Home Preparations for the winter Cream fresh - what is this product, how to cook it and what can be replaced? How to make fresh juice from different fruits and vegetables? What does fresh from YouTube look like

Cream fresh - what is this product, how to cook it and what can be replaced? How to make fresh juice from different fruits and vegetables? What does fresh from YouTube look like

Cream fresh is the national fermented milk product for the inhabitants of France. For many, the attractiveness of this product lies in the fact that its fat content is no more than 30%. The consistency of cream fresh is somewhat similar to sour cream. Also similar in these fermented milk products and manufacturing processes. This product is prepared from high quality cow's milk. Cream fresh has a characteristic pleasant taste with a slight sourness.

The production process can be divided into several stages. First, cream is prepared from milk, which is sent to a large container. In it, they are mixed with bacteria, which have a direct impact on the taste of the final product. In this state, the cream is left for at least 19 hours, while the temperature should be approximately 30 degrees. Due to this, bacteria provoke the production of lactic acid and sugar. Then fresh cream does not lend itself to repeated heat treatment unlike other dairy products.

In general, there are several varieties of this product, which differ not only in fat content, but also in taste. Today on the shelves of the store you can find cream fresh 15, 18 and 28% fat. In addition, you can find options with various additions, for example, with herbs, garlic, etc.

Many are interested in the question: “Is it possible to replace cream fresh with sour cream?”. The answer to this question is yes only if the dish is not subjected to heat treatment. Otherwise, take heavy cream.

How to choose and store?

First of all, you need to look at the composition of the product, since certain requirements are put forward for the composition of cream fresh. In the list of ingredients used, in no case should there be preservatives, stabilizers and any other additives. Store this product in a closed container in the refrigerator.

Beneficial features

The benefit of cream fresh is that it contains substances necessary for normal life. It contains phosphorus and calcium, which have a direct effect on the regeneration and strengthening of bone tissue. There is also in cream fresh and potassium necessary for the cardiovascular system. It is rich in fresh cream and a complex of vitamins that favorably affect the activity of the whole organism.

Use in cooking

Cream fresh are widely used in cooking. For example, it is included in the recipe for first courses, and various sauces are prepared on its basis. In addition, cream fresh can be used as a marinade for meat or poultry.

How to make cream fresh at home?

If you do not trust store-bought options, this product can be prepared at home.

To make cream fresh, you need to take 250 g of low-fat cream (no more than 20%) and 2 tbsp. spoons of 2.5% kefir. It is important that the ingredients are room temperature Therefore, it is recommended to get them out of the refrigerator in advance. Take a jar with a wide mouth, 0.5 liters is enough, and pour the cream into it, combine with kefir and mix thoroughly. On top of the jar you need to cover with a lid or cloth and leave for a day. After the expiration of time fermented milk product ready. If you send cream fresh for 1 hour in the refrigerator, it will become thicker and tastier.

Harm of cream fresh and contraindications

Cream fresh can harm people with individual intolerance to the product.

Many of us love fruit drinks. And the most useful of all is fresh. And what is it? And how to prepare and use it correctly? What it is? Fresh is freshly squeezed juice. Such a drink is incredibly useful, because, unlike store-bought juices in bottles and bags, it does not contain preservatives. And the concentration of useful substances and active components in it just rolls over, because the juice is not subjected to heat treatment and purification. In general, fresh is a real health drink. What are they made of?

Fresh juices are usually made from vegetables, berries and fruits. As for fruits, citrus fruits (especially oranges), apples are most often used. Almost any berries are used, because they are all juicy. Some prefer vegetable juices made from carrots, tomatoes, celery and other ingredients. One way or another, the main component must be juicy, ripe, fresh and of high quality. To make the drink as healthy as possible, use seasonal fruits, vegetables and berries bought in large trusted stores or at officially registered fairs or markets. And it is best to purchase such products from familiar and trusted sellers, for example, friends or neighbors who have and maintain a garden and vegetable garden. How are they prepared?

