Home Soups Real black caviar to be determined. How to determine the quality of black caviar. What real black caviar should look like

Real black caviar to be determined. How to determine the quality of black caviar. What real black caviar should look like


Sevruga caviar, sturgeon caviar. How caviar is served and what it is eaten with . How to drink caviar. What is useful black caviar.

Perhaps we are the last generation that managed to taste it the way nature gave it birth. In the old days, it was salted only with special salt, called "blue pomegranate", which was mined near Perm. Under Alexei Mikhailovich, it was boiled in poppy milk. And now we eat it raw...

The price of black caviar, black caviar prices, how much does black caviar cost, where to buy, sturgeon caviar caviar chernaya ikra xthyfz brhf regbnm


Until now, the literature is full of indications that for the first time they began to eat caviar precisely in Russia, and in the 12th century, and Europeans joined the delicacy only under Shakespeare and Cervantes.


  • The highest grade - one type of fish, one salting, one grain size, uniform color, no foreign tastes, odors, eggs are easily separated from each other.
  • The first grade is slightly moister and thicker, there may be a slight aftertaste.
  • The second ... well, what is the second, you can also eat it.
  • But there are types of caviar out of varieties that receive special names depending on the age of the fish. Exactly 35-year-old stellate sturgeon caviar is called "classic gray", caviar of 20-year-old sturgeon - "royal black". Appreciated Rogen Osietra - 45-year-old sturgeon caviar, and if sturgeon hit 85, its caviar gets a proud name - Imperial. How the age of the fish is determined, I don’t know - maybe they check the passport?
  • But all this pales before golden caviar, which is also wrong to call black caviar - it is a beautiful golden-amber color and the cost of this game reaches up to 25,000 dollars per kilo. They say that this caviar is the rarest game of nature - albino beluga. In Iran, such caviar is packaged in jars of 995-carat gold - why regret, how much is needed there, if such caviar cannot be obtained more than 10 kilos per year? They probably don’t sell it to blind rich people: they don’t see the color, but the taste is exactly the same.


Previously, when black caviar was a common product, it was fried, boiled, for Easter not only pancakes with caviar were baked, but also pancakes from caviar, eggs, for which they beat caviar, mixed it with flour and steamed it. Even that was added to the soup - the old Kalya soup was not prepared without caviar.

  • Put caviar on the table in a special dish - caviar, glass or porcelain. In no case is it metallic - the metal, in contact with caviar, can oxidize, and this will affect the taste.

  • Under the caviar there is an under-caviar filled with ice to keep the caviar cold - warm caviar is an even greater shame for the cook than warm vodka. Therefore, I personally am not enthusiastic about the wooden caviar trays used in some “a la russe” restaurants, painted under Khokhloma - the tree does not conduct heat well.
  • A caviar spoon should not be metal, but mother-of-pearl or even made of ivory. The caviar is worth it!

  • Entrust caviar accompaniment to its faithful companions: eggs - chicken or quail, fresh butter shavings, lemon (only without frills, it can clog the delicate taste of the delicacy), toast, finely chopped red onion, thin pancakes, pancakes. In this suite, an overseas guest is also possible - mango puree.
  • It is better to serve black caviar toasts with black ones - they will only emphasize the taste of caviar, and white ones can score it. A toast does not have to be eaten with caviar at all - think of it as a dish.
  • Pancakes with caviar, in addition to the delicious contrast of warm pancake and cold caviar, delight with the softness of sour cream, preferably thick, relying on them.
  • You can surprise your guests with a newfangled serving of caviar with the defiant name "beggar's purse": a spoonful of caviar, a little sour cream are placed on the pancake, and then the pancake is tied like a bag with a green onion feather. Do not consider the name meaningless - having paid for such a dish, you can go around the world ...

  • Cooler guests may wish to eat caviar not with a spoon, but with a credit card - in no case not Visa Electron or Cirrus Maestro, Gold or Platinum is better. They don’t eat caviar with the Infinity card - for its owners, this product is somewhat plebeian ...
  • And for very cool guests, you can serve caviar in the form of a Novorussian salad: put a lobster in a bowl of red caviar and lay it with black caviar so that it is not visible. Pour all this with Napoleon cognac, sprinkle with Raffaello and eat directly from the bowl without the help of hands ...


