Home Drinks and cocktails Why is bitter in the mouth after mushroom soup. How to avoid bitterness from dried mushrooms? Why dried chanterelles are bitter and how to get rid of this lack of mushrooms

Why is bitter in the mouth after mushroom soup. How to avoid bitterness from dried mushrooms? Why dried chanterelles are bitter and how to get rid of this lack of mushrooms

Chris Steinbach

How to avoid bitterness from dried mushrooms?

A couple of times I made the mistake of adding the liquid used to soak dried mushrooms back into my broth, resulting in a terribly bitter taste.

I soaked these mushrooms at 10°C and 80°C for 15 minutes. Cloud mushrooms do not have a strong smell, and the liquid after soaking does not have much taste. The slight taste I felt was slightly astringent and not particularly pleasant. By the way, cloudy ears do not moisten well in cold water and after soaking remained quite hard.

Dried shiitake, on the other hand, has a strong musty odor, and the soaking liquid had a relatively strong taste. I tried some nice mushroom flavors and for a while I had to weigh whether I liked the taste or not. Unfortunately, these flavors have been mixed with a decidedly unpleasant taste, among them the familiar bitterness. At the end, I could not digest more than three tablespoons of liquid.

I had the notion that mushrooms soaked in cooler water could retain their mushroom flavor while washing away their bitter taste. To do this, I drained the frozen mushrooms and added boiling water to them. After another 15 minutes, I will try the taste again. Comparing this second absorbent liquid to the shittake liquid originally soaked at 80°C, the flavoring was much more dilute. I'm sad to say that the mushroom flavor is lost even when wet.

My advice remains the same for now: ditch the absorbent liquid. If this seems wasteful to you, I would at least convince you to try a tablespoon of this product before you decide to add it to your broth.

Chris Steinbach

One thought, looking at this post a couple of years later, is that the tasting should have been done with salt added to the broth. At one point I argue that salt is not enough to counter bitterness, but no attempt has been made here to prove it.

Picking mushrooms is not only an exciting activity, but also a very responsible one. After all, picking up anything in a basket, you can poison yourself and endanger your loved ones. Inexperienced mushroom pickers, having studied what a fly agaric and a pale grebe look like, think that this is enough to protect themselves from poison growing in the forest. And having brought home a basket (or even two full buckets), these gatherers are already looking forward to a delicious meal. But in the end, you can’t put a spoon in your mouth because of the pungent taste. Let's look at the reasons why mushrooms are bitter.

Insidious doubles

Mother Nature, along with edible mushrooms, scattered their poisonous clones throughout the forest. These are, first of all, false mushrooms, boletus, chanterelles, champignons, boletus and even surprisingly similar to white mushrooms. Therefore, the answer number 1 to the question why mushrooms are bitter is this: along with the right gifts of the forest, you also scored their poisonous counterparts.
but one such false honey agaric, wormed into a basket, can spoil the whole dish with unbearable bile. I'll have to throw everything away, no matter how sorry. It is better to check the truth of the find on the spot. As a rule, false mushrooms are very beautiful: bright, untouched by worms and snails. In addition, you can touch the tip of the tongue to the cut of the hat. The deadly poisonous satanic mushroom looks like a white one, but its Ukrainian name “gorchak” speaks for itself. In addition, on the cut, it turns blue and red.

Incorrect handling

Another reason why fried mushrooms are bitter is their incorrect culinary preparation. There are species that are edible and even very tasty and healthy - such as milk mushrooms. But you can’t just clean them and crumble them into a pan in any case. Such mushrooms are first soaked, drained. Then boiled (some chefs even several times). In addition to mushrooms, russula and some chanterelles are also bitter in a pan. All mushrooms collected in coniferous forests pick up a resinous flavor in the fruiting bodies, which not everyone likes.

fickle chanterelles

Even experienced mushroom pickers, who know well what exactly they put in a basket and how to cook it, sometimes end up with an absolutely inedible dish. What's the matter? After all, in a frying pan - chanterelle mushrooms. Why are they bitter, although they were tasty, collected a week earlier in the same place? The answer is simple: climate. If there is not enough moisture, the juice inside the fruiting bodies becomes bile. Therefore, mushrooms collected in the summer heat are bitter. The same applies to chanterelles found in moss in a spruce forest - the pungent taste of resin makes them practically inedible.


