Home Soups Green tea, benefits and harms, recipes for use. Green tea: health benefits and harms, contraindications and possible adverse reactions

Green tea, benefits and harms, recipes for use. Green tea: health benefits and harms, contraindications and possible adverse reactions


Diets and healthy eating 20.10.2017

Dear readers, today I want to talk to you about green tea. Nowadays, it has become very popular, even coffee and black tea lovers are increasingly turning their attention to this drink. And this is fully justified, because in addition to taste and aroma, it gives us health, raises vitality, improves mood. In addition, green tea acts very gently, harmlessly, improving the general condition of our body.

Mongols, Buryats, Tibetans, Uighurs knew in ancient times how useful green tea is, they have been drinking it for centuries and still drink it. He helped them survive the cold winters, save themselves from the heat in the summer. Today, this invigorating drink is drunk all over the world. In Russia, it has become popular relatively recently. If we associate black tea with a samovar, home comfort, pies, then many do not consider green tea to be tea at all, at the first dose it seems bitter and devoid of taste.

Many years ago this amazing tea different varieties I was brought from China, since then I start my day with a cup of this invigorating drink, I find it unusually tasty and even the taste of the usual tea has faded in front of its green counterpart. To appreciate the taste of a drink, you need to buy a good quality goods a trusted manufacturer and most importantly - you need to be able to brew it correctly. Today we will consider the benefits and harms of green tea and all the subtleties of its preparation.

The composition and calorie content of green tea

Many may have a question - how many calories are in green tea? Calorie-free green tea without sugar is so low that it can be considered zero, it does not contain fats, proteins and carbohydrates. So what is green tea and how does it differ from black? Let's figure it out.

Green and black tea. What are the differences?

Green and black tea are differently fermented leaves of the same plant. Fermentation is a complex labor-intensive process of processing a tea leaf, which results in one or another color, aroma and taste. To obtain the necessary qualities, the fermentation process of tea leaves is suspended after a certain time, which allows you to keep the green color and fresh aroma. In such a drink, the maximum amount of useful substances is preserved, for which it is valued all over the world.


The composition of green tea contains the most important amino acids for our body, catechins and other flavanoids, vegetable glycosides, tannin, chlorophyll and other beneficial substances. Green tea saturates us with vitamins C, E, A, F, U, K, P, as well as the most important B vitamins. The drink is rich and mineral salts, including potassium, fluorine, zinc and others. In total, more than a hundred different substances and compounds were found in these green leaves.

About caffeine

A reasonable question - is there caffeine in green tea? It contains several alkaloids, including caffeine. Although, for the sake of clarity, it must be said that the caffeine contained in tea differs in its effect from the caffeine that is rich in coffee. Tea contains one of the varieties of caffeine - theine, which acts much softer, but its effect is longer. Therefore, green tea invigorates us more than coffee, and negative side effects much less. The content of caffeine in green tea depends on the place of growth of the tea bush, on weather conditions, on the time of collection, so it is always different for different varieties and varies from 60 mg to 85 mg per cup of tea.

Green tea properties

Green tea has many health benefits and medicinal properties, but the most important thing for us in this drink is its ability to slow down the aging of the body and resist the development of oncological processes in it. How useful is green tea? Let's take a look at its other properties:

  • It is an excellent tonic;
  • Smoothes the negative impact on our body of the computer and TV;
  • Strengthens the immune system;
  • Accelerates metabolic processes in the body;
  • Promotes the removal of toxins and toxins from our body;
  • Eliminates excess calories, promotes weight loss;
  • Beneficial effect on sexual function;
  • Prevents fatty liver;
  • Beneficial effect on the work of the heart;
  • Improves blood supply;
  • Relieves spasms of cerebral vessels;
  • Strengthens the nervous system;
  • Reduces the risk of heart attack and stroke;
  • Reduces the level of "bad" cholesterol;
  • Improves the state of stress and depression;
  • Has a slight diuretic effect;
  • Has a rejuvenating effect on the skin;
  • Stops the development of caries;
  • Has antipyretic and anti-inflammatory action;
  • Improves thermoregulation of the body.

