Home Kashi Famous oriental sweet. Nougat - oriental white sweet with nuts. Types of oriental sweets

Famous oriental sweet. Nougat - oriental white sweet with nuts. Types of oriental sweets

Oriental sweets is a generic name for confectionery products of the Transcaucasian, Arab, and Central Asian cuisines. Nuts, sesame seeds, raisins, candied fruits, vanilla, ginger, licorice, rose water and many other ingredients are widely used in the preparation of oriental sweets in combinations unusual for Western confectioners. Oriental sweets can be made in the form of caramel and montpensier (for example: roasting, kozinaki), sweets (lokum, halva, nougat), flour products (baklava, kyata). In the East, all kinds of sweets are called "halyaua", which in Arabic means "sweets" (hence, by the way, the word "halvah" came from).

Once upon a time, only healers and pharmacists were engaged in the manufacture of oriental sweets. “Sweets are a sign of joy. They heal the soul, nourish the brain and fill with happiness!” - said from time immemorial in the East. Healers claimed that sweet has amazing properties. With the help of delicious medicines, you can quickly improve your health! Sweets were attributed magical powers and healing properties. Actually sweet taste helped to mask the unpleasant taste of the medicine, which was placed inside the turkish delight or a piece of nougat. And sweets without a medicinal filling were prepared for the padishahs and noble people. In Europe, delicacies from the far East appeared around the 17th and 18th centuries, served in the richest houses as gourmet delicacies.

The range of oriental sweets is very wide. All sweets are divided into three groups: products such as soft candy or caramel, various fruit or milk desserts and flour products. Caramel-type sweets are made by melting honey, molasses or sugar. Crushed or whole kernels of nuts are added to the hot caramel mass - peanuts, pistachios, cashews, walnuts or sesame (sunflower) seeds. The resulting mass is given the desired shape, cooled and packaged. Finished products have a solid texture, differ in the recipe of the caramel mass, finish, shape and size (almond kozinaki, cashew kozinaki, walnut, sesame seeds, roasted nuts, nuts in chocolate or caramelized oech). Shaker-pendyr is prepared from the drawn caramel mass in the form of slanting pads, it is made vanilla, mint, lemon, ginger, and parvadu - sweet pads sprinkled with flour. The caramel-based sweets are also popular in different countries halva.

Halva in Arabic means "sweetness". This is a product that consists of thin caramel fibers and lightly fried grated oilseed kernels between us. not only very tasty, but also nutritious, thanks to the content of fats and proteins, in addition to sugar. There are the following types of halva: tahini, peanut, sunflower, walnut and combined - when several types of oil seeds or nuts are used simultaneously.

Oriental sweets such as soft candies are most often made from sugar-treacle syrup with egg whites and the addition of nuts, dried fruits or candied fruits. However, syrup for this type of sweets is boiled less than for ordinary sweets, so the resulting products have a softer texture. Oriental sweets such as sweets, depending on the recipe and method of manufacture, are divided into: nougat, whipped delight, Turkish delight, oilu, ala, cream log, chuch-hela and sherbet.

Obtained by boiling sugar-treacle syrup, agar, starch with the addition of flavoring and aromatic substances. This is a soft and delicate marmalade type product, its surface is densely sprinkled with powdered sugar. Initially, Turkish delight was made from fruits, rose water, honey, crushed almonds and starch, but over time, more and more new recipes began to appear. So, walnuts and pistachios, colorful fruit juices, fresh fruits and chocolate began to be used to make Turkish delight. And at the beginning of the 18th century, another variety of Turkish delight appeared, which was called “white splendor,” confectioners from the Turkish city of Afyon came up with the idea of ​​diluting the sweet mass with melted cream.

Today, Turkish Delight is made from syrup, agar (a natural gelling agent made from red algae), starch, and fruit juice, fruits, or nuts. Turkish delight is sprinkled with powdered sugar on top, or - these are the trends of the new time - coconut flakes. Lokum differs in shape and size. In the shops of oriental sweets, you can see the following types of lokum: cubic, rolled, whole, sliced, two-layer and children's (in the form of animal figures). Next of kin Eastern Turkish Delight- marmalade.