In the question "why mushrooms are bitter" one cannot discount the conditions in which the fruiting bodies grew. Their spongy structure absorbs everything that is carried in the air, spilled in groundwater or lies in the ground. Mushrooms found in city squares are sprinkled not only with summer rain, but also with numerous dogs, so urine is clearly heard in their taste. At the side of the road, mushrooms are not only not tasty, but also dangerous to health. Even mushrooms contain heavy metals and poisons from exhaust gases.

It seems that we have noted all the reasons why mushrooms are bitter. Alas, there is no way to fix a spoiled dish - you just need to throw it away. Bitterness does not always mean poisoning. But the safe, as they say, God saves. Therefore, it will be useful to drink activated charcoal. Usually deadly poisonous mushrooms are neutral in taste, and the consequences of their use are much worse than simple bitterness. There is only one conclusion - learn the materiel!


Why are chanterelles bitter after freezing and what to do if the mushrooms are bitter when defrosted?

Why are chanterelles bitter after freezing and what can be done to fix it? Indeed, when taking frozen mushrooms out of the freezer in winter, you can sometimes find a little bitterness. If you do not immediately pay attention to this, the cooked dish may be spoiled.

So, why are chanterelle mushrooms bitter after defrosting, and what rules should be followed to avoid this? In order to avoid an unpleasant bitter taste after defrosting, the following recommendations are observed before harvesting:

  • Mushrooms are cleaned of forest debris, earth or sand and rotten areas are immediately cut off.
  • Rinse thoroughly in plenty of water, mixing with your hands.
  • Pour cold water and leave for 1.5-2 hours.
  • The water is drained, the mushrooms are laid out on a wire rack and left for 20-30 minutes to drain.
  • After that, the chanterelles are distributed in plastic bags or food containers and put in the freezer.

Why are frozen chanterelles bitter and how to remove bitterness from thawed mushrooms?

But sometimes, even despite following the rules, frozen chanterelles are bitter, why? It would be better to boil the mushrooms after soaking, so that the bitterness is gone for sure.

Another factor why frozen chanterelles remain bitter is the time of harvest. In the dry mushroom season, bitterness is always present in mushrooms, which is difficult to remove by soaking.

How can you remove bitterness from frozen chanterelles if they were harvested raw?

  • After defrosting, the mushrooms are dipped in boiling water and boiled for 10-15 minutes over low heat.
  • You can add 1 tbsp to the water. l. salt and 2-3 pinches of citric acid. Such actions will help remove the bitter taste from the fruiting bodies.

In addition, heat treatment will add to your confidence that the workpiece will not deteriorate after accidental defrosting of the freezer. It is worth adding that boiled chanterelles become more compact and take up less space in the freezer than raw ones.

How else can you remove bitterness from chanterelles after freezing?

How to remove bitterness from chanterelles after freezing in another interesting way? Frozen fresh mushrooms are delicious when used in soups or added to fried potatoes. But there are problematic situations when mushrooms are bitter. Therefore, after freezing, the fruiting bodies are first thawed. Then the question arises, how to remove bitterness from thawed chanterelles so that the dish prepared from them does not lose its mushroom taste and aroma? In this case, the mushrooms are blanched in boiling salted water for 5-7 minutes, having previously laid them out in a colander after defrosting.

I would like to draw your attention to the fact that it is best to freeze only young specimens of chanterelles that have not completely straightened their hats. Such fruiting bodies practically do not have a bitter taste and contain more nutrients and vitamins in their composition than overripe ones.

Many experienced housewives prefer to freeze chanterelles directly in the mushroom broth in which they were cooked. Note that this method is convenient, because in the future the mushrooms are used immediately after being removed from the freezer without prior defrosting. Cooked first courses from such a preparation are incredibly tasty.

However, it happens that even in the broth, mushrooms have a slightly bitter taste. Why are chanterelles bitter after cooking and how to fix the situation?

  • The blank for the first courses is defrosted, the broth is drained, and the mushrooms are washed under a cold tap.
  • Pour a small amount of water, adding one onion, cut into 4 parts, and boil for 10 minutes over medium heat.
  • They throw it in a colander, let it drain and proceed to further processing processes.