Green tea is not just a tonic drink, as many of us believe, it is a healing tool that will help improve well-being and prevent many health problems, green tea is useful for women and men, and there are very few restrictions on its intake.

Green tea - benefits and harms to the body

As you can see, the benefits of green tea are obvious, if you drink it regularly, but within reasonable limits, then there should be no harm. Green tea can harm the human body only in case of excessive passion for this drink, but we will talk about this at the end of the article.

For the heart and blood vessels

A tea drink is good for the heart and blood vessels, as it contains potassium, ascorbic acid, rutin and other flavonoids that affect the vascular wall and the work of the heart muscle. It is a good prevention of atherosclerosis. Especially useful for capillaries and other small vessels, it improves peripheral circulation. But in no case should you abuse it, 1 - 2 cups of tea during the day is enough. If you drink it in unlimited quantities, you can provoke arrhythmia and failure of blood pressure.

For the skeletal system

Vitamin K in the composition tea drink participates in the proper absorption of calcium in the body and its interaction with vitamin D, without which, as you know, calcium is practically not absorbed. Drinking the drink regularly, we strengthen our bones, teeth, nails.

For the liver and pancreas

Green tea contains in its composition biologically active substances that help cleanse the liver, participate in the removal of toxins from the body, prevent stone formation and improve the enzymatic function of the pancreas. It can be drunk with pancreatitis, with diseases of the liver and gallbladder, but not more than 1 - 2 cups.

For the nervous system and mental activity

In addition to the invigorating effect, a positive effect of a tea drink on brain activity is noted, it is very useful for people of mental labor. Reduces the impact of stressful situations, prevents the development of depression. But in large quantities it can cause overexcitation and sleep disturbance.
On the benefits of green tea, I suggest watching the video.

Green tea. Benefits and harms for women

The benefits of green tea for women are in the presence of substances necessary for the female body in its composition. These are vitamins A and E, catechins and other flavonoids, thanks to which the drink serves as a prevention of breast cancer. Green tea is useful for women during menopause, it improves the general condition, affects the health of the urogenital area.

Green tea during pregnancy and breastfeeding

Can Pregnant Women Have Green Tea? The benefits of this drink for women during pregnancy are often questioned, and there is good reason for this. Although you can drink green tea during pregnancy, you should not get too carried away with it. Tea contains caffeine and can overexcite the nervous system. You also need to know that the substances contained in tea reduce the absorption of folic acid, which is necessary for the health of the unborn baby, as well as iron. For this reason, you can not drink tea with food.

All this applies to breastfeeding mothers. Green tea at breastfeeding is not prohibited, but one cup of not strongly brewed tea in the morning is enough to get only benefit from the drink. The drink will become even more useful if you add milk or a little honey to it if you are not allergic to it.

For youth and beauty

The presence of a large amount of antioxidants in green tea is beneficial in maintaining the youthfulness of the skin and the whole body. It contains a number of these substances indispensable for our health, which are constantly fighting free radicals that lead to aging.

Green tea for weight loss

Green tea promotes the oxidation of fats and prevents their absorption by the body, reduces appetite, so it is recommended to anyone who strives to achieve their ideal weight. Various weight loss diets are now very popular, including the green tea diet. I am against all kinds of diets, I think that all foods are good for the body, but within reasonable limits.

You do not need to drink tea in liters and replace water with it in order to lose weight, this may not be safe for health. It is enough to drink two to three cups of green tea per day, but without sugar and provided that moderation in food is a priority.

The benefits and harms of green tea for men

What are the benefits of green tea for men? The drink is very useful for the strong half of humanity, as it maintains the level of male sex hormones. Tea is one of the strong natural antioxidants, which allows us to talk about its undoubted benefits in the prevention of adenoma and prostate cancer. The drink contributes to the recruitment and retention of muscle mass at the proper level, improves physical condition, endurance, and gives muscle strength.

Is green tea good for kids?

Green tea can be given to children only from the age of three, brewing is not strong and only in the morning. Children do not like the taste of tea, so many parents give their babies green tea with honey, but here you also need to take into account the age of the child, his reaction to honey.

Do not let your child drink green tea at night, as it acts as a stimulant and can lead to sleep disturbance and anxiety.