There are several ways to make fresh juices: The most convenient way to make fresh juices is to use a juicer. And it is better to get one that can squeeze the juice from both fruits and vegetables and berries with stones. If you don’t have a juicer, then you can do without it, but in this case it will be very problematic to get a fresh juice, and the amount of juice will be much less. You can squeeze the juice from citrus fruits with the power of your own hands. Just cut the fruit into several slices and squeeze them one by one with force in your hands over a glass. Make an effort to squeeze out all the juice without residue. You can also squeeze berries, such as cherries, raspberries, strawberries or cherries, with your hands. But first wrap them in a piece of cloth or gauze folded several times so that the pulp does not get into the juice. Things are much more complicated with hard fruits and vegetables, such as apples, beets, carrots and others. They must first be crushed. You can just finely chop a vegetable or fruit with a knife, but it is more convenient and efficient to use a blender. If there is no such device, take a regular grater. Grind the fruit so that the pulp gives juice. Then squeeze the resulting puree through cheesecloth or cloth. How to prepare the components?

Basic preparation steps: First, select suitable berries, fruits or vegetables. Use the most juicy and ripe (perhaps even overripe). Do not take rotten, spoiled or stained, their juice will not be healthy and tasty. Wash all the components thoroughly, otherwise fresh juice will not only not be useful, but will also be harmful to health, because a lot of bacteria live on the surface of fruits, berries and vegetables. It is advisable to remove the bones. But if you use a modern juicer or squeeze by hand, then this is not necessary. The skin can not be removed, it will not hurt (unless, of course, it is not very dense, hard and thick). Now chop the ingredients or start squeezing right away if you use a juicer or make a fresh citrus fruit. The remaining pulp can be used to make compote or jelly. How to do? How to cook a healthy and tasty fresh juice? We offer you proven recipes. Orange

The benefits of orange juice are invaluable, it is a real vitamin cocktail. The content of vitamin C in such juice is especially high, and it is necessary for the normal functioning of the immune system, normalization of blood clotting, and strengthening of the vascular walls. In addition, oranges contain beta-carotene, which accelerates regeneration processes, protects against the negative effects of free radicals, and also slows down the aging process, improves vision and the condition of the mucous membranes and skin. To make fresh oranges, cut them into slices and squeeze the juice. Be careful when drinking this drink! Firstly, do not drink it on an empty stomach, as the acid contained in it can irritate the mucous walls of the digestive organs. Secondly, do not abuse it, as an excess of beta-carotene in the body can lead to yellowing of the skin. One glass a day is enough. Apple

To begin with, let's list beneficial features apple juice. Firstly, there is a lot of vitamin C in apples. Secondly, these fruits are rich in pectins, which improve digestion and cleanse the body of toxins and toxins. Thirdly, in apple juice contains iron, so it should be used to prevent anemia. How to cook? Wash and peel apples, remove cores. Grate the fruit on a grater or chop in a blender. Transfer what you received applesauce into cheesecloth or cloth and squeeze out the juice. Remember that apple juice contains acids, so do not drink it in large quantities and on an empty stomach. from celery

Fresh celery is good for weight loss, as it contains only 20 calories per 100 ml. In addition, celery contains a large amount of B vitamins, which are responsible for cell renewal and metabolic processes. It also contains useful nervous system magnesium, vitamin K, which normalizes blood clotting, eliminates inflammation, zinc, pectins and many other useful substances. How to cook? Wash, peel and chop the celery root along with the leaves (can be chopped in a blender). Put it all in a bowl and mix well with a spoon so that the juice begins to stand out. Now squeeze out the remaining juice through a cloth or gauze. Fresh celery can be drunk daily after a meal or instead of a snack. Cherry

Everyone has probably heard about what fresh juices are and how useful they are. This name originates from the English word fresh (fresh) and means freshly squeezed juice. A glass of such a drink is nice to quench your thirst on a hot afternoon, complete breakfast or just enjoy between meals. Due to the concentration of nutrients, fresh juice can improve our well-being, cheer up and energize.

How did the fashion for fresh juices appear?

These drinks were distributed on the territory of the former Soviet Union in the 90s of the twentieth century. At that time, from the West, a craze came to us for cleansing the body of toxins, which were considered the cause of many diseases. So, the use of raw plant products, including in the form of juices, was one of the main postulates of detoxification. True, at that time few of our compatriots knew what fresh juices were - they were usually called freshly squeezed or natural juices. Since then, many of us have managed to appreciate and fall in love with a delicious refreshing drink endowed with a mass of healing properties.

Recently, in the scientific world, the need to combat “slagging” has been questioned, and the panacea laurels are no longer assigned to juice. However, many gurus proper nutrition, nutritionists, gastroenterologists and other doctors recognize that fresh is a drink that, if used correctly, can bring considerable benefits to the body.