How to get rid of bitterness in chanterelles after boiling?

After preliminary boiling, the chanterelles remain bitter, what to do in this case? There may be several reasons for this: for example, the individual feature of the fruiting bodies, the presence of toxins in the pulp, as well as improper processing.

The natural bitter taste of chanterelles can complicate the technology and increase the cooking time. But thanks to this bitterness, the appearance of the fruiting bodies is practically not spoiled by pests that do not like bitter food.

It is worth saying that although the bitterness of mushrooms does not harm human health, many do not like this taste. Therefore, in order to get rid of the bitter taste of chanterelles when boiled, salt, citric acid, bay leaf, clove buds and allspice are added to the water. After the first cooking for 5-8 minutes, the water is drained and filled with new water. Boil again, but without the addition of salt and spices.

In addition, there is a way that simplifies the task and shows how to get rid of bitterness in chanterelles. After boiling in salted water for 15 minutes, mushrooms can be cooked in pickled form or various sauces and fillings can be added to the dish. This method will make the bitter taste of chanterelles less noticeable. As a rule, you can get used to the specific taste of fruiting bodies if you constantly use them. But those who rarely eat chanterelles immediately notice bitterness.

However, do not forget about an important factor that will help avoid bitterness: pick small mushrooms with unopened caps!

Why are fried chanterelles bitter and what to do to get rid of the problem?

It often happens that even after frying the chanterelles are bitter, why does this happen? When the hostess first encounters such problems, this perplexes her and doubts creep in about the edibility of mushrooms.

Why fried chanterelles are bitter is a very practical question. Perhaps the fact is that false chanterelles got into the mushrooms, which have a strong bitterness in the pulp, which spoiled the taste of all the mushrooms. Therefore, if there is even a drop of doubt about which mushrooms you have collected and cooked, it is better not to be tempted and throw them away.

Another option why chanterelles are bitter when frying is the lack of preliminary soaking of mushrooms. This should be done immediately after cleaning: pour the mushroom crop with cold water and leave for 1.5-2 hours. Then rinse in plenty of water, and then proceed to further processing.

Some cooks have noticed why chanterelles remain bitter after frying. The peculiarity of this problem lies in the fact that mushrooms, after being brought home, could not be processed for a long time, accumulating toxic substances in the pulp.

Before frying, the mushrooms are soaked, boiled in boiling salted water and only then fried. Although such processes require additional time, the bitterness inherent in chanterelles will definitely go away.

Why are chanterelles bitter after frying and can this be fixed?

What to do if fried chanterelles are bitter even after pre-soaking and boiling? Perhaps the fruiting bodies were burnt or fried in bitter sunflower oil. Then with such chanterelles you need to do the following: add sour cream or mayonnaise, spices and simmer over low heat for 15 minutes. You can try to remedy the situation as follows: roll the boiled mushrooms in flour and cook in butter with the addition of onions fried in sugar.

The reasons that bitterness remains after frying may be completely different. When boiling, try putting a bag of dense fabric with spices into the water: cloves, bay leaves, cinnamon sticks, fresh dill and parsley. If you have tried all the manipulations to remove bitterness, but it still remains, throw away the mushrooms, not regretting the time and effort spent.

Why are dried chanterelles bitter and how to get rid of this lack of mushrooms?

If even after heat treatment the mushrooms have a bitter taste, then it is clear why dried chanterelles are bitter. According to their specificity, mushrooms already have bitterness in the pulp. In addition, chanterelles could grow in coniferous forests on a bed of moss, which enhances the taste of bitterness. The simple tips described below will help rid dried mushrooms of this shortcoming.

First option- soaking chanterelles in cold water with the addition of salt for 5-8 hours. At the same time, water should be changed 2-3 times a day so that the fruiting bodies do not souring.

Second option- pour mushrooms with warm milk so that they completely cover the product, and leave for 2-3 hours.

In addition, it is better to boil chanterelles after soaking with the addition of citric acid and some spices: bay leaf, cloves, and dill umbrellas. Adding these ingredients will completely help to remove the bitterness from dried chanterelles.


We collect the right mushrooms

Many edible and conditionally edible mushrooms have poisonous counterparts, or false mushrooms - false mushrooms, false chanterelles, butter mushrooms, champignons, and even false white mushrooms, which are considered royal.

