Home General issues Plov Ferghana style with lamb. Pilaf in Ferghana: a step-by-step recipe for cooking

Plov Ferghana style with lamb. Pilaf in Ferghana: a step-by-step recipe for cooking

Cooking instructions

1 hour 30 minutes Print

    1. Carefully sort out Devzira so that there are no small stones and chips left. Put the rice in a bowl, add two tablespoons of rock salt and pour two liters of cold water. In this form, rice should stand for at least half an hour. As soon as you fill the rice with water, it will become almost transparent, and you can determine if the rice has soaked enough by appearance: when it becomes dull, you can wash it, otherwise the grains may crumble.

  • 2. Clean the lamb from veins, films and fat - if you are not careful about this, the meat may have an unpleasant spirit. Remove meat from bone. Chop the bones into pieces that are convenient for manipulation, meat into cubes with a side of about three centimeters.
    Crib How to prepare lamb loin

  • 3. Cut the carrots into thick strips, the entire length of the tuber and a thickness of three to four millimeters. Cut the onion into not too thin half rings or a little smaller. Tool Ceramic Knife Japanese ceramic knives are made from zircon oxide, a material that occupies a place in the middle between steel and diamond on the hardness scale. Moreover, they are lighter than metal ones, do not oxidize products, do not absorb odors and do not require sharpening for at least three years.

  • 4. Cut the tail fat into cubes about the same size as the meat. Put it in a hot cauldron - the fat tail will begin to bubble and melt, it is necessary, without stirring, to wait until the bubbles disappear, and then turn over the stuck lump. Fat must be melted over medium heat to make it transparent. When only melted fat and cracklings remain in the cauldron, pull them out. Tool Tazhin Couscous cooks well in a Moroccan tagine pan. It is designed in such a way that it can distribute heat very accurately, thanks to which dishes can be cooked almost over a burning candle.

  • 5. Add fire and heat the fat to a bluish haze. Fry the bones in it until brown, then the onion until golden. Then lower the meat along the walls. While it lies on the walls, it will have time to heat up and will no longer lower the temperature of boiling fat. After five minutes, mix the meat with fat at the bottom of the cauldron, add the cumin and fry, stirring, until golden brown. The next step is carrots, fry them until soft. Then pour the cauldron with cold water so that the liquid completely covers its contents, bring to a boil and reduce the heat to medium.

  • 6. Put in zirvak (the so-called liquid medium that forms in a cauldron) whole heads of young garlic peeled from the top husk. Simmer everything together for thirty minutes.

  • 7. Rinse the soaked rice. This must be done carefully: put the bowl under a stream of cold water and tilt it slightly so that the water slowly flows from one side. You can’t rub rice, otherwise it will break, it’s better to toss it a little in a bowl.

  • 8. Pull out the bones from the cauldron - if you do not remove them before adding rice, they will slow down the cooking and a lump of undercooked rice will form next to each one, which will come across a grain in each spoon. Then bring the zirvak to a strong boil and spread rice evenly over the meat. Add boiling water so that it covers the rice by a centimeter and make sure that boiling occurs not only in the center of the cauldron, but also around the edges. To do this, you can shift the rice from the zone of quiet boiling to where it boils well. Cooking rice until almost ready - something like 90% done, this is the state when you try and think: almost, just a little more. If the rice is still quite raw, and the water has evaporated, you can add a little boiling water. Once at the very end, you need to increase the fire, cover the cauldron with a lid and let the zirvak boil actively so that the fat rises to the top and soaks into the rice.

  • 9. Put two whole chili peppers on an almost ready pilaf, cover with a lid, put on a minimum fire and let it brew for twenty minutes.

Ferghana pilaf

This dinner should be one of the first, since pilaf is one of those dishes that I am ready to eat almost daily. I love pilaf incredibly and cook it quite often according to one recipe or another. Only quite recently I finally acquired the “correct” cauldron for cooking pilaf on a conventional gas stove and could, with a calm soul, start shooting the process of preparing this finger-licking dish.

A huge plus of the Asian cauldron is its shape - spherical inside, with a small bottom area on the outside and a strong expansion upwards. Thanks to this form, you can use a strong fire, respectively, and the cooking process is very fast. Naturally, we are talking about some, so to speak, "special" dishes.
So, a huge cast-iron Asian cauldron is placed on the burner, the rice is washed, the meat and carrots are chopped, and the spices are waiting for their turn, exuding aroma throughout the kitchen...

