Home Porridge Kvass concentrate composition. Kvass from malt extract. Beer made from kvass wort at home

Kvass concentrate composition. Kvass from malt extract. Beer made from kvass wort at home

GOST 28538-90
Group H71


Kvas wort concentrate, kvas concentrates and extracts. Specifications

OKP 91 8533,
91 8534,
91 8535

Date of introduction 1991-07-01


1. DEVELOPED AND INTRODUCED by the Scientific and Production Association of Beverages and Mineral Waters

A.P. Kolpakchi, Ph.D. tech. sciences; L.N. Benevolenskaya; N.V. Golikova, Ph.D. tech. sciences; B.S. Isaeva, Ph.D. biol. sciences; E.V.Voronina

2. APPROVED AND ENTERED INTO EFFECT by Resolution of the USSR State Committee for Product Quality Management and Standards dated April 26, 1990 N 1036

3. Date of the first inspection - 1995. Inspection frequency - 5 years.

4. INSTEAD OF OST 10 53-84, OST 10 54-87, TU 10-04-06-56-87


Item number

GOST 21-94

GOST 22-94

GOST 490-79

GOST 908-79

GOST 2874-82

GOST 5037-97

1.4.2, 1.4.3

GOST 5060-86

GOST 5717-91

GOST 6002-69

GOST 6687.0-86

GOST 6687.2-90

GOST 6687.4-86

GOST 6687.5-86

GOST 7045-90

GOST 8777-80

GOST 9225-84

GOST 10354-82

GOST 10117-91

GOST 10131-93

GOST 11354-93

GOST 13358-84

GOST 13516-86

GOST 13634-90

GOST 13830-91

GOST 13950-91

GOST 14192-96

GOST 15846-79

GOST 16732-71

GOST 16991-71

GOST 18963-73

GOST 19360-74

GOST 21908-93

GOST 23285-78

GOST 24597-81

GOST 24831-81

GOST 26668-85

GOST 26669-85

GOST 26927-86

GOST 26928-86

GOST 26929-94

GOST 26930-86

GOST 26931-86 - GOST 26935-86

RST RSFSR 253-87

6. The validity period was lifted according to Protocol No. 5-94 of the Interstate Council for Standardization, Metrology and Certification (IUS 11-12-94)


This standard applies to kvass wort concentrate, kvass concentrate, Russian and Moscow kvass concentrate, okroshka kvass extract, etc.
OKP codes are indicated in Appendix 1.



1.1. Kvass wort concentrates, concentrates and extracts of kvass (hereinafter referred to as products) must be manufactured in accordance with the requirements of this standard according to recipes and technological instructions in compliance with sanitary standards and rules approved in the prescribed manner.

1.2. Characteristics

1.2.1. In terms of organoleptic indicators, products must meet the requirements specified in Table 1.

Table 1

Indicator name


kvass wort concentrate

kvass concentrates


small kvass

kvass for Russian okroshka


Opaque viscous thick liquid

Dark brown

Light brown to dark brown

Dark brown

Sourish-sweet, bready, with slightly pronounced bitterness

Sourish-sweet, bready, without pronounced bitterness

Sweet and sour, with a salty aftertaste, without pronounced bitterness

Sweet and sour, with a flavor characteristic of horseradish


Rye bread

Rye bread and dill

Rye bread, parsley and dill

Solubility in water

Opalescence, due to the characteristics of the raw materials used, and sediment of single particles of grain supplies are allowed

Opalescence and sedimentation of single particles of grain supplies and crushed herbs is allowed

1.2.2. In terms of physical and chemical indicators, products must meet the requirements specified in Table 2.

table 2

Name of product

Indicator name and meaning

Mass fraction of dry substances, %

Acidity, cm of sodium hydroxide solution with a concentration of 1.0 mol/dm3 per 100 g of product

Kvass wort concentrate

Russian kvass concentrate

Moscow kvass concentrate

Kvass concentrate

Okroshka kvass extract

Kvass extract for Russian okroshka

1.2.3. The presence of foreign impurities is not allowed.

1.2.4. The mass fraction of toxic elements in the product after diluting it with water in the ratio specified in the recipe should not exceed: lead - 0.3 mg/kg, cadmium - 0.03 mg/kg, arsenic - 0.2 mg/kg, mercury - 0.005 mg/kg, copper - 0.5 mg/kg, zinc - 10.0 mg/kg, iron - 15.0 mg/kg.

1.2.5. The microbiological indicators of the product after diluting it with water in the ratio specified in the recipe must comply with the standards approved by the USSR Ministry of Health and indicated in Table 3.

