Home Products Boiled egg calorie content 1 piece weight. The yolk contains trace elements such as. Eggs and diet food

Boiled egg calorie content 1 piece weight. The yolk contains trace elements such as. Eggs and diet food

How much protein, fat and carbohydrates does one chicken egg contain? How much is in the yolk and white separately?

This is important to know when the diet is limited by the choice of foods when gaining weight or on a diet, because protein is not completely absorbed from foods anyway, and it won’t be long before you miss it.

Let's try to figure it out.

Let's start with the fact that there are dietary eggs, marked with the letter D, and table eggs, marked with the letter C - these designations only indicate shelf life.

Eggs that can be stored for no more than 7 days are considered dietary. Therefore, look at the packing date when purchasing eggs. Anything that can be stored for more than 7 days, but not more than 25 days, is table eggs.

Egg categories are defined as follows

  • Highest category (B) - 75 g or more,
  • Selected egg (O) - from 65 to 74.9 g,
  • First category (1) - from 55 to 64.9 g,
  • Second category (2) - from 45 to 54.9 g,
  • Third category (3) - from 35 to 44.9 g.

The highest category is quite rare on sale, the third is even rarer. All other names of eggs: rejuvenating, rustic, this is nothing - a marketing ploy, supposedly they contain more selenium and other useful elements. But no one has yet conducted clinical trials on the effect of such eggs on human rejuvenation or health. And it is important for us to know only the composition of BZHU (proteins, fats and carbohydrates) and calorie content.

I buy a package, examine it, the composition of the product per 100 g of weight is written on the package. On the package of eggs the composition is written: protein 12.7 g, fat 11.5 g, carbohydrates 0.7 g, calorie content 157 kcal. Poultry factories analyze their products, and I hope that this data can be trusted.

All eggs appear to be the same size, but this is only at first glance.

I weigh it, the smallest egg weighs 66 g, the largest 72 g - and if you look closely, you can see that it is larger. I will select these two eggs from the entire package and will calculate the average values ​​from them.

Carefully break and separate the yolks from the whites. I weigh it on an electronic scale (error +- 1 g).

The shell weighs 8 g for an egg, which is 72 g; for the remaining eggs, which are 66-68 g, the shell weighs 7-8 g. The yolks weigh 18-20 g. The whites average 42-43 g.

Now let's turn to nutritional value chicken eggs. There is conflicting information on different websites and nutrition calculators. I’m trying to find something that sheds light on this confusion and compare it with institute textbooks, for example, on the merchandising of food products (Kazantseva N.S.). So according to theory, protein chicken egg contains on average: water 80-85%, proteins 12-13%, carbohydrates about 0.7%, minerals 0.6%, fat 0.3%.

I remember what was written on the packaging of my eggs specifically.

100 g of the edible part of the egg contains 12.7 g of proteins, then

64 g eggs without shell (72g-8g) – 8.13 g proteins (amino acids),

59 g eggs without shell (66g-7g) – 7.5 g proteins (amino acids).

The average amount of protein (amino acids) is 7.8 g per egg.

Let's check the theory: The white part of eggs consists of approximately 13% proteins (amino acids), which means that 43 g of my egg white contains approximately 5.6 g of amino acids. In a smaller egg, 42 grams of protein contains approximately 5.4 grams of protein. The average is 5.5 g of protein. This is the number I will write down in my nutrition calculator. By the way, 0.7% of protein carbohydrates are 0.3 g, the amount of fat in protein is 0.13 g, and the calorie content is 25 kcal.

We can boil or fry this egg, and in any form it will contain the same 5.5 g of protein and 0.3 carbohydrates. But if we fry it in oil, the BJU changes.

Now the yolks. The chemical composition of the yolk is more vague: according to some data, the yolk contains about 31.8% fat, 16% protein, 0.2% carbohydrates, 1.1% minerals, and 50% water.

According to others - up to 33% fat, if you refer to Wikipedia, which refers to data from the USDA National Nutrient Database, chicken yolks weighing 17 g contain 4.51 g of fat - this is 26.5% - very little, some are wrong chickens in America, not like ours!

In general, I again go by the nutritional information on the packaging of the eggs I bought. It says 11.5 g per 100 g of egg weight. If you remember, fats are contained not only in the yolk, but in the yolk and the white; there is nothing in the shell except calcium salts.

There are 11.5 g of fat per 100 g of the edible part of the egg, then

64 g of shelled eggs contain 7.36 g of fat.

For 59 g eggs without shell there are 6.7 g fat. The average is 7g fat per egg.

How to distribute all this between the white and yolk? It’s simple here: all data on the amount of fat in egg whites, according to different sources, are approximately the same - 0.3% fat. I have already calculated that this amounts to 0.13 g of fat. Then the yolk accounts for an average of 7-0.13 = 6.87 g of fat.

16% of the protein from the total mass of the yolk is on average 3g (I convert between eggs weighing 72 and 66g). And 0.2% carbohydrates 0.038 g. Average calorie content 74.3 kcal.

By the way, regarding the calorie content, they write everywhere that the yolk has three times higher than the white. Let's compare 25 kcal and 74.3 kcal - the difference is 2.9 times, so everything is correct!

To summarize, according to my calculations, the nutritional value of table eggs of the selected category.

Weight, g Proteins, g Fats, g Carbohydrates, g kcal
Nutritional value of the product 100 12,7 11,5 0,7 157
Whole egg C0 59-62 7,8 7 0,34 99
1 egg white C0 42-43 5,5 0,13 0,3 25
Yolk 1 egg C0 18-20 3 6,87 0,038 74,3

What would you like to say in the end? Of course, the difference is chemical composition chicken eggs are sometimes different. To calculate your diet, you can take any one - averaged from various nutrition calculator sites, or from a package of purchased eggs. In fact, you should rather believe the information that is written on the packaging of eggs. The fact is that the chemical composition of eggs depends on the breed of chickens, their age, and other factors that are individual at each poultry farm.