  1. Black caviar activates the formation of collagen and elastin, that is, prevents skin aging and even promotes its rejuvenation. Therefore, super-elite cosmetics are prepared from caviar. But eating it is much more pleasant than smearing it on your face.
  2. There are a lot of vitamins in black caviar - A, B, D, E, in general, half-alphabet. They are essential for human growth and normal development. So children are fed caviar not in vain.
  3. Vitamins and minerals of caviar are useful for our circulatory system. They normalize blood pressure and increase hemoglobin.
  4. There are many minerals and trace elements in caviar- phosphorus for the brain, potassium for the heart, calcium for the bones, iodine for the glands, iron for the blood, sulfur for tone, chlorine, silicon, sodium, manganese and zinc for the fullness of sensations and a lot more of everything.
  5. Caviar is an excellent source of complete proteins such as albumins and globulins. It contains a lot of lecithins, and the caviar itself is an excellent natural biostimulant. Before an exam or a difficult meeting, it will come in handy!
  6. Caviar fat contains a lot of iodine and omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids that are essential for the body, which contribute to weight loss, so you won’t get better with it.


Drinks served with caviar are not the same as in Europe. We believe that the best liquid company for caviar is a glass of ice-cold vodka, Europeans condescendingly shrug their shoulders when they see our misted decanters and full glasses, and they themselves sip brut champagne under the caviar from a tall glass. There is no point in arguing - if something caviar did not fit, they would not drink it with it. You haven't seen anyone drinking caviar with compote, have you? And caviar is washed down with vodka - Fyodor Chaliapin adored this and specially emphasized that vodka is not eaten with caviar. The status is not the same.


  • Artificial caviar in a jar often looks like frosted caviar. This is not frost…
  • Many (but not all!) types of artificial caviar simply melt in boiling water.
  • Real black caviar does not smell (or almost does not smell) of fish. And the artificial one is often flavored with almost herring tails. Heard a strong smell of fish - do not buy!
  • If the caviar does not burst when lightly pressed, but resembles millet to the touch, it is more millet than caviar.
  • Do not buy quicksand caviar! If you tilt the caviar jar a little to the side, the caviar should not “float”. And caviar should not stick together in lumps either - this is poor processing, it can affect not only taste, but also your health.
  • Pick the caviar from the bottom of the jar with the handle of a small spoon - it should not be dry, but crumbly. At the same time, check if they slipped you a “sandwich” - a jar with good caviar at the top and who knows what at the bottom.
  • And now the main sign - good caviar is not cheap! Buying cheap caviar, you will certainly overpay.


In my opinion, the guilt complex gives a special taste to black caviar. Sturgeons have existed for 600 million years, survived the dinosaurs, and at least that, but they may not survive electrification - the rivers they need for spawning have been blocked off, and I’m not talking about water pollution. Sturgeon shoals of the Caspian have decreased to a critical level, the export of caviar has been banned to all the Caspian countries, except for Iran. Eating a spoonful of caviar, we destroy a whole shoal of beluga. We have to do something already, otherwise the grandchildren will have to tell for a long time what a delicious thing it was - black caviar.

Black caviar ban. The international organization of fighters for the conservation of wildlife has proposed its own means of fighting for sturgeon - it calls for the abandonment of black caviar, hoping that this will reduce demand and dampen the activity of poachers. I don't even know whether to laugh or cry...


Back in the mid-1960s, Academician Nesmeyanov managed to take a non-standard step in the fight against caviar shortages by obtaining the world's first artificial caviar from gelatin. Later they mastered the production of caviar from chicken eggs, and in 1994 its industrial production began in Murmansk. Now ersatz caviar is made from seafood, including algae. Maybe someday artificial caviar will be able to adequately replace the real one. In the meantime, most often it is used to falsify it.