Table 3

1.3. Requirements for raw materials and materials
For the preparation of products the following is used:
rye for processing into malt in alcohol production according to GOST 16991;
drinking water according to GOST 2874;
rye baking flour according to GOST 7045;
Dry rye malt, fermented and unfermented according to scientific and technical documentation;
freshly sprouted rye malt, fermented and unfermented, according to regulatory and technical documentation;
brewing barley malt according to NTD;
corn flour according to GOST 6002;
corn grits according to GOST 6002;
corn according to GOST 13634;
barley according to GOST 5060;
granulated sugar according to GOST 21;
refined sugar according to GOST 22;
liquid sugar according to OST 18-170;
edible lactic acid according to GOST 490;
food grade citric acid according to GOST 908;
table salt according to GOST 13830;
dill essential oil according to scientific and technical documentation;
ready-made food mustard according to RST RSFSR 253 and normative and technical documentation;
dried parsley, celery and dill according to GOST 16732;
table horseradish according to NTD;
oregano herb according to GOST 21908.
The use of enzyme preparations and other auxiliary materials approved by the USSR Ministry of Health is allowed.

1.4. Package

1.4.1. Kvass wort concentrate, kvass concentrates and extracts are bottled:
in glass bottles with a capacity from 250 to 1000 cm according to GOST 10117;
in glass jars with a capacity from 250 to 10000 cm according to GOST 5717.

1.4.2. Kvass wort concentrate and kvass concentrates intended for industrial processing are bottled:
in barrels according to NTD, wooden barrels according to NTD and GOST 8777;
in metal barrels with a capacity of 30, 50, 100, 190 dm3 according to regulatory and technical documentation, as well as imported ones approved for use by the USSR Ministry of Health;
in steel barrels in accordance with GOST 13950 with a capacity of 100 to 200 dm;
in metal flasks type FL according to GOST 5037.
The inner surface of the barrels in accordance with GOST 8777 must be lined with film bags with liners in accordance with GOST 19360, made of polyethylene film in accordance with GOST 10354.

1.4.3. For public catering networks, it is allowed to bottle kvass extracts into metal flasks for milk and dairy products of the FL type in accordance with GOST 5037 and other containers permitted by the USSR Ministry of Health.

1.4.4. The average production volume of 10 bottles at a temperature of 20 °C must correspond to their nominal capacity with a deviation of ±3%.

1.4.5. When bottling products into glass jars with a capacity of 250 to 1000 cm, a deviation from the capacity of ±3% is allowed.
When bottling products into glass jars with a capacity of 2000 to 10000 cm3, a deviation from the capacity of ±2% is allowed.

1.4.6. The bottles are hermetically sealed with a crown cap in accordance with the NTD, aluminum caps in accordance with the normative and technical documentation, aluminum caps with perforations in accordance with the NTD, and polyethylene caps in accordance with the NTD.
Glass jars are hermetically sealed with metal lids according to the technical documentation.
It is allowed to use lithographed caps and other closures approved by the USSR Ministry of Health.

1.4.7. The flasks must be hermetically sealed with lids and sealed by the manufacturer.
Barrels with products are hermetically sealed using closures approved by the USSR Ministry of Health.

1.4.8. Glass bottles and jars with products are packaged in wooden boxes in accordance with GOST 11354, plank boxes in accordance with GOST 10131, GOST 13358, corrugated cardboard boxes in accordance with GOST 13516, wire boxes in accordance with NTD, plastic boxes in accordance with NTD, reusable boxes for bottles with food liquids in accordance with regulations - technical documentation, as well as packaging equipment in accordance with GOST 24831.

1.4.9. When enlarging cargo items, packages are formed in accordance with GOST 23285 with the main parameters and dimensions in accordance with GOST 24597.

1.4.10. Packaging of products sent to the Far North and equivalent areas is carried out in accordance with GOST 15846.

1.5. Marking

1.5.1. Products for the retail trade network are marked by affixing a label to the consumer container according to the normative and technical documentation indicating:
trademark, name of the manufacturer and its address or name of the manufacturer (index, number, code);
Name of product;
bottling dates;
symbols of this standard;
capacity, l or cm;
energy value;

method of use according to Appendix 2.

1.5.2. In the case of using a lithographed lid when sealing jars, it is allowed to place information about the method of use directly on the lid.

1.5.3. The nutritional and energy value of kvass wort concentrate, kvass concentrates and extracts are given in Appendix 3.
Information on nutritional and energy value is provided in accordance with regulations approved by the USSR Ministry of Health.

1.5.4. Transport marking of corrugated cardboard boxes is in accordance with GOST 14192 with the application of handling signs: “Top”, “Fragile. Caution”, “Keep away from moisture”.

1.5.5. Labels or a label are attached to transport containers (barrels, flasks) indicating:
trademark, name of the manufacturer and its address or name of the manufacturer (index, number, code);
product names;
capacity, dm;
gross weight, kg (except for transportation by road);
bottling dates;
warranty period of storage indicating storage temperature;
symbols of this standard.


2.1. Acceptance rules - according to GOST 6687.0.

2.2. The frequency of testing of toxic elements is established in accordance with the rules approved in accordance with the established procedure.