Eggs are one of the most versatile foods in the diet. You can make it based on eggs various dishes, both everyday and for a feast. Everyone knows that protein is the most important component of human food, and eggs are an integral part of the daily diet. However, when going on a diet, many people have questions about how many calories are in an egg and how useful it is in proper nutrition.

Read also: Should I consume it daily?

Boiled egg calories

100 grams of chicken egg contains approximately 160 kilocalories. One egg weighs approximately 70 grams, which means that the average calorie content of a boiled egg is about 80 kilocalories.

The best dietary breakfast option is two boiled eggs; their calorie content will be approximately 160 kilocalories, which is the most suitable option for a morning meal. In addition, such a breakfast provides the body with:

  1. Vitamins;
  2. Proteins;
  3. Carbohydrates;
  4. Minerals.

A special property of egg white is its complete digestibility, which is extremely beneficial for health. In addition, eggs contain lecithin, and consumption of this product is an excellent prevention of the formation of atherosclerotic plaques.

Protein calories

Egg white contains 85% water, 12.7% protein, 0.3% fat and 0.7% carbohydrates. 100 grams of egg white contains a total of 50 kilocalories. Considering the average weight of a chicken egg, it is easy to calculate the average calorie content of its protein, and it is quite a bit - about 16-17 kilocalories. Thus, a boiled egg without a yolk contains very few calories, and it can be actively used in dietary nutrition, for example, by adding it to various low-calorie salads.

Calorie content of yolk

The yolk of a chicken egg is higher in calories than the white - 100 grams of it contain about 360 kilocalories. In addition, its fat content is about 11.5%, and it also contains 200 milligrams of cholesterol.

An average yolk contains approximately 65 kilocalories.

Nutritional value of chicken eggs

100 grams of egg contains about 13 grams of protein, 11 grams of yolk and 1 gram of carbohydrates. After boiling an average egg using the “hard-boiled” method, the amount of nutritional elements has the following indicators:

  • Proteins – approximately 8 grams;
  • Fats – about 7 grams;
  • Carbohydrates – about 0.6 grams.

Eggs are famous for containing the following vitamins:

  1. Retinol - required for the development of dental and bone tissues, takes part in the functioning of vision, stimulates lipid metabolism and the development of new cells, reduces the rate of aging, and is a preventative against inflammation and diseases of the cardiovascular system.
  2. Pyridoxine - accelerates metabolism, relaxes the central nervous system, stimulates the synthesis of energy elements from carbohydrates, promotes the synthesis of hemoglobin, and takes part in the formation of insulin.
  3. Cyanocobalamin – stimulates red blood cell synthesis and metabolism, accelerates lipid metabolism in liver cells, and helps reduce cholesterol concentrations.
  4. Tocopherol is a natural antioxidant that helps transport oxygen to body tissues, prevents blood clots, and improves nutrition of the skin and mucous membranes.
  5. Calciferols – promote the proper development of dental and bone tissues, improve the body’s immune defense, and enhance the functioning of the thyroid gland.
  6. Folic acid - takes part in the formation of DNA, promotes the development of immune defense, and helps the proper functioning of the digestive system.
  7. Riboflavin - required for the development of hormones and red blood cells, protects the retina from ultraviolet exposure, takes part in the breakdown of food elements, and promotes the replacement of old tissues with new ones.
  8. Niacin - takes part in redox reactions, tissue respiration, carbohydrate and protein metabolism, and promotes the secretion of gastric juice.
  9. Thiamine – takes part in protein, lipid and carbohydrate metabolism, promotes the functioning of the cardiovascular, nervous and digestive systems.
  10. Choline – takes part in the metabolism of lipids and cholesterol, promotes proper functioning nervous system, destroys atherosclerotic plaques in blood vessels, helps lower the concentration of glucose in the blood.
  11. Biotin - takes part in the synthesis of hemoglobin and in glucose metabolism, regulates blood sugar levels, promotes the breakdown of fat, and normalizes the functioning of the sebaceous glands.
  12. Pantothenic acid – takes part in the formation of antibodies, prevents inflammation, stimulates the breakdown of fat in the body.

In addition, chicken eggs contain a number of important minerals:

  • Calcium;
  • Phosphorus;
  • Cobalt;
  • Iron;
  • Copper.

Calorie content of egg dishes

Breakfasts made from chicken eggs are very tasty and give you a lot of energy. In addition, their preparation takes little time.

Fried eggs

This dish can be harmless to your figure if you fry the eggs in a special frying pan without adding vegetable oil or in the oven. When calculating kilocalories, you can only take into account the calorie content of the eggs themselves and the various seasonings you use. If adding oil is an integral step in preparing scrambled eggs, then you need to add its calorie content. Usually, energy value scrambled eggs fried in vegetable oil, per 100 grams of dish is 240 kilocalories.


An omelet is prepared from a couple of chicken eggs and milk. Most often it is prepared in vegetable oil, but it also works great in the oven or microwave, where oil is not required. When calculating the energy value, you need to pay attention to the number of kilocalories in milk, which is directly dependent on its fat content. For example, if you make an omelet from a couple of chicken eggs and half a glass of milk containing 2.5% fat, then the energy value of the omelet will be approximately 200 kilocalories.

To reduce the number of calories in such an omelet, you can make it only with the addition of proteins. Energy value egg white omelet will be equal to approximately 100 kilocalories. If you prefer omelettes with the addition of cheese, sausage, and tomatoes, then you need to take into account that the calorie content of such dishes is much higher.


Many people enjoy egg-fried pieces of bread for breakfast called croutons. 100 grams of croutons made from white bread with the addition of one chicken egg and a piece butter, has an energy value of approximately 200 kilocalories.

Eggs and calories: calculate for raw, boiled and fried eggs.

Chicken eggs are the basis of nutrition for athletes, people who want to watch their figure, and simply those who love Tasty food and does not like to waste time and effort on it. Indeed, eggs cannot be spoiled, and we have loved them since our childhood! Today we treat ourselves not only to chicken eggs, but also to quail eggs. It is worth noting that a raw egg and a cooked egg have different amounts of calories, and that is what this article will discuss.

A boiled egg is an excellent option for breakfast and dinner, as well as a snack, since a boiled egg stays fresh longer even at room temperature, which is ideal for snacking at school, office, during hiking trips and various types of trips.

