Home Products Pale green beans with a characteristic delicate taste. Common beans are vegetables: a description of the plant. calories in green beans

Pale green beans with a characteristic delicate taste. Common beans are vegetables: a description of the plant. calories in green beans

Green beans for weight loss is a very complex term with vague concepts. This is the name of a valuable vegetable crop, and specific means for normalizing the weight of Chinese origin, and a special type of weed, which is called the fashionable "coffee" term. Consider green beans from different perspectives.

Green beans - a well-known vegetable

Green beans are often used in modern cooking recipes. It is a valuable crop, used in the same way as feed and even as a fertilizer ingredient. Fruits - beans in the wings of a sweet delicate taste. Immature sashes are also used in various recipes.

This vegetable is popular in many countries of the world. In Japan, adzuki beans are prepared, in Turks a popular dish is white bean (in our country, the culture is called chili beans). Dried pink beans are also valuable for cooking.

Nutritional value and chemical composition

Green soybeans and other varieties of the crop are unique in that they are almost 40% highly digestible plant protein. It also contains starch, carbohydrates, fiber, vegetable fats, which are also easily digested.

They are rich in valuable minerals and trace elements:

Another notable feature is that green beans have low calorie. Based on the above qualities, this is a valuable component of the menu of those people who actively eliminate excess weight.

It is the optimal ratio of a large amount of protein and a minimum calorie content that makes this product a truly valuable component for beginner athletes and professionals.

Important Caution

Legumes are quite a complex product. It has a very specific feature. Green beans need to be thermally processed very carefully.

Raw dried vegetables contain a dangerous chemical. It can cause serious poisoning, so only carefully processed foods should be eaten.

The undeniable benefits of vegetables

Green beans are used for weight loss and are often mentioned in reviews. However, this product is valuable for many other reasons. Among the undeniable advantages worth noting are the following:

Nutritionists favor beans. They recommend introducing 100 - 170 grams of culture into the menu every day. Low calorie content will not allow you to gain weight, and a large amount of protein is very valuable for systematic physical exertion (when exercising in the gym).

The rule of thumb for getting the most out of your beans is to cook them the day you harvest them. It is recommended to store vegetables only in a cold place and no more than two days.

Green beans are added to salads and soups, prepared from them as side dishes, and also served as a full-fledged independent dish. In order for green vegetables to boil, before cooking, they should be scalded with boiling water and the film shell removed. It is quickly removed after processing.

This ingredient is popular in Eastern and Asian cuisine. The Dutch, British, Bulgarians and Danes treat him with special love. Boiled and baked green beans go well with other vegetables, as well as meat and fish.

About possible side effects

Green beans, or rather dishes based on them, are undesirable for people with the following diseases:

  1. Colitis;
  2. Hepatitis;
  3. pancreatitis;
  4. constipation;
  5. Anomalies of the pancreas.

Too many beans in the diet can lead to flatulence. V ready meals it is desirable to add dill.

Green beans: a phenomenon in the world of chemistry

Often, the term "green beans" refers to unroasted coffee beans. Recently, such a novelty has been incredibly popular, so there are a lot of synonyms. Roasted coffee beans lose some of their composition.

Green coffee beans stimulate metabolic processes, contribute to the activation of the brain, make a person more cheerful and energetic. Some experts believe that such a product is a good prophylactic in the fight against cancer.

Coffee is a source of antioxidants, vitamins, amino acids. More valuable substances can be obtained from unroasted grains. Green coffee beans are often used to extract an extract that is added to many weight loss products.

However, there are also experts who are very skeptical about such weight loss ingredients. Not only the controversial effectiveness of green coffee is called into question, but also the frequency of side effects. By the way, they are the same as from the abuse of regular coffee: headache, irritability, emotional instability, indigestion, insomnia.

Chinese coffee beans: the whole truth about a popular product

The term green beans or Chinese green beans is also associated with one of the popular weight loss products. Despite the enticing name, this remedy does not have anything "coffee" or "bean" in its composition. If you study the instructions in detail, the essence of the process and the mechanism for getting rid of extra pounds becomes clear.

In fact, Chinese beans are nothing more than Cassia Torah seeds. CASSIA TORA is one of the herbs belonging to the Senna genus. Senna itself is considered a weed, and a rather malicious one at that. It is often referred to as Coffeeweed or "coffee weed".

Thus, ordinary Alexandrian Senna is presented as exotic "coffee beans" from Asia. The manufacturer repeatedly focuses on the fact that exotic "grass" has a pronounced laxative effect. In fact, on the basis of it, detoxification, cleansing of the body and the fight against extra pounds occur.

Green beans are sensitive to certain conditions, but overall, this is a moderately easy crop to grow in summer and fall. Both bush and climbing varieties can be grown under the same basic conditions. No matter which one you choose, here you will find what you need to do.



  1. Choose a sunny location for sowing. Green beans need plenty of sunlight to grow properly, so try to choose a spot in your garden that gets plenty of sun.

    • Because green beans don't grow well in heavy, wet soil, you should avoid shady areas as the soil retains moisture for a long time in the shade.
  2. Improve the soil if necessary. Green beans grow well in loamy soil, so if you have heavy clay or sandy soil in your garden, you should enrich it with organic matter before planting the beans.

    • Loamy soil is dark and crumbly. Check the soil by squeezing it in your hands. Clay soil rolls into a ball, and sandy soil completely crumbles. Clay soil will hold its shape at first and fall apart when touched.
    • If you are working with clay soil, spread out 5 cm of manure or compost, and dig it into the top layer (30 cm) of soil with a shovel or fork. You can also mix sawdust or sand into the soil if it is heavily clayey.
    • When working with sandy soil, spread the same amount of manure or compost into the soil in the same way, but without sawdust.
    • No matter what type of soil you have, you should also make sure that the planting area is free of weeds, trash, rocks, and other debris.
  3. Apply fertilizer to the soil before planting seeds. Green beans do not require a huge amount of nutrients, but applying a small amount of a fairly balanced fertilizer will help the plants produce the best harvest.

    • Apply a little 10-20-10 fertilizer. This type of fertilizer is slightly richer in phosphorus than in nitrogen or potassium, so it contributes to higher yields.


  1. Sow seeds outdoors after the last spring frost. The minimum soil temperature for bean seeds is 9°C. If the soil temperature drops below this at night, the seeds may not germinate.

    • However, the best soil temperature during planting is 13°C. Ideally, as soon as the plants begin to sprout, the temperature should be up to 25 ° C.
  2. Install climbing plant support if necessary. Netting or other support is not required if you are planting bush beans, but if you are going to plant a climbing variety, growing beans without climbing support will seriously hinder plant growth and yield.

