train, so it can simply end.
  2. Secondly, it would be nice to take your own soap on the road. Basically for the same reason as toilet paper, but also because you need to wash your hands on the train as often as possible, and not just after going to the toilet. By the way, soap can be replaced with wet wipes, they are very convenient and practical, especially on the road, when there is no way to wash your hands regularly.
  3. Thirdly, toothpaste and a brush will be very useful on the road, especially if you have to spend one or even several nights on the train. It must be remembered that irregular brushing of teeth is the first step towards caries, but chewing gum can be used on the road.

What are the things you need on the train?

When packing things, we always think about what will be useful to us there, at the place of arrival, and few people think about what to take with them on the train, in addition to the main luggage. That is why the road seems so tiring and exhausting. For a more comfortable stay on the road, you need to make an approximate list of what you need to take on the train:

  • Linens. They always give it out on the train, but no one guarantees that it is new and fresh, so it’s better to take your own set on the road.
  • Warm clothes and socks. The train is far from an airtight transport, besides, almost always (even in winter) the windows are slightly opened in it to ventilate the car. And even if this does not happen, the draft still walks through the cars, especially in the cool season. Therefore, on the road, be sure to take warm clothes with you, such as a sweater, bathrobe and socks, so that the trip is not spoiled by a cold.
  • Shoes. Since you have to get up and lie down on your shelf every now and then on the train, it is very inconvenient to constantly tie your shoelaces or zip up. Therefore, on the road, slates or slippers are very useful, which you can quickly put on your foot and do not mind getting dirty or torn in the car.

What food to take on the road

If the road is long, for several days and nights, then the question immediately arises: It is clear that these products should not be perishable, so canned food, pickles are best suited. For the first day of the road, you can take boiled eggs and potatoes with you. Few people know that you need to take with you on the train not only food, but also ordinary drinking water, since this is not always good on trains. It would be useful to take a couple of tea bags, sugar and something tasty and sweet with you.

When all things are collected and packed, and everything is ready for a comfortable journey, you can think about the little things. For example, to pass the time on the road, you can take cards or a set of board games like checkers, chess and backgammon with you. Well, for complete happiness - do not forget the ticket and documents!

A vacation has come or it's time for a business trip - there is a long journey on the train and you have learned. But is everything ready for the journey? Sometimes even for a light trip there are problems: how not to forget everything you need, how not to deprive yourself of comfort, what exactly to put in your bag and, in the end, how not to turn packing into stress? Having collected the world experience of travelers, we have compiled a list of things that no train trip can do without.

Advice! The collection of things should be carried out according to a detailed list, so that later it would be more convenient to check each item and its need for a particular trip.

Before talking about the purpose and types of trips, let's consider a universal set that is necessary on any trip:

  • Documentation;
  • first aid kit;
  • Change of clothes.

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    Without documents, not only can not do in another city, but do not take the train. Therefore, the first thing every tourist should remember is tickets and a passport. The list is supplemented by:

    • Bank card;
    • Cash;
    • Passport (if necessary);
    • Birth certificate (if traveling with a child).

    If you can do without these things on the train, then the trip itself will not take place without them.

    Advice! For documents, it is worth allocating a separate bag that will always be with you, and it is better to put cash closer to the bottom.

    There are no amenities in the form of a bath or shower on the train, so you should take care of hygiene by taking a personal care kit. Men often take a shaving kit, and women often take cosmetics, cleansers and moisturizers. It is difficult for both one and the other to imagine a trip without basic things:

    1. 1. Toothbrush;
    2. 2. Comb;
    3. 3. Antibacterial and paper wipes;
    4. 4. Toilet paper;
    5. 5. Soap;
    6. 6. Mirror;
    7. 7. Deodorant;
    8. 8. Make-up remover;
    9. 9. Razor;
    10. 10. Towel.

    Do not forget about personal comfort. The train is often noisy, the light hits the eyes, so you will need earplugs and an eye mask to fall asleep comfortably. Cutlery will also come in handy to make it more convenient to eat, a folding knife or a corkscrew. When there are a lot of passengers, there may not be enough glasses for tea on the train - it will not be superfluous to take a cup with you. Many people are allergic to travel underwear, so you can take a pillowcase or sheet on the road. Garbage bags are also a must, and wet wipes come in handy when the toilet is closed, or you need to clean the table before eating.

