Home Soups Boil steamed long grain rice. Steamed rice cooking recipes. In a pot of water

Boil steamed long grain rice. Steamed rice cooking recipes. In a pot of water

Many housewives consider rice the most capricious side dish. It either sticks together, or it turns out to be undercooked, and it doesn’t have its own bright taste. However, if you carefully study this cereal, it becomes clear: there are no difficulties, there are only small features. How to cook steamed rice, how does it differ from polished white rice, and what is better to pay attention to? There are quite a few cooking methods that allow you to get a tasty, nutritious and aesthetically attractive dish.

How is parboiled rice different?

The assortment of cereals in stores is striking in variety and rich colors. Rice can be not only white, but also yellow, red, brown and even black. Steamed grains have a pleasant yellowish tint, and compared to white polished grains, they look harder, more accurate, with a distinct translucency. In fact, this is not a separate variety, but simply a high-temperature steam treatment. Due to the effect of high temperature, starch binds, which just makes the finished cereal viscous and sticky. So the problem of how to cook steamed rice crumbly does not even arise - it is very difficult to cook it in such a way that the grains boil or stick together. Another thing is that for each specific dish it is better to buy a certain type of cereal.

Many housewives pour plain white rice with water and leave for a couple of hours to soak and remove, if possible, all excess starch. If you choose steamed, then no soaking is required, the starch has already been removed, and this procedure will not affect either the quality of the side dish or the cooking time.

Which variety to choose?

If we are talking specifically about steamed rice, then it can be long-grain, round or medium-grain. This is exactly the type of processing of grains, and the varieties are exactly the same as in polished ones: "basmati", "jasmine", "camolino", "arborio" and so on. How to cook steamed long grain rice? We are talking most often about the varieties "basmati" and "jasmine", and the method of preparation depends on the intended dish. For example, for hearty salads, it is better to boil the grains in plenty of salted water until cooked, and then rinse them thoroughly, then in combination with other ingredients you get the perfect ensemble. For risotto, measure the ratio of rice and water is approximately 1:2, and when preparing pilaf, measure the distance from the surface of the water to the surface of all the products included in the dish.

How to cook steamed medium-grain and round-grain rice? This will require a little less water, it is believed that these types of cereals are better boiled. In practice, the difference in the amount of water is small, you can bring the dish to readiness if you keep it hot under a closed lid, and exact proportions are observed only in haute cuisine or when the chef is uncertain.

Cooking methods

Rice can play the role of an independent side dish for meat or fish dishes, or be an ingredient in more complicated recipe. For example, connoisseurs of pilaf believe that it cannot be called simply “porridge with meat”, this is a special treat. Also, rice can be part of soups, it is added to minced meat for cabbage rolls and meatballs, hearty salads are prepared on its basis, as well as dishes loved by many. Japanese cuisine: rolls, sushi and onigiri.

What exactly and how to cook steamed rice? First of all, you need to choose the right dishes, all success depends on the temperature distribution. Worst option - enamel pan, grits stick to it and can burn very easily. Stainless steel cookware will also not give a good result; it is better to give preference to a cast-iron cauldron or a ceramic pan with a thick bottom. Now the most convenient way to cook perfect rice is with a slow cooker or a special electric rice cooker.

in a saucepan

If there is no other option, then with a certain amount of skill, you can cook the perfect dish in anything. How and how much to cook steamed rice in a regular pan? You need to take two glasses of water for one glass of cereal, this is a standard average proportion.

Washed rice is poured cold water, add a little salt and put on a strong fire. Immediately after boiling, the fire should be reduced to a minimum and the side dish should be cooked for 20 minutes without stirring. The most best feature rice lies in the fact that it is not necessary to bring it to readiness on fire. In order not to burn the bottom of the pan, it is better to turn it off in advance and leave the dish to reach under the lid until all the water has been absorbed.

in a cauldron

A duck roaster or ceramic thick-walled pan is also suitable. How long to cook steamed rice in such a dish? The preparatory stage is the same standard as previous version, you need to rinse the cereal and pour cold water in the same proportion of 1: 2. You can use another method - from the surface of the rice to the surface of the water there should be a distance of the thickness of two fingers.

Put the cauldron on a strong fire, after 5-10 minutes reduce it to a minimum and cook until all the water is absorbed. Usually it is 25-30 minutes. After that, remove from heat and leave under the lid to reach.

