Home Kashi The best beer restaurants in Prague. Guide to beer Prague. Now you know what

The best beer restaurants in Prague. Guide to beer Prague. Now you know what

The history of brewing in the Czech Republic spans almost 10 centuries, so beer is part of the national heritage. When you visit Prague, you will be surprised by the fact that beer is often cheaper than regular mineral water. Perhaps the reason for this is the fact that the Czechs are the world leaders in beer consumption per person. And, of course, the number of pubs, taverns and bars in Prague is countless.

Earlier in the article:"" we have already mentioned the popular establishments of the Czech capital where you can drink beer. Now we will dwell on this important issue in more detail)

It is worth noting separately the features of Czech beer. Hundreds of small breweries and huge factories operate throughout the Czech Republic, but almost all of them owe their technology to the brand Pilsner, the largest exporter of Czech beer in the world. Now the word Pilsner has become virtually a household word and means all filtered beer.

Photo: Pilsner Urquell is the most famous Czech beer brand.

Beer is usually served in Prague in two different portions: male pivo - in glasses up to a third of a liter, and velké pivo - half a liter, the most popular portion. For especially big fans, some restaurants offer portions up to one and a half liters, which are called tuplak, such portions are offered by beer restaurants U Medvidku, U Vejvodu, U Sedmi Svabu and other taverns.

The most common type of beer is dark filtered, which in turn is divided into two levels: 10% beer contains less alcohol and usually has a more subtle taste, and 12% beer, which is a classic in the Czech Republic. In the Czech Republic, beer consumption is not complete without a free meal that comes with the drink. Any self-respecting bar will definitely offer you a snack of your choice, without demanding money for it.

Where to drink draft beer in Prague?

Pivovarský Dům (Brewery house)

photo: Beer carousel in the Pivovarský Dům restaurant in Prague

Perhaps the most famous and favorite Czech restaurant with its own brewery is Pivovarsky Dům(Pivovarsky house). This restaurant is located in the Praha2 district, so there are never crowds of tourists and just drinkers, however, there is always a place for visitors who appreciate the true taste of Czech beer. About a hundred different types of beer are presented here, from classic recipes to the most unexpected flavors and combinations.

Beer Museum in Prague

a photo; Tasting set for 1 person includes 4 types of beer🍺.

In addition to a huge number of bars, a real Beer Museum is open in the Czech Republic, where you can learn the whole history of brewing in the Czech Republic, visit tastings and taste various rare beers. This place is very popular with tourists and they often leave their reviews on social networks…

To be honest, when we approached the bar counter, and I saw an empty basket for 4 glasses, I thought that it was designed for four people.

But when they asked me how many people we were, and the bartender put 8 glasses under the taps, and there was no one else besides us, I realized that this was all for us.

The tasting is included in the price of the entrance ticket. Additionally, you could buy nuts🥜 and something else.

The bartender gives out a tasting set and tells where what beer is and how it differs.
Then you can choose the place where you will taste.

There are two halls, one of them in the style of a traditional beer hall in the era of communism.
And you can go into the courtyard and sit at the table on beer barrels.

Restaurant U Zlatého tygra (At the Golden Tiger)

photo: Vaclav Havel liked to drink beer at the Golden Tiger

The popular brasserie U Zlatého tygra (At the Golden Tiger) at 17 Husova Street is a favorite haunt of former Czech President Václav Havel, as well as of many artists.

photo: Pub U Černého vola (At the Black Ox)

Pub U Černého vola (At the Black Ox) is comfortably located in one of the medieval buildings on Loretan Square. Another famous Czech beer is served here - Velkopopovecky Kozel, however, you will hardly meet tourists here - this is a quiet, classic pub with pleasant background music and a friendly atmosphere.

photo: If prejudices are alien to you, then come drink beer to the Black Cat

On Nerudovaya street there is another pleasant bar for friendly conversations U Kocoura. Here, in addition to an extensive beer list, you will be offered to try the national Czech cuisine for a small price. It is better to come here in the late afternoon, because after 18:00 and until the morning live music is played here.

Bar U Fleků

photo: The address of this beer restaurant is in all guidebooks

The legendary beer bar U Fleků at 11 Křemencova Street is a huge brewery that has been operating since at least 1499. It has several large rooms in a simple, functional yet comfortable style. At the back of the house there is a courtyard that is used as a beer garden during the warmer months. In fact, this second most popular pub in Prague. They serve almost all types of beer with any flavors. Here you can taste both classic Pilsner and beer with honey, pepper or chocolate.

photo: All fans of the adventures of the good soldier Schweik are welcome to the U Kalicha brewery (At Kalich)

Beer bar U Kalicha is known all over the world after a literary work about the adventures of the brave Lieutenant Schweik. Tourists are brought here as part of the excursion program, and here you can also drink Pilsner of excellent quality.

photo: A very popular place among the weaker sex and lovers of panoramic views

The Petrinske Terasy bar has two rooms at right angles to each other, in the one located closer to the bar regulars and beer drinkers gather, and in the far hall you can often meet students and tourists. The interior is conducive to long gatherings, the stained-glass windows are arranged in such a way that even in the daytime an atmosphere of muted twilight is created. Due to the convenient location (the bar is twenty meters from the trendy U Fleku), the prices here are quite low, and there are always free meals.

photo: Beer produced in the Novomestsky brewery is supplied only to its own restaurant and you can’t buy it anywhere else.

A large and relatively long-established Novoměstský Pivovar restaurant is conveniently located at the end of a shopping arcade in the city center near the Národní Třída metro station and Wenceslas Square. The entire first floor of the restaurant is occupied by the brewery, their beer is quite popular in the city and is sold both in the restaurant itself and outside. In the basement there is a hall with tables and sofas in a classic wooden setting. Prices are quite reasonable given the location in the city center. Despite the fact that the main part is located in the basement, the restaurant is equipped with excellent ventilation, the bar is allowed to smoke, and cigarette smoke does not disturb non-smokers.

photo: Beer festival in the Czech Republic is a response to the Munich Oktoberfest

Every year in May, the Czech Republic hosts the Beer Festival, which is a fair where every brewer can present to the public their product, which you can hardly find in shops in Prague. The action takes place in a sprawling tent city in one of Prague's central parks. In addition to beer makers, you can meet here confectioners, butchers and bakers who will also be happy to treat you to their masterpieces. If you are lucky enough to attend this event, which lasts almost a month, be sure to take part in the draws and special events prepared by the organizers of the holiday.