Ingredients are given based on a 6 liter cauldron.
Cooking time - about 3 hours.



Approximately 1.5 kilograms of lamb on the bone
3 cups of rice (it must first be washed well and poured with water for several hours)
3-4 carrots and 2 onions
2-3 heads of garlic and the same number of hot pepper pods
Salo (in the original - fat tail, but I use the usual, pork) and good vegetable oil

BY THE WAY: in the classic Fergana recipe there is only zira, but for some time now I have added the last two spices to pilaf. Since lamb is not very pleasing, I cook pilaf for myself with pork, using ribs and a shoulder blade.


1. So, put the cauldron on a strong fire, cut the fat into cubes and place it in the cauldron. Within a few minutes, we melt the fat from the fat, stirring the cracklings from time to time, preventing them from burning.

2. Then the cracklings should be removed, and approximately the same amount should be added to the resulting fat. vegetable oil.

3. After waiting quite a bit until the temperature of the fat mixture becomes high, pour coarsely chopped onions into the cauldron.

4. Since the fire is strong and the oil is very hot, the onions in it should literally boil, frying in about a minute. Here it is - the action of a specific form of a cauldron. At the same time, there should be so much fat in the cauldron that the onion literally floats in it.

5. Do not forget to mix the onion, controlling the degree of roasting and "goldenness".

6. To fry the onion to the desired state, just a minute and a half is enough. Then the bones are placed in the cauldron, which are lightly fried for several minutes. After that, they need to be taken out and the meat cut into pieces should be laid for frying.

BY THE WAY: due to the fact that everything happens very quickly, I recommend cutting everything before the cooking process so that nothing burns or you don’t have to remove the cauldron from the fire for a while.

7. Fry the meat until golden brown. Again, just a few minutes.

8. After the meat has acquired the desired crust, it is the turn of carrots, cut into strips. Mix it with meat and fry for a few minutes. During this time, carrots manage to release a lot of juice, and the roasting process smoothly transforms into a stewing process over high heat.

9. And now it's time for spices. Zira. The incredible smell and taste of pilaf largely depends on it. Sprinkle it with carrots with meat and onions.

10. At the same time, I add some turmeric and pieces of dry paprika.

11. Mix everything in a cauldron, return the bones to the cauldron, lay whole heads of garlic and hot pepper pods.

12. And now add water to the cauldron. Enough to cover everything previously laid. The resulting mixture is called zirvak. By the way, at the same time, add salt.

13. We cover the cauldron with a lid and leave the zirvak to stew for an hour. Already at this stage, having tasted it, we can correct the taste of the future pilaf. If everything up to this point is done correctly, the taste of zirvak should amaze you.

14. The hour has passed. We remove the lid from the cauldron, and it's time for rice. As I said at the beginning, it must be washed well in advance and poured with water for a couple of hours. Before laying rice from the cauldron, you need to remove the garlic and hot peppers set aside on a separate dish. We still need them.

15. We fall asleep rice in zirvak.

16. Our task is to wait until not a drop of water remains in the pilaf. To do this, in the process of extinguishing, you can periodically make holes deep into the bottom, giving the water the opportunity to evaporate. To check whether there is still water in the pilaf, it is enough to pat its surface with a spatula. Champs - there is water, the sound is deaf - no more. Until the water has evaporated, do not cover the pilaf with a lid.


Uzbek Pilaf Fergana - one of the most famous Asian dishes, widespread in my region and around the world. To cook for real delicious pilaf, you need to absolutely follow all the steps of preparation and choose the right ingredients. Uzbek Pilaf Fergana- my favorite version of this delicious dish. And the recipe that I will tell the world today will help you achieve the ideal, and you will definitely be able to surprise your family or friends. And so, the pride of my culinary achievements - Uzbek pilaf in Fergana.