So in Belgium they have learned to breed sturgeon in ponds and have already sold the first half a ton of such sturgeon caviar, and since the proceeds have exceeded all expectations, they are going to expand production. And Japan began to produce black caviar, having mastered and improved the breeding technology bester - a hybrid of beluga and sterlet, and is going to bring the gross turnover of a valuable product to 10 tons per year in the near future. So, as a last resort, we will buy caviar from the Japanese. But humanity clearly does not want to refuse such deliciousness.

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Moscow, St. Petersburg, Rostov, Kyiv, Milan, St. Petersburg, Chelyabinsk, Novosibirsk, Yekaterinburg, Nizhny Novgorod, Samara, Volgograd, Rostov-on-Don, Omsk, Kazat, Kyiv, Dnepropetrovsk, Kharkov, Donetsk, Minsk

It is difficult to imagine a real Russian feast without red caviar. This delicacy often becomes the main component necessary for the preparation of a wide variety of dishes and snacks. Have you ever thought about how to distinguish red caviar from a fake? How is the counterfeiting of the product? Who needs it and how to distinguish the original from the fake? The answers to these and many other questions will be known very soon.

What is found on the shelves of our stores?

Many people know that caviar is black and red. And can buyers boast of knowledge about what types of fish provide a delicacy for the festive table? As a rule, three types of black sturgeon caviar are found in stores. The most expensive of them is stellate sturgeon caviar, followed by beluga and sturgeon. Depending on the processing method, it is divided into granular (when the eggs are well separated from each other, and the caviar itself is made from selected raw materials), pressed (in the form of mashed potatoes) and oval (when the caviar is salted in the film itself). Red caviar, in turn, is represented on the market by all types of salmon fish. This is everyone's favorite pink salmon, chum and salmon, trout and seals. The most common caviar is pink salmon - this fish is the most prolific of all lovers of delicacies. Taste of caviar is pleasant to all. can be found not so often, but all because this fish has long been in the status of mass extermination.

How to recognize a fake?

Before answering this question, it is worth understanding how fake products are made. What is fake red caviar made of? For these purposes seaweeds are used. First, agar, alginate and agaroid are isolated from plants. After that, on the basis of these components, jelly is cooked according to a special recipe. Subsequently, the product is tinted in the desired color, and eggs of one size or another are formed from the finished jelly. Then sturgeon fat is added, or which, in turn, gives the same taste of red caviar. It is believed that such a product is rich in iodine due to the main component that is part of the product (seaweed). So fake red caviar is completely harmless if all the conditions and production technology were observed during its manufacture. To figure out how to distinguish red caviar from a fake, you should determine some aspects that must be considered when choosing a product.

Caviar color and its external data

Only original products have all the eggs of the same size and are easily separated from each other. Any plaque, damage, cracks, blood clots or mucus are simply unacceptable on the surface of red grains. Real red caviar has a rich bright orange (or scarlet) color. The eggs themselves are transparent - through them you can see the so-called eyes, that is, the cores of the eggs. If there are none, then most likely, in the hands of the buyer is a fake, which is made from protein products, milk and gelatin with the addition of flavors and flavors. By the way, the color of fake caviar is much richer than that of the original products.

Knowing how to distinguish red caviar from a fake visually, you can protect yourself from purchasing counterfeit goods.

Container and packaging

Real red caviar will never be stored in plastic containers! Holding a glass container with red caviar in your hands, you should pay attention to the integrity of the package. The jar should not be swollen or squeezed. The shelf life of real red caviar cannot exceed 12 months. The product must be stored at -180 to -250 °C. When the jar vibrates, there should be no extraneous sounds. The characteristic gurgling indicates that the tightness of the packaging is broken or the caviar has been re-frozen. In the event that a potential buyer has a tin can in his hands, you should pay attention to the manufacturer and the composition of the product. So, red caviar from Sakhalin and Kamchatka is produced from mid-June to September, since it is at this time that salmon fish go to spawn. Currently, this is the only place in Russia where the export of seafood is allowed. In the event that another manufacturer is indicated on the bank, you should be wary, as the buyer may hold a fake product in his hands. In addition, the label must state that the caviar complies with GOST. Speaking about how to distinguish real red caviar from a fake, you should familiarize yourself with other marks that should be on the label: date of manufacture, “Caviar” sign, manufacturer’s number, shift number and, of course, the corresponding fishing industry index (“ R"). The “TU” mark should be avoided, as it indicates that the caviar was made from frozen raw materials. All of the above information will help you learn how to distinguish red caviar from a fake in a jar.