Another popular "candy" oriental dish- . Sweets made from a sweet viscous mass are perhaps the most popular delicacy in European countries. The exact origin of Nuga is unknown, but most likely she appeared in Persia and was initially available only to the padishahs. For its preparation, egg whites, starch, as well as roasted nuts, raisins, dried apricots, cinnamon, cocoa or fruit pieces. Nougat can be anything - creamy, lemon, tangerine, chocolate, almond - everything is limited only by the confectioner's imagination. The only exception is that real nougat cannot be made from peanuts. There are two types of nougat - white and brown. Caramelized sugar is added to brown nougat, and it turns out to be more dense and even crunchy in texture. White nougat is obtained from sugar-treacle syrup, whipped with egg whites, with the addition of nuts, raisins, dried apricots and other additives. The finished mass is cooled and cut into rectangles or squares.

Flour oriental sweets are all kinds of combinations of honey, sugar, nuts and dried fruits. These products are made from sand, yeast or unleavened dough With different fillings, and in finished form they are often soaked in syrup or honey. Flour oriental sweets are cookies, cakes, pies with sweet filling and rolls. But, the most famous flour sweetness is baklava or baklava. The famous layered dessert the thinnest dough and nut filling, soaked in spiced syrup is very common in the cuisines of the peoples of the former Ottoman Empire. And each baklava has its own secrets and "zest".

Baklava is a multi-layered dessert made from sheets of paper-thick dough that are smeared with oil and laid out in layers in a rectangular baking dish or rolled into cylinders. Traditional baklava is made from 8-12 thin layers (in some types, the number of layers reaches 40) of dough with nut filling between them. Ground and finely chopped walnuts or pistachios are laid out between layers of dough, the cake is cut into pieces, sprinkled with honey and put in the oven. There are baklava recipes in Spain, Great Britain and the USA, although the baklava recipe has some differences here. So, the British prepare baklava with chocolate, and the Americans add maple syrup to it.

The famous oriental sweets include sherbet - a chilled dish of fruit juice and puree and very similar to popsicles. Sherbet is a dessert of Iranian origin, popular in Central Asia and the Caucasus. However, for example, in Azerbaijan, light, liquid sherbets, used mainly as soft drinks, have come into use, while in Tajikistan, heavy, thick sherbets are common, used more like jam. Sherbet can be very different - from fragrant colored fudge with crushed nuts to a soft drink. Traditional oriental sherbet was made from rose hips, dogwood, rose, licorice and various spices. In Europe, sherbet was transformed into sorbet - delicious dessert fruit and ice cream.

Unfortunately, in our time it is difficult, and sometimes even impossible, to find high-quality oriental sweets. Replete with preservatives, dyes and other achievements of the chemical industry, they often turn out to be unpleasant in taste. Not to mention the fact that recently the number of people suffering from food colorings or . So The best way guaranteed to get tasty, high-quality and useful product is to make it yourself.

Oriental sweets eaten with a cup of coffee or tea, along with your story about an amazing trip, what could be better. This is the most ideal end of the working week and pleasant memories of your tourist trip to Egypt, Turkey, Tunisia and other eastern countries.

Oriental sweets is a tasty name that combines a huge number of a wide variety of sweets that have been created in the countries of the East for more than one millennium. They represent confectionery completely different in composition and preparation technology. It is believed that Afghanistan, Turkey and Iran have the largest selection of delicacies. Nuts, dried fruits, sunflower, sesame seeds, candied fruits, spices, raisins, honey, etc. are often used to make oriental sweets. Today we have prepared for you an overview of the most popular and interesting recipes sweets of the East, which include various nuts.

In ancient times, such a product as sugar was practically inaccessible, and therefore all foods acquired sweetness through fruit juices and honey. The preparation of this type of dessert was considered a real art. Sweets had a rather high price and were available only to wealthy people.

