Home Product ratings Inverting sugar when making mash with dried fruits. How to invert sugar for mash. What is invert sugar and why is it needed?

Inverting sugar when making mash with dried fruits. How to invert sugar for mash. What is invert sugar and why is it needed?

Home distillers, striving to improve the quality of their drinks, use not only “upgrades” of their devices, but various technologies borrowed from other areas of industry. Inverted sugar for mash is just such an element in the process of preparing the drink. Regular sugar is chemically divided into disaccharides and monosaccharides. Yeast can only process monosaccharides, including glucose and fructose. Therefore, yeast first breaks down sugar, and only then begins to process it. As a result, the fermentation process increases for some time.

Inverting sugar allows you to skip the first step of splitting and prepare easily fermentable monosaccharides for yeast. At home, this process occurs under the influence of acid (usually citric) and high temperature - more than 80 degrees. The procedure is not complicated and allows you to obtain an inverted syrup similar in composition to natural honey.

When making invert for mash, you must follow some rules and choose the right composition. The following proportions are used in everyday life: 1 kg of sugar, 0.5 liters of water and 5 grams of citric acid. From this quantity it is easy to calculate the required volume of invert syrup for your needs.

You also need to observe a number of features when using the inversion method:

  • Use stainless steel or enamel cookware throughout the entire process. It is not recommended to use tanks or pans made of aluminum, which darken the syrup.
  • During hydrolysis, citric acid provokes a violent reaction and the formation of a large amount of foam. Therefore, the container should be one third larger than the volume of all ingredients.
  • The amount of citric acid mainly affects the reaction speed and preparation time of invert; its increase does not affect the quality of moonshine.
  • To reduce acidity, chalk is added to the syrup at the rate of one tablespoon per 1 kilogram of sugar. The measure is not mandatory, but it allows the yeast to feel more comfortable at a pH below 4.2.

Mash recipe with invert sugar

This recipe is designed for 10 liters of mash; if necessary, it is easy to calculate the required amount of ingredients for your volume. For example, for a regular milk flask of 40 liters, the number of components is multiplied by four.

Ingredients for syrup:

  • Sugar – 2 kg;
  • Water – 1 l;
  • Citric acid – 10 g.

Components for mash:

  • Water – 8 l;
  • Dry yeast – 50 g;

How to invert sugar:

  1. Pour the required amount of water into a suitable container and heat to 75-80°C.
  2. While stirring the water with a wooden spatula, slowly add granulated sugar.
  3. Bring the mixture to a boil and cook for 10 minutes. The white foam that forms during cooking must be removed.
  4. Set the heating power to minimum and start slowly adding citric acid. All this time you need to stir the syrup.

    Important! Do not pour in all the acid at once, otherwise a violent reaction will occur and some of the foam may splash out of the pan.

  5. After adding the acid, cover the container with a lid and cook the syrup for an hour.
  6. Cool the finished invert slightly and pour into a fermentation tank.
  7. Pour water for the mash there; the temperature of the wort should not exceed 30 degrees.
  8. Add prepared yeast to the mash; instead of dry yeast, you can use pressed yeast in an amount of 200 grams.
  9. Close the container loosely with a lid; as a rule, sugar mash can do just fine without a water seal, without the risk of becoming infected with pathogenic microorganisms.
  10. After 3-4 days, the moonshine mash will be ready for distillation.
  11. If desired, before distillation, the mash can be clarified by placing the container in the cold.

Video recipe on how to make invert sugar.

Advantages and Disadvantages of Sugar Inversion

On many moonshine forums, the topic of inverting sugar for moonshine is one of the most lively. There are both adherents of this method and opponents. Some distillers use only sugar syrup, others claim that invert is much better than regular sugar. Evaluate all the advantages and disadvantages of this method and decide for yourself which option is preferable, or better yet, try it in practice.

The main advantages of sugar inversion:

  • The fermentation process takes less time. Thus, fewer esters, acids and other harmful impurities are fermented. Unlike regular mash, the gain is about two days.
  • The organoleptics and taste of the drink are superior; even during fermentation, the smell of the mash is not so specific.
  • Boiling when making invert sugar kills pathogens and reduces the risk of contamination, especially in fruit and grain mashes that use sugar.

Disadvantages of the invert method:

  • The biggest drawback is the length of time it takes to prepare invert syrup.
  • Additional utensils required.
  • Energy and ingredient costs.
  • For rectification, organoleptic properties are not important; the output is alcohol that is neutral in smell and taste.
  • When sugar is inverted, furfural is released - a toxic mixture harmful to human health.
  • The yield of the finished product is 2-3% less.

is a solution consisting of water, yeast and sugars (including those found in grains, fruits, and some vegetables). The simplest option is sugar mash. What’s easier: mixed warm water, sugar and yeast, distilled it after the allotted time.

However, some people invert sugar for mash, while others skip this operation, considering it a waste of time. There is no clear answer as to who is right. Therefore, we will tell you about the facts, and you can decide for yourself whether you need it.

The crystalline sugar we are used to is a disaccharide (containing two substances in one molecule) sucrose. Yeast can only digest monosaccharides. Therefore, they first break down the sugar contained in the mash, and only then process it. That is, fermentation, even if only for a couple of days, is delayed.

But we can artificially help the yeast by carrying out hydrolysis in our kitchen, splitting sucrose into two molecules and turning it into two monosaccharides - glucose and fructose. Hydrolysis, also known as inversion, occurs at high temperatures (80°C and above). The catalyst that starts the process is acid.

That is, you cannot cook syrup and say that you have carried out hydrolysis this way. This will not change the chemical structure. Therefore, add acid and heat for a long time (an hour, or even two). Complete hydrolysis takes time.

Pros of hydrolysis

Cane or beet sugar converted into two simple substances benefits the moonshiner because:

  • facilitates the work of yeast, which multiply more actively, absorbing glucose with sucrose and producing alcohol and carbon dioxide;
  • Fermentation time is reduced by a couple of days. In this regard, the distillate is purer than when adding a crystalline substance;

Reference. The longer the fermentation lasts, the more fusel oils are fermented, which then turn into moonshine.

