Home Drinks and cocktails What is Korean asparagus made from? How is Korean asparagus actually made? How to cook dried asparagus with carrots

What is Korean asparagus made from? How is Korean asparagus actually made? How to cook dried asparagus with carrots

Dear hostess! I want to give you a recipe interesting dish with which you can pamper yourself and your household. Korean asparagus is easy to cook. It is expensive to buy a ready-made salad in a supermarket or "Browsing Kitchen" - the price bites. Making it at home is not difficult.

This product has nothing to do with vegetables. The basis for Korean-style asparagus is soy milk. It is heated over low heat and a thin delicate layer is removed - the foam. As it cools, it shrinks and turns into asparagus, from which you can make a spicy snack with a bright, rich taste at home.

I want to introduce you to a classic recipe tender snack. You can also cook asparagus with carrots. There is a way out even when you have little time. There is a simple and quick recipe fuzhu. That's what they call asparagus in Korean.

Classic overseas appetizer recipe

You will need:

  • Asparagus is a dry semi-finished product. Sold in a supermarket. 150-200g;
  • 3 cloves of garlic;
  • A little sugar;
  • Salt according to your taste;
  • Medium bulb;
  • 2-3 tbsp soy sauce
  • Seasonings. Use ready mix for Korean carrots. Add a pinch of ground red pepper and coriander;
  • Vegetable oil for frying (you can add a couple of drops of sesame)

Cooking method:

  1. Soak fuju for several hours or overnight. Water is only cold;
  2. Take out the swollen sticks, gently wring out, cut into small cubes, the thickness of which should not exceed 3-5 cm;
  3. Chop the onion, fry in oil (do not pour it too much). If you add sesame, then just a few drops, so as not to be bitter. Keep the oil hot;
  4. Crush the garlic. In one bowl, mix all the spices, in another - rice vinegar and soy sauce;
  5. Quickly combine the heated oil with minced garlic, pour this mixture over the asparagus. Mix well;
  6. In a warm mass, add seasonings, salt, pour a little sugar, pour a mixture of vinegar and soy sprout sauce. If there is no rice, the usual one will do. table vinegar which you definitely have at home. Mix again;
  7. It remains to put the salad in the refrigerator for 2 hours. Keep it longer in the cold so that the dish acquires a unique aroma. Soaked in sauce, asparagus will be very tasty.

Recipe for a busy hostess

If you do not have much time, but you want to cook new salad in Korean, pay attention to the asparagus in spicy sauce, which cooks much faster than the classic recipe.


  • Semi-finished asparagus - about 200 g;
  • 2 medium carrots;
  • Water and oil (vegetable) - 100 g each;
  • Apple or rice vinegar - a couple of tablespoons;
  • Bay leaf - 1 pc.;
  • A couple of peas of allspice;
  • Garlic - 2 cloves;
  • Sugar and salt take a teaspoon;
  • A bit of red pepper (ground).

How to cook:

  1. Boil water, fill it with prepared asparagus;
  2. Rinse under running water, put whole in a bowl. Add grated garlic and carrots. Rub it as finely as possible;
  3. While the base is soaking in the garlic flavor, make a marinade with water, oil, salt, sugar, pepper, parsley, and vinegar. Boil it, pour in the soy product immediately;
  4. Cover the bowl with asparagus with an inverted flat plate, put oppression (you can just fill liter jar water).
  5. Hold the container indoors for an hour or two, then put it in the cold for another couple of hours. The dish is ready.

Salad with asparagus and sesame

This recipe is very similar to the previous ones. cook Korean snack with sesame seeds at home is also simple. Sesame seeds are sold in any store. It is inexpensive.


  • Dry asparagus semi-finished product: 200-250g;
  • Large clove of garlic;
  • Sesame seed - up to 2 tsp;
  • A little salt and sugar;
  • Olive or vegetable oil;
  • small carrot;
  • Package of seasoning for cooking carrots in Korean;
  • Paprika or red hot pepper;
  • 2 tbsp apple cider or table vinegar.