If you know how to distinguish real red caviar from a fake, then even the cost of one can can tell a lot about the quality of the product. So, only true fish can cost about 1200 Russian rubles per 1 kilogram. It should also be understood that too high a cost is not an indicator of high quality. But the "attractive" price tag should certainly alert the buyer.

How to distinguish red caviar from a fake at home?

If the product has already been purchased and for some reason it was not possible to verify its authenticity in the store, there are special methods for checking at home. They should be talked about. Before serving, you need to take one caviar and lightly press on it. If it burst, but did not splash around, then this is real caviar, which can be safely wrapped in thin pancakes. If the egg remains safe and sound, then this means that the consumer got counterfeit products. There is another interesting method that allows you to answer the question: how to distinguish real red caviar from a fake? Experience with iodine will help to find out the answer to this question. Just one drop of iodine is enough to see the reaction - real red caviar will not react in any way to its effect, unlike an artificial product that will change its color very quickly. The easiest method is to dip a few eggs into a glass of hot water. The artificial analogue will dissolve, which will never happen with real red caviar. This method allows you to get an answer to the question of how to distinguish good red caviar from a fake.

The chemical composition of red caviar

Perhaps, it was worth talking about the beneficial properties of this product in advance, but nothing prevents you from doing it right now. Knowing how to distinguish natural red caviar from a fake, you can talk about the composition of the product and its beneficial properties. You should immediately pay attention to the fact that adulterated caviar may contain such a dangerous substance as urotropin, which is added to fake caviar to extend its shelf life. By itself, urotropin is not so harmful, which cannot be said about the product of its decay - formaldehyde.

And now more about the chemical composition of red caviar. The delicacy is a nutritious product rich in proteins and vitamins A, D, E, folic acid, phosphorus and iodine, as well as calcium and polyunsaturated fatty acids. Red caviar contains a large amount of protein - about 32%. All these substances are essential for the human body. It is for this reason that red caviar is very popular in folk medicine. This product is widely used in cosmetology.

Beneficial features

Knowing how to distinguish red caviar from a fake in taste, appearance and with the help of simple experiments, we can talk about the beneficial properties of this product and its distinctive qualities. All the benefits of red caviar are explained by only one fact: a small caviar is a “fish egg”, which contains in its composition everything that is necessary for the full development of the embryo. But this does not mean that red caviar can be eaten in tablespoons for breakfast, lunch and dinner. Red caviar is very useful for the prevention of atherosclerosis and for general strengthening of the immune system. Moderate consumption of red caviar contributes to the natural rejuvenation of the body. This product is useful for strengthening bones and improving vision. In addition, red caviar prevents the formation of blood clots, it improves blood circulation. Many experts recommend this product for use by those who wish to increase the level of hemoglobin in the blood.

Negative qualities

Real or artificial red caviar? How to distinguish a fake? How to get the maximum benefit and not harm the body? In fact, red caviar is not always useful. The allowable dose is 4 teaspoons of the product per day (this is about 2-3 sandwiches).

Red caviar contains salt, which can lead to fluid retention in the body. Moreover, the combination of red caviar, white bread and butter is a serious blow to the thighs and buttocks, so you should not get carried away with the delicacy if you need to lose a few pounds.

There is one more thing that needs to be taken into account - real red caviar goes through several stages of production and preservation before it gets on the table. Only if the technology is observed, this product can be considered useful and nutritious. Unfortunately, not all producers can boast of an impeccable process of collecting and preserving red caviar.

How to distinguish real red caviar from artificial in taste?

This information will be useful to those who for some reason could not evaluate the quality of the product before buying. Real eggs do not stick to each other, they are dense in texture, have a clear “eye”. When biting or punching, the eggs burst, but do not splatter, which cannot be said about the artificial counterpart. The eggs in the jar should be the same size. Cloudiness of the brine, the presence of mucus and foreign impurities are not allowed.