  • fermentation does not produce an unpleasant odor, which is especially important for residents of apartment buildings;
  • the flavor and aroma of the raw materials is preserved and enhanced. Berry or grain distillate has a wonderful smell, softness and a light honey note in taste. Therefore, inversion is desirable for these washes;
  • prolonged temperature exposure kills microorganisms that live in abundance on the surface of sugar crystals, which makes the mash cleaner;
  • greater yield of moonshine. Due to the low content of fusel fish, the tails are cut off later than on ordinary sugar mash.


Where would we be without them?

  1. You need to spend your own effort and some time to invert. Although it takes longer to talk about than to do. And the fact that the process takes an hour or even more, there is no need to stand vigilantly over the syrup. At this time, for example, you can go online, read our interesting articles, learn something new and put it into practice.
  2. The hydrolysis process produces furfural as a by-product.

In our opinion, the harmfulness of furfural is greatly exaggerated by popular rumor. So far, its only scientifically proven harm is that in concentrated form it corrodes the skin and mucous membranes. But the same can be said about many substances, including those that we regularly ingest.

Besides: in micro-dose furfural invert syrup.

There is many times more of it in delicacies from childhood - jam, confectionery, especially those that use fruits and berries.

Proportions and features of sugar inversion

Only when preparing invert syrup for the first time, you will have to check the recipe, then you will make it “automatically”. Calculate the proportions this way: For 1 kg of sugar, take half a liter of water and 5 g of citric acid. And you can easily recalculate the quantity to what you need.

Consider a number of features when inverting sugar:

  • Use only enamel or stainless steel cookware. Aluminum may cause the syrup to darken.
  • Fill the container in which you carry out hydrolysis to no more than 2/3 of the volume, since the addition of citric acid causes a sharp swelling of the solution.
  • Whether you need to add baking soda or chalk to neutralize the acidity before adding the syrup to the wort is up to you. This is also a controversial issue.

Reference. Yeasts develop most actively if the environment is slightly acidic (pH level is from 3.7 to 5.8). For moonshine brewing, pH values ​​below 4.2 are considered best. In addition, during fermentation the acidity increases slightly.

  • If you decide to “quench” the syrup, then for 1 kg of sugar add a teaspoon of baking soda. But if you have an aluminum still, it’s better to use a tablespoon of chalk.

How to invert step by step

Prepare invert sugar according to the rules so that the resulting syrup, in its chemical properties, has more in common with honey than with sugar, and is absorbed by yeast without additional processing. Technology:

  1. Heat the required amount of water.
  2. Add sugar, stir until dissolved.
  3. Skim off the foam and boil for 10 minutes.
  4. Add citric acid little by little.

Important. Add acid a little at a time. Even then, you will see the syrup foaming. And by pouring the entire dose at once, you can cause the syrup to run off onto the stove.

  1. Turn the heat down to low and cover the pan with a lid.
  2. The syrup should simmer, preferably without noticeable boiling, for an hour.
  3. Turn off the heat and leave covered until cool.

Proper preparation of mash using inverted syrup

Any type of mash can be made with inverted sugar. As much sugar as the recipe calls for, so much should be in the syrup you brew.

Attention. The water in the syrup is not included in the total amount of the recipe!

When setting up the mash, correctly calculate the ratio of proportions - -. If with yeast it is more or less clear: for 1 kg of sugar - 20 g of dry or 100 g of raw, then with sugar it is not so clear. The hydromodule is important, which also depends on the yeast:

  • Baker's yeast ferments the wort to 12, maximum 14° strength. Therefore, the hydromodule is usually taken 1:5 (kilo sugar, 5 liters of water);
  • for alcohol drinks capable of operating up to 16-18°, a 1:4 hydromodule is suitable;
  • Turbo yeast can bring the strength of the mash to 20°. A hydraulic module of 1:3.5 is suitable for them. Some manufacturers indicate 1:3.

The mash is made according to the general rules: mix water at a temperature of 25-30°C with inverted syrup, add yeast. Wear gloves or install a water seal and leave in a warm room until ready.

Even if you still have doubts about the advisability of inversion, at least once try to carry it out according to all the rules, and then compare the result by fermentation time, and most importantly, by the organoleptics of the resulting moonshine. Share the results with other readers in the comments.

Sugar inversion is the separation of the sucrose molecule in granulated cane or beet sugar into two components, glucose and sucrose. This is done by heating to 80°C and higher with the addition of citric acid. This component acts as a reaction catalyst. This syrup is very similar in structure and appearance to natural honey, which is used by unscrupulous sellers.

It is almost impossible for an uninitiated person to distinguish invert syrup from honey.

On thematic forums, the use of inverted sugar for mash is one of the most discussed topics. Some moonshiners prefer to use sugar syrup in all recipes, while others do without “dancing with a tambourine” because they claim that there is no benefit from it. To understand the truth, it is enough to prepare two types of distillate yourself and compare them. You can also study the advantages and disadvantages of inverting sugar for mash.

  1. No unpleasant aroma. During the fermentation of mash, to which regular sugar is added, an unpleasant characteristic odor appears. But in the case of wort syrup, this nuance is absent.
  2. Fast reaction. Thanks to monosaccharides, yeast converts carbohydrates into alcohol much faster, since in this case additional time is not required for their hydrolysis. It is difficult to accurately determine the time difference, since fermentation depends primarily on the composition of the mash, but on average it is 2-4 days.

The fermentation process goes faster due to yeast processing of a simpler monosaccharide molecule

  1. The organoleptic properties of the wort are preserved. If you used a mash recipe with invert sugar with berries, grains or fruits, the taste and aroma of the ingredients will be maximally transferred to the finished product, but at the same time will be slightly supplemented with notes of honey.
  2. Disinfection. Due to the fact that granulated sugar is processed at elevated temperatures, harmful microorganisms are eliminated.
  3. Increasing the volume of the final product. Since invert syrup promotes accelerated fermentation, the amount of fusel oils in the wort is reduced, and therefore waste.

