Home Nutrition Hops suneli composition application. Khmeli-suneli: the composition of your favorite seasoning. Despite such a "track record", there are contraindications to seasoning

Hops suneli composition application. Khmeli-suneli: the composition of your favorite seasoning. Despite such a "track record", there are contraindications to seasoning

12.03.2019 232 views

Khmeli-suneli is a delicious spice that has won hearts around the world. Many are happy to add it to food - we will talk about the features and useful properties, talk about contraindications, composition and calorie content.

general information

Khmeli-suneli - translation from Georgian words "dry seasoning". It is a mixture of different herbs and spices forming a fragrant powder that is good for different types dishes. All of them were dried and crushed.

Let's figure out what hops-suneli looks like. It is a finely ground powder with a yellow-green color and a pronounced aroma. By the way, the main purpose of the seasoning is to add a smell, and not to increase the sharpness.

Add hops-suneli spices to pilaf - you will be surprised how the general perception of the dish will change. By the way, the shelf life of the mixture is about three years. It should be used in moderation, otherwise you will kill the main taste of the food.
Let's now look at what is included in the suneli hops.


We figured out what it is - suneli hops, now you know the basic information about Georgian spices. Let's move on to the composition of the hops-suneli seasoning.

The seasoning is very popular in Georgia, there are many variations of its preparation and use - they differ in different regions and even families. The basic composition of suneli hops includes six main components:

  • Marjoram;
  • Basil;
  • Red pepper;
  • Dill;
  • Saffron;
  • Coriander.

In the full version, there are many more:

  • Fenugreek;
  • Celery;
  • Parsley;
  • Savory;
  • Mint;
  • Bay leaf;
  • Hyssop.

Let's look at the composition and proportions of suneli hops:

  • All ingredients are included in equal proportions;
  • The exception is saffron - 0.1% of the total mass;
  • And red hot peppers- 2% of the total mass.

It is worth noting that there is no specific recipe with verified standards - chefs have the right to change the ingredients and their quantity to their liking, the quality of the mixture does not change from this.

Calorie in the base version:

  • 417.5 kcal per 100 grams;
  • 10 grams of carbohydrates;
  • 40 grams of fat;
  • 5 grams of proteins.

Now you know the composition of the hops-suneli spice and you will understand seasonings no worse than Georgian chefs. Let's look at the benefits and harms of suneli hops.

Beneficial features

Suneli hop seasoning has a unique composition, as you can see above. It is the combination of different components that gives the spice a huge number of useful properties. Let's consider the main ones.

  • Normalization of the activity of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • Removal of excess fluid from the body;
  • Improving immunity;
  • Benefits for the cardiovascular system;
  • Stimulation of the production of sex hormones.

  • Removal of toxins and toxins;
  • Treatment of respiratory diseases;
  • Beneficial effect on the circulatory system - improving the elasticity of blood vessels, reducing pressure;
  • Decreased blood glucose levels;
  • Acts as an estrogen to increase desire.


  • Improving the process of digestion;
  • Appetite stimulation;
  • Relief of flatulence;
  • Getting rid of colic;
  • Bactericidal action - anti-inflammatory and expectorant;
  • Relieve stress, improve performance nervous system, mood enhancement;
  • Strengthening immunity.


  • Increased body resistance;
  • Has an antipyretic effect;
  • Helps to quickly recover from diseases;
  • Choleretic action;
  • Helps relax.

Coriander (cilantro):

  • Antiseptic action;
  • Help with diseases of the oral cavity;
  • Antimicrobial effect;
  • diuretic effect;
  • Improvement in blood pressure;
  • Relief of joint pain.


  • Prevention of the development of oncological diseases;
  • Promotes the production of serotonin - helps to get rid of stress;
  • Prevents the development of anemia;
  • Excellent antioxidant;
  • Gets rid of excess fluid.


  • Prevents the formation of blood clots;
  • Helps with arterial spasm;
  • Reduces the burden on the kidneys;
  • Improves the functioning of the cardiovascular system;
  • Possesses " negative calorie and useful for those who are on a diet.