Cooking steps:

  1. Take a semi-finished product. V cold water soak it for at least 4 hours. If you leave it overnight, the result will be excellent!
  2. Cut the swollen product into pieces from 3 to 5-6 cm;
  3. Take a special grater for Korean carrots. If there is no such house at home, the usual one will do (the side with small holes);
  4. Mix grated carrots with fuju, add spices, salt, sprinkle with sugar;
  5. Roast the sesame seeds in a dry frying pan. Pour into a bowl with the bulk, add all the vinegar;
  6. Now heat the oil to a high temperature, pour it into the bowl with the asparagus salad. Mix thoroughly. To avoid damaging the pieces, shake the bowl several times, as with dumplings;
  7. It remains to do a little: let the dish cool and soak for a couple of hours. Use cold.

  • Each recipe is good in its own way. Try cooking fuju with different additives;
  • Soy products in Korean are different spicy taste. If you have stomach problems, choose something less vigorous;
  • Replace soy sauce with pepper, rice vinegar with apple or regular. Nothing wrong;
  • Onion can be added, you can do without it;
  • Be sure to add spices. Without them, fuju will not be real;
  • Create your own recipe for the popular oriental salad. Experiment with additives and spices;
  • In order not to be mistaken with the amount of vinegar and soy sauce, remember the rule: for one hundred grams of dry fuju, take a tablespoon of vinegar and a couple of tablespoons of soy sprout sauce;
  • Buy yourself a grater for Korean carrots. The dish will turn out exactly like in Korea;
  • If you are in a hurry, leave the fuju for another time. This Korean-style snack does not tolerate sloppy handling;
  • Thanks to step by step instructions you see what to cook original dish from distant Korea is easy and simple;
  • Homemade asparagus salad with spicy sauce will cost several times cheaper than bought in a supermarket. And his output is much more!

Now you know the secrets of making aromatic, tender and tasty fuju. Korean-style asparagus is a worthy decoration for any table. Especially if the dish is prepared by your hands.

There are several ways to prepare a salad or snack from a soybean meal. Each recipe has its own flavor. The base is dried asparagus, which must be prepared in a special way and the remaining components added.

Do you think that for anyone Korean salad need vinegar, garlic, spices, soy sauce? You're absolutely right! Korean-style asparagus is cooked with these ingredients. In addition to them, they add something else. Without vegetable oil, spices and sesame seeds spicy salad will not reveal all its colors.

If you have signature recipes, interesting options for ordinary salads and snacks - share them. It is always interesting to learn something new and make a super-dish according to the recipes of dear hostesses.

From diversity vegetable snacks, united by the common word "in Korean", many people like the unique salad "Korean asparagus".

Few thought about the fact that the main ingredient in the salad is not the asparagus plant, but a product called "soy asparagus" or, more correctly, fuju.

Fuju is a product of soy origin that has nothing to do with real asparagus. This is a product with a huge amount useful substances consists of almost 40% of and has a unique composition of trace elements, vitamins and amino acids.

Now fuju is available in stores in dried form, so making Korean asparagus salad at home is quite simple.

Korean classic asparagus

For cooking you will need:

  • fuju - 200-250 gr;
  • vegetable oil - 50 ml;
  • onion - 1 pc;
  • garlic - 2-3 cloves;
  • sugar - ½ teaspoon;
  • soy sauce - 2 tablespoons;
  • salt, red pepper or a mixture of peppers, coriander.

salad preparation:

  1. Fuju, or dried asparagus, is soaked in a saucepan in cool water for 1-2 hours until it softens. Drain the water, squeeze by hand. Do not squeeze hard so that it does not become dry in the salad. If the asparagus is large, then cut into small sticks.
  2. In a salad mixing bowl, mix the ingredients: soaked asparagus, vinegar, soy sauce, sugar and spices.
  3. Heat vegetable oil in a frying pan.
  4. Peel onion and garlic first. Cut the onion into half rings, chop the garlic on a crush or fine grater.
  5. Fry the onion in vegetable oil until golden brown. When it gives the juice to the hot oil, it should be removed from the pan and can be used in other dishes, or, if you allow the presence of fried onions in a salad with asparagus, you can leave it.
  6. Add garlic to the hot "onion oil", let it warm up without fire in a pan.
  7. Hot oil with garlic and onion, if left in oil, pour into a bowl with asparagus and spices. We mix everything and leave to infuse and cool in a cool place for at least 3-4 hours.

