Home Vegetables Pear jam for the winter. A collection of delicious recipes. Pear northerner harvesting for the winter

Pear jam for the winter. A collection of delicious recipes. Pear northerner harvesting for the winter

As far back as 3 thousand years BC, people cultivated a pear. It is believed that pears came to Europe from the ancient Greek Peloponnese, which at that time was called the country of pears.

Since ancient times, pears have been grown in Ukraine, Belarus, Russia, the Caucasus, and the countries of Central Asia.

The healing properties of the pear were used by the Sumerian doctors.

Fresh pears improve digestion. Due to the large amount of tannins, a decoction of pears, especially wild pears, is prescribed for diarrhea. This decoction helps with coughs and feverish conditions. It also has a diuretic, analgesic, antiseptic effect.

Pear juice is an excellent remedy for strengthening capillaries.

Pears are good because they ripen when many berries and fruits have already departed. Therefore, housewives are happy to prepare them for the winter: they dry them, cook compotes, jams, jams from them.

Subtleties of cooking

  • Jam pears should be ripe, but not soft. From green pears the jam turns out raw, pale, unattractive and non-aromatic. Overripe pears during cooking (heat treatment?) boil soft, turning into porridge.
  • In order for the pear slices to cook at the same time, the fruits must be of the same degree of maturity and of the same variety.
  • The preparation of pears consists in the fact that the peel is cut off from them, the seed chambers are carefully cut out.
  • So that the peeled pears do not darken, they are kept in slightly acidified water before cooking.
  • Small pears can be boiled whole, the rest are cut into slices 2 cm wide.
  • If the pears are sweet, then sugar can be taken half as much as for cooking. apple jam. In some cases, it is enough to take only 500 g of sugar for 1 kg of pears.

Pear jam: the first recipe


  • pears - 1 kg;
  • sugar - 1.2 kg;
  • pear broth - 2 tbsp.

Cooking method

  • Peel ripe but firm pears. Cut in half, remove the core. Cut into slices.
  • Put the prepared pears in a wide saucepan, fill with water so that it slightly covers them. Cook until soft, but the slices should not be soft. Drain the broth into a separate bowl.
  • Pour sugar into the cooking basin and add two glasses of broth. Stir well, bring to a boil.
  • Dip the pears into the syrup, bring to a boil again, removing the foam. Cook until the slices are transparent.
  • Cool the jam. Pour into clean, dry glass jars. Cover with parchment or tracing paper.

Pear jam: recipe two


  • pears - 1 kg;
  • sugar - 1-1.2 kg.

Cooking method

  • For jam, select ripe but firm pears. Wash them under running water. Cut off the skin.
  • Cut the fruit in half, cut out the core. Cut the pears into cubes.
  • Place them in the cooking bowl. Sprinkle with sugar. Leave for 6-8 hours. During this time, the pear will give juice.
  • Put the basin on the fire and cook for 35 minutes at a moderate boil, removing the foam.
  • Remove the basin from the stove, cool the jam for 8 hours.
  • Put back on the fire and cook for another 35 minutes.
  • Wash and dry the jars.
  • Cool the finished jam. Sort into banks. Cover with parchment or tracing paper. If you want to close the jam hermetically, then the jars and lids must first be sterilized. Pack the jam hot. Seal with lids. Turn upside down and cool like this.

Pear jam: recipe three


  • pears - 1 kg;
  • sugar - 1 kg;
  • water - 3/4 st.;
  • citrus (lemon, orange or tangerine) dried peels - to taste.

Cooking method

  • Wash ripe strong pears. Cut off the peel. Cut in half, remove seed chambers.
  • Cut the pears into slices and put them in a cooking basin, pouring sugar in layers. Leave for 12 hours. During this time, the pear will give juice and some of the sugar will dissolve.
  • Pour in water, stir gently. Put on fire and cook at a moderate boil for 1 hour and 20 minutes. Remove the emerging foam with a slotted spoon.
  • At the end of cooking, add dried citrus peels.
  • Leave the finished jam in the basin until completely cooled. Then package in dry, clean jars and cover with parchment or tracing paper.

Pear jam with lemon


  • pears - 1 kg;
  • sugar - 1 kg;
  • water - 1 tbsp.;
  • lemon - 1 pc.

Cooking method

  • Wash ripe but firm pears. Peel off the skin. Cut into slices, immediately removing the core. Place in a cooking bowl.
  • Wash the lemon, cut into slices. Remove seeds. Put in a small saucepan, cover with water and boil for 3 minutes. Strain.
  • Pour sugar into the pan, add lemon juice. Boil the syrup.
  • Fill them with pears. Insist 2 hours.
  • Put the basin on the stove, bring the jam to a boil. Cook over moderate heat until tender. The pear slices should become translucent and the syrup should thicken.
  • Prepare dry sterile jars with lids. Spread hot jam in them. Seal tightly. Cool upside down.

Quick pear jam


  • pears - 1 kg;
  • sugar - 1 kg;
  • water - 1 tbsp.

Cooking method

  • Wash ripe but firm pears. Cut the skin off them. Cut in half and remove the core. Cut into slices.
  • Place the prepared pears in a bowl.
  • Pour sugar into a saucepan, pour water. Boil the syrup. Fill them with pears.
  • Bring to a boil. Cook over moderate heat in one step until tender.
  • When hot, pour the jam into sterilized jars and seal tightly with tin lids. Cool by turning upside down.

