Home Products Delicious and healthy pitted cherry jam. Pitted cherry jam "Five minutes"

Delicious and healthy pitted cherry jam. Pitted cherry jam "Five minutes"

Fragrant, with a delicate sourness, with caramelized berries, which has many shades, from soft pink to ruby. And what a useful! Cherry jam. It gets so different. For every taste. But few people refuse to cook a few jars of such jam for the winter after the next cherry harvest.

Cherry jam

Housewives take cherries for jam either with or without a stone. Removing the stone from the berries is a laborious task. But there is an opinion that jam from such berries turns out to be the most fragrant. Yes, and eating it, when you do not have to clean the berries in your mouth from stones, is much more pleasant and convenient.

You can cook cherries for the next variety of jam for five minutes (you get a five-minute jam), or longer to increase the thickness of the jam. You can make jams, jams, marmalade, dietary jam options that are low in sugar from cherries.

To prepare classic pitted cherry jam sugar should be taken in equal amounts in relation to the berries. That is 1:1. And for every kilo of sugar you need a glass of water. We cook a syrup from sugar and water, in which the sugar should completely dissolve. In the syrup that boils on the stove, pour the cherries prepared in advance (peeled from the leaves, stalks, washed in a colander and dried on paper napkins) and immediately turn off the fire under the pan. Let the cherry stand in syrup for seven hours.

Next, we take the berries out of the syrup with a slotted spoon, bring the latter to a boil again, dip the berries into it again and let it stand for seven hours. We bring the jam to a boil now, without removing the berries from it and turn it off if we want the cherry to retain more vitamins. If there is a desire to make the jam thicker, cook until tender over low heat, checking the syrup with one drop on a saucer. It shouldn't spread.

Cherry jam

Using the example of pitted cherry jam, we present the following method of its preparation. You can cook in this way both cherries and sweet cherries. To make such a jam, you need a little more sugar than in previous version. For a kilo of pitted berries, you need to take 1.2 kg of sugar and a glass of water, as well as a teaspoon citric acid, which will give thick jam and a pleasant sourness.

We clean the berries from the stone. You can do this with an ordinary female hairpin. Next, cook the berries in the same way as in the first version with seeds. Citric acid is added at the very end of the preparation of jam. Roll into sterile jars. Ready!

Cherry jam is one of the most delicious and beautiful. Every summer, I make pitted cherry jam without fail, because it is very loved in my family. In addition, several adult cherry trees grow in our garden, which delight us with a harvest, so I have no problems with berries.

I have in my notebook a lot of different pitted ones for the winter. They differ in the way they are prepared, the amount of sugar, and the presence of additional ingredients ... One of my favorite recipes is the Five Minute cherry for the winter.

Such pitted cherry jam is prepared very simply and really quickly (it’s not for nothing that it has such a name). Perhaps taking out the bones is the longest action that you have to do if you decide to cook the Five Minute. Everything else is easy and short.

And in the end you get a very tasty and beautiful cherry jam. I will be happy to share with you how to cook pitted cherry jam "Five Minute". Welcome to my kitchen!


  • 1 kg of cherries;
  • 500 g of sugar;
  • 200 ml of water;
  • ¼ teaspoon citric acid.

*The weight indicated is already pitted cherries.

How to cook pitted cherry jam "Five Minute":

For jam, we choose large ripe berries, not crushed, without damage.

Cherry berries are carefully sorted, washed in running water and dried using a clean, dry cloth or towel. Remove pits from cherries.

We do this in any convenient way (you can use a special device, you can use a pin, or you can just use your hands, after slightly squeezing a handful of cherries in your fist so that they flatten).

Pour water into a suitable size pan and add sugar.

Bring the syrup to a boil.

And put cherries in it.

On a small fire, bring to a boil, remove the resulting foam and add citric acid. Stir and, without letting it boil, keep on low heat for 5 minutes.

Immediately after this, we lay out the jam in pre-sterilized dry jars and seal hermetically with boiled lids, wiped dry.

Then we turn the jars upside down and wrap them up. Let's leave it that way until then. until the jars are completely cool.

We store such a five-minute jam in a cool dark place.

This cherry jam can be made with or without pits.

With pitted jam, of course, you have to mess around less during cooking. But, eating it, you have to “spit” the bones all the time, which is not very convenient. (Though some even enjoy it!)

On the other side, cherry pits give the jam a light almond flavor.

Jam with pits and without pits has a different shelf life. Jam with seeds is stored for no more than 1 year. The shelf life of this jam is reduced due to the fact that the seeds contain quite harmful substances that are gradually released into the jam.

Summer is the richest time for various kinds of berries and fruits. And we all try not only to eat them to our heart's content, but also to prepare more of them. Therefore, we freeze them, dry them, prepare compotes and jams.

Imagine how great it would be to open a jar of summer treats on a cold winter day or evening, and drink tea with it, spreading it with a thick layer on the edge of black bread. And someone also likes to anoint bread with butter first, and then add sweets. Moreover, to impose this sweetness is always more than enough, so that it dripped both on the hands and on the plate, if they managed to substitute it. What a pleasure it is!

And it comes from childhood. Probably everyone loved to eat like that. After all, there weren’t so many sweets in stores, and jam was always prepared. It was in those days the most important children's joy.

And in a special way it has always been revered from pitted cherries - for its incredible aroma, rich color and magical taste. It was one of the most beloved, which we, as children, spread on bread with a thick layer.

And our grandmothers used it as a filling for pies and pies. What wonderful cakes! And if there were bones in it, what kind of filling would it be. On such a tooth could be broken.