3.1. Sampling - in accordance with GOST 6687.0, sample preparation for determination of toxic elements - in accordance with GOST 26929 with preliminary dilution of kvass wort concentrate, concentrates and extracts of kvass with drinking water in a ratio of 1:30, 1:10, 1:15, respectively.

3.2. Analysis methods - according to GOST 6687.2, GOST 6687.4, GOST 6687.5.
Determination of heavy metals and arsenic - according to GOST 26927, GOST 26928, GOST 26930 - GOST 26935.

3.3. Methods of sampling for microbiological analyzes - according to GOST 26668, sample preparation according to GOST 26669 with preliminary dilution of kvass wort concentrate, concentrates and extracts of kvass with drinking water in a ratio of 1:30, 1:10, 1:15, respectively.

3.4. Determination of the coli index of coliform bacteria (coliforms) - according to GOST 18963, determination of pathogenic microorganisms - according to methods approved by the USSR Ministry of Health.

3.5. To determine coliform bacteria, a sample of the product weighing (1±0.1) g is inoculated into Kessler medium (10 g peptone, 50 cm bovine bile, 5 g lactose, 2 cm aqueous solution of crystal violet with a mass fraction of 1%) and analyzed according to GOST 9225.


4.1. Kvass wort concentrate, concentrates and extracts of kvass are transported by all types of transport, in road tankers and special railway tanks of the manufacturer in accordance with the rules for the transportation of perishable goods in force for this type of transport.

4.2. Kvass wort concentrate, kvass concentrate, concentrates of Russian and Moscow kvass, poured into barrels, flasks, are stored at a temperature not lower than minus 40 ° C and not higher than 30 ° C, and bottled and jarred - at a temperature not lower than 0 ° C and no higher than 25 °C.

4.3. Kvass extracts are stored at temperatures from 0 to 25 °C.


5.1. The manufacturer guarantees that the kvass wort concentrate, concentrates and extracts of kvass comply with the requirements of this standard, subject to the conditions of transportation and storage.

5.2. The guaranteed shelf life of kvass wort concentrate, Russian and Moscow kvass concentrates is 12 months from the date of production, kvass concentrate is 3 months from the date of production.
The guaranteed shelf life of okroshka kvass extract is 12 months, and the kvass extract for Russian okroshka is 6 months from the date of production.




Name of product

OKP code

Kvass wort concentrate:

in bottles with a capacity, cm:

91 8533 9912

91 8533 9913

91 8533 9914

91 8533 9915

91 8533 9916

91 8533 9917

in jars with a capacity, cm:

91 8533 9922

91 8533 9923

91 8533 9925

91 8533 9926

91 8533 9928

91 8533 9932

91 8533 9933

91 8533 9935

91 8533 9938

in flasks with a capacity, dm:

91 8533 9942

91 8533 9943

in barrels with a capacity, dm:

91 8533 9971

91 8533 9972

91 8533 9973

91 8533 9975

91 8533 9976

Moscow kvass concentrate:

in bottles with a capacity, cm:

91 8534 1291

91 8534 1299

in jars with a capacity, cm:

91 8534 1292

91 8534 1293

91 8534 1294

91 8535 1293

91 8535 1294

91 8535 1295

in flasks with a capacity of 38 dm

91 8535 1296

in wooden barrels

91 8535 1298

in metal barrels

91 8535 1292

Russian kvass concentrate:

in bottles, capacity, cm:

91 8534 1391

91 8534 1399

in jars with a capacity, cm:

91 8534 1392

91 8534 1393

91 8534 1394

91 8535 1393

91 8535 1394

91 8535 1395

in flasks

91 8535 1396

in metal barrels

91 8535 1392

in wooden barrels

91 8535 1398

Kvass concentrate:

in bottles with a capacity, cm:

91 8534 1191

91 8534 1199

in jars with a capacity, cm:

91 8534 1192

91 8534 1193

91 8534 1194

91 8534 1195

91 8534 1198

in barrels

Okroshka kvass extract:

in jars with a capacity, cm:

91 8533 2122

91 8533 2123

91 8533 2125

91 8533 2126

91 8533 2128

91 8533 2132

91 8533 2133

91 8533 2135

91 8533 2638

in bottles with a capacity, cm:

91 8533 2111

91 8533 2112

91 8533 2113

91 8533 2114

91 8533 2115

in flasks

91 8533 2643

Kvass extract for Russian okroshka:

in bottles with a capacity of 500 ml

91 8533 2314

in jars with a capacity, cm:

91 8533 2322

91 8533 2333



Table 5

Name of product

Method of use

Kvass wort concentrate

To prepare 5 liters of bread kvass, dilute 8-10 tablespoons of kvass wort concentrate, 1 cup sugar, 6-7 g of pressed yeast in warm (35-40 °C) drinking water, keep at a temperature of 25-30 °C 18-20 h. Cool the finished kvass, drain from the sediment and store in a cool place

Kvass concentrate, concentrates of Russian and Moscow kvass

To prepare 5 liters of bread kvass, dilute the concentrate in warm (25-30 °C) drinking water in a ratio of 1:10, add 3-5 g of pressed yeast and keep at a temperature of 25-30 °C for 10-12 hours. Cool the finished kvass, drain from sediment and store in a cool place.
Kvass concentrate can be consumed as a drink by diluting it with carbonated water: 4 teaspoons of concentrate per glass of water

Kvass extracts

To prepare one liter of kvass, you need to dissolve 40-60 g of extract (2-3 tablespoons) in 1 liter of boiled chilled water.