Pear jam with orange


  • pears - 1 kg;
  • sugar - 1 kg;
  • water - 2/3 st.;
  • orange - 0.5 pcs.

Cooking method

  • Wash ripe but firm pears. Cut off the peel. Cut in half, remove seed chambers. Cut into thin slices. Place the prepared pears in a cooking bowl.
  • Put sugar in a saucepan, pour water. Boil the syrup.
  • Pour hot syrup over pears. Bring to a boil over moderate heat and simmer for 5-6 minutes, skimming off the foam.
  • Remove the jam from the stove and leave for 8-10 hours so that the pears are soaked in syrup.
  • Put it on the fire again and cook for 5 minutes from the moment of boiling.
  • Again insist for 8-10 hours. Repeat this procedure one more time.
  • Wash the orange and cut into pieces along with the peel. Add to pear jam. Cook everything together over moderate heat for 30 minutes. If the jam thickens well, reduce the boil, otherwise the jam may burn.
  • Prepare jars and lids. To do this, wash them and steam them or bake them in the oven.
  • Place hot jam in dry sterile jars and immediately seal tightly with clean and dry lids. Turn the jars upside down and cool in this position.

Helpful information

After sorting pears for jam, overripe or crumpled fruits remain. They go to make jam or marmalade. But if there is no desire to mess with these blanks, then the remaining pears can be used for cosmetic purposes. For example, make a fruit mask. Ripe fruits contain a large amount of vitamins, useful microelements, biologically active substances.

To prepare a fruit mask, pears are peeled and seed chambers are removed, placed in a jar and thoroughly rubbed. This pear puree is applied to the face, neck, chest, hands and kept for 20 minutes. Then wash off with warm water, and the skin is smeared with cream.

How great it is to open pear jam in frosty winter weather, make tea and arrange cozy gatherings. A delicacy will brighten up evenings, make pastries tastier and complement festive table.

Honey fruits make delicious and fragrant preparations that are easy to make. Today I offer you simple and quick recipes for the winter awesome pear jam.

Jars with amber contents are stored in the pantry of every experienced thrifty housewife. At the same time, not everyone knows how to cook their favorite jam.

You can be sure that there is nothing difficult in this. In addition, every step is described here. Even inexperienced girls will cope. Shall we start?

Amber jam from pear slices

quick jam from paradise fruits differs in esthetic properties. Apart from palatability, confiture attracts with amber-transparent color. For its preparation, ripe dense varieties are selected. A northern pear will do.

Eat sweets with benefit - pear jam is rich in vitamins and trace elements.


  • peeled pears Bere - 2 kg;
  • glass of water;
  • 1 kg of sugar.


Cut peeled fruits into slices.

Let's start making syrup. Pour the sugar into a saucepan, which we put on medium heat, then pour in the water. At first glance, it seems that there is not enough liquid. However, the cane product will organically dissolve in a glass of water gradually. When the consistency becomes transparent and boils, the syrup is ready.

Pour the caramelized mass over the pear slices and leave it until the syrup has completely cooled.

Then put the sweet slices on medium heat, bring to a boil and boil for about 5-6 minutes.

We are waiting for the semi-finished jam to cool down, and repeat the process again. During cooking, do not forget to stir the mass. After the second heat treatment, the fruits become transparent.

The confiture is a little watery. If you want a thicker consistency, cool it down and repeat the procedure again.

From two kilograms of unpeeled pears, one liter of jam comes out.

At this stage, the pear dessert is ready to eat. To spin it for the winter, pre-prepare jars and lids.

The fruits are naturally sweet, so be careful with adding sugar. Its optimal ratio: 1/2 bulk product to 1 part of pears.

Thick pear jam with lemon for the winter: a simple recipe

This recipe will help you learn how to cook pear jam with a thick consistency from small homemade fruits. The hardest part of cooking is cleaning the fillings. The rest of the process will not take much effort.


  • 1.8 kg of granulated sugar;
  • 3 kg of domestic pears;
  • 400 ml of water;
  • one lemon.


  1. We clean the fruit from the peel, cut out the core.
  2. Chop the fruits into slices.
  3. Cut the lemon into circles, then divide each slice into 4 parts.
  4. Cooking syrup. Pour sugar with water and simmer it over medium heat until the mass becomes transparent.
  5. After the syrup boils, fill it with pear and lemon slices. Then we wait for the caramel to cool down.
  6. We put the fruit and sugar mass on the stove. Bring it to a boil, but do not boil. Cook in slow mode, do not forget to stir occasionally.
  7. We leave the saucepan, cool. Then again set to cook until it starts to boil. In total, we make four such brews - each takes about half an hour.
  8. We pre-sterilize jars and lids. Ready jam is poured into containers, twisted and removed before winter.

Leave some jam in the fridge - it's ready to eat.

Pear jam with orange through a meat grinder

Since the orange is a tart fruit, it is recommended to take dessert varieties. For example, the Dulya pear has a sweet and fragrant pulp, which is ideal for processing. Pear jam with citrus will help with colds. It is recommended to use it for preventive purposes.

To enjoy a fragrant treat in winter, take the following ingredients:

  • pears - 3 kg;
  • orange - 1.5 kg;
  • sugar - 2 kg.
  1. We twist the fruit through a meat grinder.
  2. Sprinkle the puree with sugar and leave it overnight.
  3. The next morning, we begin to cook the sweet mass over low heat.
  4. Bring it to a boil and turn off the stove.
  5. Pour the finished jam into sterilized jars.
  6. We turn the containers upside down, wrap them with a towel and leave the blanks in this position for a day.
  7. It turns out thick, fragrant and delicious jam dark amber color.