Note that eggs are a natural product, ideal for the human body, which is absorbed by 97%! And if the yolk, in addition to the protein, also contains fat and cholesterol, which causes a lot of controversy about its benefits, then the protein consists entirely of water and protein, which is an ideal combination for absorption.

One boiled chicken egg contains 50-70 kcal, while exactly the same raw egg contains 70 kcal. It is also worth noting that a soft-boiled egg has 70 kcal, and a hard-boiled egg has 50 kcal. From which it follows that the longer an egg is cooked, the fewer calories it contains.

It is also worth considering the size of the egg, as you know, 100 grams of a raw egg will contain 158 kcal, and a boiled egg will contain 158-115 kcal, respectively.

Now is the time to move on to the quail eggs. They are considered lighter and even more easily digestible by the body than chicken. A raw quail egg contains 16-17 kcal, a boiled one 14-15 kcal.

Calorie content of boiled, fried and raw chicken and quail eggs, 1 egg white and yolk per 100 grams: table

For convenience, we have compiled a table that details the number of calories in a raw product, and when in various ways preparations.

So, we have provided a table with data, but how to calculate ready-made dish. For clarity, we give an example of the calculation.

So, if we make an omelet with 2 eggs, then the calculation is very simple - 125 kcal * 2 = 250 kcal in one omelet.

Now let’s give an example of an omelet made exclusively from 2 proteins. To do this, we need to subtract the amount of yolks from the amount of the omelet with whites and yolks (250 kcal). So, 250-110=140 kcal if you use only proteins. An ideal solution for those who love tasty and quick food while watching their figure.

An important question for those who are losing weight is whether it is fashionable to eat eggs while losing weight. Yes, if you take into account a few nuances. First, most diets focus on reducing carbohydrates and increasing proteins. Of course, the egg occupies a key place in such diets.

For those seeking to lower cholesterol levels, it is recommended to remove the yolks and eat as much white as possible.

When on diets focused on weight loss, it is recommended to eat raw and boiled eggs, but exclude fried ones, since this cooking method doubles the number of calories.

We hope our article answered all your questions and you will now eat healthy food, consciously counting calories.

Video: Egg whites or whole eggs for weight loss?

Calories, kcal:

Carbohydrates, g:

Eggs are common and traditional food products; chicken eggs are considered the most common. Laying hens lay one (less often two) eggs once a day, the healthiest ones are eggs from young domestic chickens; they are small in size, but have a pronounced “eggy” taste.

Chicken egg calorie content

The calorie content of a chicken egg is 157 kcal per 100 grams of product. It should be borne in mind that the average weight of one egg varies from 35 to 75 g, so the calculation of calories will be appropriate.

Damage to chicken eggs

The main harm of chicken eggs is the possible presence of a dangerous microbe in them - salmonella, which causes salmonellosis, which causes serious inflammation of the intestines, blood poisoning and paratyphoid fever. Excessive consumption of boiled eggs can cause digestive problems and constipation.

The chemical composition of a chicken egg contains more than ten basic vitamins - , vitamins (,), and, as well as almost the entire periodic table of chemical elements - , and, and, boron and, and titanium, silicon, and aluminum, and. Eggs contain a lot of iron, but it is not absorbed very well from eggs, so it is better to use meat and liver as a source of iron. At the same time, if you drink eggs raw, they also interfere with the absorption of iron from other foods.

A chicken egg consists of white and yolk. - supplier of natural, easily digestible protein, on average there is 10 g of protein per 100 g of egg white. contains fat-soluble vitamins and cholesterol.

Chicken egg yolk contains a high amount of fat, but these are mainly polyunsaturated fatty acids and monounsaturated fatty acids, saturated fatty acids account for a smaller % of the content:

Polyunsaturated fatty acids:

  • Linoleic acid - 16%
  • Linolenic acid - 2%

Monounsaturated fatty acids:

  • Palmitoleic acid - 5%
  • Oleic acid - 47%

Saturated fatty acids:

  • Palmitic acid - 23%
  • Stearic acid - 4%
  • Myristic acid - 1%

One egg contains about 130 mg of choline. Choline, which is part of the yolk, regulates the amount of fat and cholesterol in the body.

Contained in chicken eggs, it improves blood supply to the brain, which improves memory and prevents the development of sclerosis (calorizator). Even egg shells, washed, cleared of films and dried, are a very useful product for strengthening bones and stimulating hair growth.

The cholesterol content of eggs reaches 570 mg. Cholesterol is found only in the yolk and it is considered the least harmful because it is balanced by lecithin, which in turn is necessary to nourish nerve cells.

In terms of nutritional value, an egg replaces two hundred grams of milk and fifty grams of meat. Chicken eggs must be consumed several times a week; they are almost completely absorbed by the body (97-98%), without clogging the intestines with unnecessary toxins. Although eggs are considered a very nutritious food, they do not make you gain weight. Moreover, they are often included in therapeutic diets.

Egg and cholesterol

In a day healthy person 1 egg is allowed. If a person has high cholesterol levels in the blood, then nutritionists recommend eating 2-3 eggs per week.

Categories of chicken eggs

Chicken eggs sold from poultry farms are labeled depending on the shelf life and weight of an individual egg. Usually on the packaging we see a letter and a number, or two capital letters, let’s find out what they mean.

The first sign indicates the shelf life of the product:

  • D - dietary egg, sales period does not exceed 7 days,
  • C - table egg, permissible sales period - 25 days.

By weight, chicken eggs are divided as follows:

  • B - egg of the highest category, weighing 75 g and above,
  • O - selected egg, 65-74.9 g,
  • 1 - first category egg, 55-64.9 g,
  • 2 - egg of the second category, 45-54.9 g,
  • 3 - egg of the third category, 35-44.9 g.