Table 6

Name of product

Nutritional value, g, per 100 g of product

value, kcal per 100 g of product


Organic acids

Kvass wort concentrate

Kvass concentrate

Russian kvass concentrate

Moscow kvass concentrate

Okroshka kvass extract

Kvass extract for Russian okroshka

FA on technical regulation and metrology

provision of information from the "Products of Russia" database

Information system "Dangerous goods"

6. The validity period was lifted according to Protocol No. 5-94 of the Interstate Council for Standardization, Metrology and Certification (IUS 11-12-94)


This standard applies to kvass wort concentrate, kvass concentrate, Russian and Moscow kvass concentrate, okroshka kvass extract, etc.

OKP codes are indicated in Appendix 1.



1.1. Kvass wort concentrates, concentrates and extracts of kvass (hereinafter referred to as products) must be manufactured in accordance with the requirements of this standard according to recipes and technological instructions in compliance with sanitary standards and rules approved in the prescribed manner.

1.2. Characteristics

1.2.1. In terms of organoleptic indicators, products must meet the requirements specified in Table 1.

Table 1

Indicator name


kvass wort concentrate

kvass concentrates


small kvass

kvass for Russian okroshka


Opaque viscous thick liquid

Dark brown

Light brown to dark brown

Dark brown

Sourish-sweet, bready, with slightly pronounced bitterness

Sourish-sweet, bready, without pronounced bitterness

Sweet and sour, with a salty aftertaste, without pronounced bitterness

Sweet and sour, with a flavor characteristic of horseradish


Rye bread

Rye bread and dill

Rye bread, parsley and dill

Solubility in water

Opalescence, due to the characteristics of the raw materials used, and sediment of single particles of grain supplies are allowed

Opalescence and sedimentation of single particles of grain supplies and crushed herbs is allowed

1.2.2. In terms of physical and chemical indicators, products must meet the requirements specified in Table 2.

table 2

Name of product

Indicator name and meaning

Mass fraction of dry substances, %

Acidity, cm of sodium hydroxide solution with a concentration of 1.0 mol/dm3 per 100 g of product

Kvass wort concentrate

Russian kvass concentrate

Moscow kvass concentrate

Kvass concentrate

Okroshka kvass extract

Kvass extract for Russian okroshka

1.2.3. The presence of foreign impurities is not allowed.

1.2.4. The mass fraction of toxic elements in the product after diluting it with water in the ratio specified in the recipe should not exceed: lead - 0.3 mg/kg, cadmium - 0.03 mg/kg, arsenic - 0.2 mg/kg, mercury - 0.005 mg/kg, copper - 0.5 mg/kg, zinc - 10.0 mg/kg, iron - 15.0 mg/kg.

1.2.5. The microbiological indicators of the product after diluting it with water in the ratio specified in the recipe must comply with the standards approved by the USSR Ministry of Health and indicated in Table 3.

Table 3

Indicator name

Coli bacteria 1.0 cm

Not allowed

Pathogenic microorganisms, including salmonella, at 25 cm

Not allowed

1.3. Requirements for raw materials and materials

For the preparation of products the following is used:

rye for processing into malt in alcohol production according to GOST 16991;

drinking water according to GOST 2874;

rye baking flour according to GOST 7045;

Dry rye malt, fermented and unfermented according to scientific and technical documentation;

freshly sprouted rye malt, fermented and unfermented, according to regulatory and technical documentation;

brewing barley malt according to NTD;

corn flour according to GOST 6002;

corn grits according to GOST 6002;

corn according to GOST 13634;

barley according to GOST 5060;

granulated sugar according to GOST 21;

refined sugar according to GOST 22;

liquid sugar according to OST 18-170;

edible lactic acid according to GOST 490;

food grade citric acid according to GOST 908;

table salt according to GOST 13830;

dill essential oil according to scientific and technical documentation;

ready-made food mustard according to RST RSFSR 253 and normative and technical documentation;

dried parsley, celery and dill according to GOST 16732;

table horseradish according to NTD;

oregano grass according to GOST 21908.

The use of enzyme preparations and other auxiliary materials approved by the USSR Ministry of Health is allowed.

1.4. Package

1.4.1. Kvass wort concentrate, kvass concentrates and extracts are bottled:

in glass bottles with a capacity from 250 to 1000 cm according to GOST 10117;

in glass jars with a capacity from 250 to 10000 cm according to GOST 5717.