It is best for small children to brew, it will soothe the tummy and help the baby sleep soundly.

How to drink green tea

Dear readers, the blog has articles on how to brew and how to drink green tea, where you can find detailed information on these issues.

But in short, when brewing green tea, you need to follow a few simple rules in order to get the maximum benefit from the drink.

  • The teapot must be warmed up before brewing.
  • Do not use boiling water for brewing, the water temperature should be about 90 degrees.
  • Take a teaspoon of tea leaves in a cup of water.
  • Pour a small amount of tea leaves hot water and after a few seconds drain this water. After that, finally brew tea. This is what tea connoisseurs do in China, Morocco, and Japan. By doing this, we reduce the amount of caffeine in the drink and disinfect the tea leaf.
  • Do not brew the drink for too long, 1-2 minutes is enough, after which you can brew the leaves twice more, each time increasing the brewing time by a minute.
  • Store tea in a glass or ceramic container with a ground-in lid, as it is hygroscopic, which means it absorbs moisture, which will adversely affect its quality.

Very often there are questions about green tea, as conflicting opinions can be found both in the press and on the Internet. Here are the main ones:

Is green tea invigorating or calming?

Very weak, repeated brewed tea is virtually devoid of caffeine, so a sedative effect is also possible. But a full-fledged, properly brewed drink invigorates, as it contains caffeine in its composition.

Green tea weakens or strengthens?

This question is often asked by people too. But the fact is that green tea does not act so monotonously, it does not have either a laxative or fixing effect, but it will be useful both for diarrhea and constipation, since the substances that make up it regulate digestion.

Can you drink green tea every day?

Here there can be only one answer - you can drink a drink every day in the absence of contraindications, but not more than 2 cups.

Harm of green tea and contraindications

All of the above applies only to moderate consumption of good green tea, only in this case we can talk about its benefits. If you drink it too often and a lot, then you can get harm instead of good.

Green tea originates in Asian countries, but over time, people all over the world fell in love with its taste. Today, there are quite a few varieties of the drink, which differ in the method of harvesting, brewing and quality. Everyone knows that green tea contains invigorating caffeine, but what other qualities are inherent in the drink? Let's figure it out together.

Composition of green tea

Since the list of elements has been studied up and down, scientists have identified more than 1,500 different substances. The most valuable are minerals in the form of phosphorus, magnesium, rubidium, boron, zinc, chromium, calcium, potassium, fluorine, iron, etc. In addition, the drink contains dietary fiber, ash, pectin compounds, tannins, caffeine, catechins.

Mineral elements are responsible for the activity of the heart muscle, they enrich the blood and stabilize the pulse. Minerals affect metabolic processes, significantly accelerating them.

Theine is a well-known invigorating element, an analogue of caffeine. There is about the same amount of caffeine in green tea as there is in medium-brewed coffee. Green tea in the morning invigorates no worse. It stimulates the neurons of the brain, awakening and energizing for the whole day. Theine has a much milder effect on the body, unlike caffeine.

The drink accumulates a lot of catechins, which belong to the flavonoid family. These natural antioxidants cleanse the cavity of internal organs from radionuclides, free radicals, toxic substances and slagging. Against the background of complex cleaning comes a comfortable weight loss without stress for the body.

