Home Fish Jalapeno pepper: benefits, harm, recipes. Recipes for pickling jalapeno peppers, cooking features and shelf life Jalapeño pepper preparations recipes for the winter

Jalapeno pepper: benefits, harm, recipes. Recipes for pickling jalapeno peppers, cooking features and shelf life Jalapeño pepper preparations recipes for the winter

One of the most popular varieties of hot peppers is hot "Jalapeño". This vegetable is popular in many countries, but became famous thanks to Mexican cuisine. It got its name from the small settlement of Xalapa, near which there is a huge plantation of 160 sq. km, breeding this particular species. Mexico is still the main exporter of Jalapenos. But recently it has begun to be grown in the USA and Spain.

Features of a spicy vegetable

There is a misconception that Jalapeño is one of the hottest peppers in the world. But that's not true. The pungency index of this vegetable varies from 3 to 8 thousand on the Scoville scale. And this is the average. Green fruits are significantly superior in quality to red ones, so in most cases, “unripe” peppers are dried and prepared.

Jalapeño is quite a healthy vegetable, because it contains:

  • vitamins A, C, K, B1, B9, B5,
  • iron,
  • calcium,
  • phosphorus,
  • linoleic acid,
  • magnesium,
  • carotene and carotidin.

And this is not a complete list. Thanks to such a rich composition, eating Jalapeño has an excellent effect on the body’s condition:

  • improves metabolism,
  • promotes the production of endorphins,
  • helps cope with insomnia,
  • increases appetite,
  • strengthens the walls of blood vessels,
  • has a beneficial effect on the circulatory system,
  • lowers blood pressure
  • improves skin condition,
  • increases stress resistance.

But you should not consume Jalapeño in large quantities. After all, its pungency can harm the mucous membranes of the stomach. It is forbidden to add this vegetable to the menu for people suffering from diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, liver and kidneys, as well as with individual intolerance.

Use of pepper in cooking

Almost every Mexican dish is prepared with the addition of Jalapeños. Its spiciness adds a piquant taste to any meat, fish or vegetable delicacy. Stuffed peppers are considered the best treat. It is impossible to imagine more than one Mexican celebration without this dish.

This vegetable makes savory snacks and sauces, and Nachos are the most famous of them. To prepare this dish, the fruits are filled with cheese or minced meat. There is another famous delicacy of Mexican cuisine - Chipotle. To prepare it, red peppers are smoked using wood smoke. Thanks to this, the fruits begin to “smell” with the aroma of chocolate mixed with tobacco, but taste like prunes.

As surprising as it sounds, various jams and jellies are prepared from Jalapeños. And some chefs even glaze these peppers in chocolate. In the states, this vegetable is often consumed with crackers. Italians add fruit to their pizza. In European countries, pickled peppers are preferred. This way it is added to various side dishes and meat dishes. Jalapeños are often the main ingredient in savory soups and salads.

Pickled pepper

Canned Jalapeño practically does not lose its taste and beneficial qualities, but only if properly prepared. Therefore, to avoid mistakes, use our recipe.

For cooking you will need the following products:

  • Jalapeno pepper – 2 kg,
  • sugar – 1.5 cups,
  • water – 1 liter,
  • table vinegar – 0.5 cups,
  • sunflower oil – 1 cup,
  • salt – 2 tbsp. spoons.

Before you start preparing the product for the winter, prepare 3 jars with a volume of one liter. To do this, you need to wash the dishes and then sterilize them for 10 minutes in a water bath. The same should be done with seaming lids. It is better to carry out all work with pepper with gloves, because its juice is quickly absorbed into the skin, causing a burning sensation.

Cooking process:

  1. Wash the pepper and remove the stems. If you want a less spicy dish, then remove the seeds. Cut the vegetable into slices, half a centimeter thick.
  2. Prepare the marinade. To do this, pour water into a small saucepan, add salt, sugar and mix well.
  3. Place the marinade on the fire and bring to a boil.
  4. Pour in vinegar and vegetable oil.
  5. Add the Jalapeño to the marinade and blanch for 5-7 minutes.
  6. Place the peppers in jars, fill with broth and seal with sterilized lids.
  7. Place the pieces upside down.
  8. It is recommended to wrap the jars for several hours until they cool completely.

Guacamole sauce

This delicacy is highly valued in Mexico. Of course, in our conditions, some products from this recipe are considered rare, but if desired, you can buy them in any large supermarket.

