Home General issues Oriental sweet Turkish delight: composition and calorie content. Turkish delight - benefits and harms to the body

Oriental sweet Turkish delight: composition and calorie content. Turkish delight - benefits and harms to the body

Oriental sweets have gained extraordinary popularity all over the world. And their variety allows everyone to choose a treat to taste. One of the most popular sweets is Turkish delight. However, this dessert, beloved by many, brings not only pleasure and benefits. Of course, if you compare Turkish delight with pastries or chocolates, then it is better for adults to give preference to Turkish delight, but in a very moderate amount.

Useful composition of Turkish delight

The basis of the classic delight is sugar syrup with starch, which determines the high calorie content of this product. So, on average, Turkish delight contains 320 kcal per 100 grams, which is slightly higher than marmalade, which contains an average of 310 kcal. However, the calorie content of Turkish delight is much lower than the calorie content of halva, beloved by many, which is almost 500 Kcal per 100 grams of sweetness.

IN the perfect recipe lucuma sugar and starch should be supplemented with freshly made fruit puree or natural fruit juice. However, modern manufacturers often replace natural ingredients with molasses and other substitutes.

The properties of Turkish delight will directly depend on its composition, in which agar-agar can be used instead of starch, and honey instead of sugar. Therefore, carefully read the packaging, which should indicate the composition of Turkish delight: sugar, starch, fruit juice or fruit puree. There may also be a small amount of flavorings, plus nuts (except for peanuts, which are not added to Turkish delight), candied fruits, berries, dried fruits. Also, the taste of Turkish delight can be decorated with spices (vanilla, ginger, cinnamon or saffron, which gives the delicacy a rich orange-yellow color). Turkish delight is traditionally sprinkled with powdered sugar or coconut flakes on top so that the sweet pieces do not stick to each other.

Lokum - soft dessert, which means that its hardness indicates the staleness of the product.

About the benefits of Turkish delight

Of course, the composition of this oriental sweet, beloved by many, determines its properties. If Turkish delight contains nuts, then they give the body a boost of energy, saturate it with vitamins and minerals, strengthening health and increasing the body's defenses.

Sugar, as well as honey, has a beneficial effect on mental performance and on the work of the heart. When spices are added to Turkish delight, it has bactericidal properties, helping to cope with viral diseases. Dried fruits are also a source of vitamins and valuable trace elements.

However, pectin, which is found in fruit puree, can be called the most important beneficial component of Turkish delight. Pectin has a beneficial effect on the work of the intestines, not only saving from constipation, but also removing toxins, toxins and excess cholesterol.

high calorie content Turkish delight makes it a product that is "dangerous" for the figure and for people with diabetes.

However, significantly reduce the calorie content of Turkish delight and increase its useful qualities, you can prepare this dessert yourself and, therefore, adding less sugar, as well as supplementing the delicacy with healthy ingredients.

Turkish delight recipes

Despite the fact that there are many cooking recipes, they are all based on starch brewed in sugar syrup.

Turkish delight recipe with nuts

To prepare an oriental sweet, you will need three glasses of granulated sugar, six glasses of water, three glasses of starch, half a glass of powdered sugar, coconut flakes and peeled almonds (hazelnuts).

First you need to divide the nuts into halves and pour the starch into three glasses of water. Mix sugar and the remaining three glasses of water and make syrup from them. In the finished syrup, you need to pour starch in a thin stream and add nuts. The resulting mixture should be boiled until thickened.

The prepared form should be greased with oil and pour hot Turkish delight into it with a layer of 2-2.5 centimeters. When the sweet has cooled, it must be rolled in a mixture of powdered sugar and coconut flakes. Each slice of Turkish delight can be garnished with a whole roasted nut.

fruit delight recipe

Mix sugar and water in equal proportions, bring the resulting syrup to a boil and add starch to it, stirring constantly. As the liquid thickens, you need to add fruit puree to it, which you can prepare from any fruit or berry. The boiling mixture should be kept on low heat for a few more minutes, then put into molds for ice and cool.

Using this recipe, you can get a less calorie and more healthy treat.

How to preserve the beneficial properties of Turkish delight

If you do not live in hot Africa, then you should not store Turkish delight in the refrigerator. It will be enough to wrap it in food paper (parchment) to protect it from excess moisture. In such a package, in a cool, dry place, Turkish delight will be stored for at least 6 months and even up to a year.

The Tale of Lokum

If you translate the words "Turkish delight" into Russian, you get a "comfortable piece", and in another translation "delight for the throat." Both definitions are correct in relation to this oriental sweetness.