Useful properties of green tea

  1. Studies by Chinese scientists have proven the benefits of the drink for people with bone problems. Thanks to catechins, bone growth is activated, their destruction is prevented, complete mineralization takes place useful substances. With the systematic intake of green tea, the risk of bone fractures and crumbling of teeth is reduced.
  2. Arthrosis and other ailments of this kind appear against the background of a high accumulation of salts. If you introduce a drink made from green tea leaves into daily menu, pain symptoms are reduced.
  3. The drink must be consumed to reduce intracranial pressure. One cup of green tea will replace 2 tablets of citramone, which eliminates headaches, throbbing in the temples, severe migraines.
  4. Not without useful properties for people who suffer from a hangover. The drink removes unpleasant symptoms, promotes the speedy disintegration and withdrawal ethyl alcohol from the body. In this case, it is necessary to brew tea 2 times, the first time the water is drained to eliminate excess theine.
  5. The composition contains vitamins of group B, which are responsible for the nervous system. Green tea controls the psycho-emotional background of a person, struggling with the effects of stress. But it should not be used at night to avoid insomnia and overexcitation.
  6. Tea combined with honey is an excellent way to boost the immune system during the spread of viral infections and the off-season. The drink does not allow bacteria to negatively affect healthy tissues.
  7. The composition contains fluorine, which strengthens tooth enamel, reduces gum bleeding, and prevents caries. Folk healers recommend rubbing the teeth with thick tea from brewed tea once a day.
  8. The drink must be consumed daily by categories of people who suffer from eye diseases. Green tea improves vision, protects against cataracts and glaucoma. It is useful to combine the intake of the drug with special exercises for the muscles of the eyes.
  9. It contains a lot of polyphenolic substances that cleanse the blood channels and remove cholesterol accumulations. All this leads to serious prevention of atherosclerosis, Alzheimer's and Parkinson's. The drink protects the brain from poisons.
  10. Not without value for cores and hypertensive patients. Green tea lowers blood pressure due to its diuretic effect. Also, the drug promotes the outflow of bile, unloading the work of the liver.
  11. The beneficial properties of the drink for the body were discovered in ancient times. Regular intake in moderation stabilizes blood sugar levels.
  12. Tea is often used in dietetics, the unique composition suppresses the feeling of hunger for a while. The body fully receives all the necessary enzymes and substances. Green tea is excellent at preventing cancer due to the abundance of antioxidants.

  1. The benefits of green tea are manifested in many aspects. In ancient China, with the help of a drink, they got rid of ailments of various nature. The composition prevents oncological diseases of the prostate and increases vitality.
  2. The systematic consumption of the drink contributes to increased testosterone production. Tea helps to cope with the consequences of the negative impact of electrical appliances on the male body. General well-being improves, the nervous system calms down.

Green tea for children

  1. Keep in mind that it is forbidden to include any kind of tea in the children's diet until 2-3 years old. The problem is that tannins are present in the composition. Such enzymes can cause prolonged constipation, appetite worsens, and metabolism is disturbed.
  2. Any tea contains theine, which is harmless to an adult. As for children, the effect is negative. The child begins to cry more often, becomes nervous and irritable. Normal sleep is disturbed.
  3. Tea has a diuretic effect, which harms children. The drink washes away all the necessary minerals from the body, the bones become simply brittle. Also in tea is a dangerous enzyme in the form of theophylline, which enhances the effects of theine.
  4. Preschool children are allowed to give only black tea in a diluted form. The drink can be mixed with milk. Such a product contains a minimum amount of enzymes that irritate the nervous system.

Green tea during pregnancy

  1. Green tea in moderation is a great addition to your diet. The drink contains a valuable composition. A serving of tea will help get rid of heartburn almost immediately.
  2. The drink is allowed to drink during the day no more than 2 cups. Sugar must not be added. The benefit is achieved if the girls do not have any contraindications and pathologies associated with the gastrointestinal tract.
  3. It is important to be careful, studies have shown that green tea interferes with the normal absorption of folic acid. The enzyme is important for the development of the baby and the formation of the nervous system.
  4. Experts do not recommend drinking tea in the first month of trying to conceive a baby and the first 2 weeks of pregnancy. Further, the drink should be introduced into the diet after agreement with the doctor and the absence of contraindications.
  5. Be sure to specify the daily intake of tea, otherwise an excess of caffeine can lead to underweight babies and premature births. Abuse of green tea leads to miscarriage.
  6. Many people think that the benefits of green tea while breastfeeding are invaluable. It should be noted that this opinion is far from the truth. The drink only relaxes the ducts in the mammary gland. The production of milk from the intake of raw materials does not increase.

  1. The drink starts all metabolic processes in the body, against which comfortable weight loss occurs. In part, weight loss is achieved due to the cleansing of the intestines from congestion, as well as the removal of excess fluid.
  2. Everyone knows that with a polluted body, losing weight will not work. You must first remove toxic substances and salts of heavy metals. Green tea is great for this.
  3. The drink also suppresses the feeling of hunger, so in the absence of problems with the gastrointestinal tract, it can be consumed when there is a desire to eat. It is enough to consume tea with honey, and after half an hour to fully eat.
  4. Especially strongly reduces appetite tea " Milk Oolong" or " Milk oolong". The drink has a light creamy aftertaste, does not adversely affect the walls of the stomach, so it is drunk regularly.