The hot climate also played a role in the history of oriental delicacies. The technology of their preparation is such that they can be stored for quite a long time without any cooling facilities. It is known that our favorite marshmallows, marshmallows, marmalade were first created in the East. Everyone knows the names of such delicacies as kozinaki, nougat, halva, baklava, sherbet and churchkhela. Let's figure out what oriental sweets with nuts are called and how they can be prepared.

If you want to steal a girl's heart, comfort a crying child, or earn the respect of a gray-haired old man, just treat them to their favorite sweets.

An old Arabic proverb.

Turkish delight pomegranate

Translated from Turkish, the name of this dessert sounds like “Turkish delight”. The delicacy can be made from starch, molasses (honey, sugar), water, sometimes coconut flakes - this is the so-called white delight. Walnut delight is widespread when whole or crushed nuts are added to such a mass.

To prepare oriental sweets with nuts for 5 people, we need:

Put sugar in a small saucepan, ½ part of the total citric acid, pour a glass of water. Heat until thickened for half an hour. In another container, mix starch, 400 ml of water, juice and the remaining citric acid, bring to a boil and cook for 3-5 minutes. We combine the starch mass and sugar syrup, keep the mixture on low heat for 30-35 minutes, it should turn into a homogeneous, smooth mass. Add sesame seeds and nuts to the pan, mix and spread the mass into a mold. We cover the product with a film and put it in the refrigerator for one night. In the morning we cut the oriental sweetness with nuts into cubes. By the way, the calorie content of such a dessert is quite high and amounts to 510 kcal / 100 g. It will take you about 10 hours to prepare.


We offer to cook oriental sweetness with walnuts with the addition of sultanas. Dessert belongs to Uzbek cuisine and looks like a kind of candy. Let's cook:

  • 1 st. walnuts and sultanas;
  • 20-30 g of cookies;
  • powdered sugar for sprinkling.

Black sultanas are best for delicacy, which has a slightly sour taste, and besides, it is healthier. We sort out the ingredients (nuts and sultanas), rinse and dry, grind in a blender at high speed. We spread the mass in a container, if the mass is too liquid, add cookies to it. With wet hands, form into small balls Walnut and roll well in powdered sugar. The treat is ready!

Nougat - oriental white sweet with nuts

Traditionally, this delicacy, beloved by many, is made from honey or sugar, different kind roasted nuts and egg white. For cooking, take:

  • 300 g of sugar;
  • 100 ml of water;
  • 100 grams of pistachios;
  • 80 g of honey;
  • one egg white.

How to cook?

Fry pistachios and other nuts intended for making nougat in a dry frying pan. Separate one article. l. sugar from the total amount and put aside. Pour the remaining sugar into a saucepan and pour water into it. We put it on the stove and turn on the burner.

Please note: before the syrup boils, it is necessary that the sugar is completely dissolved.

After the syrup boils, you should choose such a thermal regime so that the minimum bubbling of the syrup is maintained.

Cook until a temperature of 110 ° C, then add honey and mix gently. After that, the syrup is boiled to a temperature of 135-137 ° C. Beat the protein with a spoonful of sugar and pour the finished syrup (130 ° C) into it in a thin stream with continuous beating. Continue beating until the mixture thickens. Add the nuts to the mixture. We line the form with parchment and put the nougat into it. Remove to a cool place and let cool completely.


An oriental sweet with nuts called kozinaki has an unusual taste. Children especially like its taste. Let's start cooking treats.

  1. Pour a glass of sugar into the pan, send four glasses of water to it and boil until it thickens.
  2. Pour two cups of pre-roasted nuts (almonds, peanuts) into the syrup, mix, remove from heat and cool slightly.
  3. Spread the still warm mixture in an even layer on the film, then roll it out and leave it to cool completely.
  4. Cut the cooled mass into triangles or give any other shape.