Popular health drink

Today, a healthy lifestyle is in trend, and does not lose its relevance. With the advent of modern household appliances in our homes, their use has received a new breath. Natural drinks are on the menu of many cafes and restaurants, and islands are organized in shopping centers where you can treat yourself to them. A few years ago, even a new type of catering establishments called "fresh bar" appeared, gaining momentum among supporters of proper nutrition. Here you can taste delicious cocktails from natural ingredients, as well as other healthy meals are often vegetarian.

What are they made of?

getting ready natural juices not only from fruits - berries, vegetables, herbs, roots and medicinal herbs are used. The drink can consist of one component or a mixture of several - the recipe is limited only by the author's imagination. For a brighter taste, such fresh cocktails are often supplemented with seasonings and spices, and sweetened with honey.

The leader among sweet fresh juices are citrus fruits, because these fruits are the most juicy. Also, pineapples, apples and a variety of berries are often found as an ingredient in fresh juices. Of the vegetable juices, the most popular are tomato, carrot, cucumber and celery juices. Perfectly diversifies their taste chopped greens - spinach, leafy salads, cilantro, parsley, dill.

What's the use?

Useful properties of natural juices directly depend on the composition of those products that are used for their manufacture. After all, in fact, what are fresh? substances found in fruits and vegetables. And these are vitamins A, C, K, PP and group B, as well as pectins and fiber that improve digestion (in juice with pulp). In addition, plant foods, especially leafy vegetables and greens, are rich in some trace elements - potassium, magnesium, calcium, zinc, iron and others. Drinking a glass of a freshly prepared drink, a person immediately receives many of these essential substances. For example, orange fresh can provide us with a daily dose of vitamin C, a significant amount of vitamin A, and also partially cover the need for vitamins B, K, E, calcium and some amino acids.

In addition, natural juices are a delicacy that any fan of a low-calorie diet will appreciate. True, in this case, preference should still be given to vegetable drinks, since fruit drinks have a lot of easily digestible carbohydrates.

Is there any harm?

Despite the ability to have a beneficial effect on the body, it is worth remembering that fresh juice is still a juice, that is, a food product, and not a medicine that can cure ailments. Recently, the euphoria about the unconditional benefits of this drink has subsided a bit. Today it is generally recognized that the uncontrolled use of natural juices can cause negative consequences. Their harm is associated with an exacerbation of chronic diseases of the digestive system, from gastritis to pancreatitis, which can develop due to an increase in the acidity of the stomach. For the same reason - due to exposure to acids - teeth can also suffer. Orange fresh sins with this - it reduces the hardness of the enamel and can cause caries. In addition, sugary fruit juices contain too much glucose, which is absorbed quickly, causing blood sugar levels to rise and insulin to rise, which increases the risk of diabetes.

However, all this is not a reason to refuse to use fresh juices. The main thing is to do it wisely!

Cooking rules

If instead of visiting a fresh bar and pampering yourself with a fragrant cocktail, you decide to make it yourself, remember a few rules. Freshly squeezed juice should be prepared from high-quality ripe vegetables and fruits, devoid of rot, “stale” sides, bruises and other shortcomings. They need to be thoroughly washed and the stalks, seeds and seeds removed. Ideally, it would be good to make sure that the selected raw materials do not contain harmful chemicals that could be used during cultivation or storage. Otherwise, you run the risk of taking a portion of nitrates and pesticides instead of vitamins.

Fresh should be prepared strictly before use, since the beneficial substances contained in it quickly decompose under the influence of oxygen. And pathogenic bacteria, on the contrary, multiply! You also need to minimize the time the fruit comes into contact with the metal parts of the juicer - this destroys many vitamins.

So, we figured out what freshes are, what are their advantages and disadvantages. To avoid harm and receive the greatest benefit from their use, it must be done correctly.

It is better to start taking natural juices with a couple of tablespoons, and then gradually increase the volume. Fresh juices should be drunk 30-40 minutes before the next meal, but not on an empty stomach. You should also not do this during a meal, since a full stomach will contribute to the deterioration of the absorption of the drink, as a result of which bloating may develop. It is quite acceptable to mix juices, including fruit and berry juices with vegetables, and also dilute with water. To avoid prolonged exposure to acid on tooth enamel, it is better to drink fresh juice through a straw, and rinse your mouth with water after drinking. If you have chronic diseases of the digestive system, it is better not to start taking natural juices without consulting a doctor. Also, do not give these drinks to children under the age of one year.