Green tea for hypertension

  1. Hypertensive patients know firsthand how difficult it is to fully live with a constant increase in blood pressure and its sharp jumps. The drink improves the course of the disease, stabilizing the performance.
  2. Useful qualities are achieved due to the diuretic effect. With the withdrawal of excess fluid, therapeutic and prophylactic therapy is carried out.
  3. It should be understood that with normal or low blood pressure, tea should be consumed in moderate doses.

Green tea contraindications

  1. It is not recommended to take medicines based on green tea. The tablet contains an increased concentration of catechins, which exceeds the daily allowance for a person.
  2. Tea intake is contraindicated on an empty stomach. The drink has a negative effect on the mucous membranes of the internal organs.
  3. If you recently consumed alcohol and decided to refresh yourself with green tea, then alcohol, together with the active substances of the raw materials, form toxic compounds that destroy the liver and kidneys.

The beneficial effect of tea on the human body is provided by a chemical list of substances. Not everyone knows that vitamins, mineral compounds, flavonoids are ideally balanced in the drink. All of them complement each other.

Video: the benefits of green tea

We all know that green tea is one of the most useful products for the human body. It contains a huge amount of vitamins and minerals, and is also rich in other useful substances. A little-known fact is that the same tea bushes are used for green tea as for red, black and yellow tea, the difference lies only in the way the leaves themselves are processed. Green tea does not undergo a drying procedure, which is why it retains a maximum of useful substances.

Green tea: useful properties

Learn more about the health benefits of green tea below. It is worth noting that this type of tea contains hundreds of organic compounds and chemicals, as well as a large amount of vitamin, it is interesting that it contains almost all vitamins known to science.

Useful properties of green tea:

  1. Regular consumption of this drink has a good effect on the immune system, and it prevents the occurrence of many chronic diseases, and will also contribute to the destruction of bacteria.
  2. Green tea has an antioxidant effect and actively fights cancer cells, it is recommended to use it for the prevention of cancer.
  3. Green tea is also used for weight loss, because it is able to regulate metabolism. This drink contains flavonoids, which regulate the level of sugar in the human body, while having an insulin-like effect.
  4. One cup of freshly brewed green tea can save you from a severe headache, and it is also considered a real antidepressant, because it has a beneficial effect on the nervous system.
  5. It is recommended to use green tea regularly for food poisoning and dysbacteriosis. In case of drug poisoning, it is best to drink green tea with the addition of sugar and milk.
  6. This tea has an antimicrobial effect, it is often used as a cure for dysentery. Green tea contains catechins, which are effective against coccal, typhoid and dysenteric bacteria.
  7. If you do not know whether green tea is useful, then it is worth remembering that the blood vessels from this tea become more elastic, their walls are strengthened, and the risk of internal hemorrhages is prevented.
  8. It has a positive effect on the excretory system, tea activates the spleen and liver, serves as a preventive measure against the formation of stones in the kidneys, liver and bladder.

Green tea: contraindications

This drink contains a huge amount of vitamins, but is there any harm from green tea? It is worth remembering that even this very healthy drink do not abuse it, it is enough to drink only 2-3 cups a day, otherwise tea can harm your body.

Green tea contraindications:

  • One of the main contraindications is old age. This is due to the fact that the drink can have a negative effect on the joints, rheumatoid arthritis or gout can worsen, if you have these diseases, then you can drink only one cup per week.
  • You should not drink too much tea a day, this can provoke the formation of stones in the gallbladder or kidneys, which is associated with a high content of polyphenols in the drink.
  • Why is green tea harmful? It is not recommended to drink green tea at a high temperature, as this increases the load on the kidneys several times.
  • With gastritis, erosion, exacerbations of ulcers, it is also recommended to abandon the use of green tea, because it significantly increases the acidity of gastric juice.