It will not be possible to remove bitterness from them even after long-term processing, moreover, in addition to bitterness, poisons dangerous to humans will also remain in them, so you need to collect only those mushrooms whose quality is beyond doubt.

For example, gall fungus, or mustard is not edible, although in appearance it is easy to mistake for boletus, boletus or white mushroom. Culinary processing of bitterness only enhances bitterness.

Experienced mushroom pickers warn that even one poisonous and bitter mushroom can spoil the whole dish, its bitterness is enough for everyone. Therefore, it is better to check mushrooms in the forest. Poisonous analogues of edible mushrooms look brighter and more beautiful than non-poisonous ones. They are rarely eaten by worms, snails and insects, but that's not all - on the cut, the poisonous mushroom turns blue, while its edible counterpart turns red.

Bitterness is noted in lactic mushrooms - milk mushrooms, travelers, chanterelles, volnushki, podtopolniks, whites, valuev and some other edible mushrooms.

Mushrooms collected in coniferous forests are more bitter than mushrooms from deciduous forests, even if they belong to the same species and family. In addition, "coniferous" mushrooms have a resinous flavor that is not so easy to remove.

Another reason for the appearance of bitterness in edible mushrooms is a lack of moisture. Immediately after the rain, the mushrooms are delicious, but after a week, due to the heat, their taste can change dramatically for the worse. Due to lack of moisture, they become bitter, or bile.

Mushrooms will be bitter in a polluted area, everyone knows that they, like a sponge, absorb everything that is in the air, soil and water. Even edible mushrooms that grow along roads, next to large industrial enterprises, landfills and other pollutants cannot be collected. Cut the mushrooms only with a stainless steel knife or a ceramic knife.

Some mushrooms are naturally bitter!

Processing methods

How to remove bitterness from mushrooms? We remove the bitter taste by processing - soaking or boiling. There are no other ways and means to remove bitterness. The collected mushrooms should be cleaned, divided into varieties, so that each type can be soaked or boiled separately. In russula, the colored film must be removed from the hat.

Different types of mushrooms are soaked and boiled in different ways, this requires different times. But after preliminary preparation, cook - salt, fry, marinate - they can be together.

Both soaking and boiling mushrooms is a long process. Soaking lasts two days, with the replacement of water 2-3 times a day. At the same time, you can taste the mushrooms - for some, the bitterness disappears earlier. If it is already gone, you can use the mushroom for further cooking. To speed up the process, you can slightly salt the water in which the mushrooms are soaked with non-iodized salt. For 1 liter of water, 10 grams of salt is required; it absorbs bitter substances well. A container with soaked mushrooms is placed in a dark, cool place so that they do not deteriorate.

Soaking time varies from mushroom to mushroom. So, russula and mushrooms are not soaked at all, white milk mushrooms and volnushki are soaked for 1-1.5 days. Seryanki, valui, smoothies, black milk mushrooms, under-thorns, whites, violins are soaked from two to five days. Moreover, in each locality, in different weather conditions, the soaking time is also different, so you should listen to the advice of local mushroom pickers.

Mushrooms are boiled several times for 15-20 minutes, while changing the water. They can also be tasted in the process, and continue digestion until the taste becomes normal. As a rule, boiling allows you to remove bitterness faster than soaking.

If the mushrooms are bitter even after processing, it is better to throw them away so as not to poison yourself and your loved ones. You can still sprinkle them with citric acid, but is it worth the risk?

Water for soaking and boiling mushrooms should be clean, spring, well or filtered. Do not use chlorinated tap water.

Chanterelles, which contain a lot of bitter substances, can be washed with running water, and then sprinkled with flour, it will absorb bitterness. After 15 hours, they are washed again and tasted.

Milk mushrooms are boiled several times, with the replacement of water. You need to boil them so much that the water remains clear, this will indicate that the bitterness has disappeared.

Bitter mushrooms can spoil the taste of the dish!

What to do with salted mushrooms?

If you oversalted the mushrooms and only noticed it in winter, no problem. Salted mushrooms are soaked in clean cold water for 2 hours, changing the water every 30 minutes. Then served to the table with onions and vegetable oil. An excellent addition to salted mushrooms is boiled potatoes.