Product set:

  • Avocado – 2 ripe fruits,
  • Lime – 1 pc.,
  • Jalapeno – 2 pcs.,
  • Half a lemon
  • Garlic – 5 cloves,
  • Cilantro - a small bunch.

Cooking process:

  1. Cut the stalks off the pepper and remove the seeds.
  2. Remove the pit from the avocado.
  3. Peel the garlic.
  4. Squeeze the juice from lemon and lime.
  5. Place all the ingredients in a blender bowl and, adding salt to taste, grind them thoroughly until smooth.
  6. Add finely chopped cilantro to the prepared sauce and stir the mixture.

If you wish, you can “ennoble” the taste of the dish with sour cream, tomatoes, olive oil, spices and seasonings. In general, don’t be afraid to show your imagination. This sauce goes well with meat and fish dishes, and is also an excellent addition to chips.


Hot jalapeno pepper contains many vitamins. But most of all it contains ascorbic acid, which is why it is so useful in winter!
However, jalapenos need to be preserved skillfully, with a minimum set of spices. Otherwise, all its famous spiciness will go into the marinade.

We offer two recipes for pickling this pepper.

Pickled Jalapeño Peppers
Jalapeño pepper – 2 kg, water – 1 l, granulated sugar – 1.5 cups, salt – 2 tbsp. l., vinegar (9%) - 1/2 cup, vegetable oil - 1 cup.

Before cooking, sterilize 3 clean liter jars in a water bath for 7-10 minutes. Boil the lids.
Wash the peppers, remove the stems (if you don’t like it spicy, remove the seeds). Rinse again and chop as desired.

To make the marinade, pour water into the pan, add sugar, salt, stir and bring to a boil. Pour vinegar and oil into boiling water.
Place the pepper in the marinade and blanch for 5 minutes. Place in jars, add marinade and seal with sterile lids. Turn over and wrap until completely cool.

Canned Jalapeño Peppers
Jalapeno peppers 20 pcs., clean boiled water - 300 ml, granulated sugar -5 tbsp. l., fine salt - 3 tbsp. l., garlic – 3 cloves, white wine vinegar – 280 ml.

Sort out the peppers and discard spoiled specimens. Wash the peppers thoroughly and remove the stems.
Slice the jalapeno into thin rings. Peel the garlic cloves. Mix in a saucepan
water, vinegar, salt, sugar and garlic. Bring to a boil, then turn off the heat.

Pour the peppers into the marinade and leave for 15 minutes. Sterilize the jar in hot steam (10 minutes), cover for 2-3 minutes. hold in boiling water and then remove with tongs.
Use a slotted spoon to place the peppers tightly into the jar, pour in the marinade and close with a lid.

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Jalapeño recipes are varied. It is used as an independent snack, seasoning in salads and sauces. Any dish with hot pepper becomes spicy and spicy.

Spicy jalapeno is widely used in Mexican dishes. It is considered one of the hottest varieties. Unripe green fruits are often used for preservation.. Their pungency index is higher than that of red pods.

Jalapeño is rich in beneficial substances. It contains large quantities of vitamins A, B, C, K, iron, calcium, phosphorus. Pepper is the leader in the volume of linoleic acid, carotene and carotidine.

Regular consumption of pepper, fresh or canned, allows you to:

  • improve metabolism;
  • increase the production of endorphins;
  • improve sleep;
  • increase appetite;
  • strengthen the walls of blood vessels;
  • lower blood pressure;
  • improve skin condition.

The taste of dishes using canned jalapenos becomes more piquant. It goes well with meat, fish products, and vegetables. Stuffed pods in batter come out original.

Classic marinade recipe

The classic marinade allows you to convey the natural taste of hot peppers. It doesn't add any spice or strong sourness to it. Wine vinegar is used as a preservative. This method of preservation is perfect for the winter.


  • jalapeno 15 pods;
  • sugar 4 tablespoons;
  • salt 2 tablespoons;
  • white wine vinegar 240 ml;
  • water 240 ml;
  • garlic 2 cloves;

Preservation according to this recipe is distinguished by its aesthetic beauty. The pepper comes out in even circles, which are convenient to use for decorating dishes and adding to hamburgers.