Green tea and weight loss

Green tea for weight loss is very effective - it helps to speed up the metabolism. It is this tea that is the most effective for weight loss among other varieties of tea: it is able to improve the metabolic process, remove toxins from the body. In a fairly short time, you can easily, and most importantly, without harm to health, lose weight naturally.

How to lose weight with green tea:

  1. If you want to lose weight in a short time, then green tea will help you, which has a diuretic effect, making it easy to remove excess fluid from the body. In order to enhance this effect, you can add a little skimmed milk to the tea.
  2. Tea should be drunk about 3-5 times a day, while sweeteners or sugar should not be added to tea. To enhance the effect, it is necessary to reduce the consumption of fatty foods, do not eat late at night. It is best to drink tea a little cool, this is necessary so that the body heats it up on its own and at the same time spends additional calories.
  3. You can lose weight with green tea, but you need to follow a few basic rules. For example, replace the main meals with a cup of green tea, so you will lose weight faster. Arrange fasting days for yourself on one green tea, this will improve bowel function and help you lose weight.

Ways and amounts of green tea

  1. Take 4 tsp. green tea leaves, pour all this into 2 liters of milk, it should be hot and boiled, leave to brew for 20 minutes. Drink this tea throughout the day.
  2. Brew green tea with 1 liter of water, it should be strong enough, then add 1 liter of milk to the tea. This drink is perfect for a fasting day.
  3. Remember that if you want to arrange a fasting day for yourself, then throughout the day you need to drink not only green tea, but also water, at least 1.5 liters. This will help restore water balance and remove toxins from the body.

Green tea during pregnancy

If you are wondering if green tea is possible for pregnant women, then the unequivocal answer is yes, but in limited quantities. After all, green tea is a source of additional vitamins and minerals, such as magnesium, iron and calcium, which are often not enough for pregnant women.

Green tea during pregnancy is very useful, but it is best not to abuse it, because it creates additional stress on the kidneys, which is why you should drink no more than three cups a week.

Green tea during pregnancy has a positive effect on the immunity of a woman and a child, it normalizes the functioning of the heart, maintains sugar levels in the body, while being a preventive measure against diabetes in mother and child.

Numerous treatises of Chinese philosophers and Indian healers are devoted to green tea, this drink has many unique properties and is used as a medicine for some diseases. It perfectly tones, breaks down animal fats, promotes digestion. After all, it's just delicious.

But is it as useful as we used to think? And can a cup of green tea hide not only the elixir of youth and health, but also poison?

Harmful properties of green tea

To begin with, green tea is considered a powerful antioxidant these days, but the actual benefit of oxidation inhibitors is questionable. Numerous studies prove that excessive consumption of antioxidants does nothing but harm - various diseases begin to develop, the body ceases to resist certain types of bacteria.

That's why green tea cannot be abused. If you drink 5-6 small cups a day, then you won’t harm yourself, but those who drink more than 1.5 liters of strong brewed tea automatically fall into the risk group.

Green tea also adversely affects the nervous system. We, again, are talking about a very rich drink. In concentrated form, it provokes nervous overexcitation, because it contains much more caffeine (theine) than coffee itself.

So strong green tea is not recommended for those who suffer from any diseases of the nervous system, and those who are prone to frequent mood swings. You should not drink it at night, even for healthy people - often it is he who causes insomnia.

With caution, green tea should be consumed by those who have problems with the cardiovascular system, in particular, people suffering from tachycardia and arrhythmia. The substances contained in this drink provoke a rapid heartbeat, which can not only exacerbate diseases, but also cause heart rhythm failure.

What is harmful green tea

In addition, green tea irritates the stomach lining, so you should not drink it on an empty stomach. The fact is that it promotes digestion, which means it enhances the production of gastric juice, and if the stomach is empty, it begins to digest itself, respectively, erosion occurs that can turn into ulcers.

Especially do not drink green tea on an empty stomach for those who already have gastritis or an ulcer. Many sources write that this wonderful drink prevents these diseases, but here, as with poison, it all depends on the dosage and time of administration.

Therefore, at times of exacerbation of chronic gastric diseases, it is recommended either to completely abandon the use of green tea, or to drink it in a not very concentrated form after meals. Then it will really be a medicine and will not provoke a relapse.