Salted mushrooms can be used to cook soup with products that remove excess salt - carrots, rice, pearl barley, sour cream. At the same time, the soup itself should not be salted.

If fried mushrooms are salted, you can add flour, cream or sour cream to them, and simmer everything together. You can boil potatoes without salt, and mix it with salted mushrooms.

Salted mushrooms with boiled rice will be an excellent filling for pies.

Salted mushrooms are used to make gravy for boiled pasta, with onions and carrots fried until golden brown.

Salted pickled mushrooms are used for salads and vinaigrettes, instead of pickles or zucchini.

In any of these cases, a dish with oversalted mushrooms is not salted additionally, or added if the salt in the mushrooms and the mushrooms themselves turned out to be less than other products.

If bitterness remains in salted mushrooms, this indicates that they were incorrectly prepared for salting. It's no longer possible to fix this. To eat or not to eat such mushrooms is a voluntary matter. You can try to correct their taste by soaking in clean water.

Don't overdo the mushrooms either!

Let's clarify some facts

To avoid mushroom poisoning, you need to know as much as possible about them. Therefore, we will try to clarify some facts about poisonous and edible mushrooms.

It is believed that poisonous mushrooms must be bitter, ugly and with an unpleasant odor. This is not true. For example, such dangerous mushrooms as panther fly agaric, pale toadstool or poisonous pink plate have neither taste nor much smell. And false mushrooms in appearance cannot be distinguished from real ones.

Insects and snails also eat poisonous mushrooms, mushroom pickers often find pale toadstools on which snails sit.

You can get poisoned not only with poisonous mushrooms, but also with edible ones, if they are already old, spoiled and poorly processed.

When mushrooms are poisoned, such signs appear - nausea, abdominal pain, diarrhea, vomiting, weakness, agitated state. In the event of their appearance, it is necessary to call an ambulance, but for now, independently do a gastric lavage with water with potassium permanganate, and a cleansing enema. Drink salted water.


The main causes of bitterness of mushrooms

  • A twin mushroom was caught in the common basket. This, as a rule, is the overwhelming cause of the possible occurrence of bitterness (up to 95%). Most often, the boletus is confused with the gall fungus, which has a great visual resemblance to it. The gall fungus is not poisonous and dangerous to human life and health, but has a pronounced bitter taste. If it enters the common boiler during cooking, it can spoil the taste of all mushrooms. In fact, it is not difficult to distinguish these mushrooms if you know several signs: by the tubular layer (in the gall fungus it is pink, in the boletus it is whitish, creamy, yellow or green), by the cut (in the gall fungus the flesh turns pink, in the boletus it does not change color or slightly blue). In fact, the gall fungus is one of the most harmless twins. There are also poisonous specimens, for example, such as the satanic mushroom. In this regard, when picking mushrooms, it is important to be extremely careful.
  • The preparation of boletus mushrooms took place in conjunction with other types of mushrooms, in particular with milkers, valuy, fiddlers and other representatives of the mushroom kingdom, which have a bitter taste. Porcini mushrooms should preferably be processed and cooked separately from other mushrooms. When collecting, it is also recommended to place them in a separate container.
  • Damage to the fungus due to weather conditions, improper storage or other reasons. The fungus can acquire bitterness due to decay processes or due to the fact that it absorbs this property from the environment.

Thus, to avoid bitterness, you just need to be more careful about these mushrooms.


How to harvest and process crops

In order to avoid a bitter unpleasant aftertaste in mushrooms after defrosting, it is necessary to adhere to the following rules before harvesting:

Harvest after harvest must be thoroughly washed, cleaned of debris, sand, simultaneously removing stains.

Taste qualities largely depend on the time of harvest. If the season turned out to be dry, most likely, bitterness will be present in the mushrooms.

You should not engage in harvesting along highways, near industrial enterprises, industrial zones. Mushrooms have the ability to quickly absorb, accumulate toxic substances, which adversely affects their taste. They are sensitive to the ecological situation of the growing area, quickly adsorb exhaust gases, all kinds of poisons.

First - about freezing methods

How to freeze crops? Young "milk" mushrooms are suitable for freezing raw or after boiling in water, broth. It is safer, more reliable to subject the crop to heat treatment. In this case, you can be sure that it will not disappear even after accidental defrosting of the freezer. In addition, boiled mushrooms are compact, take up little space. This is especially important if the refrigerator compartment is small and the harvest is significant.

