Home Main dishes How much is it customary to leave a tip in cafes and hotels. ₽ How to tip correctly in Russia. Who needs and how much Where do they put the tip in the room

How much is it customary to leave a tip in cafes and hotels. ₽ How to tip correctly in Russia. Who needs and how much Where do they put the tip in the room

Tipping is the gratitude of the client to the service personnel, expressed financially.

In many countries, tea is left not only in cafes and restaurants, but also in taxis, hotels, and beauty salons. In Russia, more often drivers and deliveries are given change, permanent masters and hairdressers are given gifts on holidays, maids, tankers leave a small bill, for example, 100 rubles. Basically, the question of tips arises when it comes to cafes and restaurants: is it necessary to give a tip and how much?

Thanking the waiter financially is not just a sign of good taste. Tips often make up a significant part of his earnings.

Employees of institutions can officially receive a very small salary, and they need tips to pay for housing and buy food. However, in this matter it is important not to fall into a moral trap: you do not have to just give money to a person for doing his job. But if he does it well, why not thank him. For you, a trifle, he is pleased.

Sometimes money received from customers in excess of bills is summed up and divided between waiters and other service personnel who do not interact with visitors.

Sometimes a service charge is included in the bill. It is indicated on a separate line, and it is easy to find it on the check. In this case, you do not need to leave additional money. Moreover, if you did not like the service, you can ask to deduct the excess from the check. Remuneration to the waiter is the right, not the obligation of the client, and it is illegal to impose it Is it legal to include a "tip" on an order?.

How much to tea

There are no laws that govern how much to tip. The amount of gratitude is determined by tradition. So, in Russia it is customary to leave about 10% of the bill in cafes and restaurants. But this does not mean that the waiter will be upset if you give him more.

10% is a very convenient amount for calculating: no calculators, no sheet of paper and a pen are needed. Just take the number from the check without decimals and remove the last digit from it. For example, you ate for 4,500 rubles. Remove zero and get 450 rubles tip. Then you went to the fashion store and left 1,734 rubles there. In this case, the tip will amount to 173 rubles, but the amount is usually rounded up - more often, upwards.

How to tip

There are only two ways to tip.

1. Cash

Regardless of whether you pay by card or cash, it is appropriate to put a tip in the folder with the bill after you have paid it. Leave the bills and leave with a clear conscience.

You can also, if you pay in cash, put the amount in the folder, including the tip, and warn the waiter that you don’t need change.

In some establishments without waiters, tip jars are at the cash register. If you like the cafe, do not forget to thank the employees at least sometimes.

2. Bank card

You should not especially count on this method: cafes and restaurants offer it extremely rarely. But sometimes you can ask to be charged not only for dinner, but also for a certain amount of tea. You call it a number or a percentage.

How to tip abroad


In the USA, waiters can work without a salary at all, but only for tips, so it is customary to leave 15% of the bill, and this is the minimum value.

Gratitude will be expected not only in cafes and restaurants. For example, a bartender in a nightclub may simply stop taking orders if you pay exactly according to the price list. It is customary to leave a tip in taxis, at gas stations, and in general wherever it may be appropriate.


The tradition of tipping is not very common here. If the attendants are thanked, then it is extremely modest - an amount of about 5% of the bill.


In restaurants in Italy, there is a coperto - a commission for a seat, as well as a servizio - a commission for service. Information about this should be written on each menu page. As a result, your bill will be more than a few euros, and you can not leave a tip.


When you pay the waiter, you yourself say how much change you return. You can also just leave a tip on the table. The standard 10% will be enough.


The usual tip here is 10-15% of the check, but, according to local law, they must be included in the bill.


Tips are not accepted here, they are perceived as. If the waiter takes money, it is only because he has lost hope of explaining to you that this is inappropriate.


Absolutely everything is waiting for you to tip, and it can be absolutely any amount.


The standard here is 15%.


The waiter himself may suggest that you round the bill, for example, from 37 to 40 euros.


Tips are not part of the culture, and it's not uncommon for them to be returned to you. But in general, now the Vietnamese are more favorable in this kind of gratitude.

Do you leave tips? If yes, how much?

Tipping as a form of voluntary remuneration for quality service is the norm in many countries popular with tourists.