Nut sweets

Such desserts are made from fruit juices, butter, condensed milk, flour, sugar with the addition of almonds, peanuts, walnuts, hazelnuts and cashews. Oriental sweets with nuts include roasting, churchkhela, gozinaki, nougat and various cookies.

  • 1 cup of any nuts (peanuts, hazelnuts, etc.);
  • 100 g cl. oils;
  • a bank of condensed milk;
  • sesame.

Note that before preparing a dessert that includes any nuts, they must first be fried. This procedure will make them taste better and enhance the aroma.

Cooking technology

We fry the nuts, and after they have cooled, we separate the husks from them. Dissolve the butter in a deep saucepan and combine it with condensed milk, cook until the mixture thickens. Make sure that the mass is not digested, otherwise the confectionery will turn out to be very hard. ready mix remove from heat, add nuts to it and mix very quickly. Immediately pour into the form, which was previously covered with foil. Level the surface and allow the mass to cool thoroughly. When this happens, cut the dessert into pieces and roll in sesame seeds.

Baklava with peanuts and pistachios

This delicacy is a multi-layer cake, which consists of sheets of the thinnest dough, smeared with butter. They are laid out in a baking dish in layers, between which are chopped nuts soaked in a syrup consisting of sugar, lemon, rose water. Consider how to cook such an oriental sweet with nuts and honey.

Nuts, separately, grind in a blender, combine peanuts with powdered sugar. Melt the butter in a frying pan and grease the mold with it. We lay out a sheet of dough in it, soak it abundantly with oil and sprinkle with chopped peanuts. Alternate layers until the form is completely filled. Lubricate the last sheet well with oil and sprinkle with pistachios and peanuts, cut into squares. Bake at 180°C for about 35 minutes. We put honey in a saucepan, pour it with 100 milliliters of water, bring to a boil and cook for 10 minutes. Pour the baked products with honey syrup, cover with foil and leave overnight. The calorie content of such baklava is 665 kcal / 100 g.

What are the Eastern countries associated with? Of course, with national sweets. And Cyprus is no exception. I always scold myself that I can walk the same streets and never go into some stores. And in vain!!! Because there are a lot of interesting and useful things in them. Such as, shop of oriental sweets "SWEETY" in the harbor of Kyrenia, which was a great discovery and surprise for me. The kind host treated us to his delicacies and told us where and what they get.

The store has a lot of products from Turkey, but they make all the loose sweets themselves at their factory in Nicosia. They have three stores in total, one in Kyrenia and two in Nicosia. It turned out that products in the tourist place itself are cheaper than at fairs, markets and festivals. The owner also said that in their delight they use natural sugar, and not its substitutes, so the delicacy is of better quality and more expensive.

The assortment just amazed me, because you only expect Turkish delight from a showcase with Turkish delight))) but more on that later. And in the store, all prices are the same for everyone))))

Nuts, sesame seeds, honey, raisins, candied fruits and spices - vanilla, ginger, licorice are widely used in the preparation of oriental sweets. They are also distinguished by the fact that oriental sweets could be stored for quite a long time in a warm climate, and they did not deteriorate from this.

The history of oriental sweets goes back many centuries. The exotic delicacies of the far East were unknown to Europeans for a long time. In Europe, they appeared around the 17th - 18th centuries, they were served in the richest houses as exquisite delicacies.

Oriental sweets brought to the court of a European king as a gift were the best sign of attention and were equal in value to the cost of spices and precious stones. They have an atypical tasty, pleasant aroma. It has become a traditional gift bought by tourists in Eastern countries. Many who travel to Turkey, Greece and Cyprus are eager to taste this taste and feel the sensations of this country.

The beautiful names of Turkish delight, baklava, halva, sherbet, all these oriental sweets beckon not only with taste, but also with names. And kind sellers strive to treat you with a piece of this or that delicacy.

Let's move on to the assortment of the store. I was just killed by the amount of my "want" in my head. Whole racks of Turkish teas, all kinds of sweets, all kinds of jars, a sea of ​​​​spices, etc.