Therefore, they chose a day, went out into the street with a basin and frks, armed themselves with a hairpin, and fell into meditation for 4 hours. Cherries in a basin, and bones in a bowl. Later, the first bone removers began to appear. And when one of the neighbors became its first owner, after boiling his cherry delicacy, this simple device was already walking around all the neighbors.

Then they prepared one, maximum two options from berries and fruits of the same variety. But now there is just an incredible amount delicious recipes where you can cook classical way and use unusual original variants.

The classic method includes “five-minutes”, both with and without proofing, and the original versions are prepared using chocolate, coffee, cocoa, spices, with the addition of other berries and fruits.

And today we will prepare our delicacy different ways so that everyone can choose a recipe for themselves to their taste.

Personally, I really love this particular option, and every year I cook several jars using it. The finished product is thick and very tasty.

We will need:

  • cherry - 1 kg
  • sugar - 1 kg

I always add sugar in this recipe in this proportion. At the same time, the finished delicacy is perfectly stored, does not candied and remains tasty and thick throughout the entire storage period.


This method of preparation is called "with proofing". And it owes its name to the fact that we first heat the fruits together with sugar to a boil, and then let it brew for 12 to 24 hours. And so three times. That is, the time for making jam according to this method will be 2 - 3 days.

But this, of course, does not mean that we will be standing at the stove all this time. You will need to cook the contents three times for 5 minutes. And the rest of the time, the cherry will be saturated with syrup and its own juice. I call this method "long five-minute"

1. Sort the fruits, remove damaged and rotten fruits and stalks. Rinse in several waters, then put on a towel or napkin, and let the water drain.

The juice stains the fabric, so keep this in mind when drying the fruit.

2. Pour a little sugar into the cooking basin, and start removing the stones right above this basin. Cherries are very juicy and get ready that when peeling this juice will drain directly into the container.

It will be possible to remove the bones with the help of a special device or hairpin. At the end of the article on this topic, you can watch a video.

3. As soon as a small layer of peeled fruits forms, sprinkle them again with sugar. And so alternate until one and the other ends. Stir so that she quickly starts up the juice.

4. Leave to infuse and form more juice for 3-4 hours. If there is no time, then you can mix after another half an hour and immediately proceed to the next step.

5. Put on a small fire and, while stirring, heat the contents, and then achieve the dissolution of sugar. When the sugar no longer lies on the bottom in a thick layer, but melts slightly, the fire can be added to medium. You can check this by picking it up with a spatula from the bottom.

At all stages of heating and melting, it is necessary to mix the mass so that the sugar does not burn. However, do this carefully so as not to damage the integrity of the berries.

6. Wait until the syrup boils. Then shake the basin so that all the fruits are in hot syrup. The boiling will stop for a while, but will resume very soon. It is from this time that it will be necessary to detect exactly 5 minutes.

7. And during this time, remove the resulting foam. It is imperative to remove the foam, since without it the jam will turn out to be of better quality, and it is also important that it will still be better stored.

8. After 5 minutes of boiling, turn off the fire, and put the basin with the contents in a secluded place where small children and animals cannot get it, so that they do not accidentally knock it over.

After the syrup has cooled, cover it with a towel. And so that it does not fall into the basin, first cover it with a grate from the oven.

9. Leave to infuse for 12 to 24 hours. I leave for 24 hours so that the fruits can rest and absorb the juice most fully. But 12 hours can also be enough, especially if you don't have a lot of time.

10. After the allotted time, put the contents back on the fire and repeat the procedure - bring it to a boil again and cook for 5 minutes, removing the foam.

11. Again put to cool and infuse for another 12 - 24 hours.

12. And then put on fire for the third time, again 5 minutes.

13. For the third time, we must prepare jars and lids. I use screw lids, but you can also use seamer lids.

At least one, at least the other, along with the banks should be thoroughly washed and sterilized.

14. Pour the boiling delicacy into jars and cork with lids. Turn them upside down, cover with a towel and let cool.

15. Then store in a dark, cool place.

The jam is thick, with a lot of fruits and a small amount of syrup. As I said, it keeps well. It can be stored even for more than a year. But if stored for too long, it becomes very thick and the fruits wrinkle, and the syrup becomes darker.

Therefore, it is better to use it within a year.

And during the prescribed period, the fruits remain intact, not soft. The syrup is thick, beautiful ruby ​​color.

Do not cook fruit for more than 5 minutes at a time. Otherwise, it will lose its color and become unnecessarily thick dark. It should not boil more, but infuse, the cherry should be soaked with syrup as much as possible during this time.

In general, the recipe is simple. The most difficult and longest part of it is to remove the bones. And the rest of the process is generally a pleasure! Yes, and removing the bones is also a pleasant experience, it is even somewhere akin to meditation. Especially with your favorite music!

Cherry "Five Minute" pitted

As has been noted more than once in other articles, the “five-minute” is a very popular cooking option for many fruits and berries. And when we, of course, we also used it.

And today we will cook the same, but without seeds.

We will need:

  • pitted cherries - 1 kg
  • sugar - 0.5 kg

This recipe gives the minimum consumption of sugar per kilogram of fruit. If you are sweet, you can add sugar. The proportion of berries and sugar is allowed, both in this recipe and one to one (per kilogram of fruit, kilogram of sugar), as well as all its intermediate options.

In the same proportion, the product will turn out sweet and sour.

Fruit weight is given pitted.


1. Rinse the cherries thoroughly and let the water drain. Remove seeds and stems. To remove the bones, you can use a special tool to remove them, or, if you don’t have one, then use a regular hairpin. At the end of the article there will be a video showing how to do it.