1.4.2. Kvass wort concentrate and kvass concentrates intended for industrial processing are bottled:

in barrels according to NTD, wooden barrels according to NTD and GOST 8777;

in metal barrels with a capacity of 30, 50, 100, 190 dm3 according to regulatory and technical documentation, as well as imported ones approved for use by the USSR Ministry of Health;

in steel barrels in accordance with GOST 13950 with a capacity of 100 to 200 dm;

in metal flasks type FL according to GOST 5037.

The inner surface of the barrels in accordance with GOST 8777 must be lined with film bags with liners in accordance with GOST 19360, made of polyethylene film in accordance with GOST 10354.

1.4.3. For public catering networks, it is allowed to bottle kvass extracts into metal flasks for milk and dairy products of the FL type in accordance with GOST 5037 and other containers permitted by the USSR Ministry of Health.

1.4.4. The average production volume of 10 bottles at a temperature of 20 °C must correspond to their nominal capacity with a deviation of ±3%.

1.4.5. When bottling products into glass jars with a capacity of 250 to 1000 cm, a deviation from the capacity of ±3% is allowed.

When bottling products into glass jars with a capacity of 2000 to 10000 cm3, a deviation from the capacity of ±2% is allowed.

1.4.6. The bottles are hermetically sealed with a crown cap in accordance with the NTD, aluminum caps in accordance with the normative and technical documentation, aluminum caps with perforations in accordance with the NTD, and polyethylene caps in accordance with the NTD.

Glass jars are hermetically sealed with metal lids according to the technical documentation.

It is allowed to use lithographed caps and other closures approved by the USSR Ministry of Health.

1.4.7. The flasks must be hermetically sealed with lids and sealed by the manufacturer.

Barrels with products are hermetically sealed using closures approved by the USSR Ministry of Health.

1.4.8. Glass bottles and jars with products are packaged in wooden boxes in accordance with GOST 11354, plank boxes in accordance with GOST 10131, GOST 13358, corrugated cardboard boxes in accordance with GOST 13516, wire boxes in accordance with NTD, plastic boxes in accordance with NTD, reusable boxes for bottles with food liquids in accordance with regulations - technical documentation, as well as packaging equipment in accordance with GOST 24831.

1.4.9. When enlarging cargo packages, packages are formed in accordance with GOST 23285 with the main parameters and dimensions in accordance with GOST 24597.

1.4.10. Packaging of products sent to the Far North and equivalent areas is carried out in accordance with GOST 15846.

1.5. Marking

1.5.1. Products for the retail trade network are marked by affixing a label to the consumer container according to the normative and technical documentation indicating:

trademark, name of the manufacturer and its address or name of the manufacturer (index, number, code);

Name of product;

bottling dates;

symbols of this standard;

capacity, l or cm;

energy value;

method of use according to Appendix 2.

1.5.2. In the case of using a lithographed lid when sealing jars, it is allowed to place information about the method of use directly on the lid.

1.5.3. The nutritional and energy value of kvass wort concentrate, kvass concentrates and extracts are given in Appendix 3.

Information on nutritional and energy value is provided in accordance with regulations approved by the USSR Ministry of Health.

1.5.4. Transport marking of corrugated cardboard boxes is in accordance with GOST 14192 with the application of handling signs: “Top”, “Fragile. Caution”, “Keep away from moisture”.

1.5.5. Labels or a label are attached to transport containers (barrels, flasks) indicating:

trademark, name of the manufacturer and its address or name of the manufacturer (index, number, code);

product names;

capacity, dm;

gross weight, kg (except for transportation by road);

bottling dates;

warranty period of storage indicating storage temperature;

symbols of this standard.


2.1. Acceptance rules - according to GOST 6687.0.

2.2. The frequency of testing of toxic elements is established in accordance with the rules approved in accordance with the established procedure.


3.1. Sampling - according to GOST 6687.0, sample preparation for determination of toxic elements - according to GOST 26929

3.2. Analysis methods - according to GOST 6687.2, GOST 6687.4, GOST 6687.5.

Determination of heavy metals and arsenic - according to GOST 26927, GOST 26928, GOST 26930 - GOST 26935.

3.3. Methods of sampling for microbiological analyzes - in accordance with GOST 26668, sample preparation in accordance with GOST 26669 with preliminary dilution of kvass wort concentrate, concentrates and extracts of kvass with drinking water in a ratio of 1:30, 1:10, 1:15, respectively.

3.4. Determination of the coli index of coliform bacteria (coliforms) - according to GOST 18963, determination of pathogenic microorganisms - according to methods approved by the USSR Ministry of Health.

3.5. To determine coliform bacteria, a sample of the product weighing (1±0.1) g is inoculated into Kessler medium (10 g peptone, 50 cm bovine bile, 5 g lactose, 2 cm aqueous solution of crystal violet with a mass fraction of 1%) and analyzed according to GOST 9225.


4.1. Kvass wort concentrate, concentrates and extracts of kvass are transported by all types of transport, in road tankers and special railway tanks of the manufacturer in accordance with the rules for the transportation of perishable goods in force for this type of transport.