Differences in chicken eggs in appearance

Chicken eggs, even in the same package, can look completely different - almost round and elongated, with a pronounced sharp tip or almost perfectly oval shape, white, cream, light brown, with dark spots, matte and glossy, smooth and rough to the touch . This does not in any way affect the quality and taste; usually white eggs are laid by white hens, and colored eggs are laid by hens of bright colors. Therefore, when choosing eggs of different colors, we first of all give preference to our aesthetic preferences. Eggs with two yolks are often found - scientists have not yet come to a clear conclusion whether this is a pathology or a common thing. When served on the table, such eggs are very impressive, and differ from ordinary ones in their enlarged shape.

There are several options for how to find out about the freshness of eggs. But knowing this thing that the longer the egg is stored, the lighter it becomes, we chose the simplest option - lower the egg into a glass of water. If the egg has sunk, then it is the freshest, 1-3 days since the chicken laid it, if the egg floats but does not rise high, then this means that the chicken laid the egg about 7-10 days ago. And if the egg remains floating on the surface of the water, the chicken laid such an egg more than 20 days ago.

Each egg is naturally covered with a film, which allows the eggs to be stored for a long time, so it is not recommended to wash it off before storing the eggs, but before the actual process of preparing the eggs, it is better to wash off the film with water.

Chicken egg and weight loss

Many have heard about the benefits of chicken eggs and their beneficial effects on the process of losing extra pounds. “Two boiled eggs for breakfast - no more excess weight” - a familiar slogan, right? If you think carefully, not everything is so simple. Let us remember that bodybuilders, who are critical of any product, during the period of “drying” the body, consume only proteins, ignoring the yolks, in order to get pure protein and get rid of cholesterol. Therefore, before you unconditionally believe in quick weight loss using chicken eggs alone, you need to understand whether it is so useful. However, there are those that are based on the consumption of chicken eggs and lead to real weight loss.

Cooking chicken eggs

There is probably no product in nature or in our refrigerator that is simpler and more necessary than a chicken egg. Starting from raw eggs, which are drunk, seasoned with pepper and beaten into eggnog, to soft-boiled eggs, poached and hard-boiled. Scrambled eggs, simple omelettes, with baked goods and fillings, puddings and egg muffins, pie fillings, meatloaf and pancakes, an indispensable ingredient in almost all favorite salads, cold appetizers, desserts - meringues and almond cakes, an addition to dough and colored eggs for Easter - the list goes on and on, because chicken eggs are a universal product that can be boiled, fried and baked in oven, eat raw and in any case, besides pleasure, get the maximum benefit.

If you boil an egg, it is better absorbed by the body. Eggs are best cooked soft-boiled. But drinking raw eggs is useless; they are not absorbed by the body.

How long to boil chicken eggs

Chicken eggs are boiled for different times depending on what kind of egg you want in the end: boiled or... When cooking, you can add salt to prevent the egg from leaking if it cracks. The time required for boiling eggs is given below:

  • - 2-3 minutes;
  • - 5-6 minutes;
  • - 8-9 minutes.

You can learn more about the benefits and harms of eggs from the video clip of the TV show “About the Most Important Thing.”

Especially for
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Calorie content and nutritional value of chicken eggs

Just a decade ago, eggs were considered an unhealthy product, which were allowed to be consumed no more than once a week. Now views have completely changed and the number of eggs allowed per week has increased significantly.

The egg is the basis of life. The substances contained in it are almost completely absorbed by the body. So one egg a day can satisfy the body’s need for proteins, vitamins and microelements. It contains essential amino acids, macro and microelements - calcium, potassium, phosphorus, magnesium, sodium, chlorine, sulfur, iron, zinc, iodine, copper, manganese, chromium, fluorine, molybdenum, boron, cobalt. Eggs are rich in vitamin B (B1, B2, B3, B6, B9, B12); they also contain vitamins E, C, D, A, H, PP, K.

Eggs strengthen vision, are natural antioxidants, improve the function of the cardiovascular system, strengthen hair, teeth and skin, bones; help in the prevention of eye diseases; reduce the risk of breast cancer in women by a quarter. And besides everything else, it is also very useful dietary product, containing a minimal amount of calories, filling and nutritious, which is used in many diets. Well, the cholesterol they contain will not harm your health if you eat no more than one or two eggs a day.

The weight of one egg ranges from 45 to 65 g, with the shell accounting for 10% of the weight. Thus, The calorie content of one peeled egg will average from 60 to 80 calories. The calorie content of eggs practically does not depend on the method of preparation (boiled, soft-boiled, hard-boiled). However, to the calorie content fried egg you should add the calorie content of the oil used.

Table of calorie content and nutritional value of chicken eggs.

The product's name Number of grams of product Contains
calorie content of peeled egg 100g 157 kcal
one medium chicken egg 50 grams 75 kcal
proteins 100g 12.7 gr.
fat 100g 11.5 gr.
carbohydrates 100g 0.7 gr.
dietary fiber 100g 0 gr.
water 100g 74.1 gr.

100 grams contain the following micro and macro elements: Iron 2.5 mg, Zinc 1.11 mg, Iodine 20 mcg, Copper 83 mcg, Manganese 0.029 mg, Selenium 31.7 mcg, Chromium 4 mcg, Fluorine 55 mcg, Molybdenum 6 mcg, Cobalt 10 mcg, Calcium 55 mg, Magnesium 12 mg, Sodium 134 mg, Potassium 140 mg, Phosphorus 192 mg, Chlorine 156 mg, Sulfur 176 mg

contain the following vitamins: Vitamin A 0.25 mg, Vitamin PP 0.19 mg, Vitamin E2 mg, Beta-carotene 0.06 mg, Vitamin A (RE) 260 mcg, Vitamin B1 (thiamine) 0.07 mg, Vitamin B2 (riboflavin) 0 .44 mg, Vitamin B5 (pantothenic) 1.3 mg, Vitamin B6 (pyridoxine) 0.14 mg, Vitamin B9 (folic) 7 mcg, Vitamin B12 (cobalamins) 0.52 mcg, Vitamin D2.2 mcg, Vitamin E (TEQ)0.6 mg, Vitamin H (biotin)20.2 mcg, Vitamin K (phylloquinone)0.3 mcg, Vitamin PP (Niacin equivalent)3.6 mg, Choline 251 mg

Eggs are used in the following diets: egg diet, Pierre Dukan diet, Kremlin diet, Anita Tsoi diet, Maggi egg diet, etc.