While you get the bones, a lot of juice will stand out. So sprinkle some sugar on the bottom of the cooking pot, and then sprinkle it on as you clean further.

We need the sugar to begin to melt under the influence of the juice. Therefore, it is better to pour it not after everything has been cleaned, but before the juice immediately begins its work.

2. Leave the basin for 3 - 4 hours so that enough juice is released for subsequent cooking.

3. After this time, put the basin with all the contents on medium heat. Heat it up until the sugar is completely melted. Be sure to stir while doing this and make sure it doesn't burn.

It is clear that if this happens, then the entire final product will have, along with its unforgettable aroma, a burnt smell. There will be no way to get rid of him.

4. As soon as the syrup boils, shake the basin with the contents to “bathe” all the fruits in the syrup. Boiling will stop for a while, but will soon resume again. Once that happens, it's time to time it.

We will need exactly 5 minutes in order for it to be completely cooked. During this period, you can “bathe” the fruits a couple more times by gently shaking the pelvis.

5. And during this time, you still need to have time to remove the resulting foam.

6. By the end of cooking, we should already have sterilized jars and lids ready. Quickly pour the jam into jars, immediately close the lids and roll them up.

While it is still hot, it is liquid. But don't let that scare you. It will cool down and get thicker.

7. Turn the jars upside down and wrap them in a towel or blanket. Leave in this position until completely cooled.

8. Then turn over again in their usual position and store in a dark, cool place. In your house you can store it in the basement, and in the apartment - in the pantry.

This cooking option is good because it takes very little time to cook. And the fruits retain the maximum amount of vitamins and minerals.

Of course, it takes a long time to remove the bones, but what a delicacy you can treat all your relatives and friends in the winter!

Very thick "Five Minute" with gelatin

Everyone loves thick jam. And many believe that the thicker it is, the tastier it is. And there are options to cook it in the form of jelly, and quite simple. You can just boil the syrup, I have already shared this recipe with an example

There is another option, in which you can simply add gelatin during cooking. This is the option I want to bring to your attention.

The calculation of the ingredients will be given for 3 liters of the finished product. If this is a lot, then you can simply proportionally reduce their number.

We will need:

  • cherry - 3 kg
  • sugar - 1 kg
  • gelatin - 70 gr
  • water - 0.5 liters

With this amount of sugar, the jam will turn out sweet and sour. If you like it sweeter, you can add sugar. Sometimes they ask if it is possible to use 400 grams of sugar per kilogram of cherries. Can. And this recipe calls for even less of it.


1. Sort the fruits, remove damaged fruits and stalks. Then rinse thoroughly in several waters and let the water drain.

2. Remove the bones with a special tool, hairpin or pin. It is better to do this immediately above the basin, in which we will cook in the future.

Immediately pour a little sugar into the bottom of this basin so that the resulting juice quickly melts it.

As the cherry in the basin will be added, it must also be sprinkled with sugar. Thus, while we clean it all, a sufficient amount of juice is already formed in the pelvis.

3. Soak gelatin in cool water and leave to swell for about 30-40 minutes, according to package instructions. In the meantime, she will release even more juice.

4. After 30-40 minutes, carefully move the contents in the basin with a spoon to move the sugar from the bottom. Put the basin on a small fire and periodically moving the sugar in the basin, wait until the mass becomes liquid. This means that the sugar has melted.

Fire can be turned up to medium. And while stirring, bring the whole mass to a boil.

5. In parallel with this, put the swollen gelatin on a small fire and, while stirring, bring it to a liquid state.

6. As soon as the jam boils, note the time. We need 5 minutes. At the same time, do not forget to stir. The resulting foam must be removed.

7. After the set time, pour gelatin into the basin in a thin stream with continuous stirring.

Bring to a boil again and turn off immediately.

8. We should already have sterilized jars and lids ready. While hot, pour the jam into jars and screw them on with lids. Put them upside down and cover with a blanket. Leave until completely cool.

Since it was prepared in only 5 minutes, such a procedure is mandatory for him. Under a blanket, with slow cooling, the product will undergo sterilization and will be better stored.

9. Then turn over again, already in their usual position and store in a cool dark place.

You can store it for up to a year in your house in the basement, and in the apartment - in the pantry.

A quick and easy way to make jam with gelatin

I'll be honest, more quick recipe I don't know how to make this kind of treat.

Let's see what, yes, how.

As you can see, all the fruits remained intact. And although now the syrup also looks watery, but this is only because the jam is still hot. But as soon as it cools down, it will immediately become thick, as we wanted.

By the same principle, you can cook it with gelfix or pectin.

Thick and tasty jam with mint and black tea

And this recipe is very unusual and interesting. Moreover, it is interesting both for its composition and for its taste. You have never tasted such amazing taste and aroma.

I found this recipe in one of the women's magazines, and now I cook it every year.

We will need:

  • pitted cherries - 1 kg
  • sugar - 1 kg
  • lemon juice - 1 tbsp. a spoon
  • tea with bergamot - 10 tbsp. spoons
  • mint - 3 - 4 leaves


1. Sort cherries, remove spoiled fruits and stalks. Rinse well in several changing waters. Then remove the bones using one of the known methods.

After removing them, immediately put the peeled fruits into the cooking basin. She will begin to secrete juice, on which we will prepare our delicacy further.

2. In the process of cleaning, sprinkle the fruits with sugar in layers, for better and faster dissolution.

3. Brew a fairly strong hour with bergamot, let it brew well for 10-15 minutes.

4. Then pour it into the basin, and add lemon juice. What is tea without lemon?!

Mix everything gently so that the sugar can dissolve as much as possible. Since the tea is hot, this process will happen quite quickly.