4.2. Kvass wort concentrate, kvass concentrate, concentrates of Russian and Moscow kvass, poured into barrels, flasks, are stored at a temperature not lower than minus 40 ° C and not higher than 30 ° C, and bottled and jarred - at a temperature not lower than 0 ° C and no higher than 25 °C.

4.3. Kvass extracts are stored at temperatures from 0 to 25 °C.


5.1. The manufacturer guarantees that the kvass wort concentrate, concentrates and extracts of kvass comply with the requirements of this standard, subject to the conditions of transportation and storage.

5.2. The guaranteed shelf life of kvass wort concentrate, Russian and Moscow kvass concentrates is 12 months from the date of production, kvass concentrate is 3 months from the date of production.

The guaranteed shelf life of okroshka kvass extract is 12 months, and the kvass extract for Russian okroshka is 6 months from the date of production.




Name of product

OKP code

Kvass wort concentrate:

in bottles with a capacity, cm:

91 8533 9912

91 8533 9913

91 8533 9914

91 8533 9915

91 8533 9916

91 8533 9917

in jars with a capacity, cm:

91 8533 9922

91 8533 9923

91 8533 9925

91 8533 9926

91 8533 9928

91 8533 9932

91 8533 9933

91 8533 9935

91 8533 9938

in flasks with a capacity, dm:

91 8533 9942

91 8533 9943

in barrels with a capacity, dm:

91 8533 9971

91 8533 9972

91 8533 9973

91 8533 9975

91 8533 9976

Moscow kvass concentrate:

in bottles with a capacity, cm:

91 8534 1291

91 8534 1299

in jars with a capacity, cm:

91 8534 1292

91 8534 1293

91 8534 1294

91 8535 1293

91 8535 1294

91 8535 1295

in flasks with a capacity of 38 dm

91 8535 1296

in wooden barrels

91 8535 1298

in metal barrels

91 8535 1292

Russian kvass concentrate:

in bottles, capacity, cm:

91 8534 1391

91 8534 1399

in jars with a capacity, cm:

91 8534 1392

91 8534 1393

91 8534 1394

91 8535 1393

91 8535 1394

91 8535 1395

in flasks

91 8535 1396

in metal barrels

91 8535 1392

in wooden barrels

91 8535 1398

Kvass concentrate:

in bottles with a capacity, cm:

91 8534 1191

91 8534 1199

in jars with a capacity, cm:

91 8534 1192

91 8534 1193

91 8534 1194

91 8534 1195

91 8534 1198

in barrels

Okroshka kvass extract:

in jars with a capacity, cm:

91 8533 2122

91 8533 2123

91 8533 2125

91 8533 2126

91 8533 2128

91 8533 2132

91 8533 2133

91 8533 2135

91 8533 2638

in bottles with a capacity, cm:

91 8533 2111

91 8533 2112

91 8533 2113

91 8533 2114

91 8533 2115

in flasks

91 8533 2643

Kvass extract for Russian okroshka:

in bottles with a capacity of 500 ml

91 8533 2314

in jars with a capacity, cm:

91 8533 2322

91 8533 2333



Table 5

Name of product

Method of use

Kvass wort concentrate

To prepare 5 liters of bread kvass, dilute 8-10 tablespoons of kvass wort concentrate, 1 cup sugar, 6-7 g of pressed yeast in warm (35-40 °C) drinking water, keep at a temperature of 25-30 °C 18-20 h. Cool the finished kvass, drain from the sediment and store in a cool place

Kvass concentrate, concentrates of Russian and Moscow kvass

To prepare 5 liters of bread kvass, dilute the concentrate in warm (25-30 °C) drinking water in a ratio of 1:10, add 3-5 g of pressed yeast and keep at a temperature of 25-30 °C for 10-12 hours. Cool the finished kvass, drain from sediment and store in a cool place.

Kvass concentrate can be consumed as a drink by diluting it with carbonated water: 4 teaspoons of concentrate per glass of water

Kvass extracts

To prepare one liter of kvass, you need to dissolve 40-60 g of extract (2-3 tablespoons) in 1 liter of boiled chilled water.



Table 6

Name of product

Nutritional value, g, per 100 g of product

value, kcal per 100 g of product


Organic acids

Kvass wort concentrate

Kvass concentrate

Russian kvass concentrate

Moscow kvass concentrate

Okroshka kvass extract

Kvass extract for Russian okroshka

The text of the document is verified according to:
official publication
Beer and soft drinks.
Technical conditions. Analysis methods:
Sat. GOST. - M.: IPK Standards Publishing House, 1998

Kvass wort concentrate made from rye or barley malt, which, depending on the technology, can be fermented. In addition to malt, rye or corn flour is added to the concentrate. The finished product has a thick, viscous, homogeneous consistency, is colored dark brown, almost black, and in its specific smell you can detect the aromas of beer and rye bread.