  • meat of your choice
  • - fatty - 1 kg
  • - fatty (fillet, brisket, back, nape) - 1 kg
  • - (fillet, brisket) - 1 kg
  • - low-fat (fillet, brisket) - 1 kg
  • other ingredients
  • - 670 gr
  • - 300 ml (according to tradition, you can use fat tail mutton fat, but I must warn you that it has a very specific smell)
  • - 1 kg (rice for pilaf, devzira, Krasnodar rice or other large round rice)
  • - 340 gr
  • - 2 heads
  • - only 30 gr (zira, coriander beans, saffron, barberry, basil);
  • - 1.5 tbsp

Cooking method

Ready? Now I will tell you how to cook Ferghana Pilaf. To make it really tasty, you need to add ingredients in time and carry out the necessary processes, so the first thing you need to do is prepare all the ingredients. We take a large piece of meat (I have this back of beef), wash it and wipe it with paper towels. Cut the veins from the meat and cut into large pieces 4x4 or 3x3 cm.
Set the meat aside and prepare the vegetables. Peel carrots and onions, wash and dry. Garlic does not need to be peeled, we will use whole heads. We remove the upper husk from them and rinse well. I use 4 heads because they are smaller than the standard ones.
Let's cut vegetables. Cut the onion into rings 0.5 cm thick.
We cut the carrots lengthwise into strips 0.5 cm thick, and then across, also 0.5 cm, to make straws.
Pour rice into a deep container and rinse 3-5 times, drain all the water for the last time. We measure the right amount of spices. Depending on the situation, we look at which ones to add more, which ones less. Their weight is different, so we make uniform slides. The total weight should be 30 grams. An obligatory spice is zira, it has its own unique flavor of pilaf 🙂 In general, they are all obligatory.
When all the ingredients are prepared, you can begin the cooking process. The first component of pilaf, which is prepared at the very beginning, is called zirvak, a little later you will understand what it is. We put a large cauldron on the largest burner and turn on the largest fire. I took a steel pan instead of a cauldron, simply because I don’t have one, and steel is the closest in its thermal conductivity. We heat the pan for about 10 minutes. Pour all vegetable oil into it. Here I want to note that if the meat is very fatty, you should reduce the amount of oil by about a third. We heat the oil until steam comes out of it. We do not reduce the fire and do not cover anything with a lid until the zirvak itself is cooked. We spread the first ingredient - onions. We put it carefully, he is likely to shoot. Fry for 5-10 minutes, stirring constantly, otherwise the onion will burn. It should acquire a light golden crust, this is a very crucial moment.
When the onion is brought to the desired state, spread the meat and fry for 15 minutes, until the meat darkens and browns. Stir the ingredients every minute.
After 15 minutes, add the prepared carrots, fry for 10 minutes, stirring constantly. At the beginning of the roasting of carrots, we put a kettle of water on to boil.
After 10 minutes, pour the fried ingredients with boiling water so that the water completely covers them, but no more! This is the same zirvak that I spoke about at the beginning. Now reduce the heat to a minimum and stir lightly, the water should continue to boil. Add salt and spices and mix gently again.
Cook the mixture for 15-30 minutes, depending on the quality of the meat. Young meat cooks less, old meat takes longer. After 15-30 minutes, we taste the liquid. It should be very salty and rich in spices. If there is not enough salt, add more. Boil water in the kettle again. We increase the fire under the cauldron to the largest, take the heads of garlic and lower them into zirvak. After that, the rice is evenly poured into the same place. We smooth the rice with a spoon and pour boiling water so that the water covers it by 1-1.5 cm. We do not reduce the heat and do not mix anything until the water evaporates to such a level that it is not visible on the surface of the rice. This process is the most responsible. Let's taste the rice. It should be half done. If it has not yet reached the desired state, add a little water and evaporate again. After that, we reduce the fire to a minimum, we select rice from the edges of the cauldron closer to the center to form a slide.
We take a round plate and put it upside down on a hill of rice. It should be smaller in diameter than the pan, so that there is a gap of 1-2 cm on the sides. Confidently, but moderately press the rice under the plate, as if under a press, and cover with a lid. Leave on low heat for 10 minutes.
After 10 minutes, turn off the heat and leave to languish for another 10-15 minutes. After the specified time, remove the cover.
We remove the plate and very carefully, so as not to damage the rice, mix the finished pilaf thoroughly.
Uzbek Pilaf Fergana ready! We set the table, put the dish on plates and call the guests. You can also put the whole pilaf in one large dish, take out the finished garlic and spread it on top. If you follow the traditions, that is, everyone should from a common plate.
Enjoy your food!