Don't be afraid to experiment. Try adding different spices while cooking. Jam with cinnamon, ginger, anise and other spices fascinates with a pleasant aroma and unusual taste.

Jam recipe for a 3 liter jar

For a 3-liter jar, we need at least 3 kg of already peeled pears. Usually, the jam is poured into small jars, so that after opening the container, it can be eaten before it starts to deteriorate.

However, for a large family, especially where the confectioner lives, such a quantity of confiture will not last long.


  • slightly unripe pears - 3.5 kg;
  • 2 tbsp. l. lemon juice;
  • 3 kg of sugar;
  • water - 400 ml.

Cut the washed amber fillings into slices. We leave the peel, it has a lot of vitamins.

We put the pieces in a saucepan and fill them with water so that it covers the contents.

Pour in lemon juice.

We put the pan on the fire and cook the pears for 10 minutes. Then we filter them.

We leave the water. Mix it with sugar and cook the syrup on a slow setting. Stir vigorously until the sugar is completely dissolved.

When the syrup boils, boil it for another 20 minutes.

Then we send the slices to the pan. We handle the pears carefully so that the slices do not fall apart.

After boiling, wait 7 minutes, then turn off the stove. We leave the semi-finished jam for 4-6 hours. This will allow the pears to soak well in the syrup.

We repeat the process 3-4 times. The more stages of cooking, the thicker the consistency.

Pour the finished jam into a pre-treated jar, roll it up with a lid and turn the container upside down.

For jam slices, choose hard pears. The soft flesh will melt quickly.

Read on the Valley of Positive website:

Pear jam for the winter "Five Minute"

This pear delicacy is cooked in just 5 minutes. The result is amazing - a delicious, thick confiture of a beautiful shade with fruit slices. If you don’t know which variety is better to take, try making wild pear jam. This is a very common type of filling in the preparation of jams.


  • pears - 5 kg;
  • sugar - 1.5 kg;
  • citric acid - 2 tsp.

We cut the washed pears in a convenient way. We do not peel off the skin.

Sprinkle the pieces with sugar. Then we level it on the surface so that the fruit is not visible. Leave at least overnight. Thus, the fruits will release juice.

In the morning, mix the slices and put them on the fire. We do not add water, our own liquid has developed.

Bring the mass to a boil and boil for 2 minutes.

Cool and insist 10 hours. We do this so that all the pieces are saturated with syrup, become transparent and do not fall apart.

We put the jam back on the fire.

When the syrup boils, add 2 tsp. citric acid and cook for 3 minutes.

In total, the jam was cooked for only 5 minutes. Two minutes for the first time and 3 minutes for the second time.

Pour the jam into jars (do not sterilize them). It is enough to pour boiling water over the containers. It is recommended to boil the lids for 5 minutes.

Lemon extract allows sweet preparations to be stored longer. The additive does not affect the taste.

Jam from whole pears with tails in sugar syrup

Whole fruit jam attracts with its unusual appearance. The advantage of this cooking method is that whole pears retain more useful properties. It doesn't matter if you make jam from green or yellow fruits. In any case, it will turn out sweet and fragrant.

Pear is an amazing fruit with a rich supply beneficial vitamins, has a rich taste and aroma. Pear jam is considered popular, which is prepared with the addition of berries and fruits, as well as spices and spices.

Pear jam - a simple recipe

Dark amber pear delicacy will make pancakes sweeter, strengthen the body's strength before the winter season.

To prepare a healthy sweet, you need to take:

  • 1000 g pears,
  • 1000 g of sugar;
  • 450 ml of water;
  • 1 lemon (zest)

Pear jam recipe step by step:

  1. We combine sugar and water in a saucepan, put the mixture on fire and cook until the sweet crystals are completely dissolved.
  2. Without wasting time, peel the pear seeds, cut into slices. We dip the prepared fruit pieces into hot syrup, add the zest, removed from the lemon with a fine grater. She will remove excessive cloying.
  3. Boil the workpiece for about two hours over moderate heat until a beautiful amber color. Until winter, store in sterile glass jars.

With the addition of apples

Jam from apples and pears can be different in consistency. For example, with transparent amber slices, thick jam, confiture or jam, but in any case it is tasty and healthy.

For a simple option, you will need:

  • 1000 g pears;
  • 1000 g of apples;
  • 2000 g of sugar;
  • 45 ml freshly squeezed apple juice;
  • 1 lemon (juice);
  • 5 g cinnamon.


  1. Cut the washed apples and pears into small pieces, after cutting out the cores and spoiled places, put them in a bowl or basin of a suitable size.
  2. Sprinkle fruit with sugar Apple juice and squeeze in the lemon juice. Put on fire and cook until done. Five to seven minutes before the end of the cooking process, add powdered cinnamon.

Preparation with lemon

This jam has a very beautiful name“Sunny Beauty”, because it is precisely such associations that come to mind when you see chalky pear slices mixed with citrus circles-suns.

Recipe with lemon involves the use of:

  • 3000 g pears;
  • 3000 g of sugar;
  • 3 lemons;
  • 100 ml of water.

How to cook pear-lemon jam:

  1. Wash and cut fruits: pears - translucent slices, lemon - circles.
  2. In a saucepan, combine the prepared fruit raw materials with sugar, pour in water and simmer until a beautiful golden syrup color.