Other famous pubs in Prague

Kolkovna: V Kolkovně 8, Prague 1

Jelínkova Plzeňská pivnice: Charvátova 1, Prague 1

Sherwood: Opletalova 19, New Town, Prague 1

Pivnice u Hrocha: Thunovská 10/178, Prague 1

Restaurace Bredovský Dvůr: Politických vězňů 13, Prague 1

U Rudolfina: Křižovnicka 10, Prague 1

U Vejvodů: Jilská 4, Prague 1

U Pinkasů: Jungmanovo náměstí 16, Prague 1

U Medvidků: Na Perstýně 7, Prague 1

Lokal - Dlouhá: Dlouhá 33, Prague 1

Lokal - U Bílé kuželky: Míšeňská 66/12, Prague 1

Beer Museum: Dlouhá 720/46, Prague 1

Kolkovna: V Kolkovně 8, Prague 1

U Černého vola: Loretánské náměstí 107/1, Prague 1

Novomestsky brewer: Vodičkova 20, Prague 1

Go to Prague, but not visit the pubs there? It's terrible. Urgently send your wives for shopping, and arrange a tour of the most interesting establishments yourself. Our ranking lists the best beer places in Prague, where you will be given a taste of real beer with its millions of flavors and shades.

The first institution of this type appeared in 1087. The patron saint of brewers is Saint Wenceslas. Famous masters turned to him with prayers and requests when they came up with a new kind of beer. Drink producers competed strongly with each other, constantly tasting products. If the drink created at the competitor's factory was of poor quality, then the barrels with it were rolled out into the street and poured over the main square. The creator of "bad beer" was beaten with rods.

Our hit parade includes pubs, the owners of which will certainly not be beaten with rods. And one stay here will leave a pleasant aftertaste in your heart.

"At Fleck" (U Fleku)

Location: Kremencova, 11. Under a huge antique clock, one of the best pubs in Prague makes a date.

Why is she? Next to the establishment is an old brewery, the recipes of which have been kept since the 15th century. If you consider yourself a true gourmet and connoisseur, then especially for you, the masters will prepare a thick dark beer with a taste of caramel.

And you can indulge in the arms of a pleasant rest here in one of the halls with interesting names:

  • "Liver sausage". Here, as a snack, tourists are served a variety of types of sausages: smoked, fried, boiled, seasoned with the most unusual sauces, and many others. Real jam!
  • "Suitcase". Here you will be offered a huge selection of various beer snacks, which will allow you to plunge into the charm of Czech cuisine and enjoy it endlessly. In the hall you can taste European cuisine.
  • "Big". Have you ever seen really HUGE portions? In the large hall, they serve it in such a way that you will leave with a full belly.

A pleasant addition to the institution is the entourage (made in the style of old pubs), and an orchestra playing in the garden. Beer connoisseur, gourmet and conqueror of Czech cuisine... It's your time to enjoy! But do not leave without attention other best beer Prague.

"At St. Thomas" (U Sv. Tomáše)

Location: Letenska, 12

Features of the establishment. 1352. Augustinian monks create their own production of beer according to old recipes. So that no one could see them, for beer tasting, the monks locked themselves in a dark vaulted cellar, where they drank themselves insanely. Later, local residents, guests of the capital began to come to the institution.

The magic of the place still beckons here. The signature dish of the enterprise is a mug of Brannik.

Get on a vintage red and white bus. Collect your thoughts. Breathe in deeply. In a few moments, this magical transport will take you to the desired address. And after that, you will walk a couple of meters along the paving stones and find yourself in a place where nothing has changed since the 14th century. The local cuisine is saturated with the aroma and taste of Prague, with subtle nuances of enjoyment. And its cost starts from 30 crowns, which is very democratic (and affordable for tourists).

"At the Chalice" (U Kalicha)

Location: Na bojišti 1733/12

Features of the establishment. Do you know who the good soldier Schweik is? The hero of the novel of the same name by Yaroslav Hasek seems to live here, in the atmosphere of the past. Sit down at the oak table of this establishment on the beer map of Prague, listen to the subtle national motives of music, take a look at the portrait of Franz Joseph I hanging on the wall, feel the feeling when “time seems to have frozen”.

The “crown” of the institution is Plzensky beer “Idle” with hints of sweetness, dissolving with a million tastes and aromas in the mouth. By the number of visitors, the institution can definitely be called a “tourist” one: it is marked on the map as a must-see for city guests. But the Czechs themselves rarely appear in the pub: prices here are quite expensive for them.

Tourists are ready to confess their love to this institution infinitely many and infinitely long. Perhaps you will join the ranks of fans?

"At the black ox" (U Černého Vola)

Location: Loretánské náměstí 107/1

An institution where there are practically no tourists. Czechs love the beer house for its low prices and the atmosphere, headlong into the past. On weekends, this Prague beer house gathers hundreds of people who are in love with the national color and spirit of the city.

The signature drink that you will be advised in the pub is Smichovskoe beer. It literally melts in your mouth, breaking into hundreds of flavors and aromas. And after it you will not have a headache. Drink as much as you like!

The entourage of the institution is decorated in the style of "ancient Prague". Here you will find long tables, and huge wooden benches, and incredible peace. For a few moments it may seem that you are in the past. Calmly. Stop a moment. Take a deep breath and say to yourself: “Yes, I can afford it!”. And after friendly gatherings here, feel free to go to other beer bars in Prague.

"At the golden tiger" (U zlateho tygra)

Location: Husova 228/17. Easily accessible by transport arteries.

Features of the establishment. This institution was created for those who are used to feeling the taste of life at 100%. In 1994, political and not only Vaclav Havel and Bill Clinton discussed political matters in the institution. At the Golden Tiger, Luciano Pavarotti spoiled his crystal ligaments with the best beer.

Since then, the institution has become so popular that even at lunchtime on a weekday there is literally “nowhere to fall”. Therefore, many tourists make reservations several weeks before they decide to sit in a charming cafe.

The signature drink is Pilsen beer (the one that Luciano Pavarotti loved so much). A glass of Pilsner Urquelle is ready to amaze your imagination and enroll you in the army of its connoisseurs. Try it ... And you will definitely like it!