    Advice! With regards to shampoo, it is better to use one-time probes so that the usual packaging does not leak and does not take up extra space.

    first aid kit

    Health is the most important thing, so do not forget about it on the road. Prepared means armed, in addition, it is not known how the body adapts to new conditions. What to take on the train from medicines:

    1. 1. Antibacterial;
    2. 2. Antihistamines;
    3. 3. Painkillers;
    4. 4. From pain in the abdomen, for digestion;
    5. 5. From motion sickness;
    6. 6. Drops for nose and throat;
    7. 7. Individual, with chronic diseases.

    To avoid trouble on the road, also come in handy:

    • bactericidal patch;
    • Healing ointment;
    • Bandages, iodine;
    • Activated carbon;
    • Peroxide solution, potassium permanganate.

    Advice! If a trip is planned abroad, then a first-aid kit is especially necessary, since most medicines in other countries are sold by prescription.

    Change of clothes

    Speaking of comfort on the train, you should also take care of clothes that do not restrict movement. It is comfortable to sleep in it, move around the car. The same applies to shoes, they should be easy to remove (slates, slippers, slippers). If the road is in winter, take care of warm clothes– it can blow from the windows. And in the summer it can be very stuffy in non-branded cars - so you can take shorts, a T-shirt or sweatpants on the train. And so, depending on the weather, on the train you can take:

    • Athletic pants;
    • Sweater;
    • turtleneck;
    • Breeches;
    • Mike;
    • Interchangeable socks;
    • Light shoes;
    • woolen shawl;
    • Headdress.

    Menu for the road

    When it comes to food that you can take on the road, first of all, non-perishable food is of interest. So what food can you take on the train? Of course, a lot depends on what travelers like to eat, but an upset stomach will not become a pleasant travel memory if the favorite product goes bad. Also, do not go to extremes, filling the bag with "long-playing" chips and crackers. Such foods are not only poorly digested, but can also reduce appetite or increase hunger. When choosing products for the train, it is worth focusing on how long the product can be stored without refrigeration. These include:

    • boiled eggs;
    • boiled meat;
    • Raw smoked products;
    • Potato;
    • Bread, cookies, sweets;
    • Canned food.

    Advice! Food packed in paper, foil or thermal bags can be stored for up to three days.

    Safe foods in the heat:

    1. 1. Instant cereals;
    2. 2. Nuts, muesli bars, dried fruits;
    3. 3. Bread;
    4. 4. Hard fruits and vegetables (apples, pears, cucumbers, carrots);
    5. 5. Baby puree;
    6. 6. Diluted jelly, noodles.

    From drinks, it is better to give preference to ordinary bottled water - sweet drinks only whet the appetite. Dairy products should be taken only if they are eaten in the first hours of the trip. Packed sandwiches are good as a snack, and if you want a hot one, you can take instant noodles. Many people prefer to dine in the dining car, but taking food on the train can save an extra thousand rubles.

    On the road with a child

    Luggage increases noticeably if there are children among the travelers. The question of what to take your child on the road will disappear, given his age and interests. What to take on a train for a baby:

    • Baby food;
    • Diapers;
    • Favorite toys;
    • Thermos with boiled water for mixtures;
    • Pot, pot bags;
    • Pacifier;
    • Educational games, children's book.

    To spend time on the road with the benefit of older children, you should not load their leisure time with all kinds of gadgets. You can remember the good old board games: checkers, mini-chess with magnets, corner games, books with logic puzzles, a coloring book. Such "food for thought" will take the child seriously and for a long time no worse than technical innovations.

    Entertainment on the go

    Before talking about the obvious entertainment on the road in the form of gadgets, I would like to recall that it takes time no worse. If we imagine the last time we sat down for a crossword puzzle, it turns out that it was quite a long time ago. So why not take the opportunity to fill the gap on the road? Scanwords, sudoku, puzzles can be used. They perfectly brighten up the time on the road!

    For a large company, cards, chess, dominoes, games such as "crocodile" may come in handy. For those who love to read but can't find the time for it in everyday life, this is a great opportunity to immerse yourself in a fascinating book. Those who do not want to delve into literary plots can grab the latest issue of a magazine or local newspaper. It would not be superfluous to take a notebook and a pen with you - what if valuable thoughts come to mind on the road that you want to immediately fix on paper?