From kvass wort concentrate, without unnecessary manipulations with the preparation of dry kvass, without draining the sediment and straining, you can make delicious homemade kvass. To prepare two liters of kvass, 4 tablespoons of concentrate need to be diluted in warm (35-40 degrees) water, add half a glass of sugar and yeast - 3 grams. You cannot use active dry yeast, you only need pressed yeast. This refreshing drink is infused for about a day in a warm place, and after that you can drink it, mixed with sugar or honey, or make okroshka from it.

Of course, there are differences in taste from kvass prepared with dry kvass mixture or with rye breadcrumbs. But if you take into account the ease of the process, then such little things can be omitted. In addition to traditional use, kvass wort concentrate can be added to the kvass starter each time before pouring a new portion of the drink, replacing two spoons of wort with one spoon of dry kvass.

Benefits of kvass wort concentrate

The most important benefit of kvass from kvass wort concentrate is the presence of almost all B vitamins, which prevent aging and make skin, hair and nails beautiful, strong and healthy.

Harm and contraindications

Due to the natural fermentation process in kvass, alcohol and acetic acid are formed from the concentrate, which in excessive quantities are harmful to health.

With great pleasure and enthusiasm - especially during the hot season - they serve this drink, which perfectly quenches the thirst, to home and guests. But not everyone knows, for example, how to prepare kvass wort. What is this product, what is its benefit, how to make it yourself? This will be discussed in our article.

Wort: what is it?

In fact, this term is usually used to refer to any aqueous solution of extracted or fermented substances of plant, fruit, berry, grain (malt) origin, used in brewing, winemaking, and bakery cooking. Thus, grape must is a raw material obtained by crushing and pressing pulp and grapes. Accordingly, a completely natural product, which is made mainly for the production of kvass (and some types of baked goods), is kvass wort. type of raw material? This is a viscous, thick liquid in which the dry matter content reaches 70 percent. It has a brownish color and a sweet and sour taste and contains a lot of nutrients: amino acids, vitamins, microelements.

How to make wort at home?

To prepare the corresponding product, enterprises use fermented and non-fermented rye malt and rye baking flour. The malts are mixed with purified water and exposed to heat. During this time, the starch in the mixture is divided into sugar: fermentable and non-fermentable. And then the concentrate is evaporated until it reaches 70% dry matter.

At home, of course, such equipment is not available. But you can make quite a good wort for your future kvass. To do this, you need an infusion vat with a false bottom (in the form of a mesh raised above the main bottom) and a tap for decanting the wort.

Wort from kvass

In order to prepare kvass wort from pre-baked malt bread, rye and barley bread products (2-3 kg) are mixed with heated water into a thick mass. Let the dough stand for several hours. Then we bake it into malt bread (can be done in the oven or in a bread maker) - loaves or kvassniks. They turn out to be very aromatic, they have a sweet-sour taste and a blackish crust, which will then give the kvass its characteristic color scheme. We cool the kvass (they can also be dried and stored), break it into pieces, put it in hot water and leave it in a vat to get a thick kvass wort (we have already found out what it is). The result will be not only dense and tasty, but also a healthy product.

It’s now easy to make homemade kvass from kvass wort. We clarify the resulting thick mixture by settling, add yeast or old starter, ferment it using standard technology and bottle it.

There have already been reviews on beer preparation, but there haven’t been any about kvass yet, and I decided to fill this gap.

Kvass- a traditional Slavic sour drink, which is prepared on the basis of fermentation from flour and malt (rye, barley) or from dry rye bread, sometimes with the addition of fragrant herbs, honey, wax; also prepared from beets, fruits, berries. Previously, it often served as the basis for cold stews.

And not only earlier, the beloved okroshka immediately comes to mind, although it can be prepared not only with kvass, but also with whey, ayran, etc.

According to Russian GOST for industrial production, it is a drink with a volume fraction of ethyl alcohol of no more than 1.2%, made as a result of incomplete alcoholic and lactic acid fermentation of wort.

Indeed, many people make homemade kvass based on bread, and not only rye, but to be honest, I don’t like this kind of kvass for drinking, although it’s quite suitable for okroshka. According to the classic recipe and GOST, kvass is a product of not only alcoholic fermentation, but also lactic acid fermentation, but I, like many, cannot imagine how to correctly combine both of these points, so we will prepare kvass only with alcoholic fermentation based on malt extract, and also comparable to kvass based on red rye malt.

The concentrate under review is produced at the Polotsk Drinks and Concentrates enterprise from the fraternal republic of Belarus.

And it is sold in the Novopermsky Pivovar online store, delivery is carried out by Russian Post, or one of the fairly large transport companies. Personally, the transport company turned out to be the most profitable for me, delivery cost me 400 rubles, and this is the minimum tariff for this direction, and it is the same for 5 kg from my first order and for 30 kg from my second order, delivery time is within a week.

