Home Vegetables Coffee sour cream jelly cake with a biscuit layer. Recipe: Cake "Swan tenderness" - biscuit with sour cream and strawberry jelly. Bake biscuit cake

Coffee sour cream jelly cake with a biscuit layer. Recipe: Cake "Swan tenderness" - biscuit with sour cream and strawberry jelly. Bake biscuit cake

Good day to all and good mood! After all, it is the mood that often pushes us to certain feats. Here I was suddenly “covered” at 11 pm and there was an inexplicable desire to cook jelly cake with fruits. This idea was prompted by the remnants of sour cream and a peach with a few strawberries. I clearly imagined a bright dessert with a delicate texture and pieces of fruit.

How to make a jelly dessert without the hassle in 40 minutes

There is not much time for cooking, because. I want to sleep, so I prepared the recipe according to an accelerated program - without baking. The preparation did not cause any difficulties, everything was mixed, but left to harden. By morning it was ready.

I needed:

  • Sour cream - 450 gr.
  • Water - ½ cup.
  • Gelatin - 15 gr.
  • Vanilla sugar - 1 sachet.
  • Sugar - ¾ cup.
  • Strawberries - 350 gr.
  • Peach - 1 pc.

I diluted the gelatin in cold water and left it to swell for 20 minutes.

During this time, whipped sour cream with sugar and vanilla sugar.

Melted the swollen gelatin over low heat. You should get a homogeneous liquid mass, but do not bring it to a boil.

Gently pour it into the sour cream mass, stirring thoroughly to milk product didn't weld.

I cut the strawberries and peach into small pieces, you can do it like in my photo, you can do it differently.

Introduced fruits and berries into sour cream mousse. Mixed everything carefully. Next, the mass should be poured into a suitable form, but I decided to leave everything in a glass bowl.

Like any jelly product, our cake must harden. Therefore, I safely leave it overnight in the refrigerator. But in general, 4 hours will be enough to cool down.

We decorate an unusual sour cream sweetness to taste - with green mint or pieces of fresh fruit.

Look what beautiful cake in a cut. Bright fruit pieces look very advantageous in a white frozen jelly. At work, the dessert flew away in 5 minutes. If you want a more satisfying cake, then my sour cream and jelly mass can be poured onto a biscuit cake in a detachable form before cooling. Then you get a real festive one.

Another satisfying and simple option is to mix with sour cream and crackers with poppy seeds or sesame seeds along with fruit. And in winter period berries can be replaced with pieces of multi-colored jelly. In general, there are a lot of options for dessert - choose any.

Bon Appetit!

Sponge cake with cake layers and a jelly layer of tropical fruits, berries and fruits, soaked in sour cream and yoghurt gentle cream will win the hearts of even picky sweet tooth and avid gourmets. Such desserts are very appetizing, it is impossible to break away from them. You will like them with their delicate taste, sweet cream and light sourness from fruits. Your guests, relatives, and, of course, children will be grateful to you for such a dessert, and certainly no one will leave without an addition.

Jelly cake from biscuit rolls

Of course, you will have to tinker with this cake. But the result will be the same. A very unusual cake design, consisting of biscuit rolls co creamy jelly and jam, will not leave anyone indifferent.


For the biscuit:

  • 150 grams of flour
  • 4 eggs
  • 5 grams vanilla sugar
  • 100 grams of sugar
  • 5 grams spoonful of baking powder

For the soufflé:

  • 100 grams of sugar
  • 200 ml cream 33% fat
  • 10 grams of gelatin
  • 120 ml yogurt (any fruit flavor)
  • 1-2 packs of dry jelly mix
  • jam, marmalade, jam (to taste, any)

Cooking method:

boiled cold water pour gelatin at the rate of 100 milliliters of liquid per 10 grams of powder, leave to swell for an hour. Now you have time to bake biscuit cakes. To do this, beat the eggs with sugar, including vanilla. When the egg mass becomes lush and airy, stop beating and add the flour sifted with baking powder with a spoon.

Prepare a small baking sheet, you need it to be square or rectangular, about 20x30 centimeters. Cover its bottom with parchment, grease the walls with oil. Pour part of the dough so that its height is half a centimeter, smooth over the entire surface with a spoon. By this time, the oven should already be preheated to a temperature of 180 degrees. Place a baking sheet there for 15 minutes, as the layer of dough is thin, the cake will bake quickly. Pour the remaining dough into a round form covered with parchment, and send it there to bake the lower cake. After a quarter of an hour, remove both forms from the oven. Roll up the rectangular cake roll, you can do this without removing the paper.