Despite the obvious advantages, the use of inverted sugar syrup for mash is not without its drawbacks.

  1. Costs of time and effort. In order to understand how to invert sugar for mash and the cooking process itself, you need to spend a lot of time. The recipe is not particularly difficult, but it can take more than 1 hour of free time.
  2. Formation of furfural. This component has a unique almond aroma, but it is classified as a toxic substance. If the moonshine contains a high concentration of content, the mucous membrane and epidermis will begin to irritate when consumed.


For reference! During the boiling process of the syrup, furfural is formed - an aldehyde with the smell of fresh rye bread or almonds. In high concentrations it is an extremely toxic derivative, but too little of it is produced when inverted. For comparison, in regular jam there is 10% more of it

But here it is enough to recall any homemade jam, in which the level of toxin saturation is much higher than in manufactured alcohol.

Reading with this article: Home brew from jam - the secrets of delicious moonshine revealed

VIDEO: What is the difference between mash made with prepared syrup and regular sugar?

Cooking method

Before making inverted syrup for moonshine, you should correctly calculate the proportions. Otherwise, the mixture will either turn out to be too liquid or will crystallize, and such a product is no longer suitable for use.


  • drinking water – 500 ml;
  • granulated sugar – 1 kg;
  • citric acid – 5 g.

These values ​​can be used as a basis for calculations for any volumes of raw materials. It is not recommended to use aluminum pans when preparing inverted sugar; in them the mixture will take on a darker shade, moreover, in the future the pan will no longer be washable.

It is best to use stainless steel cookware; aluminum is absolutely not suitable.

After mixing all the ingredients, at least 1/3 of free space should remain in the container.

Steps to prepare invert sugar:

  • heat the water, without bringing it to a boil, add granulated sugar;
  • stir the mixture until a homogeneous consistency is obtained and switch the heat to medium;
  • cook the ingredients for 10 minutes, being careful not to let the syrup boil;
  • remove the resulting foam cap;
  • gradually add citric acid in small portions;
  • cover with a lid and switch the stove to low heat so that the liquid does not boil.

When the foam has completely settled and no longer forms, the caramel is ready.

The further cooking process should last for 1 hour, but 20 minutes before the end it is recommended to periodically check the syrup for readiness. To do this, scoop up the liquid with a spoon and lift it - the thread should be viscous and not break - if this happens, it’s time to remove the container from the stove.

Acid neutralization algorithm

There is an opinion that citric acid needs to be quenched with soda. Perhaps this process will not be superfluous. For our recipe you need to use 1.25 grams of lemon for every gram. baking soda. Approximately this will be 1 tsp.


If the distillation cube is made of aluminum, the soda will need to be replaced with ground chalk (2 tsp). This is justified by the increased sensitivity of the alloy to sodium bicarbonate.

  • dilute baking soda in a small amount of water;
  • after the crystals have dissolved, pour the liquid into the prepared invert syrup;
  • Stir thoroughly until foam formation stops completely.

The process of neutralizing citric acid is not considered necessary. The mash must contain acidity not exceeding a certain value. This indicator can only be detected using a pH meter. Not all moonshiners have such a measuring device, and it is simply impossible to calculate pH based on external parameters or taste qualities. If you do not use any of the methods at an increased acidity level, the mash will take longer to cook.

After the moonshine from inverted sugar is ready, the moonshiner, when tasting, will feel how much softer the taste will be, a less pronounced aroma and a pleasant aftertaste.

A little chemistry

According to the chemical composition, refined beet sugar consists of 99% sucrose (disaccharide).

Cane has exactly the same composition, so claims about its greater benefits and less harm to the body are nothing more than a marketing ploy.

The result of the splitting of molecules

To activate yeast, you need a simpler form of carbohydrates - monosaccharides. Inversion of regular sugar is carried out to break down sucrose into 2 main molecules - fructose and glucose. In this case, high temperature and citric acid act as crystallizers.

Based on the advantages and disadvantages, it becomes clear that these factors are more noticeable during fermentation and distillation. Also, the use of syrup slightly affects the taste of the product.

Preparation of raw materials without furfural

As is already known, a toxic component is formed during boiling, when the temperature reaches a value above 80°C. To reduce its amount, you need to prepare the syrup without exceeding 60-70°C.

Since the heating intensity is less, the cooking time increases from an hour to two. 30 minutes before cooking, raise the temperature to 80°C. After cooking, remove the pan and wrap it in a warm blanket for 40 minutes. The result is inverted sugar with few toxins.

It should be noted that you can simplify the cooking process using a multicooker. The device allows you to set the desired temperature and shutdown timer. Also, storing the syrup in a closed multicooker will eliminate the need to wrap the pan with a blanket, because... it retains heat well.

VIDEO: Cooking technology without furfural formation

Why is this necessary?

It is widely believed that yeast converts sugar into alcohol. Actually this is not true.

During fermentation, it first occurs sugar breakdown(which is actually made up of sucrose molecules) into fructose and glucose. In chemistry this process is called hydrolysis.

To facilitate the work of the yeast, while obtaining better-quality moonshine, you need to invert the sugar for the mash at the first stage. This process is simple, but requires some patience.

You will need:

  • sugar - in the amount you need;
  • a little water for syrup;
  • citric acid: 3-4 grams for every kilogram of sugar.

In hydrolysis, citric acid acts as a catalyst, starting the process of converting one complex sucrose molecule into two simple ones - glucose and fructose. The process occurs under the influence of temperatures exceeding 80°C.

We talk about proportions for preparing mash in almost every article devoted to moonshine brewing. But it makes sense to remind you: for 1 kg of sugar you need 100 g of alcoholic yeast, a little more – about 110-120 g if you use pressed baker’s yeast or 10 g of dry yeast and 4 liters of water.

In this form, we present the proportions so that they can be easily converted into any quantity and calculate how many ingredients you will need for the container you have in which the mash will mature.