Lokum is usually served with tea or fruit juice. And you can season it without tasty dish an old story that starts like this...
A long time ago in one of the eastern countries, there lived a very capricious padishah who was not indifferent to sweets. However, it was not easy to please this ruler. Court confectioners succeeded one another, but the exacting lord was not satisfied with their culinary abilities. The fame of the demanding padishah spread all over the eastern lands.
One day, a young man came to the palace and announced that he could surprise the ruler with his culinary art and prepare a wonderful sweet for him. The confectioner brought with him a syrup made from rose petals, combined it with honey, spices and ground nuts, heated the resulting mixture and added starch to thicken it. When the dessert had cooled, the young man cut it into small pieces, which he laid out on a golden platter. He sprinkled the resulting delicacy with fine powdered sugar and served it to the padishah.
The unusually tasty, pleasant and soft delicacy conquered the ruler and he gave it the name “Turkish Delight”, which meant “a convenient delicate piece”. Over time, the delicacy fell in love with the inhabitants of the East and they began to store it in special boxes, as a precious item.

Of course, the veracity of this legend cannot be verified, but the wonderful delicate taste Everyone can try Turkish delight, as well as cook this delicacy on their own, at home.

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Turkey is the birthplace of such a beloved sweet as Rahat-Lokum. This is a real oriental sweet!

The history of this sweet is very interesting, although not known to everyone. The emperor, having broken his teeth on another candy, immediately demanded to make them soft. It was after this incident that such delicious, soft and tender sweets appeared.

On the shelves of stores, such sweetness looks like this: chopped pieces of soft candy, which are abundantly sprinkled with sweet powdered sugar. Such sweets are usually brought by tourists from sunny countries. However, you can make your own Turkish Delight at home. Ingredients and inventory are on the website zapodarkom.com.ua. Don't forget to take a silicone mat. What's stopping you? Cook delicious food yourself and delight your family! See how to make homemade Turkish delight below.

Composition of Turkish Delight

Nowadays there are many recipes very delicious sweets Turkish Delight. Usually this candy is made from all known products: sugar, molasses, starch and, of course, various fillers such as chocolate, nuts, dried fruits. Very often, sugar is replaced with honey. Often mixed with various fruit juices. In general, a real Turkish delight - Lokum should have a white color. When it is made in production, various food additives and dyes are added.

Useful properties of Turkish sweets

Rahat-Lokum is a source of energy for the human body. Due to the large amount of sugar, it heats up our body and brain.

Most healthy candy those that contain natural juices and real nuts. After all, all of the above contains a very large amount of vitamins and minerals that are so necessary for our body.

Well, and finally, like any sweetness, it simply improves mood. After all, snacking on sweet candy is a reason for joy.

Are there any harmful properties of Rahat-Lukuma?

No matter how many useful properties, harmful ones cannot be ignored either. Rahat - Lokum is sweet, and therefore teeth can deteriorate very quickly from overeating.

Rakhat sweets are contraindicated for those people who have a disease such as diabetes mellitus. After all, after eating this sweetness, such people will very quickly increase their blood sugar levels.

And, of course, we must not forget that Turkish Delight is produced in factories where they can not do without various kinds of food additives and dyes that do not contribute to improvement.

In any case, such sweets should not be abused, and certainly should not be consumed in kilograms. It is, after all, a gastronomic delight.

Legends of Rahat-Lukum

There are many legends about this sweet. There is even one Eastern fairy tale about this.

A long time ago, a very capricious ruler lived in the East, who loved sweets, but could not find the very thing, no one could satisfy his needs. But at one fine moment, the confectioner was still able to satisfy the gastronomic desires of his master.

Rahat Lokum Recipe! He mixed honey, rose petal extract, almonds and spices. When this mixture warmed up, starch was added there. When all this mixture had cooled, he cut it into pieces, sprinkled with powdered sugar and served.

The ruler liked this delicacy so much that it became his favorite. He called it, translated into Russian, "tender pieces."

To believe this fairy tale or not is everyone's business. But no one doubts that Rahat-Lokum is liked by everyone.

Three centuries ago, these elastic pieces of pleasure with a floral flavor were available only to the elite.

Today, the delicious creation of the confectioners of the Ottoman Empire - Turkish delight - is considered one of the best means depression prevention.

Turkish delight is one of the most famous oriental sweets.

What else is Turkish delight useful for, what is it made of, and can it be prepared tender delicacy at home?

Eastern fairy tale

According to legend, in order to please the sultan, who was tired of being content with hard oriental sweets, the Turkish confectioner of the late 18th century, Ali Mahiddin, poured a viscous mass of hot sugar syrup and starch dissolved in water into a flat mold, and when the sweet mixture froze, sprinkled it with powdered sugar and cut it into small pieces. , comfortable pieces.

Convenient pieces - this is the translation of the Turkish name Turkish delight that is most widely used. But there is another meaning - pleasure for the throat.

Soft pieces of pleasure pleased not only the fastidious Sultan, but also the numerous inhabitants of his harem, which became the reason for further confectionery experiments. Figs, nuts, honey, fruit juices, spices and even rose petals were added to the simple recipe. The form of the treat has also changed. Modern Turkish delight resembles animal figurines and fruits; it can be “rolled” into a roll, whole or two-layered.
Today there is an unimaginable number of varieties of Turkish Delight

Pleasure with benefits

Whether Turkish delight is good for the body can be judged by its components.