  • Excellent antispasmodic;
  • Normalizes digestive processes;
  • Soothes the gastric mucosa;
  • Removes bile and stones;
  • Allows you to relax.


  • Stimulates the production of collagen;
  • Increases resistance to viruses and bacteria;
  • Helps with rheumatism and arthritis;
  • Stimulates energy metabolism;
  • Reduces sugar and iron levels and lowers arterial pressure;
  • Tones up blood vessels.


  • Has bactericidal properties;
  • Helps with disorders of the esophagus;
  • Calms the nervous system.

Bay leaf:

  • Anti-inflammatory action;
  • expectorant properties;
  • Possesses a small sleeping pill expert;
  • Accelerates metabolism;
  • Removes stagnant liquid;
  • Reduces bleeding.

Red pepper:

  • It provokes the synthesis of pancreatic enzymes;
  • Increases elasticity and promotes the cleansing of blood vessels;
  • Helps to digest heavy food;
  • Improves the body's resistance to diseases.


  • Saves from hypovitaminosis;
  • Stops inflammatory processes;
  • Softens cough and removes phlegm.

We figured out what suneli hops consist of, and how these components affect a person when consumed. Let's look at contraindications.

Harm and contraindications

Any spice has contraindications for use - especially one that includes many components. Consider in what cases it is worth refraining from using.

  • Avoid use in the presence of allergic reactions;
  • You should not cook with the addition of spices if you suffer from diseases of the liver, digestion and gastrointestinal tract.

The list of contraindications is individual - if you suffer from intolerance to one or another seasoning in the composition, you do not need to add the mixture to food.

Recall that the excessive use of seasoning can threaten with unpleasant consequences even without identified contraindications. It is necessary to use any spice in moderation - if you doubt the possibility of adding to food, you should consult your doctor.

We talked about the benefits and harms of the supplement - carefully control the use. Let's take a look at what dishes hops-suneli are added to and give a few examples.

Application in cooking

What is this mixture good for? The breadth of use is simply unimaginable - the taste properties allow you to add spice anywhere. Consider for which dishes the hop-suneli seasoning is best:

  • Dishes of Caucasian cuisine. Lobio, chanakhi, satsivi, adzhapsanzhdali, kharcho, kebab and much more;
  • For national sauces, for example, adjika and tkemali;
  • Suneli hops are good for fish, especially as a component of the marinade;
  • Changes taste fried vegetables;
  • Complements dishes from legumes;
  • Opens up in various soups;
  • Suitable for all types of meat - pork, beef, lamb, as well as poultry - turkey and chicken.

A little advice. It is worth adding spice closer to the end of cooking, as it does not need long-term heat treatment.

You learned what it is - hops-suneli and where to add a fragrant spicy mixture. Now let's talk about what can replace suneli hops.

What can replace

If you didn’t have a ready-made mixture or part of the ingredients at hand, you can pick up analogues of the product. We will tell you what can replace hops and how to use the selected options:

  • Instead of a full set, you can take fenugreek seeds;

  • A small amount of curry will serve as a good substitute - the mixture has a similar aroma, but has a milder taste and bright color;

  • Try the mix turmeric, thyme and rosemary.

Completely replace the seasoning will not work - characteristic taste and aroma is achieved precisely when the components are combined.

Now you know everything about the popular spice - study the information, purchase ready mix and start creating new dishes!

We managed to get drunk, oh, sorry, hops-suneli seasoning (photo attached) is on the agenda of the World of spices. True, without hops (which, by the way, is not included in the composition of hops-suneli (hops-sunele)), you will not understand either the recipe, or the proportions, or the name. To begin with, we turn to the classics: V.V. Pokhlebkin with his work "All about spices". We see 2 types of seasoning.