    • The simplest support you can provide for climbing beans is a livestock fence. This is a small section of 5m x 2m wire. Simply place a fence behind the growing area before planting the seeds.
    • You can also use traditional pyramids - lattices or a metal or plastic stake. Install one of these just behind the landing site and make sure the bottom is 10 cm into the ground.
  3. Plant each seed 3-5 cm deep. Seeds should be planted 2-4 cm apart and covered with slightly loose soil.

    • If the soil is a bit sandy, plant the seeds a little deeper.
  4. Apply mulch. Mulch made from standard wood chips is suitable for green beans. Mulch can prevent the soil from getting too cold or overheated, and also helps the soil retain enough moisture.

    • Other good mulches include rotted straw and uncut grass.
    • Mulch will also help prevent the spread of weeds.
    • Apply about 5-8 cm of mulch after the soil has warmed up.
  5. Sow seeds every two weeks. You can continue to sow green bean seeds every two weeks if you want a consistent crop that lasts all summer and fall.

    • Skip planting if you don't need a consistent crop.
    • However, excessively hot weather can cause the plant's flowers and pods to drop prematurely. If you live in an area that has very hot summers, you will need to stop growing green beans during the hottest months.
  6. Stop sowing seeds 10-12 weeks before the first expected fall frost. For the last fall green bean crop, you should sow the seeds about 3 months before the first frost. The onset of the first frost will vary depending on the region where you live.

    • If the first frost occurs before you have harvested your last crop of green beans, the sprouts or pods will drop prematurely. This happens even if the frost is only at night and daytime temperatures are still in the ideal range.

Daily and long-term care

  1. Water regularly. Water plants in the morning and skip watering on cloudy or rainy days. Water on sunny days so that moisture does not get on the foliage.

    • Do not soak seeds before planting and do not water immediately after planting. In high humidity, green bean seeds tend to crack and break.
    • Later in the growth cycle, too much or too little water will cause the flower and pods to drop prematurely.
    • Wet the soil weekly by 2.5 cm.
  2. Use a balanced fertilizer sparingly. Green beans can indeed grow well with minimal nutrients, and applying too much fertilizer can actually result in strong foliage growth and a small yield.

    • As a general rule, you should apply fertilizer if soil nutrient levels are particularly low in a given area.
    • If the soil is nutrient depleted, you can fertilize the plants once a week with a light, balanced, fast-absorbing fertilizer.
    • Green beans prefer soil with a pH of 6.0 - 6.5. If the soil is particularly acidic or alkaline, it may be necessary to apply fertilizers formulated to balance the pH of the soil.
    • If the soil is somewhat sandy, it may be necessary to apply a nitrogen rich fertilizer as soon as the early seedlings are established and again when the plants reach the bud stage.

green beans are a valuable vegetable, fodder and sideral (for green manure) crop.

The fruit - green beans - consists of valves, between which the grains are located. Still unripe green beans are used for food, at a time when the wings and grains are more tender, juicy, and have a sweetish taste. Green beans contain: proteins, carbohydrates, fiber, vitamins PP, B1, B2, C, carotene, and also mineral salts. As the beans ripen, the flaps gradually coarsen (parchment films form on their inner side), and the sugar present in the grains is converted into starch.

In cooking, green beans are mostly consumed fresh. They are used immediately on the day of collection. If for some reason they could not be applied immediately, then they are stored for several days in a cool room, in a small ventilated container, otherwise they will lose their appearance and taste.

Grains of young fruits (at the stage of milky ripeness) can be eaten even raw, they can be used to make salads and soups. Green beans are added to borscht and many vegetable soups. When adding a small amount of mature grains to soups, their taste and, of course, nutritional value are significantly improved. In order for them to boil well, before cooking they should be scalded with boiling water or soaked for a couple of hours in water, and after that the separating shell is very easily removed.

Mature grains of beans, just like beans, are used to season soups as cereals. Many are made from green beans. delicious meals. Green beans are especially widely used in cooking among the British, Belgians, Dutch, Danes, and Bulgarians.

For all meals green beans pre-prepare: cut off the ends, remove the fibers from the seams on both sides, wash in cold water and cut into pieces. Dipped in salted boiling water, while trying not to stop the boil itself. They should be boiled in a large volume of water to preserve the green color of the product.

calories in green beans

Experienced nutritionists advise including green beans in the diet for those people who follow diets for weight loss, because the calorie content of green beans is not high and is 60 kcal. In green beans, there are many nutrients and nutrients that the body needs a lot, weakened during a weight loss diet.

Beans are a valuable crop that has a lot of useful properties and excellent palatability. In terms of nutritional value, it occupies one of the first places among vegetables. Main the nutritional value of this culture lies in the high content of proteins in it. They are the main sources of vegetable protein, and therefore form the basis of a vegetarian diet. For the same reason, beans are necessary for young children, at their age, protein helps the growth and formation of body cells.

Beans contain a negligible proportion of fat, and their calorie content is only 57 kcal. Therefore, people who are overweight can freely include this product in their diet.

Bean recipes exist in different form- they are used for cooking and stewed, and canned, and boiled and fried. Beans are mashed, added to soups, salads, delicious main courses with meat, vegetables and spices.

The content of the article:

How to make bean soup?

Recipe #1. Soup with green beans .


  • Green beans (0.5 l can);
  • Carrots (100 g);
  • Onion (100 g);
  • Potatoes (400 g);
  • Bulgarian red pepper (0.5 pcs.);
  • Parsley greens (1/2 bunch);
  • Dill greens (1/2 bunch);
  • Butter (30 g);
  • Salt (to taste);
  • Ground black pepper (to taste);
  • Curry (0.5 tsp);
  • Seasoning "Aromatic herbs" (0.5 tsp);

For the broth

  • Chicken (500 g);
  • Bay leaf (2 pcs.);
  • Peppercorns (6-8 pcs.).

Cooking process

1) . For the broth, pour the chicken with 2-2.5 liters of water, bring to a boil, collect the foam, add spices and cook for 40 minutes over moderate heat. We take out the finished chicken from the broth, let it cool and free it from the bones. Cut into smaller pieces and return to the broth.

2) . Peel and cut the potatoes into cubes and add to the broth together with the washed beans.

3) . Cut the carrot into pieces, and the pepper into small cubes. Add to the broth to the potatoes and. Cook over moderate heat for 20 minutes. On a creamy fire, pass finely chopped onions, add spices. Add to soup, salt to taste and bring to a boil. Add finely chopped greens.

4) . Pepper the soup in a bowl with freshly ground pepper and serve.

Recipe #2. Bean soup with pork .


  • Pork (600 gr.);
  • Carrots (1 pc.);
  • Onion (1 pc.);
  • Sweet pepper (1 pc.);
  • Garlic (3 cloves);
  • Potatoes (3 pcs.);
  • Canned corn (0.5 cans);
  • Lentils (0.5 cup);
  • Beans (0.5 cup);
  • Tomato - puree (3 tablespoons).