Water, sugar, and starch are the only ingredients in white delight and are required in other varieties.

Representative simple sugars- glucose, which abounds in a delicate delicacy, contributes to increased secretion of "happiness hormones" - endorphins, generates energy for the heart and brain, and has a positive effect on the condition of the hair.

Its tandem with another simple sugar - starch - after certain chemical metamorphoses, is converted into a special substance with antiviral activity, which prevents susceptibility to colds.
Thanks to this set of "utilities", the classic white Turkish delight is not contraindicated even when breastfeeding. You need to introduce it into the diet gradually, using it in the morning and observing the skin reaction of the baby.

When using Turkish delight during pregnancy, you should be content with small "portions of pleasure" - like any sweet treat, it can cause bloating.

What else can Turkish delight contain, and how is it useful?

The more natural ingredients Turkish delight contains, the higher its benefits. Thus, the addition of nuts and honey to the recipe contributes to the activation of sexual function in men and women. Turkish delight with bergamot tones well, and with rose oil it drives away depression and restores strength. If Turkish delight is "involved" in orange juice, beneficial features it is determined by the antiviral activity of ascorbic acid.
Orange Juice Turkish Delight is a Great Source of Vitamin C

Knowing of limits

But still, you should not actively lean on Turkish delight: the product contains a considerable amount of “fast” carbohydrates, and its immoderate consumption threatens with a significant weight gain.
The calorie content of one cube of regular Turkish delight is 60.3 kcal; walnut - from 63 to 65 kcal. Least Calorie Pink and Chocolate Turkish Delight: the energy value one soft candy "fits" in 56-59 kcal.

On average, one sweet piece contains 3 teaspoons of sugar. For this reason, nutritionists do not recommend using Turkish delight in a diet aimed at combating obesity, as well as for diabetics.

People seeking to lose weight often ask another question: is there any fat in Turkish Delight?
Its content in 100 grams of tender treats is 0.2 - 0.7 grams. Therefore, Turkish delight can become a sweet “compromise” for weight loss - eat 1-2 pieces of it in the morning instead of rich desserts with cream. The only exception is a delicacy made from carrots, which contains up to 15 grams of fat.

Often, lovers of Turkish delight doubt: is it possible to use it in fasting? All the ingredients of these fragrant sweets are exclusively of plant origin, the use of which is not forbidden even during fasting.

Cooking a delicate delicacy with our own hands

It seems that they figured out what it is - Turkish delight and what it is made of. But let's add a secret: current manufacturers often "imitate" the delicate aroma of oriental sweetness, replacing natural ingredients with synthetic dyes and flavors. And even in the homeland of delight - in Turkey - they often sin with completely unhelpful E-components. And therefore, it is more reliable to cook Turkish delight with your own hands.

But first you need to familiarize yourself with some technological tricks:

  • Factory-made Turkish delight contains preservatives, which is why its shelf life can reach six months. When preparing homemade treats, they are not used, and therefore it should be eaten within a few days;
  • To freeze the Turkish delight, it is placed in the refrigerator for 12-14 hours;
  • So that the sweetness does not gain moisture over time, it is first rolled in starch, and then in powdered sugar;
  • except food ingredients, you will need 2 containers - a brass basin for making jam and an enameled cauldron.

How Turkish delight is made in the factory - see the video:

How to cook Turkish Delight at home?

It is best to start a confectionery experiment by preparing Turkish Delight as the classic Turkish recipe recommends:

  • Wheat or rice starch (750 gr) pour 2 cups of cool water and leave it to swell;
  • At the same time, we cook sugar syrup, observing the proportion for 900 grams of sugar - 2 cups of water. During its preparation, foam is formed, which should be carefully collected;
  • After waiting for the sugar syrup to become absolutely transparent, stir the “approached” starch to a homogeneous mass and, stirring constantly, pour it into a container with syrup, which is left on fire until the sweet mass begins to lag behind its edges and walls.

    When this happens, remove the container from the heat, add a small amount of diluted gelatin or gum tragacanth to the resulting brew - they will give the future delicacy lightness and tenderness;

  • Harmless food coloring can be added if desired;
  • Now is the time to stir well and pour the sweet mass onto the prepared sheet, and take it out to the cold. Cut the frozen mass into pieces, which are gently rolled in powdered sugar.

Video recipe for classic Turkish Delight:

It is easy to make Turkish Delight at home using this recipe:

  • Dilute 3 cups of starch in the same amount of water, stir the lumps and leave for a while;
  • After pouring 3 cups of sugar into another container, pour it with 3 cups of water; stirring, bring to a boil and periodically remove the foam;
  • When the sugar syrup becomes transparent, pour the starch solution into it, not forgetting to quickly stir the latter;
  • Add half a glass of peeled and halved almonds;
  • Stirring continuously, boil the sweet mass until it becomes thick;
  • Put the thickened mass on a baking sheet, and, moistening your hands with cold water, form a layer 2-2.5 cm thick;
  • When it cools down, cut into “convenient” pieces for you and roll each of them in powdered sugar.