In a slow cooker

The Japanese electric rice cooker, the ancestor of a wonderful and convenient kitchen gadget, is the easiest way to prepare a crumbly and delicious side dish. How to cook steamed rice in a slow cooker?

Much depends on the power program of the device, slight differences can be observed. For example, in the Redmond multicooker, the rice cooking program takes 25 minutes, and in the recipe book that comes with the instructions, the standard proportions of cereals and water are indicated - 1: 2. This method is the most convenient, the automation will turn off the device in time, so that the garnish will not burn, it will remain crumbly and beautiful.

Rice in bags

Some housewives complain that according to any proven recipes, they get ordinary sticky porridge, so they generally refuse this cereal. How to cook steamed rice for a side dish, if there is no slow cooker, and in any other dish it burns, then it turns out half-cooked?

Especially for easy cooking, some manufacturers produce a convenient form of cereals. Parboiled rice is packaged in small portion bags made of perforated film. They are placed directly in boiling salted water and cooked according to the instructions, it is not necessary to open and pierce the package. Depending on the type of rice, this takes from 15 to 25 minutes - the cooking time must be indicated on the package. Nothing else needs to be done, after the end of cooking, you need to catch the packages with a slotted spoon, open and carefully pour the finished side dish onto a plate.

Other cooking methods

Steamed rice is the most hassle-free cereal. It is perfect as a soup dressing, because it does not boil soft and does not thicken the dish with excess starch. It is good to take it with you on hikes, it cooks quickly and well on a fire. How to cook steamed rice in the field if you don’t have a pot with you? To do this, wrap a portion of cereal in a wet rag and cover with hot coals. From the high temperature, the water will begin to evaporate, and the food will be steamed.

In oriental cuisine, rice is cooked not only traditional way, but also in special double boilers. To do this, the washed cereal is poured into a sieve and placed over a bowl of boiling water. This method has its advantages: the garnish does not burn, remains crumbly and appetizing.

2 years ago

This is a finicky cereal! If you don’t cook it, it will be tough, if you overcook it, it will stick together or worse, it will burn to the bottom of the pan. So that such trouble does not happen to you, let's figure out how much to cook steamed rice, and how to cook it friable. And at the same time we will learn how to cook the right pilaf.

How to get fluffy rice? Watch the time!

When buying this cereal, you need to pay attention to the labels on the packaging. Very often, the buyer is offered cereal that has been previously cooked. It has a beautiful amber yellow color. It will come to readiness faster than usual. How long does it take to cook steamed rice? See how you do it!

Cooking time for steamed rice:

  • in a conventional saucepan on the stove - from 20 to 25 minutes;
  • in a double boiler - 40 minutes;
  • in a slow cooker - 15 minutes;
  • in the microwave oven - 20-22 minutes.

Separately, you should dwell on how much to cook steamed long-grain rice (Jasmine or Basmati).

Its grain is more fragile, so it is very important not to digest the cereal. After washing in 2-3 running waters, fill the rice with water on 2 phalanges of your finger, put 2 tablespoons of oil, spices, salt and cook for 15 minutes under the lid. Keep the pot covered at all times and do not stir the rice.

But turning off the burner in a timely manner is not the only condition for obtaining delicious dish. To rice porrige had a crumbly consistency, and did not resemble “smear”, you should pay attention not only to how much to cook steamed rice in time. It is necessary to choose the optimal amount of water and strictly follow the technology of its preparation.

How to cook steamed rice? Why is it useful? Products are becoming more expensive - and it is not surprising that I asked myself such a question. After all, despite the increase in prices, rice is still one of the cheapest components of the daily menu.

Steamed rice: useful properties

A distinctive feature of parboiled rice is that the unpeeled, moistened rice grains are subjected to severe pressure from hot steam. And only after that the grains are cleaned from the shell and polished. Outwardly, the rice acquires a transparent light beige color, and all the vitamins from the bran are absorbed into the core under the influence of steam.

Unlike white rice, parboiled rice after industrial processing retains vitamins and amino acids by almost 80%. It is this rice that is richest in vitamins B, PP, H and E. Fiber, which is contained in steamed rice, is a powerful sorbent that removes toxins from the body, and also improves intestinal motility and normalizes digestion. At the same time, vegetable fiber fibers help in the fight against excess weight, as they do not contain calories, but provide sufficient saturation of the body. Unlike wheat, rice does not contain gluten. Therefore, this cereal is recommended for people who are allergic to gluten.