Next, you need to prepare a creamy soufflé. Bring water to a boil, add swollen gelatin to it, and, stirring constantly, make sure that the resulting liquid does not boil. When the mixture is smooth, remove from heat. Set aside, let it cool down. Whip the cream at high speed, when it gets stronger, add sugar, yogurt and gelatin mixture.

Next, unfold the biscuit cake, grease it with jam and roll up. Then cut into pieces about 1 cm wide. Remove the paper from the round biscuit cake and return it to the mold. Put gelatin soufflé from cream on it, smooth it. Place the mold in the refrigerator for a couple of hours. Then lay the rolls on top in random order. Next, prepare the jelly according to the recipe indicated on the package. Then, already chilled, pour it onto rolls and refrigerate for 6 hours. Sprinkle the finished jelly cake with coconut flakes of different colors.

Jelly biscuit with cream

Let this dessert recipe always be at your fingertips. Very tasty, light cake based on whipped cream and fruit jelly. It can be prepared for any holiday, celebration or party, as well as just for every day for tea.


  • yogurt (any unsweetened) - 120 milliliters
  • sugar - 200 grams
  • egg - 4 pieces
  • vanillin - on the tip of a knife
  • flour - 150 grams
  • gelatin - 20 grams
  • cocoa - 1 heaping tablespoon
  • cream (fat, 33-35%) - 200 milliliters
  • baking powder - 1 teaspoon
  • jelly (preferably strawberry) - 2 bags

Cooking method:

Pour gelatin with 100 milliliters of cold water and set aside to swell for about an hour. Beat the eggs with sugar into a fluffy airy foam, add vanillin. Spoon in the flour, sifted twice, put the baking powder - stirring, you get a classic biscuit dough. Preheat the oven by setting it to 180 degrees. Cover the form with parchment, grease it with oil. Put the dough into it and send to bake. It will take from half an hour to 40 minutes. Check readiness with a wooden torch.

The preparation of jelly-butter cream must begin with gelatin. Heat it, already swollen, over a fire, stir the liquid until all the lumps have completely melted. Remember that gelatin should never be boiled, just bring it almost to this state and turn off the heat. Whip the cream to strong peaks, add sugar (100 grams), yogurt and mix, then, without ceasing to work with a spoon, pour in the gelatin mixture. Enter cocoa powder here so that the cream acquires a delicate creamy texture. chocolate flavor.

By this time, the biscuit will already arrive in the oven - take it out, cool it. Put back in the form in which it was baked. Pour cream cheese on top in an even layer. chocolate cream and leave the cake in the refrigerator until set. The next will be the "floor" of jelly. It is desirable that it be strawberry, so the excellent combination of berries and chocolate will be preserved. But really, you can take any. You have time to make it while the future jelly cake is cooling. The recipe is on the package. When the jelly is no longer hot, pour it carefully over the soufflé, smooth it out and put it back in the refrigerator. By morning, the form can be removed, as the cake will already be frozen. Enjoy

Cottage cheese cake with fruit jelly

Agree that cold cake with a jelly layer, curd mass and fruits - a great way to enjoy a wonderful dessert in the hot summer period. This cake is light and airy, despite the presence of cottage cheese in it. With this dessert, you will attract your children to tea drinking, because it is not only tasty, but also very healthy.


For the biscuit:

  • butter - 50 grams
  • sour cream (arbitrary fat content) - 20 milliliters
  • granulated sugar - 75 grams
  • chicken eggs- 3 pieces
  • 1-1.5 cups flour
  • 12 grams of baking powder
  • 2 tablespoons cocoa
  • nuts - to your taste

For curd cream:

  • low-fat cottage cheese - 200 grams
  • sour cream - 200 grams
  • powdered sugar - 2 tablespoons

For fruit jelly:

  • jelly in bags - 1 piece
  • boiling water - 370 milliliters
  • strawberries - 10 pieces
  • apples - ½ piece

Cooking method:

The first step is to bake the chocolate biscuit cake. To do this, grind in a bowl butter with granulated sugar. It's better if it's warm, or at least room temperature so it will spread more easily. Note that margarine can also be used instead of butter. Add 3 chicken eggs to the resulting mixture. Next, according to the recipe, sour cream comes, after which the dough is mixed again, and at the end - flour. It must be put on average 1-1.5 cups, look at the consistency. Don't forget to add baking powder. The dough should be more or less homogeneous, without lumps.