See also: calorie content of meat

©Nika Sestrinskaya - specially for the site fotodiet.ru

Chicken egg (hard-boiled)

Calories, kcal: 160 Proteins, g: 12.9 Fats, g: 11.6 Carbohydrates, g: 0.8

The chicken egg has entered our diet like bread and water. It is calorie-free, contains many useful vitamins and minerals, and the yolk contains much-needed choline. Eggs are boiled to varying degrees of readiness: from soft-boiled eggs to hard-boiled eggs. A hard-boiled chicken egg is an egg that has been heat-treated for about 8-9 minutes.

Calorie content of a chicken egg (hard-boiled)

The calorie content of a hard-boiled egg is 160 kcal per 100 grams of product.

Composition and beneficial properties of chicken eggs (hard-boiled)

A chicken egg contains 11.6 grams of fat, of which 3.5 grams are monounsaturated fat, which is very healthy for the heart, 1.7 grams are polyunsaturated fat, and only 2 grams are saturated fat (caloric content). This combination can only be found in salmon fish and mackerel. However, chicken yolk contains 139 mg of cholesterol.

Hard-boiled chicken eggs do not lose their beneficial properties. The longer an egg is cooked, the less digestible it will be. Hard-boiled eggs require 3 hours of digestion time.

How long to boil hard-boiled eggs

First of all, you need to pour cold water into a small saucepan so that the water exceeds the eggs by 1 cm. Then quickly but carefully, using a tablespoon, lower the eggs into the water one at a time. It is better to start boiling eggs in cold water, this way there will be fewer bursting eggs. It’s better to add salt to the water, then the eggs won’t burst at all.

Then turn on the timer and cook the eggs until the water boils over high heat, after the water boils, reduce the heat and leave the eggs to cook for another 7-8 minutes. If you place eggs in already boiling water, be sure to add salt to the water and cook the eggs for 8-9 minutes. With this method, the yolk will be exactly in the middle of the egg and the sliced ​​egg will look smoother.

Eggs should not be boiled for more than 10 minutes. The yolk turns greenish, and the egg whites emit a foul-smelling gas - hydrogen sulfide.

Hard-boiled chicken eggs in cooking

Hard-boiled eggs are eaten immediately or used for salads, sandwiches, appetizers, and soups.

Chicken egg (soft-boiled)

Calories, kcal: 159 Proteins, g: 12.8 Fats, g: 11.6 Carbohydrates, g: 0.8

Eggs have become a part of the human diet. In most countries, people eat eggs the next morning, soft-boiled, hard-boiled, in a bag, or simply fried. A soft-boiled chicken egg is an egg boiled for 3-4 minutes.

Calorie content of soft-boiled egg

The calorie content of a chicken egg (soft-boiled) is 159 kcal per 100 grams of product. When boiled, an egg practically does not lose its beneficial properties and its calorie content does not change.

Composition of a soft-boiled chicken egg

A chicken egg contains 12 essential vitamins, with the exception of vitamin C, as well as minerals and essential amino acids necessary for the human body (calorifier). A soft-boiled egg contains all the same vitamins and minerals as fresh egg. And these are vitamins: groups B, A, E, D, PP, H and useful elements - calcium, magnesium, sodium, zinc, iron, manganese, selenium, phosphorus and others.

Beneficial properties of soft-boiled chicken eggs

A chicken egg helps fight bad mood and fatigue, normalizes the functioning of the liver and bile ducts, and also prevents the development of cardiovascular diseases and cancer.

The presence of calcium in eggs improves the condition of nails, hair and the entire skeletal system.

How to cook a soft-boiled egg

A soft-boiled egg can be cooked in two ways.

Method one:

Place the washed eggs in cold, salted water, wait for the water to boil and cook the eggs for 3-4 minutes.

Method two:

Place the eggs in a saucepan and pour boiling water over them until the water covers them. Add salt to the water and cook for 2-3 minutes.

The white of an egg cooked in this way does not harden and thickens into a delicate white mass, while the yolk remains semi-liquid. If you like a very runny yolk, then you need to cook for no more than 1 minute.

Soft-boiled eggs should only be served hot.

Wanting to correct our figure and lose weight, we resort to various methods: we go on a diet, adhere to proper nutrition, play sports, and finally count calories in food. By the way, it is precisely reducing the number of calories consumed daily that will help us lose excess weight. Let's talk about a product such as an egg, as well as its calorie content.

How many calories are in a chicken egg

How many calories are in a boiled egg

To begin with, we note that eggs are considered not a particularly high-calorie product. A chicken egg contains on average 157 kcal per 100 grams of product. Let's consider separately how many calories are in the egg white and in its yolk. Protein contains approximately 44 kcal per 100 g of product. Accordingly, the yolk contains three times more.

To determine exactly how many calories are in 2 eggs, in 1 egg, that is, individually, you need to weigh boiled egg without shell. The fact is that the weight of eggs varies from 35 to 75 grams.

Approximate calorie content of one chicken egg:

  • 1 small egg - 70 kcal;
  • 1 medium egg - 80 kcal;
  • in 1 large egg - 90 kcal.

The yolk of one egg will contain approximately 50 kcal, and the white will contain 17 kcal.

How many calories are in a raw egg?

The calorie content of a raw egg is no different from the calorie content of a boiled egg. However, a raw and soft-boiled egg will contain slightly more calories than a hard-boiled egg. If you want to control the nutrients you get from food, read more about what is contained in foods, and in particular the article Composition of Eggs.

If you compare a raw egg with scrambled eggs, frying increases the number of calories in the egg, since salt and vegetable oil are added to the dish. One medium fried egg will contain approximately 125 kcal.

How many calories are in a quail egg

Quail eggs are considered a healthy product, and they are also hypoallergenic even for small children. One quail egg contains approximately 20 kcal and weighs from 10 to 14 grams. 100 g of product contains 168 kcal.