5. Put the basin on a small fire, and heat the contents while stirring. The more it warms up, the sooner all the sugar will melt, and a sufficient amount of syrup will appear for further cooking.

6. Wait until the syrup boils and note the time.

Cook for 20-25 minutes while stirring over very low heat. Make sure that nothing burns, and for this stir often.

7. 5 minutes before readiness, add washed and dried mint leaves.

8. Prepare sterilized jars and lids.

9. Then take out the mint leaves and pour it hot into jars. Immediately roll up with metal lids using a seaming machine.

10. Turn the jars over and put them on the lid, wrap them tightly with a blanket or a large towel. Leave for a day until completely cooled.

11. Then turn over again and put in a dark, cool place for storage.

I am writing this recipe now and vividly imagine the aroma that spreads throughout the house while preparing this delicacy.

And the taste of this jam is simply unforgettable. It is both tender and slightly spicy, not cloying, but pleasant sweet and sour. Be sure to try to cook such a delicacy for the winter, you will treat them to your loved ones and guests.

Cherry jam for the winter in Kiev

This recipe differs from others in that you will have to tinker with it more than with the rest. But how else, real culinary creations require attention and time.

Let's stock up on both and prepare the real amazing cherry treat!

We will need:

  • cherry - 10 glasses
  • sugar - 10 cups
  • cherry juice - 1 glass


1. Sort the fruits, remove the stalk and damaged or bird-pecked fruits. Then rinse them thoroughly and let the water drain.

2. Using one of the well-known methods to pit them. To begin with, we will need a cherry, from which we will squeeze the juice. To do this, you can puree it with a blender and then squeeze the juice through cheesecloth. And if you have a juicer, then use it.

As mentioned above, we need a glass of juice.

3. Clear all 10 glasses.

4. Put a glass of cherries into the cooking basin, cover it with a glass of granulated sugar and pour it all over with a glass of juice. Gently, so as not to crush the fruits, mix.

5. Put on a very slow fire and, while stirring, melt the sugar and bring the mass to a boil. Boil, with a slight boil for 5 minutes.

6. Then again pour in a glass of cherries and sugar. And again wait until everything boils, and cook for 5 minutes.

7. Thus, gradually pour in all 10 glasses of cherries and sugar, each time bringing the contents to a boil, and subjecting it to cooking for 5 minutes. When a sufficient amount of liquid has formed and you are convinced that all the sugar has melted, the fire can be increased to medium.

8. After the last, tenth serving, when the mass boils again and cooks for 5 minutes, immediately spread the contents into sterilized jars. Screw on metal caps.

9. Turn the jars over and wrap tightly. Allow to cool in this state, you can leave them for a day. Then turn them back to their normal position and store in a cool, dark place.

"Drunken Cherry" with coffee, cocoa and liquor

And this recipe is even more original than the previous two. That is, this is such an option for true gourmets, or connoisseurs of an unusual delicacy in terms of taste. Now, when you see the composition of the ingredients, you will be very surprised.

By the way, this cooking option is also known under a different name, and is called "Black Forest". Two such sonorous names oblige to cook the same “sonorous” delicacy. What are we going to do now!

We will need:

  • pitted cherries - 1 kg
  • sugar - 0.5 kg
  • cherry liqueur - 50 ml
  • cocoa - 4 tbsp. spoons
  • instant coffee - 4 tbsp. spoons
  • gelatin - 10 gr
  • citric acid - 1/3 teaspoon


A feature of the preparation of this option is not only the original composition of the ingredients, but also the fact that, unlike previous recipes, it will not have whole fruits in its final form, but chopped ones. However, it will not be puree. Rather, it will be confiture.

And the extent to which you want to grind them is completely up to you.

1. Sort the cherries, remove the stalk and rinse thoroughly. Let the water drain and remove the bone in one of the ways.

2. Fold the peeled fruits immediately into the basin and sprinkle it with sugar in layers so that the juice stands out faster. You can give her the opportunity to stand for 3 - 4 hours and let in even more juice, while the sugar will slowly begin to melt.

But if there is no time, then you can simply mix all the contents and let stand for only 30 minutes.

3. In both cases, before putting the cooking container on the fire, add instant coffee and cocoa. Mix again so that bulk products are evenly distributed throughout the syrup.

4. Put on a small fire and melt the sugar while stirring. Make sure nothing burns.

5. After all the sugar has dissolved, bring to a boil, but do not boil. Remove from heat and grind the mass with a blender to the desired state. But it is desirable that quite tangible pieces remain.

Just such a delicacy will be very convenient to spread on bread.

6. Put the jam back on the stove and bring it to a boil again, stirring frequently. After boiling, soak on the stove for only 3 minutes.

7. Pour in the liquor, mix well. Wait until it boils again and immediately put it hot in sterilized jars. Close with metal lids tightly and tightly.

8. Put the jars on the lid, turning them over, and wrap them with a blanket, tucking it in from all sides.

9. In the process of slow cooling under the blanket, the sterilization process will go on. This will allow the jam to be better preserved in the winter.

10. Then store them in a dark, cool place, turning them over and placing them in their usual position.

Probably, you can already imagine what a cherry pleasure it turned out to be! Delicious, flavorful and very original. Be sure to try it out! At least a couple of cans. I am sure you will like it!

"Cherry covered in chocolate"

Tell me, please, who among us would refuse such yummy as cherry, and even in chocolate? Do you know what is delicious treat can you make it for the winter?

Let's cook it together today.