The composition of hops-suneli according to Pokhlebkin

Unfortunately, Pokhlebkin does not testify where he found the recipe for this or that mixture of spices. He simply gives a list of ingredients, sometimes without exact proportions. This is not surprising - the proportions are selected manually (by eye) immediately before preparing the next portion of seasoning. And the ingredients vary depending on the location of the cook and the availability of individual components.

William Vasilyevich gives the composition of hops-suneli in two variations: shortened and full.

Both suneli hop recipes include red pepper in the proportion of 2% of the total mass and 0.1% saffron. It is proposed to pre-dry the spices and grind them separately, then combine them in equal proportions (with the exception of those indicated above). The result is a mixture of greenish color. Unfortunately, Pokhlebkin does not specify whether root, petiole or seed celery is used in the suneli hop recipe and what part (seed or leaves) of coriander is used.

Let us turn to the manufacturers of seasonings, maybe they will bring more clarity to the composition of suneli hops.

What is included in suneli hops from manufacturers

I did not take into account all manufacturers, their prevalence may differ from region to region. She took as a basis six, familiar on the shelves of Russian cities: Kamis, Aidigo, Santa Maria, Kotanyi, Cykoria and Magic Tree.

Kamis Idigo Santa Maria Kotani chicory




Pepper (cr)


Coriander (seed)



Pepper (hot red)


blue fenugreek



Mustard (seed yellow)

Pepper (black)


Celery (root)



Celery (leaf)



Hot red pepper

dried vegetables




As you can see, the composition of hops-suneli from different manufacturers is variegated, especially distinguished by the number of Aidigo components. Unfortunately, sometimes you can’t get some clarifications from the packaging: leaves, seeds or roots are used in the recipe, in what proportions everything is mixed, etc. Well, at least Cykoria clarifies what it means by the term “dried vegetables” - these are parsley, celery and dill.

At the Magic Tree, I didn’t find hop-suneli seasoning at all, but I found a mixture for chicken based on it with the addition of red pepper, sea salt, garlic, dill and coriander. I wonder why in the composition of hops-suneli, which already contains all this, should be added in excess of what is? Or does this express the desire of the manufacturer to excel in front of colleagues? But Magic Tree has in its assortment utskho-suneli seasoning, which is often confused with suneli hops, but in fact it is different products. Utskho-suneli (composition) is blue sweet clover grass (or blue fenugreek) with a slightly nutty flavor, and suneli hops are a spicy multi-component mixture.

Where hops-suneli is used

Surely, due to the prevalence of the seasoning, you know how to add suneli hops for which dishes. Georgians invariably put it in kharcho, adjika, satsivi, lobio, and suneli hops added to the barbecue gives the meat a memorable taste. In general, the seasoning is suitable for vegetables, fish, all types of meat, borscht, soups, sauces, minced meat, poultry.

Knowing the recipe for suneli hops (composition), you can easily choose the proportions of spices and make a popular mixture yourself and diversify your menu with new tastes and aromas.

Recipe and composition of hops-suneli seasoning

The complete composition of suneli hops (12 components): parsley, celery, bay leaf, garden savory, mint, hay fenugreek (fenugreek), basil, coriander greens, marjoram, dill, red pepper (1-2%), saffron (0, one%). Reduced composition (6 components): basil, herbs, coriander (cilantro), marjoram, dill, hot red pepper (2%), saffron (0.1%). Manufacturers, in order to reduce the cost of the product, often replace saffron with Imeretian saffron (marigold). This spice is yellow in color, but with a different flavor.

There is no standard for suneli hops, so the traditional composition of this seasoning may vary depending on the manufacturer's imagination. Among the tested samples, the most complete composition is in "Idigo".

The recipe of the remaining samples does not correspond to the classical one, and the products Kamis in general, it is difficult to name suneli hops, since it does not resemble this Georgian seasoning in composition, color, or taste, for which it receives a remark.

Samples have the strongest and most spicy aroma. Kotany, "Every Day" and Kamis. Weak-burning taste characteristic of hops-suneli - in spices "Every day" and Cykoria. At Kotany and "Idigo" the taste is not pungent, but Kamis- salty-burning due to the presence of salt in the mixture.

