Home Product ratings Quail eggs - how to cook correctly? Scrambled quail eggs in the oven with ham

Quail eggs - how to cook correctly? Scrambled quail eggs in the oven with ham

The benefits of quail eggs are recognized by official medicine. They are advised to be used regularly by people with psychosis to alleviate the course of the disease. They are also useful for asthmatics. The cholesterol content in quail eggs is lower than in chicken eggs, so they are recommended for people with heart disease. Not everyone knows that they can not only be boiled, but also fried. This dish is filling and very tasty. Before frying quail eggs, familiarize yourself with the method of preparing them.

Scrambled quail eggs


In practice, scrambled eggs are prepared from quail eggs in the same way as from chicken eggs. It should be taken into account that the weight of one chicken egg is equal to 5 quail eggs. To make the dish healthy and tasty, use only fresh product.

Cooking scrambled eggs

While the frying pan with oil is heating up, prepare the product. To scramble, beat the eggs with a fork or whisk and pour into the pan. It is difficult to say exactly how long to fry quail eggs. It all depends on the desired result. If you turn on low heat, the cooking time is about 10 minutes. On average - about 5 minutes.

"Fried egg"

To prepare fried eggs from quail eggs, you need to very carefully break the shell. To do this, you need to make a puncture with a knife from the sharp end. Cut off the top of the egg and pour the contents into a cup.


Quail eggs are small in size: their weight reaches 12 g. The shell of the eggs is fragile and mottled, with brown spots of different shades.


Quails live throughout Europe, in areas of Africa and Western Asia. In Russia, these birds can be found in the Baikal region. Plains and mountains are a haven for quails where they nest. The quail waits out the winter in South Africa (in the territories of Palestine, Iran, Turkestan) and Hindustan. Quail begin to pair up and lay eggs as the first grass appears in spring.

Quail eggs arrive on the counter in packages. It is worth noting that they can be stored in the cold for up to two months, and at room temperature - no more than a month.

Preparation and consumption

Quail eggs are present in various dishes of many cuisines around the world. Quail eggs are used in salads and cocktails, even in; They are served with drinks as a cold appetizer. You can make an omelet from quail eggs or add them to a sandwich. Quail eggs are often eaten raw.

A quail egg, or rather its protein, is an important ingredient in the preparation of mayonnaise. Thanks to quail eggs, the sauce acquires a unique taste and color.

In some cuisines, they resort to pickling quail eggs: peeled, they are placed in a clean (without herbs) marinade for 10 hours. Before use, remove the film from them and string them onto cutlery for convenience.

A popular way to prepare eggs is to add them raw to soup (). It turns out “shaggy” and is especially tender and light.

The easiest way to prepare quail eggs is to simply boil them. To hard-boil them, they need to sit in boiling water for 5 minutes. Soft-boiled - 1-2 minutes.

Peeling quail eggs can be traditional or “chemical”: the eggs are placed in a vinegar solution (two-thirds vinegar to one-third water) for three hours, after which the shell simply “dissolves” and all that remains is to remove the film from the eggs.


Quail eggs are record holders for the content of phosphorus, potassium, iron and a whole complex of vitamins.

Interesting fact

Quail eggs have a number of medicinal properties.

In 1990, a quail egg ended up on the Mir orbital station. The chick born from it became the first living creature to appear in space.

How long to cook quail eggs

Unlike chicken eggs, quail eggs can be immediately placed in boiling water - they will not burst. If you put a quail egg in boiling water for 1-2 minutes, you will get a soft-boiled egg, if you put it in boiling water for 5 minutes, you will get a hard-boiled egg.

Calorie content and nutritional value of quail eggs

Calorie content of quail eggs - 168 kcal.

Nutritional value of quail eggs: proteins - 11.9 g, fats - 13.1 g, carbohydrates - 0.6 g

Quail eggs are a real storehouse of essential vitamins and microelements; their content of essential amino acids for the body, such as histidine, glycine, lysine, threonine, and tyrosine, is significantly superior to chicken eggs, and they also do not contain cholesterol. Quail eggs are a generally recognized remedy that increases immunity, removes radionuclides, and helps in the treatment of diseases such as allergies, anemia, asthma, tuberculosis, migraines, stomach and eye diseases.

The high content of iron, potassium, and phosphorus helps improve memory, the presence of B vitamins completely calms the nervous system, and a person becomes more balanced. Eating quail eggs is extremely desirable and even necessary for schoolchildren, pregnant women (teeth do not decay), people who have undergone surgery or after a serious illness, however, you should not get carried away with them too much and, although quail eggs are hypoallergenic, you should gradually introduce them into the diet , carefully observing the body's reaction, because in some people allergies can be caused even by anti-allergy drugs.

Quail eggs are useful to eat raw, but you should not take the risk, because the statement that quails do not suffer from salmonellosis has recently been often refuted and remains in question at present. Quail eggs - how to cook so that they retain the maximum amount of nutrients? These small colorful eggs are eaten boiled, fried, raw, stuffed and even pickled.

Quail eggs. How to cook?

Quail eggs are placed in a bowl and cold water is poured in so that it completely covers them, brought to a boil over high heat and immediately removed, the boiling water is drained and cold water is poured into the pan. In addition, to soft-boil quail eggs, you can put them in boiling water for one or two minutes - they will not burst. How to properly cook quail eggs is up to you; both methods make it possible to get them boiled while preserving their nutritional values. For those who prefer hard-boiled eggs, the time allotted for cooking is increased to 4-5 minutes.