Cowberry jam with pears

For housewives, a more familiar combination of lingonberries and apples in jam, but if you cook this winter preparation with a pear at least once, it will become a permanent favorite for more than one year.

Ingredients that are used in cooking, and their quantity:

  • 1000 g pear;
  • 1000 g lingonberries;
  • 2000 g of granulated sugar;
  • 100 ml of water;
  • 5 cloves;
  • ½ teaspoon ground cinnamon.

Cooking technology:

  1. We prepare raw materials. We sort out lingonberries, wash them. Pears are washed, peeled and cut into small thin slices.
  2. Pour sugar into a bowl or pan with a wide bottom and pour boiling water over it, so all the sweetener crystals will disperse faster. We put the syrup on the fire and cook until it boils.
  3. First, we send pears into the boiling liquid, and after a quarter of an hour, lingonberries and spices. Cook everything over low heat until a drop of jam stops spreading on a cold saucer. This may take up to 45 minutes.
  4. Store the workpiece in hermetically sealed jars in a dark and cool place.

With plums for the winter

This jam turns out to be tasty, fragrant with an interesting color, which is added by plums. This is not just a winter preparation, these are the colors of summer that will make the cold winter brighter and tastier.

The proportions of the components for the dish are as follows:

  • 750 g pear;
  • 750 g plums;
  • 1200 g of sugar;
  • 300 ml of water.

Cooking steps:

  1. Remove the pits from clean, washed plums, and cut the resulting halves into 2-3 slices each. Wash the pears, wipe dry, cut out the core and chop into thin slices-plates. Important: the recipe already indicates the amount of prepared fruit without stones and seeds.
  2. Boil sugar and water. Pour the pear slices with the resulting syrup and cook them for 20 minutes. Next, plums are sent to the jam. All together cook for another 20-25 minutes. After that, the workpiece is ready for subsequent conservation and further storage.

Amber jam from pear slices

This jam is able to please not only taste buds, but also the look of the most captious esthete. Transparent pear slices, immersed in a thick, concentrated and sweet juice, attract the eye. And you can't do without little secrets in this matter.

First, about the main ingredients:

  • 1000 g pear;
  • 1000 g of sugar;
  • 2-3 g of citric acid.


  1. Carefully wash and dry juicy, but with fairly dense pulp, pears so that excess moisture does not get into the workpiece. Next, they should be cut into slices (without core) of the same thickness. You can use a curly knife, for example, for cutting cheese. The eternal question: cut off the skin from pears for jam or not? For this jam, it is better to leave it, it will give more guarantees that the amber slices will maintain their integrity, and the rest should be guided by personal preferences.
  2. In a bowl with a fairly wide bottom, place the fruit slices and cover them with sugar. The thickness of the pear-sugar layer should not be more than 4-5 cm. Leave at room temperature before extracting juice. For it to be, it may take a night or a whole day.
  3. The pears that have let juice are subjected to two short boils and one long boil. For the first and second time, the jam is allowed to boil for one or two minutes and kept until completely cooled (at least 12 hours). The third time, cook to the desired consistency.

Delicious dessert with cinnamon

In desserts, like any other dishes, small details, like spices and spices, play a significant role. So, one pinch of ground cinnamon and a little orange peel are able to turn an unremarkable jam from your favorite, but such familiar pears into an exquisite delicacy. Wanted to try?

Then let's take:

  • 1000 g pears;
  • 1000 g of sugar;
  • 1 orange (zest);
  • 4 g cinnamon;
  • 3-4 g of citric acid.


  1. Pour the prepared (washed and cut into small pieces) pears with sugar, mix and hold until a sufficient amount of pear juice appears.
  2. Next, cook the jam after boiling for an hour, stirring occasionally and removing the foam, completely cool. Repeat hourly boiling and cooling.
  3. For the third time, we cook the workpiece by adding orange zest to it, citric acid and cinnamon. After an hour of boiling pear slices in own juice with spices, you can lay out the jam in clean glass jars.

With oranges

Thick pear jam turns out to be delicious on its own, but if you add a sunny orange to the pears, then their duet becomes doubly delicious.

To cook thick pear jam with a citrus aftertaste, you need to prepare:

  • 3000 g (already prepared) pears;
  • 1 ½ oranges;
  • 100 ml of water;
  • 500-1000 g of sugar, depending on the sweetness of the raw material.

Cooking method:

  1. Rinse the orange in hot water, wipe dry. Next, on the smallest grater, thinly remove the orange zest. We clean the fruit itself from a thick white layer, films and seeds, and cut the resulting pulp into pieces. Pears are prepared similarly to the previous recipes.
  2. Pour water into the bottom of a wide saucepan or basin, put pears with orange and zest. Sprinkle everything with sugar on top, cover with a lid and put on fire. After boiling, cook on a minimum flame until the pears are soft (20-30 minutes).
  3. Next, we puree the softened fruit mass with a blender and boil to the required density. During this time, the jam will not only become thicker, but also darken a little.

The sequence of culinary processes:

  1. A pot with enough water should be placed on the stove so that a kilogram of prepared pears can be easily boiled in it.
  2. While the water boils, we peel the fruit, if desired, from the peel, cut into slices or slices. Immerse the prepared pears in boiling water and boil for 5-7 minutes until soft.
  3. Then drain the water from the fruit, but do not pour it out. It is necessary to select the volume of water indicated in the recipe and, having combined the pear broth with sugar, boil the syrup.
  4. Add vanillin, citric acid and boiled pears to the hot syrup. Boil the jam until absolutely ready, then roll it into sterile jars, which, after cooling, put in a dark and cool place.