Turkish delight from carrots will not make you spend a lot:

  • Grated on a fine grater 800 g of carrots, pour 250 g of sugar and, putting it in a saucepan, simmer over medium heat for 15 minutes, until the juice is released. In order not to burn, you can add 3-4 tbsp. water;
  • Prepare and add lemon and lemon juice to the carrot syrup. orange peel, only 1 tbsp.
  • Dilute 150 g of corn starch in 50 ml of cold water, break up the lumps and, combining with carrot puree, cook for a few more minutes, stirring thoroughly;
  • Soon the mass will turn orange and begin to thicken. As soon as she begins to “depart” from the walls of the saucepan, remove it from the stove and take care of the walnuts;
  • Coarsely chop them half a glass and, combining with the carrot mixture, stir with a wooden spatula;
  • Put the finished mass in a low layer (2-2.5 cm) in a low container covered with foil and send it to “spend the night” in the refrigerator;
  • In the morning, cut into "handy pieces" and dip each in coconut flakes or powdered sugar.

You will find a detailed recipe for carrot Turkish delight in the video:

Another delicacy that is good for the body - Protein Bars. You can read all about them

Delicious pumpkin Turkish delight in diseases of the digestive system is indicated as a sweet medicine:

  • Cut into large pieces 200 gr pumpkin;
  • Pour 400 g of sugar into a separate pan and pour it with 100 ml of water, boil until completely dissolved. Add pieces of pumpkin to the finished syrup and continue to cook over medium heat;
  • When the pieces solar fruit become soft, remove the pan from the heat, let the sweet mass cool slightly and use a blender to turn it into a smooth puree;
  • Add the juice of half a lemon, mix and - again on the fire;
  • Dissolve 2 cups of starch in 1.5 cups of water and, getting rid of lumps, add it to the boiled puree. Don't forget to stir;
  • After a couple of minutes, remove the pan from the heat;
  • Pour the cooled puree into the greased butter a low shape (up to 2.5 cm) and refrigerate for a couple of hours;
  • Cut the frozen mass into pieces and dip each in powdered sugar.

After preparing delicious Turkish delight and comparing its benefits and harms to the body, enjoy the pieces of pleasure without forgetting the sense of proportion.

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This sweet oriental delicacy is popular all over the world: millions of tourists who visit Turkey bring it as a souvenir to their relatives and friends. Repeating the taste of dessert at home is not as easy as it might seem at first glance, however, with the knowledge of the correct cooking technique, this task is feasible for any housewife.

What is Turkish delight made from?

There is a mass different types Turkish delight, however, they all have a similar basis. The key components of the dish are starch, sugar / molasses, water. Turkish delight often includes all kinds of nuts. Previously, the delicacy was prepared only by specially trained masters - kandalatchi - who knew all the secrets of making Turkish delight. Today, the dessert recipe is available to any interested person, so you can cook it yourself.

How to cook Turkish delight at home

For those women who love cooking, the opportunity to make traditional Turkish delicacy will become a holiday, since there are many variations in the preparation of Turkish delight: from classic white, to pumpkin, berry, nut, honey. At first glance, the recipe for Turkish Delight is simple, since it involves the use of a minimum of components, but the pastry chef will need to be patient in order to do everything right and get the expected result.

The basis of the dessert is a thick, concentrated sugar syrup (molasses) mixed with a starch paste. The latter is preferable to take corn rather than potato. Syrup for treats is prepared in water, flower decoction or juice, while its quantity is arbitrary: each lokum recipe can provide a different amount of liquid. Often, nuts, pieces of fruit are added to the dessert, and coconut flakes or powdered sugar mixed with starch are used as a powder.

Turkish delight with peanuts - recipe

  • Cooking time: 1 hour.
  • Calorie content of the dish: 400 Kcal / 100 g.
  • Purpose: dessert.
  • Cuisine: Eastern.

Sweets are usually classified as junk food, with the exception of Turkish Delight with peanuts. Thanks to natural composition product, it does more good than harm. A large number of calories in dessert is due to glucose - the main source of energy for the human body and a key participant in the metabolic process. Sprinkle pieces of Turkish delight on top with powdered sugar or coconut flakes.


  • starch - ½ tbsp.;
  • peanuts - 100 g;
  • sugar - 2 tbsp.;
  • citric acid - 1 tsp;
  • powdered sugar - ¼ tbsp.;
  • food coloring and fragrance;
  • water - 2 tbsp.

