Home General issues For storage of dried fruits. How and where to store dried fruits at home. How to choose a quality product

For storage of dried fruits. How and where to store dried fruits at home. How to choose a quality product

Those who care about their health know the undeniable value of dried fruits, which serve as a source of fructose, vitamins, trace elements and energy for our body. The need for them especially increases in winter, when there is not enough fresh fruit in the diet. How to store dried fruits right, so as not to lose quality, and as a result, their useful properties?

First of all, storage conditions, humidity and packaging of dried fruits are important. They will keep well if they have been dried to an optimum moisture content of 17 to 24%. Different types of fruits have different moisture content. So that drier products do not become unusable, absorbing moisture from more humid dried fruits, you need to store each type separately, hermetically packed.

When drying, some fruits or their parts do not dry equally evenly, therefore, under-dried dried fruits should be selected and dried to the end. Otherwise, during storage, wet and soft places of dried fruits can become a haven for pests, which, multiplying, cause great loss, damaging products.

To make a mixture of dried fruits, you need to hold them in some container for 3-5 days to even out the humidity. The next step will be additional drying for 3-6 hours in the sun, with stirring every half hour. This is done so that all dried fruits are irradiated by sunlight and destroy pests.

Humidity can be checked as follows: take a handful of dried fruits, squeeze them in the palm of your hand, and if a lump forms from them after unclenching, then the product needs to be dried.

Good drying is also required for packaging. For dried fruit storage at home, it is better to choose transparent containers, such as plastic bags, plastic or glass jars, because it is easy to see pests in them that not only devour stocks, but also pollute them with their secretions. If dried fruits are stored in boxes, it is important that the container does not have slots and holes through which pests penetrate.

Paper bags are suitable for storage, a very dense fabric that should be tightly tied to prevent insects from getting inside. For the purpose of prevention, it is necessary to carefully examine the bags 1-2 times a month, especially the places where folds form and the upper inner side. In order not to expose dried fruits to attack by pests during storage, they must not be left open.

The maximum allowable storage conditions in unsealed containers are temperature not higher than 30 degrees and relative humidity not more than 70%. Under such conditions, they can be stored for a year. But temperatures from 0 to 10 degrees at the same humidity are considered optimal. Under these conditions, the shelf life is significantly increased.

At temperatures below 10 degrees, the process of destruction of vitamins, spoilage, and browning of dried fruits slows down. If the product has a lower humidity, then its shelf life increases, but at the same time it must be stored in sealed packaging, which is very difficult at home.

To protect dried fruits from pests, they must be stored at low temperatures (0-10 degrees), well dried, in sealed packaging. Then the useful properties of the product will be preserved for a long time.

You need to regularly inspect your stocks of dried fruits and berries, sort them out and throw away the spoiled ones.
Pears and apples are stored in linen bags. Figs, dates, exotic fruits can be kept in paper or plastic bags. Raisins, dried apricots, melons can be stored for a long time in glass or metal boxes with tightly ground lids.
If the container with dried fruits is in the kitchen cabinet, it's a good idea to put a salt shaker next to it. Salt will absorb moisture, and stocks will not become moldy, will not rot.
The ideal option for storage would be a dark, cool and dry room, in which there are no strong-smelling substances, because. dried fruits and berries quickly absorb odors. Given that the room is ventilated and the temperature in it is +10, dried fruits can be stored for a year.
If the container is not airtight, then pests may appear in the dried fruit. In case this happens, you need to sort out dried fruits, spread them on a baking sheet in a thin layer, and warm them up for half an hour at a temperature of 75 degrees. Or freeze them for the same time at -15 degrees.
It is better not to store a large amount of dried fruits - they are difficult to store at home.
The basis of proper storage is regular checking and airing of the dried fruit stock.

Long term storage: 6 rules

Dried fruit stocks will not lose their quality if you follow simple storage rules.