Unusual recipe with almonds

For an exquisite jam with almond petals, lemon zest, cognac and ginger, the ratio of ingredients will be as follows:

  • 1200 g pears;
  • 150 g almond petal or chopped almonds;
  • 1200 g of sugar;
  • 10 g of grated ginger root;
  • 20 ml brandy;
  • 2 medium lemons

Cooking algorithm:

  1. Remove the zest from thoroughly washed citrus fruits and squeeze out the juice. Pear pulp (for this recipe it is better to remove the skin from the fruit) chop into cubes.
  2. Combine all the jam ingredients in one refractory container and cook, uncovered, until the pear slices are soft and the desired consistency is reached. Ready jam for storage is corked in sterile glass jars.

Pear jam recipes for the winter

Pear jam a great way to prepare this delicious fruit for the winter. A pear is one of everyone's favorite fruits, early or late it is always very juicy and sweet and is loved by adults and children. But in winter period it’s not available to pick a pear from a branch and enjoy its great taste, of course you can buy it in the store in winter, but they are not cheap and such a delicacy is not always available and healthy, so if you like pears, then it’s better to make them preparations for the winter and enjoy a wonderful pear dessert from a jar.

Put your jam in a bowl in winter, pour hot tea, and you will get a lot of pleasure from your labors. In our time, we have already accumulated quite a few pear jam recipes, but you really want to cook something that will not let you spoil the fruit, throw money away and spend time and effort in vain. We have tried to make it as useful as possible for you. a selection of recipes pear jam which are personally verified by us.

  1. Pieces of pear jam
  2. Whole pear jam

Thick pear jam for the winter

An old and proven recipe, which was used by our grandmothers. An excellent filling for wind pies and buns that you will cook for your loved ones in the winter will not leave them indifferent and will give a lot of pleasure from such sweet pastries. It is prepared quite simply and does not require large expenses. Recipe with detailed instruction makes making this jam a breeze.

And so now we will tell you how to cook this jam with detailed instructions for the process itself.

Thick pear jam
  • Pears - 2 kg;
  • Sugar -1 kg;
  • Water - 200 g.

Let's start cooking:

It is best to take well-ripened and soft fruits.

Step 1 Pears need to be washed and peeled, cut them and remove the core.

Step 2. Immediately pour water into the cooking container, this is necessary so that when you put the pear on the fire, it does not immediately stick to the bottom, because the pear itself is sweet and without water it will immediately stick to the bottom and as soon as the container will be warmed up, the jam will immediately begin to burn and will stick all the time in the same place.

Step 3. Cut the peeled pear as small as possible, then they will be better boiled.

Step 4. Sprinkle the chopped pear with sugar.

Step 5. Put on low heat and bring to a boil.

Let it boil over low heat, do not increase it, otherwise it can stick and burn very quickly, which will spoil the taste by giving it a burnt aftertaste.

Step 6. Stirring constantly, bring the jam to a thickening.

Step 7. When the density you need is reached, remove from heat and pour into sterilized jars, roll up and turn over. When the jam has cooled, lower it into the cellar.

Bon Appetit!

Pieces of pear jam

Very delicious jam pieces, reminiscent of candied fruit or pear sweets. Your homemade sweet tooth will love it. Perfect for tea drinking in the family circle. Such a winter preparation will wonderfully add variety to winter sweets and make your cold winter evenings sweeter in a warm family circle.

We will tell you how to cook this yummy with a detailed description of the preparation so that the preparation is successful and not a burden.

Pieces of pear jam

For cooking you will need:

  • Pear - 1 kg;
  • Sugar - 1 kg.

Let's start cooking:

This recipe calls for pears. durum varieties or not ripened, because it will not work out of a soft pear.

Step 1 Wash the pears, peel, cut and remove the core.

Step 2. Cut them into half rings about 0.5 cm thick, maybe a little thicker.

Step 3. Sprinkle with sugar, cover and shake well so that the sugar is distributed between the pear slices and leave for 2 hours for the pear to release its juice.

Step 4. Put on low heat and bring to a boil, boil for 2 minutes.

Remove from heat, let the pear cool.

Step 5. After the pear has cooled down, it must be put on fire and also brought to a boil and let it boil for 2 minutes. So you need to do it 1 more time.

Step 6. After the jam has boiled 3 times, remove it from the heat and you can already pour it into sterilized jars.

Step 7. Roll up the jars with lids, turn over and let it cool. After cooling, lower it into the basement.

Your jam is ready!

Pear jam with pumpkin for the winter

Perfect combination fragrant pear and sweet pumpkin will surely please you. Such a blank is perfect for adding fruit to pies and even muffins, you can add this sweetness to cottage cheese desserts. The syrup will also not stand aside, they can perfectly soak cake layers or pour over pancakes. Very tasty and easy to eat this jam with tea. Sweet cereals with such jam are excellent.

We will tell you how to cook such a wonderful preparation in the winter so that it is not difficult for you.

Pear and pumpkin jam

To prepare, take:

  • Pear - 600 g;
  • Pumpkin - 300 g;
  • Sugar - 500 g;
  • Water - 300 g.

Let's start cooking:

Pears need hard varieties or those that have not yet ripened, they must be hard.