"Pivovarsky dum" (Pivovarsky dum)

Location: Ječná 14

When visiting the best beer restaurants in Prague, you can't miss this. "Pivovarny Doom" is a place where only the elite used to rest. The owners of the brewery have retained a hint of uniqueness and "chosenness", constantly delighting guests with novelties and flavor diversity.

The “crown” drink that is made in the brewery is kavove pivo. This is a drink that dissolves in the mouth with a million shades of chocolate. And for true connoisseurs and gourmets, there is an opportunity to try beer-champagne pivny sekt.

Attention! Even on a weekday, the restaurant is packed to capacity: locals go here for breakfast, lunch and dinner, because the cost is cheap. If the prices of beer restaurants sometimes scare away, then the cost of food and beer here attracts people. As a result, you can find a free place only after 22.00, when the residents of the city go home.

"U Mecenase" (U Mecenase)

Location: Malostranské náměsti 261/10

For several decades this restaurant was closed to the general visitor. The best service and delicious beer were meant for true connoisseurs. Within the walls of the institution, Tycho Brahe, Willy Brandt and even Princess Diana tried the best beers. Can you imagine what kind of energy reigns in the institution? If not, then you should think about visiting here. It has several generations of waiters who are ready to offer you the opportunity to relax and taste the best drinks.

The institution's signature dish is the bittersweet Budweiser. Someone famous said: "He is the same as our life ...". And he was right, because the sweet notes of the drink are replaced by bitter shades, and then again succumb to the charm of sweetness. Despite the spicy aroma, this drink is in first place in terms of its alcohol content. The history of the creation of a marvelous drink goes back to the time of Emperor Ferdinand I.

The entourage of the institution captivates at first sight: like other Czech pubs in Prague, the institution is filled with amazing color and beauty.

"At the Old Pani" (U stare pani)

Location: Michalska 441/9

She seems to be a kind lady who is ready to receive guests at any time and in any weather. Foreigners practically do not come here, and the Czechs get drunk every weekend and gorge themselves here to satiety. The peculiarity of the institution in the classical style is the combination of several functions at once: here is a restaurant, a beer house, and a hotel for tired travelers.

The “crown drink” served at Pan is light Staropramen, Gambrinus, Velvet, Krusovice. There is a special technology by which beer is poured: the foam must turn out just such that its density does not allow the pencil to fall.

Panenka's specialty is potato chips, which are served with beer. For gourmets, typical Czech dishes are provided that will not leave you indifferent:

  • Venison with lingonberry sauce;
  • Garlic (or with any other taste) dumplings;
  • Braised pork (fried, smoked);
  • Braised cabbage and vegetables.

Appetizing cuisine made us include this place in the beer rating in Prague. And in the evenings, there are musical compositions that captivate the soul, which will let even the inveterate snob dance. At "Pani" you will definitely find the mood and emotions of a big city that will not leave you indifferent. A beer river will be remembered for a long time.

“Toothy dog” (Zubatý pes)

Location: Petrohradská 216/3 101 00 Praha 10-Vršovice

Features of the establishment. The owners of the restaurant are famous beer connoisseurs. Therefore, everything has been created here so that you can try a huge number of varieties of foamy drink. The range of beer includes 15 varieties, and it is constantly updated. The cost of drinks is from 29 kroons per 0.5 liter. There is a foam extravaganza from Scotland, Denmark and other countries. And if you wish, you can take part in a lively conversation with the owner of the institution.

The capital of the Czech Republic is the rivers of a foamy drink, which is ready to conquer with millions of notes of taste from the first time; it is the aroma of sausages smoked in nature; sizzling meat, which is always served hot; it's a salivating local cuisine that will allow you to enjoy the soul of Prague and the amazing atmosphere of a nation in love with a foamy drink.

There are a lot of types of Czech beer and places for tasting it in Prague, but you should not waste your precious vacation time and money on typical tourist establishments. We visited several beer restaurants in Prague, compared reviews on the Internet with our impressions, went on a beer tasting tour to the Pilsner Urquell gallery, and completed training at the bottling school.

In preparation for a trip to Prague, I made a list of places to go for a beer and a delicious meal. All these objects were marked on the map of Prague and provided with comments. The map turned out to be small, but if you go to Prague not on a beer tour, but just take a walk and see the city, then it will be enough. Of the selected objects, we were in five and along the way we looked into a couple of popular beer restaurants.

If you want to immerse yourself in the world of brewing and understand the tastes of real Czech beer, do it with a connoisseur on a guided tour. Guide Evgeniy has a great command of the topic.

Map of beer restaurants in Prague

At the Governor (U Vejvodu)

This is the first place we went to in Prague. We took Pilsner light beer 0.5 and 0.3, goulash soup (regular, not from the company menu), beer cheese and onion rings. All this together with two pretzels came out to 376 CZK. Prices are above average and do not include tips. The restaurant is designed for a large number of visitors, but at 15:00 there were almost no visitors, the service is fast. The reviews praise the baked knee, salads and desserts, we only dined at Voyevoda.

  • Praha 1, Jilska 4

At Rudolphin (U Rudolfina)

This institution is located near the Charles Bridge, near the University building. The place is central, but the prices are not high, the Czechs themselves go here. Following the recommendations of knowledgeable people, we immediately went down to the basement. The menu is only in Czech, there is a waiter who speaks Russian. We had lunch for 381 CZK. We ordered tripe soup (spicy), large and small Pilsner Urquell beer, one portion of ribs for two with mustard, cabbage, red pepper and pickles. Delicious food, very nice place.

  • Praha 1, Krizovnicka 10

Bredovsky yard (Bredovsky dvur)

Everyone puts this restaurant in the first place, everything shows that it is very popular. We came at lunch (14:00) and managed to take a good table by the window, while we were eating there were more and more visitors, at 14:30 there were no free tables left. Bredovsky yard is located next to Wenceslas Square.

We took dark Kozel 3 x 0.5 and light Pilsner 0.5 and 0.3. For beer, homemade brawn with onions, for hot beer - baked pork knee (a kilogram serving for two). Account 517 CZK. Despite the fact that the restaurant is popular among Russian tourists, the prices here are moderate, the service is good, and the atmosphere too.