Don't forget: you need to fill the container with mash no more than three-quarters, preferably two-thirds of the volume, so that during fermentation your product does not run away like milk on a fire without supervision.

Preparation of syrup

Although many have heard that it is better to prepare sugar syrup for mash, not everyone knows how to prepare it correctly to get the maximum benefit.

Here's how to properly prepare syrup for mash:

  1. We choose a pan - it should be such that after filling it with water and sugar, at least a third of the volume remains, since a lot of foam is expected.
  2. We select the proportions: for example, for 1.5 liters of water - 3 kg of sugar and 9-12 g of citric acid.
  3. Pour water, heat it and add sugar to the hot water.
  4. Boil for about 10 minutes, constantly skimming off the resulting foam.
  5. Reduce the heat to low and when the boiling almost stops, add citric acid.
  6. Cover the pan with a lid and let it simmer (without boiling, but do not let the temperature drop below 80°C) for an hour.

Important point: citric acid must be added slowly, literally one gram at a time. Watch the foam rise. If you add all the acid at once, the syrup may suddenly foam and spill out onto the stove.

At this point, the preparation of the syrup is completed, but before preparing the mash, it must be cooled to 30 degrees and only then mixed with water and yeast, as well as other ingredients, if you add them.

Benefits of inversion

Why is mash made with inverted sugar better than regular mash, without all these “troubles”?

  1. Compared to sugar simply dissolved in moderately warm water, inverted syrup does not contain pathogenic microorganisms (in particular fungi), which are often present on the surface of sugar crystals. Therefore, it will not infect the mash with them and will not spoil the final product.
  2. By making the work of yeast easier, we get accelerated ripening of the mash and, accordingly, less accumulation of harmful substances in it, which is facilitated by prolonged exposure to yeast fungi.
  3. When using fruits, berries, and foods with a high starch content to prepare mash, sweet syrup, used instead of regular sugar, eliminates the sharp and unpleasant smell of mash. Therefore, when preparing moonshine with additional ingredients, you should definitely use inversion.
  4. Hydrolysis has a positive effect on the taste, smell, and organoleptic properties of the finished product during conventional distillation or distillation using steamers.

Inversion does not play a special role if in your work you do not use a distillation unit, but a distillation column. In this case, the hydrolysis step in preparing the mash can be skipped.

Disadvantages of hydrolysis

Among the main disadvantages of inversion, many cite the formation of a harmful by-product - furfural, considering this the main argument against using invert sugar for mash.

How can you independently determine that furfural is present in moonshine? This substance has an odor reminiscent of bitter almonds or a crust of black bread. If you did not use any bread ingredients, this means that this is how the mentioned chemical element manifests itself.

In fact, this furfural is present in many foods. For example, there is much more of it in coffee than in moonshine. It must be present in cognac spirits according to GOST. Have you ever thought that during the preparation of jam, sugar inevitably undergoes hydrolysis and furfural is also formed in it, which cookbooks and composition instructions on jars in the retail chain are silent about.

Why trumpet this, because it’s already clear - to get poisoned by jam, you need to eat several kilograms of it in one sitting. And they eat it with teaspoons! It's the same with moonshine. If you drink too much of it, you can end up in intensive care, or worse.

Moreover, regardless of whether the sugar in the mash was inverted or simply dissolved. It’s not for nothing that Avicenna said a thousand years ago the wisest words that there are no absolute poisons in our world, just as there are absolutely useful substances dosages and prescriptions.

Let your mash made from inverted sugar contribute to the rapid creation of high-quality moonshine that has a mild, pleasant taste and contains a minimum of harmful substances. Don’t forget to spread the information received among your friends on social networks, leave your comments and share your experience.

Moonshine brewing is a real art. Little tricks have been accumulated by experienced moonshiners for years, but now every beginner can learn them, thanks to the availability of information. Inverted sugar syrup for mash is not a necessary component, but it’s worth tinkering with. Let's figure out how to prepare it and what advantages it gives from a practical point of view.

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Why invert sugar for mash: arguments and counterarguments

The feasibility of inversion is discussed in numerous communities and specialized forums. Heated debates did not lead to the birth of the truth, so some prepare syrup for the wort, while others prefer to do without “dancing with tambourines.”

Chemistry of the process

From a chemical point of view, beet sugar is a disaccharide, sucrose. To ensure the vital activity of yeast, monosaccharides are needed as the most accessible form of carbohydrates. Inversion is carried out in order to hydrolyze sucrose into two molecules of monosaccharides - glucose and fructose. The reaction catalysts are high temperature and acid.

Each moonshiner makes the final decision for himself, and, as a rule, comes to it through experience. If you have made mash from inverted sugar, the pros and cons of this method will be noticeable both during fermentation and during distillation.

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Moonshiners note the following advantages of using inversion:

  • No unpleasant odor during fermentation. When preparing ordinary mash, the room is filled with a characteristic aroma, which is not always appropriate. According to reviews, invert syrup ferments without an unpleasant odor.
  • Acceleration of fermentation. Due to the fact that the wort contains monosaccharides, yeast processes carbohydrates much faster, since no time is wasted on their hydrolysis. There is no clear answer to the question of how long mash ferments with invert sugar, since the time depends on the type of raw material, because fruit types take longer. But compared to cooking with crystalline sugar, the mash will be ready 2-3 days earlier. Sugar mash will be ready after 48-72 hours.
  • Preservation of the organoleptic properties of the raw materials. The taste and aroma of fruit or grain moonshine is fully manifested, slightly complemented by honey notes. Therefore, it is advisable to prepare mash made from fruit or starch-containing raw materials with invert sugar.
  • Disinfection. During the cooking process, sugar is subjected to long-term temperature treatment, which destroys the microorganisms contained in the sugar.
  • Greater product yield. The amount of fusel oils in the mash is reduced due to rapid fermentation, which makes it possible to cut off the tails later and obtain a greater yield of moonshine per unit volume of mash. This point is important only for conventional moonshine stills; distillation columns are not sensitive to impurities.

photo from the site www.ridus.ru


Despite the obvious and numerous advantages, mash with invert sugar is not without its negative aspects, among which it is worth noting:

  • Additional time and labor costs. The cooking process is simple, but it will take more than an hour of your time.
  • Formation of furfural. From the complex carbohydrate hemicellulose, which is found in plant cells, the toxic substance furfural is formed during hydrolysis. High concentrations of this toxin irritate mucous membranes and skin.