  1. The pods are washed under water. The stalks are cut off. The pepper itself is cut into rings.
  2. Place peeled garlic cloves into the pan. Add water, acetic acid, salt, granulated sugar. The marinade is brought to a boil and kept on fire until the salt crystals dissolve.
  3. Add pepper rings to the brine. Vegetables are completely immersed in the marinade, pressing down slightly on top. After boiling, remove the pan from the heat and leave for 15 minutes.
  4. After a quarter of an hour, the vegetables are placed in pre-prepared jars. Pour marinade on top.
  5. Cover the pickled jalapeno peppers and leave to cool at room temperature. The finished dish is stored in the refrigerator.

Sweet and spicy marinade recipe

Sweet-spicy jalapenos have a juicier and more original taste. They are suitable for those who like less spicy foods. Sweet jalapeño recipes are suitable for use in Mexican dishes or sauces.


  • pepper 5 pods;
  • apple cider vinegar 0.5 cups;
  • water 0.5 cups;
  • black pepper 5-8 peas;
  • coriander 0.5 teaspoon;
  • bay leaf 1 leaf;
  • garlic 1 clove;
  • salt 0.5 teaspoon;
  • liquid honey 1 teaspoon.

Whole pods are used to prepare the recipe. First, several longitudinal cuts are made in the peppers.

  1. The pepper is washed under water. Finely chop the garlic. All ingredients are mixed in one container and put on fire. After boiling, the vegetables are boiled for 5 minutes.
  2. A 0.5 liter jar is sterilized in advance. Hot pods are placed in it. Brine is poured on top. There should be a space of 1-1.5 centimeters between the edge of the throat and the marinade.
  3. The jar is tightly closed with a lid and placed in a water bath. Water should cover the container with pickled jalapeno peppers at least 5 centimeters from the bottom. The preservation is kept in a water bath for 10 minutes.
  4. Peppers must be preserved for 5 days. After this, the workpieces are put into the refrigerator. Once opened, a jar of jalapenos will keep for no more than 2 weeks.

Mexican recipe

Jalapeño is a great addition to burgers, hot sandwiches, salads, sauces, and nachos. Recipes for its preparation differ in composition. If you need to prepare a traditional Mexican dish, then the marinade is made with the addition of oregano and garlic.


  • 10 large jalapenos;
  • water 180 ml;
  • white vinegar 150 ml;
  • salt 30 g;
  • sugar 25 g;
  • garlic 1 clove;
  • oregano 0.5 teaspoon.

These products are used to prepare two 240 ml cans.

  1. The pods are washed. The stalks are removed. Vegetables are cut into rings. In the case of whole preservation, longitudinal cuts are made in each jalapeño, which prevents the pod from breaking.
  2. For the marinade, bring cold water to a boil. Salt, sugar, acetic acid, and oregano are added to it. The marinade is left to boil again.
  3. Pepper and garlic are placed in prepared containers. Pour the prepared brine over the vegetables and leave for 10 minutes. Then the workpieces are put into the refrigerator.
  4. Marinate the dish for 5 days. For storage in winter, the marinade is rolled up with metal lids and stored in the basement for storage.

In which there is no jalapeno pepper (photo presented in the article). It is this that gives her dishes a piquant, immediately recognizable taste. Although it is one of the varieties of the world famous chili, Mexicans prefer this particular variety, consuming hot red pepper much less often. In our country, the jalapeno pepper is still considered exotic to some extent. Many people even have little idea what it is. Our article is intended to enlighten domestic culinary specialists in this regard.

What is a jalapeno pepper?

The main distinguishing feature for which it is especially valued is the miniature size of the pepper. The maximum a pod can grow to is nine centimeters. But small, 5-6 cm peppers are considered the best. At first they have but as they grow they turn red. Jalapeños are considered high quality until they turn red. It is the green pods that are consumed fresh and pickled; red ones are usually dried, ground and added to seasonings. They are also good smoked. But in their homeland they are so unpopular that they are even used as fertilizer. Jalapeño peppers are harvested and handled with protective gloves, as the hot juice irritates the skin.

There are quite a few varieties of this pepper. They differ not only in their place of growth and “appearance,” but also in the degree of pungency and aroma. The three most popular are:

  • espinaltico: pods with sharp tips;
  • peludo: the peppers are thick and quite long;
  • morita: pods are short and rounded.

Despite the fact that jalapeño peppers are a type of chili, their heat is medium. So it is quite suitable for those who avoid pronounced spiciness.