Caviar is counted in autumn

When buying, pay special attention to the production date. Of course, the best caviar will be the one that is collected during the spawning months of salmon fish. The duration of this period is different: for example, pink salmon in western Sakhalin goes to spawn from mid-May to October, chum salmon starts its spawning trip around August, but coho salmon in Kamchatka goes along the rivers in three stages. In the event that the packaging contains a date that does not correspond to the spawning period, most likely the product is made from frozen ovaries. Useful properties are, of course, lost, but the taste remains the same.

These practical tips will help you choose a truly high-quality caviar and not make a mistake when buying a delicacy for the festive table:

  1. It is best to choose packaging labeled "GOST".
  2. Particular attention should be paid to the place of production and preference should be given only to producers located in traditional spawning areas (Kamchatka, Sakhalin).
  3. The type of salmon fish must be indicated on the bank.
  4. Preference should be given to caviar stored in a glass jar (so you can carefully examine each caviar).
  5. When turning the jar over, no gurgling or other extraneous sounds should be heard.
  6. Also, when turning over, the eggs should not quickly drain along the edges. A maximum of a few grains will fall on the lid.
  7. The numbers on the container should be convex, not depressed.

Caviar in a tin should not be kept open for a long time. Metal oxidation is a fast and destructive process for red caviar. The best option is to use all the content at once. Therefore, before the holidays it is worth counting your strength.

Note to housewives

Traditional sandwiches with red caviar, decorated with fresh herbs, are, of course, incredibly tasty and exquisite. But after all, on holidays you can pamper your guests with more original masterpieces of culinary art, which will certainly be remembered by all those gathered at the festive table.

Even ordinary snacks can be served in a very unusual way. To do this, you need to bake several thin pancakes, cut them into two parts, wrap them in a bag and put a teaspoon of red grains in it. To prevent the pancake from falling apart, you can fasten its ends with a decorative skewer.

To create another original and delicious red caviar masterpiece, you will need the following ingredients:

  • Cheese "Philadelphia" - 250 grams.
  • Lightly salted trout or salmon - 300 grams.
  • Strawberry jam - 65 grams.
  • Biscofrisa cookies - 200 grams.
  • Directly the red caviar itself - one jar (50 grams) is enough.

Spread a thin layer of strawberry jam on each cookie. Then cover with a small layer of cheese and put a thin slice of red fish. Decorate the appetizer with red caviar and a small sprig of parsley. Such a dish will become a bright accent of any solemn event, and the hostess will not even notice how cookies with red caviar disappear from all plates. Knowing how to distinguish red caviar from a fake, you can pamper yourself and your loved ones with unique dishes that have useful properties.

Moscow, 27 December. On the eve of the New Year in the yard - no snow and crisis. But how to leave yourself without the main holiday of the year? New Year's table this year in Russia has risen in price by 30%. This is a minimum set of products. Tangerines, sausage, boiled pork, herring, champagne, of course. And also - caviar, which should still be bought with caution. There are a lot of counterfeits on the market. Just this week, a car with a ton of dubious product was detained in Russia. Correspondent of "MIR 24" Roman Nikiforov still decided to choose a good caviar for the New Year.

The contents of the detained bags in the capital's market could be sold for 20 million. But in the Khabarovsk Territory, the court's decision is enforced - they destroyed half a ton of smuggled black caviar. Moreover, they transported her in a bus of a funeral service company. The operatives saw such products in the coffin, in the literal sense.

Another seizure is on Sakhalin. The caviar is not black, but red. As many as 7 tons. A minibus would not be enough here, two trucks were needed. The delicacy, as you can see, is already pretty spoiled.

A typical poaching scheme: in the summer - barbaric production, and closer to the New Year - the transfer of goods to the center of Russia. However, according to the World Wildlife Fund, the situation in the country is gradually changing. In 2005, animal rights activists recommended not buying black caviar at all: sturgeon hunting was banned, and 99% of the illegal product was on the market. Now it's just over half. The quality of the so-called "wild" caviar does not hold water. Unsanitary conditions along the entire production chain, from fish production to transportation.