What is the spice hops-suneli, composition and calorie content. Useful properties of seasoning and the possibility of use. Recipes of dishes with a "zest" of Georgian cuisine and options for dry spices.

The content of the article:

Khmeli-suneli is a traditional Georgian condiment made up of many ingredients. It is more correct to call it a mixture of herbs. Georgian chefs choose the proportions according to their taste, increasing or decreasing the composition of the ingredients; in industrial production, they use a standard set of components, often in the same amount. From Georgian, the name is translated as "dry spice". The color is predominantly greenish. Yellow prevails if the composition contains a large amount of natural dyes - saffron or marigolds. A bright red color indicates a high content of coriander and red pepper, green or dark brown is a sign that there is a lot of dill, basil, parsley or mint in the mixture. The taste is described as "spicy", but not everyone likes the smell. Gourmets list the notes in the fragrance's bouquet, but there are those who compare the smell to "hay and pepper". The most expensive seasonings are orange-green, finely ground.

The composition and calorie content of hops-suneli

Previously, the spicy mixture of hops-suneli was used only in national dishes Georgia and Armenia, now seasoning can be purchased at any store.

Caloric content of hops-suneli - 417.5 kcal per 100 g of product, of which:

  • Proteins - 5 g;
  • Carbohydrates - 10 g;
  • Fats - 40 g;
  • Ash - 2 g;
  • Water - 43 g.
Accurately calculate the amount of nutrients, amino acids and acids various kinds in the composition of suneli hops is impossible, since the seasoning consists of many individual spices, the main of which are: mint, red pepper, dill, cilantro, bay leaf, savory, celery, parsley, marigolds, saffron, fenugreek.

A shortened version that is offered to the consumer: basil, coriander, marjoram, chili, dill and saffron.

Note the high content of vitamin PP (NE) - 0.83 mg. The full name of the substance is nianocin equivalent. He takes an active part in all organic processes: protein metabolism and synthesis, cholesterol regulation, stabilization of the cardiovascular system, elimination of vasospasm and increased immunity.

The spicy mixture of hops-suneli, which is made by the culinary specialists of Imereti (Western Georgia), differs slightly in composition from seasonings in other regions of the country. It has a lot of fenugreek in it. This spice is generously added to food by women who are planning a pregnancy. Such a mixture of spices reduces the production of testosterone and normalizes the work of the endocrine glands.

Useful properties of hops-suneli

The main benefit of hops-suneli is an increase in body tone. Due to the rich composition, with regular use, immunity and working capacity increase.

The benefits of dry spice hops-suneli

  1. Eliminates intestinal spasms and reduces the production of intestinal gases, increases the rate of peristalsis;
  2. Contributes to the treatment of diarrhea in infectious diseases;
  3. Promotes sputum discharge and its liquefaction in case of ailments of the respiratory system;
  4. Increases the acidity of gastric juice, improves appetite, promotes absorption useful substances in full;
  5. It has a pronounced diuretic and choleretic effect;
  6. Helps the liver to cleanse itself of toxins, restores the work of hepatocytes and prolongs their existence;
  7. Dissolves "bad" cholesterol, which has already been deposited on the walls of blood vessels, and stimulates the removal of accumulated toxins and metabolic products from the circulatory system;
  8. Improves the function of the cardiovascular system;
  9. The blood-purifying action helps to maintain the quality of the skin, prevents the formation of acne, promotes the regeneration of the upper layer of the epithelium;
  10. Lowers blood pressure;
  11. Stimulates the production of red blood cells, prevents anemia;
  12. A mixture of hop-suneli herbs from Imereti prevents the growth of neoplasms of gynecological organs and prevents malignancy;
  13. Increases impulse conduction of the nervous system.
When adding a spicy mixture to dishes, taste buds are activated, blood supply is accelerated in the oral mucosa and then in the tissues of the face. The brain also receives a portion of useful substances and energy, it is very close to the soft tissues, in which the blood supply to the vessels has increased. Improves memory, mood, prevents the development of depression.