    And of course, the technical component of the trip will not do without a tablet with pre-downloaded films, in case there are problems with the Internet on the road. Those who like to dream while sitting by the window, to their favorite music, cannot do without a player.

    Now, knowing what to take your child on the train, and what you can take on the road in general, it's time to stop being afraid of long fees. It is enough to prepare a list based on the article and turn the preparation for the road, if not into pleasure, then into a guaranteed exciting activity.

What to take with you on the train, going on a trip? Agree, very often we are going on the road in a hurry and therefore forget to take very important things with us. This has very unfortunate consequences.

To prevent this from happening, be sure to write down in your notebook or phone a list of the most necessary things and products that you will need on the road.

What to pack for your train journey

  1. Documents (passports, birth certificates for children, visas, pension certificates, foreign passport, documents for pets), as well as photocopies of documents that are better to put in another place (in case your documents are stolen).
  2. Money.
  3. Tickets.
  4. Toothbrush, toothpaste, soap, towel.
  5. Wet and dry wipes, toilet paper.
  6. Change of linen and comfortable clothes.
  7. Slippers or other shoes in which it will be convenient to move around the train.
  8. A large handkerchief (will help close up gaps in the window opening and protect you from drafts).
  9. A well-charged phone, tablet or laptop (equipment will help pass the time on the road). Don't forget your headphones so you don't disturb your neighbors.
  10. The medicines you need. Also take analgin, bandage, hydrogen peroxide, iodine, activated charcoal and mint sucking sweets with you.
  11. Book or magazine of your choice.
  12. A cup, a teaspoon, a folding knife for cutting food.
  13. Notepad, pen.
  14. Potty, disposable diapers, diapers, children's books, toys (if you are traveling with children).
  15. Earplugs and an overnight face mask if you have a hard time falling asleep on the train.

What to take with you on the train from food?

Even if you forgot to take food on the train with you, it's not so scary. After all, the trains have dining cars where you can have a bite to eat. However, it is still undesirable to do so. There are several reasons for this.

Firstly, you yourself understand that there is no centralized water supply on the train, which means that not all sanitary and hygienic standards can be observed when preparing and serving food to you.

Secondly, the dining car menu is not very diverse, and if you suffer from frequent gastrointestinal disorders, it may not suit you.

Thirdly, if you are traveling with children, there simply may not be dishes that your children eat. Fourth, you understand that the prices in such restaurants are exorbitant. Especially seriously you need to approach the issue of preparing food for the road if you are going to travel for a day or more.

What food to take on the train:

  • fresh bananas, apples, oranges, tangerines;
  • nuts and dried fruits (allow you to quickly satisfy your hunger and saturate the body with essential trace elements);
  • raw smoked sausage and cheese;
  • bags of porridge that can be brewed by pouring boiling water;
  • cookies, dryers, whole grain breads, bread, buns;
  • fresh cucumbers, tomatoes, sweet peppers.

The food you take from home should not be perishable.. You can boil eggs for the road (in this case you will need to take some salt), bake pies or fry chicken or chops.

However, remember that these products do not last long. You can put a bag or a bottle of ice in a bag with food, then the products will be saved better, and you can even take a chocolate bar with you.

It is very good if you have a cooler bag. In this case, the list of products that can be taken on the train will increase significantly.

Try to take an amount of food that you will definitely have enough for the entire time you are on the train. Also keep in mind that the train may be delayed.

If you are traveling with pets, do not forget to take food on the train for them too.

What products to take if you are going to travel by train for several days? In this case, you can take stew in jars, smoked meat, soup or vermicelli in bags that can be brewed with boiling water.

However, be very careful when purchasing these products. Be sure to check the expiration date. If there are problems with the stomach, then it is better to eat cereals, nuts and dried fruits at this time. If we are traveling on a train with a child, then he needs to take baby food to eat on the train.

What to take to drink on the road?

First of all, you need to take clean water with you. It is better to refrain from drinking carbonated drinks, juices, energy drinks, etc. on the road. Instead, take a few tea bags with you, which you can always brew with your guide.