“In no case should you buy caviar in the markets, in no case in convenience stores. This is a big chance that you will pay the poacher for the destruction of the last sturgeon. Therefore, buy either directly from the manufacturer, or in large retail chains. Here is my recommendation,” Alexander Moiseev, Project Coordinator of the World Wildlife Fund's Sustainable Fisheries Program in Russia.

Legal black caviar is made only in aquaculture farms. The largest of the Russian ones is in the Vologda Oblast. There, fish are grown in open water in cages. Everything is like in humans: a pregnant female is given an ultrasound scan, when she is ready, she takes birth. An analogue of a caesarean section: a small incision heals quickly, the fish remains alive. True, upon reaching the age of 15, pushing through her belly is already a problem. And then the sturgeons have to be slaughtered.

“In vivo caviar is large. And here such whitish spots are visible. These are the embryos themselves. Since caviar, which is mined by slaughter, does not have time to ripen to such a size. It is slightly smaller than caviar obtained in vivo. Therefore, this is the best that is, and, of course, more expensive, ”says Sergey Novikov, general director of the caviar production enterprise.

Sergei Novikov calls poaching products biological weapons. His advice is not to buy caviar by weight. Take only a quality jar with quality packaging. Cheap for such a product is not made. For foreign manufacturers, read the composition: is there any E285 additive banned in Russia, known as borax, it disrupts metabolism.

In addition, with great care it is worth buying the largest and most valuable caviar - beluga. The maturation period of this huge fish is about 15 years. And in the vast majority of Russian farms, beluga is still too young. So change is possible.

Finally, the price. Cheap legal black caviar cannot be by definition. To open production, you need to invest in the business from 100 million rubles, and the investments themselves are long-term and risky. Although sturgeons mature twice as fast in indoor pools as in nature, the first caviar will have to wait five years.

“Fish, firstly, may not grow. Maybe the genetic inheritance itself is bad. May die of disease on its own in the process. Any technical failures, interruptions in the supply of oxygen, for example, within an hour can kill all the fish,” says Marat Abzalov, director of the sturgeon farm.

Red salmon caviar is similar in composition and useful properties to black caviar. It is absorbed a little worse, but it costs much less.

The main thing is to choose the right product, so we go shopping in one of the capital's hypermarkets. So, 4 cans of caviar were bought from different manufacturers at prices ranging from a little over 2 to 3.5 thousand rubles per kilogram, which were referred for examination to the Institute of Fisheries and Oceanography.

“First, when choosing a jar, we, of course, look at the date. This was done in the summer, just the season of poutine. When the fish spawn and when the fish is harvested. This is from July to September,” explains the head of the testing laboratory, Svetlana Mikhlai.

If the date is different, then before being rolled up in jars, caviar was kept in a warehouse or transported through all of Russia. Such a product is less valuable, and there is more of it on the market. The reason is economics.

“And the labor force, and electricity, and tin, of course, are much more expensive in the Far East than here. Therefore, it is easier to bring the frozen yastyk, defrost it here, and then produce products from it with some relatively cheap labor,” explains Vasily Sokolov, deputy head of the Federal Agency for Fisheries.

It’s good if the label indicates a single GOST for all, and not defined by the manufacturer itself (technical conditions - ed. note). The choice is simplified and a transparent jar.

There should be no excess liquid inside. The eggs should hold their shape, be about the same size, and be a natural light orange color. Buying a pig in a poke is risky. So in the MIR 24 set, the most expensive caviar with GOST, packaged on time, right in Kamchatka, unexpectedly turned out to be the worst. Not everything depends on the manufacturer.

“She has the smell of oxidized fat, such a smell is not characteristic of her, herring giblets. Perhaps the temperature conditions during transportation were not respected. Caviar could either freeze slightly, then melt, or the regimes were not observed in the trading network. It’s better not to eat such caviar,” says Svetlana Mikhlai, head of the testing laboratory.

Caviar is more than 30 grams of valuable protein. As well as healthy fats, trace elements and vitamins.