We will need:

  • pitted cherries - 500 gr
  • chocolate - 100 gr (bar)
  • sugar - 150 gr
  • vanilla sugar - 10 gr
  • lemon juice - 1 tbsp. a spoon
  • water - 100 ml


1. Sort the fruits, remove damaged fruits and stalks. Rinse in running water and remove pits. Fold the peeled fruits immediately into the cooking utensils.

I want to note that we need exactly 500 grams of cherries, and its weight should already be seeds.

2. Cover them with sugar. Add water and vanilla sugar. Squeeze the juice from the lemon and pour it into the total mass. Then gently mix everything, trying not to crush the fruit.

3. Put the basin or pan with the contents on a small fire and bring to a boil with frequent stirring.

4. After boiling, keep on fire for 25 minutes to evaporate excess liquid.

5. Divide the chocolate into slices, put it in a basin. Mix well until it is completely dissolved. Bring to a boil and cook for 1 minute.

6. Immediately lay out in sterilized jars and roll up the lids.

7. Turn the jars over by placing them on the lids. Cover with a blanket on top. Leave until completely cool.

8. Then turn over again and put in a cool and dark place. Such a treat is stored well, but usually not for long. Usually it is eaten in the first month of preparation.

Therefore, weld it for testing in this trial batch. In order to have time to cook a second batch, which you can already leave for the winter.

How to make jam in a slow cooker

I already shared this recipe with you in a previous article, where we also cooked. I also want to add it to this article due to the fact that they are currently cooking a lot and often in a slow cooker.

And they also often ask how to cook this or that dish in this miracle pan.

Therefore, the recipe will be appropriate here. The only thing to keep in mind is that the jam is prepared with bones, and the topic of our today's article is somewhat different.

But this does not matter, especially since there is only one recipe - at least how to cook it.

This is such a beautiful meal. Ljubo is expensive to watch. So cook it in this way if you have a slow cooker and like to cook in it.

Cherry jam with orange

In the most amazing way, you can change the taste of a familiar jam by adding just one orange to it. The delicacy already familiar to everyone acquires completely new flavor notes. That can please his fans very much.

We will need:

  • cherry - 5 cups
  • sugar - 5 cups
  • orange - 1 pc.
  • water - 3 tbsp. spoons


1. Sort the fruits, rinse thoroughly and dry. Then remove the bones using one of the known methods.

In this recipe, you can measure cherries in glasses, both with and without pits. In the second case, the jam will turn out less sweet.

2. Sprinkle fruits with sugar and pour in water. Stir, being careful not to crush the fruit too much. You can, of course, leave them for 2 - 3 hours, so that they themselves let the juice flow.

But if there is no free time and desire to wait, then you can immediately put the contents on a small fire. And slowly melting the sugar, the juice will begin to stand out on its own.

At this time, it is better not to leave the cooking basin for a long time, and stir its contents more often so that the sugar does not burn.

3. Bring to a boil.

From now on, we have two cooking paths.

  1. Keep it for 10 minutes on low heat. Then remove the basin from the stove and leave to infuse for 2 - 3 hours. Then cook for another 10 minutes 2 times. A total of 3 times. And someone cooks up to four times.
  2. The second option takes more time. Bring the contents to a boil and cook for 5 minutes. Then let stand for 12 hours. And then cook 2 more times for 5 minutes with an interval of 12 hours.

4. In both cases, before the last cooking, we will need to add an orange.

I came across recipes where it was simply cut into cubes along with the zest, and so added. This method does not suit me, since the partitions from the orange get into the jam, as well as the white part, located between the pulp and the zest. It is bitter and gives an undesirable aftertaste.

I do it differently. And now I'll tell you how. I rub the zest from the orange on a fine grater. In this case, you need to rub only the orange part. The white part must be cleaned, freeing the orange from it. And again we have a choice of two different options.

  1. Squeeze the juice from the orange and add only it. This is the faster way.
  2. And more long way requires that all partitions and stones be removed from the orange, and only then the pulp can be cut into small cubes.

Choose the method that you like the most. By and large, this will not greatly affect the taste of delicacy. Unless when choosing the second option, it will be a little thicker, and even then - just a little.

5. Before you put it to boil for the third time, add the zest and juice, or orange pulp and mix the contents.

To make this easier to do, the pelvis can be gently rotated and shaken. Foam will accumulate in the center and you will remove the foam with ease.

7. Also, by the third time, we need to have sterilized jars and lids. Because they will need to pour hot jam. Immediately close them with lids and roll up or tighten with screw caps.

8. Turn the jars over and cover with a warm blanket. Let them cool completely. Then turn over again and store in a cool dark place.

When you cook, no one can even guess what it is made of.

Here everyone guesses by the characteristic appearance and color of the fruit. But the taste is always confusing, because it is changed compared to the usual classic.

And if you are a fan of changing the taste of long-familiar dishes, then I advise you to find in one of my articles on this topic. Finding it is not difficult, just follow the link and look at the table of contents. The only thing is that the recipe is given for pitted cherries, but it is the same if we want to remove them.

Pitted dry candied cherry jam

This jam can be prepared with or without seeds. Since the topic of our today's article sends us to the second option, we will prepare it that way.

But without any changes to the recipe, you can cook cherries with pits according to it.

We will need:

  • cherry - 1 kg
  • sugar - 1.2 kg
  • lemon - 0.5 pcs (small)
  • water - 1 cup (250 ml)


The recipe is very simple and I think that everyone will want to cook at least a trial batch according to it. Because candied fruits from different fruits and berries - favorite treat and treats for tea. A wonderful and healthy alternative to candy.

1. Sort the fruits, rinse and drain the water. Then remove the bones.

2. Cook sugar syrup. To do this, mix sugar with water and put the resulting mass on a very small fire. With continuous stirring, begin to melt the sugar.