Step 1 Wash the pear and remove the core. Slice the pear however you like.

Step 2. Peel the pumpkin, remove the seeds and cut the same way to your liking.

Step 3. Put a cooking container on the fire, pour water into it and add sugar.

Let the syrup boil, let all the sugar dissolve.

Step 4. When the syrup is ready, pour in the pear and pumpkin, mix thoroughly.

Step 5. Bring the jam to a boil and let it simmer for 20 minutes, stirring as gently as possible during cooking to keep the fruit whole.

Step 6. Pour it into sterilized jars.

Roll up jars and turn over.

Wrap the jars in a warm blanket until cool. Then lower into the basement.

After opening in winter, store it in the refrigerator covered with a nylon lid.

Good appetite!

Jam with spices "Oriental pear"

Incredible fragrant jam! It will become just a highlight among your winter preparations. Incredible aroma of jam will bring you a lot of pleasure. By adding such jam to baking, it will make it very rich and fragrant, your whole family will come running to the smell of such sweetness. Having prepared it once, you will not be able to refuse yourself to prepare it again. Your whole family will love it and your guests will praise it.

Here you will find a recipe for this jam with a detailed description of the preparation.

Pear jam with spices “Oriental pear”

To make jam you will need:

  • Pear - 600 g;
  • Sugar - 400 g;
  • Turmeric - a quarter of a teaspoon;
  • Carnation - 3 pieces;
  • Fennel - a quarter of a teaspoon;
  • Anise - a quarter of a teaspoon;
  • Water - 100 g.

Let's start cooking:

Step 1 Wash the pears thoroughly, cut and remove the seeds.

Step 2. Cut the fruit into small slices.

Step 3. Pour water into the cooking container and add sugar.

Step 4. Put on fire and stir.

Step 5. When the syrup starts to boil, pour turmeric, cloves, fennel, anise into it. Bring to a boil, let the syrup simmer for 7 minutes over low heat.

Step 6. Then pour the pear into the syrup, bring to a boil.

Step 7 Let the pear boil for 30 minutes. During cooking, stir as gently as possible so as not to turn the pears into porridge.

Step 8. Pour your jam into sterilized jars, roll up and turn over.

Now let the jars cool down, then lower them into the basement.

Your Oriental Pear is ready to eat!

Pear jam with grapes "With a twist"

The name of the jam speaks for itself, it really has a twist, as it contains grapes. And the addition of lemon and orange juices makes the jam taste just incredible and unusual. A jar of such jam, of course, will not be very cheap, but the taste will pay off all your costs, both financial and physical.

This jam is just perfect to smear, for example, cookies for tea or add to a cake layer. It will not leave indifferent any member of your family, as well as none of your guests. Believe that, having prepared it, you will not regret that you spent time and money, because by spring there will not be a single jar of this delicacy left in the basement.

We will share with you the recipe for such a sweet with step by step description cooking.

Pear jam with grapes “With raisins”

To make jam you will need:

  • Pears - 1 kg;
  • Kish-mish grapes (or other white seedless grapes) - 300 g;
  • Lemon - 1 piece;
  • Orange - 1 piece;
  • Sugar - 1 kg;
  • Water - 150 g.

Let's start cooking:

Step 1. Wash the pears thoroughly, cut and remove all the bones. Then they must be cut into a medium-sized cube, it is desirable that the pear is slightly larger than the grapes.

Step 2 Grapes must be picked off the bunch and washed very well. When using grapes in blanks, remember that you need to wash it very well, it contains natural yeast on the surface of the skin, and if it is not washed off, the blank may ferment. Pour it into a colander and let it drain well.

Step 3. Now put a cooking container on the fire and pour water into it, pour sugar into the water, bring to a boil, let the syrup boil for 5 minutes.

Step 4. Add fruit to the syrup and let it simmer for 5 minutes, over low heat, it should not boil strongly.

Step 5. Now take a lemon and roll it on the table so that it softens and gives juice.

Cut the lemon in half and squeeze the juice into the jam.

Step 6. Now take an orange and soften it in the same way, cut it in half, squeeze out the juice, then make rotating movements with a fork to squeeze out the remaining juice and a little pulp.

When squeezing juice from citruses, make sure that the seeds do not get into the jam, it is better to squeeze the juice into a bowl, the seeds can give bitterness.

Step 7. Let the jam boil now for another 5-10 minutes.

Step 8. Remove from heat, pour into sterilized jars, roll up, turn over and let it cool.

Your delicious jam for the winter is ready!

Whole pear jam

Very delicious pear comes from childhood. According to this recipe, our grandmothers prepared pears, because before there was no such variety on store shelves and we had to stock up to the maximum in the summer even with sweets for winter desserts. Then this recipe was forgotten due to the fact that a lot of factory-made sweets appeared, but these days they are already rather fed up and I want something homemade and natural. These pears, like no other, diversify the winter sweet table and delight you and your loved ones.

We will tell you how to cook these wonderful pears. A detailed description of the preparation will help you easily do it right.

Whole pear jam

In order to prepare the workpiece you will need:

  • Pears (preferably lemon varieties or others, but dense and small) - 5 kg;
  • Sugar - 3 kg;
  • Water - 1200

Let's start cooking:

Step 1. Wash the pears well and prick each with a needle, it is better not to use a toothpick because it becomes limp and pieces of wood can remain in the pear. Place the pears in a jam jar.

Step 2. In a separate container, boil the syrup from sugar and water. The syrup must be boiled for 7 minutes.