“They are very easy to digest. They are immediately synthesized into our neurotransmitters. These are serotonin, endorphins. Caviar is a kind of drug, a drug of positive mood,” says nutritionist Mariyat Mukhina.

It's just not to be abused. Ideally, no more than 3 teaspoons per day. Too much salt.

“One gram of salt holds a glass of water in our body. If you ate 6 spoons, then you have 2 liters left. That is, in the morning you will just have a swollen face. You will have lean legs, ”explains the nutritionist.

A resident of Novosibirsk bought a delicacy at the fair, but doubted its quality. How to check red caviar and distinguish it from a fake, experts told us, and we conducted an experiment

Photo: Victoria MINAEVA

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To check red caviar and distinguish it from a fake, a laboratory and experts are not needed. From their own experience, the correspondents of Komsomolskaya Pravda - Novosibirsk ", to whom the reader turned, were convinced of this. On the eve of the New Year, the pensioner saw an advertisement on TV: “Hurry! A fair with goods from Sakhalin itself will be held at the railway station!” A huge painted dish with caviar, which was stirred with a large spoon, beckoned ... The viewer instantly turned into a customer, rushing to the station.

I bought two cans for 500 rubles. One - for myself, the second - as a gift to relatives, - the pensioner told KP - Novosibirsk. - And then I bought two more cans for a friend.


"Sakhalin amber caviar" - read the label on the banks. Already at home, our heroine took a more critical look at the purchase. The can opener was located at the bottom, and it was not indicated in the composition whose caviar it was - salmon, chum salmon, pink salmon? The composition says: "salmon caviar." Apparently, all at once.

The woman decided to try the delicacy before the holidays at a bargain price and was completely upset

It's rubber! It tastes like rubber balls rolling in your mouth. I couldn't even bite through one egg right away. And there was absolutely no taste, - the customer is indignant. I immediately doubted if she was real. Moreover, the son of a friend ate a sandwich with this caviar, and his stomach ached.


A woman brought a suspicious jar to the editorial office of KP - Novosibirsk. For comparison, we also had proven caviar from a reliable store. We turned to an expert for advice on how to recognize where is a fake and where is a natural product.

According to the law, artificial caviar cannot be sold under the guise of natural caviar, that is, obtained from fish. The seller must honestly indicate that this is, for example, an imitation - from algae, gelatin or other ingredients, - explained Yakov Novoselov, a nutritionist, director of the Siberian Federal Center for Health Nutrition. - If this is fish caviar, then it must be written which one.

And it is very easy to check the naturalness. You just need to pour boiling water over the eggs. If the eggs dissolved, then you had gelatin in front of you.

If the caviar has not changed its color and the color of the water, then this is not just a harmless fake made from gelatin and herring brine, but chemistry, the expert says. - You can even earn poisoning from such caviar. It can be produced, for example, using esters or other substances. Moreover, unscrupulous manufacturers often add urotropin to such caviar - a preservative that is prohibited in our country.

Real caviar should behave like a squirrel. Under the influence of boiling water, the shell around the eggs will turn white, and the water itself will turn white, cloudy.


Armed with expert advice and boiling water, we conducted an experiment.

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Fake caviar or not: how we tested red caviar. A reader of "Komsomolskaya Pravda" bought "Sakhalin" caviar at the fair and was dissatisfied with it Victoria MINAEVA

We first poured hot water over “Sakhalin” caviar from the fair. The scent of some kind of medicine wafted through the office. The female journalists pinched their noses. And the men suggested: maybe it smells like urotropin - a substance formed during the interaction of ammonia and formaldehyde? In medicine, it is used as an antibacterial drug against microorganisms that cause diseases of the urinary tract.

The eggs themselves from the “Sakhalin” jar did not change color in any way, the water remained transparent, but barely noticeable oily spots appeared on its surface. We conclude: caviar is fake.

But real caviar, under the influence of boiling water, really boiled: the shell of the eggs turned white, like the water itself. We conclude: caviar is natural. It’s a pity that there are less and less of this in stores and at fairs every year ...