In order for this process to happen faster, you can add not cold, but hot water to the sugar.

In any case, you can’t leave the stove at this time even for a minute, so that the sugar does not burn. It is necessary to constantly stir the thick sugar mixture, carefully moving it from the bottom.

3. As it heats up, the mass will become thinner, and when it boils, you can lower the pitted fruits into it.

Boiling will stop immediately, and this is understandable, now you need to heat the cherry itself. And for starters, it should be “bathed” in syrup, you can mix it with a wooden spatula or spoon, or you can just shake it.

4. Wait until the syrup boils, let it boil for 1 hour, while periodically stirring and moving the fruits so that their heating is uniform. Then turn off the fire and leave the content to infuse for 8-10 hours.

If you cook it with bones, then the cooking time will need to be increased to 1.5 hours.

During the infusion, the fruits are saturated with their own juice and syrup, which will allow them to subsequently become very tasty.

5. After the allotted time, put it in a colander or on a sieve, and let all the liquid drain. You can drain it by laying out the cherry in small batches.

6. The next step is to dry it. This can be done in the oven at a temperature of 35 - 40 degrees, or in an electric dryer at the same temperature.

To do this, cut a sheet of parchment paper to the size of the form, lay it out in place and put the cherry on it. Then dry until done.

The finished product, when pressed, should not give juice, however, its structure should be sufficiently soft and elastic.

7. Pour the finished candied fruit with sugar and place in washed and dry jars. Store in a dry place.

Serve with tea, treating all your family, friends and guests.

How to cook thick and tasty pitted jam for the winter

Today we have reviewed several interesting recipes making cherry jam. Among them were classic options and original, which are not so common.

But all of them are united by a few general rules, thanks to which it will not be digested and will be perfectly stored in the winter. Will not lose its color and will not thicken.

Let's look at these little secrets and rules in a separate chapter.

  • before cooking, all fruits should be carefully sorted out. Remove damaged, dried pecked by birds. Some people think - "what is there, jam - everything will be cooked anyway." I don't agree with these people. Weld, but not so!

Damaged fruits will shrivel and become tough. If you get such a cherry along with a good one, you won’t taste the good one either.

  • you can cook with cherries different varieties, but you should know that depending on the variety, one or another aroma and taste will be obtained. Basically, now many people prefer the "shpanka" variety. These are rather large, fleshy, even fruits with a dark ruby ​​color.

And the most delicious and fragrant delicacy is obtained from ordinary garden varieties, sometimes without even having their own name. In appearance, it is smaller, and brighter, which, as a rule, has a bright red color.

  • fruits should be cleaned of leaves, branches and stalks
  • cherries must be thoroughly washed in several waters, and then allowed to dry
  • you can clean it from the bones with several different ways. In the next chapter, you will be offered a video where you can see how to do it in the simplest ways.
  • when cleaning the bones, the skin of the hands will stain with juice and become dark. In a couple of days, of course, it will wash off, but if you go to work tomorrow, then you won’t go with such hands. Or you will have to do a manicure and clean the skin of your hands, or you can just wear gloves before cleaning

You need to have latex gloves for this. They are like a second skin, and it will be much more convenient to clean the bones in them than in rubber ones. In addition, they will not give any foreign smell. But rubber ones - they can spoil the smell for us

  • the amount of sugar when cooking this or that method varies, and can be taken per kilogram of fruit from 500 grams to 1.5 kilograms. With more sugar, the jam keeps better and lasts longer, but it is also sweeter.
  • it should be cooked in its own juice or in syrup. For getting own juice it is sprinkled with sugar and allowed to infuse for a minimum of 3-4 hours to a maximum of 10-12 hours. During this time, either shake or stir
  • to obtain syrup, water is included in the recipe components. The smaller it is, the thicker the jam will turn out. Therefore, somewhere we added only a few spoons, somewhere 1 glass. And this is per kilogram of fruit. But no more
  • When preparing syrup, sugar and water must be mixed all the time so that the mass does not burn. Otherwise, the finished product will acquire a burnt smell that cannot be interrupted by anything. And will certainly lose its ruby ​​​​color and turn out with a brown tint.
  • Depending on the recipe, the jam is cooked for a different amount of time. With a short heat treatment, a greater amount of vitamins and trace elements is preserved. But it is more difficult to store, and it must be hermetically sealed with lids, or stored in the refrigerator.

  • the minimum cooking time for a cherry delicacy after boiling is 5 - 7 minutes
  • Use a wooden spatula or spoon while mixing. When using metal spoons, an undesirable oxidation process occurs
  • during the cooking of any jam, foam always forms and it is advisable to remove it. This is necessary for better preservation of the taste of the dessert, and in particular for better storage in general.
  • if you are cooking a “five-minute”, then the foam must be removed during these 5 minutes of cooking. If you cook with “proofing”, that is, you give the jam the opportunity to infuse from 10 to 12 hours, and sometimes up to 24, then you can leave the removal of the foam for the very last cooking

In addition, the longer you heat, the less foam remains on the surface.

  • to make it easier to remove the foam, rotate the cooking bowl from side to side, or shake it gently. The foam will accumulate in the center of the pelvis and it will be much easier to remove it.