Regular questions are raised by the etiquette of leaving a tip: when, to whom and how much to pay, how to transfer money - in person or leave it in a conspicuous place. Finally, tips are not only an item of etiquette, but also an expense item that must be foreseen in advance.

In crowded resorts and in countries where the tradition of tipping has developed historically, waiters, bartenders, hotel staff, stewardesses, bus and taxi drivers, guides, less often hairdressers and gas station workers receive additional monetary incentives.

At the same time, the etiquette of other countries not only does not imply monetary gratitude for an already paid service, but also gives reason to regard such an impulse as a way to humiliate the attendants. That is why before the trip it is always appropriate to get acquainted with the traditions of the country you are going to visit.

How much is it customary to leave a tip

The optimal tip size varies by country, and often by region within a country. Gradation of payments is observed in service areas. Below is the average tip size abroad: who gets how much depending on the profession.

  • Waiter, bartender, cook - 10%;
  • Taxi driver - 10-15%;
  • Porter - 1-2 euros;
  • Maid - 5 euros per week;
  • Tour guide - 5-10 euros;
  • Courier - 1-2 euros;
  • Stewardess - 5 euros.

You can leave a tip not only in cash, some restaurants offer you to choose the amount to be debited from the card. In a number of fast food establishments, small hotels, the issue of remuneration for staff is solved even more simply: a tip jar (Tip jar) is in a conspicuous place.

You don't need to worry about the size of the tip if it is included in the bill and is already written on a separate line. And if the service was excellent, even in this case, you can thank them additionally by adding another 5-10% to the check from yourself.

Tipping in Russia

Dear readers, how much do you tip when traveling? We would appreciate it if you share your experience in the comments below.

The Village talked to taxi drivers, waiters, bartenders and other representatives of the capital's service staff to find out what amounts it is customary to tip in Moscow and find out about the maximum amount left as a cash incentive.

  • Anna Maslovskaya July 5, 2010
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Age: 38 years old, experience: 15 years, in the "Yellow Taxi" - 2 months

I often get tips. Usually they round the amount or leave change. And those who are late are specially paid extra from above for the fact that I drove them to the place very quickly. One case I had, as they say, out of the ordinary. A month ago I went to Gorbushka to buy a navigator for my car. There, two men sat down next to me and asked me to take me to several places. As a result, we became very friends with them, ate barbecue with vodka. But I didn't drink, because I was driving. Both are not from Moscow, and in the evening both have a train: one to Siberia, the other to Nizhny Novgorod. The one who was going to Siberia managed to catch the train, but the second did not. I helped him buy a ticket for the next flight and quickly drove him to the airport. There were four and a half thousand rubles on the counter, and he gave me ten, paid for all the worries. Then we began to call each other every day, to be friends. And in a week I had to repay a serious debt, but there was not enough money. And a new friend asks: “What is wrong with you? I feel upset in my voice." I told him everything. He asked for my bank account and transferred fifty thousand rubles there, and not in debt. That's how people are. I'll go to Nizhny soon to see him. We will fish and drink.


Age: 38 years old, experience: about 4 years, since the opening of the Solyanka club

Tipping is rarely given. This is done by adults who are over thirty-five. When parties are held, where there is only one youth, you can not expect anything - they leave five rubles - no more. But I take them too - after all, money. While there are a few young people who always tip generously, this is an exception. The management even offered me to put a box with the inscription “tip” on the wardrobe so that money would be thrown there. I didn’t like this idea, I don’t think that they should give me money - modesty does not allow it. There was a case - evening, few people, helped to dress an elderly lady. It turned out - a foreigner, gave 2000 rubles. But this is an exception. Tips are a very small, very small percentage of my salary. As they say - "for ice cream."


Age: 31 years old, experience: 3 years

They tip me fifty percent of the time - they give 10, 20 rubles, but because of the large number of cars passing through me in a day, it turns out to be a good amount. In general, we do not require money for our work - this is not accepted in our profession - we have a stable salary, the company pays. Drivers themselves insist, but we do not refuse. As a result, at the end of the month, my tips are an impressive part of all the money earned. They almost never give more than fifty rubles, and if they give a thousand, this happens a couple of times in my life - they gave me one and a half times. I still remember.