Freezing fresh mushrooms

The harvest is carefully sorted, sorted, selecting only small specimens. After that, the mushroom caps are thoroughly cleaned of debris, the leg is cut off at the bottom.

Then the crop is washed with water, thoroughly washing out the sand, small debris under the caps. After washing, the mushrooms are spread on a towel until completely dry.

To get a scattering of separately frozen chanterelles, they are frozen in parts. First, 1 layer is laid out in the pallet, after which it is subjected to freezing.

A few hours later, the mushrooms are transferred to containers or plastic bags, and the next batch is prepared for freezing.

Features of freezing large mushrooms

It often happens that large frozen specimens after defrosting, cooking are bitter. Pre-boiling before freezing will help to eliminate an unpleasant aftertaste.

Freshly picked chanterelles are sorted, garbage is removed, washed in running water. After that, they are cut into slices, put in a saucepan, poured with running water.

The container with mushrooms is salted, put on fire, brought to a boil, boiled for 15-20 minutes.

Boiled specimens are laid out in a colander, cooled quickly in running water, laid out on a napkin or towel to dry.

The final procedure is the packaging of mushrooms in containers, plastic bags, placing in a freezer.

Chanterelles frozen in broth

The harvest can be partially frozen directly in the broth in which it was cooked. This processing method is convenient. In the future, mushrooms can be used immediately after being removed from the freezer for cooking first courses.

Selected, washed specimens are boiled in salted broth for about 15-20 minutes.

After that, the container is cooled, boiled mushrooms are transferred to containers for freezing.

If you need to prepare a gravy or a first course, you do not need to defrost the chanterelles. The briquette is placed in boiling water, the dish is cooked according to the recipe. When it becomes necessary to completely defrost the product, do it at room temperature. Do not subject it to processing in hot water or a microwave oven.

It is worth saying that cleaning and any heat treatment of chanterelles should be carried out on the very day when the crop is harvested. Any delay for a long time can lead to the accumulation of harmful toxins in mushrooms that can harm human health.

In this article, you can get an exhaustive answer to the question of why chanterelle mushrooms are bitter, as well as familiarize yourself with proven methods to help remove this unpleasant feature.

Why are chanterelles bitter after freezing and what to do if the mushrooms are bitter when defrosted?

Why are chanterelles bitter after freezing and what can be done to fix it? Indeed, when taking frozen mushrooms out of the freezer in winter, you can sometimes find a little bitterness. If you do not immediately pay attention to this, the cooked dish may be spoiled.

So, why are chanterelle mushrooms bitter after defrosting, and what rules should be followed to avoid this? In order to avoid an unpleasant bitter taste after defrosting, the following recommendations are observed before harvesting:

  • Mushrooms are cleaned of forest debris, earth or sand and rotten areas are immediately cut off.
  • Rinse thoroughly in plenty of water, mixing with your hands.
  • Pour cold water and leave for 1.5-2 hours.
  • The water is drained, the mushrooms are laid out on a wire rack and left for 20-30 minutes to drain.
  • After that, the chanterelles are distributed in plastic bags or food containers and put in the freezer.

Why are frozen chanterelles bitter and how to remove bitterness from thawed mushrooms?

But sometimes, even despite following the rules, frozen chanterelles are bitter, why? It would be better to boil the mushrooms after soaking, so that the bitterness is gone for sure.

Another factor why frozen chanterelles remain bitter is the time of harvest. In the dry mushroom season, bitterness is always present in mushrooms, which is difficult to remove by soaking.

How can you remove bitterness from frozen chanterelles if they were harvested raw?

  • After defrosting, the mushrooms are dipped in boiling water and boiled for 10-15 minutes over low heat.
  • You can add 1 tbsp to the water. l. salt and 2-3 pinches of citric acid. Such actions will help remove the bitter taste from the fruiting bodies.

In addition, heat treatment will add to your confidence that the workpiece will not deteriorate after accidental defrosting of the freezer. It is worth adding that boiled chanterelles become more compact and take up less space in the freezer than raw ones.

How else can you remove bitterness from chanterelles after freezing?