Assess the danger correctly

There is little hemicellulose in crystalline sugar, so dangerous concentrations of furfural are not formed. Any jam contains more of this toxin, but does not pose a threat of poisoning. So when inverting sugar for mash, the harm of furfural can be ignored.

Inverted sugar syrup for mash: how to prepare without mistakes

photo from the site

Preparing the syrup is extremely simple, and no special knowledge is required. When you first prepare it, you will have to check the recipe, but in the future you will get used to combining this process with other chores, and the total cooking time will increase slightly.

The following ingredients will be required:

  • sugar – 1 kg;
  • water – 0.5 l;
  • citric acid – 5 g.

The recipe is deliberately given for 1 kg of sugar so that it can be easily recalculated for any volume of mash and hydromodule. First, select a suitable container - it should be a heat-resistant dish, for example, a saucepan. Do not use an aluminum pan as the syrup may darken. After mixing all the ingredients, there should be 1/3 of free space in the pan. Inverting sugar for mash consists of the following steps:

  1. Heat the water almost to a boil and add sugar to it.
  2. Stir the solution until smooth and place the pan over medium heat.
  3. Boil the syrup for 10 minutes, without allowing it to boil, periodically skimming the thin foam from its surface.
  4. Add the citric acid carefully and little by little, as the chemical reaction will cause intense foaming.
  5. Cover the pan with a lid and turn down the heat so that the syrup does not boil. The temperature of the liquid should not exceed 95⁰С.
  6. Cook it for 1 hour, then leave to cool.

The cooking time may be shorter, so check readiness after 30-40 minutes. To do this, drop a couple of drops of syrup into the water, and if they form threads in it, then the pan can be removed from the heat.

photo from the site

There is much debate about whether citric acid should be neutralized with alkali. To answer this, you need to understand the optimal acidity of the mash. Yeasts develop only in a moderately acidic environment, with a pH level of 3.7-5.8. But moonshine requires a pH of less than 4.2 to suppress the activity of lactic acid bacteria.

During fermentation there is a tendency for the pH to shift to the acidic side, so neutralizing the citric acid is a good idea. Add 1.25 grams of baking soda for every gram of acid - in our example we will need 1 tsp. no slide.

Devices with an aluminum cube are sensitive to sodium bicarbonate, so for them it is better to replace a teaspoon of soda with 2 tsp. powder chalk.

Inverted sugar mash: a recipe for an original drink

In principle, sugar in any recipe can be pre-inverted, maintaining the recommended proportions of ingredients. If you have a proven recipe, feel free to use it. For those who are just mastering moonshine brewing, below is a simple recipe for sugar mash.

Hydraulic module calculation

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Even before inverting sugar for mash, you should correctly calculate its amount. The hydromodulus is the ratio of sugar and water at which yeast can completely convert it into ethanol. The optimal ratio differs depending on the yeast strain used:

  • Baker's yeast works up to 14% alcohol concentration, which is achieved by a hydromodulus of 1:5.
  • Alcoholic yeast brings the mash to 18% strength, so more sugar is needed. The recommended hydraulic ratio for them is 1:4.
  • Turbo yeast is used to speed up fermentation and allows you to get up to 20⁰ alcohol. Typically a ratio of 1:3.5 is used, but some manufacturers recommend 1:3.

List of ingredients

photo from the site mysku.ru

The amount of ingredients is given per 1 kg of sugar so that you can easily adapt it to your existing fermentation containers. Regardless of whether or not inverting sugar is used for the mash, the recipe looks like this:

  • Sugar – 1 kg;
  • Water – 4 l;
  • Dry yeast - 20 g, or 100 g pressed.

Keep in mind that the volume of water is indicated without taking into account the 0.5 liters that will be used to invert the sugar for the mash - the proportions in this case are made taking into account the evaporation of water during the boiling of the syrup.

Yeast activation

Yeast should be fermented in order to speed up fermentation, and at the same time check for viability, because low-quality raw materials are not so rare. Moreover, there is a whole hour of time while the sugar for the mash is being inverted.

  1. Take 200 ml of water from the total amount.
  2. Dissolve 1 tbsp in it. sugar and heat to 30⁰C.
  3. Add or crumble the yeast and stir until smooth.
  4. Leave in a warm place for 30-40 minutes.
  5. A yeast foam forms on the surface, indicating the work of yeast fungi.

If the yeast has not fermented within the specified period of time, then you have come across a product that has expired or is of poor quality. It is better not to use them, as fermentation may not begin at all or may be delayed significantly.

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Mixing components

Another debatable question is whether it is worth cooling inverted sugar for mash before use. Proponents of cooling appeal to the fact that at temperatures above 40⁰C, yeast fungi die. But by mixing hot syrup and cool water, you will get just the right wort temperature.

  • Prepare a suitable container. Its volume should be 1/3 larger than the amount of wort in order to leave enough space for foaming.
  • Pour water into a container and add inverted syrup to it, stir until smooth.
  • Add activated yeast, stir the wort and add top dressing, for example, crumbled black bread or tomato paste.
  • Close the bottle with a lid with a water seal and put a medical glove on it with a punctured finger. Since the glove often comes off during active fermentation, secure it with a rubber band.
  • Insulate the container and place it in a warm place out of the sun. Shake the contents daily in a circular motion without removing the water seal.

Now all that remains is to wait until the mash is ready for distillation and make sure that no foam leaks out. If the foaming is too intense and threatens to stain everything around, crumble one cookie into the bottle or add a couple of tablespoons of vegetable oil.