Age: 40 years old, experience: 13 years

Smart people tip so that the bartenders remember them. They often tip me, but I won’t tell ducks about gigantic sums. For one very famous director, for example, it's okay to come to dinner with his wife and leave a hundred dollars in a tip. But there are some generally accepted minimum amounts. For example, for a cup of coffee it is worth leaving ten rubles, for a mug of beer - fifty, something stronger - one hundred rubles. Once, a wonderful Austrian tourist on his knees handed me five thousand rubles, well, I took them in the same position - I also knelt down. And then I poured him just vodka, but how!


Age: 23 years old, experience: 5 years, works in his own home studio

I used to work in a salon and clients would tip me at the checkout when they paid. They were asked to deliver. This is how it works in salons, but even with these tips, it is more profitable to work at home if there is a good customer base. I have been working in my home studio for two years now and my relationship with clients is completely informal. Tips are always left, but not always in cash. Those who come to me in the morning bring pancakes, pies, and herbal teas prepared with their own hands. Those who are in the afternoon - bring pizza, in the evening - alcohol. They also give money. There are clients who tip 100 percent of the price of a haircut. But the most expensive tip for me was given by a client who came only for the second time. He asked me where I would celebrate my birthday and offered my country house for a day. And when the fun was in full swing and the stars were visible in the sky, a beautiful firework suddenly broke out - also his work.

GOT $1,000

Age: 28 years old, experience: 9 years

Everything is simple with us - guests give tips in gratitude for your work. If you performed it qualitatively, you will receive an amount that you did not expect. And if you treat the work "as usual", then you will get your ten percent, or five percent. I often get more than ten percent of the bill. As a result, so much comes out per month that the salary is rather a pleasant bonus. The conclusion from this is this - at work you need to be very active, give yourself completely to it. I used to work in a casino, and tips are very good there. People do not count money, they have fun, so they give generous tips. For example, they gave me a thousand dollars when I served one company all evening. But even there, money is given for a reason, you need to do your job well.


Age: 26, experience: 2 years

I rarely get tips, maybe once a week. Usually up to 100 rubles - they can leave five. Only once there was a big tip - a thousand rubles. They were given to me by an elderly man, because I helped him a lot. We spent a lot of time together at the computer to find the medicine he needed in Moscow. Then I bought it for him. So he thanked me for the service. Tipping in hostels does not depend on the amount that guests spend. We also have foreigners staying and young people - students. They want to save money, so they don't tip. I understand them. Give those who are older. By the way, tips are often left right in the room on the table. They are for the maid, but our maid never takes them, leaving them lying there.

When going to another city or country, it is best to book a hotel room a few weeks before the trip, and it is advisable to familiarize yourself with the rules of accommodation in advance. But for many tourists, knowledge of hotel etiquette and service ends there. However, among other points, there is another extremely important question: how to leave a tip in a hotel? Who better to leave them? What amount? For what services? Questions like these plague the minds of many travelers.

1. Do not leave a tip for all employees in a row. This gesture is, first of all, a way to show the employee that you are satisfied with his service.

2. As for the amount, as a rule, it is standard, but this standard may vary depending on the institution and country. The best solution: go to the appropriate forum and ask for advice from tourists who have been to the hotel you are interested in.

3. You can leave the amount generally accepted in this city - this is what they do when an all-inclusive tour is purchased. Otherwise, it is recommended to give about 5-7% of the total cost of the order.

4. Tipping maids is optional, especially when you are unhappy with the quality of cleaning. If the work is done well, and you want to leave a reward for the cleaning lady, put a tip on the bedside table or on the bed. However, it all depends on the schedule in a particular hotel and you should not expect that your room will be cleaned more often than it is stipulated by the regulations.

5. As for the waiters, it is best to choose one employee who served you well, and continue to contact him, leaving a tip. Thus, he will remember you and will always try to please, and this will avoid unpleasant situations.

6. It is also worth thanking the porter who brought all the luggage to your room. In addition, if you contacted an employee with an urgent request (send a fax, make an important call, send a letter) and received the required assistance from him, leave him a tip - otherwise it will be the height of bad manners.

To express your gratitude to the attendants by paying a small amount in excess of that indicated on the bill means to observe “tea” etiquette. The history of tipping is very simple. Thus, with the help of material incentives, it was always possible to motivate the waiter to work efficiently, and the maid to clean thoroughly. How much to leave a tip is a personal matter for each guest, but there are also generally accepted norms, knowing about which, you can not pass for a miser, and not give out too much.