It is rice that can be given to babies as the first complementary foods before other cereals, even instead of milk. A decoction of steamed rice restores impaired digestion, and boiled steamed rice is the basis of a diet for recovering from injuries and operations. With regular use of rice, positive changes in complexion and skin condition are visible, sleep and mood improve. Boiled rice is recommended for diseases of the urogenital area.

How to cook steamed rice

Steamed rice is not soaked before cooking. This greatly reduces the overall cooking time. Steamed rice does not even need to be washed, because hot steam cleans it much better than any wash in warm water. True, the process of cooking steamed rice takes longer than usual. But you can cook it not only in clean water, but also in water with spices, meat, vegetable or fish broth.
To boil steamed rice in water, take a glass (250 ml) of drinking water for every 100 grams of dry rice, pour the water into a saucepan and bring to a boil. When the water boils, put rice in it and add spices if necessary. Reduce the heat to a low level, cover the pan with a lid and leave for exactly 20 minutes. After that, move the pan to a cold burner and leave for another 5 minutes without removing the lid.

This cereal in a slow cooker is cooked in approximately the same ratio: for 200-250 ml of water - 100 g of dry rice. Rice and water are added to the multicooker bowl, salted, sprinkled with spices and cooked in the “Cooking”, “Buckwheat”, “Pilaf” mode (the mode depends on the multicooker model) for 30 minutes.

To cook steamed rice in the microwave, use suitable dishes (ceramic or glass, without metal handles and decor). Take twice as much water as rice (100 grams of rice - 200 ml of water) and put it all in a container so that there is a lot of free space. Cover the pot with a lid, leaving a large gap for steam to escape. Turn on the oven at full power for 15 minutes, stopping cooking every 5 minutes and stirring the rice. Add spices or oil after cooking.

To cook steamed rice in a double boiler, use a special container, which is called: rice bowl. Put dry rice in it and pour water directly into the bowl, 200 ml for every 100 grams of rice. Immediately add spices to taste. Close the lid of the steamer and turn it on for 35 minutes. After the signal, let the boiled rice brew in the bowl for another 10-15 minutes, serve as a side dish for meat or fish dishes.

Milk porridge recipe from steamed rice in a slow cooker

This recipe is suitable for baby food. Yes, and adult lovers of milk porridge will like it.

Rinse the rice in an amount of 100 grams, fill with water (one and a half cups). Cook in the "Buckwheat" mode, after the signal, add a glass of hot milk, sugar to taste and a slice butter. You can also add a handful of steamed raisins. Turn on the "Keep warm" mode, wait 15 minutes, then serve hot porridge to the table. The kid will be delighted with such a dairy breakfast!

In the store, you can get confused by the variety of goods presented. Even the rice we are used to is different: polished, steamed, wild. When buying a new variety for themselves, housewives think about how to cook this cereal so that it turns out crumbly and tasty, because rice will not only be an excellent side dish for meat or fish, but also suitable for preparing salads, snacks and pilaf.

Product Features

As the name suggests, this type of cereal goes through a process heat treatment steam before sanding. This procedure allows you to save much more nutrients, trace elements and vitamins, because they pass from the shell to the core under the influence of temperature. Grains for this are taken elongated, the color of the dry product changes from white to golden, translucent, but after cooking, the processed cereal cannot be distinguished from the usual one. Steaming rice began over 50 years ago in the US military to facilitate the cooking process. Another advantage of heat treatment is that the cooked side dish turns out crumbly, the grains do not crumble, and these properties are preserved even after several heatings.

Connoisseurs of a healthy lifestyle, supporters proper nutrition, and all lovers of delicious food should pay attention to this one. To cook it tasty and grainy, we will give several recipes. Of these, even a novice owner or hostess will understand how to cook steamed

The most important rule is to spare no time and thoroughly rinse the grain in several approaches until the water after rinsing remains clear. The proportions should be observed: 1 cup of dry rice to 2 cups of water. Washed rice is placed in boiling salted water, seasonings are not added at this moment. Then the fire is reduced, the pan is covered with a lid, and during the cooking process it is not raised.