Cooking process

1) . In a saucepan with a capacity of at least 3 liters, lay out the processed meat. Pour water and put on fire. In the process of boiling, a var is formed on the surface, which must be removed.

2) . Immediately after boiling water, reduce the fire to medium and bring the broth to readiness (within 2 hours).

3) . From the container in which the beans and lentils were soaked, drain the water and boil the beans until half cooked.

4) . Cooking vegetables. We cut the potatoes into cubes, about a centimeter each, cut the onion into small pieces, rub the carrots on a grater. We cut off the stalk of sweet pepper, remove the core with seeds and chop it into small strips. Mince the peeled garlic with a knife.

5) . We take out the meat from the prepared broth, cool it a little and cut it into portioned pieces, run it back into the broth.

6) . Add pieces of potatoes, pour out the beans and lentils boiled until half cooked. Adding Bell pepper and cook all the vegetables until cooked, at the weakest boil.

7) . We put a small frying pan on the fire, pour in a small amount of refined oil and warm it up slightly. Saute chopped onion until transparent. Add grated carrots and continue to sauté together with onions until amber. Dilute in half a glass of broth tomato paste and pour into the frying pan. Stir, simmer for 10 minutes, stirring occasionally.

8) . After the potatoes and beans are cooked, pour into the corn. Add garlic, salt and bring to a boil.

9) . We spread the frying, reduce the heat and simmer under a closed lid for 7-8 minutes.

How to make bean salad?

Recipe #1. Chicken fillet salad with cabbage and beans .


  • Chicken fillet cut into pieces (3 cups);
  • Frozen beans (1.5 cups);
  • Green onion (4 pcs.).

For refueling

  • rice vinegar (2/3 cup);
  • Vegetable oil (2 tablespoons);
  • Honey (3 tablespoons);
  • Wasabi paste (2 tsp);
  • Salt (0.25 tsp);
  • Minced garlic (2 cloves).

Cooking process


2) . Put the frozen beans in a colander, rinse under cold water so that they completely thaw. Place a colander over a large bowl to drain the water.

3) . In a large bowl, mix the beans, cabbage, boiled chicken and green onions.

4) . Drizzle dressing over salad, stir and serve.

Recipe #2. Salad with beans and meat .


  • Pork (500 g);
  • Canned beans (450 g);
  • Cucumbers (1 pc.);
  • Tomatoes (300 g);
  • Red onion (2-3 pieces);
  • Avocado (2 pcs.);
  • Greens (to taste);
  • Spices for meat (1 tsp);
  • Vegetable oil (1 tsp);
  • Lemon juice (60 ml);
  • Olive oil (60 ml.);
  • Garlic (2 cloves);
  • Salt (to taste).

Cooking process

1) . Wash the meat pieces and pat dry. Rub on all sides with salt and spices for meat.

2) . Warm up a little in a pan. vegetable oil and put the meat in here. Fry over medium heat until done.

3) . Drain the canned beans in a colander and pat dry.

4) . Peel and cut the onion.

5) . My cucumber and avocado, dry and thinly sliced.

6) . To prepare the dressing, pass the garlic through a press. We combine it with olive oil and squeeze the lemon juice here. Mix the dressing, add a pinch of salt.

7) . Cut the tomatoes into slices. Combine all ingredients in a salad bowl and mix gently.

8) . We pour dressing.

9) . Cut the cooked pork pieces into slices and lay them on top. If desired, you can sprinkle fresh herbs on top.

How to cook beans in tomato?

Recipe #1. Beans in tomato sauce .


  • Beans (350 gr.);
  • Tomatoes (4 pcs.);
  • Onion (1 pc.);
  • Garlic (2 pcs.);
  • Rosemary (3 pcs.);
  • Tomato paste (30 ml.);
  • Vegetable oil (20 ml);
  • Salt (to taste).

Cooking process

1) . Boil the beans in salted water.

2) . Peel and chop the tomatoes in a blender.

3) . Peel the onion and garlic and also grind in a blender.

4) . Saute onion and garlic in vegetable oil. Add the tomatoes, simmer for 5 minutes, pour in the tomato paste and stir.

5) . Add boiled beans and rosemary. Simmer the side dish for 7 minutes.

Recipe #2. Beans in tomato sauce .


  • Legumes (chickpeas, green lentils, beans, 300 g);
  • Onion (1 pc.);
  • Olive oil (4 tablespoons);
  • tomatoes in own juice(500 ml);
  • Garlic (4 cloves);
  • Tomato paste (2 tablespoons);
  • Sugar (1 tsp);
  • Hops - suneli (1 tsp);
  • Green peas (100 g);
  • cilantro (small bunch);
  • Tarragon (2 branches);
  • Basil (2 branches);
  • Salt (to taste).

Cooking process

1) . We combine all the legumes in advance and soak them in water overnight.

2) . We heat the oven to 200 degrees.

3) . Finely chop the onion and put it in a heat-resistant form, pour over with olive oil. We put in the oven for 4-5 minutes.

4) . We take out the onion from the oven, add the tomatoes in their own juice and chopped garlic. We drain the water from the beans, transfer them to a heat-resistant form, add tomato paste, sugar, salt, suneli hops and pour water in such a way as to completely cover the beans. Mix everything, cover the form with foil or a lid and put in the oven for an hour.

5) . After 40 minutes, we check, if all the liquid has evaporated, then add water.

6) . After another 20 minutes, remove the foil or cover, add to the mold green pea, leaves of cilantro, tarragon and basil (leave 1 sprig for decoration). Reduce the temperature to 160 degrees and bake for another 20-30 minutes until all the legumes are fully cooked.

7) . Arrange on plates, decorate with tarragon and basil leaves and serve.

How to make bean paste?

Recipe #1. Pasta with beans, parsley, onion and cheese .


  • small pasta(230 g);
  • Frozen garden beans (1.5 cups);
  • Fresh chopped parsley (1 cup);
  • Chopped green onion (1 bunch);
  • Olive oil (0.25 cups);
  • Parmesan cheese, grated (0.75 cups);
  • Lemon zest, grated (0.5 tsp);
  • Salt (to taste);
  • Ground black pepper (to taste).

Cooking process

1) . Boil the pasta in salted water until tender, according to package instructions. In the last couple of minutes until ready, add the beans to the pot with the boiling pasta. Then we throw the pasta with beans into a colander, let the water drain.

2) . We put the pasta back into the empty pot in which it was cooked. Add parsley, onion, oil, parmesan, lemon zest, salt, pepper and mix.

3) . We serve ready-made pasta to the table in portioned plates.

Recipe #2. Bean paste "Anko".


  • Adzuki beans (200 g);
  • Sugar (200-250 g);
  • Edible salt (to taste).