Signs of mash readiness

photo from the site

Determining in time that the mash is ready is extremely important. If you start distilling too early, you will get a lower yield of moonshine and more foreign impurities in it. And a delay in distillation threatens that alcoholic fermentation will be followed by acetic fermentation, during which ethanol will turn into acid, and all that remains is to pour out the mash. Distillation should begin when the following signs of fermentation are complete:

  • bitter alcoholic taste, without sweet notes;
  • the glove on the neck has deflated or the water seal has become silent;
  • foaming stopped;
  • the upper layers of the liquid began to lighten;
  • a yeast sediment formed at the bottom;
  • a match brought to the mash continues to burn;
  • alcohol meter readings more than 11;
  • hydrometer readings are less than 1.002.

For reliable results, check several criteria. Before measuring the density of the mash with a hydrometer, it must be filtered through several layers of gauze.

Clarifying the mash: getting ready for distillation

photo from the site

This stage should not be neglected, as it has a positive effect on the organoleptic qualities of moonshine. To lighten mash the following are used:

  • white clay (bentonite);
  • gelatin;
  • cooling to -3⁰С or heating to +50⁰;
  • hibiscus tea;
  • lemon acid;
  • milk;
  • alcohol (or tailings from a previous distillation).

The specific technique is selected based on the components at hand, but bentonite is most often used, since it does not react with the mash and does not change its taste:

  1. For 1 liter of liquid you will need ½ tsp. bentonite.
  2. Dry the clay in the oven and grind it into powder using a coffee grinder.
  3. Gradually add hot water to obtain kefir consistency.
  4. Leave the mixture for 5 minutes, then stir again.
  5. Pour the solution into the mash and stir until completely dissolved.
  6. Leave the container to allow sediment to settle.
  7. Drain the clean mash through a flexible hose.

A video in which the author will tell you a recipe using barley malt will clearly show how mash is prepared using inverted sugar.

Now you not only know how to properly invert sugar for mash, but also what to do next with the finished syrup so that the moonshine will delight you with softness and purity.

The process of making moonshine to some people seems quite simple and does not cause them any difficulties. However, real professionals in this industry do not think so. The fact is that before you get a high-quality and, most importantly, safe drink, all components must undergo a number of chemical reactions and various processes on which the final result depends. That is why professionals often practice inverting sugar for mash, which amateurs neglect, and ultimately gain in quality, getting an excellent drink, which artisans cannot boast of.

Why is inversion necessary?

This process consists of obtaining fructose and glucose molecules instead of one molecule of sucrose. Usually, inverting sugar for mash is done due to the fact that yeast is not able to process sugar in its pure form. First, they split into simpler substances, spending a certain time. Only after this do they process them into carbon dioxide and alcohol needed for further work. However, this releases a lot of by-products that negatively affect the quality of the drink.

Benefits of this process

  • Some moonshiners invert sugar for mash to reduce the preparation time of the drink. Using the same technologies, but using this technique, will allow you to get moonshine a few days earlier. In some cases this is very beneficial.
  • This process exposes the sugar to high temperatures. As a result of this, all bacteria are destroyed on its surface, which significantly reduces the risk of contamination of the mash.
  • This cooking technology significantly improves the taste of the product. This is especially important when using fruits or ingredients containing starch.
  • If a classic moonshine still is used for distillation, the resulting product will be of higher quality. However, when using distillation columns, this advantage will not be significant.
  • It is believed that the smell of moonshine during distillation will not be so unpleasant. In principle, the difference is small, although in fairness it is worth noting that the finished product will have a pleasant aroma, especially when using fruit.


  • Time is wasted on an additional process. However, if you consider that this cooking technology already saves a lot of time, then this drawback can be considered insignificant.
  • The yield of the final product when using such sugar will be several percent lower. At the same time, it is worth understanding that losses can be attributed to precisely the part that reduces quality.
  • Furfural is released. This substance causes irritation to the mucous membrane and skin. True, it should be understood that even in ordinary jam there is much more furfural than in the drink prepared in this way.

Cooking process

We all made regular sugar syrup. Almost all housewives know how to cook it. However, this process has slight differences and requires compliance with certain security measures.

Selection of cookware

Inverted sugar is made in a deep bowl. The fact is that when the final component is added, a process of abundant foaming occurs. As a result, the liquid increases in volume and may even splash out. That is why it is recommended to take dishes in which, after diluting water and sugar, there will be a third of free space.


We will need to make sugar syrup. Everyone knows how to cook it, but in this case the proportions will be slightly different. Therefore, it is very important to follow the recipe. Need to purchase:

  • sugar – 3 kg;
  • water – 1.5 l;
  • citric acid – 12 g.


  • Standard invert sugar, the recipe for which involves the use of citric acid, requires high temperatures. Therefore, you first need to heat the water to 80 degrees.
  • You need to add sugar into the liquid very slowly so that it has time to dissolve. In this case, stirring is constantly carried out.
  • Only after the sugar has dissolved is the liquid brought to a boil. In this case, white foam will form on the surface, which must be removed. Cook the mixture for about ten minutes.
  • The next step is to invert the sugar with citric acid. It is introduced into the solution in small portions with constant stirring. Then cover the pan with a lid and reduce the heat to low.
  • After a couple of minutes, you need to adjust the heat. The fact is that the temperature of the syrup should be above 80 degrees. Some masters prefer to keep the process boiling to ensure they achieve results.
  • This temperature must be maintained for 60 minutes. In this case, the lid must be closed.
  • After this time, the fire is turned off, and the resulting composition is cooled to 30 degrees. After this, it can be added to the fermentation container.

Making mash

This paragraph describes a standard mash made from sugar and yeast. When using other components, it is necessary to make appropriate adjustments to the recipe.