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This is for everyone famous dish they cook everywhere and everyone believes that it is his way of cooking that is correct. Today we will tell you how to cook a delicious Ferghana pilaf and take as a basis step by step recipe from Stalik Khankishiev, it seems to us that this is an ideal way. Mastering the preparation of this delicious oriental dish at home, you will have another reason to invite guests and treat them with a culinary masterpiece.

Real Ferghana pilaf is cooked in a cauldron, on a fire. Not everyone has the opportunity to cook dishes with smoke, and most have to limit themselves to the kitchen and stove. Of course, you can cook Uzbek Ferghana pilaf in a pot or pan, but if you want to make it really tasty and proper, get a good cauldron.

Real Ferghana pilaf is cooked in fat tail fat (lard from the back of a fat tail sheep), but if you don’t like this product or you have nowhere to buy it, then cook it in vegetable oil.

How to cook Ferghana pilaf

To cook a real Uzbek Ferghana pilaf, we need lamb, tail fat, dev-zera rice, onions, carrots and spices. Remember that the taste of pilaf is determined by three things: it is high-quality water, the oil on which the ingredients are fried and rice.


  • Lamb (fillet) - 1 kg.
  • Lamb ribs - 3 pcs.
  • Fat tail fat - 300 gr.
  • Rice dev-zera - 1 kg.
  • Carrots - 1 kg.
  • Bulb - 3 pcs.
  • Garlic - 2 heads
  • Capsicum - 2 pcs.

Step 1.

Let's start cooking Ferghana pilaf with the preparation of one of the main ingredients of this dish - carrots. For pilaf, it is necessary to use only ripe, not too juicy and not young carrots. We cut it into long strips, no use of a grater and a food processor.

Step 2

Cut the lamb sirloin with fat into medium-sized pieces, lightly beat the ribs and salt.

Step 3

Cut the fat tail fat into cubes.

Step 4

Peel the onions and cut into half rings.

Step 5

Take rice and rinse thoroughly in cold water. A signal that the rice is well washed will be clear water. Now pour warm water over the rice and set aside.

Step 6

Cooking a real, festive Ferghana pilaf, let's start with frying fat tail fat. Place the previously cut pieces in a red-hot cauldron. According to Stalik's advice, it is not worth mixing, the fat should be turned over only once. When roasting is completed, carefully pull it out with a slotted spoon.

Step 7

Fat should turn out to be more than enough and lower the divided lamb ribs. Fry them over high heat for 6 minutes and remove with a slotted spoon.

Step 8

Dip the chopped onion into a cauldron and fry until golden brown, stirring occasionally.

Step 10

We continue cooking the Ferghana pilaf and at this stage add the carrot, spread it in an even layer and fry for 3 minutes. Stir and continue cooking for about 12 more minutes. Add seasoning "zira", pour in warm water, it should hide the contents of the cauldron by 1.5 cm.

Step 11

It's time to put the fried ribs, whole garlic and pepper. We wait until the water boils and reduce the fire to almost a minimum. Cook for 60 minutes, the water will gradually boil away and acquire a pleasant red-brownish color, at this time we salt and increase the heat to the maximum. The resulting mixture is called zirvak, in which we will continue to cook pilaf in Fergana style, namely rice.

Step 12

We take out the ribs again and put them on a plate with the fat. These ingredients will no longer participate in the preparation of pilaf.

Drain the water from the rice and place in an even layer in the pan. Carefully add boiling water, it should completely hide the rice, but do not overdo it, it is better to add more in the process. We are waiting for it to boil and turn off the fire again to a minimum.

Step 13

Boil the rice until cooked, the cooked rice increases in size well and does not crunch on the teeth. add water little by little, or increase the heat as needed. At this stage, it is very important not to mix anything.

Step 14

After the rice is cooked, turn off the stove, add more cumin and cover the cauldron with a lid. After about 20 minutes, the Uzbek Ferghana pilaf will be completely ready, carefully remove the garlic and pepper from it, arrange on plates.

Every culinary specialist should know how Ferghana pilaf is prepared. This is a classic, it gives a complete picture of Uzbek pilaf, because he collected the basic principles of cooking a Central Asian dish. Fragrant, ruddy to reddish-brown, fatty and at the same time easily digestible Ferghana-style pilaf cannot but be liked. This is the most common option, which is offered in every teahouse in Uzbekistan and in every Moscow market where Uzbeks are cooked. Right, it is worth studying the issue thoroughly!