Kvass is supplied in canisters with a volume of approximately 3.3 liters, which contain 4 kg of concentrate, or in sealed plastic ones and the price is 157 rubles.
The first time I ordered a concentrate to try in a bag (unfortunately I didn’t take a photo), I liked it and ordered a canister.

A few words about the composition:
brewing barley malt - 50%,
fermented rye malt - 42%,
unfermented rye malt - 3%,
The composition is completely natural, barley malt is roughly speaking sprouted and dried barley grain, unfermented rye malt is similar to rye grain, and fermented rye malt is additionally subjected to a fermentation process, as a result of which it gets its red color, specific aroma and taste, and is used in including when baking Borodino bread. The ingredient that raised the most questions was called triticale, but it turned out that it was just a hybrid of wheat and rye.

I believe that kvass concentrate, like any malt brewing extract, is prepared by boiling the wort with all the necessary temperature breaks, and then evaporating excess water. The concentrate is quite sweet in its pure form, so no additional preservatives are required, and it can be stored in a cool place without fear of it turning sour or moldy.

Perhaps that's enough poetry, let's start cooking. The manufacturer gives, for drinking and for okroshka, in the first case, 50 g of concentrate and 35 g of sugar per 1 liter of water are used, in the second case, 100 g of concentrate per 1 liter of water. I’ll say right away that I tried to make it according to the second recipe, I didn’t particularly like it, so we prepare 2 liters of kvass according to the first recipe.
Take scales and an empty mug:

Pour 100g of concentrate (by the way, it is dark brown, the consistency is similar to liquid honey):

Add 70g sugar:

Place in a saucepan with 2 liters of clean water and bring to a boil:

Cool to 30 degrees:

Add a few grams of yeast, carefully scattering it over the surface of the wort:

I use these, which were left over from buying a moonshine still, but this is unimportant, I used both regular Pakmaya baker’s yeast and liquid brewer’s yeast, I didn’t notice a fundamental difference in taste, the only thing is that this yeast probably ferments faster:

After which we cover the pan with gauze (or a colander, as I do), let it ferment for 12 hours (I usually leave it overnight), then pour the kvass into bottles and let it ferment to saturate the drink with carbon dioxide (carbonation) for a few more hours, after which we put it in refrigerator, and you can drink.
I warn you right away: carbonation is very strong, if you immediately unscrew the cap, then you are guaranteed a fountain :-) so carefully release the pressure by slightly opening the bottle cap and pour it into a glass:

I really liked this version of kvass, dark color, velvety taste, very different from kvass prepared with bread crusts, close to store-bought kvass, but not so sweet, or rather almost not sweet at all, so I advise sweet lovers to add sugar during the bottling process , and reduce the carbonation time, but since sugar is food for yeast, I can offer an alternative sweetening option - add, in theory, yeast should not eat stevioside, I added a teaspoon per 2 liters, this light sweetness is enough for me.

Now for a little math.
According to information from the website, 1 kg of concentrate is enough for 10-20 liters of kvass, depending on the recipe, respectively, 4 kg is enough for 40-80 liters. Let's calculate the cost for the most expensive option - 1 kg bag per 10 liters of kvass: 157 rubles for concentrate, 400 rubles for delivery, 15 rubles for a bag of baker's yeast, plus water and gas for heating, totaling about 60 rubles for 1 liter of real live kvass, which is comparable to the prices of store-bought kvass kvass. But, of course, you shouldn’t do this, let’s calculate the cost for a 4kg 80l canister: 457 rubles for concentrate, 400 rubles for delivery, 150 rubles for 3kg sugar, 50 rubles for a pack of yeast, plus again water and gas. As a result, we get less than 15 rubles for 1 liter of kvass, which in my opinion very profitable .

For comparison, let's try to prepare kvass based on it for 68 rubles.

Take half a glass of malt:


3 liters of water with a temperature of 50 degrees:

Mix the ingredients, leave to cool, add yeast, bottle and cool. Everything is similar to the recipe with kvass concentrate.
For this kvass, I used a square pet bottle, it swelled up funny, after which it stopped being square, even the bottom squeezed out:

When bleeding off the excess carbon dioxide, the presence of malt sediment immediately catches the eye, which, although I tried to filter out when bottling the kvass, it still got there:

Pour into a glass and try:

You can immediately see that the color is not so dark and rich, the taste is also unique, the leaven sediment gives off a burnt taste. In general, I didn’t like this kvass, although the price is about 2 times more profitable than the concentrate. There is a lot of sediment left at the bottom of the glass:

Well, for the complete set, we will test rye malt purchased at the nearest market at a price of about 20 rubles per 1 kg:

The preparation process is similar to the previous one, so we will limit ourselves to a photograph of kvass in a glass:

I liked this malt kvass better, there is no burnt aftertaste, overall the taste is not bad, but perhaps a little sweet, IMHO you need to add less sugar. Of the minuses - again, sediment.

Results: I personally really liked the kvass from this concentrate. Simple, tasty and inexpensive.
I don’t recommend malt from this store, it’s better to look offline.

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