Of the ingredients you will need:

  • fuju - 200-250 gr;
  • carrots - 1-2 pieces;
  • vegetable oil - 50 ml;
  • onion - 1 pc;
  • garlic - 2-3 cloves;
  • sugar - ½ teaspoon;
  • table vinegar, apple or rice - 1-2 tbsp. spoons;
  • - 2 tablespoons;
  • salt, red pepper or a mixture of peppers, coriander and your favorite spices.

Cooking step by step:

  1. Dried asparagus - fuzhu - pour cool water in a saucepan and let it brew for 1-2 hours until it swells. After, drain the water, squeeze out excess moisture from the asparagus, cut into small pieces.
  2. We clean the carrots, grate them on a carrot grater in Korean style: long thin sticks.
  3. In a deep salad bowl, mix carrots with asparagus. Add soy sauce, vinegar, sugar, pepper and spices there.
  4. Peel the onion, cut into half rings. Fry in a pan in vegetable oil.
  5. After roasting according to traditional recipe, we extract the onion from the oil, because it has already filled it with its “onion” aroma. But, if you wish, you can leave it.
  6. In the hot "onion oil" add the garlic, grated on a fine grater or crushed through a crush. Let it fry a little in oil.
  7. In a bowl where the ingredients are already marinated, pour the hot oil with garlic from the pan. Mix everything and leave to soak for 3-5 hours in a cool place.

Salad "Korean-style asparagus with carrots" is more familiar on the dinner table, because carrots dilute a salad of one asparagus, which is heavy in caloric composition.


What is the benefit soy asparagus. What properties does it have and can it harm the body.

One of the most interesting products that has become widespread in Asian cuisine is soy asparagus. Its advantages are undeniable - a unique taste, pleasant aroma and benefits for the body.

History of appearance

Legends say that the appearance of soy asparagus falls on the reign of Emperor Qin Shi Huang, who sat on the Chinese throne more than two thousand years ago. Throughout his life, he was looking for an elixir of youth that could prolong his reign. He instructed the people to find such a remedy, and the people found a solution.

So what exactly is soy asparagus? It is worth noting that the product is named after the asparagus plant family, while it is produced using soybeans. The process takes place in several stages:

  1. Masters First soaked original product (beans).
  2. After which they grind until the required volume of milk is washed out of the composition.
  3. Further composition boils and a foam is formed on the surface, which is used to make a miracle cure.

Today, the benefits of the product are known to many peoples of the world. It is actively used as a separate or adjacent to other components of the dish. On sale, the easiest way to find dry asparagus, which completely preserves useful qualities. All that is required is to soak the product for 3-4 hours. This is enough to prepare it for cooking. Total calories (in dry form) - 420-440 kcal / 100 grams.

The product has many names, under which individual raisins of cooking and the secrets of masters are hidden - doupi, fuju, yucca and others. It should be noted that the foam collected from soy milk, applied raw (as they do in Japan) or dried (accepted in China). Seasonings made from the product can improve the taste of the dish, making even a semi-finished product a full-fledged delicacy.

Benefits and properties

When asked if asparagus is healthy in Korean, you can safely answer “yes”. This product contains:

  • a large amount of insoluble fibers;
  • minerals;
  • protein;
  • vitamins important for the body;
  • magnesium salts;
  • calcium;
  • iron;
  • phytoestrogens;
  • selenium.

The finished dish keeps everything beneficial features. Knowing what Korean asparagus is made of opens up ways to improve health, get rid of many problems that could haunt for many years.