The classic preparation of the dish implies that the products are used as best as possible for the Uzbek recipe.

Important! Pilaf is cooked not in a frying pan or saucepan with a thick bottom, but in a cast-iron cauldron with a lid and, if possible, on an open fire (although it is possible on the stove).

So, the features of the Ferghana pilaf:

  • the best meat is fatty lamb. If the meat is with a layer of fat, then the oil is taken a third less than the norm. Beef is also acceptable, veal is worse in pilaf (Uzbeks traditionally cook pilaf from mature meat). Pork is also put, but this is not an Uzbek version at all;
  • fats - fat rendered from fat tail, and any clarified vegetable oil. Authentic cotton is only exotic. For most, its taste is unusual and can be unpleasant. But adding a little sesame pilaf will be beneficial;
  • carrots should be ripe, juicy, but not young. Ideally, half orange and yellow root crop, Uzbek;
  • pilaf is being prepared from Fergana rice grown in the Fergana Valley. This is a classic devzira, reddish rice, unpeeled. For lack of a simple round Krasnodar one will do;
  • any onion, onion;
  • spices for Ferghana pilaf are only such - zira, saffron or turmeric in case of emergency. Plus whole heads of garlic and always a whole pod of pepper.

Tip: Do not buy bags of ready-made store-bought spices for pilaf. The composition includes a variety of seasonings that are not quite suitable for pilaf. It is better to buy spices separately, and if in ready mix, then the Uzbeks on the market.

Product weight - per 1.5 kg good meat take the same amount of rice, 1 kg of carrots, 0.5 kg of onions, 450 g of fat. Spices about 50 g.

Ferghana pilaf is being prepared like this.

  1. Wash and soak the rice well.
  2. Meat is usually cut not too large.
  3. We cut the onion arbitrarily, it will practically not remain in pilaf, but carrots - with beautiful sticks or straws.
  4. Heat the cauldron, pour oil into it and wait until a faint haze appears. Add the onion rings, fry over high heat, stirring until the onion is well fried. The color of pilaf and taste depend on its roasting. But you can’t overcook it either, so as not to convey the taste of overcooked onions to the dish.
  5. Put the meat in the fried onion and, stirring occasionally, fry for a quarter of an hour over high heat until crusty.
  6. Salt (only 2 tablespoons of salt will go to the pilaf), mix, put the carrot and fry again for 10 minutes.
  7. Pour in spices, pour in boiling water to just cover the vegetables, set the minimum heat and simmer the zirvak for another 30 minutes, until the meat is half cooked. If it is young, then 15 minutes is enough, if it is mature, it should be cooked longer.
  8. Before laying rice, put two or three heads of garlic in the husk, pepper, try again zirvak for salt - it should be hard salted, even oversalted so that the rice takes excess salt.
  9. Pour in the rice with a slotted spoon and smooth it out. Pour boiling water over half a centimeter of rice. All with enough heat.
  10. Cook covered until the liquid has evaporated to the level where the rice begins. At this point, the semi-cooked rice will steam. The liquid remains in the zirvak, and pilaf will reach it. The fire must be reduced to a minimum and, having collected pilaf in a slide towards the center, cover it with a bowl slightly smaller than the diameter of the cauldron. Close the lid on top and leave on minimum heat for another 10-15 minutes.
  11. Turn off the fire, and leave the pilaf under the lid for another quarter of an hour. To prevent moisture from getting back into the pilaf, you can remove the bowl and, covering the cauldron with a dry towel, close the lid.
  12. Serve on a flat dish, garnished with whole heads of garlic and peppers taken from the pilaf. It is recommended to additionally prepare a salad of onions and tomatoes.

With barberry

Often, some products are added to Ferghana pilaf, which do not significantly affect the taste of the dish, they just give shades. This, for example, raisins or barberries. To add or not is a matter of taste. Barberry add a little sourness to pilaf, but in general it is not recommended to put a lot of it - for example, a small handful at the time of laying other spices in zirvak. Everything else is prepared in the classical way.

How to cook with raisins

Raisins are also placed exclusively as an additional decoration, for an amateur.