  • sometimes it is required to determine the readiness of the jam, and this is done quite simply. If you drop a drop of syrup on a saucer, it should not spread, but remain unchanged. And we also dripped a drop on the nail, and if it held like a button, then the cooking process could be completed
  • it is not desirable to digest it, while it acquires a brownish color, loses its beneficial features and aroma. A properly prepared product should have a natural pinkish-ruby color, not be too thick and have its own smell (unless, of course, you added spices, cocoa and coffee)
  • it should be poured only into sterilized, preferably dried jars and twisted with metal lids

  • sometimes they ask “why turn the jars over and put them on the lid?” There are two reasons for this - the first is to check the tightness of the can. If the lid is not screwed on properly, then the jam will begin to leak. And the second reason is to prevent the lids from oxidizing during storage.

These are the basic rules and little secrets that will allow you to always cook only the most delicious sweet cherry treat. Whatever recipe you choose for this.

How to quickly remove pits from cherries

Today, all our recipes began with the words that the cherries must be sorted out, washed and pitted. But not everyone probably knows how to do it.

There are special devices for this. There are spring-loaded manual bone removers available at hardware stores.

There are even special mechanistic devices into which you pour cherries, and by pressing a special lever, the seeds are removed, and the fruits fall into the container.

But what to do if neither one nor the other is at hand. There is a way, and not just one.

Well, firstly, probably everyone in the house has a garlic press. So, almost all of them have a special device for removing bones.

But if you didn’t find such an attribute of kitchen utensils, then you can clean the bones with a hairpin, pin, and even a paper clip. And how to do this, please watch the video material.

I think that if you also had doubts about how to cook - with or without seeds, then now, having learned that pulling it out is not difficult, you still decide on seedless jam.

Moreover, it is believed that during long-term storage it releases hydrocyanic acid. I don’t know for sure if this is actually the case, in what quantity it stands out and how much great harm it inflicts health. I know only one thing for sure.

This delicacy has been prepared for centuries in various ways. And I still do not know a single person who would complain about the presence of seeds in the jam.

Cook the way you want. The main thing is to do it with soul and love, and then even hydrocyanic acid in the bones will be a medicine.

Bon Appetit!

Delicious thick jam "five-minute" from pitted cherries

It's fragrant and delicious jam, which will delight you in the cold season and give you a pleasant taste sensation. This dessert is a wonderful addition to any sweet table and will become a desirable dish at any tea party. To add a certain “zest” to cherry jam, you can additionally use mint or lemon balm leaves. If you have a few cherry leaves, you can add them for flavor. It turns out jam from pitted cherries, thick, fragrant, not very sweet, but very tasty. There is also a pleasant cherry sourness. And if you like pitted cherries more or simply don’t have time for a long procedure for extracting them, see the recipe. This cherry jam is pitted, which complicates the process of its preparation a little, but it also gives a lot of options for using the finished product. So with such a reserve for the winter, you can fragrant pies oven in the cold season, and delicious cakes and make desserts.

How to cook pitted cherry jam? It is very important to determine the proportion of berries and sugar. Our grandmothers used 1 kg of prepared berries for 1 kg, and some used 1.2 kg of sugar. It turns out quite sweet jam, but it can be stored for years. If you do not like sugary desserts, you can reduce the proportions so that a pleasant cherry sourness remains. Water is not used in this recipe, as candied pitted berries release a lot of juice. In order for the jam to retain more vitamins in itself and the berries do not boil soft, it is boiled in several runs for 5 minutes, due to which it received the name "five minutes". Thanks to this method of preparation, cherry jam is obtained quite thick. But if you want it to be more like jelly, you can add pectin according to package directions. Just keep in mind that when the jam cools down and infuses a little, it will become even thicker by itself.


  • 1 kg of cherries;
  • 500 g sugar.

Pitted cherry jam recipe for the winter

1. Pour cherry berries cold water for 10 minutes. During this time, all the bugs and spiders that may be in the berries will float to the surface. After a while, drain the water and rinse the cherry. We remove the stalk and sort out the berries.

2. Remove the stone from the cherry. In order not to deform the berries, you can use a small pin, paper clip, or a device for removing the stone. This step is perhaps one of the longest procedures in making cherry jam.

3. We move the prepared cherries into a saucepan with a thick bottom, sprinkle with sugar and leave for 3-4 hours for the berries to release the juice. If you have time, you can leave it overnight. Do not use aluminum cookware to cook jam. It is better to take an enameled or cast iron saucepan. And if there is a special copper basin for making jam, it’s generally wonderful.

4. After the indicated steeping time, the sugar becomes wet as the cherries release a lot of juice.

5. We send the pan to a small fire. Bring to a boil, stirring occasionally with a wooden spatula. Many people are interested in how long it takes to cook seedless cherry jam and how to do it correctly. Like any other berry or fruit jam, it should be boiled for no more than 5 minutes in order to preserve more vitamins. But in order for the cherry to be well saturated with syrup and the jam to thicken, there should be several such approaches.

As the foam forms, remove it with a slotted spoon. Turn off the heat and leave to cool completely (to room temperature). Then again put the saucepan with cherries on the fire, bring the jam to a boil and cook for 5 minutes. Turn off the fire and cool. We repeat this procedure 2-3 more times. The longer we boil the jam, the thicker it will turn out.

6. Sterilize jars with lids. It is best to use a small container. You can sterilize jars in the oven, steam or microwave. More details can be read.

7. We pack the hot jam in jars and roll it tightly with the help of lids sterilized in the same way.

Important! Both jams and jars should be about the same temperature. If you pour hot jam into a cold jar, the glass may crack.

8. Turn the lid down, then put it away for a day in a place without a draft. Just in case, you can play it safe and wrap the banks with a blanket. After a day, the jam can be transferred to a closet or pantry.

The most delicious pitted cherry jam for the winter is ready! Now you also know how to cook it correctly: so that the berries are whole and the vitamins are preserved. Bon appetit and delicious winter!