Harm and contraindications to the use of suneli hops

Contraindications to the use of suneli hops depend on the individual perception of each of the spices in the composition.

For example, because of cardamom, pregnant women should not use seasoning, as there is a risk of uterine tone. Because of the pepper in the composition, the spice is not introduced into the diet of the cores, so as not to increase the load on the cardiovascular system.

It is harmful to add suneli hops with increased acidity due to the possible development of gastritis and erosive damage to the gastric mucosa. Do not abuse the seasoning with severe hypotension, so as not to provoke vasospasm.

When introducing suneli hops into dishes, you should follow the recommendations on the amount of seasoning. If you neglect the advice, you will not be able to feel the taste of the dish.

Recipes with hops-suneli

Georgian chefs add suneli hops to almost all dishes. Necessarily in vegetables, in " Business Cards» national cuisine- in satsivi, lobio and spicy Adjika paste. Despite the fact that many components of the seasoning are used to make desserts, the hop-suneli mixture is not combined with pastries and sweet dishes.

Recipes with hops-suneli

  • bean salad. A large onion is cut into thin rings and marinated, pouring wine vinegar. Red beans are brought to readiness by first boiling, and then bringing to softness in a double boiler. You can use beans from a jar, but first you should get rid of excess liquid by throwing the contents of the jar into a colander. Mix beans, pickled onions, sliced ​​red peppers, pickled cucumber slices and a bunch of greens - cilantro, parsley, dill. It is desirable to cut greens smaller. Of all the seasonings, the salad is complemented olive oil and suneli hops, take 1 teaspoon for 400 g of beans. Salt is not needed, it is enough in pickled cucumbers.
  • Georgian national dish chakhokhbili. Best to use chicken legs or shins. 1 kg of poultry meat is cleaned of feather residues, washed in running water, dried with paper towels and fried on 2 sides until golden brown. Then the meat is placed in a metal pan with a thick bottom, salted, a glass of white wine is poured in, red pepper is added and simmered over low heat for about 15 minutes. While the meat is stewing, 5 meaty tomatoes are scalded with boiling water, the skin is removed and cut into cubes. Send to the meat for another 10 minutes. Two onions cut into large rings, fried until golden brown on butter and also put in a bowl. Stew the contents of the pan for another 25 minutes and at the very last moment, before turning off, add 5 cloves of garlic, crushed by a press, to the dish. Turn off. Sprinkle with a teaspoon of suneli hops and chopped cilantro, mix and let stand for at least 3 minutes so as not to cool. When serving, they offer tkemali sauce.
  • Adjika. Vegetables for the dish can be cooked in 10 minutes. Twist everything together in a meat grinder: 1.5 kg of tomatoes, 0.5 kg of fresh carrots and the same amount of green and red bell pepper, 2 pieces of red hot pepper, small pods. The twist is placed in an enameled container and put on fire, brought to a boil and left for 1 hour, stirring occasionally. Before turning off, pour half a glass of vinegar and the same amount of sugar, an eighth of a glass of salt, 100 g of mashed garlic and a tablespoon of suneli hops into the pan.
  • Satsivi. There are many recipes for preparing satsivi, only the main ingredients are unchanged in it: suneli hops, crushed walnuts, cilantro. It is necessary to prepare the dish in such a way that at least 8-10 hours remain before the feast. If the chicken does not have time to brew, expectations may be deceived. A large chicken is cut and boiled whole, constantly removing the foam from the broth. When the meat is brought to half-cooked, it is set aside, removed from the broth, generously rubbed with a mixture of black and allspice and salt and placed on a baking sheet. The oven is heated to a temperature of 180 ° C and the bird is placed in it. Readiness is determined by piercing the meat with a knitting needle. As soon as the chicken is brought to the required state, clear juice begins to stand out. This usually takes about 40 minutes. To prepare the sauce, you need to prepare several containers. 3 heads of grated (chopped in a blender) onion are fried in a pan, 0.5 kg is crushed separately in a mortar walnuts, and separately a bunch of cilantro with coarse (preferably sea) salt and 4 garlic cloves. All sauce components are mixed, add a teaspoon wine vinegar and saffron from Imereti. Pour 2 teaspoons of suneli hops into the sauce. It is poured into a clear broth, filtered through cheesecloth folded in several layers, and boiled for another 5 minutes. The meat, cut into portions, is placed in the pan, along with the sauce from the baking sheet. Cook everything together for another 10-15 minutes. Before serving, the dish is seasoned with nut butter.
  • Kadura bash. 0.5 kg of red beans are washed, poured for 2 hours cold water, boil until cooked and decant the liquid. Ready soft beans are mashed with a blender or twisted in a meat grinder. A small parsnip root is fried in a dry frying pan (if possible, singeed with a gas burner) until a characteristic rich aroma appears. A sachet is sewn from gauze - a gauze bag. Spices are put into it: allspice and hot pepper, cloves and prepared parsnips. 1.5 kg lamb ( loin is better) are cut into large pieces so that they enter the pan, pour 1.5 liters of cold water, bring to a boil. As soon as the foam appears, the water is drained, the lamb is washed, poured with fresh water in the same amount and boiled until tender, placing a sachet with spices in a saucepan. Separately, cut into small pieces half a bitter chili, 200 g of sweet green bell pepper, 250 g of tomatoes without skins and 200 g of onions. As soon as the vegetables soften a little, 250 g of finely chopped pickled cucumbers and 100 g of crushed walnuts are poured into the pan. As soon as the frying boils, immediately turn off. From ready broth take out spices, add beans, a little turmeric and 1.5 teaspoons of suneli hops, mix everything well. Served only hot. Nutmeg is used to improve the taste, but this seasoning is optional.
Suneli hops should be stored in glass jar by tightly closing the lid. Shelf life - no more than 1.5 years. Later beneficial features disappear, and some ingredients may go rancid.