Step 3 Pour the hot syrup over the pears and let them cool completely.

Step 4. After the pears have cooled completely, put them on the fire and boil for 10 minutes over low heat, they should not boil much. You need to stir gently so as not to damage the whole fruit, because that's what it is and jam from whole pears, so that they remain intact and do not turn into jam.

Step 5 Remove from heat and let them cool completely again. So it will be necessary to repeat 3 more times throughout the day (4 times in total), you can set aside and continue cooking the next day if one day was not enough for you. Do not worry, the pears will not turn sour even if you start to continue even in the evening of the next day.

Step 6. After you have boiled the jam 3 times already and for the last time, pour the jam into jars, it is better to take jars with a volume of 1 liter, because the jam does not consist of chopped fruits and it will not fit well in small jars. Jars must be sterilized.

Step 7. Roll up the jars with lids. Turn over and wrap in a warm blanket until completely cool. Dip the jars in the basement or move to another dark and cool storage area.

After opening, it is better to store the jar in the refrigerator, tightly closing it with a nylon lid, because there is little sugar in the jam, and it can quickly ferment.

Now your whole pear jam is ready! Good appetite!

Treat winter preparations from a pear to your family and friends and enjoy healthy, natural homemade sweets.

Bon appetit and warm winter evenings! And be always healthy!

Fine( 4 ) Badly( 0 )

From what just do not cook jam. The most different fruits, berries and even vegetables. Dessert made from pears has a special aroma and delicate taste, and the raw material itself is often given away. Pears planted in the country can give an excellent harvest. If there are really a lot of fruits, it is possible to diversify the taste of jam with the help of additional ingredients. The finished product will be appropriate on your table at any time of the year, but especially in winter.

To begin with, it is important to select the right fruits. It is better to make jam from fully ripe, but not too soft pears. Dessert made from unripe fruits will have a pale, unattractive appearance and a complete lack of flavor. Overripe and softened fruits will turn into porridge during the cooking process.

In one batch for making jam, fruits of the same variety and the same degree of maturity must fall. In this case, the slices will turn out beautiful, even, of the same color. Before cooking, remove the seed chambers from the fruit and cut off the peel (optional).

Small pears can be boiled whole, large ones are best cut into slices or small cubes. In the process of preparation, peeled fruits are recommended to be put in a container with acidified water so that they do not darken. The amount of sugar can be changed depending on how sweet your pears are.

On a note! If a variety with high sugar content was prepared for jam, then granulated sugar can be taken half as much as fruits.

The best pear jam recipes step by step

The taste of jam depends on many things, including the method of preparation. The consistency of the product is also different. Some recipes require a minimum amount of cooking time. Others will have to deal with. In any case, the choice is yours.

This is perhaps the simplest recipe for pear jam, which also contains a minimal amount of sugar. To make the product better preserved, citric acid is added to it. The list of ingredients consists of only a few items:

  • 1.3 kg of pears;
  • 0.3 kg of sugar;
  • 1 tsp citric acid;
  • 1 liter of water.

If the skin of the fruit is thin, it can not be cut off, then the pear slices will keep their shape better. Cooking steps:

    1. Pears cut into slices are placed in clean sterilized jars, filling the container to the very top.
    2. Heat sugar and water in a saucepan on the stove, stirring. Let it boil.
    3. The resulting syrup is poured over the pears and left for 5 minutes, covering the jars with lids.
    4. Drain the liquid from the cans back into the pan, bring to a boil and repeat the procedure.
    5. At the third boil, citric acid is put into the syrup and pears are immediately poured into it.

After that, the jars are rolled up, turned over and allowed to cool in a wrapped form.

On a note! You can add this recipe if you wish with fresh mint leaves and vanilla. The taste of jam will become more interesting.

Pear jam cooked according to this recipe looks very attractive. The syrup acquires a rich taste, color and aroma due to the presence of lemon peel. Preparing such a jam is somewhat more difficult than the classic one, but the result justifies itself. To prepare several jars of goodies you will need:

  • 1 kg of pears;
  • 0.4 kg of sugar;
  • two lemons.

In order for the syrup to remain transparent, it is necessary to strictly follow the preparation technology:

    1. Prepared slices of pears are laid out in a bowl with sand, gently mixed and left for 4 hours to extract the juice.
    2. After that, the workpiece is put on fire, brought to a boil and immediately removed.
    3. After 8 hours, lemons cut into small cubes are added to the pears and brought to a boil again.
    4. In total, this cycle should be repeated 4 times, allowing the jam to cool in between.
    5. For the fifth time, the dessert is cooked to the end within 15 minutes from the moment of boiling.

After the jam is ready, the fragrant pear-lemon mixture is laid out in sterilized jars and rolled up. The filled container is placed on a towel and covered from above. After cooling, the jam is removed to a cool basement or cellar.

On a note! Such a dessert turns out to be quite thick, it is quite possible to use it as a filling for sweet pies.

Very tasty pear jam with lemon: video

Adding orange to pears will add jam spicy notes, and its color will resemble the sun at dawn. Pears can be taken absolutely any variety. The main thing is that they are not overripe. For dessert, you will need the following ingredients:

  • 2.2 kg of pears;
  • 2.2 kg of sugar;
  • 3 oranges.

The cooking process is as simple as possible:

    1. Those and other fruits are peeled, cut into slices or cubes, put in an enamel bowl, sugar is added and left overnight to infuse.
    2. The next day, put the pan on the fire, bring to a boil and cook for 1.5 hours with constant stirring. The foam is carefully removed.