I'll start with tea. Once I saw the comments of people who were looking for loose tea (not in bags). So, there is a whole rack of tea on the left side. Tea in bags, a million flavors, tea for brewing natural and not natural (with the addition of flavoring agents), different in weight, and also gift (for tourists). Honestly, my eyes widened. But I made my choice and Murat helped us a lot, pointing out the most natural of them)))

Let's move on to sweets. Turkish delight and fruit and nut desserts.
One of the most popular Turkish sweets. For the first time, the Turkish delight recipe was compiled in the 18th century. Turkish court confectioner Ali Bekir. Turkish delight was originally made from rose water, sugar and starch. Over time, they began to add chocolate, nuts, pistachios, lemon zest, honey, cinnamon, fruits, coconut flakes. Lokum is usually prepared in a cubic shape and in the form of rolls. It can be whole and multi-layered, as well as in the form of a sausage stuffed with walnuts, covered with grape juice thickened with flour. In Turkey, it is called “cevizli sucuk”, this type of delight is familiar to everyone under the Georgian name “churchkhela”. There may also be other types.

I have already said that they sell their sweets by weight. It is also convenient because you can try everything. They are responsible for their quality with their heads))) and put in them only organic products. There are various colored sausages on display. Made from natural pomegranate juice, nuts, rose petals, etc. I want to try absolutely everything))) But after the first or second piece it becomes cloying in the mouth. Prudent owners put a cooler with water.

According to historians, the first "baklava" appeared in the Ottoman Empire in 1453, the court cook of the Topkapı Palace first cooked it for Sultan Mehmed Fatih, the Sultan was so impressed by its unusual taste that he ordered the method of making baklava to be included in the palace recipe book.

Baklava is prepared from the thinnest puff pastry with nuts and soaked in sherbet. Depending on the filling, baklava can be “dzhevizli” (cevizli) - baklava with walnuts, “fistykly” (fıstıklı) - with pistachios, “fındıklı” - with hazelnuts. There is a baklava with the addition of cocoa or chocolate.

Milk is added to the sherbet baklava “sutlu nuriye”, and hazelnuts are used for the filling. Due to milk, her taste becomes unusually tender and not so sugary-sweet.

Almost everyone knows about this delicacy. Prepared from caramel mass and grated oil seeds. There are several types: peanut, nut, caramel, chocolate, vanilla, sunflower, tahini (from sesame seeds).

A delicate delicacy, a bit reminiscent of cotton candy in structure, and in appearance a ball of woolen threads. Prepared from flour and viscous mass obtained as a result of prolonged boiling sugar syrup. The most interesting thing begins when several confectioners begin to knead the resulting mass, stretching it, turning it into the thinnest threads.

"Jeserie" is prepared from carrot and pomegranate juice with the addition of nuts, sprinkled with coconut flakes.

Unusual combination of taste, original additives and natural ingredients make oriental sweets a sought-after product in the market of many countries. Every housewife is able to prepare such a dessert at home. Adults and children will be happy to eat delicious dish with nuts and dried fruits.

Confectionery products typical for the cuisine of the peoples of Transcaucasia and Central Asia are usually called oriental sweets.

Their distinctive feature is special spices and additives that are not characteristic of Europeans when preparing a dessert.

There are about two hundred varieties of oriental sweets. Some of them require special equipment and experience.
Most adults and children know what oriental sweets are. The most famous of them:
Turkish Delight;
There are other varieties of this delicacy:
We recommend cooking popular oriental sweets at home to surprise loved ones with an original and healthy dessert.