Cooking method:

  1. Peanuts should be roasted in a dry frying pan or oven at high temperature for 10 minutes.
  2. Fill the pot with 1.5 tbsp. water, dissolve sugar and half of the prepared citric acid in it.
  3. When the syrup boils, reduce the heat to high and continue to boil the liquid until it acquires a caramel shade and the consistency of a thick jelly.
  4. Combine the starch, the rest of the water and citric acid. Place the mixture on low heat and keep on the stove until cooked (the mass should turn out to be translucent, thick).
  5. Pour the syrup here, mix the mixture until smooth. Boil the resulting mass for 15 minutes.
  6. Add dye, peanuts, flavoring. Pour the prepared mass into a lokum mold lined with cling film and refrigerate for 8 hours. After cooling, cut the dessert into small pieces. Sprinkle them on each side with sweet powder.

Turkish delight from carrots

  • Cooking time: 1 hour.
  • Number of servings: for 6 people.
  • Calorie content of the dish: 264 kcal / 100 g.
  • Purpose: dessert.
  • Cuisine: Eastern.
  • Difficulty of preparation: medium.

The delicacy is prepared from different products (fillers) and for every taste. Described below original recipe cooking a dish with which you can make an unusual carrot Turkish delight. Such sweetness from flour has not only a pleasant, incomparable taste and beautiful appearance, but also has a lot of benefits, because it includes a lot of vitamins and other valuable substances. How to make lokum worthy of a sultan?


  • water - 1/3 st.;
  • coconut flakes - 100 g;
  • peeled carrots - 0.5 kg;
  • lemon zest - 30 g;
  • starch - 180 g;
  • walnuts- 150 g;
  • sugar - 150 g.

Cooking method:

  1. Carrots should be grated on a fine grain, put in a saucepan, pour 3 tbsp. l. water, add sugar. Turn on low heat, stir occasionally so that the vegetable does not burn.
  2. Grind nuts, zest.
  3. After about 15 minutes of boiling, the carrot shavings will change color to a lighter one, then you can add nuts and lemon zest to the saucepan.
  4. Add 3 tbsp to starch. l. chilled water, stir the mixture well until it acquires the consistency of sour cream.
  5. Mix the resulting mass with the contents of the saucepan. After a little holding on fire, remove the container from the stove.
  6. Take the right form. Cover the bottom with parchment, put the mass on top, evenly distributing it over the container.
  7. When the mixture has cooled, cover the top of the mold with cling film, which should be pricked a few times with a toothpick to allow air to enter.
  8. Leave the product in the cold for 8 hours, then cut the frozen piece into small cubes about 2x2 centimeters in size. Roll them in coconut flakes.

Turkish delight from pumpkin

  • Cooking time: 1 hour.
  • Number of servings: for 8 people.
  • Purpose: dessert.
  • Cuisine: Eastern.
  • Difficulty of preparation: medium.

Healthy pumpkin Turkish delight home production- An ideal option for a treat that you can sometimes pamper children with. Preparing the product is not difficult: the cooking process does not require a lot of free time, and expensive components are not needed. Such a dessert can be consumed even with pancreatitis or other diseases associated with the digestive system. Below is a recipe with a photo of a healthy Turkish delight.


  • lemon juice - 30 ml;
  • sugar - 0.4 kg;
  • water;
  • pumpkin - 0.2 kg;
  • potato starch- 2 tbsp.

Cooking method:

  1. Cut pumpkin into small slices.
  2. Combine ½ cup of water with sugar, put the container on the fire and boil the syrup until the crystals are completely dissolved.
  3. Add the pumpkin pieces to the syrup, continuing to cook the product over moderate heat.
  4. When the vegetable becomes soft, without removing it from the syrup, cool the product.
  5. Grind it to a smooth puree with a blender.
  6. To the resulting puree, add lemon juice, mix thoroughly.
  7. Put the puree back on the stove. Pour starch diluted with water into a saucepan with a boiling mass (dissolve it in 400 ml of liquid, stirring the contents of the glass vigorously).
  8. Stir the ingredients continuously while pouring in the starch, watching how quickly the contents of the dish thicken.
  9. Stir the mixture with a spatula for a few minutes to prevent lumps from forming, then remove the pan from the heat.
  10. When the puree has cooled, pour it into Plastic container or a ceramic suitable form, which must first be greased with butter.
  11. Send the product to the refrigerator for several hours, and after the dessert has hardened, put it on a flat plate and cut it into small cubes with a sharp knife, each of which should be rolled in sweet powder.

Turkish delight white

  • Cooking time: 1 hour.
  • Number of servings: for 6 people.
  • Calorie content of the dish: 350 kcal / 100 g.
  • Purpose: dessert.
  • Cuisine: Eastern.
  • Difficulty of preparation: low.

White lokum (the so-called delicacy in Turkey) has a very delicate taste, so even the most fastidious sweet tooth will like it. Each master prepares a dessert in his own way, adding certain components, however, to find simple recipe white Turkish delight can be found on Turkish forums. At the same time, if you follow all the rules of cooking, you will get a delicacy no worse than those sold in Turkey. How to cook a dish at home?