Cooking process

1) . Wash the beans thoroughly and remove spoiled beans from the total adzuki mass. We put the beans in a saucepan and pour filtered water in a ratio of 1 to 3 (one part adzuki and three parts water).

2) . We send the pot with beans to the stove. As soon as the water boils, we throw the beans into a colander, after which they are filled with water again (in the same proportions) and returned to the stove. Cook for about 1.5 hours over low heat, that is, until they are well boiled. During the cooking process, if necessary, add water so that they are constantly covered with it. This time we save the water after the beans and pour it into a separate bowl, since we still need it.

3) . Pour half of the required amount of sugar into the pan with adzuki and send it to a slow fire for 10 minutes.

4) . As soon as the sugar has melted, rub the entire contents of the pan with a wooden spoon and pour out the second half of the required amount of sugar. All components are thoroughly mixed. You should end up with a thick puree.

5) . We leave "Anko" on the stove for another 10-15 minutes, constantly stirring. Readiness can be determined by a characteristic dark shade. In cases where the paste turned out to be too thick, then dilute with the water in which the beans were cooked. At this stage, you can salt.

6) . Cool Anko and serve.

How to cook beans with meat?

Recipe #1. Black beans with meat .


  • Black beans (400 g);
  • Pork or beef (300-350 g);
  • Onion (1 head);
  • Carrots (1 pc.);
  • Tomato paste (1 tbsp);
  • Garlic, peeled crushed (1 clove);
  • Salt, spices (to taste).

Cooking process

1) . We sort the beans, wash and soak in cold water for 12 hours. Then boil for 2 hours or in a pressure cooker - 40 minutes.

2) . Cut the meat into small cubes and fry sunflower oil until a light appetizing crust, add onion diced and carrots cut into long strips. Add salt and pepper to taste.

3) . Close the lid and simmer over low heat in its own juice. After the meat juice has evaporated (after about 30-40 minutes), we check the meat. In cases where the meat is not ready yet, then add a little water and continue to simmer for another 15 minutes.

4) . Add tomato paste, mix well.

5) . Add the finished beans to the meat, mix, pour in ¾ cup of boiling water or broth and simmer the whole place for about 10-15 minutes.

6) . At the end, add garlic and finely chopped greens.

Recipe #2. Rack of lamb with beans, rosemary and mint .


  • Rack of lamb on 8 ribs (1 pc.);
  • Olive oil (1/2 tbsp);
  • Rosemary (several branches);
  • Salt (to taste);
  • Broth (decoction) vegetable (2/3 cup);
  • Redcurrant jam (1 tsp);
  • Flajoule beans or beans (400 g);
  • Mint leaves (1 squeeze).

Cooking process

1) . Preheat the oven to 200 degrees. Brush the meat over the entire surface with olive oil, sprinkle with cut rosemary leaves, salt and pepper. Roast the lamb in the oven for 30-40 minutes, until desired doneness.

2) . Take the rack of lamb out of the oven and keep it warm while the beans cook. We put thick-walled dishes for baking on a large fire, pour in the vegetable broth, bring to a boil. Reduce the heat, add currant jam, stir until dissolved, then add the washed beans and simmer, stirring, for 5 minutes. Remove from heat, add finely chopped mint.

3) . Cut the rack of lamb into portions and serve with cooked beans.

How to cook caviar from beans?

Recipe #1. Green bean caviar .


  • Green beans (400 g);
  • Chopped dill (2 tablespoons);
  • Fresh chopped basil (1 tbsp)
  • Garlic (2 cloves);
  • Olive oil (3 tbsp);
  • Salt, pepper (to taste).

Cooking process

1) . We turn the boiled green beans in a blender or simply grind with a fork. Add dill, basil, garlic (passed through a press), salt, pepper. Whisk again until smooth, but not completely mashed.

2) . We serve caviar from beans on toasted slices of bread, smeared with melted or curd cheese.

3) . Store in the refrigerator in a tightly sealed container.

Recipe #2. Caviar from soybeans with nuts .


  • Chopped nuts (1/2 cup);
  • Onion (2 pcs.);
  • Vegetable oil (5 tablespoons);
  • Lemon juice (2 s.l);
  • Salt, pepper (to taste).

Cooking process

1) . Boiled soybeans, onions and nuts are passed through a meat grinder. Salt, pepper, season with oil and lemon juice and mix well.

2) . You can use it for making sandwiches or as an independent dish.

How to cook bean pods?

Recipe #1. Spicy bean garnish .


  • Beans, pods (2 kg);
  • Olive oil (60 g);
  • Fresh pepper (1 pc.);
  • Garlic (1 clove);
  • Salt, pepper (to taste).

Cooking process

1) . Pour water into a large saucepan and put it on fire.

2) . While the water is boiling clean the beans. To do this, we tear the tail of the bean and pull out the longitudinal fiber connecting its two flaps - it remains rigid during cooking.

3) . We tear off the “noses and tails” of each pod, open them and take out the fruits, and put them aside. They can be used to prepare another dish, such as soup.

4) . Rinse the resulting bean pods under running water, then throw them into salted boiling water and boil for about 5 minutes - the time required to soften the pods.

5) . We take them out of the water with a slotted spoon, without draining the broth and rinse under cold water.

6) . Dry from excess water and cut each pod into 3-4 pieces.

7) . Pour a little olive oil into the pan, add a clove of peeled and cut in half garlic and warm it up to flavor the oil. As soon as the garlic begins to turn yellow, remove it and add pieces of bean pods. Stir and heat for a few more minutes.

8) . Cut the fresh pepper lengthwise, remove the seeds and cut into strips, then add to the pieces of the pods. Warm up for a few minutes and pour in a ladle of bean broth.

9) . We continue to cook for another 10 minutes, until the broth has completely evaporated, do not forget to stir occasionally.

10) . A spicy side dish of bean pods is ready.

Recipe #2. Bean pods in milk sauce .


  • Milk sauce of medium density (50 g);
  • Salt, pepper (to taste);
  • Water;
  • Green bean pods (190 g);

Cooking process

1) . We clean the veins from the bean pods. Wash and cut into diamonds.

2) . Pour into boiling salted water and cook with the lid open for 20-25 minutes.

3) . We recline the pods on a sieve and let the water drain.

4) . Put the finished pods in a deep dish, season with milk sauce and sprinkle with ground pepper.

5) . After that, we warm everything up well.

How to cook borscht with beans?

Recipe #1. Lenten borscht with beans .


  • Potatoes (4-5 pieces);
  • Onion (1 pc.);
  • Carrots (1 pc.);
  • Beets (1 pc.);
  • Red bell pepper(1 PC.);
  • Cabbage (200 gr.);
  • Tomato juice (0.5 l);
  • Vegetable oil (100-120 ml);
  • Bay leaf;
  • Salt, pepper (to taste);
  • Garlic (2 cloves);
  • Parsley.