Oriental sweet with nuts

Oriental sweets with nuts taste reminiscent of the well-known Mars and Snickers chocolates. To prepare them you will need the following ingredients:
1 cup nuts: peanuts, walnuts, hazelnuts;
100 g butter;
condensed milk packaging;

Cooking method:

1. Roast nuts in a pan without oil.
2. Melt 100 g of butter in a deep container.
3. Add condensed milk to it.
4. Keep on fire until the composition thickens. Condensed milk should not be digested.
5. Remove mixture from heat, add nuts. Everything is thoroughly mixed and poured into molds that are pre-covered with cling film.
6. The cooled mass is cut into pieces and rolled in sesame seeds.
No less popular is the recipe for sherbet with nuts. It turns out especially tasty if you cook it according to the generally accepted standard. For this you need to take following products:
300 g of condensed milk;
200 g hazelnuts;
150 g of sugar;
40 ml of water;
25 g honey;
a pinch of salt.

Recipe according to GOST:

1. Hazelnuts are lightly roasted for about 10 minutes.
2. Put sugar and water on fire and stir until completely dissolved.
3. Add honey, bring to a boil and cook for 3-4 minutes.
4. Pour condensed milk, sprinkle with salt and mix.
5. Cook the composition until light brown.
6. The container is removed from the fire and cooled by placing on ice.
7. When the mass begins to thicken, beat it.
8. Do this until it becomes viscous.
9. Then it is washed with hands and heated a little in the microwave.
10. Add hazelnuts to the delicacy, mix and spread in a form covered with parchment. Oriental sweet with nuts is ready.
When the sherbet hardens, it is cut and eaten with aromatic tea.

Recipe with raisins

An inexpensive and spectacular dessert can be prepared using an oriental raisin cake recipe. Required Products:
1.5 cups of sugar;
two eggs;
a glass of strong tea;
125 g butter;
1 large spoon sunflower oil;
half a teaspoon of soda;
vinegar for extinguishing;
200 g raisins;
2 cups of flour;
a pinch of cinnamon, cloves and vanilla sugar.

Step by step recipe:

1. To begin with, strong tea is brewed.
2. Next, pour half a glass of sugar into a hot pan.
3. When it melts, pour sugar into tea and keep on fire until it dissolves.
4. Beat the eggs and add the melted butter and then vegetable.
5. After that, tea with sugar is poured into them.
6. All ingredients are mixed and flour is added to them.
7. When the mass becomes thick, pour in soda slaked with vinegar, sprinkle with vanilla sugar, add crushed cloves.
8. Cover the baking dish with paper.
9. Put raisins into the dough and pour it into a container.
10. Cook the cake for 30-40 minutes at a temperature of 170-180 degrees. Then lower the temperature to 50-70 degrees and hold for another 15-20 minutes. Oriental sweet with raisins is ready.
You can also add nuts, finely chopped prunes and dried apricots to the dough.

classic baklava

Baklava recipes vary from country to country. All of them are united by several standard principles of preparation. It's a thin layer of dough sweet filling with nuts, honey and oil filling. It is worth preparing baklava for dessert classic recipe. For this you will need:
500 g flour;
200 g sour cream;
300 g butter;
2 eggs;
1 small spoon of baking powder;
2.5 cups of nuts;
2.5 cups of sugar;
150 ml of water;
50 g honey;
spices as desired.


1. 200 g of butter is softened in the microwave, 1 egg, sour cream are added to it and mixed.
2. Pour flour with baking powder and knead the dough. The composition is sent to the refrigerator.
3. Nuts are crushed and 100 g of sugar and spices are added to them. Suitable cardamom, vanilla, cinnamon.
4. The dough is taken out of the refrigerator and divided into 4 pieces.
5. Each part is rolled out with a very thin layer to the size of the mold.
6. The filling is divided into 3 parts, the dough is laid out on a baking sheet.
7. Evenly distribute nuts with sugar and spices. And so repeat 3 more times.
8. The top layer of dough is cut into portioned pieces in the form of rhombuses, without touching the lower layers.
9. Mix the yolk with water and grease the entire surface with it. A nut is placed on each diamond.
10. The form is placed in the oven and kept for 15 minutes at a temperature of 200 degrees.
11. Then the baklava is taken out and passed with a knife along the walls of the mold, as well as between the rhombuses, without affecting the lower layers.
12. The surface is watered with 100 g of melted butter. The form is returned to the oven for 30-40 minutes.
13. Mix the remaining sugar with water and cook until slightly thickened. At the end add honey.
14. A fully baked dessert is poured with a second pour, updating the cuts on three layers of dough in advance. After cooling, baklava is cut into pieces and placed on a dish.
Nuts for dessert, you can choose any. Some housewives prefer to mix several types.