  • Praha 1, Politickych veznu 13

Strahov Monastery (Klášterní pivovar Strahov)

It is advised to go here for branded monastic beer. We took the wrong door and instead of the monastery brewery we ended up in a nearby establishment, where they also brew their own beer. 0.5 dark and 0.3 amber came out to 120 CZK with a tip included in the bill. We didn't like the service and prices. According to my notes, black and amber beer had to be tasted in the nearby monastery brewery, and wheat beer was to be tasted in this place.

  • Mala Strana, Praha 1, Strahovske nadvori 301/10

This is the Prague representative office of the brewery in the city of Pilsen and the Pilsner Urquell beer produced there. The Pilsner Gallery is the right place to taste beer, get acquainted with the history and technology of its production. Read about Pilsner Urquell at the end of the article.

  • Lesser Country, Praha 1, U Luzickeho seminare 11

Behemoth (U Hrocha)

According to reviews, good Pilsner Urquell beer, delicious pork, prices are below average.

  • Mala Strana, Praha 1, Thunovska 10

At the Golden Tiger (U Zlateho Tygra)

Many famous and famous people, such as Vaclav Havel and Bill Clinton, drank beer in the Golden Tiger. It's always crowded, but you can stop by for a light Pilsner.

  • Praha 1, Husova 17

At the black ox (U sernuho vola)

Historic beer garden, low prices, only snacks. According to reviews, a good dark and light Kozel, light Pilsner.

  • Lesser Country, Praha 1, Loretanske namesti 107/1

Novomestsky brewer

We went to the Novomestsky brewery as an excursion, saw where beer is brewed, how it ferments. This restaurant sells its souvenirs, there are specialties: beer champagne and strong Pivovice. The room can accommodate 400 people and consists of several halls. According to reviews, in recent years this restaurant has become purely touristic, Russian groups are brought here, prices are high, a tip of 15% is already included in the bill. It's up to you to have dinner here or not, but you can go into a museum in any case.

  • Praha 1, Vodickova 682/20

Brewery house (Pivovarsky dum)

We lived on the same street with this restaurant, but after reading the reviews on the Internet, we limited ourselves to an external inspection. A popular place among Russian tourists, most of them order a "carousel" - a tasting of different types of beer (banana, cherry, nettle ...). They write that the prices are high, the portions are small. We didn’t check other negative things about the calculation and poor service, so I can’t say anything.

  • Prague 2, Lipova 511/15

Tour with tasting and beer bottling school at the Pilsner Urquell Gallery

The Pilsner Urquell Gallery is a quiet place in the center of Prague. Here they sell branded souvenirs, and the exposition telling about the history of Pilsner Urquell beer is free. Signatures under the exhibits in 4 languages, among which there is Russian. We took part in two events of the gallery at once: excursions with tasting and beer bottling school.

I was on, so I have an idea about the production process of the most popular beer in the Czech Republic, but during the tour of the Pilsner Urquell gallery I learned a lot of new things.

It turns out that in 1890, Pilsner beer was prescribed to Pope Leo XIII as a medicine to improve digestion (there is a copy of his glass in the gallery). The brother of our Tsar Alexander III, Grand Duke Vladimir Alexandrovich, was treated with Pilsner lager beer, he visited the Pilzensky Prazdroy plant in 1897, after which he placed an order for the supply of Czech beer to Russia.

The guided tour with tasting costs 75 CZK per person. A bartender specialist tells how to drink beer correctly in order to get more pleasure from it.

Especially fun was our training at the beer bottling school. Pilsner Urquell beer is always served only in branded glasses or mugs, the glass must be cold and wet. Bottling school teacher David showed several ways to pour beer that affect its taste: “glodinka” (with a cap), “chohan” (no foam, high CO2 content), milk (one foam), “schnit” (used when beer tasting in a new barrel).

In the process of training, a company of Czechs joined us and we took turns trying to master the skill of the correct bottling of Pilsner Urquell beer. The cost of training at the bottling school is 200 CZK per person, duration 1 hour, including a guided tour.

One of the main attractions of Prague is beer. The culture of brewing in the capital of the Czech Republic goes back to the era of the founding of the city, so this intoxicating drink is loved and appreciated here. Large restaurants and small pubs, beer cafes and cool old-fashioned bars await you on every street in the city. How to understand such a kaleidoscope of inviting storefronts. A guide will help you, including the TOP 10 best places in Prague.

"At Fleck" (U Fleku)

Opening hours: 10:00-23:00.

This is a cult place, the oldest bar in Prague, which is a must to visit. The history of the institution dates back to 1499. Then it was a regular beer tavern. They say that since then the process of brewing here has not stopped for a second. Inside you will not only taste the most famous varieties of Czech beer, but also learn the history of the national craft, the culture of the people, visit the beer museum. Here you will be served huge portions of the famous meat appetizers. Against the backdrop of an old interior to the sounds of a live brass band, the image of old Europe is felt best of all.

"At St. Thomas" (U Sv. Tomáše)

Address: Prague 1, Letenska 12.

Opening hours: :11:30 - 24:00.

The pub is located near the Charles Bridge, so it is popular with tourists. From the medieval monastery brewery, today a whole complex with a bar and a restaurant has grown. And although the production of beer was stopped here in the middle of the 20th century, the pub attracts visitors with its authentic atmosphere of antiquity and new renovation, which showed all the masterpieces of ancient architecture in all its glory.

"At the Chalice" (U Kalicha)

Address: Prague 2, Na bojišti 14.

Opening hours: 11:00-23:00.

An interesting pub with a clear tourist bias. If you want to not just refresh yourself with a beer, but want to learn something new, head to this address. The owners of the institution actively support the rumors that it was here that the famous novel by Yaroslav Hasek about the good soldier Schweik was written. As a result, you need to book a table in advance or order a beer tour of Prague, which necessarily includes this item in the program.

"At the black ox" (U Černého Vola)

Address: Prague 1, Loretánské náměstí 107/1.

Opening hours: 10:00 - 22:00.

Located in the very center of the city, the pub was unknown to tourists until recently. Members of the government and ordinary residents of the city used to come here. Everything here is created "not for tourists" - small rooms, simple interior, ordinary wooden benches at the tables. An elderly bartender can easily be rude to a foreigner or even throw him out, but even this has a special pleasure and the opportunity to feel the real flavor of the “beer house”.