"Hmeli-suneli" literally translates as "dry seasoning". In the food industry, it is prepared from the seed part of plants, but in home kitchen it also happens that only coriander represents the seed part.

In 2013, official studies of the compositions and properties of the seasoning were carried out. 20 mixtures were considered. The spices that were most common were identified:

  1. Basic: coriander, Imeretian saffron, fenugreek;
  2. Additional: mint, thyme, parsley, dill, laurel, savory;
  3. Common Variants: Clove, Basil, Cinnamon, Marjoram, Oregano, hot pepper, tarragon, black pepper, celery, fennel, tarragon;
  4. Additives: hyssop, cumin, thyme, saffron;
  5. In industrial options added: rosemary, garlic, sage, mustard, cumin.
Suneli hops are also made in India, and it is characteristic that the seasoning has a bitter taste. Sage, shamballa, hyssop, rosemary and lavender give shades to the aroma.

In Europe, lemon zest, bay leaf powder can be added to the spice, in Germany - wormwood, and sometimes rue. It is impossible to call the European variants a classic mixture of hops-suneli, but they perfectly improve the taste and help the absorption of meat fatty foods. It is for this property that dry spice is appreciated by all cuisines of the world.

Watch a video about suneli hops:

More recently - some forty years ago - only the inhabitants of the Caucasus and the regions closest to them knew about hops-suneli. And the rest of the hostesses perfectly managed by adding parsley, dill, bay leaf, pepper and paprika to the dishes.

And when this seasoning appeared on store shelves, it seemed so fragrant to many that even a small amount of it in a dish caused a storm of emotions. Some liked it immediately, while others considered it very spicy.