Cooking process

1) . Peeled vegetables (onions, bell peppers, carrots, beets) cut into strips.

2) . Cut potatoes into small cubes.

3) . We chop the cabbage.

4) . We heat the pan with vegetable oil and put the chopped onion into it, fry it over low heat until transparent (about 10 minutes). Don't forget to stir so nothing burns.

5) . While the onion is fried, we throw the potatoes into the pan and pour boiling water (2.5 liters).

6) . Divide the rest of the vegetables (carrots, beets, bell peppers) in half and add one part to the pot to the potatoes.

7) . Bring to a boil, salt, add bay leaf, reduce heat, cover with a lid (leave a gap for steam to escape) and cook for 20 minutes.

8) . While the potatoes are cooking, we continue to cook the frying (vegetables fried over low heat for soup or borscht).

9) . Add the remaining vegetables to the fried onions. First, bell pepper - fry it together with the onion for 5 minutes. Next, add carrots to the pan and mix well.

10) . Immediately after mixing, add the beets, mix and cook for 10 minutes. Add salt to taste and continue cooking for another 10 minutes. Vegetables should be very soft, let them crunch slightly.

11) . Add tomato juice to the pan (or dilute tomato paste in vegetable broth from the pan), mix.

12) . Together with tomato juice Cook the roast for another 5-10 minutes.

13) . In the meantime, vegetables are cooked in a saucepan, in connection with which we throw cabbage here. We cook it for 5 minutes.

14) . After the cabbage, add the frying to the pan, bring to a boil and try, add sugar if necessary. And in conclusion, add finely chopped greens and garlic squeezed through a press into the borscht. To enhance the taste, you can add 1 tablespoon of dry paprika. Everything must boil.

15) . Cover the borscht with a lid, turn off the heat and let it stand for 15-20 minutes.

Recipe #2. Borscht on beans .


  • Red beans (150-200 gr);
  • Carrots (1 pc.);
  • Beets (1 pc.);
  • Onion (1 pc.);
  • Bulgarian pepper (1 pc.);
  • Peppercorns (to taste);
  • Tomato paste (3 tablespoons);
  • Potatoes (3 pcs.);
  • Cabbage (100 g);
  • Greens (to taste);
  • Salt, pepper (to taste).

Cooking process

1) . Soak the beans for 6-8 hours, then add to the pan. Fill with water (1/3) and bring to a boil and cook a little.

2) . We clean the beets and carrots. We cut the beets into cubes, carrots into crescents.

3) . Then we clean the onion and cut into cubes.

4) . Pour water into the pan and add beets and carrots and peppercorns.

5) . Add the onion to the pan and fry until translucent.

6) . Cut the red bell pepper into cubes and add to the pan with the onion.

7) . In a separate bowl, dilute 3 tablespoons of tomato paste with a glass of water. We mix. During boiling, a foam forms, which must be removed.

8 ). Add the tomato paste to the pan with the peppers and onions. Simmer over medium heat until the pasta comes to a boil (about 5 minutes).

9) . Potato cut into cubes.

10) . Finely chop the cabbage and add to the pot. Cook for about 5-7 minutes, stirring occasionally.

11) . We finely chop the greens.

12) . Add the roast and herbs to the pot. Cook for about 10 minutes over low heat, after which you can serve.

How to cook bean porridge?

Recipe number 1. Porridge made from adzuki beans and barley.


  • Dried red dates (3 pcs.);
  • Barley (20 gr);
  • Adzuki beans (30 gr);
  • Rice (50 gr);
  • Water (1.5 liters).

Cooking process

1) . Wash barley and adzuki beans, fill with water and leave for 1 hour.

2) . My rice. Soak the dates until soft and remove the seeds.

3) . Pour water into a saucepan and bring to a boil. Add barley, adzuki beans, rice and dates. Reduce the heat to medium and cook for 1.5 - 2 hours.

4) . The dish can be served at the table.

Recipe number 2. Bean porridge.


  • Masha (2 glasses);
  • Rice (1/2 cup);
  • Onion (1 pc.);
  • Favorite spices (to taste);
  • Salt (to taste);
  • Vegetable oil (for frying).

Cooking process

1) . Wash the mung beans thoroughly and pour water in a saucepan. Put on high heat and bring to a boil. Reduce the fire and cook until half cooked.

2) . When the mung bean doubles in size, add rice washed in several waters to it.

3) . Heat the porridge to a boil, add salt and season with spices. Mix again and cook until done.

4) . Heat vegetable oil in a dry frying pan. Add diced onion, stir and fry until lightly browned.

5) . We shift the onion into porridge, pour in a little water and mix. Warm up on the smallest fire, after which you can serve it to the table.

How to cook bean paste?


  • Dry beans (1 cup);
  • Carrots (2 pcs.);
  • Onion (3 pcs.);
  • Vegetable oil (5 tablespoons);
  • Salt (to taste);
  • Garlic (6-7 large cloves);
  • Black ground pepper(taste);
  • Water and vegetable broth(1-2 tablespoons).

Cooking process

1) . Soak beans for 10-12 hours in cold water. When soaking, it is advisable to change the water a couple of times.

2) . We clean the beans before cooking. Soaked skin is easy enough to remove, like with boiled potatoes.

3) . After cleaning, wash the beans and pour cold water, closing it by 3-4 cm. Put the pan on medium heat, after which we adjust it so that the water does not boil much, does not boil. Otherwise, the beans will boil into a mess. Cook until cooked (until soft). After 15 minutes, we check, if they are still hard, then cook further, but if they soften, then we reduce the fire so that they do not boil too much.

4) . Onion cut into small cubes. In a frying pan, heat two tablespoons of vegetable oil, pour the onion and fry over medium heat. We choose the degree of frying to taste. If the onion is left light, then the pate will turn out with a sweetish aftertaste. If fried too much, the taste will be "rougher", with hints of overcooked onions. In general, we focus on our preferences.

5) . Transfer the fried onion to a plate. Add oil, heat up and fry the carrots until soft. If desired, you can lightly brown it.

6) . Mix onions with carrots. Drain the broth from the beans, leave a little in case the pate turns out to be cool and needs to be diluted. Pour the boiled beans into the pan with vegetables. Mix, fry for 5 minutes.

7) . Transfer the fried vegetables and beans to a blender. We clean the garlic, pour it into the vegetables.

8) . With an immersion blender, grind everything until a thick homogeneous mass. In cases where it turned out to be very dense, pour in 1-2 tablespoons of a decoction of beans or water. Whisk again.

9) . Add salt and pepper to taste. Mix all the ingredients, leave for 10-15 minutes to gain flavor.

10) . Adding spices Provencal herbs, but it is better to put them before grinding with a blender so that the consistency of the pate is homogeneous.

11) . Cool the bean and vegetable pate after grinding. It can be served as a sandwich spread or as an appetizer.