Brewery House

Opening hours: 11.00 – 23.30.

At first glance, this establishment has been turned into a real attraction for tourists: a lot of "unnecessary" interior details, deliberately chic furniture and a huge assortment of snacks. But this near beer kaleidoscope has undeniable advantages:

  • The brewery is one of the few non-smoking establishments.

  • The staff speaks Russian, you will be served a menu and a beer list, with which you do not have to order from pictures.

  • Beer is always fresh, lively, freshly brewed.

  • Service is fast and polite.

As for prices, in Prague they are traditionally lower than the European average, so even a popular tourist place will not shock you with a bill.

At the bears (U Medvídků)

Address: Prague 1, Na Perstyne 7.

Opening hours: 11.00 - 23.30, Sunday 00:00 - 22:00.

Noisy establishment, open on Sunday almost around the clock. No wonder the first cabaret in Prague was opened here. Today it is a whole complex with a restaurant, a brewery and a hotel. Local residents are not averse to going here either, because there are few places where you can taste such a tasty and inexpensive baked pork knee. Tourists should definitely try X-Beer 33 - the strongest beer in the world, fully justifying the slogan "Never drink alone!".

Strahov Monastery Brewery

Address: Prague 1, Strahovske nadvori 301.

Opening hours: 10:00 - 22:00.

Four centuries ago, a brewery was opened at the Strahov Monastery, designed to help the monks endure the hardships of heavy fasts. Since then, the pub has acquired a special status of a place with traditions and unique flavor. At any time you will be offered amber and dark unfiltered beer. At Easter and Christmas guests will be spoiled with wheat unfiltered and semi-dark Christmas. A real masterpiece - "Saint Norbert" with a rich rich taste. And the local tavern is also famous for pickled Hermelin cheese. Beer goulash with onions or pork tenderloin baked in beer with ginger are also cooked only here. For vegetarians there is a separate menu.

Potrefená Husa

Opening hours: 11:00 - 23:00.

A network of branded restaurants of Staropramen breweries is open in different parts of the city. Relatively new establishments, operating since 1998, have firmly entered the beer map of Prague. Here you will taste all sorts of famous brands: light (Světlý), dark (10° tmavé), sunbed (11° ležák), unfiltered (12° nefiltrovaný ležák), beer cocktails (Staropramen Cool Lemon), bottled beer, non-alcoholic varieties ( Staropramen Nealko).

Semi-dark aged beer "Pomegranate" (12° granat) and Velvet - "storm in a glass" are unique masterpieces of brewing art.

All restaurants have their own shop with the same name, where you are sure to buy at least a couple of bottles of real Czech beer.

"At the golden tiger" (U zlateho tygra)

Address: Prague 1, Husova 17.

Opening hours: 15:00 - 23:00.

The fact that Bill Clinton visited the pub is not as significant for the ranking as the fact that here you can taste the best Pilsner beer in the whole world. The institution no longer has advantages: a simple interior, small halls, a weak assortment of snacks. But after 17:00 you will definitely not be able to find a free table. We advise you to take care of this in advance and book seats online through our website.

Bernard Pub

Address: Prague 3, Jeseniova 1692/93.

Opening hours: 14:00 - 02:00.

The uniqueness of this chain of restaurants scattered around the city lies in the careful preservation of ancient recipes. His motto is "We are against Euro beer!" guarantees the complete absence of any chemical ingredients at every stage of production. You can also eat delicious and cheap food here. Dishes only of Czech cuisine, but it is for them that you came to Prague!

This list of iconic beer venues would not be complete without mentioning inexpensive "everyday" places where you can always find a glass of good beer and a traditional snack. Locals usually go to such pubs, they are not distinguished by flashy shop windows and stylish interiors, but this is the real capital of the Czech Republic:

  • "Zly Casy", Čestmírova 2/2, 140 00 Praha 4-Nusle, Vysehrad district. An inconspicuous basement from the outside inside accommodates several halls at different levels. Works from 17:00. It is famous for craft beer, brewed in a small brewery according to individual recipes. Don't be surprised if you don't find a single familiar name on the menu. This is an "in-house" place with the best pork ribs in the whole city!

  • Kulový blesk, similar to the previous place near the I.P. Pavlova metro station (Sokolská 13, Praha 2). You will be offered 28 varieties of Czech and several varieties of real Bavarian beer. They cook very tasty and inexpensive, and the portion sizes clearly confirm that this place is for local residents.

  • Zubatý pes (K Botiči 2, Praha 10) cannot boast of the interior and gloss of the waiters. Everything is ordinary, except, of course, beer. It serves traditional and craft beer, varieties of Dutch, Belgian and Danish drinks. For ladies, we recommend ordering the famous Belgian cherry Kasteel Rouge.

  • The restaurant "At Three Roses" (Husova 232/10, Praha 1) has become famous for its names. Chef Martin Prochazka is loved by all Czechs, brewer Robert Maniak studied with Waldemar Matushka himself, the most famous brewer in the Czech Republic.

  • První pivní tramway (Na Chodovci 1a, Praha 4) is a modern pub that has been operating for no more than 20 years, but these are the places where locals prefer to go. Everything here is simple, tasty and inexpensive. It was here that the tradition of the fourth tap was born, in which the beer is constantly changing.

This list does not include many more beer cellars, bars and pubs, of which there are a great many in Prague. There are only 350 breweries in the city, and probably no one counted the beer houses. Any such institution is a celebration of taste and fun, where guests are welcome.

The capital of the Czech Republic has always been famous for its beer and breweries, which brew this wonderful drink. Prague is one of the world's beer capitals. And that is why it is worth visiting at least in order to taste the true taste of real Czech beer. And in this review, we will even try to indicate the places where this can be done.

The history of Czech beer began in 1087, when the first brewery was opened. Since then, this drink has become a cult. Given the popularity of beer, stringent requirements were imposed on its quality. If it was not of the proper quality, the entire batch was poured out in the squares, and the brewer was beaten with rods. That is, it is easy to imagine what beer is for the Czechs.

His recipe is already in the genes. Centuries later, almost nothing has changed for the modern Czech Republic. Well, maybe only that they stopped pouring beer in the squares, and no one beats brewers anymore. But, as before, beer is held in high esteem here, and there are many excellent establishments where you can try it. Only in Prague itself there are dozens of reputable beer bars where you can taste real beer.