Green tea and alcohol

Many believe that a cup of green tea, drunk in the morning, helps to cope with a hangover, because it allegedly removes toxins. However, it is not. The external and momentary effect of relief is incomparable with the harm that is done to the body. First of all, cardiovascular and nervous system, and then the kidneys “join” them.

The stimulating effect of green tea, multiplied by a hangover syndrome, can even lead to a heart attack, not to mention neurosis, and renal colic is also not a very pleasant thing. By the way, it is impossible to mix green tea with alcohol not only in the morning - during "libations" this mixture also has a bad effect on the body. Yes, and toxins are not excreted, but, on the contrary, are formed.

In addition, both alcohol and green tea have a diuretic effect, so their combination leads to a sharp dehydration of the body, and this, in turn, leads to nervous excitement, aggression, and then to a decrease in vitality. In addition, the frequent use of alcohol in combination with green tea accelerates skin aging.

Green tea and blood pressure

We often hear that green tea actively affects blood pressure. Surprisingly, both hypertensive patients and hypotensive patients write and talk about it. Someone complains that low blood pressure is getting even lower, someone - that high blood pressure jumps sharply to terrifying levels. But there are also those who speak with gratitude about this drink - in some it increases the low, in others it reduces the high. Which of them is right?

As it turns out, the truth is somewhere in between. For those on whom green tea has a positive effect, it simply regulates the pressure, that is, it raises or lowers it to an acceptable norm by the body. Those who, after drinking, suffer from too low or from excessively high blood pressure, belong to people with a personal intolerance to this drink.

So if after a cup of green tea you feel a breakdown or the back of your head starts to hurt, then this drink is not for you. Do not experiment, but abandon it in favor of teas and infusions, after which you do not experience discomfort. Or at least reduce the dosage or make a weak tea solution.

Green tea quality

What is harmful green tea

Absolutely healthy people should also pay attention to their well-being after drinking green tea. If you do not have high acidity, but at the same time even a small cup of this drink causes heartburn, then you have purchased low-quality raw materials.

Remember that in regions where there are no tea plantations, tea, by definition, cannot be very cheap, because not only processing and packaging costs, but also transportation costs are required. Unscrupulous manufacturers often they buy tea dust, garbage and small crumbs left after the packaging of high-quality tea, “hide” it in bags and attract buyers at a low price.

It is best to buy tea from trusted brands, and not in bags, but in bulk. It should not contain foreign impurities, unless it is provided for by the type of tea, that is, if it is not flavored with flower petals, zest or berries.

If you still prefer tea bags, then get the packaging, in which each of the bags is sealed in foil. This packaging method is not a manufacturer's attempt to increase the price, but the best storage method. It allows you to save all the flavors of tea and its beneficial properties.

Proper brewing of green tea

Incorrectly brewed green tea can also cause harm. Everyone knows perfectly well that a tea leaf that has not undergone fermentation can be poured with water 3-4 times. After the second brew, it only begins to truly open up and give off its taste and aroma. However, at the same time, few people think that the "life" of green tea is short-lived.

This drink is especially widespread in Asia. The Chinese and Japanese probably cannot imagine life without it. In our country, he also pays a lot of attention. Adherents of a healthy lifestyle especially revere green tea, because it has a lot of valuable properties. To learn more about them, read on!

Composition of green tea

Like any other natural product, green tea consists of many useful natural components. Once in the digestive system, these substances interact with the internal organs and trigger many mechanisms that promote rejuvenation and healing. To understand how this happens, you need to have a general understanding of the composition of green tea.


The energy value- one of the main parameters by which all drinks and food are evaluated. For people who adhere diet food, it is extremely important to know what the body is receiving. The calorie content of this drink may vary depending on what you add to it. By reading the list below, you will find out how many calories are in green tea, prepared different ways:

  • pure tea - 1 kcal / 100 ml;
  • with honey - 28 kcal / 100 ml;
  • with milk - 30 kcal / 100 ml;
  • with lemon - 115 kcal / 100 ml;
  • with sugar - 32 kcal / 100 ml.