According to this recipe, the biscuit is not dry, as usual, but soaked and moist. Now add cocoa to the dough so that it has a chocolate flavor and aroma. Add the peeled nuts there and mix everything. Having covered the form with parchment, transfer the dough into it and set to bake at a temperature of 180 degrees for about half an hour.

While the cake crust is coming up, you can prepare the filling for the second layer. To do this, rub the cottage cheese through a sieve to make it fine and airy, add powdered sugar and a few tablespoons of sour cream and knead again with a spoon. If you have an immersion blender, then the process of preparing this cream will be much faster: put the indicated components in one bowl and simply grind them. The consistency of this cream will be quite thick.

By this time, the cake will be baked, remove it from the oven and cool. Put on chilled biscuit curd cream and put the cake in the fridge. At this time, prepare the third jelly layer for your dessert. Heat 370 milliliters of water and pour the gelatin from the bag into it, stirring it with the other hand until all the grains are completely dissolved. After a few minutes, the jelly will be ready, remove from heat. When it has cooled, carefully pour it over the pre-chilled cream biscuit. Since this cake will be with fruit, don't forget to cut the apple and strawberries. Dip the pieces of fruits and berries into the jelly layer, lay them out nicely and send them back to the cold for the night. In the morning you can enjoy a wonderful dessert.

Jelly cake "Mosaic"

This recipe is somewhat reminiscent of Broken Glass, but there are minor differences. This cake is prepared with only pieces of biscuits. And "Broken Glass" can also be with cookies, crackers, gingerbread and others flour products. The rest of the cakes are similar, take note of this recipe.


For the biscuit:

  • 160 grams of flour
  • 200 grams of sugar
  • 3 eggs
  • vegetable oil - 10 milliliters

For filling:

  • jelly of different colors and flavors - 3 sachets
  • 1000 milliliters of sour cream
  • sugar - 1 cup
  • 35 grams instant gelatin

Cooking method:

Open bags of multi-colored jelly, make each one according to the recipe indicated on the package, pour into plates and put in the refrigerator so that it freezes well. In the meantime, prepare the biscuit: beat the eggs with a mixer, add sugar and continue beating. The eggs should increase significantly in size and turn white. When the granulated sugar is completely dissolved, stop the mixer and add the sifted flour with a spoon, add the baking powder.

Stir the dough gently, moving in a circle, carefully kneading the lumps. Cover the form with parchment or simply grease with oil. Put the dough in it and put it to bake in hot oven(180 degrees) at an average level of approximately 25 minutes. After the time has elapsed, remove the form with the biscuit, check its readiness with a wooden stick. When the cake has cooled, remove it from the mold and cut into beautiful even cubes.

Pour the gelatin into half a glass of warm water, stir and heat over a fire. Bring to a boil, do not forget to stir so that the gelatin does not crumple, but completely dissolves. Separately, beat sour cream with sugar, and when the gelatin mixture has cooled, enter it here. Again, pouring with one hand, stirring with the other. This should be done because sour cream has a lower temperature than warm gelatin and, as a result, the latter can solidify in pieces.

Remove the already frozen multi-colored jelly from the bowls. To do this, it is enough to lower the bottom of the dish into warm water for a few seconds, and then quickly turn it over. Jelly cut into even pieces. Cover a deep bowl with a round bottom with cling film, pour sour cream into it, throw in pieces of biscuits and multi-colored jelly. Place the cake in the refrigerator to solidify completely. Taking it out of the bowl, first turn it over onto a plate, and then carefully remove the film. You can try the cake, bon appetit!

Sponge cake with fruit in jelly

All your guests will be delighted when they see this wonderful cake. The jellied fruit in the top layer looks very attractive. Inside you will find a delicate airy biscuit, layered with white sour cream, is a real pleasure.


For the biscuit:

  • 160 grams of flour
  • 3 eggs
  • baking powder - 5 grams
  • 200 grams of sugar
  • vanillin

For impregnation:

  • sugar - 70 grams
  • vanillin
  • sour cream or yogurt, only unsweetened - 500 milliliters

For decoration:

  • fruits, berries (bananas, strawberries) - any number
  • syrup or juice - 200 milliliters
  • instant gelatin - 20 grams

Cooking method:

The biscuit for this cake is made according to classic recipe, which all housewives are well aware of. But if you started to cook it for the first time, we will remind you. At first, only eggs are beaten, and when the mixture increases in volume and turns white, you need to add a glass of sugar. Whisk until sugar is completely dissolved. Then enter the flour, after sifting it through a fine sieve. Don't forget the vanilla.