Pepper benefits

Like any other vegetable, jalapeno peppers are very rich in vitamins (A, C, K, B1, B5) and potassium with sodium. In much smaller quantities it includes magnesium, calcium, manganese and iron, and in very small doses - zinc and selenium. It also contains other compounds important for the body: chavicin, capsorubin, carotenoids, linolenic acid and sugar, and essential oils. So, if you eat jalapeno peppers regularly, you can get the following bonuses:

  • strengthen the walls of blood vessels;
  • significantly improve vision, skin and hair quality;
  • get rid of insomnia, depression and loss of strength;
  • stabilize sugar levels in diabetes.

Even if jalapeno peppers are rarely present in your diet, they still have a general strengthening effect on the body.

Harm of jalapeno

There are very few restrictions on its use. Nursing mothers and pregnant women should not get carried away with pepper, but this also applies to any other spices. Those who are prone to allergies should be wary (at first) of jalapenos. The reaction, however, is usually caused not by the spicy product itself, but by the preservatives used during pickling. So, when eaten fresh, the vegetable may not have any effect on the well-being of an allergy sufferer. And, of course, it is contraindicated for people with ulcers and gastritis: they shouldn’t eat anything spicy at all.

How to eat jalapenos

When jalapeno peppers are processed, the seeds are usually removed at the picking stage, along with the membranes to which they are attached. It is these walls that are responsible for the degree of bitterness; with their removal the taste becomes much softer. There is a variation of the pods pickled along with the seeds. In this case, the jalapeno pepper is distinguished not only by its spiciness, but also by its obvious sourness.

In Mexico, the most favorite dish using this vegetable is stuffed peppers - nachos. The filling includes cheese or minced meat. Jalapeño jelly and jam are very original and surprisingly tasty. Pepper in chocolate is also unusual - the contrast of sharpness and sweetness is very piquant. And non-alcoholic sangrita, seasoned with it, acquires an unexpected taste and perfectly quenches thirst.

Italy borrowed the jalapeno pepper to add flavor to its pizzas. In the States they season cheese crackers with it. In most of Europe, they prefer to use pickled peppers, which are steamed.

We marinate ourselves

If store-bought jalapenos don't inspire confidence, you can make your own. The question of whether to remove the seeds is something everyone decides for themselves. Tail cuttings are cut from 15 pods. The peppers themselves are cut into rings. A quarter liter of water is poured into a small saucepan, two tablespoons of coarse (or sea) salt and four of sugar are added. Two cloves of garlic are added, a glass of vinegar is poured in, and the vessel is placed on the fire. When the bulk products dissolve, pepper rings are immersed in the marinade. Literally after a minute the pan is removed from the heat, after a quarter of an hour of infusion, the jalapeno is placed in a jar and filled with marinade. When it cools down, screw the jar tightly and put it in the refrigerator.

Mexican recipe

We suggest making this country's favorite nachos. For him, jalapenos - about twenty of them - are washed and dried. A cut is made along each pod through which the seeds are carefully scraped out. Instead, a stick of cheese is placed. The batter is made from 100 grams of tempura flour and three spoons of very cold water, straight from the freezer. If you don’t get such flour, mix wheat and rice flour in equal quantities, and first beat the water with the egg, salt and quenched soda. Stuffed peppers are dipped in batter and fried until beautifully golden. Excess oil is drained through a sieve or removed with a paper towel. That's it - you can start your Mexican meal.

Jalapeño in bacon

This recipe does the opposite: the jalapeño pepper serves as the filling. Each washed pod is halved lengthwise and cleared of seeds with partitions. The halves are filled two-thirds with cream cheese (or cottage cheese, grated with herbs and lightly salted), sprinkled with grated hard cheese and wrapped in strips of bacon. To prevent them from unrolling, you can place the “rolls” on toothpicks. The bacon pods are laid out on a baking sheet and placed in a preheated oven for a third of an hour.

One of the most popular varieties of hot pepper is the hot “Jalapeño”. This vegetable is popular in many countries, but became famous thanks to Mexican cuisine. It got its name from the small settlement of Xalapa, near which there is a huge plantation of 160 square meters. km, breeding this particular species. Mexico is still the main exporter of Jalapenos. But recently it has begun to be grown in the USA and Spain.

There is a misconception that Jalapeño is one of the hottest peppers in the world. But that's not true. The pungency index of this vegetable varies from 3 to 8 thousand on the Scoville scale. And this is the average. Green fruits are significantly superior in quality to red ones, so in most cases, “unripe” peppers are dried and prepared.