Infusion time: 3-5 hours.

Cooking time: 6 doses of 5 minutes of boiling + infusion between boils: 6-8 hours.

Yield: 800 g of jam.

In order to prepare thick cherry jam for the winter, it is best to use the multiple boiling method. This means that the process of making cherry jam takes several days, but during the day there is very little hassle with it. You just need to bring the jam to a boil, boil for 5 minutes and remove from heat again. The result is a thick and tasty seedless cherry jam, in which the berries do not boil soft and retain their shape well.

Due to the fact that such pitted cherry jam is thick (five-minute, as it is also called), it is excellent for making a sponge cake with chocolate and cherries, known as the Black Forest.

In this article, you will learn how to make pitted cherry jam so that it is thick, as well as several different options for making cherry jam:, and.

How to cook thick pitted cherry jam - recipe with photo step by step

Sort the cherries, wash, pit and place in a suitable bowl. It is best to use a wide, shallow container, such as a basin, for cooking jam.

Boil the syrup, for which you need to heat 1 glass of water and gradually, stirring all the time, pour out the sugar. As a result, the sugar becomes translucent. Pour the peeled cherries with hot syrup, mix everything and leave for several hours (this stage can last up to 4-5 hours). During this time, the sugar syrup penetrates the berries and the water passes from the cherries into the syrup.

After that, you need to bring the cherries to a boil and boil for 3-5 minutes, not forgetting to stir them. Collect the resulting foam with a slotted spoon. Then remove the container with jam from the heat and leave for 5-8 hours. At this time, sugar will gradually penetrate into the berries. So repeat several times (can be repeated up to 6 times). Thanks to this method, the strength of the syrup gradually increases with each cooking, which contributes to long-term storage jam. It is convenient to cook jam in the morning and in the evening and do it for 3 days.

After that, thick cherry jam (pitted recipe) is ready.

It remains to prepare a suitable container and spread the jam. Best to use glass jars small capacity (up to 0.5 l). They must be thoroughly washed (you can use soda and soap), hold over steam for at least 10 minutes and dry. The lids intended for clogging the jam also need to be thoroughly washed and boiled. After the jam has cooled, it must be laid out in dry jars and covered with lids. You can also cover the jam not with lids, but with parchment paper and tie it with twine. Store the jam preferably in a dry and cool place.

Now you know how to cook cherry jam so that it is thick. However, when cooking jam, other questions may arise. We will try to answer some of them below.

How to protect jam from sugaring?

To do this, during the cooking of jam, 3-5 minutes before the end of cooking, you can add citric acid at the rate of 1 teaspoon of acid per 1 kg of sugar.

One more important condition, which must be observed so that the jam does not become sugary, is to carefully ensure that during the laying out of the jam in the jars not a drop of water gets into them.

How to cook seedless cherry jam so that the berries do not wrinkle?

This problem may arise if fresh berries cook for a long time and continuously in one go. In this case, the water from the cherries quickly turns into syrup, and the berries themselves shrivel. The jam then becomes not too appetizing. The only way to solve this problem is to use the multiple boiling method described above.

How to thicken cherry jam?

In order to make cherry jam thick, you can use gelling additives - gelatin or gelfix. The difference between them is that gelatin is of animal origin, and gelfix consists of vegetable components (pectin, citric acid, sometimes a vegetable preservative - sorbic acid) and powdered sugar. Gelatin contains proteins and trace elements necessary for humans (calcium, phosphorus, sulfur). It is believed that it improves metabolism, has a beneficial effect on joints, bones, nervous system. However, vegetarians prefer to use gelfix.

Thick pitted cherry jam with gelatin


  • cherries - 950 g;
  • sugar - 950 g;
  • gelatin - 40 g.

Wash the berries, let the water drain and remove the pits from the cherries. Mix sugar with gelatin. Put a layer of cherries, a layer of sugar-gelatin mixture in a container suitable for cooking jam. Cover the container with a lid and leave in a dark place for 8-12 hours.

After this time, put the container with cherries on the stove and bring it to a boil over medium heat, not forgetting to stir from time to time and remove the foam. Then reduce the heat to a minimum and cook the jam for 5 minutes.

Then pour hot Cherry jam on pre-sterilized and dried jars and close with sterile lids. Leave to cool completely room temperature.

Thick cherry jam with gelfix


  • cherries - 1 kg;
  • sugar - 1 kg;
  • gelfix (1:1) - 1 pack.

Wash cherries, sort and remove pits. Put them in a container in which the jam will be cooked.

Separately, mix the contents of the gelfix package with 2 tables. spoons of sugar and pour this mixture to the prepared berries. Mix everything well and put the container on a small fire. Bring the cherries to a boil, stirring constantly.

After the cherries boil, pour the remaining sugar to them, stir well and bring to a boil again. Boil jam for 3 minutes. During the cooking process, do not forget to remove the resulting foam.

Arrange the jam in prepared dry jars, close the lids and let them cool.

We hope that the recipes described above have detailed how to make cherry jam thick. And to give cherry jam an unusual taste and additional benefits, you can add lemon to the berries.

Thick Pitted Cherry Jam with Lemon


  • cherries - 1 kg;
  • sugar - 1 kg;
  • lemon - 1 pc.

Wash cherries thoroughly and remove pits. Put them in a saucepan or basin and cover with sugar. Leave for a few hours for the berries to release their juice.

Boil the jam 3-4 times for about 15 minutes. Cool the jam completely after each boil.

Cut the lemon into slices and add it to the cherries during the last boil.

Hot spread the jam in sterile jars and cover with lids.

We wish you all good health and bon appetit!

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