Perhaps this is all you need to know about freshly squeezed juices. Now you can safely go to the store for ingredients to prepare a delicious, healthy and refreshing natural drink.

It would seem, what is so special about kiwi. Well, at least the fact that this fruit is very good for the skin. One kiwi contains almost everything the body needs. daily rate vitamin C. And, in addition, kiwi is also a low-calorie product, or rather, it has only 42 calories.

Fresh kiwi has a healing effect on the skin, as it promotes the synthesis of collagen, without which the elasticity and youthfulness of the skin is simply impossible. Fresh also restores damaged areas of the skin, such as scars or abrasions. Freshly squeezed kiwi juice helps strengthen capillaries.

Fresh from tomatoes

Many do not like freshly squeezed tomato juice. And in vain, because it is very useful for the skin. If you drink only one glass a day, then you can forget about going to the dermatologist and cosmetologist, you won’t need face masks for acne. Tomato fresh perfectly protects delicate skin from environmental influences, from aggressive sunlight. And this happens due to the presence of a special ingredient in it - lycopene.

In order for lycopene to be better absorbed, it is necessary to add a little vegetable fat to a glass of juice. Olive oil will enhance the beneficial properties of tomatoes.

Fresh pomegranate

- an excellent antioxidant. Thanks to the substances anthocyanins, it prevents early skin aging, accelerates the process of renewal of dead cells and makes the skin velvety.

Pomegranate is also very rich in vitamin C, which keeps the skin looking smooth and supple for longer.

Fresh from carrots

Everyone knows about the benefits of carrots for the eyes, but for beautiful skin, they are also very important. Carrots are rich in vitamin A, which normalizes the secretion of sebum and accelerates the process of renewal of the upper layer of the skin.

Carrots also have an anti-cancer effect, so you should regularly drink a glass of freshly squeezed carrot juice.

Fresh from grapes

Grapes, like pomegranate, are powerful antioxidants. It prevents the destruction of proteins essential for skin beauty, such as collagen and elastin.

There are few non-alcoholic articles in our country, but you also need to improve your health. Especially in the summer, when there are all the possibilities for this: fruits, vegetables, berries, a thirst for adventure and experimentation, a desire to have a beautiful figure ... To begin with, let's figure out in what form the necessary vitamins, trace elements and other useful buns will enter the body. What is the difference between fresh juices and smoothies?

Fresh (from the English. Fresh - fresh) - freshly squeezed, non-canned juice obtained from fresh fruits, vegetables, stems, herbs, etc. Unlike concentrated, reconstituted juices, nectars and other “juice” drinks, fresh juice contains more vitamins, microelements, minerals, it is better absorbed by the body, and most importantly, it is absolutely natural (provided natural raw materials are used).

As in the case with alcoholic drinks, with fresh juices, you also need to observe the measure and mix the ingredients carefully. When choosing fruits, vegetables or other products for making fresh juice, it is necessary to take into account the diseases of the body so that the benefit does not turn into harm in the end. It should also be borne in mind that some juices are undesirable to drink often, one or two glasses a week will be enough.

To prepare a fresh juice, you will need fresh vegetables, fruits or other ingredients, squeezing devices, such as a mechanical or electric juicer, as well as ice, clean water, honey, olive oil or other additives as desired. Cooked fresh retains its properties for 15-20 minutes, so it is not recommended to cook it with a margin. The consistency of fresh juice can be different, depending on the products, the method of squeezing and other factors. By the way, fresh juices can not only be drunk, but also used as a base for sauces and marinades, as a filler in alcoholic and non-alcoholic cocktails.

For example, we offer several options for summer fresh juices 😉

Fruit Fresh Recipe: Apple Lemon


  • Apples - 5 pcs
  • Lemon - 1 pc.
  • Ginger - 2 teaspoons grated


In a juicer, squeeze the juice from apples and lemon, mix, add grated ginger. Put a few ice cubes in a tall glass, fill with the resulting mixture.

Berry fresh recipe: watermelon-currant


  • Watermelon - a few slices (3-5)
  • Blackcurrant - 1 cup
  • Lemon juice - 1-2 teaspoons


Wash currants, cool with watermelon. Pass watermelon and currants through a juicer, add lemon juice. You can decorate watermelon-currant fresh with berries or a sprig of mint.

vegetable juice recipe


  • Tomato - 3 medium pieces
  • Lettuce - 4-5 leaves
  • English cucumber - 1/3 piece (can be replaced with a regular one)
  • Celery - 1 stalk
  • Beets - 1/3 medium
  • Carrots - 2 medium
  • Garlic - 1 clove (optional)
  • Sea salt - a pinch (to taste)

For reference. The English cucumber is long, smooth-skinned, with a sweeter flavor and higher water content.