But in the Caucasus, suneli hops are the most popular spice. Especially in Georgian cuisine. Although it would be more correct to call it not a spice, but a mixture of herbs. Indeed, the composition of this seasoning includes at least thirteen plants, each of which has a truly unique aroma and taste: basil, celery, red pepper, parsley, coriander (cilantro), bay leaf, dill, marjoram, savory, mint, saffron, hyssop , fenugreek.

And in a bouquet, these herbs give any dish a special taste. Even regular soup, flavored with suneli hops, it becomes very tasty and piquant.

To understand the aroma of this spicy mixture, it is advisable to get acquainted with each of the herbs that make up its composition, separately.


This spicy herb was known in ancient Greece. Moreover, it was used not only as a spice with a strong smell, reminiscent of the aroma of cloves or nutmeg, but also in medicinal purposes. Back in those days, basil was prescribed for nervous disorders, epilepsy, spasms, and even for symptoms of mania.

  • This herb has anti-febrile and carminative effects.
  • Young leaves of the plant are eaten fresh: they are added to salads, fish and meat dishes.
  • Basil leaves are used when pickling cucumbers and tomatoes.
  • It is dried and used as a seasoning for cooking many dishes. But most often it is used in dishes from beef, lamb and meat of wild animals.
  • Thanks to its spicy, slightly cooling taste, dried and chopped basil can replace pepper, especially when combined with rosemary.
  • This spice is often used to make spaghetti and pizza.


Parsley is used in food very often, along with dill, which will be discussed below.

  • The leaves of this plant are rich in vitamins (especially ascorbic acid), carotene, fluorine, essential oils.
  • Parsley juice contributes to the normal functioning of the brain, strengthens blood vessels.
  • This spice improves digestion, helps with flatulence, liver and kidney diseases.
  • Parsley is used both fresh and dried. It goes well with all vegetable and meat dishes, as well as sauces.


Dill is the most famous and widespread spicy plant. Its pleasant soft aroma and unsharp taste enrich any dish, even vegetable or meat. But dill is also a very useful plant.

  • It reduces pain in the stomach, helps digestion, relieves flatulence.
  • Dill seeds are recommended to use in the form of a decoction for gallstone disease.
  • Grass juice and its greens with constant consumption of food have a beneficial effect on vision.
  • Roasted seeds help clear the breath.
  • This spice is suitable for all meat and vegetable dishes. Dried crushed dill seeds are used in a mixture of herbs for cooking vegetables in Indian cuisine.


This plant has been known in the wild since ancient times. It is valued for its beneficial and nutritious qualities.

  • Celery is rich in vitamins B1, B2, PP, as well as calcium, iron, magnesium, potassium.
  • It is recommended for salt deposition, kidney disease, gout.
  • Seeds have a strong spicy aroma, so they are added when cooking soups, broths, sauces.
  • Greens are put in meat and vegetable dishes.


Coriander greens (cilantro) are a bit like parsley, but they are more aromatic, especially the seeds. It is popular in India and Asia.

  • The essential oils found in this spice improve digestion and help digest starchy foods.
  • Crushed seeds are added to salads, pates, sausages. They give spicy taste any dish.

Bay leaf

It is famous in every cuisine. Leaves are used.

  • They contain essential oils and tannins.
  • A decoction of the leaves is useful in diabetes.
  • The range of application of this spice is wide. Bay leaf is added during the preparation of soups, marinades, stews of vegetables, fish, meat dishes. Put when pickling vegetables.

Bay leaf does not tolerate long heat treatment. And after the essential oils evaporate, it becomes bitter. So its out ready meal cleaning is recommended.


It has a delicate, pleasant, refreshing aroma.

  • It is useful in that it improves digestion, relieves nausea, and reduces headaches.
  • Peppermint is recommended for hyperacidity of the stomach.
  • In cooking, it is used to make drinks, confectionery. In small quantities, it is added to dishes of game and salmon.


It is also called oregano. It is used for food both fresh and dried.