  • To create the product, a standard fermentation tank is used. You can use a can made of food-grade aluminum, which is closed with a sealed lid.
  • It is worth making a special hole on the lid to remove accumulated gases. A small tube is attached to it, onto which you can attach a hose. This is necessary in order to create a kind of hydraulic valve. Thanks to it, air will escape from the container, and nothing will get inside. This can further reduce the risk of contamination of the composition.
  • It is worth remembering that we already have inverted sugar in the container. The recipe for its preparation is indicated above, with all proportions. Therefore, we will add the remaining components based on the available mass.
  • You need to add 4 liters of water and 100 grams of compressed yeast to the container, taking into account that this is the norm for 1 kilogram of regular sugar before inversion. This means that for the previously prepared composition we will need 12 liters of water and 300 grams of pressed yeast.
  • Some moonshiners prefer to use dry yeast. They must be taken at the rate of 20 grams per 1 kilogram of sugar. Therefore, we need 60 grams of this substance.
  • At the next stage, close the lid and immerse the hose coming from the tube into water.
  • Throughout the entire fermentation process, it is worth maintaining the temperature in the liquid at 30 degrees. Standard mash is also prepared from sugar and yeast, although some moonshiners do not attach much importance to this parameter, which is completely wrong.
  • After the fermentation process comes to an end, the resulting composition must be distilled.

After the fermentation process has come to an end, the finished product should be cleaned. Bentonite, which is added to the mash to condense the sediment, is best suited for this. This measure allows you to further improve the quality of the product (we are talking about taste and smell). At the same time, harmful impurities are also removed, which makes moonshine safe for consumption.


Even the highest quality invert sugar mash cannot guarantee that the final product will be safe. A lot of other conditions and technical processes must be met in order to achieve the desired result. You should not experiment on yourself and others, since the consequences of poisoning with low-quality alcohol can be very disastrous.

Special attention should be paid to the fact that the independent production of alcoholic beverages is illegal in some countries. Even mash can be one of these products, and in some cases the very fact of storing a moonshine still can lead to punishment. Taking this into account, before you start making moonshine, you should study in detail the legislation of a particular region so as not to get into trouble with the law.

Also, do not forget that excessive consumption of alcoholic beverages can negatively affect your health. Even a high-quality product can be harmful if its quantity exceeds the permissible limit.

  • When creating mash at home, you should think about those around you. This process, followed by distillation, contributes to the appearance of a mass of peculiar odors that not all people like. Therefore, it is necessary to use technologies and formulations that reduce side effects to a minimum. It is also worth installing a hood and working in a ventilated area.
  • When citric acid is added to the syrup, there is a possibility of splashing. It is worth remembering that the temperature of the composition is quite high, and you can get quite serious burns. Therefore, before introducing acid, the fire is reduced to a minimum, and the acid itself is added in small portions. However, it is better to use additional eye and skin protection. All you need to do is wear glasses, an apron and gloves.
  • It is very important to observe the temperature regime. If it is violated, the inversion may not be completed completely. That is why many moonshiners prefer to carry out this process on the verge of boiling, which gives an almost 100% guarantee of quality.

    It is believed that it is best to use beet sugar to make moonshine. Some moonshiners claim that it does not need to be inverted, since the yeast copes with it very well. In fact, this information is erroneous. No matter what strain of yeast is used or what type of sugar is used, it will take approximately the same amount of time to process and release a similar amount of impurities. Only inversion will change this situation.

    In order to save time, it is recommended to prepare such sugar for future use. However, experts say that it is better not to do this. The fact is that when it cools, it loses its properties, since new molecules characteristic of sucrose begin to form. Therefore, it is better to prepare such sugar immediately before using it.

    If you overheat the mixture, it will begin to darken and become unsuitable for further use. Such a composition will spoil the taste of the final product, which means it needs to be poured out or used for confectionery purposes. Given this, it is worth monitoring the temperature at all stages of cooking.

Experienced moonshiners have been arguing for a long time about the issue of inverting sugar for mash. Some people consider the hydrolysis procedure undesirable, while others talk about positive properties. It’s worth taking a closer look at this process, considering the advantages and disadvantages, and learning how to properly prepare invert syrup.

Many people believe that yeast is responsible for converting sugar into alcohol. In fact, this opinion is wrong. The fact is that granulated sugar is split into two components: fructose and glucose. This process is called hydrolysis.

Inverting sugar with citric acid helps yeast speed up this process and improves the taste of the alcoholic product. To carry out a chemical procedure Ingredients needed:

  • granulated sugar;
  • lemon acid.

  • granulated sugar;
  • a small amount of water for making syrup;
  • lemon acid.

It is the last component that is the catalyst for hydrolysis. Lemon starts a process in which a complex sucrose molecule is converted into two simple ones - glucose and, accordingly, fructose. The entire process of inverting sugar for mash is carried out under the influence of very high temperatures, which can exceed 80 degrees.

As for the proportions, they are standard, as in other traditional recipes for making mash. Per kilogram of granulated sugar, take 100 g of alcoholic yeast or 120 g of pressed yeast. If you use dry yeast, you will need 4 grams. Also add 4 liters of pure water to the composition, and the liquid should not be boiled or distilled, since it lacks the oxygen necessary for the inverted solution to begin fermentation.

Every experienced moonshiner knows: high-quality moonshine is obtained provided that the wort is prepared with sugar syrup. But not everyone knows how to properly invert sugar for mash in order to get the maximum benefit.

First you need to prepare the necessary ingredients. Their list includes:

  • clean water - 3 liters;
  • granulated sugar - 6 kg;
  • citric acid - 10 g.

After you have prepared the products, you can proceed to the main stage. Syrup manufacturing technology as follows:

  1. Prepare a clean and dry metal container (you can use a regular pan). In addition, you need to take into account that the solution should fill the container only 2/3 of the total volume. Otherwise, the mash will splash out, since foam will form when cooking in large quantities.
  2. Pour water into the prepared container and put on fire. Once the liquid is hot, add sugar.
  3. Boil the sugar solution for 10 minutes, and be sure to remove the foam that forms during the cooking process.
  4. Reduce heat to low, and as soon as the liquid stops boiling, add citric acid.
  5. Cover the container with a lid and simmer (without increasing the heat) for another 50-60 minutes.