  • sugar - 7 tbsp. l.;
  • whipped cream - 75 ml;
  • semolina - 7 tbsp. l.;
  • milk - 3 tbsp.;
  • grated coconut - 100 g;
  • almonds, other nuts (optional)

Cooking method:

  1. Mix sugar, semolina, milk in a bulk bowl. Cook the mixture over low heat until thickened.
  2. Let the mixture cool down to room temperature then pour in the whipped cream.
  3. Refrigerate the dessert base for 40 minutes.
  4. Then, using a spoon dipped in water, give the mixture a suitable shape. Dip each formed piece into coconut flakes, put on a dish, decorate with nuts.

Turkish delight with pistachios

  • Cooking time: 1 hour.
  • Number of servings: for 7 people.
  • Calorie content of the dish: 327 kcal / 100 g.
  • Purpose: dessert.
  • Cuisine: Eastern.
  • Difficulty of preparation: medium.

National Turkish sweet - rahat lokum - is known all over the world. Traditionally, dessert is served with coffee or tea, but it is no less tasty to drink it with freshly squeezed juices or chilled milk. Pistachio lokum has an unusual, pleasant taste, so many tourists tend to taste the delicacy again. Below is the process of making Turkish delight with the addition of starch at home.


  • water - 1 tbsp.;
  • sugar - 3.5 tbsp.;
  • pistachios - 200 g;
  • citric acid - 20 g;
  • powdered sugar;
  • grated coconut;
  • starch - 1 tbsp.;
  • cinnamon.

Cooking method:

  1. Mixing water with granulated sugar, boil the syrup. Add starch here, continuing to cook the mixture until thickened, then pour into it citric acid.
  2. Put pistachios on a baking sheet, fill them with the resulting mass. Sprinkle the remaining nuts on top.
  3. When the product has cooled, cut it into small slices, roll first in powdered sugar, then in coconut flakes.

Turkish delight classic

  • Cooking time: 1 hour.
  • Calorie content of the dish: 316 kcal / 100 g.
  • Purpose: dessert.
  • Cuisine: Eastern.
  • Difficulty of preparation: medium.

The finished delicacy looks like elastic pieces sprinkled with powdered sugar. They make such a pleasure for the palate from different fruit syrups, with all kinds of fillings, which is the reason for the existing variety of types of Turkish delight. The classic recipe involves cooking delicacy from rose petals. This component paints the dessert in a beautiful color and gives it an incomparable delicate taste. You can eat such a dish even during pregnancy or diseases of the digestive tract. Below is a homemade recipe for classic Turkish delight.


  • starch - 1 tbsp.;
  • lemon peel - 10 g;
  • sugar - 1 tbsp.;
  • lemon juice - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • powdered sugar;
  • water - 2 tbsp.;
  • rose water or rose petal jam - 3 tbsp. l.

Cooking method:

  1. To make syrup, heat water and add sugar, lemon juice, and grated zest to it. When the contents of the pan come to a boil, lower the heat and stir constantly until the sugar has dissolved.
  2. Pour rose water or jam into the resulting syrup, leave the dishes on the stove for another 4 minutes, making sure that the syrup does not become too thick.
  3. When the mixture takes on a beautiful caramel tone, dissolve the starch in chilled water, then pour it in a thin stream into the syrup and mix so that no lumps remain.
  4. Keep the ingredients on low heat until thickened.
  5. Transfer the resulting mixture to a mold and let it cool for a while (it will take about 5 hours).
  6. Turkish delight cut into small cubes, each of which must be rolled on all sides in sweet powder.

Strawberry Turkish Delight

  • Cooking time: 1 hour.
  • Number of servings: for 3-4 persons.
  • Calorie content of the dish: 164 kcal / 100 g.
  • Purpose: dessert.
  • Cuisine: Eastern.
  • Difficulty of preparation: medium.

Sweet cubes of Turkish delight are somewhat similar to marmalade, they are eaten with pleasure by adults and small sweet teeth. Since this dessert is relatively low in calories compared to others, it can be indulged in (in moderation) even while on a diet. homemade recipe strawberry Turkish delight involves the use of the main components - sugar and gelatin, while real Turkish chefs add agar-agar to the sweetness, thanks to which the dessert becomes viscous.


  • lemon - ½ pc.;
  • gelatin - 15 g;
  • sweet powder - 150 g;
  • strawberries - 0.2 kg.

Cooking method:

  1. Grind the berries with a blender until smooth. Add gelatin to the component and leave it to swell in the juice.
  2. Then add powdered sugar, juice of half a citrus here. Stir the mass and heat over low heat, making sure that all the gelatin dissolves (do not bring the mixture to a boil).
  3. Remove the container from the heat, cool, beat its contents with a mixer for 5 minutes.
  4. Pour the resulting mass into a suitable form, previously covered with wax paper. Refrigerate Turkish Delight for 5 hours or longer. Then cut the dessert into squares, sprinkle with sweet powder and serve with tea / coffee.

Turkish delight recipe

  • Cooking time: 1 hour.
  • Number of servings: for 5 persons.
  • Calorie content of the dish: 320 kcal / 100 g.
  • Purpose: dessert.
  • Cuisine: Eastern.
  • Difficulty of preparation: medium.