  • It is rich in essential oils, carotene, vitamins, tannins.
  • Improves digestion, has a beneficial effect on the nervous system.
  • Dried and crushed marjoram enriches the taste of compotes, juices, and is also used to prepare pepper mixtures and brew tea (dried leaves).
  • It goes well with fish, meat and vegetable dishes. It is added to marinades and sauces.
  • In Europe, it is put into sausages.
  • Marjoram goes well with rosemary.

Fenugreek (shamballa)

This spice is a large bean pod that is filled with almost square seeds.

  • Shambhala has a strengthening effect on the muscles of the back and body.
  • The seeds are slightly bitter, so they should not be overcooked so as not to impair the taste of dishes.
  • This spice is most often added to marinades and sauces.


Hyssop is a wonderful honey plant. Both flowers and leaves have a bitter-spicy taste. It is popular in the Caucasus and Central Asia.

  • This spicy plant with a very persistent smell is known as a remedy for a debilitating cough.
  • In cooking, it is used both fresh and dried. It is added to meat, fish, vegetable dishes, salads and marinades.


This spice has a bright orange color and a pleasant smell, slightly reminiscent of anise.

Saffron is the oldest cultivated spice plant. In the wild, it can be found very rarely, so it is cultivated. Mostly in Azerbaijan, Dagestan, Crimea.

The stigmas of flowers that bloom for only 3 days have a coloring and flavoring substance.

  • Saffron is a good diuretic, analgesic for diseases of the stomach and intestines.
  • Used for heart disease.
  • It is great for coughing, so it is used in diseases of the respiratory tract.
  • Most often it is added to rice dishes. And also saffron is a good aromatic additive to meat sauces.


This spicy plant is most often used for cooking bean dishes, which is why it is also called legume grass. Its aroma is reminiscent of marjoram and thyme.

  • Savory has a burning taste and can replace pepper.
  • It is rich in essential oils, vitamins A, C, R.
  • Differs in bactericidal, sudorific and anthelmintic action.
  • Savory is used in dried and fresh form in the preparation of meat, fish, vegetable and legume dishes.
  • It is added to pâtés, salads and marinades.
  • It is often found in pepper blends.

Hot red pepper

This spice is used for a pungent, "hot" taste.

Pepper improves appetite. But because of the burning taste, it is put in a minimal amount.

Khmeli-suneli in cooking

This spicy mixture is not used except in baking, because almost all dishes of Caucasian cuisine are prepared using suneli hops.

  • This seasoning is put in lobio - a bean dish. And also in many snacks and salads from legumes: beans, peas, lentils.
  • It does not do without hops-suneli and satsivi. Moreover, this dish is prepared both from fish or meat, and from eggplant.
  • Suneli hops - an essential seasoning for cooking vegetable dishes. Ajapsandali, popular in Georgia, is necessarily seasoned with this mixture.
  • Meat dishes also go well with this seasoning. For example, in chakhokhbili, along with onions, tomatoes, fresh parsley and basil, this spicy mixture is also present.
  • It is added to the first dishes. It adds spice to borscht, and thanks to it kharcho soup becomes very tasty and fragrant.
  • Khmeli-suneli is part of the famous spicy adjika paste.

How to cook suneli hops yourself

Any hostess can cook this seasoning at home. To do this, you just need to know the proportions in which all the spicy herbs are combined with each other.

Selected spicy herbs are taken in equal proportions, crushed, and then mixed. The only exceptions are red pepper and saffron.. The amount of pepper should be 1-2% of the total amount of the mixture. Saffron is taken only 0.1%. The color of the mixture should be greenish, and the taste should be mild. The mixture is poured into a glass jar, tightly closed with a lid and stored for no more than two years.

Khmeli-suneli - a reason for improvisation

In addition to such a composition rich in herbs, which was described above, there is a simpler version of the mixture. It includes only a few spices: dill, coriander, saffron, marjoram and red pepper.

But this does not mean that suneli hops can be prepared in only two ways.

Knowing the aroma of each of these herbs and taking into account your taste preferences, you can create an individual bouquet that will give the dish spicy notes and a piquant taste.

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