Quail eggs - not everyone knows how to cook and how to peel them. It turns out that everything is quite simple - a hard-boiled egg is lightly crushed in your hands or rolled on the table to completely damage the thin shell, after which it can be easily removed with tape. But there is another way to clean quail eggs: they are simply placed in a prepared vinegar solution (1/3 water to 2/3 vinegar). In less than three hours, the shell will completely dissolve.

Quail eggs - how to cook, in what dishes are they used?

The use of quail eggs is practiced in the same dishes as chicken eggs (salads, omelettes, sandwiches, etc.), the substitution will not be particularly noticeable in taste, but the benefits from such a dish will be much greater.

Fried quail eggs

Hard-boiled and peeled eggs are dipped in two previously beaten eggs and rolled in breadcrumbs, after which they are fried in a frying pan.

Boiled quail eggs without shell

Add a tablespoon of vinegar and a teaspoon of salt to one liter of boiling water, break the eggs into the water and cook for two minutes until tender.

Another way to cook quail eggs? For lovers of culinary delights, in this case, there is complete scope for imagination; as they say, whatever your soul desires, it’s up to you to settle on a certain recipe or come up with your own, thereby surprising and delighting your family or guests with your imagination, delicious dish and invisible , but with the significant benefits that small, colorful quail eggs provide.

Chicken and quail eggs are similar in structure, but differ in their beneficial effects on the human body. Many dishes have been invented in which eggs are introduced: baked goods, salads, soups, desserts. Quail eggs are eaten boiled and fried, without losing their beneficial and medicinal properties.

Credibility in the egg

Nature has decreed that in birds the birth of babies is delayed or does not occur at all. This lies in the characteristics of reproduction. At first, an egg appears and only after 2 - 3 weeks does the nightingale hatch from it. Moreover, the female will lay the egg in any case, no matter whether there is a male nearby or not. People began to take advantage of this fact from time immemorial by establishing mass production of home-made eggs. At first it was chickens, later they started keeping quails in captivity.

Separating this bird on an industrial scale turned out to be quite profitable. They differ in how much:

  1. They require very little space for a fairly large population.
  2. During the life process, excess heat is released, which allows you to save on heating the room.
  3. Unpretentious in food.
  4. They have an amazing level of egg production.
  5. Meat and eggs are expensive and are classified as delicacies.

Moreover, the unprofitable demand for products is constant. The secret lies in the unique properties of quail eggs.

Compound, beneficial properties

The weight of the egg is small, only 12 grams. In appearance, it is covered with dark spots of various shapes, the shell is more fragile than that of a chicken. But underneath it lies a genuine treasure:

  • proteins;
  • fats;
  • carbohydrates;
  • saturated fatty acids;
  • elixir of life of group B, A, E, PP;
  • micro and macroelements;
  • tryptophan;
  • lysine;
  • methionine

Antibiotics are not used near quail breeding, so there is not a sheaf of them on the threshing floor and in the egg, it is cleaner, without third-party substances, which is why it is indicated as food for children. Despite the similarity with chicken, it has a number of significant differences. The composition contains 3 amino acids, which are far from being produced by the body on its own, but are very necessary for the growth and harmonious development of the bone, circulatory, nervous system, and increase the right. Ant. exposure. They are able to remove harmful substances from the body, which is especially important for those who live in areas with poor ecology.

Methods and norms of use

They are allowed to be drunk on an empty stomach, cooked for salads or breakfast, and baked like chicken. Children really like the look of mini scrambled eggs, and even little ones are happy to eat. In 100 gr. Quail eggs contain almost half of the daily value of nutrients, including vitamins, but the calorie content is not very high, so a sharp increase in lower body weight is not expected. But you should not exceed the recommended amount, nor should you switch completely to eating eggs.

For the benefit of women, they are especially useful during pregnancy and lactation, and also at an older age upon the onset of menopause in an amount of 4 pcs. in number. Men should also pay attention to the valuable regenerate, which increases performance in all areas and eat 6 pieces per kalpa. Athletes will also find the ground shells useful - they help them gain muscle mass.

Ideology of cooking

For scrambled eggs, take about 10 eggs, since 1 chicken egg is approximately equal to 5 quail eggs. The contents of the eggs are poured into a bowl, vigorously whisked with a small amount of salt, carefully poured into a heated frying pan greased with vegetable oil. Cook over medium heat, covered, for about 5 minutes.

Simple fried eggs require careful opening of the egg. The pericarp is quite fragile, so if broken, the yolk can be damaged. To keep it intact, you need to carefully make a puncture on top with a knife and only then remove the lid. The principle of preparation is the same as for chicken. Children can fry eggs in bagels. You just need to fry it in butter, and then pour the egg into the middle and fry in this form until cooked.

To prepare an omelet you will need a pinch of milk, salt and soda on the tip of a knife. The mass is whipped into foam, shexo is added, everything is poured into a frying pan, which is preheated and thoroughly coated with sunflower oil. Cook covered for 5 - 6 minutes over low heat. Do not remove the lid until it is ready, otherwise the mixture will immediately fall off and instead of a fluffy omelette you will end up with a vulgar pancake.

Quail eggs in the diet are especially useful for children with signs of rickets and growth retardation. And if they ate them with pleasure, you can color the finished khashlama as your imagination dictates.

Video: scrambled quail eggs with vegetables

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