Ready-made jam, rolled up in jars, is stored throughout the winter, if not eaten earlier.

Pear jam with orange: video

The aroma of pears and apples is wonderfully combined with each other. Jam made from these fruits has a harmonious taste and attractive taste. appearance. During storage, such a delicacy thickens and becomes even more appetizing and rich, resembling jelly in its consistency. The fruits must be hard varieties so that the fruits do not boil soft. To make jam, you need to prepare:

  • 1 kg of pears;
  • 1 kg of apples;
  • 2 kg of sugar.

And now let's start cooking:

    1. In a bowl, you need to put peeled, thinly sliced ​​apples and cover them with two-thirds of granulated sugar.
    2. After a few hours, when the fruit gives juice, the mixture is transferred to a saucepan, brought to a boil, the apples are removed with a slotted spoon and the remaining sand is added.
    3. Slices of pears are put into the resulting syrup and boiled for 5-7 minutes, after which they are combined with apples, turn off the heat and let stand for 1 hour. During this time, you can do the preparation of cans.
    4. An hour later, the jam is boiled over low heat for 10 minutes from the moment of boiling and again turned off and allowed to cool. You need to repeat the procedure several times, ensuring that the fruit slices become transparent.

After the jam is ready, immediately after removing it from the stove, it is poured into jars and rolled up with metal lids. The appearance of such a dessert is simply magical, fruits soaked in syrup resemble pieces of amber.

Delicious and fragrant jam from apples and pears: video

A slow cooker for making jam is convenient because the contents do not burn and do not require stirring. As a result, fruit pieces do not lose their shape, do not boil soft and look very appetizing. Yes, and the hostess at this time can do other things, since you don’t have to stand near the stove.

Even if you forget that jam is being cooked in the kitchen, nothing bad will happen. The timer will turn off the multicooker at the allotted time. If the dessert is cooked from sweet varieties of pears, it is recommended to add a little citric acid. It is this recipe that will be described below. For it you will need:

  • 1 kg of pears;
  • 0.8 kg of sugar;
  • 1/4 tsp citric acid.

Now you need to act like this:

    1. Prepared pear slices are sent to the multicooker bowl. Sand is also poured there, and then you have to wait 20 minutes for the fruit to let the juice out.
    2. Mix the contents of the bowl and turn on the extinguishing mode for 10 minutes.
    3. After the timer has expired, turn off the keep warm mode and allow the dish to cool.
    4. The procedure should be repeated three times with the same time parameters.
    5. While the jam is being cooked for the third time, citric acid is added and, after the timer is activated, the product is immediately laid out in sterilized jars and rolled up with lids.

After the dessert has cooled, it is taken out for storage in the basement or left within the apartment. Ready-made jam is well stored at home at room temperature.

A dessert prepared in this way can no longer be called jam, it will be pear jam. We would recommend it to those who love sweet pastries and often used for pies fruit filling. The structure of this delicacy is thick and dense.

The advantages of this recipe are also that even overripe and slightly spoiled fruits are suitable for its preparation. How softer pear, the easier it is crushed, and damaged areas can be easily cut out.

On a note! You can even use wild pears for this recipe.

To make jam you will need:

  • 2 kg of pears;
  • 0.8 kg of sugar;
  • 0.5 tsp citric acid;
  • some vanilla.

Description of the cooking process:

  1. Washed and peeled fruits are passed through a simple or electric meat grinder. The peel can not be removed, it is easily crushed.
  2. If you like a more uniform and delicate texture, scroll through the fruit mass in the meat grinder again.
  3. Place the puree in a bowl and add the rest of the ingredients. Let the sugar melt a little and turn on the stove.
  4. After boiling, the mass is cooked over low heat for 30 minutes. Periodically it will be necessary to remove the foam.

After cooking, the jam is laid out in a sterilized container and corked with metal lids. Keep ready dessert can be both in the cellar and in the pantry.

When a large crop of pears was born on the site, I want to process it faster, while spending less effort. In this case, the recipe for the workpiece, designed for a three-liter jar, is ideal. With such a container, the process will go much faster.

This recipe does not require sterilization, which saves time. In appearance, the dessert resembles slices of candied fruits floating in amber syrup. To preserve the integrity of the fruit, the jam must be prepared in two steps. For it you will need:

  • 2.2 kg of pears;
  • 1.5 kg of granulated sugar;
  • 2 glasses of water.

If the fruit is not very sweet, you can take a little more sugar. The weight of the pear is indicated in its pure form, without the core and skin.

Cooking process:

  1. A syrup is made from water and sugar over low heat.
  2. When it thickens a little, slices of fruit are added to the pan and the flame is turned off.
  3. After the pear with sand has cooled down, it is boiled for 5 minutes and turned off again.
  4. At the next stage, the jam is finally cooked. This may take 10 to 30 minutes, depending on the desired thickness.

The finished product is filled with a three-liter sterilized jar, rolled up with a typewriter and allowed to cool slowly under a blanket. After that, the jam is stored where it is convenient.

In winter, all you have to do is fill the vase with a golden delicacy with tender pear slices. It will remind you of a warm sunny summer and give your body a lot of useful substances in the form of vitamins, minerals, pectin, catechins, arbutin, essential oils. Experiment, create, invent. Any housewife can supplement or slightly improve the recipe for pear jam to her liking.

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