How many calories are in one boiled and raw egg. and how much is in one quail


An egg is often our every day breakfast. It is one of the most popular sources of protein (protein) and micronutrients. It is a good alternative to meat and fish. But, when compiling your daily diet, you need to take into account the calorie content of the egg. The yolk contains 3 times more calories than the white.

Eggs are relatively low in calories. How many? About the same amount as a small banana. The sizes of chicken eggs vary, so you can calculate its average calorie content per 100 grams of eggs. This is 157 Kcal.

One raw egg contains 80 kcal (proteins - 13 g, fats - 10 g, carbohydrates - 1 g).

One boiled egg contains 79 kcal.

The calorie content of an egg fried in sunflower oil increases sharply. How many? As much as 120 Kcal.

A soft-boiled egg contains 50–60 kcal. If this egg is not purchased, but homemade, then approximately 70 Kcal.

Quail eggs are much smaller in size than chicken eggs, but their calorie content is quite high. Per 100 grams of eggs there are 168 kcal (proteins - 12 g, fats - 13 g, carbohydrates - 0.6 g). Quail eggs contain several times more potassium, iron, vitamins B1 and B2 than chicken eggs. They are especially useful for the development of children's mental abilities and the likelihood of allergies to them is very low.

100 gr. cheese contains 360 kcal

Tatiana Shulyak


Boiled eggs 147 kcal
Cheddar cheese 406 kcal (it’s not clear which one you need)
Quail egg 168kcal

The calorie content of one egg directly depends on its size. However, one hundred grams of chicken an egg contains just over 150 calories! At the same time, one piece on average weighs from forty to eighty grams, so in order to calculate its energy value you just need to weigh the egg. The calorie content of chicken eggs also depends on its origin (whether the product is purchased in a store (from farms) or whether it is homemade eggs). Typically, the calorie content of homemade eggs is slightly higher.

Boiled egg calories

Of course, eating raw eggs is considered the healthiest. But this method is quite dangerous and is not recommended by doctors. The thing is that in this case you can become infected with salmonellosis. This is why it is preferable to eat boiled eggs.

Everyone knows that this product consists of yolk and white. And each of these parts of the egg has its own calorie content. Of course, the yolk has great energy value. But it contains three times the protein less calories. General The calorie content of a boiled egg is 70 calories!

British scientists have proven that due to the harmlessness of cholesterol in boiled eggs, this dish is an ideal breakfast for those who want to have a wasp waist and the health of a lion!

Cooked protein calories

The calorie content of a boiled egg white is only 17 calories, which is one fourth of the total calorie content of the product in this form. A rather important aspect is the absence of fat in protein, as well as its content of B vitamins and essential amino acids.

Egg yolk calories

A boiled egg yolk contains 50 to 60 calories. It contains a large amount of carbohydrates, proteins, as well as fats, vitamins and microelements.

In addition, scientists have discovered cholesterol in it, which becomes safe thanks to lecithin that balances it. Nutritionists do not recommend consuming boiled yolk together with other products and dishes containing animal fats.

If you want to learn how to make hearts from a boiled egg, watch the video!

Calorie content of hard-boiled egg

There are people on many forums who claim that the calorie content of boiled and raw eggs is the same. However, this is a false opinion. A hard-boiled chicken egg has only 50 calories! It is also very convenient that this dish can be stored in the refrigerator for up to two weeks. But who wants to eat a stale product that takes five to ten minutes to prepare!

Calorie content of soft-boiled egg

Let's consider then how many calories are in a soft-boiled egg, which does not lose at all due to heat treatment its beneficial properties, but is considered completely safe for consumption. The energy value of this dish is 70 calories.

INTERESTING: the longer you cook (cook) the product, the more difficult it will be for the body to process it, and therefore you should not exceed the cooking time, which averages three to five minutes.

Remember that only a properly cooked product has a semi-liquid yolk and a dense ready-made white. And these eggs are served hot.

What about fried eggs?

So, for those remaining with us, we inform you that one fried egg without the use of oil contains about 110 calories. But hardly anyone likes such a bland dish.

In order to find out the energy value of an egg fried in oil, you need to add the calorie content of oil to 110 calories. Moreover, on average, the energy value of such a dish after cooking exceeds 170 - 200 calories, which is significantly more than the calorie content of a boiled egg.

Due to their high calorie content, eggs fried in oil are excluded from all diets for weight loss and cleansing the body. But, if you, like me, cannot deny yourself such a delicacy, then you should at least reduce the calorie content of this dish. How?

To do this, you need to use exclusively proteins for frying, which have no fat at all, and the amount of carbohydrates is reduced to a minuscule amount.

Calorie content of an omelet made from two eggs

Omelette is considered one of the most popular morning dishes. This is largely due to the simplicity of its preparation, which allows you to find a little more time to dream under the covers. There are countless varieties of omelet recipes! And everyone can come up with something new by adding their favorite product, even Chinese cabbage!

Classic omelet recipe

To prepare, just beat the milk and eggs in a clean container until smooth and pour it into a hot frying pan with a thin layer of olive or sunflower oil.

The calorie content of such an omelet made from two eggs is on average 118 calories. At the same time, by preparing a dish from proteins alone, you will already receive from 80 to 90 calories! Remember that adding other ingredients (such as tomatoes or cheese) to a traditional omelette also increases its calorie content.

Such a tasty and simple dish can energize you for the whole day!

The benefits of chicken eggs

Having examined in detail the calorie content of boiled eggs and fried egg dishes, we come to the most important part, the benefits of the product itself. Here are some of the most important reasons why all women should add eggs to their diet:

  • They contain the vitamin of youth and beauty, vitamin E.
  • Regular consumption of low-calorie boiled eggs will not only not spoil your figure, but will also strengthen your bones.
  • Dishes made from this product have a beneficial effect on metabolic processes and strengthen the body's immune defense.
  • Lecithin, which is abundant in egg yolk, can increase mental performance and strengthen memory.
  • Eggs contain substances that are beneficial for hematopoiesis.
  • Those who eat eggs every day are not afraid of cataracts, because they are able to protect the optic nerve!