"Komsomolskaya Pravda" for two days tried to get through to the company producing "Sakhalin" caviar. On the jar it is written: LLC "Musson", Sakhalin region, Poronaysk. The phone number on the label was not answered. Perhaps someone tried to fake the products of this company, but she herself had nothing to do with it. If this is the case, then employees can contact the journalists of KP - Novosibirsk by calling 8-923-145-11-02.


Can sellers be punished?

According to our expert, it is almost impossible to punish sellers from the fair, which was organized for only three days.

You can file a complaint with Rospotrebnadzor. But the likelihood that employees will be able to conduct a check is very small, - Yakov Novoselov believes. - Now very liberal laws - certification of foodstuffs is cancelled. By law, you just need to write a declaration - a statement that the product meets all standards, and that's it. And the supervisory authorities do not have the right to inspect the company for three years. The same goes for fairs. Sellers declare: "We have natural caviar, from Sakhalin." And everyone must believe them. Supervisory authorities may conduct an unscheduled inspection only in the event of a well-founded complaint. For example, if a person applies with a certificate from the hospital that he was poisoned. It is more effective to simply notify, for example, our center, indicating where low-quality goods are sold. And we ourselves will properly organize the test purchase and after that we will file a lawsuit in court, we will turn to the prosecutor's office.

It remains to be hoped that the Rospotrebnadzor of the Novosibirsk region and the regional prosecutor's office will still have the opportunity to check the seller of this incomprehensible "rubber" product. Designated Offices may consider this publication as an official public statement.

The black caviar presented for sale is divided into several varieties - the first, second, highest and the so-called age. Age types are premium, they are more expensive than the rest. There is also an amber delicacy Golden Caviar - very rare and incredibly expensive, obtained from albino beluga. Artificial eggs contain chicken protein, gelatin, salt, preservatives, flavors, have a spherical shape, large sizes. Naturally, a cheap protein fake has no useful properties (no one forbids you to buy it - if only not at the price of the original).

What real black caviar should look like

Consider, To begin with, look at the appearance of the product - only artificial eggs have a perfectly even shape, by the way, they can be very large. Such a delicacy looks beautiful, but why pay more. What does black caviar taste like? Approximately like salted herring, but a lot depends on the variety. But a quality product should not have a pronounced pungent odor. Flavorings are used on a protein product to break up the gelatin. Plaque on natural eggs should also not be. Moderate shine is acceptable and necessary, the main thing is that it does not appear as a result of abundant lubrication with vegetable oil. Press the egg with a spoon - if it bursts, everything is in order. You can put it on your hand - there should not be a greasy trace. Shake the tin can before buying - there should be no gurgling. In a glass, consider the product - a good one is usually crumbly, homogeneous, does not contain suspensions (they are found in the light). Homogeneity is a mandatory requirement, since any mismatches and delamination with a probability of 90% indicate a mixed character.

Very often, black caviar is faked by mixing natural and artificial grains - this way the deception becomes less obvious to an inexperienced buyer.

How to choose

It is not easy to check the quality of black caviar by eye and in general it is not always possible, therefore:

  • take packaged;
  • give preference to products of well-known manufacturers.

According to GOST, tin and glass containers can be used for packaging, plastic does not yet indicate a fake, but is almost always associated with an appropriate level of quality. Factory jars must contain the mark "sturgeon caviar", data on the type of fish, GOST or TU (with a number). Information about pasteurization, type of product (pause, grain), composition is also indicated.

The expiration date should not exceed one year, but a grained, non-pasteurized product is stored for up to two months, and a packed product is stored for no more than a month. The marking includes not only the release date, but also the shift number. Beluga, sturgeon delicacy is classified by color, which is also indicated. The marking on the tin must be strictly convex.

Well, after the purchase, you can throw the eggs into a glass of very hot water;

  • if the liquid is colored - you bought a colored product of pollock or pike;
  • when an oil film forms on the surface of the water, we can talk about a protein fake;
  • gelatin balls completely dissolve.

green delicacy

The greenish color is characteristic of black sturgeon caviar. The particles have a diameter of around 2 mm and a green tint that is not typical for black caviar. Other options are yellow, brown. By the way, the sturgeon delicacy accounts for more than 60%.

Experts will share how to buy high-quality caviar

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