Jalapeño is quite a healthy vegetable, because it contains:

  • vitamins A, C, K, B1, B9, B5,
  • iron,
  • calcium,
  • phosphorus,
  • linoleic acid,
  • magnesium,
  • carotene and carotidin.

And this is not a complete list. Thanks to such a rich composition, eating Jalapeño has an excellent effect on the body’s condition:

  • improves metabolism,
  • promotes the production of endorphins,
  • helps cope with insomnia,
  • increases appetite,
  • strengthens the walls of blood vessels,
  • has a beneficial effect on the circulatory system,
  • lowers blood pressure
  • improves skin condition,
  • increases stress resistance.

But you should not consume Jalapeño in large quantities. After all, its pungency can harm the mucous membranes of the stomach. It is forbidden to add this vegetable to the menu for people suffering from diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, liver and kidneys, as well as with individual intolerance.

Use of pepper in cooking

Almost every Mexican dish is prepared with the addition of Jalapeños. Its spiciness adds a piquant taste to any meat, fish or vegetable delicacy. Stuffed peppers are considered the best treat. It is impossible to imagine more than one Mexican celebration without this dish.

This vegetable makes savory snacks and sauces, and Nachos are the most famous of them. To prepare this dish, the fruits are filled with cheese or minced meat. There is another famous delicacy of Mexican cuisine - Chipotle. To prepare it, red peppers are smoked using wood smoke. Thanks to this, the fruits begin to “smell” with the aroma of chocolate mixed with tobacco, but taste like prunes.

As surprising as it sounds, various jams and jellies are prepared from Jalapeños. And some chefs even glaze these peppers in chocolate. In the states, this vegetable is often consumed with crackers. Italians add fruit to their pizza. In European countries, pickled peppers are preferred. This way it is added to various side dishes and meat dishes. Jalapeños are often the main ingredient in savory soups and salads.

Pickled pepper

Canned Jalapeño practically does not lose its taste and beneficial qualities, but only if properly prepared. Therefore, to avoid mistakes, use our recipe.

For cooking you will need the following products:

  • Jalapeno pepper - 2 kg,
  • sugar - 1.5 cups,
  • water - 1 liter,
  • table vinegar - 0.5 cups,
  • sunflower oil - 1 cup,
  • salt - 2 tbsp. spoons.

Before you start preparing the product for the winter, prepare 3 jars with a volume of one liter. To do this, you need to wash the dishes and then sterilize them for 10 minutes in a water bath. The same should be done with seaming lids. It is better to carry out all work with pepper with gloves, because its juice is quickly absorbed into the skin, causing a burning sensation.

Cooking process:

1. Wash the pepper and remove the stems. If you want a less spicy dish, then remove the seeds. Cut the vegetable into slices, half a centimeter thick.
2. Prepare the marinade. To do this, pour water into a small saucepan, add salt, sugar and mix well.
3.Put the marinade on the fire and bring to a boil.
4.Pour in vinegar and vegetable oil.
5. Place the Jalapeño in the marinade and blanch for 5-7 minutes.
6.Place the peppers in jars, fill with the broth and seal with sterilized lids.
7. Place the workpieces upside down.
8. It is recommended to wrap the jars for several hours until they cool completely.

Guacamole sauce

This delicacy is highly valued in Mexico. Of course, in our conditions, some products from this recipe are considered rare, but if desired, you can buy them in any large supermarket.

Product set:

  • Avocado - 2 ripe fruits,
  • Lime - 1 pc.,
  • Jalapeño – 2 pcs.,
  • Half a lemon
  • Garlic - 5 cloves,
  • Cilantro - a small bunch.
  • gukomol sauce

Cooking process:

1. Cut off the stalks of the pepper and remove the seeds.
2.Remove the pit from the avocado.
3. Peel the garlic.
4. Squeeze the juice from lemon and lime.
5.Place all the products in a blender bowl and, adding salt to taste, grind them thoroughly until smooth.
6.Add finely chopped cilantro to the finished sauce and stir the mixture.
If you wish, you can “ennoble” the taste of the dish with sour cream, tomatoes, olive oil, spices and seasonings. In general, don’t be afraid to show your imagination. This sauce goes well with meat and fish dishes, and is also an excellent addition to chips.

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