Many people like to take alcohol on the road, as it relaxes, allows you to fall asleep faster and warm up. Also, some drink alcohol on the road to brighten up the long hours of the road a little. However, having decided to follow your desire, do not forget that alcohol dulls vigilance.

Often, entire “teams” of thieves work on trains, who hunt on slightly tipsy travelers. In addition, alcohol can cause poisoning and many other unpleasant consequences that are undesirable on the road.

What else should not be forgotten? Of course, good mood! After all, during the trip we can learn a lot of new and interesting things!

I found an interesting article, maybe someone will be useful, interesting.

What products to take on the train - a specific list

I want to remind you that there is food on our trains now. Either as a supplement to the ticket, or for an additional fee, they can provide you with a plastic box with a side dish, sausage, cookies and something else ... In principle, you won’t die of hunger.

But we make up our own set of products, so, as Yuri Gagarin said, going on a trip: "Let's go!"

I suggest:

Take with you more disposable tableware, napkins, bags;

Do not take boiled eggs, radishes, onions, garlic on the road and be careful with cheeses - the smell is still the same, and the choice of products is already so large;

As little as possible greasy, dirty, crumbling foods. Chips, for example, to refuse unambiguously.

What remains? Let's look at the list.

Bottles with non-carbonated water (better not to take juices and carbonated drinks - they are very sweet, they only make you want to drink even more).


Bread and bakery products.

Cakes baked or fried in a dry frying pan, without fat.

Pita. From pita bread and thin flat cakes, you can make portioned rolls with a variety of fillings, for example, soft cheese and herbs. Very tasty and convenient.

Potatoes in their uniforms (it is better to steam or bake) - they will last for two days for sure. Baked potatoes do not get damp, unlike boiled potatoes, so they keep better.

Baked or boiled chicken breast - lean meat, does not spoil as quickly as fat.

Raw smoked sausage is the most "long-playing" of sausages.

Sliced ​​smoked meat - eat on the first day.

Sausages. The most convenient for the road - sold in glass jars.

Boneless fish fillet - steamed, individually baked in foil, boiled or lightly stewed in broth.

Baked pies. For the road, the following fillings are best suited: with cabbage (without eggs), apples, marmalade or jam.

Cookies, crackers, gingerbread.

Cheese (varieties without a specific smell) - sliced ​​\u200b\u200band in portioned packaging. In a convenient form, for example, processed cheese is sold - each slice is individually packaged.

Tea bags.

Instant coffee.

Dried fruits.

Nuts or a mixture of nuts with candied fruits or dried fruits (very satisfying product!).

Fruits (preferably hard) - apples, pears, bananas, tangerines (as the most convenient citrus fruits for the road).

Vegetables (hard ones can be cut into pieces): carrots, cucumbers, celery stalks, tomatoes, bell peppers.

From greens - dill, parsley (cilantro, for example, it is better not to take it: people have different associations with the smell of this herb).

Nut butter (peanut or almond).

If the trip is long or dry food is unbearable, then we take "canned food" with us on the road:

Chinese noodles, instant mashed potatoes, instant porridges, "dry" soups, instant jelly, etc. - fill it with boiling water and you're done;

Several cans of canned food to eat with mashed potatoes or porridge;

Salads in jars (they are already seasoned).

For the first couple of days, you can still grab something from home (baked cheesecakes, pies with cottage cheese or meat, etc.). And then move on to canned food. It is better to distribute all products - eat perishable food in one or two days, and canned food, nuts and hard fruits and vegetables - in the remaining days.

There is a still uncommon and relatively expensive option: sublimated products. They are preserved in a special way: frozen and dried, but without heat treatment.

The choice is great: fruits, berries, dairy products, meat, fish, mushrooms and even pickles. As well as ready-made mixtures of sublimates: soups, cereals, main courses, omelettes. Even sets are produced: tourist breakfasts and dinners. Not a single sublimate requires cooking. All products are in the form of a powder and only water is needed for preparation, cold is also suitable.

Well, we are done with the list of products, now we can joke a little ... Since we are going to travel by train, it is customary to measure the products by suitcases. One large suitcase of food per adult, taking into account two to three days of travel, should be enough. Do not corrode strongly, otherwise it will be difficult to rest.

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