Such oriental sweetness you can eat even those that follow your figure. If you use honey instead of sugar, then such a dessert will have even greater benefits for the body. Turkish delight, in addition, contains starch and almonds. You can store it in a tin or ceramic dish with a lid. Below is a detailed description of how to prepare a treat at home.


  • powdered sugar - 50 g;
  • sugar - 0.5 kg;
  • vanillin - 5 g;
  • water - 250 ml;
  • corn starch - 50 g;
  • syrup or honey - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • rose oil - 1 g;
  • lemon zest - 1 tsp;
  • nuts - 50 g.

Cooking method:

  1. In a hot syrup of 150 ml and half a kilogram of sugar, pour in the starch, previously soaked in boiled water. cold water(100 ml).
  2. Keep the mixture on fire for 5 minutes, then screw the burner to a minimum and continue to stir the liquid, watching how it gradually thickens.
  3. Add butter, nuts, vanillin here, without stopping stirring the components.
  4. Pour the resulting mass onto a silicone baking sheet, let it cool for 5 hours, then divide into square pieces.
  5. Sprinkle the dessert first with starch, then with sweet powder. You need to do this so that the Turkish delight is stored longer.

Apple Turkish Delight

  • Cooking time: 1.5 hours.
  • Number of servings: for 4 persons.
  • Calorie content of the dish: 300 kcal / 100 g
  • Purpose: dessert.
  • Cuisine: Eastern.
  • Difficulty of preparation: medium.

Fruit delicacies of Turkish origin often contain dyes and flavors that can cause allergic reactions in children, so it is better to make such desserts at home using only natural products. Turkish delight from apples turns out to be tasty and fragrant, while it is better to use sweet varieties of the fruit. How to prepare a dish?


  • sugar - 50 g;
  • corn starch - 120 g;
  • walnuts - 50 g;
  • water;
  • coconut flakes;
  • sweet apples - 4 pcs.

Cooking method:

  1. Peel the apples, which are best washed under warm water first to get rid of the wax layer.
  2. Take some water in a saucepan, add sugar here, boil the syrup.
  3. Dip the peeled, chopped apples into it, reducing the heat to a minimum.
  4. Send walnuts, starch dissolved in cold water to languishing fruit pieces (you need to add it to the boiling mixture in a thin stream).
  5. In order for the jam to acquire the desired transparency and uniformity, stir the mixture constantly. Simmer it for at least an hour on low heat.
  6. Pour the slightly cooled jam into a suitable form, wait for the product to cool, then cut the Turkish delight into small pieces, which should be rolled in coke shavings.

Turkish delight chocolate

  • Cooking time: 2, 2 hours.
  • Number of servings: for 8 people.
  • Calorie content of the dish: 170 kcal / 100 g.
  • Purpose: dessert.
  • Cuisine: Eastern.
  • Difficulty of preparation: medium.

Cooking Turkish delight is not a very difficult task, but it requires attention, patience, and diligence. Homemade delicacy is a great option for treating guests who come in for a cup of tea or coffee. It is convenient to take Turkish sweets with you on a trip or to work, but you should stock up on more of them to treat your colleagues with dessert. How to make Chocolate Turkish Delight?


  • lemon;
  • chocolate - 100 g;
  • egg whites - 2 pcs.;
  • dry milk - 75 g;
  • sugar - 1 kg;
  • starch - 125 g;
  • powdered sugar.

Cooking method:

  1. Proteins should be whipped until foamy.
  2. Connect Separately powdered milk from 1.5 st. water, sugar, lemon juice and chocolate chips.
  3. Enter whipped proteins here.
  4. Put the container on medium heat, wait until the mixture is almost boiling, mix it gently.
  5. Dilute starch with water (3 tablespoons), pour gently into chocolate mass. Constantly stirring, wait for the products to thicken.
  6. Pour the base into the mold, let it harden, then sprinkle the dessert with sweet powder, cut into cubes.

What is sprinkled with Turkish Delight

It is important not only to observe the technique of preparing a delicious Turkish delicacy, but also to take care of its safety. So that the finished starch sweetness does not lose its presentable appearance, the pieces must be sprinkled with a mixture of starch and powdered sugar. This also prevents them from sticking together and the dessert from losing moisture. Some culinary experts decorate ready-made Turkish delight with grated coconut, chocolate, multi-colored powder.

Video: Turkish delight with nuts

Turkish Delight is one of the most famous sweets of the East, which they learned to cook in our country. In the homeland of this dessert, it is briefly called "Lukum". "Lokom" is translated from Turkish as "pieces". The addition of the word "rahat" (means "pleasure", "comfort") characterizes the taste and describes the feeling that a person feels after tasting this delicacy. Collectively, the full name translates from Turkish as "a piece of pleasure", and in Arabic as "throat satisfaction". Before you buy such a sweet or try to cook it yourself, we invite you to get to know Turkish delight, find out what it is, what it is made of, as well as the benefits and composition of this product.