Such a cake is baked in the oven at a temperature of 180 degrees for about 35 minutes. When the baking process is completed, take out the biscuit pan, wait for it to cool, and then cut it into two parts. To prepare sour cream, mix sour cream (yogurt) with sugar and vanilla in the indicated proportions. Spread one cake with cream. Then peel the bananas, cut the flesh into rings and put in the next layer. Fruit is followed by sour cream again. Cover the cake with a second biscuit, spread it over and decorate again with fruit, you can add candied fruits.

Further in this cake there will be another layer - fruits in jelly. Start with the last one. Heat fruit juice (or syrup diluted with water) over a fire and pour one and a half tablespoons of gelatin into it, mix until it completely melts. If small lumps remain and they do not disperse, this mixture must be filtered. Let her cool down. Gradually pour the top of the dessert, first with a small layer to solidify the fruit, and put it in the refrigerator, after a while pour the rest of the portion and send the cake in the cold until completely solidified.

Remember that such a dessert must be prepared in the detachable form in which you baked the biscuit cake. Then the jellies with cream will not spread, and it will be easier to get the cake. For housewives who do not have time, the recipe can be slightly simplified. Firstly, ready-made biscuits can be bought at the store, and secondly, you can make jelly from bags. In the morning you can try the cake, enjoy your tea!

Jelly cake "Kiwi"

This dessert, unlike other multi-flavored and multi-colored ones, will be designed in the same style and dedicated to only one fruit - kiwi. The cooked jelly will also have a green color and an exotic fruit taste, respectively. If you like this style, start creating a confectionery masterpiece.


For test:

  • sugar - 200 grams
  • 6 fresh eggs
  • flour - 160 grams

For jelly cream:

  • 300 milliliters of sour cream
  • sugar - 300 grams
  • 1.5 packs of kiwi jelly
  • 1 pack of gelatin
  • 2 kiwi fruits

Cooking method:

Remember: to create biscuits, use only fresh eggs, then the result of your baking will be excellent. In addition, it is advisable to always cool the eggs before beating. So, you can get started. Divide all eggs into whites and yolks. Beat egg whites on high speed with a pinch of salt. When they get stronger, you can gradually add sugar. When the sugar is completely dissolved, pour in the yolks one at a time.

At a reduced speed of the mixer, you can add the sifted flour, pour in the baking powder. Cover the form with baking paper. The oven must be preheated to a temperature of at least 180 degrees. Pour the dough into the mold and leave to bake. During the process, it is strictly forbidden to open the door and look inside the oven - in this case, protein pastries may fall off. Upon completion, check with a toothpick the readiness of the future dessert in the center of the cake. The stick should come out dry and clean - this will indicate that the biscuit is baked enough and can be removed. Divide the cooled cake into 2 halves.

In the meantime, you can prepare sour cream: for this, simply beat sour cream and sugar in the proportions indicated in the recipe. Then add pre-dissolved gelatin to this cream and mix well. Now you can start collecting the cake, this will happen in several stages. So, put the biscuit cake in a detachable form at the very bottom, spread the sour cream evenly on top of it and put it in the refrigerator to harden.

Peel the kiwi fruit and cut into rings. After a while, when the sour cream grabs, put the fruit on it. They must be filled with half of the kiwi flavored jelly made (the one that was bought in a bag). The recipe for its correct preparation is indicated on the package. Next, the cake needs to be put back in the cold. This layer will take longer to dry, be patient. When the jelly is strong enough, lay out the biscuit again and repeat the procedure again. Remember, each layer must harden separately. The upper "floor" - from kiwi in jelly. At the end of cooking, leave the cake overnight in the refrigerator, it needs at least 6 hours to solidify.

We have presented several dessert recipes for you to consider. biscuit base with jelly. Cakes are all different, both in preparation and assembly. You can add a variety of fillings and creams, various kinds of fruits and berries to them - it all depends on your taste preferences and, of course, your imagination! You can make them from pieces of rolls, add jelly cubes inside, pour or make a top layer with fruit - in any case, the cake will be your new culinary feat. Undoubtedly, it will take you a lot of time in the kitchen, because the technology requires it. But in the end, you get a light, low-fat healthy dessert for the whole family.

We present you a recipe with a photo Jelly cake with sour cream and biscuit. Dessert will be a great refreshing note on hot summer days. It's not easy, in the summer he will become your pride thanks to the coolness and cheerfulness that goes hand in hand with him.