The best beer bars in Prague (list)

Prague bars are already one of the best places to drink beer. Moreover, real Czech beer. They say that after it the head does not hurt at all. But it must be genuine Czech beer, which is bottled in Prague beer bars. We will not name which of the TOP-15 bars is the best. This is a purely subjective assessment. Our review contains the most popular and even legendary beer establishments, which are the best a priori. We recommend visiting at least one of these Prague beer bars.

Beer restaurant "Kozlovna" (Kozlovna Lidická)

Quite flattering reviews are written about the beer restaurant "Kozlovna", which is located in Smichov. Some argue that this is one of the best establishments. Based on the name of the restaurant, it's easy to guess that Velikopopovitsky Kozel beer and its different varieties are the signature beer in its assortment.

In addition, the restaurant's menu includes popular Czech dishes that are recommended for all tourists to try and which go well with Czech beer.

Restaurant Kozlovna Lidická on the map

For example, this is a boar knee, pork ribs and many other hearty and tasty dishes. By Prague standards, the prices are adequate. There is a room for smokers and non-smokers. Great for a family visit.

  • Restaurant address: Lidická 796/20, 150 00 Praha 5, Czech Republic
  • Phone: +420 775 154 198

Beer restaurant "At the Chalice" (At Kaliha)

Most often in guidebooks, the beer restaurant "U Kalicha" ("At the Chalice") is mentioned. The place is almost legendary. The description of this particular pub found its way into the pages of Yaroslav Hasek's novel The Adventures of the Good Soldier Schweik.

The interior has changed little since then. Oak tables, bar atmosphere and iconic beer. It is noteworthy that this place is mostly visited by tourists, as the Czechs find this beer house dear to them. Yes, and it will hook those who are really familiar with literature and have read the novel. Medium level service.

Restaurant U Kalicha on the map

The menu contains all the traditional dishes of Czech cuisine, and in the beer menu you will find the "Pilsen Prazdnoy" and Kozel. Be careful and ask for a menu. Not infrequently, visitors are faced with situations when waiters bring a bill without decryption for a large amount, which makes it difficult to understand what exactly you paid for.

  • Restaurant address: Na Bojišti 463/10, 120 00 Nové Město, Czech Republic
  • Phone: +420 224 912 557

Beer restaurant U Fleků

A fairly popular and well-known restaurant-brewery, which is most often placed in the TOP ratings in first place. This institution is indeed very often noted in all possible reviews of Prague's beer houses and for good reason. The brewery was founded and has been operating since 1499. Worthy of attention is the branded dark thick beer with a taste of caramel.

The exterior is represented by an old building with an equally old clock, decorated with the name of the brewery. The interior is represented by huge halls with an indescribable Old Bohemian atmosphere. There is a courtyard garden open to visitors. You should come here only for impressions, if not for delicious beer and food.

The restaurant has a rich menu where you will find all the same traditional dishes such as dumplings, Prague ham, garlic soup and much more. The institution also has a signature dish - "Flekovsky Bashta". These are pork shoulder, baked duck, sausages, cabbage and dumplings.

Restaurant U Fleku on the map

At the restaurant-brewery "U Fleku" there is a museum of brewing, as well as, in fact, the brewery itself, which are recommended to visit as part of a tour if you are really interested.

On the tour you will see the unique equipment for the preparation of malt drinks and get acquainted with the history of brewing in this chic place. Just imagine: this place is already 520 years old! We definitely advise you to visit it and give the beer restaurant "U Flek" a place in the TOP-15 beer bars in Prague.

  • Restaurant address: Křemencova 1651/11, 110 00 Praha 1-Nové Město
  • Phone: +420 224 934 019

Strahov Monastery Brewery

The place of honor in the TOP-15 beer restaurants in Prague is occupied by the Strahov Monastery Brewery. The place itself deserves a visit. The brewery for the needs of the monastery worked from 1629 to 1907.

In its present form, it was restored and reopened in the 2000s. They say that all the recipes in this institution were invented by the monks themselves. And indeed, in the beer list you will not find the usual Staropramen or Kozl. They are simply not in stock.

Strahov Monastery Brewery on the map

But there is a special beer "Saint Norbert" of different varieties. And from the dishes - branded sausage "Utopenets", which we also recommend trying. The restaurant has a non-smoking room and a summer terrace.

The staff is polite and friendly, and can communicate in different languages, including Russian. But the prices can not be called democratic. However, this holy place can be forgiven.

  • Restaurant address: Strahovské nádvoří 301 118 00 Prague
  • Phone: +420 233 353 155

Restaurant-beer house "At three roses"

Tourists, walking around Old Prague, may accidentally miss a pretty good institution - the beer house "At Three Roses". And all because from the outside it looks quite modest. No flashy signs, except for the modest inscription "Pivovar U tří růží". However, this beer restaurant with its mini-brewery deserves attention and a place in the TOP-15.

Inside, there is a fairly authentic interior, which even depicts brewers in a slightly satirical way. By the way, the restaurant has three levels. There are more tables and seats on the first floor, so it can be noisy in this hall. The second floor is a little quieter, but there are much fewer tables here. And on the third - there is a banquet hall, which is allowed in only after booking, and then, most likely, only large groups of people.

However, on all floors of this beer establishment there is a certain comfort. The interior creates a special atmosphere, under which it is a pleasure to enjoy Czech beer. Considering that all beer is most likely brewed here, they have a wide range. And yes, there is something to eat. From traditional dishes - you can order a knuckle.

Restaurant-beer house "At three roses" on the map

The staff who tries to speak Russian and there is a Russian translation of the menu will please. Prices are still high, but it is worth noting that the pub is located almost in the center of Old Prague. And for the atmosphere - you can overpay a little.

  • Restaurant address: Husova 10/232, Prague 1
  • Phone: +420 601 588 281

Beer bar "U Kozla" (U Kozla)

Beer "Velikopopovitsky Kozel" is one of the visiting cards of the Czech Republic. And even more so the capital - Prague. They say that if you have not tried this brand of beer, then you have lost a lot and have never been to the Czech Republic. Well, as if about Odessa and Deribasovskaya. By the way, this is a very tasty beer. And there is a good place in Prague where you can taste Kozel beer in a cozy atmosphere.