Bottom line: the low calorie content of a boiled egg allows you to use this product for weight loss. At the same time, there are many lower-calorie foods, the use of which will allow you to quickly achieve the desired result. Also, it is worth noting the great benefits of boiled eggs for the body and the ease of their preparation.

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Chicken eggs - familiar product daily diet, the normal consumption of which brings many benefits to the body. Despite their low calorie content, their nutritional value is equal to meat and fish products. Egg white and yolk have an optimal composition for humans and are easily absorbed by the body.

The largest amount of calories is contained in the yolk; the white contains several times less. A comparison table will allow you to compare the calorie content of a product prepared in different ways:

The benefits of white and yolk are not the same. Protein contains a minimum of fat and contains all the amino acids and B vitamins necessary for the human body. The yolk is the most valuable part. It is rich in proteins, fats, carbohydrates and minerals. Its yellow color is due to the presence of carotene, which is transformed into vitamin A during processing.

Helpful information! It is widely known that the yolk contains cholesterol, which can be harmful to health. The presence of lecithin in it helps to balance its level in the blood with moderate consumption of eggs.

In what form will the product provide the greatest benefit?

Eggs can benefit the body in two forms - boiled or raw. They retain little when fried. useful substances In addition, they contain carcinogens that are unsafe for humans.

When choosing between eating raw or boiled eggs, you need to consider the following points:

  • calorie content;
  • digestibility;
  • benefit;
  • safety.

When boiling, the egg white denatures, making it much easier to digest – almost 100%. However, hard-boiled eggs are digested by the body with great difficulty, and during the process of heat treatment they lose a significant part of their positive qualities.

Raw egg whites have a digestibility rate of only 60%. At the same time, the yolk is healthier to eat raw. As a result, it will be better preserved nutritional properties, and the amino acids will not be destroyed and will bring maximum benefit. The downside is that using raw eggs may lead to salmonella infection.

The optimal choice would be soft-boiled eggs. In this product, denatured protein is absorbed faster and with maximum benefit for the body. The cooking process is so healthy and delicious food It is simple - it only takes 3-5 minutes. In the stomach, the finished product is digested quickly: in less than 45 minutes. Have the same effect steam omelette or poached eggs.

Attention! Boiled eggs should be consumed immediately after cooking. After storing them in the refrigerator, even for several hours, the production of substances harmful to health begins - ammonia, hydrogen sulfide, hydrogen phosphorous.

Benefits of boiled eggs

Eggs, including boiled ones, contain a huge amount of substances necessary for human life. They are rich in biotin, nicotinic acid, lecithin, choline, vitamins A, B2, B6, B9, B12, K, PP, calcium, iron and other trace elements. In total, there are more than 40 types of useful substances necessary for the daily functioning of the body.

Boiled eggs are a valuable source of pure protein, necessary for active sports. A low amount of calories combined with a high protein content helps reduce fat reserves and intensively build muscle mass.

One egg can:

  • replace 50 g of meat or 200 ml of natural cow's milk;
  • satisfy 100% of the daily requirement for vitamin B12;
  • Replenish 24% of your daily protein requirement.

The benefits of the product for the human body are beyond doubt. Boiled eggs can be an excellent prophylactic for:

  • diseases of the digestive tract;
  • insufficient liver and gallbladder function;
  • susceptibility to heart and vascular diseases;
  • stress and depression;
  • fragility of bones, nails and hair.

In addition, they are able to enrich the body with vitamin D, which is essential for the development and growth of children. Hard-boiled chicken eggs normalize hematopoietic processes, nourish the brain, improve memory and remove toxins from the body.

For greatest benefit It is preferable to consume eggs from reliable producers or domestic chickens that receive organic feed.

Interesting to know! Normal consumption of boiled chicken eggs can be an excellent prevention of atherosclerosis. According to statistics, in those countries where it is customary to eat them for breakfast, the lowest incidence of cardiovascular diseases is observed.

Application for weight loss

Eggs are also widely used in the fight against excess weight. They are among the foods that can reduce appetite and suppress hunger for a long time. Having an omelet or steamed scrambled eggs for breakfast will allow you to easily go without food until lunch.

The small amount of calories in this product allows it to be included in various diets. There is a special egg diet that must be followed from 3 days to 1 month. Its advantage is the quick result, the absence of hunger pangs and the provision of the body with all vital substances. For a quick weight loss effect, a combination of soft-boiled eggs with citrus fruits is useful - eating them for breakfast can significantly activate fat burning processes.

A lot of useful and interesting information about eggs can be found in the following video:

The benefits and possible harm largely depend on the individual characteristics and tolerance of the product. When consumed in a balanced diet, boiled eggs will provide significant support for health and well-being. However, we must not forget that they are considered quite strong allergens. If you are prone to developing allergic reactions, use the product should be reduced to a minimum.

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Most often we use chicken eggs for food, although recently quail and duck eggs have become extremely popular. In our material we will talk about the chicken egg.

First of all, a chicken egg contains a lot of protein, and it is also a supplier of low-calorie proteins for our body and amino acids, which are preserved even after heat treatment (for example, a hard-boiled egg). The composition also contains minerals (potassium, phosphorus, iron, sodium, zinc, etc.), as well as vitamins A, B, D, K and many others. Egg whites are much better digestible than meat or dairy.

Nutritionists recommend including a hard-boiled egg in your diet during weight loss. The calorie content of 1 medium-sized boiled egg is only 70-75 kcal. The yolk contains the most calories; the white contains only about 20. This is a completely independent dish that can be eaten separately for breakfast, lunch or dinner, or as an addition to the main dish.

Raw chicken eggs are consumed extremely rarely; a fried egg is definitely not a product for weight loss. The ideal cooking method is a hard-boiled egg. The beauty of this cooking method is that a boiled chicken egg retains its entire range of nutrients after cooking - if, of course, you cook the eggs correctly. There are several states of boiled eggs: runny yolk and soft white, hard white and soft yolk, hard white and hard yolk.