Preparation time: 20 minutes.
Baking time: 40 minutes.
Cake assembly time: 10 minutes.
Cake cooling time: 4-5 hours.
Yield: 6 servings.


For the crust:
chicken eggs 5 pcs.
sugar 150 g
a pinch of salt
flour 80 g
corn starch 70 g
orange peel 1 tsp

For creamy layer:
homemade cream or sour cream 250 g
condensed milk 150 g
instant gelatin 2 tbsp. l.

For the red layer:
red currant 1.5-2 cups
water 100 ml
sugar to taste
instant gelatin 2 tsp.

Photo recipe for jelly cake with sour cream step by step

Required products.
For biscuit cake you will need chicken eggs. Crack the eggs into a deep bowl and add the sugar.
Beat the eggs with a mixer in a lush mass of light color.
To add flavor to the biscuit, add grated zest or vanilla sugar to the egg mass. Strain wheat flour and cornstarch and add to the batter, gently mixing with a silicone spatula.
Preheat the oven to 190 degrees. Pour the dough into a springform and send it to the oven. Bake the cake for 10 minutes, and then lower the temperature to 180-170 degrees and cook for 20-30 minutes. Check the readiness of the biscuit with a wooden stick.
For the red layer, it is necessary to wash the currants and separate the red currant berries from the twigs. Add water to the berries and add sugar.
Boil the berries over low heat for 5-10 minutes and strain the whole mass through a sieve. Add the soaked gelatin to the hot currant liquid and stir.
For the creamy layer, beat the condensed milk and homemade cream or sour cream in a bowl with a mixer.
Warm the soaked gelatin in a water bath and add to the non-cold butter cream. Mix the cream well with a spatula.
Cool the finished biscuit cake upside down on a wire rack.
Remove the ring from the biscuit and remove the parchment or foil from the bottom of the form. After you remove the ring, the cake will narrow slightly, this is just what is needed for the further preparation of our jelly biscuit cake.
Put the split ring back on and fill butter cream on top of the crust. Place the cake pan in the freezer for 15-20 minutes.
Pour currant liquid onto the frozen layer and sprinkle fresh berries for decoration. After that, put the jelly cake in the refrigerator for 4-5 hours until completely solidified. To be sure that our

Summer cake with berries and sour cream jelly cream is extremely tasty. Due to its lightness and low calorie content, it won the hearts of not only men, but also women! The cooking process is not quite simple, it requires care, strict adherence to the recipe. But the result will exceed all expectations!

To prepare the dough you will need:

  • 200 gr. margarine
  • 200 gr. Sahara
  • 1 sachet of vanillin
  • 4 eggs
  • 400 gr. flour
  • 100 gr. starch
  • 1 sachet of baking powder
  • 150 ml milk

To prepare the sour cream jelly cream you will need:

  • 20 gr. gelatin
  • 800 gr. sour cream
  • 0.5 cup powdered sugar
  • berries, fruits according to taste and season

The recipe for a cake with berries with sour cream and jelly cream

Cooking a cake begins with baking a biscuit cake. To do this, margarine should be beaten with sugar and vanilla. Next, add the eggs one at a time, using a mixer. Sift flour with starch and add tablespoons to a mixture of margarine and sugar alternately with milk. That is, they added a spoonful of flour, beat it. Then they poured 30 grams of milk, beat it and so on until the flour and milk run out.

Properly prepared biscuit dough should fall off the spoon, not flow, but fall off in pieces.

Preheat the oven to 200 degrees, line a baking sheet with parchment paper. Pour in the dough and bake for about 15-20 minutes. We break the finished and cooled biscuit into small pieces.

After the biscuit is prepared, we are engaged in berries. If it’s summer outside, then fresh berries and fruits are perfect for the cake: raspberries, strawberries, peaches, apricots, plums, blueberries and others to taste or which ones to sit down. In winter, you can use frozen berries and fruits such as banana, kiwi, citrus fruits. The main thing is to have a combination of sweetness and sourness!

Preparation of cream for a cake with berries and sour cream jelly cream

The cream is prepared last, as the gelatin hardens quickly.

To prepare the gelatin cream, pour half a glass of cold boiled water. Leave for 20 minutes. Whip sour cream with powdered sugar.

Put the infused gelatin on a slow fire, heat until the granules are completely dissolved. Remove from fire. In a thin stream, without ceasing to stir, pour gelatin with sour cream mass. Leave to chill.