Homemade Turkish Delight

The technology of making Turkish Delight has spread all over the world. Now housewives can cook this dish on their own at home. This will require:
450 g of granulated sugar;
100 g of corn starch;
500 ml of purified water;
8 g of citric acid;
120 g nuts;
60 g of powdered sugar;
flavorings and colorings as desired.

Turkish delight recipe:

1. Nuts are roasted for 5-7 minutes.
2. Pour 1.5 cups of water into the pan and add sugar, half of citric acid. Everything is mixed until the grains dissolve and put on fire.
3. After boiling, keep the composition on low heat until it thickens.
4. In another container, mix the remaining water, lemon and starch. Everything is cooked until translucent.
5. When the mixture thickens, pour in the contents of the first pot and simmer on the stove for 25 minutes.
6. Introduce flavors, nuts, dyes.
7. Forms with cells are covered with paper and the mixture is poured inside.
8. The cells are placed in the refrigerator for 8 hours. When the delicacy has cooled, it is cut as needed and sprinkled with powdered sugar.
Very tasty to drink green tea without sugar, along with Turkish delight, which is prepared by one's own hands.

sunflower halva

The halva recipe is quite simple. Even a novice hostess will cope with it. To prepare an oriental sweet, you will need the following ingredients:
a glass of sunflower seeds;
0.75 cups of flour;
a third of a glass of sugar;
50 ml of water;
50 ml vegetable oil;
a quarter teaspoon of vanilla.

Cooking method:

1. Seeds are fried in a pan, stirring.
2. Fry the flour to a yellowish tint.
3. The seeds are crushed in a blender.
4. Add flour and vanillin to them.
5. Mix water and sugar, put on a slow fire and cook, stirring.
6. When the syrup begins to thicken, it is poured into flour with seeds. All products are well kneaded.
7. The form is lubricated with oil and the resulting composition is laid out in it.
8. The mass is placed in the refrigerator, and after 2-3 hours they are taken out and cut into pieces.
Homemade halva is much tastier than store-bought sweets. Oriental cake is made from available products. For the test you will need:
4 eggs;
1 cup of sugar;
0.5 cups of raisins;
half a glass of walnuts;
1 glass of flour.

Cream Ingredients:

1 can of condensed milk;
250 g butter;
5 teaspoons of cocoa;
1 small spoon of coffee;
dark chocolate for sprinkling.


1. Eggs are thoroughly beaten with sugar.
2. Add raisins, chopped nuts and flour. Everything is well mixed.
3. Pour in soda slaked with vinegar.
4. Divide the dough into two parts, and bake the cakes for 20 minutes at a temperature of 200 degrees.
5. Beat butter with condensed milk.
6. Add coffee and cocoa, whisk again.
7. Lubricate the cooled cakes with the resulting cream, sprinkle with grated chocolate on top and decorate with any nuts.
You can not add coffee to the Mosaic cake. Dessert is still delicious.

Dried fruit laddu

Laddu is a sweet cake made from dried fruits. They do not deteriorate for a long time, so they can be stored in reserve. A great option in case guests suddenly come. For cooking you will need:
150 g raisins;
150 g dried apricots;
100 g nuts;
3 tablespoons of sesame;
2 tablespoons flaked coconut.


1. Sesame seeds are fried in a dry frying pan until brown.
2. Raisins and dried apricots are crushed with a meat grinder.
3. Mix dried fruits, sesame seeds and roasted nuts. Add coconut to them.
4. From the resulting mixture, hands make balls the size of a walnut.
If desired, they are rolled in colored shavings. This is how you can quickly and easily prepare a tasty and healthy treat.

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