Boil the soft-boiled egg for 1-2 minutes, in the “bag” for 3-4 minutes, hard-boiled for 7-8 minutes. Start counting after the water boils. To prevent them from cracking, remove them from the refrigerator in advance and rinse them with warm water. It is recommended to always wash chicken eggs with warm water before cooking for hygienic purposes. Do not overcook the egg, otherwise it will become tasteless and the white will become rubbery.

To prevent cracking, it is also recommended to add salt to the water, or put the eggs in still cold water so that they warm up gradually.

The shelf life of a boiled chicken egg is no more than a week.

As for other beneficial properties of the product, boiling eggs and eating them for breakfast is recommended to normalize metabolism. There is an opinion that carotenoids contained in poultry eggs prevent the aging process. Lecithin, which the egg contains, strengthens memory, vitamin D – bones, and vitamin E – the cardiovascular system. For your own health, you should not eat less than 1200 kcal per day; weight loss is guaranteed, however, you can cause irreparable harm to the functioning of your internal organs. One egg white is not enough for a quality breakfast or dinner. Count kcal using mobile applications or Internet resources, calculating the nutrition formula for your height and weight.

So even if you adhere to a strict diet, the number of calories in one hard-boiled egg will pleasantly surprise you, and the number of microelements will please you. One egg contains most daily norm protein and amino acids.

Most often, this product is recommended for use by children during their growth period; athletes who are gaining weight; to all girls who are preparing a diet menu for the purpose of losing weight. However, with all positive properties, there was a period when doctors all over the world talked about the dangers of chicken eggs due to their high cholesterol content. But detailed studies have revealed a proportion of lecithin in the product approximately equal to the amount of cholesterol. Ultimately possible harm Cholesterol is compensated by lecithin. But boiling eggs is still not recommended for children under one year old, since it is too heavy food for a small body.

But how healthy are they, how many calories are there in a boiled egg and one cooked differently? All this is of interest to those who are on a diet and not only. About their calorie content and beneficial properties and will be discussed in the material.

Calorie content of boiled eggs

100 grams of chicken eggs contain about 160 kcal; on average, one egg weighs about 70 grams. Accordingly, one boiled egg will have a calorie content of 80 kcal, two pieces - 160 kcal, respectively. This number of calories is considered optimal for breakfast, you will also saturate your body with the necessary amount of elements such as:

  • vitamins;
  • carbohydrates;
  • proteins;
  • microelements.

Egg white is good even with a diet, because it is digested almost entirely, and is of great benefit to the body than protein from meat, milk or fish. The calorie content of the product in boiled and raw form is practically the same.

Many people mistakenly believe that these foods are harmful to the body because they contain a lot of cholesterol, but this is not true at all. They contain only up to 2 percent, but there is much more lecithin, so if you eat boiled eggs in the morning, you will not be afraid of atherosclerosis.

A hard-boiled egg can be stored for 10 days. but fresh they are much healthier, so it is best to cook them immediately before eating. It takes about 5 minutes to cook.

Raw foods are considered the healthiest, but no one can guarantee that they will not contain salmonellosis.

Number of calories in yolk and white separately

The calorie content of yolk and white is also different. The yolk contains the most calories, while the white contains three times less calories.

Everyone knows that an egg consists of white and yolk. Thus, the calorie content of protein per 100 grams is only 17 kcal, which is equal to a quarter of the total calorie content. There are almost no fats in protein, it is in it that all beneficial amino acids and B vitamins.

But the calorie content of the yolk is 50 kcal. It contains:

  • proteins;
  • fats;
  • carbohydrates;
  • vitamins A, B, E;
  • manganese;
  • calcium;
  • zinc;
  • iron and other trace elements.

Ingredients of the cooked product

Contrary to common myths about the harmfulness and high calorie content These products are great for dieting when losing weight.

So, they contain a total of 12 types of vitamins. In terms of vitamin D content, eggs are second only to fish oil. It also contains quite a few minerals, for example;

  • phosphorus;
  • copper;
  • calcium;
  • iron.

Calories for other cooking methods

We looked at how many calories are contained in a hard-boiled egg, and below we will consider what its energy value will be if cooked using other methods.

How many calories are in a soft-boiled egg?

If you boil it soft-boiled, its usefulness will be the same, and the calorie content of one piece will be about 70 kcal. This product is completely digested within 2 hours. To cook a soft-boiled egg, you need to cook it for up to 5 minutes. The yolk in it should be semi-liquid, Soft-boiled eggs should only be eaten hot.

Many people like to fry eggs in the morning; of course, the issue of its calorie content remains relevant for some. One fried egg without oil has 110 calories. But their number increases if it is fried in fatty oil.

Therefore, when calculating the number of calories in a fried egg, be sure to take into account not only the egg itself, but also the oil in which you cooked it. As a rule, the calorie content of the finished dish is more than 170 kcal, this figure is more than twice the calorie content of the boiled product. That's why fried foods are not included in the diet for weight loss diets, they are too high in calories.

But if you are watching your figure, but cannot deprive yourself of the pleasure of eating fried eggs for breakfast, fry only the whites, since they contain a minimum of carbohydrates and zero fat.

Omelette and its calorie content

Omelette is one of the most common egg dishes which are prepared for breakfast. It's very easy to prepare:

  • beat 2 eggs with milk;
  • Pour the mixture into a frying pan, having previously heated a little oil in it.

The calorie content of the finished dish is 118 kcal; if you prepare an omelet from proteins alone, it will be only 85 kcal. The number of calories increases sharply if you add tomato or cheese to the omelette; with both ingredients it is 342 kcal.

Calorie table for eggs in different forms

Below is a short list of the calorie content of this product in one form or another, indicating its usefulness:

This product is great for inclusion not only in a diet for weight loss, but also for therapeutic nutrition, and for the purpose of general health promotion. It has the following useful properties:

Naturally, there are many healthy products, which contain fewer calories than a boiled egg, but it is not only healthy, but also incredibly tasty, especially for breakfast. And if you want to enjoy the taste of this product and double the amount of vitamins you consume, then try quail eggs. But remember that their calorie content is higher than that of chicken and is about 150 kcal per piece.

Boiled eggs are a calorie-rich product, healthy and tasty. Eating 2 pieces for breakfast will keep you feeling full for a long time.

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