To understand that the syrup is ready, you need to scoop up a little liquid and lift it to the top. If a viscous thread is formed that does not break, then you can remove the pan.

Actually, in this simple way you can prepare inverted sugar syrup for mash. As you can see, there is nothing difficult in the process. The main condition is not to pour in the lemon quickly, but to add it gradually, otherwise foam will form quickly and the liquid will spill onto the hob. It is worth noting that before mixing with syrup, the moonshine mash must cool to a temperature of 30 degrees.

Inexperienced moonshine producers do not know why hydrolysis is needed. To answer this question, it’s worth looking at the benefits of inverted alcohol. In fact, in addition to the fact that this procedure ensures a faster maturation process for the mash, and also improves and softens the taste, There are other positive aspects:

  1. A simple sugar solution contains pathogenic microorganisms, including fungi, and when inverted, all these harmful bacteria simply die, so the alcoholic drink becomes safe. In addition, there is no risk that it will spoil, as often happens with mash prepared without following the technology.
  2. The procedure greatly facilitates the work of the yeast, which speeds up the fermentation process, which means that much less harmful substances will accumulate in the mash.
  3. If additional components are added to the wort in the form of fresh berries and fruits containing a large amount of starch, then the syrup helps eliminate the pungent and unpleasant odor. That is why experts recommend that you always do inversion when making moonshine, which contains fruit components.

It is worth noting that hydrolysis affects the quality of alcohol, gives it softness and eliminates the unpleasant bready aroma. But if a distillation column is used in moonshine rather than simple distillation, then you can skip this procedure.

The main disadvantage of hydrolysis is the harmful furfural, which is formed during the manufacturing process of moonshine. This is one of the main arguments against the use of inverting granulated sugar for making mash.

It is quite simple to determine that homemade moonshine contains this substance, since the drink acquires a specific aroma, reminiscent of almonds or the smell of black Borodino bread. If the composition does not contain bread components, then we can confidently say that furfural is present in the drink.

But it is also found in a number of other foods. There is much more of it in coffee than in moonshine. In addition, the substance can be found in factory-produced cognac and even in jam, so drinking moonshine in moderation will not cause any harm.

Neutralization of acid

To get a quality drink, you must follow the proportions specified in the recipe. Inverting sugar for mash involves the process of neutralizing the acid, so for every gram of citric acid you will need 1.25 grams of baking soda, i.e. for this recipe you need to prepare about 1 teaspoon of powder.

If the distillation cube is made of aluminum, then instead of soda, use ordinary chalk in the amount of 2 small spoons, only it must first be crushed to a powder state, since the alloy is too sensitive to sodium bicarbonate.

Further actions are performed according to the following scheme:

  • baking soda is diluted in a small volume of liquid;
  • after the crystals have completely dissolved, the mixture is poured into a pre-made syrup;
  • Mix everything thoroughly until foam forms.

All this provides the solution with a moderately acidic environment, which is considered the most favorable for the normal functioning of yeast. In addition, the finished moonshine in this case acquires pleasant aromatic notes.

As a result of fermentation, sugar is converted into alcohol. Yeast performs this work in two stages: first, sucrose is broken down into fructose and glucose, and then simple compounds are processed into alcohol. By using inversion, you can do the first stage in advance, thereby reducing the fermentation time and achieving a higher quality final product.

There are many rumors and legends around inversion, allegedly this procedure is harmful, incorrect and does not bring any effect. We will analyze in detail the benefits and harms of this method for the final distillate, and also introduce you to the correct proportions and technology for preparing sugar syrup.

Using inversion, you can save several days of fermentation and get a higher quality distillate

I propose to list the benefits that we get when processing sugar into syrup:

  1. The fermentation process is accelerated by several days.
  2. Fewer harmful substances are formed in the mash.
  3. Sugar is subjected to heat treatment, as a result of which harmful microorganisms do not enter the mash with it.
  4. With the classic approach to moonshine brewing, the moonshine turns out to be of better quality.

At the same time, there are some disadvantages that must also be taken into account:

Any purchased type of sugar is suitable as a raw material.

  1. You need to spend 1-2 hours preparing the syrup.
  2. The “exhaust” of alcohol is several percent less.

There are rumors among moonshiners that as a result of sugar inversion, furfal, which causes irritation to human skin and mucous membranes.

It does form, but in such minimal quantities that the finished distillate cannot in any way poison or negatively affect the body.

Generally inversion is recognized as an absolutely safe method, which is used to accelerate fermentation and improve the quality of moonshine. This procedure is optional, but quite applicable for home use, so as not to smell like mash products for a long time.

Recipe for properly inverting sugar


  • Sugar - 1 kg.
  • Water - 1 kg.
  • Citric acid - 4 grams.

For inversion we need additional equipment in the form pans, ladle, slabs And thermometer with probe.

Step-by-step inversion technology

As a basis, I take the recommendations of an experienced moonshiner, whose channel on Youtube is called Moonshine Sanych. After the technology, you will be asked to watch a video in which the author clearly shows all the processes described. We highly recommend viewing.

The thermometer will be an indispensable device for complying with all technology

  1. We heat the water to a temperature of 40–50 degrees.
  2. Gradually add sugar and stir. If you pour it all at once, some of the grains may burn to the bottom of the pan. To avoid this, we add it in portions.
  3. When everything is dissolved in the container, heat the syrup to 70–75 degrees and add citric acid.
  4. Heat the mixture to 80 degrees, maintain this temperature for 5 minutes and turn off the stove.
  5. Cool to room temperature and use for mash.

This recipe does not involve bringing the syrup to a boil. It was experimentally discovered that this does not bring any results and only delays the process of its preparation. Therefore, we reach the extreme point of 80 degrees and turn off the stove.

As promised, we are posting videos from moonshiners’ gurus Sanych's moonshine(his name is Konstantin), who writes to you in detail the entire technology of sugar inversion.

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