Recipe #2. Bean paté with vegetables .


  • Dried beans (1.5 cups);
  • Carrots (3 pcs.);
  • Onions (2-3 pieces);
  • Vegetable oil (for frying);
  • Salt (to taste);
  • Garlic (3-4 cloves);
  • ground red pepper (to taste);
  • ground coriander (to taste);
  • Dill or parsley greens (to taste).

Cooking process

1) . Pour dried beans hot water and leave for 2-3 hours, after which we fill it with fresh water and cook until the beans soften.

2) . We rub the carrots on a coarse grater, cut the onion into rings, and then fry everything together in vegetable oil.

3) . We wash the boiled beans, mix with carrots and put on a slow fire.

4) . If necessary, add salt, spices to taste, tomato paste, herbs, garlic and simmer for another 30 minutes.

5) . We cool the finished mass, pass it through a meat grinder or grind it in a blender.

6) . The resulting pate, if desired, can be seasoned with vegetable oil or mayonnaise.

How to cook vegetable stew with beans?

Recipe #1. Vegetable stew with beans .


  • Beans (100 g);
  • Eggplant (1 pc.);
  • Zucchini (1 pc.);
  • Bulgarian pepper (1 pc.);
  • Carrots (1 pc.);
  • Onion (2 pcs.);
  • Garlic (4 cloves);
  • Tomato paste (70 g);
  • Apple cider vinegar (50 ml);
  • Sugar (2 tsp);
  • Salt (to taste);
  • Greens (to taste).

Cooking process

1) . We soak the beans in advance (it is advisable to do this at night, and prepare the dish the next day). After swelling of the beans, drain the water and transfer the beans to the pan, fill with water and put the pan on the stove. Bring to a boil and cook until the beans are tender but not overcooked. Dump the cooked beans into a colander.

2) . My eggplant and zucchini, cut off the edges and cut into cubes. We clean the pepper from the stalk and seeds, wash it well, cut into cubes.

3) . Peel the carrots and onions, wash and cut into cubes.

4) . We put a saucepan on the stove, pour in a little vegetable oil and heat it up, then pour the carrots, sauté, pour the onion, fry everything until slightly golden.

6) . In the meantime, take a small bowl, put in it tomato paste, sugar, vinegar, salt to taste, mix. We clean the garlic, wash it and pass it through a press into a bowl with tomato paste, mix.

7) . Prepared tomato sauce pour into a saucepan with vegetables, mix, simmer for a couple of minutes and remove from the stove.

8) . Wash greens, chop and add to vegetables. Vegetable stew with beans can be served at the table.

Recipe #2. Lentil and Soybean Ragout .


  • Lentils (1 cup);
  • green soy beans (0.75 cups);
  • Olive oil (2 tablespoons);
  • Red onion (1.5 cups);
  • Garlic (3 cloves);
  • Canned tomatoes without skins (400 g);
  • Lemon juice (6 tablespoons);
  • Fresh parsley (1 tbsp);
  • Fresh mint (1 tbsp);
  • Salt (0.5 tsp);
  • Ground cumin (0.5 tsp);
  • Ground red pepper (1/8 tsp);
  • Ground cinnamon (1/8 tsp);
  • Ground garlic (1/8 tsp);
  • Lemon wedges (for serving)

Cooking process

1) . Pour the lentils into a large saucepan, fill with water, put on medium heat, bring to a boil. Reduce heat and simmer until soft (about 20 minutes). Set aside the boiled lentils.

2) . Boil the beans in water until soft (about 2 minutes).

3) . In a cast iron saucepan over medium-high heat, heat the olive oil, spread the onion and garlic, cook, stirring (about 6 minutes). Pour boiled lentils, beans, parsley, mint, all spices into a saucepan and pour lemon juice. Cook the stew with lentils for a couple of minutes. Don't forget to stir occasionally.

How to cook chicken with beans?

Recipe #1. Chicken with beans .


  • Chicken fillet (500 g);
  • Beans (200 g);
  • Onion (1 pc.);
  • Carrots (1 pc.);
  • Salt, pepper (to taste).

Cooking process

1) . Soak beans overnight with plenty of water.

2) . Cut the chicken into portions, fry until golden brown.

3) . Cut the onion into rings, carrots into circles.

4) . Saute onions and carrots.

5) . Boil the beans until tender.

6) . We put chicken, onions, carrots, beans in layers in a pot, add spices.

7) . Pour boiling water and close the pot with a lid.

8) . Preheat the oven to 200 degrees, put the pot in it and simmer until the beans are fully cooked.

9) . To the table chicken with beans with greens or with a lot of broth and slices of bread.

Recipe #2. Chicken fillet salad with cabbage and beans .


  • Chicken fillet boiled cut into pieces (3 cups);
  • Chinese shredded cabbage (6 cups);
  • Frozen garden beans (1.5 cups);
  • Chopped green onion (4 pcs.).

For refueling

  • rice vinegar (2/3 cup);
  • Vegetable oil (2 tablespoons);
  • Honey (3 tablespoons);
  • Wasabi paste (2 tsp);
  • Salt (to taste);
  • Chopped garlic (2 cloves);

Cooking process

1) . Mix all ingredients for the dressing in a small bowl.

2) . Put the frozen beans in a colander, rinse under cold water so that they completely thaw. Place a colander over a large bowl to drain the water.

3) . In a large bowl, mix the beans, cabbage, boiled chicken and green onions.

4) . Drizzle dressing over salad, stir and serve.

How to cook stewed beans?

Recipe #1. Stewed beans with vegetables .


  • Beans (1 cup);
  • Carrots (2 pcs.);
  • Onion (1 pc.);
  • Tomato sauce or paste;
  • Spices (cloves, turmeric, allspice, bay leaf);
  • Salt (to taste);
  • Sunflower oil (for frying).

Cooking process

1) . Soak beans overnight in cold water.

2) . On the second day, wash the beans to clean water, pour water, salt and put on fire.

3) . Fry the onion in a pan until golden brown. Add spices and grated carrots.

4) . When the carrots are a little fried, add tomato sauce or pasta. Salt.

5) . Add vegetables to the beans, mix, cook until the beans are ready (30-60 minutes).

6) . Serve the dish hot, as a main course or as a side dish.

Recipe #2. stewed beans .


  • Chicken fillet (1 pc.);
  • Onion (2 pcs.);
  • Garlic (3 cloves);
  • Tomatoes in their own juice (400 g);
  • Dry white wine (0.5 cups);
  • Tomato paste (3 tablespoons);
  • Honey (2 tsp);
  • Apple cider vinegar (1 tbsp);
  • Beans (150 g);
  • Salt (to taste);
  • Parsley (1 bunch).

Cooking process

1) . Soak the beans and boil until tender.

2) . On high fire, olive oil fry chicken fillet diced. Add onion and garlic. We fry 4-5 minutes.