How to tip in Turkey so as not to go broke and get excellent service?

Holidays in Turkey on an all-inclusive basis will not relieve you of the need to leave a tip. And they will start milking you already at the airport. Don't be so quick to get angry! Such pressure is explained by the fact that service personnel in this country receive extremely low salaries, and sometimes even live only at the expense of generous tips.

  • Way to the hotel

So, at the airport you will be offered to carry your luggage. Know that this service costs exactly one dollar. You will not offend the porter if you do not succumb to his pitiful stories about the harsh everyday life of the Turkish people and limit yourself to this amount.

If you take a taxi to the hotel, then everything is simple. Round the amount in favor of the driver, and that will be enough. Getting to the hotel by bus, tourists usually take off, some for half a dollar, some for one.

  • In a hotel

If you plan to stay at a hotel where you have not yet booked a room, put a ten-dollar piece of paper in your passport when registering. You can be sure: if the hotel has a good free room, then you will be accommodated there. Prepare a dollar for the porter, because your suitcases will not be left without attention.

Having settled down in the room, do not rush to think that this is all over. Do not know how much they give a tip in a hotel for high-quality room cleaning, timely change of bed linen and towels in the bathroom? Practice shows that a dollar left daily, or a slightly larger amount every three days, has a very positive effect on the quality of service. Put the bills in a special box with the inscription tip-box or leave it under the ashtray in a visible place, and the maid will do her job perfectly. By the way, if you need to change towels, just throw them on the bathroom floor.

  • In cafes and restaurants

Opinions sometimes differ on how much to tip in Turkey in cafes and restaurants. The fact is that in some establishments the service fee is included directly in the main account. Usually it is 10 percent of the order amount. But not always this money reaches the waiters in full. In such cases, proceed at your own discretion. If you like the food and service, give the waiter a tip.

In small cafes, tips are rarely added to the bill, so evaluate the work of the attendants and thank the amount of 5 - 15% of the brought bill. This is especially necessary if you liked the institution, and you plan to have lunch or dinner there again. If you give the waiter an extra dollar, indicate the table you like and say when you will come again, the person will make sure that no one takes your place.

  • Take care in advance

In order not to get into an awkward situation, stock up on small bills. You will need a dollar most often, as this is the standard tip amount (with the exception of cafes and restaurants). If you don’t know exactly how much to tip, then a dollar bill will allow you not to drop your face and avoid unnecessary spending.

A few five and ten dollar bills will come in handy for you to ensure the most comfortable stay.

How much to tip in Russia?

Today in the Russian Federation it is widely practiced to reward staff with tips. The standard amount of remuneration for high-quality and prompt service is 10 percent of the amount on the check.

If you are completely delighted with the service, you can give more, and if, on the contrary, you are dissatisfied, then you have every moral right not to leave a tip at all.

  • In a hotel

Tipping in Russia must be given to the luggage porter when checking into a hotel room (a dollar or a hundred rubles will suit him). Russian maids do receive a salary, albeit a small one, so decide if you need to tip and how much, based on how conscientiously they clean your room.

Sometimes the hotel provides you with additional services:

  • take clothes to the dry cleaners
  • help with the organization of the celebration,
  • delivering food from a restaurant.

Be sure to thank the person who tried for you. If you gave him a few bills, great. There is no need to make royally generous gestures, but one should not be stingy either. Put the money in an envelope along with a thank you note and hand it over personally or sign it, seal it and leave it at the reception.

  • At the restaurant

How much is it customary to leave a tip in a restaurant or cafe? All the same ten percent if you are satisfied with the taste of the dishes and the work of the waiter. If you're absolutely thrilled with the food, service, and prices, add five more. When you are disappointed with the quality of the dishes and the attitude of the waiter, do not leave a tip even out of politeness. Tipping is the guest's sincere gratitude for the warm welcome and high quality of services rendered. You don't have to say thank you for something you didn't like.

  • In a beauty salon

If you are constantly served by the same hairdresser, beautician and manicurist, you can thank people from time to time in small amounts over and above the cost of the service. Tips placed on a manicure table or near a mirror remain with the person who worked with you, and according to the price list, you pay the administrator.

No need to feel obligated to tip at all costs. If, after paying the bill, the last money “before the salary” remains in the wallet, there is simply no cash or small bills, nothing bad will happen. Do it another time.

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