The most important component of green tea is a natural vitamin complex. 100 grams of this drink contains:

  • retinol (vitamin A);
  • thiamine (vitamin B1);
  • riboflavin (vitamin B2);
  • niacin (vitamin B3);
  • tocopherol (vitamin E);
  • saturated fatty acids (vitamins F);
  • naphthoquinone, menaquinone, phylloquinone (vitamins K);
  • bioflavonoids (vitamins P);
  • methionine (vitamin U).

Is there caffeine in green tea

Specialists from several scientific centers in Russia conducted a comparative study of green and black tea. 40 varieties were taken for experiments. Of these, 24 are black and 16 are green. The result of the study of the composition showed that all varieties contain caffeine, and in green it is much more! One sachet of this drink contains at least 71 mg of an invigorating natural alkaloid.

In addition, the studies revealed a high content of useful trace elements. When you drink a cup of this drink, the body receives:

  • potassium;
  • copper;
  • zinc;
  • manganese;
  • iron;
  • magnesium;
  • calcium;
  • theine (this microelement is especially important - it invigorates the body and stimulates mental work, without causing such a negative effect as caffeine);
  • fluorine;
  • phosphorus;
  • calcium.

Benefits of green tea

Excellent palatability and a stunning invigorating effect, the list of benefits of this drink is not limited. All modern nutritionists, cardiologists, gastroenterologists and specialists in other aspects of medicine are talking about the benefits of Chinese tea. It is recommended to drink it as a natural folk remedy for the treatment and prevention of numerous diseases.

For weight loss

A person who wants to lose weight should not think about the numbers on the scale, but about the state of health in general. As a rule, obesity is the result of a violation of metabolic and digestive processes. High-quality green tea provides a lot of beneficial effects that help get rid of extra pounds:

  • restoration of the functions of the organs of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • normalization of metabolism;
  • diuretic effect, contributing to the removal of excess fluid;
  • removal of toxins and toxic substances.

Doctors often recommend green tea as the go-to drink for numerous diets. It acts gently, without causing allergies and other undesirable reactions of the body. Especially effective in the fight against extra pounds is demonstrated by Chinese green tea "Milk Oolong", the main advantage of which is to reduce appetite. Drinking a cup of such a drink on an empty stomach, a person saves himself from overeating.

Under pressure

Hypertension is a common disease provoked by many factors. Ordinary green tea in bags will help to cope with it. He will downgrade arterial pressure to normal levels without causing harm to the body. People suffering from hypotension Chinese tea should be drunk in moderation. Abuse can lead to a critical drop in pressure.

For women

What are the benefits of green tea for the female body? Valuable properties of this drink for the weaker sex were discovered back in the days Ancient China. These include:

  • normalization of glucose levels;
  • loss of appetite;
  • saturation of the body with vitamins and valuable trace elements;
  • prevention of the development of cancer cells due to the high content of antioxidants;
  • increase skin elasticity and strength of blood vessels.

For men

For men's health, green tea is also incredibly useful. The representatives of the stronger sex, who regularly consume this drink, have the following improvements:

  • increase potency by improving the production of testosterone;
  • elimination of the consequences of exposure to the male body of radiation from electrical appliances;
  • improvement of general well-being;
  • stress relief.

How much green tea can you drink a day

Tea does not contain calories, so it does not spoil the figure at all. It does not contain hazardous substances, so there is no talk of harm to the body with moderate use. However, experts say that some restrictions must be adhered to. Daily rate makes 4-5 cups. You should not exceed it, as serious problems with pressure can arise.


Knowing how natural green tea is useful, you can correctly use it for the treatment and prevention of numerous diseases, but do not forget about contraindications. This drink can adversely affect the health of people who have:

  • rheumatoid arthritis;
  • gout;
  • kidney failure;
  • kidney and/or gallbladder stones;
  • exacerbation of ulcers / gastritis / erosion;
  • low blood pressure (hypotension).

It is not recommended to drink green tea for the elderly and pregnant women. It is strictly forbidden to drink this drink while intoxicated. This can lead to serious kidney problems. Another major reason for abstaining from green tea is hyperthermia. For an organism fighting infection, a cup of strong Chinese drink can be a serious burden.

Video about the benefits of green tea

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