3) . Mash the tomatoes and add to the onions in the pan.

4) . Here we add wine, tomato paste and boil for 5 minutes.

5) . Add honey and vinegar.

6) . We transfer the mixture to a heat-resistant dish, add boiled beans, salt, pepper and simmer at 180 degrees for 30 minutes.

How to cook beans with minced meat?

Recipe #1. Green beans with minced meat in sesame sauce .


  • Chopped meat(500 g);
  • String beans (500 g);
  • Onion (1 pc.);
  • Crushed sesame (3-4 tablespoons);
  • Lemon or lime juice;
  • Water (1.5 cups);
  • Salt, pepper (to taste).

Cooking process

1) . Fry the onion until soft in vegetable oil, add minced meat and fry until golden brown. Salt, pepper.

2) . Cut the tails from beans or beans, cut into 2-3 cm pieces and add to the meat with onions. Fry for about 5 minutes.

3) . In the meantime, dilute the ground sesame seeds with water and beat with a whisk, gradually adding water. Salt and add lemon juice.

4) . Pour the sesame sauce into the cauldron and simmer all together until the beans are ready. Add hot water if necessary.

5) . Serve with rice at the table.

Recipe #2. Minced meat with beans

  • Celery (1 bunch);
  • Curry (1 tsp);
  • Ground cumin (1 tsp);
  • Ground paprika (1 tsp);
  • Salt (to taste);
  • Vegetable oil.
  • Cooking process

    1) . We split the oil in a frying pan, add finely chopped onion, garlic and add spices and chili peppers. Fry until golden brown.

    2) . Add beans, fry for 5 minutes. Then add finely chopped tomatoes and fry for 5 minutes. Add mince.

    3) . Add tomato paste and some water. Salt to taste.

    4) . Simmer until the beans are soft.

    5) . At the end of cooking, add finely chopped celery.

    Green beans as a valuable food product: composition and calorie content, main useful properties of the product, important contraindications for use. How to cook green beans at home.

    The content of the article:

    Green beans are unripe fruits of leguminous crops - annual, herbaceous plants, unpretentious in care. They began to be cultivated in ancient times. There is evidence that beans came to us thanks to Columbus, who brought them from the Mediterranean countries. However, some experts consider America (North and South) to be the birthplace of this culture, where it took pride of place in national dishes and agriculture. In the seventeenth century, this plant became widespread in Asia, Africa and Europe. The unripe fruits of legumes enjoy a special location among the inhabitants in Italy, Turkey, and Greece. It is believed that they have a lot of advantages over mature ones, because they have a more capacious chemical composition and are characterized by a more delicate taste.

    Composition and calorie content of green beans

    Green beans have a unique value compared not only to ripe beans, but also to other vegetable crops. have a special chemical composition. An important difference is the high protein content, similar to meat proteins.

    The calorie content of green beans is 72 kcal per 100 g of product, of which:

    • Proteins - 5.6 g;
    • Fats - 0.6 g;
    • Carbohydrates - 11.7 g;
    • Dietary fiber - 4.2 g;
    • Water - 81 g.
    • Ash - 1.1 g.
    Vitamins per 100 g of green beans:
    • Vitamin A - 18 mcg;
    • Vitamin PP - 1.5 mg;
    • Vitamin C - 33 mg;
    • Vitamin B1 - 0.17 mg;
    • Vitamin B2 - 0.11 mg;
    • Vitamin B5 - 0.086 mg;
    • Vitamin B6 - 0.038 mg;
    • Vitamin B9 - 96 mg.
    Trace elements per 100 g of product:
    • Iron - 1.9 mg;
    • Manganese - 0.32 mg;
    • Copper - 74 mcg;
    • Selenium - 1.2 mcg;
    • Zinc - 0.58 mg.
    Macronutrients per 100 g of product:
    • Potassium - 250 mg;
    • Calcium - 22 mg;
    • Magnesium - 38 mg;
    • Sodium - 50 mg;
    • Phosphorus - 95 mg.
    Essential amino acids per 100 g of product:
    • Arginine - 0.463 g;
    • Valine - 0.274 g;
    • Histidine - 0.134 g;
    • Isoleucine - 0.251 g;
    • Leucine - 0.432 g;
    • Lysine - 0.370 g;
    • Methionine - 0.043 g;
    • Threonine - 0.208 g;
    • Methionine - 0.043 g;
    • Tryptophan - 0.056 g;
    • Phenylalanine - 0.228 g.
    Non-essential amino acids per 100 g of product:
    • Glycine - 0.23 g;
    • Aspartic acid - 0.631 g;
    • Alanine - 0.228 g;
    • Glutamic acid - 0.855 g;
    • Proline - 0.252 g;
    • Serine - 0.246 g;
    • Tyrosine - 0.196 g;
    • Cysteine ​​- 0.077.
    Fats per 100 g of product:
    • Omega-3 fatty acids - 0.2 g;
    • Omega-6 fatty acids - 0.1 g;
    • Saturated fatty acids - 0.1 g;
    • Monounsaturated fatty acids - 0.017 g;
    • Polyunsaturated fatty acids - 0.31 g.

    Health Benefits of Green Beans

    Due to the increased content of nutrients, unripe beans are able to have a beneficial effect both on the human body as a whole and on its individual systems and organs.

    We offer you to get acquainted with the useful properties of the described product:

    1. Gastrointestinal tract. The dietary fiber and dietary fiber contained in beans can prevent digestive problems such as hemorrhoids, constipation, and ulcers. Some minerals can normalize metabolism, protect the intestinal mucosa from toxins.
    2. urinary system. With problems with urination, excessive accumulation of sodium salts in the body, which is fraught with increased pressure and the development of edema, green beans help increase urine production and accelerate its excretion, freeing the cells from excess water.
    3. The cardiovascular system. Green beans help improve heart function, prevent the risk of developing and exacerbating vascular diseases, maintain the required level of cholesterol and blood sugar due to the natural antioxidants included in the composition. Magnesium and potassium are responsible for normal blood pressure, omega-3 levels in the body, thereby reducing the risk of heart attacks.
    4. Skeletal system. Vitamin D and silicon contained in beans promote the absorption of calcium, providing the necessary bone strength. Also, the product has a beneficial effect on their recovery, prevents the development of bone diseases and improves the general condition. Useful properties are also manifested in relation to tooth enamel, because this vegetable promotes tissue mineralization, significantly improves dental health and prevents the development of inflammatory processes in the gums. Therefore, the use of green beans is recommended for school-age children, tk. it is during this period that active growth and further replacement of milk teeth by molars take place.
    5. visual organs. Beans have a beneficial effect on the internal structure of the eye, protecting it from stress factors. The beneficial substances of these fruits are able to improve the functioning of the entire visual system, as well as prevent age-related changes. Vitamin B1, which is part of the composition, contributes to the prevention of cataract and glaucoma diseases.
    6. Nervous system. Regular consumption of green beans saturates the body with essential amino acids, including lysine. It, in turn, has a beneficial effect on nervous system, making a person more calm, balanced, contributes to the normalization of sleep.
    The beneficial properties of unripe beans are often used in the treatment and maintenance of the body in certain diseases, as well as during gestation and during breastfeeding. So, green beans are useful in the following cases:
    • Oncology. Scientists have proven that the benefits of green beans are also manifested in stimulating the immune system, preventing the risk of cancer. The anti-carcinogenic substances contained in them help cells fight the development of tumors, and also slow down their growth. Doctors give individual recommendations on the introduction of green beans into the diet to people living in areas contaminated with radionuclides or exposed to radiation due to professional activity. This is justified by the property of the product to remove radioactive isotopes and heavy metals from the body.
    • Diabetes. TO useful properties beans also include their ability to lower blood sugar levels, as well as prevent diabetes.
    • Avitaminosis and nutritional deficiencies. Unripe beans were recommended to be eaten by patients with beriberi, rickets, scurvy, and dystrophy. Nowadays, such recommendations are given to people with increased mental or strength loads, as well as to athletes, because. calories in green beans nutritional composition significantly help restore strength and balance of nutrients in the body.
    • Pregnancy and lactation. Folic acid, which is an essential component of green beans, is very beneficial for the female body. In combination with B vitamins, it contributes to the proper development of the fetus, strengthens the heart of the child. Beans must be included in the diet not only for pregnant women, but also for nursing mothers, because. they are a good source of iron, which is essential for maintaining optimal hemoglobin levels. It is also believed that the components that make up green beans can relieve the symptoms of the menstrual cycle and menopause in women.

    Harm and contraindications to the use of unripe beans

    Everything, even the most healthy foods, can have contraindications, and green beans are no exception.
    1. For diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. The use of beans can lead to the accumulation of gases in the intestines, flatulence, so they are not recommended for use in diseases of the pancreas, gout, colitis, constipation, hepatitis.
    2. In old age. It is known that all processes occurring in the body gradually slow down with age. So, in older people, the digestion of food slows down, so the use of unripe legumes leads to some disturbances in the functioning of the digestive organs.
    3. Under the age of 3 years. At this age, the digestive system is not yet developed enough to digest complex foods.
    Read the packaging very carefully, follow the instructions for preparation. Dried beans must be thoroughly cooked, because. they may contain toxins that can cause poisoning.

    Green bean recipes

    Due to their properties, green beans are widely used in cooking. They are used as a side dish, in salads, soups and as a separate dish. In some countries, beans are made into flour and used to make bread. The Belgians, Danes, Bulgarians give special preference to this culture, the Dutch and the British also actively use it. Green beans occupy a significant place in traditional and national dishes, which is why they can be found in any supermarket.

    We offer several recipes for green beans in compliance with all the rules:

    • Salad "Hercules". A very simple recipe for a nutritious and healthy salad which can be prepared in just a couple of minutes. The main ingredients are fresh green beans, frozen or boiled (200 g), Bulgarian red pepper (1-2 pcs.), Hard cheese (100 g), dill and parsley, yogurt or sour cream (1-2 tablespoons) . The cooking method is extremely simple: grate the cheese, cut the pepper into cubes, chop the greens, put all the ingredients in a form suitable for salad and season with yogurt. A snack from such a dish will leave you feeling full for a long time and fill you with energy.
    • . It will need ingredients such as turkey or other poultry fillet (200 g), potatoes (2-4 pieces of medium size), onions (1 piece), carrots (1 piece), fresh or frozen green beans (50 d), water (1 l), dill, parsley, fennel to taste, salt, black pepper, bay leaf. Method of preparation: Peel onions and carrots, grate and bring to half-cookedness in a pan. Add diced fillet to it. Fry everything until golden brown. Transfer the resulting mass to a saucepan and fill with water. Peel potatoes, cut the classic way, put in a saucepan. Next, beans and salt are added. The mass is brought to a boil. Cooking time - 10-15 minutes on low heat. After that, the greens and spices chopped together with the stems are added to the soup to taste. Before serving, you can put a piece of butter in portions on a plate, this will give the soup a more delicate and rich taste.
    • Vegetable stew with beans in a slow cooker. To prepare the stew, you can add almost any component from the category of vegetables, depending on preferences, seasonal conditions. This recipe is more versatile. The ingredients are as follows: peeled green beans (50 g), sweet potato or potatoes (2-3 pcs.), Onions (1 pc.), Carrots (1 pc.), Bulgarian red pepper (1-2 pcs.), White cabbage, Brussels sprouts or broccoli (200 g), eggplant (1 pc.), tomatoes (1-2 pcs.), spices (salt, pepper, various types of peppers and mixtures of herbs, garlic), water (250 ml). Cooking a dish in a slow cooker is a fairly simple process. Vegetables are washed, peeled, cut into cubes. white cabbage chop, color is divided into elements. A little vegetable oil is poured at the bottom. The first layer must be laid onions and carrots. All other vegetables can be laid out in any order. The whole mass is sprinkled with spices and poured with water. Cooking should be on the "Extinguishing" function for 60 minutes. Due to the lack of frying, the dish turns out to be more useful.

    Green beans are quite nutritious and low in calories. But it is worth noting that, despite this, the dishes from them are not dietary, because. grains are digested for quite a long time - more than 4 hours. And this, in turn, can cause unwanted fermentation processes in the intestines.

    Unripe fruits are valued more, because. at maturity and long-term storage The sugar in green beans is converted into starch.

    There are several subtleties in the use of this food product:

    1. Dry beans must be heat treated.
    2. It is advisable to store them in the refrigerator for no more than two days, otherwise they lose their properties and appearance.
    3. Green beans lend themselves well to freezing and are widely used in canned form.
    4. Before use, it is necessary to cut off the tips and remove the fibers, pour over with boiling water or boil, keeping the green color.
    5. If the recipe requires the beans to boil, then before cooking, it is advisable to soak them in hot water for an hour or two.
    6. Even if there are no individual contraindications to the use of green beans, dill or fennel should still be used in cooking to reduce fermentation in the intestines.
    A special attitude to green beans was in ancient Greece. So, representatives of the local nobility, including Pythagoras, categorically did not eat unripe beans, believing that they could dull thinking and cause insomnia. Although at one time the famous Greek Dioscorides used a decoction of unripe beans as a medicine for intestinal diseases.

    How to cook green beans - look at the video:

    Green beans - incredible useful product. They are used not only for feed and industrial purposes, but also in folk medicine. To do this, flowers of fruits, seeds and the beans themselves of varying degrees of maturity are harvested. Tinctures, powders, lotions are made from them.

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