The pub itself is located in the Zizkov district and mostly only Czechs rest here. Tourists rarely come here. But this does not prevent this institution from being ready even for Russian-speaking tourists. There is a menu in Russian, and the staff understands, and can even answer something in an understandable language.

Perhaps this is really the place where you can feel like a real Czech. Which at lunchtime or after work comes here to eat and skip a glass or two of delicious beer. Of course, prices here are for locals. Not twisted and quite fair. Yes, and comfort - it was definitely not created for tourists.

Beer bar "U Kozla" (U Kozla) on the map

In general, a special place that deserves a place in the TOP. Service is decent too. The waiters work competently and quickly, misunderstandings can be minimal. The food is good, the beer is delicious.

Wonderful place! By the way, be careful. The portions are quite impressive, so it is advisable to order modestly, even if you are very hungry. In some cases, one dish is more than enough. What is sure to please: this is a beer card, which is represented by a huge variety of Kozel beers and even the presence of Pilsner Illuminated.

Non-alcoholic beer is also on the menu. Well, judging by the reviews, you will spend there an order of magnitude less than in other restaurants, which is doubly pleasing. We recommend the restaurant "At the Goat" for a visit.

  • Restaurant address: Jana Zelivského 1777/4, Prague 3
  • Phone: +420 222 580 405

Bar "Pivovarsky club" (Pivovarský klub)

All Prague beer establishments have one, let's say, drawback. Despite the fact that all establishments are considered to be pubs, the assortment of beer in them is sometimes scarce. Two-three-four types of beer, but a huge abundance of traditional Czech dishes and snacks. Beer "Pivovarsky Klub" is just trying to correct the existing concept and offer, first of all, a huge selection of beer. This is where foam lovers can take their souls.

The institution presents about 250 types of bottled beer. From popular Czech brands to extremely rare, imported and fine, including craft beer from private brewers. Over the entire period of operation of the establishment, 800 beer offers were presented in the assortment.

Therefore, here, without due modesty, we can say that the Brewery Club is a really good pub. But if you shift the focus towards the situation, everything is fine here too. This is a fairly cozy modern bar, which is located on the ground floor and in the cellar. And yet, although the main emphasis here is on beer, you can have a delicious lunch here. The restaurant's menu includes national Czech dishes.

Delicious garlic and beer soups, boar's knee are offered. The place is extremely popular with foreigners, because the main contingent is tourists. It is difficult to find a free place, so it is advisable to book in advance. By the way, another feature of the institution is that smoking is strictly prohibited here. All smokers are asked to go outside and smoke outside by the ashtrays.

Bar "Pivovarsky klub" (Pivovarský klub) on the map

Therefore, non-smoking visitors should be comfortable. In general, everyone will like this place, especially those who come to have a good rest and taste the Prague atmosphere. By the way, the pub is located in a very good location, near the Florenc station. Perhaps this place is easy enough to remember, since there is a metro station and a bus station nearby.

However, the main train station is also within walking distance. As for prices, they are expectedly expensive, but still they are approximately on the same level with other institutions in Prague. We definitely recommend visiting it, at least for the purpose of buying rare varieties of beer for your home. Well, a worthy place in the TOP-15, of course.

  • Restaurant address: Křižíkova 272/17, Prague 8
  • Phone: +420 222 315 777

Bar of the Staropramen factory

This place is practically not mentioned in the guidebooks of Prague, but in our TOP-15 it should take its place. The Staropramen beer factory has its own cozy little beer bar. Literally, beer flows like a river there. The assortment includes only Staropramen beer.

Various snacks and meals are offered, but all portions are unforgivably small by the standards of modern Prague. But people usually come to the bar on the territory of the brewery not to eat, but to taste. And the beer of this brand is also worthy of attention, like the beer of the Kozel brand. It is the second largest producer of foamy drink in the Czech Republic.

Bar of the Staropramen factory on the map

Well, the real Czech Staropramen is strikingly different from the local versions of this beer. For the better. Returning to the features of the bar, the atmosphere there is like in any other pub. Cheerful and playful staff.

Food is brought to you, but for beer you have to approach yourself. But, most likely, this is a feature of this institution. Usually this pub is not crowded, so you can always safely drink delicious beer without extraneous noise. In general, for informational purposes, you should visit this place.

  • Bar address: Nadražní 48/92, 150 00 Praha-Smíchov, Czech Republic
  • Phone: +420 257 191 111

Restaurant "On the verandas" (Potrefená husa Na Verandach)

The next restaurant is literally in the same building as the bar at the Staropramen factory. That is, from one TOP-15 institution, you can immediately go to another. Such a smooth transition from institution number 8 to institution number 9. And now a little more seriously. Indeed, this beer restaurant is located in the same building as the Staropramen factory. If the factory bar is a rather modest and cramped place, then “On the Verandas” has a lot of space.

But this should not be confusing - a free table here is worth its weight in gold. The restaurant focuses on tourists, so the service is at a high level. Each room has its own bar counter. The exterior, unlike the interior, is as modest as that of the Three Roses restaurant. But inside everything is modern. A fairly wide range of beer offerings.

Restaurant "On the verandas" on the map

And you can also eat well here. There are dishes of both Czech and European cuisine. We offer to pay special attention to fried cheese and goulash. For a large company, we recommend ordering a branded “Slavic Board”.

It is something like a meat plate, the total weight of which will be 4 kg of various goodies, such as ribs, duck, boar knee and various sauces. Prices are high but not outrageous. In general, looking into this area, we advise you to visit this institution.

  • Restaurant address: Nádrazni 43/84, Prague 5
  • Phone: +420 257 191 200

Bar "Hard Times" (Zlý časy)

There is an authentic beer bar in Prague where Czechs mostly gather. Therefore, the staff speaks only Czech. This place is a beer bar. Here, this drink is in abundance, and there are not so many restaurant dishes on the menu. And yet there are some traditional Czech positions and international snacks.

Reviews about this place are mixed and say that the service in it is weak. Suppose they almost always don’t have free tables, but this is not due to the fact that the institution is overcrowded, but because it has such a policy.

Bar "Hard Times" on the map

It's hard to say if the local staff likes foreign guests, but compared to other places, the service is lame. You will have to order beer and it is best to order at the bar counter, because the menu is too confusing for visitors.