How to remove bitterness from chanterelles after freezing in another interesting way? Frozen fresh mushrooms are delicious when used in soups or added to fried potatoes. But there are problematic situations when mushrooms are bitter. Therefore, after freezing, the fruiting bodies are first thawed. Then the question arises, how to remove bitterness from thawed chanterelles so that the dish prepared from them does not lose its mushroom taste and aroma? In this case, the mushrooms are blanched in boiling salted water for 5-7 minutes, having previously laid them out in a colander after defrosting.

I would like to draw your attention to the fact that it is best to freeze only young specimens of chanterelles that have not completely straightened their hats. Such fruiting bodies practically do not have a bitter taste and contain more nutrients and vitamins in their composition than overripe ones.

Many experienced housewives prefer to freeze chanterelles directly in the mushroom broth in which they were cooked. Note that this method is convenient, because in the future the mushrooms are used immediately after being removed from the freezer without prior defrosting. Cooked first courses from such a preparation are incredibly tasty.

However, it happens that even in the broth, mushrooms have a slightly bitter taste. Why are chanterelles bitter after cooking and how to fix the situation?

  • The blank for the first courses is defrosted, the broth is drained, and the mushrooms are washed under a cold tap.
  • Pour a small amount of water, adding one onion, cut into 4 parts, and boil for 10 minutes over medium heat.
  • They throw it in a colander, let it drain and proceed to further processing processes.

How to get rid of bitterness in chanterelles after boiling?

After preliminary boiling, the chanterelles remain bitter, what to do in this case? There may be several reasons for this: for example, the individual feature of the fruiting bodies, the presence of toxins in the pulp, as well as improper processing.

The natural bitter taste of chanterelles can complicate the technology and increase the cooking time. But thanks to this bitterness, the appearance of the fruiting bodies is practically not spoiled by pests that do not like bitter food.

It is worth saying that although the bitterness of mushrooms does not harm human health, many do not like this taste. Therefore, in order to get rid of the bitter taste of chanterelles when boiled, salt, citric acid, bay leaf, clove buds and allspice are added to the water. After the first cooking for 5-8 minutes, the water is drained and filled with new water. Boil again, but without the addition of salt and spices.

In addition, there is a way that simplifies the task and shows how to get rid of bitterness in chanterelles. After boiling in salted water for 15 minutes, mushrooms can be cooked in pickled form or various sauces and fillings can be added to the dish. This method will make the bitter taste of chanterelles less noticeable. As a rule, you can get used to the specific taste of fruiting bodies if you constantly use them. But those who rarely eat chanterelles immediately notice bitterness.

However, do not forget about an important factor that will help avoid bitterness: pick small mushrooms with unopened caps!

Why are fried chanterelles bitter and what to do to get rid of the problem?

It often happens that even after frying the chanterelles are bitter, why does this happen? When the hostess first encounters such problems, this perplexes her and doubts creep in about the edibility of mushrooms.

Why fried chanterelles are bitter is a very practical question. Perhaps the fact is that false chanterelles got into the mushrooms, which have a strong bitterness in the pulp, which spoiled the taste of all the mushrooms. Therefore, if there is even a drop of doubt about which mushrooms you have collected and cooked, it is better not to be tempted and throw them away.

Another option why chanterelles are bitter when frying is the lack of preliminary soaking of mushrooms. This should be done immediately after cleaning: pour the mushroom crop with cold water and leave for 1.5-2 hours. Then rinse in plenty of water, and then proceed to further processing.

Some cooks have noticed why chanterelles remain bitter after frying. The peculiarity of this problem lies in the fact that mushrooms, after being brought home, could not be processed for a long time, accumulating toxic substances in the pulp.

Before frying, the mushrooms are soaked, boiled in boiling salted water and only then fried. Although such processes require additional time, the bitterness inherent in chanterelles will definitely go away.

Why are chanterelles bitter after frying and can this be fixed?

What to do if fried chanterelles are bitter even after pre-soaking and boiling? Perhaps the fruiting bodies were burnt or fried in bitter sunflower oil. Then with such chanterelles you need to do the following: add sour cream or mayonnaise, spices and simmer over low heat for 15 minutes. You can try to remedy the situation as follows: roll the boiled mushrooms in flour and cook in butter with the addition of onions fried in sugar.