The product has a multifaceted effect on the body:

  • Cellulose As part of asparagus, it normalizes the work of the gastrointestinal tract, eliminates problems with the digestion of food, and eliminates the occurrence of constipation.
  • soy protein and insoluble plant fibers lower plasma cholesterol, eliminate plaque formation and the risk of life-threatening blood clots.
  • polyunsaturated fatty acids strengthen the heart muscle, exclude diseases associated with the cardiovascular system.
  • plant estrogens in the composition open up ways to reduce the risk of breast cancer, which is especially important for women. All that is required is to correctly organize a soy diet, taking into account calorie content.
  • Isoflavones are of real benefit to the body during the period of endometriosis or PMS. Knowing how useful Korean asparagus is, women must include this dish in their diet.
  • Selenium- a reliable protector from the occurrence and development of a malignant tumor of the colon. Also, the product prevents the appearance of the prostate in the stronger sex.
  • Amino acids in the composition they help the cells of the body to be updated faster with the obligatory preservation of elasticity and muscle tone and improvement of the condition of the skin. Thanks to this, it is possible to slow down the external manifestations of old age.
  • Properly prepared salad with inclusion Korean asparagus guarantees stable hair growth and prevents hair loss.
  • soy protein- a good source of such an important macronutrient for the body. It contains a full range of amino acids, and the composition of the product is only slightly inferior to the animal "brothers". At the same time, it is perfectly absorbed, without causing difficulties for the gastrointestinal tract. This is why soybean asparagus is so loved by vegetarians.

Possible harm

Despite the healing properties, in the process of organizing the diet, the reverse qualities of the product should be taken into account:

  • Soy is not recommended in large quantities for children due to the risk of abnormalities or problems in the development of the reproductive system.
  • Excessive intake increases the risk of peptic ulcer. This is especially true if a large number of seasonings are used in the cooking process.
  • The dish is not recommended for women with a predisposition to estrogen-sensitive malignancies.
  • Soy oxalates in the composition are dangerous to the body due to the ability to accumulate in the kidneys.
  • The dish contains substances that prevent the normal functioning of the pancreas and thyroid glands.
  • Soy products are considered the strongest allergens. That is why people with allergies should exclude the product from the diet or reduce its intake to a minimum.

The health benefits of soy asparagus have been proven by dozens of studies. But in the presence of a number of diseases, its reception is contraindicated:

  • problems with the gastrointestinal tract;
  • cystitis;
  • prostatitis;
  • rheumatism.

But it is not necessary to completely exclude a dish from the diet (even in the presence of the listed problems) - it is enough to reduce it to a minimum.


There are three ways here:

  • soak the asparagus in cold water for 24 hours;
  • soak it, then boil it;
  • let it "sour" for two hours in boiling water.

The most popular soy asparagus dish is pickled fuju. For its preparation you will need:

  • a tablespoon of balsamic vinegar;
  • 0.25 kg of fuju;
  • garlic (4 heads are enough);
  • vegetable oil - five tablespoons;
  • soy sauce - 1-2 tbsp. spoons;
  • paprika or pepper;
  • sugar and salt.

To prepare, follow these steps:

  1. Squeeze and cut the prepared asparagus.
  2. Prepare the sauce - mix oil, soy sauce, vinegar, seasonings and garlic passed through a press.
  3. Pour over boiled asparagus plates.
  4. Cover the container with foil and leave overnight.
  5. Enjoy your meal in the morning.


The product deservedly won the title of fountain of youth. The only thing to consider before taking is the individual characteristics of the body and the mentioned contraindications.


Asparagus in Korean is amazing and very tasty dish Korean cuisine. You can cook it much faster than the usual Korean carrots. Asparagus will be useful to everyone, especially if the state of health has deteriorated a little. In addition to the fact that fuju (this is the name of Korean soy asparagus) has a number of useful and healing properties, those additional ingredients that are included in the Korean Asparagus dishes are able to destroy most viruses of the upper respiratory tract. One garlic is worth something!