But despite all this, the institution is worthy of the TOP-15 because of its uniqueness and a huge beer assortment. If mediocre service is not important to you, then you should look there, because there is really cool beer and a very colorful interior.

  • Restaurant address:Čestmirova 390/5, 140 00 Praha 4-Nusle, Czech Republic
  • Phone: +420 723 339 995

Prague Beer Museum (Prague Beer Museum)

Another wonderful beer bar, which, without due modesty and unpretentiously, was called the Prague Beer Museum, is located almost in the very heart of Prague. As the name suggests, people come here exclusively for beer.

A minimum of hearty food, only delicious snacks. Unlike "Hard Times", this place is definitely recommended to visit. Indeed, in addition to the museum component, there is still a rich selection of beer. Yes, and tourists here like a little more.

This bar is extremely popular, because it is in it that some fairly rare beers from various Czech producers are bottled. They say that the assortment of beer changes regularly, so it makes sense to return to this bar again and again, even if you have been there before. As expected, a booklet is attached to each type of beer or producer, which briefly tells the history of the brewer, as well as the history of the appearance of a particular type of drink.

Prague Beer Museum on the map

It also indicates the price, if there is a desire to taste. The atmosphere is very reminiscent of a typical tavern. However, the atmosphere in it is exactly the same. Smoking is allowed in all halls, so it is easy to imagine what kind of aroma there is. In other words, if you want to get into a real typical Czech beer bar, this is the place for you.

  • Bar address: Smetanovo street 205/22, Prague 1
  • Phone: +420 732 330 912

Beer Geek Bar

Another pub that also deserves attention, and also takes pride of place in the TOP-15 beer bars in Prague. This is the famous pivoteka, which combines beer from different countries and even continents. The beer menu features about 30 varieties of draft beer and a huge variety of bottled beer. The range is changing.

There are stronger drinks, all the same - from different countries. The interior of the establishment itself is modern and resembles fast food restaurants. The staff is polite and friendly, they try to speak different languages.

BeerGeek Bar on the map

In general, a pretty cozy place, but it lacks some kind of Prague atmosphere. But if this is not important, then we recommend visiting it. In any case, there you will find something unusual and interesting for yourself, which, for example, is not found in other metropolitan institutions.

  • Bar address: Vinohradska 988/62, Prague 3
  • Phone: +420 776 827 068

Beer restaurant "U Jary"

Quite often, the guidebooks mention the establishment "At Yara". And it is famous for the fact that it is here that the almost legendary and always fresh beer "Pardubice Porter" from the Pernstein brewery is served. It is for him that many tourists and beer connoisseurs come here.

Other than that, the restaurant itself is good. It is worth a visit even because of the strict classical surroundings that are inside. And yes, this is a very special place. And what else will greatly please you is the relatively low prices.

Beer restaurant "U Yara" on the map

Due to the fact that the restaurant is a little far from the center, there are no serious extra charges. Therefore, in some ratings, the restaurant justifiably falls into first place.

The U Járy restaurant is a pleasant and even a little romantic atmosphere, and live music is played here in the evenings. This is a truly worthy institution, which we definitely recommend visiting.

  • Restaurant address: Jeronymova 577/2, Prague 3
  • Phone: +420 222 521 109

20 PIP Craft Pub (Gastropub 20 pip)

This bar is deservedly included in the TOP-15 beer establishments in Prague. As the name suggests, the menu features 20 craft beers. It is for him that they come here, so you should not count on a hearty lunch. There are only snacks for beer. The institution, roughly speaking, is new and modern, but it attracts both Czechs and tourists.

The room is decorated in the style of a London pub and bears little resemblance to any traditional Czech establishments. However, they love him for it. This is a cozy place, the atmosphere of which liberates. Judging by the reviews, the staff is very polite and attentive. The bartenders speak good Russian.

20 PIP Craft Pub on the map

Prices are slightly above average, but the choice of beer is extremely rich. In general, it is believed that the assortment in this pub is unique. So, in a sense, you do not overpay in it. In other words, while walking around Prague, do not forget to look into this institution. It's worth it.

  • Bar address: Slezská 1357/1, Prague 2
  • Phone: +420 607 753 416

Restaurant "At the Golden Tiger" (Gyllene tigern)

Nothing paints a place like those who visited it. This institution became famous after US President Bill Clinton and Czech President Vaclav Havel came here to dine in 1994. Since then, there have been almost no vacancies in this institution. But these, by the way, are not the only historical guests that this restaurant boasts of.

At one time, foreign politicians, poets and writers were treated here. In general, a bad place. Although outside - nothing special. The name of the restaurant and the golden tiger symbol. And inside - this is a typical Czech pub where smoking is allowed. And yet, both the Czechs themselves and tourists go there. And the restaurant is happy to receive them all.

Restaurant "At the Golden Tiger" on the map

The menu contains all the same traditional dishes of Czech cuisine. Meat is delicious here. They serve good goulash, chops and roasts. Well, everyone is strongly recommended to try a glass of the branded "Plzeň urkwell". This beer will make you fall in love with it from the first sip. We recommend visiting this place and joining the ranks of honored guests of this popular restaurant.

  • Restaurant address: Husova 228/17, Staré Město, 110 00 Praha - Staré Město-Praha 1
  • Phone: +420 222 221 111

The best establishments that did not get a place in the top

As you might have guessed, the number of good worthy establishments exceeds 15. And this list could be continued. I would just like to note and add to this list at least such establishments as "Pivovarsky Dom" and "Peklo". The first was considered a closed legendary institution for the elite, but more and more often you can’t find a place in it until the last Czech has dinner.

And the second is just an atmospheric place and, according to many guidebooks, this is the only place where they serve blueberry beer. Agree that for the sake of such exotic it is worth going even to hell. By the way, they say that the prices in this beer restaurant bite a little.

But for the sake of one friendly visit - quite acceptable. As for the Brewery House, the owners of this restaurant try to surprise their visitors. In particular, the assortment includes champagne beer and coffee beer.

However, even after what has been said, I would like to add that there are still a couple of local beer bars that the Czechs love so much. For example, the restaurant-beer house "At the Old Lady". There, in addition to real Czech beer, you can taste venison with lingonberry sauce, potato dumplings and much more. But we will try not to give out the secrets of the Czechs themselves.

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