Rule 1: create conditions

The enemies of dried fruits are heat, humidity and sunlight. Therefore, it is correct to store them:

  • in the cool. The maximum temperature is not higher than 15 degrees. After all, already at +17 there is a risk of pest reproduction and mold formation.
  • in dryness. Humidity in the room should be up to 65%. However, this condition is not important if the products are vacuum-packed.
  • In the absence of light. Dried fruits will quickly darken in the sun.

Rule 2: Keep each species separate

Do not mix different fruits, even if you plan to cook compotes from a mixture:

  • Each fruit after drying has a certain moisture index. And if you combine a dry look with a wet one, then the shelf life of the first will be halved.

If it is necessary to mix dried fruits, dry them in the oven or dryer until the moisture index equalizes.

  • Fruit flavors mingle. If you store dried apricots and prunes together, the apricot will lose its aroma and smell like prunes.

There is an exception to the rule: raisins and dried apricots can be stored in the same container.

Rule 3: Choose the Right Storage Container

The choice of container or bag for dried fruits affects the shelf life:

Image Where to store dry

In glass jars.
  • You can see the contents of the jar - it is easy to check the safety of the drying quality.
  • Remove the lid once a week to let fresh air in and eliminate condensation.

In wooden molds.
  • Cover the container with a tight lid to prevent insects from entering.
  • The storage room should be as dry as possible, as wood quickly absorbs moisture.
In ceramic jars with a metal puff.
  • Once a week, remove the tight puff to allow air to enter.
  • The jar is easy to clean, does not absorb odors.

In plastic containers with air access.
  • The container is convenient for placement in the refrigerator and impervious to moisture.
  • It is easy to provide air access - just slide the valve.
  • Plastic absorbs odors, so do not use the same container for different drying.

In canvas or cotton bags.
  • Full air exchange and absence of condensate are provided.
  • Moisture actively penetrates the fabric, stimulating the development of mold. Therefore, place the bags in a dry pantry.
  • Carefully place the container of salt in the bag so that the salt absorbs excess moisture.

In a jar with a vacuum system(lid and pump).
  • At times longer keeps the suitability of dried berries and their quality.
  • Forms an airless, germ-free environment in the jar.
  • The price of the reusable system is 250 rubles.
  • The instruction is simple: install the cover, insert the pump into it and pump out the air.

Rule 4: Respect expiration dates

Shelf life of dried fruits:

  • With a high humidity index (dried apricots, prunes, dates, figs) - up to six months.
  • With a low index (raisins, cherries, peach) - up to a year.

Rule 5: protect from insects

Pests that destroy stocks of dried berries and fruits - sugar mites, bugs, moths. Provide natural protection from uninvited guests.

Photo means for protecting dried fruits from insects Application

Remedy 1: vinegar.
  • Having decided on the place where to store dry fruits, treat it with a water-vinegar solution (1: 1).
  • After the surfaces and containers have dried, the smell of vinegar will disappear.

Remedy 2: mint.
  • Dry mint protects against mold and pests for a long time.
  • Fill a bag with mint leaves and hang them next to dried fruits.

Remedy 3: laundry soap
  • To prevent moths from starting, put half a bar of this natural soap next to the supplies.
  • The tool is not suitable if you store products in bags. The soap will spread its pungent smell over them.

Rule 6: Check Your Stocks

Sort out stock from time to time do it yourself:

  • Throw out the spoiled ones.
  • Damp - dry in the oven at a minimum temperature with the door open.

Features of storage of various dried fruits

Storage of dried fruits at home (the choice of method) depends on the water content in the dry fruit or berry, that is, on the moisture index.

The best way to store dried fruits with a high water content (figs, prunes) is in the vegetable section of the refrigerator. In a warm room, they will quickly deteriorate.

How to store dried apricots at home:

  • Package the product in a sealed container.
  • Check safety every 2 weeks. At the same time provide air access.
  • Wash and dry the container periodically for storage.

Shelf life in the refrigerator is 6 months.