The reasons that bitterness remains after frying may be completely different. When boiling, try putting a bag of dense fabric with spices into the water: cloves, bay leaves, cinnamon sticks, fresh dill and parsley. If you have tried all the manipulations to remove bitterness, but it still remains, throw away the mushrooms, not regretting the time and effort spent.

Why are dried chanterelles bitter and how to get rid of this lack of mushrooms?

If even after heat treatment the mushrooms have a bitter taste, then it is clear why dried chanterelles are bitter. According to their specificity, mushrooms already have bitterness in the pulp. In addition, chanterelles could grow in coniferous forests on a bed of moss, which enhances the taste of bitterness. The simple tips described below will help rid dried mushrooms of this shortcoming.

First option- soaking chanterelles in cold water with the addition of salt for 5-8 hours. At the same time, water should be changed 2-3 times a day so that the fruiting bodies do not souring.

Second option- pour mushrooms with warm milk so that they completely cover the product, and leave for 2-3 hours.

In addition, it is better to boil chanterelles after soaking with the addition of citric acid and some spices: bay leaf, cloves, and dill umbrellas. Adding these ingredients will completely help to remove the bitterness from dried chanterelles.

Mushrooms are a low-calorie product that differs from others in its special taste. They have been a source of vitamins and protein for humans for many thousands of years. Healers often used soups made from dried mushrooms and herbs to treat colds, physical exhaustion, wounds and injuries. And they were absolutely right, since dried mushroom soup is available at any time of the year, and its value is no less than that of fresh ones. Vitamins and amino acids, proteins are especially necessary for people in a weakened state. But you need to know how to cook mushroom soup from dried mushrooms so that it is healthy and not harmful. Too much use of this product threatens to malfunction in the intestines, as they are absorbed for a long time. But the usefulness of their properties is unrivaled, since they include:

  • lecithin, which burns bad cholesterol;
  • ergothioneine, which is the strongest natural antioxidant, improves immunity and fights cancer cells and ARVI viruses. Even doctors recommend eating soups with dried mushrooms during outbreaks of SARS.

The above arguments are far from a complete list of reasons why you need to know how to cook soup from dried mushrooms. It will also help to cope with migraines, asthma and even tuberculosis.

dried mushroom soup recipe

Various mushrooms are suitable for this wonderful dish: champignons, porcini, mushrooms, aspen mushrooms, boletus mushrooms, mushrooms. We will use white, as they are preferred by the majority.

Required Ingredients:

  • potatoes - 2 pieces
  • onion - 1 pc.
  • carrots - 1 pc.
  • white dry mushrooms - 50 gr.
  • butter - 50 gr.
  • gossamer vermicelli - ½ cup
  • salt and pepper.

How to make dried porcini mushroom soup

  1. Check all mushrooms for mold and insects, they should be firm and smell good.
  2. Wash them and soak for two to three hours.
  3. Fry carrots and onions.
  4. Squeeze the mushrooms out of the water, cut the large ones and add them to the vegetables.
  5. Pour everything with a small amount of water, simmer for 10 minutes.
  6. Mushroom soup made from dried mushrooms will turn out tastier if you strain the soaking water and put on fire for broth.
  7. Cut the potatoes into cubes and put into the boiling broth, then add the vermicelli.
  8. After 5 minutes, send stewed vegetables and mushrooms, salt and pepper to the pan.
  9. Boil 10 minutes.

  1. Milk is ideal for soaking, it makes the smell stronger.
  2. Porcini mushrooms are sometimes bitter, they cannot be used, they will spoil the whole taste of the dish.
  3. Boletus and boletus make the broth darker, but you can put any mushrooms.
  4. Cream is perfectly combined with such a dish, making it tender.
  5. Barley can replace vermicelli, but any other cereal is possible, at the discretion of the cook.

This simple dried mushroom soup, a recipe that any novice housewife can handle, will diversify your menu, bringing it closeness to nature and the forest, and also replace any other meat or fish in its energy value. As mentioned above, this product is digested for a long time, so it is not recommended for children under 4 years old. But in general, starting from the moment of preparation, this is an interesting first dish that fills the house with the smell of the forest, and eating it, wrapped in a blanket on winter evenings, is a pleasure. It will warm you, saturating the body with amino acids and useful substances that will help the immune system resist viruses and microbes.

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