This asparagus contains about 50% of vegetable proteins, which are completely absorbed by the human body. The composition of this product of Korean cuisine is rich in vitamins and trace elements. Soy milk, from which fuzhu asparagus is made, does not contain harmful cholesterol and lactose, so it will become a “storehouse” of proteins for those whose bodies do not accept dairy products. For those who have a weak heart and blood vessels, this product is simply irreplaceable, since asparagus contains a complex of polyunsaturated acids. Even osteoporosis can be cured with soy asparagus, because the composition of fuzhu is rich in many phytohormones.

For those who are fasting or vegetarian, Korean asparagus can take pride of place in a balanced diet. However, despite its positive qualities, soy asparagus must be consumed in moderation, since excessive consumption of soy products adversely affects the functioning of the pancreas. But this can be said about any food product, because the "golden mean" should always be remembered.

Korean asparagus is very easy to make. It is enough to soften the fuju with water - and you can start cooking a delicious and original salad. Such a dish will dilute the menu of the festive table, which is overloaded with mayonnaise salads, since asparagus is very light, airy, but at the same time quite nutritious and satisfying.

Once you cook Korean-style asparagus once, you will do it regularly. Our guide will tell you about all the stages of preparing this spicy and spicy dish. step by step recipe with photo.


  • (100 g)

  • (a few teeth)

  • (1 PC.)

  • (1 tablespoon)

  • (2 tablespoons)

  • (2 pinches)

  • (pinch)

  • (taste)

Cooking steps

    First you need to prepare all the products that we need to cook asparagus in Korean.

    Take a large capacious container, put dry soy asparagus in it and fill it completely with boiling water. Cover the top with a plate or lid to keep the asparagus from floating to the surface.

    Let it brew for an hour. This may take a little more time. Periodically check the asparagus for softness.

    Once the asparagus is soft, place it in a colander and rinse under cold running water. Then wring out a little and leave for a while so that the glass has excess moisture.

    Peel the onion from the husk and cut into thin half rings. water. Then wring out a little and leave for a while so that the glass has excess moisture.

    Take a few cloves of garlic, peel and place on a cutting board. Crush the garlic with the flat side of a knife and cut into small cubes. excess moisture.

    Take a frying pan, add a little vegetable oil, heat it well and put the chopped onion.

    Following the onion, send chopped garlic and pepper sauce, mix everything well and fry for a few more minutes.

    Add some soy sauce and sauté the onion for 2-3 minutes. Then turn off the heat and let cool completely.

    Meanwhile, chop the asparagus into small pieces and place in a bowl. Send the fried onions with spices there.

    Thoroughly mix all the ingredients and add a pinch of Lotus seasoning so that all the ingredients “make friends” and the asparagus is saturated with spices. Cover the asparagus with a lid or plate and let it marinate for 15-20 minutes. That's all, the asparagus in Korean is ready. You can serve it to the table and surprise your guests with this spicy and spicy dish.

    Bon Appetit!

The general fashion for the use of soy products has passed, and nutritionists began to argue about the advisability of introducing it into the diet. According to many of them, the benefits and harms of soy asparagus have been greatly exaggerated. For several years in our country, this ingredient was considered an excellent replacement for a number of products that are poorly perceived by the body. Some people just like a special taste unusual dishes. With all this, many forget that in some cases soy asparagus can manifest itself not only on the positive side.

general information

At the heart of sticks, similar to stems or unusual leaves of plants, lies. They began to be called asparagus precisely because of the external resemblance to a plant ingredient. Such a specific pseudo vegetable came from Asian countries, where it is called "fuzhu". For the preparation of products, milk is taken, which is released during the grinding of soybeans. At the moment of boiling, it turns into foam, and already it is dried and rolled into bundles.

It is worth noting that real fresh or pickled asparagus in its composition cannot be compared with its soy counterpart. It makes no sense to compare the taste characteristics of the two products. Few people know that in Asian countries, soy asparagus is preferred to be consumed fresh. It usually comes to our country dried and packaged for convenience in bags.