When storing drying at home, the main thing is that there is access to fresh air. For products with a water index of up to 20%, the tightness of the container is not required. Instead of a lid, use paper, or place in bags.

In summer, storage on the balcony is allowed, just take care of dried fruits from moisture and sunlight.


Now, knowing how and in what to store dried fruits at home, you can regularly consume these vitamin products. Check out the video in this article for a visual guide. And ask your questions in the comments.

Do not relax immediately after preparing stocks, because there is an equally important part of the work ahead - their preservation. Like any product, dried fruits also have their own characteristics and subtleties of storage, which we decided to talk about in this article. Whether you're deciding how to store apples or more exotic fruit stocks, each of the tips below will come in handy.

What is the best way to store dried fruits at home?

The first step in figuring out how to store dried fruits in an apartment or house is to determine the location of the stock. Since moisture is the main enemy of dried fruits, choosing a basement or cellar as storage will not work. Any dry and cool place in the apartment will be optimal.

We figured out where to store dried fruits at home, but not in what. Storage capacity is the second guarantee that you will be able to enjoy the taste of your stocks in the future. Glass jars with airtight lids, canvas bags and paper bags that can be closed securely are ideal containers for dried fruits. At the same time, each of the types of dried fruits should be stored separately from each other due to differences in the moisture index. So, if you mix more moist fruits with dry ones, mold is inevitable.

If you're drying your fruit yourself and you're worried that you might not dry it enough, add some salt or dried mint to the bag, which will keep your stock from mold by absorbing excess moisture. If it was not possible to protect dried fruits from the fungus, ruthlessly get rid of them, without even trying to reanimate them - it will come out more expensive for yourself.

With how to properly store dried fruits at home, everything is clear, but what to do if the stocks hit their main enemies - insects. In this case you can not rush to get rid of dryers (overly sensitive persons, of course, can do this), but put them on a baking sheet and additionally bake in an oven preheated to 80 degrees for half an hour. Freezing has the same effect. After one of the selected procedures, the stocks should again be sorted out and placed in more hermetic containers.

And finally, keep in mind that even if you stocked up on a bag of dried fruits, you need to eat them within a year, because the shelf life of any dried fruit, whether it is cooked on your own or bought in a store, is 12 months.

How to store dried fruits? This question is asked by every hostess who wants to eat tasty and healthy food throughout the year. How to store raisins, dried apricots and dates at home?

Rule number 1. Temperature regime

Keep raisins, dates and dried apricots at home at a temperature not exceeding 15 ° C and at a humidity of not more than 70%. Periodic rise in temperature up to 20 °C is allowed. Dried fruits do not like moisture and heat, so they should be in a dry and fairly cool room. It is best to store fruits and berries in a pantry or attic. Only under such conditions, dried products will retain all their useful properties for a long time.

If you decide to leave stocks of fruits and berries in the kitchen, hide them away in the closet. Make sure that there are no household appliances that emit heat (refrigerator or microwave oven) near dried foods. Do not store dates and raisins next to the kettle and stove. Vapors from cooking food can enter containers of dried fruit and cause them to spoil prematurely. Use the farthest corners of the kitchen set to store supplies.

Rule number 2. Separate storage

How to store raisins, dried apricots and dates - together or separately? Is it possible to mix different fruits and berries? Experienced housewives know that each type of food should have its own capacity. This rule should be observed even if you plan to use all dried fruits together (in compote or pastries). Prepare your own jar or bag for each type of product. Do not forget about the labeling so that you can easily find the desired dried fruits in the closet.

Rule number 3. Tableware matters

Dried fruits should be stored in dry glass, ceramic or wooden jars. Remember that all jars should have tight lids to keep out moisture and accidental debris. Remember to check the tightness of the dishes before you pack them in the back corner of the kitchen cabinet.

Instead of jars, you can use thick cotton or canvas bags.