For this type we will prepare:

  • 1 kg of carrots, rice and meat (both lamb and beef, chicken can be used);
  • 0.5 kg of onion;
  • 0.3 l of vegetable oil;
  • salt 2 tbsp. l., including 1 liter for soaking, half a spoon for zirvak and another half for rice when cooking;
  • spices - 2 tsp zira, 0.5 tsp. ground black pepper, turmeric 2 tsp, barberry optional - 1 tsp;
  • water.

Cooking pilaf with raisins like this.

  1. Soak the washed rice in salted water.
  2. Heat oil in a cauldron.
  3. Fry the meat cut into pieces until golden brown and take it out. We put onion half rings in a cauldron, fry until a beautiful tan.
  4. Add carrot sticks, fry until reduced in volume.
  5. Pour half the spices, salt, pour cold water to cover the contents of the cauldron, this is zirvak. Leave to simmer for an hour under a lid over low heat.
  6. In the meantime, drain the rice, rinse again and let dry a little in a colander. Cooking boiling water.
  7. In zirvak add raisins, barberries, if you wish, spread the rice with a slotted spoon and pour boiling water 2 cm or slightly higher. We add turmeric. We make maximum fire so that the rice gurgles - this is necessary to absorb the liquid.
  8. As soon as the water leaves the surface, reduce the heat, put it under the lid, wrapped in a towel, and cook for 5 minutes.
  9. Open it, make holes in the rice to the bottom with the end of a long spoon or the handle of a slotted spoon. Close again for 5 minutes. In the end, the languishing time is approximately 25 minutes.

Pilaf in Ferghana from Stalik Khankishiev

Everything that Stalik Khankishiyev prepares has its own peculiarity, a characteristic feature. So the pilaf in his performance has tangible Uzbek notes. For example, he advises to still find at least a piece of fat tail and use mutton fat along with vegetable oil. The second condition is that there should be a lot of carrots, about as much as rice. But meat can be less. Usually they take a kilogram of meat and carrots, 1.2 kg of rice, and onions - two large heads, fat, fat tail or mixed with vegetable - 350 ml.

From spices - only cumin and saffron, and even generous heads of garlic and pepper. All as in the classic version.

Cooking according to Stalik.

  1. In a cauldron, we throw a finely chopped fat tail and melt it to cracklings. We clean them, salt and eat with onions and pleasure. If there is no fat tail, just pour 350 g of oil and heat it up.
  2. Put onion half rings in oil and fry until deep frying.
  3. We lower pieces of meat along the edges. Let it blush.
  4. Add salt and cumin, mix.
  5. Pour carrots, then more salt and cumin. Add the barberry and stick in the head of garlic and pepper. Now the secret of Stalik: it would be nice to take carrots in half yellow and red. Pour the bottom, yellow water, and salt it, and leave the top, sweet, red, sweet. Half of the water is so that the bottom is fried in oil, simmered, and the top is steamed.
  6. We lay the rice and fill it with water to barely cover it, it is well soaked, it is better to add it later if it is not enough. Cook at a strong boil so that it gurgles, periodically raising the rice in a slide so that the mass, sticky at the edges from the starch, sinks to the bottom, does not mix with the rice.
  7. The water has boiled away, the rice is almost ready? We put on a minimum fire and close the lid. Another thirty minutes, and pilaf can be served!

Not everyone likes the aroma of lamb, then you can cook with beef. But it is recommended to take not one pulp, but with a bone. For example, a brisket with cartilage and a piece of pulp. In total, 700-80 grams will be released. Plus fat tail oil or fat, only 250 ml. Rice and carrots 600 g each, onions 300, spices and herbs for decoration. Everything else is done in the same way as when cooking pilaf with lamb.

Cooking step by step in a slow cooker

Products: half a kilo of meat for one and a half cups of rice, 3 large carrots and a couple of large onions, 200 ml of vegetable oil, spices.

Cooking step by step in a slow cooker.

  1. Let the rice soak for three hours.
  2. In a heated frying pan, fry the onion in oil, then the meat with onions.
  3. Pour in the cumin and simmer under the lid for 10 minutes.
  4. Put carrots, again zira, salt, barberry and garlic voice. Let's simmer another 20 minutes.
  5. We put everything in the multicooker bowl, put the drained rice. Pour in boiling water to cover everything, and set the “Pilaf” mode to put out 40 minutes. Mix before serving.

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