In Europe, they learned about this dessert only in the 19th century, when one traveler, returning from Turkey, brought a whole box of such a delicacy home to England. He called it "Turkish Delight" (in the original language "Turkish Delight").

An interesting fact: the sweet tooth of all Europe appreciated this unique product. For example, the world famous artist Pablo Picasso said that Turkish delight helped him focus on his work. And Winston Churchill preferred Turkish delight with the addition of pistachios.

What is Turkish delight and what is this oriental sweet made of?

To put it simply, Turkish delight is a confectionery product that is very popular in eastern states and is considered traditional dish Balkan Peninsula.

In almost every grocery store or supermarket you can find this amazing delicacy. It looks like small pieces of a rectangular or square shape, and sometimes oval, which are sprinkled with powdered sugar.

There are a huge number of varieties of this sweetness (about 600 species). Five main types can be distinguished from a wide range:

  1. Walnut.
  2. Fig.
  3. Fruit.
  4. White.
  5. Honey.

What is Turkish delight made from? It all depends on the recipe and variety. The traditional ingredients are:

  • Sugar;
  • Starch;
  • Water.

Sometimes nuts, some berries or fruits are added to the composition, they can be replaced with candied fruits or juices. Instead of sugar, in some cases, honey or molasses is used. For decoration, take coconut flakes. In Turkey and Syria, Turkish delight is a sweet that contains flour. If it was not used in cooking, then such a delicacy is called “shaker-delight”.

Interesting to know: although these sweets can have a variety of exotic fillings, the easiest option is to use rose water in the preparation, which colors the sweetness in a characteristic shade.

There is practically no fat in Turkish delight, however, 90% of its composition is sugar. For density in natural product soluble acacia gum or gum arabic is used ( food supplement E414), which is acacia resin. However, most often, gelatin is used instead of this additive to reduce the cost of the process, but such a dessert cannot be compared with real sweets in taste.

Turkish Delight Calorie

Do not forget that Turkish delight is considered confectionery, therefore, those who monitor their weight should know how much of this sweetness can be eaten. The calorie content of this product depends on the components. The average is 350 calories per 100 g. However, this figure varies depending on what additional ingredients are added to the sweets:

  • With hazelnuts - 386 kcal (in 100 g) and 66 (in 1 pc., This is about 17 g);
  • With peanuts - 397 kcal (in 100 g) and 68 (in 1 pc.);
  • With walnuts - 374 kcal (in 100 g) and 64 (in 1 pc.);
  • Fruit - 410 kcal (in 100 g) and 70 (in 1 pc.);
  • Pink - 331 kcal (in 100 g) and 56 (in 1 pc.).

So, we can conclude that eating more than 50 g of this delicacy is not recommended for those who are losing weight. The best time to eat this product is the first half of the day.

Note: Turkish Delight goes well with unsweetened black and green tea as well as coffee without sugar. Only in this case, he will be able to reveal all his taste. If you serve it with compote, juice or other sweet drinks, the unique taste will be lost against the background of other sweets.

The benefits of Turkish Delight for the human body

The statement that everything tasty is necessarily harmful is not true. Take, for example, Turkish delight, how is this dessert useful?

Firstly, the glucose contained in it contributes to the normalization of the brain and affects the production of serotonin - the hormone of happiness, from which a person feels emotionally better, and his mood rises.

Secondly, the beneficial properties of Turkish delight are due to its composition. For example, pistachios are added to some types of this delicacy, and they are considered to be an aphrodisiac. As part of such a dessert with nuts, there are enzymes that have a positive effect on sexual function.

Sweetness, prepared on the basis of natural fruit juice, has vitamins and minerals necessary for a person. However, it is worth remembering that the dessert is prepared using heat treatment, which means that some of the beneficial trace elements disappear.

Sometimes liquorice is added to Turkish delight - leguminous plant, whose roots are used in the food industry and in pharmacology. It has an antiseptic effect and helps fight infectious diseases.

And the last point, the benefits of eating Turkish delight can be felt by those who monitor their weight. This Turkish delicacy perfectly replaces any flour dessert and satisfies the body's need for sweets. Since sweets have a large amount of calories, they should be consumed before 12 noon.

However, it is important to consider that all the benefits described above will be visible only if the sweetness is made from natural ingredients.

Useful fact: to choose a quality natural Turkish delight, you need to pay attention to the shape and cut. Fresh product glistens when cut. In addition, it is important that the treat retain its elasticity, if it sticks to the package and does not regain its original shape after being squeezed, this indicates a poor quality product.

What can be the harm of Turkish Delight for the body?

Turkish delight can cause harm to the body if consumed in unlimited quantities. This may lead to:

  • development of diabetes;
  • The formation of body fat due to the large number of calories;
  • The appearance of problems with hair and skin;
  • Destruction of tooth enamel.

If at the end of a meal you constantly snack on Turkish delight, this can lead to a malfunction of the digestive tract and will greatly burden the pancreas.

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