How long to cook steamed rice? The given amount will be ready 12 minutes after boiling. The same amount of time you need to let the rice brew under a closed lid, removing it from the stove. Only after that it is recommended to add oil and spices to the dish.

Other pot cooking options

The standard rules were given above, after studying which it is easy to answer the question of how steamed rice is cooked. Here are some other recipes for it:

Separately, it is worth noting that the dishes (usually a pot and sometimes a frying pan) for cooking should have a thick bottom so that the cereal does not burn.

Method of cooking in a multicooker

Many owners have already equipped their kitchens with a useful and convenient appliance that allows you to minimize the time spent at the stove. This miracle saucepan cooks, stews, and bakes (depending on the built-in functions). How to cook steamed Standard method: use the "Pilaf" mode, and then change it to "Heating". to water changes by 1:3, and the amount of loading and cooking time depend on the capacity of the bowl, for this you should study the attached instructions.

The steamed cereals are washed and soaked for an hour, then transferred to a slow cooker, water is added and the desired mode is set. 10 minutes before the end of cooking, switch the function. You can experiment with this appliance: use the "Buckwheat" mode, which is suitable for cooking rice for rolls and sushi, or "Milk porridge".

Cooking in a steamer

How to cook long grain parboiled rice? If you have a double boiler, then cook in it. She will keep everything useful material the product in question. Rice is washed several times until clear water. After that, you can soak it in hot liquid for half an hour, this will preserve all the nutritional value of the grains. Then the cereal is thrown back on a sieve and the water is allowed to drain for about 15-20 minutes. For 1 cup of rice, take 1.5-2 cups of water, the output will be 3 cups of crumbly side dish. It is advisable to serve ready-made rice immediately on the table. To make the dish airy and not stick together, it is sprinkled during cooking lemon juice or add a little vegetable or butter.

Rice is placed in a special container for cooking cereals, water is poured into the same place. If the porridge cooking time is not determined automatically, the timer is set for 30 minutes.

Microwave features

Almost all owners of microwave ovens only heat up food in them, forgetting that this is also a multifunctional device. You can also bake, boil and bake different dishes in it. Rice is no exception, any variety is easy to cook. The grain is washed until the water runs clear. Then it is transferred to a glass container suitable for microwave ovens, and it should occupy no more than half the volume, because the finished product will be 2 times larger. Pour the cereal with water, cover with a refractory lid and set the cooking time for 15 minutes. After the end of the program, leave the dish in the microwave for another same period - so the rice will become softer and more tender. It is necessary to take out the container only using tacks. After that, the side dish is mixed with a wooden spatula or spoon and seasoned with butter.

Now you know how to cook steamed rice correctly, and you can easily delight yourself and loved ones with a tasty, fragrant and healthy dish!

Rice is healthy dietary product, which does not irritate the intestines, therefore gluten-free rice porridge is recommended as a first complementary food even for infants. The same variety of rice can have a different taste and even different nutritional and nutritional properties depending on the method of its processing - crude (brown), peeled (white) and steamed (grains of golden color).

Steamed rice: how to cook?

Photo Shutterstock

Features of parboiled rice

Rice processing technology allows to obtain different kind grains. Brown rice is minimally processed, its grains have such a color, since the natural bran shell is almost completely left on them, due to which almost all of it is preserved. beneficial features. White polished rice does not have this shell, and although it looks more appetizing than brown, it is no longer so useful - it contains the minimum amount of vitamins, minerals and essential amino acids.

Parboiled rice is obtained using a unique technology invented not very long ago. Raw grains are first kept in water, and then steamed under high pressure, dried and only then polished. Thanks to this, useful substances, which are mainly found in rice bran, are transferred by 80% to the rice grains themselves. Such rice has a golden color and after heat treatment becomes the same white as regular peeled rice.

Secrets of Cooking Steamed Rice

The cooking time for rice dishes - porridge, pilaf, etc. - largely depends on the type of rice, but if ordinary white rice needs to be cooked for about 15 minutes until cooked, the cooking time for steamed rice should be increased by almost 1.5–2 times. To cook it deliciously, you can cook it with the addition of aromatic spices. Usually rice is added curry powder, ground nutmeg, ziru. delicious rice can be cooked in a small amount of meat, fish or mushroom broth and serve it with the appropriate dish.

Parboiled rice does not need to be washed: its processing technology requires a high degree of grain cleaning

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