Rule number 4. Drying

How to store dried fruits purchased on the market? First of all, thoroughly rinse all purchased products. Clean berries and fruits must be dried at room temperature, and then use the oven. This method helps to prevent the appearance of mold, which often occurs on poorly dried dried fruits.

Use the oven at minimum power to dry berries and fruits.

Rule number 5. Check stock

The storage of dried fruits is a process that requires constant monitoring. From time to time sort out berries and fruits, noting their safety and appearance. If bugs are wound up among the stocks, dried fruits should be calcined in the oven. In the summer, you can just leave the supplies in the sunlight. Raisins, dates and dried apricots can be frozen in the freezer, after which it must be dried again. Only prunes can be stored in the refrigerator for a long time - other fruits will not withstand such conditions. Moldy stocks can only be thrown into the trash can.

Rule number 6. Mint to the rescue

Doubt that the dried fruits are dried perfectly, or you just don't have the opportunity to wait a long time? There is a way to keep berries and fruits at home for a long time. To do this, add dry mint to the blanks and pack everything in a canvas bag. You need to store such stocks in a dark cabinet without additional light sources.

Rule number 7. Use salt

How to store dried fruits in the kitchen cabinet? Many housewives prefer to keep supplies always at hand, and not get them every time from the attic or pantry. It should be remembered that storing fruits and berries in a room with high humidity is not the best option. Vapors from pots and splashing water from sinks can damage dried foods. This can be avoided by using common table salt. Just put the salt shaker in the closet next to the jars and bags of your supplies - and be sure nothing will happen to them.

Remember that dried fruits, like any product, have their own expiration date. Raisins, dried apricots, dates and dried berries should not be stored for more than one year. Do not make large stocks, otherwise after twelve months you will have to get rid of numerous jars and bags. Buy fruits and berries as needed, process them on time and use them for their intended purpose.

Knowing how to properly store dried fruits at home, you can always make useful supplies for yourself and your loved ones. Let your favorite dishes delight with all shades of flavors!

Dried fruits are a real storehouse of vitamins, which will allow the body not to be left without useful substances in winter. At the same time, most of us prefer to independently prepare dried products for the winter, which will ensure the naturalness of the product.

Regardless of which one you choose to use during the winter, you need to first learn how to store dried fruits at home in order to preserve their nutritional properties. There are certain rules that will allow you to answer this question, the main ones are presented below.

When stocking up on various products, you should really take into account your capabilities and the size of your apartment. Accordingly, in order not to bother yourself too much with the question of how to store dried fruits at home, you should purchase an extremely limited amount of them. This allows you to use all products before their expiration date.

The best "containers" that you can use to store "dry" are linen bags, which, in turn, you can make yourself. In addition, if you have such a separate place where you can store dried fruits without space restrictions, it is good to use ordinary glass jars as containers for them. However, in both cases, you should carefully and regularly check the selected containers for the presence of insects. Pay attention to the fact that dried fruits also require certain additional storage conditions. The room should be well ventilated, ideally the air temperature in it should not exceed ten degrees.

Accordingly, in the conditions of apartment storage, the so-called cold closet or balcony during the autumn or spring seasons will be ideal.

If you are thinking about how to store dried fruits at home, you should also consider the type of fruit you plan to purchase. First of all, the type of container will depend on this, for example, dried apples and pears should preferably be placed in linen bags, but figs and dates should be packed in If you prefer more traditional options - raisins or dried apricots, then it is advisable to keep them in glass or metal boxes, the lids of which will close tightly, preventing air from getting inside and starting the fermentation process.

It is not enough just to know how to properly store dried fruits at home, you should also pay attention to the need to check them regularly. It will be enough to sort out dried fruits every couple of months to make sure that there are no insects and rotten pieces. Products infested with larvae should be discarded to avoid further contamination.

When wondering how to store dried fruits at home, it should be borne in mind that the beneficial properties in them remain for a period of no more than a year. It is during this period that food should be consumed.

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