Tip: People who try to build their diet on soy asparagus in order to get rid of excess weight often make serious mistakes. This only dry product has a calorie content of 200 units per 100 g of weight. The soaked component, in combination with various dressings, will show calories in the range of 440-500 units per 100 g. By abusing such dishes, you can not only lose weight, but also gain additional kilograms.

Today, more and more often you can find statements by nutritionists about the fact that, unlike natural, soy asparagus does not carry any nutritional value and benefit to humans. This is not entirely true, because the product has several qualities that are considered extremely rare and even unique in nutrition.

The composition of soy asparagus and its benefits for the body

A distinctive feature of the product is its high protein content. In its structure, it is as close as possible to the animal, and this quality is often used by vegetarians who have given up meat. In addition, the products contain valuable minerals, numerous vitamins, polyunsaturated acids, phytohormones and amino acids. Due to the specifics of the composition, soy asparagus in Korean or in any other form can be included in the menu of people with intolerance to dairy products.

Nutritionists identify several properties of soy asparagus that may be of interest to people who monitor their health:

  • The intestines are cleansed, digestion processes are normalized, constipation disappears.
  • The level of bad cholesterol in the blood decreases. Reduces the risk of developing heart and vascular diseases.
  • Soy asparagus is especially useful for women. Substances in its composition reduce the likelihood of developing breast cancer. Even this product, even in a pickled form, improves the condition of endometriosis and dulls the unpleasant symptoms of PMS. It should also be used during menopause to alleviate the general condition.
  • The presence of minerals in the composition of the product reduces the risk of developing prostate and colon cancer in men.
  • The dish is introduced into the diet in order to prevent osteoporosis.

Even in the absence of potential threats, eating salad with soy asparagus has a positive effect on the body. It has a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin and nails, prevents hair loss and deterioration in the quality of hair.

Harm of soy asparagus, contraindications

The potential danger of eating asparagus from soy milk can arise from the abuse of the product. Here are some important points to always keep in mind:

  1. The product in large quantities should not be given to children, who, by the way, are very fond of savory dish. This can lead to malfunctions in the development of the reproductive system.
  2. Regular and active use of products can provoke a peptic ulcer.
  3. With a predisposition to tumors that occur against the background of fluctuations in estrogen, soy asparagus is prohibited.
  4. People with a tendency to form kidney stones are better off playing it safe and avoiding the product.
  5. Problems with the work of the thyroid and pancreas against the background of the use of salads from soy asparagus can worsen.
  6. The opinion that soy is a hypoallergenic product is fundamentally wrong. Soybean asparagus can cause severe allergies in some people.
  7. You should refrain from using specific products in case of cystitis, prostatitis, articular rheumatism and exacerbation of diseases of the digestive system.

When buying soy asparagus, it is better to give preference to a dry product. It is not so difficult to prepare it, but ready-made salads may not contain the most useful components. In addition, dry blanks have an impressive shelf life and are not demanding on storage conditions.

Classic Soy Asparagus Salad Recipe

In order for the benefits and harms of soy asparagus to remain balanced, you need to learn how to properly prepare a salad based on it. Classic recipe very simple and looks like this:

  • For 250 g of dry ingredient we take 4 teeth, 1 tablespoon and 5 tablespoons of vegetable oil, a little paprika or hot red pepper to taste, salt and sugar.
  • First, soak the asparagus, following the instructions on the package with the workpiece. Then we wring out the products and cut into portioned pieces.
  • Garlic is cut into very thin films or passed through a press. We combine it with all the other ingredients, preparing the marinade.
  • Some housewives pre-scald with boiling water and even boil asparagus plates, but this is not necessary. It remains only to fill the workpiece with the prepared marinade, and cover the container with cling film.
  • We insist the salad for 8-10 hours in the refrigerator, after which it is ready for use.

Soy asparagus is good for more than just salads. It can be used for soups and main courses, however, the process of their creation takes a lot of time and requires some skill. Hot meals with the ingredient are especially useful in cold weather. They perfectly warm and increase the body's resistance to negative external influences.

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