To form a cake, you need any deep shape, the bottom and walls of the bark should be lined with cling film so that the edges of the film hang down.
First, we lay out a small part of the berries and fruits, you can lay it out somehow beautifully, since in the future it will be the top of the cake. Then we put pieces of biscuit, pour some of the cream.

Thus, the form should be filled in, alternating layers. Cover the cake with the hanging parts of the film. Send to the refrigerator for 4 hours. Before serving, open the film, turn the cake over onto a dish.

Dear my readers! What could be tastier than a piece light, fluffy homemade biscuit cake with a delicious sour cream-jelly layer. No one will refuse such a dessert, because the cake turns out to be absolutely not sugary, but incredibly tender, with a refreshing layer of sour cream and jelly. I baked a biscuit for this cake in a slow cooker., which is very simple and easy, besides, you always get excellent results. Be sure to cook this cake and please your loved ones!

For cooking biscuit cake with sour cream and jelly layer we will need:

For biscuit:

  • 5 eggs
  • 160 gr. flour
  • 190 gr. Sahara
  • A pinch of salt
  • 1 tsp (without top) baking powder
  • Vanilla sugar (sachet)
  • 3 tbsp vegetable oil
  • 3 tbsp boiling water
  • Butter for greasing the bowl

For creamy jelly layer:

  • 400 gr. sour cream (I have 22%)
  • ½ package strawberry jelly
  • ½ pack of kiwi jelly
  • ½ package lemon jelly
  • 20 gr. instant gelatin
  • ½ st. Sahara
  • ½ st. water

For decorations:

  • 50 gr. dark chocolate
  • multi-colored sprinkles

How to cook a very tasty, fluffy biscuit on boiling water in a slow cooker can be found out.
We take out the finished biscuit on the wire rack and let it cool completely.

Chilled biscuit cut into two parts.

Now it's time to cook a very delicious creamy jelly layer.
To do this, we need these products.
First of all, let's prepare a multi-colored jelly, the taste of which can be chosen at your discretion, I have lemon, strawberry and kiwi.

We dilute half of the package of each jelly, as indicated on the package.
I always take a little less water, this is a guarantee that the jelly will harden well.
We put the jelly in the refrigerator until completely solidified.

Meanwhile pour gelatin with water and leave for 40 minutes.

After this time, put gelatin on a small fire Add sugar and stir constantly until it is completely dissolved.
Do not boil!
Leave the gelatin to cool completely.

Pour sour cream into a bowl.
Add cooled gelatin with sugar.

Cut frozen jelly into small pieces. I do it right in the bowls in which it froze.
This is clearly visible in the photo.

Add chopped multi-colored jelly to sour cream.

Carefully mix everything.

Now you can start assembling the cake.
I collect the cake in a detachable form, with a diameter of 22 cm.
The lower half of the biscuit cake is placed in a detachable form.

Spread the resulting sour cream-jelly mass on the cake.

Cover with second layer and put in the refrigerator for 5-6 hours.

Carefully remove the cake from the mold.

Dissolve chocolate in a water bath.

We decorate the cake at our discretion, I sprinkled it with colored sprinkles, it turned out very harmoniously.
Here is such a very beautiful interlayer turned out.

Cut the cake into pieces.
Here is such a very tasty one, with delicate biscuit cakes and an appetizing layer, my cake turned out.

The cake turned out quite high, so you can submit it like this.

And you can like this - in the form of cakes.
Here's one that looks so easy to make. biscuit cake, will become a real decoration of any holiday table not only for adults, but also for kids!

But this is for a good mood!

This is the kind of sakura that blooms every year on an alley in my hometown. It is a pleasure to look at her and inhale her aromas. This alley is not far from our house, so we were lucky to see such incredible beauty!!!


Friends! Here is such a very a tasty cake I cooked for my husband on DR. I complicated the recipe a little by making layers of chocolate cream. I smeared the top of the cake and sides with the same cream and sprinkled with almonds. That is, inside I got a cake - the first layer is chocolate cream, the second layer jelly-sour cream layer, the third layer is again chocolate cream. I want to say that it turned out unusually tasty and spectacular, especially in the context, which I did not have enough time to photograph.

Oh, what an incredibly beautiful cake my reader, a wonderful hostess, has a friendly family. And it's beautifully decorated! In my opinion, the solution with fresh strawberries is just perfect! These are the craftsmen who cook according to my recipes, which cannot but rejoice! Good girl!

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