Squeeze the juice from all vegetables with a juicer, pour into a tall glass, after putting ice in it (if desired), season with salt and mix well.

Herbal Fresh Recipe: Spring


  • Wheat germ - ½ cup
  • Apple - 1 medium
  • Carrot - 1 medium
  • Celery - 1 stalk


Sprouted wheat can be bought or grown at home. Pass wheat germ through a juicer, pour into a glass. Then we do the same with celery, carrots and an apple, pour the fresh juice into a glass. If desired, you can salt a little. You can also make fresh only from germinated wheat.

Refreshing and invigorating fresh recipe


  • Lime - 1 pc.
  • Lemon - 1 pc.
  • Cucumber - 1 pc (large)
  • Basil - 1 handful
  • Mint - 1 handful
  • Spinach - 2 handfuls
  • Ginger - optional


Squeeze juice from all ingredients with a juicer, add ginger, salt, spices and ice if desired.


Smoothie (from the English Smooth - soft, homogeneous) - a dessert made from fresh fruits, berries, vegetables, ground in a blender or using a mixer into a homogeneous mass. Water, milk, juice, yogurt, ice, as well as syrups, honey, tea, herbs, and even mayonnaise can be added to the dessert. Unlike fresh juices, which often have a “drinkable” texture, smoothies can be quite thick and served with dessert spoon and not with a straw. One of the main differences between smoothies and fresh juices is the use of the whole fruit or vegetable, and not just its liquid part, which allows you to save much more vitamins, antioxidants, trace elements, minerals and other useful substances in a drink / dessert.

There are several main types of smoothies:

Refreshing. For them, sweet and sour fruits, berries are most often chosen, juice, water, ice are used as a filler. The main feature is that they are prepared without sugar and sweeteners.

Saturated. Thicker, with the use of nutritious foods, in some cases even raw eggs. Carbohydrate fruits, cream, yogurt, milk, etc. may also be added.

Dessert. Main feature - sweet taste, which can be achieved with sweet ingredients or by adding honey, sugar or other sweeteners. In dessert smoothies, the use of chocolate, cocoa, nuts, peanut butter and other ingredients.

Separately, it should be said about vegetable smoothies, which can replace lunch or dinner. They can be salted, and also served as a soup (for example, gazpacho soup).

Today, smoothies are an important part of healthy, sports and vegetarian diets.

Refreshing green tea smoothie recipe


  • Apple - 1 pc.
  • Kiwi - 3 pieces (necessarily ripe)
  • Banana - 1 pc.
  • Kishmish - 1 bunch
  • Honey - to taste
  • Green tea - 1 cup
  • Ginger - 1 cm


  1. Banana cut into cubes, cool in the refrigerator.
  2. We clean the kiwi, if the fruits are soft enough, then it is not necessary to cut them.
  3. Peel the apple, cut into cubes.
  4. Peel the ginger, grate.

Put chilled banana, kiwi, apple, ginger and grapes in a blender. Beat until smooth, pour into a tall glass along with cold green tea. Add honey to taste.

Pumpkin Smoothie Recipe


  • Pumpkin - 20 g
  • Almond milk - 100 ml
  • Peanut butter - 1 tbsp
  • Honey - 1 tbsp
  • Cinnamon, cardamom, cloves (to taste)

Can also be added to nutritional smoothies oat flakes, which are ideal for preparing breakfast cocktails or for sports nutrition.


We clean the pumpkin from the crust and seeds, cut into small cubes and bake in the oven until soft. After the pumpkin has cooled down, put it in a blender, pour in the same almond milk, add honey and peanut butter. Beat until smooth liquid consistency, pour into a tall glass and season with spices of your choice. You can also sprinkle a hearty smoothie with chopped nuts.

Dessert chocolate smoothie recipe


  • Chocolate - 100 grams
  • Milk - 800 ml
  • Banana - 2 pcs
  • Sugar, honey or other sweetener to taste
  • Cinnamon and/or other spices


Grate the chocolate, chop the bananas, beat all the ingredients in a blender. If desired, add ice to the glass and pour over the resulting homogeneous smoothie.

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